Home Trees and shrubs And what if you want to. What if you want to occupy yourself with something, but you don’t know what and it doesn’t give you peace of mind? Those citizens who do not know what they want from life are also afraid of changes for the better.

And what if you want to. What if you want to occupy yourself with something, but you don’t know what and it doesn’t give you peace of mind? Those citizens who do not know what they want from life are also afraid of changes for the better.

Sexual intercourse gives not only pleasant physical sensations, but also moral satisfaction. Therefore, it is completely not surprising that representatives of both sexes, having reached, feel the desire to have sex. However, this is not always possible. What to do if you want sex, but there is no opportunity?

Determining the essence of the problem

A period of prolonged sexual abstinence can begin in a person's life for a variety of reasons. For example, the absence of a permanent partner or unwillingness to have sex without feelings with a "random" person. Often, for some time, you don't want physical intimacy at all, especially after the end of a long-term relationship, and then a moment comes when the desire wakes up, and how to realize it is completely incomprehensible. So, if the problem is of a moral nature, it must be solved in a comprehensive manner. One-time sexual intercourse is unlikely to change anything and help you feel happier. You need to learn to build close relationships with sympathetic people. There are often situations when it is clear why, but nothing can be done about it. We are talking about those who prefer to keep their innocence until the wedding, or about girls waiting for loved ones from the army. Sometimes, sex is prohibited by doctors, for example, during treatment or during pregnancy. How to overcome the basic instinct in this case?

Self-reliance never hurts

Any teenager knows the answer to the question: "What to do if you want sex, but you can't have it?" It's simple - to satisfy your need on your own. Men are more loyal to masturbation. But many women have too strong beliefs that it is immoral and dirty. If this is about you, it's time to get rid of such complexes. Try to relax as much as possible and choose a time when no one bothers you. Explore your own body, and to create the right mood, you can even watch an erotic film or light candles and incense throughout the apartment. This option will help out even if you want sex during your period. Virgins can also caress themselves, because the brightest, and you can get them without risking your own innocence at all.

Help of modern technologies

Today, a whole industry of a specific industry is working in order to improve sex and allow it to be dealt with qualitatively alone. Be brave and visit the adult store. The consultants of such a salon will not be confused by the statement of the visitor: "I really want sex." What to do in this situation, you will probably be told in the brightest colors. And do not think that only imitators of masculinity of all sizes and colors can be found in a sex shop. There are many other interesting items here. If you are afraid to go to such a store and are embarrassed to communicate with sellers on personal topics, an online market will help you out. Many online adult toy stores deliver all over Russia. Such stores also take care of the customer's reputation, your order will come in neutral packaging, no one around you will guess its contents until you open the box at home.

What should expectant mothers do?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes rapid hormonal changes. One of its external manifestations is an increase in the sensitivity of erogenous zones and an exaggerated desire to have sex. In fact, there is no problem with the normal course of pregnancy. Sexual intercourse is not prohibited, and in some cases is even beneficial. The most difficult thing is to choose a comfortable position, without the risk of injuring the stomach. But sometimes they are categorically contraindicated. The reasons for the prohibitions are different: or other pathologies. So what to do if you want sex during pregnancy, but you can't? The answer is still the same - to engage in self-gratification, which does not carry any harm in itself. You can connect the future dad to this process, such games will surely bring a lot of pleasure to both spouses and will be remembered for a long time.

Internet sex?

Another interesting way of self-satisfaction is virtual sex. It is best suited for those who have a good imagination and cannot get relaxation alone. Some couples practice Wirth during extended separation. But you can also find a new partner. There are even whole sites of fans of such high-tech entertainment. So what if you feel like having sex? Find yourself a partner (on a thematic forum) or offer such a bold idea to a soul mate who is far away. Next, describe all your fantasies during correspondence or even demonstrate something visually during a video session. And these are not all options, do not forget about sex by phone or via SMS.

Where to find a one-time partner?

If you want sex all the time, and nothing helps, you should think about doing it yourself. Free people who do not want to start a serious relationship are quite normal about connections, so to speak, one time. Don't forget about safety and purchase a supply of contraceptives in advance. To be confident in your protection after contact, you can use a special antiseptic at home. The easiest way to make an acquaintance is at a party or in a club. A popular alternative is dating sites. But keep in mind that finding a partner on the internet can be dangerous. Firstly, there is no guarantee that the person you have chosen from the photo will come to the meeting. Secondly, we must not forget about the likelihood of meeting not entirely healthy mentally people. If you do decide on such a meeting, be sure to tell your close friend or friend about the upcoming date. Do not be lazy to indicate the address of the hotel or apartment where you will be invited, and the car number, if the partner promises to pick you up by car. Agree on a time when friends should start making attempts to contact you and find out if everything is in order.

Relationships without commitment

As you can see, sex doesn't seem safe at once. A constant lover is quite another matter. Intimate relationships without commitment are not so common these days. It starts more often spontaneously, somehow a romance began, but the partners have no common plans for the future. So why not give each other pleasure, without the pangs of jealousy and everyday problems? If you are satisfied with this option, it's time to start looking for a suitable candidate. What if you want sex and you are ready for free love? First of all, you should take a closer look at the representatives of the opposite sex, who do not hide their sympathy for you. You can try to find a partner on the Internet. Further, it remains only to maintain the relationship at the level you need.

