Home Trees and shrubs May 15 international family day activities. Scenario of a family holiday “May 15 - World Family Day. Family day greetings

May 15 international family day activities. Scenario of a family holiday “May 15 - World Family Day. Family day greetings

International Day of the Family is celebrated on May 15th. This holiday is relatively new - it was established in 1993. Despite this, he has already fallen in love with most people for whom family values ​​are in the first place.

On this day, various educational and entertainment events, charity events and conferences are held around the world. The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to family problems in modern society.

Family Day in Russia on May 15, as well as around the world, events are held, the purpose of which is to support large families, charity, and popularization of family values.

Family Day Traditions aimed at uniting family members. In Europe on this day it is customary to get out into nature. In Russia, these traditions have not yet been formed, but do not miss the opportunity to gather the whole family for a homemade dinner.

This holiday reminds us that the family is the closest and dearest that a person has.

By the way, astrologers say that the date of the International Day of the Family is taken - May 15 - very well chosen. Mid-May is the time of patronage of one of the most familial Signs of the Zodiac - Taurus. And Taurus, in turn, is influenced by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. On this day, family ties are strengthened by themselves, relations between spouses become warmer.

Taurus is a sign of coziness, comfort and financial well-being. Venus, in turn, bestows feelings, emotions and romance. Such a heavenly tandem makes family relationships happy and strong. So if you establish in your family a tradition to celebrate International Family Day on May 15, it will strengthen your closeness, relationships, establish communication between generations, and Taurus and Venus will contribute to this.

Do not forget about the older generation on this day. An energetic connection with ancestors makes any family stronger. Children should know their grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, as this gives them a sense of belonging to the uninterrupted process of life, to what is called a family. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

14.05.2015 09:59

Each wedding anniversary is an additional reason for joy. Each year, spent by the spouses together, gives ...

A wedding is the most important event in the life of any person. The traditions of the six-year "cast-iron" anniversary have a special meaning. ...

Thanks to the holidays, a person has a unique opportunity to celebrate various events and significant dates. However, most people try to celebrate familiar, popular and personal celebrations, ignoring the young and unfamiliar holidays.

There are many specialized and professional holidays that are interesting to a narrow circle of people. But a new holiday like International Family Day it is impossible to ignore, although this significant day has a rather young history and did not have time to acquire traditions and rituals of celebration.

Family in the life of an individual and society: a holiday on May 15, International Day of the Family

The importance of the family in the life of any person cannot be overestimated.

It is in the family that we hear the first affectionate words, learn to enjoy the little things and overcome difficulties.

The family makes it possible to feel security and confidence in their rear.

The formation of character and moral attitudes, the perception of the world and events occurs in the circle of close people.

All psychological fears and life priorities are rooted in childhood.

One cannot ignore the importance of family traditions, which become the reason for the unification of all relatives and a special attitude towards holidays, events and their family members.

Rituals, recipes, customs are passed on from parents to children and are carefully preserved by more than one generation.

For many, the Christmas goose, family New Year, and the obligatory trip to nature on Easter holidays become integral events in the life of every family member.

Such traditions are adhered to throughout life, and even the appearance of their families cannot make a person forget the traditions of their children's family.

In moments of sadness and other problems, a person turns to his family for help.

The easiest way to find protection and support is within the walls of your own home from your loved ones.

The state and fate of each individual depends on the situation in the family, moral, financial and physical well-being, which inevitably affects the development of society.

A strong family, moral foundations, a healthy spirit and social security can be safely called the guarantee of the well-being of the entire people.

Think for a moment how many unhappy, dysfunctional families are around us.

The problems of physical abuse of children, lonely old people abandoned by their children, lack of finances in low-income families, low level of medical care, child and birth mortality, inability for some families to provide their children with a decent existence and education are characteristic not only of underdeveloped countries.

But family problems cannot be considered only from the point of view of its disadvantage.

Families with many children and families with seriously ill children have to solve no less insoluble issues.

The issues of medical care, the availability of housing and financial support are quite painful for such families and need to be considered by government agencies.

It is about the problems and the meaning of the family that the holiday dedicated to the family makes you think.

After all, issues related to the well-being of families, fertility and social security are quite acute in any society.

World Family Day 15 May: holiday history

For the first time, attempts to bring family problems to the level of the world community were made back in 1989.

And only in 1994 this idea received support, and the year was proclaimed the Year of the Family.

The UN Assembly is also involved in solving problems, thanks to which a resolution was adopted on the establishment of a new holiday - International Family Day which has been celebrated annually ever since May 15.

The organization of such a holiday is designed to increase the attention of the world community to the problems of families.

It is on this day that various forums, conferences, festivals are organized around the world, at which topical issues and problems of a family nature are raised.

And let the holiday be a little over 20 years old. During this time, thanks to the focus of public attention on the problems of families, many serious issues have been resolved, which are raised precisely on the International Day of the Family.

A profile holiday - Family Day makes you think about how some families live, in what conditions children are brought up, how difficult issues are resolved and life difficulties are overcome.

If we talk about the significance of the holiday not on a global scale, then, probably, such a holiday is a good reason for everyone to remember their parents, family traditions, and their ancestry.

May 15 - Family Day is a great occasion to gather the whole big family, visit parents and celebrate your personal family holiday.

Events for International Family Day 15 May

The Family Day holiday is quite young, but managed to acquire some traditions.
The issues that are raised on this day become priorities for the public and the state. The holiday received support at the highest levels.

Therefore, in Russia 2008 was proclaimed Year of the Family... The idea of ​​the holiday has been perfectly realized.

Annually, the Kremlin hosts celebrations dedicated to the Family Day.

At the ceremony, the prize "Family of Russia" is presented. These awards were established in 2008 and since then have been awarded annually to worthy families.

This day is dedicated to discussing and solving family issues, which are resolved at conferences, festivals organized throughout the country.

Carrying out propaganda of childbearing and family values ​​brings tangible results. Statistics record an increase in the birth rate, and social services are successfully solving many problems of problem families.

In Russia, the holiday of Family, love and fidelity has also been established, which is celebrated annually on July 8. It is believed that this holiday is patronized by Saints Peter and Fevronya.

Family Support Ways: Family Day in Russia

Family Day has received support in all civilized states.

Great attention is paid to the celebration, because the issues raised on this day are quite significant for development of the state.

At the events held, burning topics are raised, which do not go unnoticed and receive support in the future, and real solutions are really found.

So, with the proclamation of the Year of the Family, a state program is associated, which is aimed at supporting families.

First of all, the issues of families who find themselves in difficult life situations are being resolved.

Substantial efforts are aimed at supporting lonely old people and children who have been left without caregivers.

A rather sore point is the problem of childhood and motherhood, especially those related to birth mortality.

To resolve the issue, the program provides for the provision of medical support at the expense of the state at a decent level.

The main part of the program is to support large families and encourage fertility.

Many are familiar with the targeted assistance that families receive when a baby is born.

Maternity capital helps to significantly support young families.

And at the birth of a third baby, any family can count on receiving a land plot.

Any assistance in family programs is provided in a targeted manner and is aimed at supporting a specific family.

How do European states support families?

Family Day has become quite popular in European countries, where low fertility is a global problem. This question is relevant for countries with well-developed economies.

European states are trying to solve fertility problems with subsidies.

The Big Family program is popular among the French, but on the basis of which families receive tax breaks at the birth of a baby. So, families with four kids are exempted from paying almost all taxes.

German parents with many children have tax benefits from the state, as well as a pleasant bonus in the form of a monthly child benefit of 155 euros.

In Sweden, an increase in the allowance is provided for the birth of a new family member. And for the poor, additional payments are provided.

How is International Family Day celebrated?

The Family Day holiday is gaining popularity among ordinary families every year.

There are practically no special traditions and personal rituals associated with Family Day.

The purpose of this holiday is to unite the family, make them remember the main family values ​​and forgotten foundations.

European families on this day get together with friends and have a picnic in nature, with the participation of several families.

For our compatriots, the family is more individual. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate the holiday in a closer circle.

The main thing on this day is to get together with the whole large family, remember important events, and rejoice in the successes of their relatives.

Or maybe this day is a good reason to raise topical issues in the family and jointly find solutions that are acceptable for all family members.

If you tirelessly take care of your relatives, do not forget about family traditions, honor your parents, Family Day will definitely become a favorite holiday that will elegantly fit into the chronicle of family celebrations.

Video: Song for Family Day

The importance of the family for every person and state, the importance of solving family problems are voiced in the Family Anthem, which has become a symbol of the International Day of the Family.

Take some time for children, parents, each other! Get out with the whole family to nature, to the cinema, theater, to the dacha, or just sit all together at a large family table! Family is our roots, our traditions, our everything!

Family day. Holidays and traditions

In a family, a person is born not only physically, but also spiritually! A family is a home, a place where it is always pleasant and interesting to be, where it is cozy and calm, where they will always understand and support, help solve problems and sincerely share the joy! All this is especially important for children. Babies all the time need new emotions and impressions, they want to participate in all family affairs, holidays, preparations, pleasant excitement, and troubles. How a child feels in a family and by whom is completely up to us - parents. And to do everything to make children feel comfortable, to make their life interesting and rich, in our power, you just need to want!

Family Day, the site writes. Family traditions

Family traditions are a huge workshop in which joy, creativity, play, art, skills, inspiration and much, much more are born! The traditions that we honor and observe even transform the space, create a special atmosphere! Family atmosphere - what is it like?

Each family has its own, special one. Each family has its own soul, its own blooming garden, its own springs, feeding with living moisture, mighty, deeply sprouted into the ground, the roots of a tree, with branches extending high into the sky. Good family traditions are the springs that feed the roots of the family, strengthen and nourish it. From time immemorial, each family had its own treasures of traditions, rituals, customs, which, together with the dowry, were passed on from generation to generation. These eternal traditions are precious treasures of the family spirit, they are the golden fund of our common culture! Let's remember the traditions of our families, honor them and pass them on to our children!

Happy Family Day greetings in pictures

The purpose of Family Day is to draw public attention in all countries to the many problems of the family. The UN is convinced that the rights of every family member must be respected for the sake of the unity of the social unit.

The family is one of the institutions of society, the first step towards the socialization of a person. All family members develop together with the world around them, reacting in their own way to temporary and social requirements, while independently forming them.

As the custodian of human values, the family requires a respectful attitude. On the International Day of the Family, it is necessary to congratulate, first of all, the older generation, which, by right, is considered the beginning and the primary source of the creation of a social unit. This can be done with a postcard with pictures, accompanied by warm congratulatory words.

Family and children are the most important value of every person, which must be protected and protected for the sake of peace and happiness.

The bright holiday Family Day was created to always remember the importance of people who are forever linked by family ties.

The wishes of happiness, kindness, well-being, health and prosperity will come in handy on Family Day.

Family Day greetings in verse

Thanks to families, the state develops and the well-being of the people grows. Even the development of a country is judged by the position of the family in society. The family as a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, the foundation of a civilized society.

Congratulations in verse on such a bright holiday will sound the most sincere, because there is no other way to describe the joy of the existence of each family and its members more sincerely.

Family is a joy!
Family is happiness!
Harmony in the house
Always in our power!
Appreciate care
Respect your relatives!
Love each other,
Flutter with happiness!

You managed to create such a family
Which serves as an example for all of us.
You always love your dear wife,
Let the kids adore you
You always find peace in the family,
You find joy and love
And when you leave home,
You are looking forward to meeting again!

The cosiness and beauty of the home,
Father and mother, daughters, sons.
The festive table is served today,
The whole family will gather behind him.
Keep every moment in your heart
What did you spend among loved ones,
Love, warmth, health and fun
On the international holiday - Family Day!

Amid the hustle and bustle, work, business
There is an island of goodness and light,
Family is our strong rear, destiny,
Where heart and soul are warmed.
On international family day,
We wish you peace in your house,
So that you can always be near,
And together nothing is scary.

So be it:
There is love in the family
Respect in work.
Success, joy, work
And a little patience!

We wish you everything in the house,
We wish you have time for everything in life,
Maintain health, vigor
And live for many, many years!

What does home, comfort and peace mean -
Not everyone understands.
And that's why I'm on Family Day
I wish you to appreciate all those close to you.

They will always support you,
Words will be found for consolation.
They love you unadorned
And remember your birthdays.

You always value your family
May there be joy in your home,
Let the lucky star
Keeps all relatives and friends.

May you have a cozy light home
Will give you joy, warmth.
Let it always stand behind you
Your huge family.
May relatives always be cheerful
And in the house there are songs and flowers.
May you be successful in everything
One, but only big for everyone!

Baba, grandfather, aunt Nyura,
Brother, sister and cat Moore,
Dad, mom, you and me -
It turns out a family.

Let them see and hear:
Together under the same roof
We live very amicably
We sing songs together.

Between important things
Will gather at the tables
On this day all over the planet
Families - adults and children.

There are women's holidays, there are also men's ones,
There is a day for mothers and a day for fathers,
Child protection, child's day - such
That the holiday is ready for everyone individually.

And my family hearth is dearer to me than everyone else,
So that mom and dad, my dear ones,
So that everyone gets together, old people with youth,
Celebrate one Family Day together!

What could be warmer than the eyes of relatives
Dearest to the heart of dear smiles?
There are no strangers in the family circle.
Among your own, you are insured against mistakes.

Suddenly you miss, you get trapped
In the seething cycle of life -
They will understand you, help and forgive you,
And they won't ask you too much what you are.

Family circle, home warmth, comfort -
Without them, we are like trees without roots.
Dear family, how I love you all!
May God grant you health and long, long days!

All in the colors of crazy May
Family day, laughing, strides.
He greeted dad,
Taking off his fancy hat.

I wished him to be strong,
Think soberly, do not get sick.
And be proud of your spouse
Don't look at your neighbors.

To mom he flowers gallantly
Presented, kneeling.
Praised her talents
Was lavish in compliments.

I wished a little patience,
A little feminine cunning
To my husband, so that it always seems
That he is gold of the highest standard.

And for the kids he is candy
Gave it out for obedience.
A friendly family is
The fruit of universal diligence!

If there were no family
We would always be alone.
Didn't meet, didn't love
And children would not be raised.

We all would live alone
And they used to sit in a corner.
Didn't laugh, didn't joke
And they didn't talk to anyone.

Feral, brutal,
And then they ate each other.
If there were no family
We would not be human.

Family poems

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.
The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land!

"Our friendly family"

On the background of the song, the parental house

In the family circle, you and I grow up,

In the family circle, all your roots are

And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

The basis of the basics is the parental home.

What a beautiful word! A family. How this word warms the soul! It reminds us of the gentle voice of our mother, of the caring severity of our father, of the tenderness in the sparkle of our grandmothers' eyes, the thoughtfulness and patience of courageous grandfathers. Today is May 15th World Family Day.

In the family, you are a welcome child. Here you were named. In the family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: in face, voice, look, disposition and character. There may be common hobbies and activities.

1.In our class - a glorious holiday

I think that it is not more important.

Our dads, moms are here today.

Is there anyone in the world

Closer and closer.

2.Rell louder than the trumpet,

Ring the bells louder

At our meeting today

All my family!

3 everyone I love I am

Heart and soul

Today in this hall

At the party with me.

4 family is what we share,

Little by little: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence print.

5. Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds, weeks, years rush

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will remain in him forever!

And today, the most dear and beloved loved ones for our children have gathered here - they are their relatives, wonderful, attentive, kind mothers and grandmothers who, with their warmth, create coziness and comfort in every home, in any family. And of course our dads and grandfathers. What kind of house is this without men?

Where a friendly family is,

The head is spinning with happiness!

Where a friendly family is,

Faces always shine with a smile

Where a friendly family is

All matters are arguing perfectly.

Where a friendly family is

Good luck the path has been laid.

The magic symbol of life is family,

There is a drop of the Fatherland in it, in it - I

It contains mom, dad, grandmother, sister,

It contains my beloved grandfather

The sun is in it. And the birch and the house

Everything in him laughs warmly all around.

To honor parents means: in childhood - to listen to them. In youth, to consult with them, in adulthood - to take care of them. If this commandment is fulfilled, then we can say that the tender seed was not sown in vain. Delicate flowers have borne good fruit. It happens that the whole family is judged by one person. You need to cherish the good word of your family.


Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family are the most precious thing.

As the saying goes, there is no need for treasure, if there is a harmony in the family.


Over the high mountains

Behind the green forests

Not in heaven, on earth

An old man lived with his wife in a village.

The old woman is in business all day,

And the old man doesn't scratch his ear.

Sits on the embankment

Balalaichka strumming

Old man:

The porridge was glorious

Get off the table!

Old woman:

Now it's your turn

I cooked porridge!

So my pot is boldly…

Old man:

This is not a man's business.

I won't wash the pot,

So it's your turn.

Old woman:

Listen, grandfather, let's play.

We will be silent,

Who will speak forward

That pot will be washed.

Old man:

I agree, so be it

We stop talking.

One, two, three, four, five,

We begin to be silent ...


Hello grandma ...

…and grandfather!

What have you got here for lunch?


They have no dinner!

The stove is not heated, look,

And there is no water in the tub,

And in the barn a cow hums.

What happened here?


Apparently, they sleep here sweetly.

Katya, look what a hat!


And what a balalaika!

Come on, Nastya, play - ka!


Look at the glasses, Katyusha!

Good thing, not rubbish!

You, Katyusha, are beautiful in them,

Hanging up to the chin, though.


What else is there, Nastya, to take?

Look at the bed ...


This is my grandfather's sheepskin coat

From last year's calf.


The sheepskin coat will do for us.


Will grandfather not be angry?


While they are sleeping, we are at the door ...

Old man:

No! This will not happen!

No, I won't be silent now!

What would I give my sheepskin coat?


Let's not take it, so be it.

Old woman:

Old man, get up to wash the pot!

Old man:

Lost, you have to wash ...

Old woman:

So so be it!


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.


Everyone who listened to us - a lesson!

Old man:

Laziness is not your friend!

Old woman:

What, old man, washed the pot?


Peace in the family is the most precious thing.

You are our mothers, nannies - take care,

Well, who will scold us, cry for us?

You are our guardian angels, goddesses,

You are our life, and glory and fortune!

Thank you for the clean shirts,

Thanks for the jam and cookies!

Thank you for our adventures,

What adventures would there have been without you?

We love you! And we will prove it:

On this spring day, in the evening hour,

We will collect the stars from the sky in bouquets

And we will shower you from head to toe!


- Misha, run to Aunt Olya,

ask for some salt.

- Salt?

- Salts.

- I am now!

- Oh, and Mishin's hour is long!

Well, he finally appeared!

Where do you roam, tomboy?

- Met Sasha and Seryozha ...

- Then what?

- We were looking for a cat.

- And then?

- Then they found it.

- And then?

- Let's go to the pond.

- And then?

- They caught a pike.

Barely pulled out the evil one!

- A pike?

- Pike.

- But, excuse me, where is the salt?

- What salt? !! and.


See our guests,

How we have fun.

We will dance for you now

And we'll sing ditties.

(All.) Chorus: Oh you, oh you, what you say.

Parents don't have an hour

No play with the child.

I talk on the street -

I am developing very quickly.


No puppies and no kittens

Mom and Dad don't want to!

They say, they say, "this is too much."

So buy me a little brother.


We play mother and daughter -

Mom and Dad imitate:

Chur on the couch - I'm lying,

Well, you go to wash!


If this cute schoolboy

Will play in the room

Come to the clean-up day -

To clean the room.


- You used to sew a dress, Julia,

How can you walk like that?

That you are a mother, it’s difficult!

Better to buy a new one.


- Oh, - Katya said to her mother,

Should I get my hands dirty?

How will I wash the dishes

If she is dirty ?!

When singing,

Sasha rubbed the floor to a shine,

I made a vinaigrette

Mom is looking for: what to do?

There is no work.


We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Always listen to you in everything -

In the morning, evening and afternoon

Contests for mothers and children

(each mother receives a token for participation)

1. Competition "Tasty Questions"

1. Fruits boiled in water.(Compote)

2. Oriental food made from rice and meat.(Pilaf)

3. A large cake.(Cake)

4. Favorite berry of the bear.(Raspberries)

5. A baked product that can be steered.(Bagel)

6. Soft-boiled potatoes.(Mashed potatoes)

7. Paradise fruit. (Apple)

8. The bird who got into the soup for his thoughts.(Turkey)

9. Fooled kitchen worker.(Cook)

10. The signature dish of the white-sided magpie.(Kashka)

1. The food that Zhuravel fed the Fox.(Okroshka)

2. Overseas food from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.(Eggplant caviar)

3. A dish made from milk and eggs.(Omelette)

4. Bread with different layers on top.(Sandwich)

5. Favorite vegetable dish of Ukrainians and Kubans.(Borsch)

6. Boiled dough with meat.(Dumplings)

7. The art of cooking.(Cooking)

8. Sauce from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various spices.(Mayonnaise)

9. Favorite holiday salad of eggs, sausage and vegetables.(Olivie)

10. Meat cooked on fire.(Shashlik)


  1. To raise brave, reliable fighters

We put boys in the example of their fathers.

Of course, we are all crazy about dads,

We want to say simple words to them.

Dear dads! You are the most, the most ...

  1. When the father is from work

In the evening he enters the house,

We are at this moment to the sky

We grow up with joy.

  1. He is at work,

Of course she gets tired.

But the look is cheerful -

And that means that everything is going as it should.

  1. Mom lingered somewhere

Dad cooked lunch himself.

I'll tell you a secret-

Has done a lot of things:

Soup and porridge burnt,

Salt is poured into compote.

How our mother returned,

There was a lot of trouble for her.

  1. We played Papuans

Dad slept on the couch.

Not even half an hour has passed-

Dad became multi-colored:

Threads, feathers and brooches,

Beads on the wrists.

We played pretend:

There was our dad Chungachguk.

We can not understand anything -

Dad became so careful:

So that the enemy could not get through,

He made a lock in the bedroom.

Let's arrange a tournament for the boys!

Let's make a competition for agility,

On the mind, ingenuity and knowledge,

For speed and skill.

In a serious matter, be patient.



(Roll up a lump from the newspaper with one hand)

Walk through the swamp.

(Walking brick by brick)

Dads are scouts.

(3 dads participate. "Disguised as an old man, a girl, an old woman, ask" What street is school number 13 on? ")

Soldier's porridge.

(Whose squad will eat yogurt faster - take turns).

Soldier's socks - footcloths.

(2 dads and 2 children are participating. Dads are winding footcloths on the feet of the children).

Troop parade.

(One of the dads gives marching orders, the squads sing a song)

Teacher: Girls, you were right: our boys are worthy of the title - men! Our future defenders of the Fatherland deserve a reward.

9) Explanations.

Moms and dads without words explain words to children with the help of gestures, movements.

Mom bike

Hammer lemon

Saw hare

Tree bear

Phone scissors

Fork handle

Tears umbrella

Cow camera

Horse mud

Lacquer gum



Every person, be it a child or an adult, loves to spend his free time watching TV. Someone watches TV series, someone - "Star Factory", and some, probably, more than once imagined themselves in the player's chair in the popular TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

Now we will give our family teams such an opportunity and invite them to answer questions, which, as in the famous TV game, will be divided into Easy Questions, Intermediate Questions and Hard Questions.

Each question has its own "price":

  1. 1,000 points
  2. 8,000 points
  3. 16,000 points
  4. 32,000 points
  5. 64,000 points
  6. 125,000 points
  7. 500,000 points

8. 1,000,000 points.

The player with a million points is the winner.

Participants have the opportunity to ask the audience for help once - the spectators vote by raising their hands in turn for each of the answer options, and the player himself will assess for which of the answers there were more votes.

Questions for the team - 1.

  1. What is the name of one of the tales of Ch. Perrault?
  • "Chicken in earrings"
  • "Cockerel in Boots"
  • "Cat in a sundress"
  • "Puss in Boots".
  1. Who are Tom and Jerry?
  • Wolf and hare
  • Lion and dog
  • Cat and mouse
  • Dolphin and mermaid.
  1. Who appears in front of the soldier when he began to strike fire with a flint?
  • Gin"
  • Three dogs
  • Two from the casket
  • Gold fish.
  1. When swallows fly low - what is it for?
  • To the rain
  • To frost
  • To leaf fall
  • Towards the fog.
  1. What did the brownie Kuzka call olelyushechki?
  • Pancakes
  • Play nice
  • Cakes
  • Gatherings in the company of girls.
  1. Who is Gray Star?
  • Horse
  • Duck
  • Cat
  • Toad
  1. What did the swineherd trade for a kiss from a princess?
  • Rose and nightingale
  • Bowler hat and ratchet
  • A pipe and a jug
  • Bathhouse and basin
  1. Who are the Banderlogs that lived in the very jungle in which Mowgli grew up?
  • Wild dogs
  • Hyenas
  • Monkey
  • Crocodiles.

Questions for the team - 2.

1. What did Little Red Riding Hood need to do to get into the grandmother's house?

  • Click on the button
  • Dial the entrance code
  • Pull the string
  • Show Identity.

2. What is the head of Winnie the Pooh filled with?

  • Brains
  • Sawdust
  • Myakina
  • Sintepon.

3. What did the elves give Thumbelina?

  • Crown
  • Wings
  • Wedding ring
  • Propeller.

4. What color is not a rainbow?

  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Green.

5. What was the owner of Kashtanka by occupation?

  • Carpenter
  • Carpenter
  • Blacksmith
  • To the tailor.

6. Who did Vitya Maleev's friend Kostya Shishkin decide to become after visiting the circus?

  • Clown
  • Trainer
  • Motorcyclist
  • Uniformist.

7. Who are the hobbits?

  • Elephant breed
  • Robbers from oriental tales
  • Fabulous men
  • Mosquitoes with long proboscis.

8. What part of the Cheshire Cat was the last to disappear?

  • Tricky glance
  • Broad smile
  • Right ear
  • The tip of the tail.

Questions for the team - 3.

1.With what complaint did Barbos come to Aibolit?

  • "I am an unhappy, sick old dog"
  • "A chicken pecked me in the nose"
  • "I froze my tail in the frost"
  • "The cough tortured me to tears."

2. As a result of what the cat's house was damaged?

  • Floods
  • Hurricane
  • Earthquakes
  • Fire.

3. What does the pillow have, besides the two bellies?

  • 4 ears
  • 2 eyes
  • 1 mouth
  • 3 legs.

4. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "Silver Hoof"?

  • Anyutka
  • Katyusha
  • Nastenka
  • Daryonka

5. With whom did Dunno fly to the moon?

  • With Cog and Shpuntik
  • With engineer Rivet
  • With Donut
  • With Znayka.

6. On what subject did Volka Kostylkov cheat "thanks" to the tips of old man Hottabych?

  • Mathematics
  • By geography
  • Astronomy
  • History.

7. Which of the characters flew to the moon on a cannonball?

  • Robin the Hood
  • Count of Monte Cristo
  • Baron Munchausen
  • Dunno.

8. What was the mark of the highest distinction of the Spanish duck from the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"?

  • Bright crest
  • Red shred
  • Ring on the foot
  • Bow on the neck.

Our call is terribly ringing -
I fly out into the corridor.
I have with one girl
Conversation ensued.


And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws dumbbells up -
Will be the strongest in the world!


Although men are strong
Pancakes can't bake ...
You men are fools
Educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You cannot tell!

By the way, who washes the house?
God has not given you talent ...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!


Is there no use for a man?
This talent is not given to us?
Who nailed the shelf for the books?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?


You don't want to cook borscht,
Do not fry the cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense.


You prickly splinter
You don't know us men well.
Every now and then you shed tears
And besides, for no reason ...

You are thorny words
You say shy.
Dad is in the house - the head!


And mom is in the house - a neck!

No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important.
It's just ... Mom and Dad are the most needed!


And my eyes are like saucers:
If a tear flashes in them,
Then the neighbors will smile:
"These are my mother's eyes."


The nose is a little snub-nosed,
But the neighbors say
That on the nose there are no questions: "It's dad's fault."

Musical gift

Host 1. It is not easy to start a family, and it is even more difficult to keep it. Troubles, joys happen in every family, but we do not always manage to adequately resolve many conflicts - there is a lack of worldly wisdom. This is what Russian proverbs and sayings teach us. Our grandparents will help to make them up correctly.


Mom has a job

Dad has a job

They have for me

It remains Saturday.

And grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me!

Will seat, feed:

- Don't be in a hurry

Well, what happened to you there?


I say, but grandma doesn't interrupt,

Sitting buckwheat grain by grain.

We are good -

Like this, together.

Without a grandmother - what kind of house?


At work he is respected,.

He's the boss, I'm not afraid to say

But he comes home from work,

and I become the boss.

I climb onto his shoulders

I try on his glasses

And more about him every evening

I train my fists.

Grandfather walks with an easy gait,

Everyone eats lunch faster,

No mustache, no beard ...

Well, what is my grandfather grandfather ?!

Helps me do my homework

Yes plays with children in the yard

And inadvertently so, inadvertently

He wins any game.

But when I grieve him

If he is ashamed of me,

With fear in my soul I notice

How grandfather's back slouches,

How wrinkles are woven into the net

The gray hair is covered with white chalk.

And I'm ready to give everything in the world

So that my grandfather does not get sick!

her, luck, in, if, always, family, harmony, waiting, living

Answer: If a family lives in harmony, good luck always awaits it.

so, family, place, on, all, together, and, good luck

Answer: The whole family is together - so good luck is in place.

gold, and hard worker, in, land, family, will turn

Answer: A working family will turn the land into gold.

Teacher: Watch a performance of Three Moms.

And the doll asked:

Tanya : -How, daughter, are you?

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

And my daughter asked:

Mom: How are you, daughter, are you?

Played again, probably in the garden,

Managed to forget about food again?

It's just trouble with this daughter,

Soon you will be like a match, thin!

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

And she asked my mother:

Granny: - How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again I did not find a minute for food,

Did you put a dry sandwich in your mouth in the evening?

You can't sit all day without lunch.

I’ve already become a doctor, but still a fidget!

It's just trouble with this daughter,

Soon you will be like a match, thin!

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are looking at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Together: Oh, don't just be moms!

Song: "Old grandmothers"

Who is waiting for grandchildren from the school,

Every day usually?

Who will look into the diary

And grumbles as usual?

For our tricks who

Does he scold us sometimes?

And of course, he knows everything better than anyone in the world?

Chorus: Grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, ears on the top of the head.

Grandmothers and grandmothers, we respect you,

And we know very well how to understand you.


To fold correctly,

You have to be the right friends.

If there is a quarrel or a battle

Addition will not work.

Lead 2

Let's add a verse, let's add laughter,

There will be a song for everyone.

Behind you and me

The whole globe of the earth will sing.


May there be joy in every home

May there be happiness in every home.

May there be friendship between us!

3 student:
What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

4 student:
Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the four of us are interesting.

5 student:
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more expensive than him
On this fabulous land!

May neither grief nor misfortune dominate the family,

Let kindness, health, happiness always go nearby!

You still have to gain patience in education,

So that your children grow up to be worthy people-

We'll have to try!

About love .

Mom looks at dad,


Dad looks at mom,


And the day is the most weekday,

Not sunday

And outside the window is not the sun,

And the blizzard

It's just that they have


They just

They love each other very much.

From this love

Both light and light.

Me with dad and mom

So lucky!


1st presenter: The working day is over, but the family chores are not over. The children sat down to their lessons. Their parents help them.

Russian language lesson:you need to solve a simple crossword puzzle on the topic of relationship.

1. The son of my mother.
2. My parent.
3. Brother of father or mother.
4. A girl who has parents like mine.
5. The one that gave us life.
6. “Holy Blood” - the husband's mother.
7. Sister of mom or dad.
8. My child's son.
9. My heir.
10. The son of my sister or brother.
11. The husband's father.

Math lesson:questions for attention.

1. What happened on February 31st?(He's not there)
2. What will remain in the box if you take out the matches?
3. Can a rooster call itself food?
(No, the rooster cannot speak)
4. How can you reach the sky?
(With a glance)
5. Why does the dog run?
(On the ground)
6. What is the tongue in the mouth?
(Behind the teeth)
7. Which year only lasts 1 day?
(New Year)
8. How to write “dry grass” in 4 letters?
9. What number has the same number of digits as letters?
10. In which word consisting of 5 letters 5 "O"?


1. Without which bread cannot be baked?(No crust)
2. In what year do people eat more than usual?
(In leap years).
3. What kind of water can I bring in the sieve?
4. What is half an orange more like?
(To the other half)
5. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain?
(On wet)
6. In which fields does not grass grow?
(On the margins of a school notebook)
7. What kind of comb can you comb your head?
8. What does the watchman do if he has a sparrow on his hat?
9. Where does the water stand?
(In glass)
10. What disease on land does no one get sick?
11. What do they walk on but never ride?
(On the chessboard)
12. The name of which bird consists of a letter and the name of the river?
13. What is between town and country?
(Union "I")
14. What can you watch with your eyes closed?
15. My father's son, but not my brother. Who is he?
(I myself)

Contest "Confusion"

-Give the correct title of fairy tales and literary heroes

1 the turkey princess

2 at the behest of a dog


4 Ivan Tsarevich and the angry wolf

5. Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka

6 cam boy

7 fear has big ears

8 Vasilisa the stupid

9 Elena is ugly

10 firefly

11 baba byaka

12.Koschey the fearless

13 the toad princess

14 tiny pea

Song: Song of Dad

How many songs are we together

We sang to our dear mother.

And about dad, before this song,

There was not a single song.


Daddy can, daddy can


Swim breaststroke, argue with bass

Chop firewood!

Daddy can, daddy can

Be whoever you want

Only with my mother, only with my mother

Can not be!2 times


Dad is at home - and the house is working,

The gas burns and the light does not go out.

Dad is at home, of course, in charge,

If mom, of course, not.


And with the most difficult task

Dad can handle it, give it a time.

Mom and I decide later

Everything that dad could not solve.

Approx.2 times

International Day of Families was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. It was then that the UN General Assembly proclaimed a resolution on the annual celebration Family Day (International Family Day) May 15.

The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of the countries to the numerous problems of the family. According to the UN Secretary General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family, of which they are members, is under threat.

Being one of the main institutions of society, the first stage of human socialization, the family develops and changes along with the surrounding world, in its own way reacting to the demands of the time, responding to social needs and itself shaping them.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the keeper of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state grows stronger and develops, the well-being of the people grows.

At all times, the development of the country was judged by the position of the family in society and the state in relation to it.

The life of a person begins with the family, here he is formed as a citizen. After all, it is the family that meets the baby who is born and surrounds him with parental love, which is a solid foundation for a person who enters into life. In a family, a child learns to communicate, comprehends the moral norms of society, learns about himself and the world around him. And the parents, in turn, pass on to him the memory of the family and the wisdom of generations. Therefore, it is so important that the family is a real home for every person, and every person knows that there are people in the world who will always and in everything support him.

Family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection,that on which any civilized society is built, without which man cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country.

The family is the most important social value, since every person, in addition to ethnicity or social status, is also characterized by marital status.

A family for a child is an opportunity for intellectual, emotional, mental and physical development.

A family for an adult is a small team in which you can satisfy your needs, but you also need to fulfill the requirements.

The rules for a healthy and happy family

1. All family members are equal and equally perceived by each other.
2. The most essential qualities in a family are trust, openness and honesty.
3. Communication within the family takes place on the basis of mutual consent.
4. All family members can count on support.
5. Each family member has certain obligations and responsibilities for their family.
6. Rest, with rare exceptions, should be family-friendly and bring joy to all family members.
7. Family traditions are very important and are respected by everyone.
8. Everyone in the family is a person, with his own characteristics, to which everyone treats with respect.
9. It is imperative that the family respects the right to privacy and ensures the inviolability of everyone's privacy.
10. Even if the feelings of a family member are not shared by the rest of the family, they are accepted and considered.

There are many proverbs and sayings about the family, and the most important thing is that everyone is comfortable in family relationships, and everyone feels important and needed.

But the family is the most important unit of society. Yes, the family structure must change to accommodate the times in which it is created. But at the same time, the family should not be destroyed, because the greatest fear of any person is the fear of loneliness.

If a person is successful in a family, then it is easier for him to be successful in other areas of life. In addition, the family forms a high level of responsibility of citizens, instills basic moral and social values.

Congratulations on International Family Day in verse

On family day, I wish the bird peace
Take up residence in your skies,
So that the apartment is cozy,
The house is filled with kindness.
So that children's laughter is worn lively,
Reflecting sparks of stars
And health filled the veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness.
So that friends visit you often,
So that friendship is strong -
May all sorrows flee forever
Let the music play in your hearts.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Happy Family Day
All of you, dear ones!
So that in happiness and love
You have lived all the time!
To a full bowl of the house
Was yours by all means,
And in order for you to live in it

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