Harmful or useful?

It is worth choosing a way to satisfy your thirst for sexual adventure yourself. It all depends on the specifics of the situation, your capabilities and principles. Regular intimate life improves mood and well-being. Even doctors talk about it. But if you need to be faithful to the "one", and self-satisfaction is not of interest to you, try sports or creativity. It is quite another matter if the desire for new exploits does not disappear with a rich sex life with a constant partner. In this case, it makes sense to visit a sexologist and ask him: "Why do you constantly want sex?" It is likely that the problem is more serious than it seems, and it will take months to solve it.What to do if you want sex in the absence of it, you now know, but for everything else it is better to consult a specialist.

    One day you will find yourself in such a situation: you meet a man whom you just stupidly want. It doesn't matter to you if it's new love or if it's just one night. At the moment, you only care about one phrase: "I want him, what should I do?"

    I want a guy what to do

    1. The main weapon in seducing a man is a look. Look at your man at every opportunity, hold your gaze as much as possible. The look should not call for intimacy - it scares. A woman's eyes should say that he is the best, he is unique and damn attractive. "What a pity that you are not mine ...". After several such glances, even the most dull man will understand that the woman is interested in him and will certainly do something. If he likes you, of course.

    2. If you notice that he is watching you, cross your legs, strap your bra strap. Stroke your leg slowly, then lick your lips and straighten your hair.

    3. A safe option would be not to keep the distance while dancing. A classic of the genre is to whisper in your ear something like "You have strong hands, I am like a bird in them ...".

    4. Hold your hand while shaking hands. A smile at the same time, a brilliant look - and the job is done.

    5. If you are brave - just invite him to your home for a cup of tea. And you don't have to rack your brains, "I want him, what should I do?" If he is also brave, then he will agree. But there are not many such men. Still, the male half loves to "steer" herself. And not every man is satisfied with a woman leader.

    6. It is possible that you have not been able to captivate a man for a very long time. Here it is worth thinking and finding out what kind of women this man generally likes. Maybe you have to repaint, or lose weight, or start going to a fitness club. Men love with their eyes - this is a well-known fact. And everyone has different tastes. For him to want you, you must meet exactly his criteria for beauty.

    7. Laugh with him. Moreover, laugh at his jokes. Psychologists say that joint laughter brings people closer and instantly disposes people to each other. And in general, you always want to chat with a funny person, even just like that, without sex ☺. And fun sex is generally something unimaginable!

    8. When you are next to him, mentally imagine the scene when you are in bed. The excitement that has arisen is necessarily transmitted to the one because of whom it arose. Play specific sex scenes with him in your head, fantasize looking at him.

    9. Now the last thing, after which there will be nothing to talk about. Tell him: "I want you." Here, either pan, or disappeared ...

The human body is so arranged that at one time or another a stormy desire for sex... In men, as a rule, this desire is more frequent, in women - less. But, in any case, it also happens that the desire is so burning that the head is spinning, the muscles in the lower abdomen are cramped, and there is no way to stop thinking about sex.

And when this desire is not satisfied, the result is obvious - the woman turns into a bundle of nerves that exudes irritation and anger.

And what to do? The reproductive instinct has not been canceled. Therefore, whatever one may say, such a burning desire for sex is normal. And, if this happens to you, it only proves that you are a normal woman, with human desires.

What to do when you want sex and your partner is not around?

I want sex. What to do?

First, you need to figure out why it is not there.

If he went on a business trip, and will return from day to day.

Then we would advise you to be patient and try to translate energy into a channel that is beneficial to you. For this there is an irreplaceable way that helped everyone always and everywhere, this is strength exercises. Not everyone wants to do them, but in vain. They are really good at relieving sexual tension and helping you to relax. Thoughts about sex go away, they are replaced by slight fatigue and relief at the same time.

And when your beloved man arrives, who undoubtedly also wants you, you will merge with him in one outburst of desire, passion and love for each other.

If you have a falling out with your soul mate.

If you are in a quarrel over a trifle, and there are no serious reasons to take offense at each other, then it makes sense to call your loved one and just say that you madly want to make love to him.
Generally speaking, even if the quarrel is serious, but you are still together, then you can do the same, frankly saying that you want sex with your loved one, no matter what. Although, of course, each case should be considered separately, because somewhere such an act will contribute to your reconciliation, and you will not look stupid, somewhere you can also make peace, but provoke a wrong attitude towards yourself, but somewhere it just might hurt.

Therefore, if you quarreled with a guy for a long time, while the desire for sex drives you crazy, it makes sense to resort to the same physical activity and add masturbation. Or you can turn to our specialists for help, who will help you sort out the relationship with a guy and give recommendations on how to establish them correctly and quickly.

If you don't have a loved one.

Sex is not just a desire, sex is a benefit to the body. So, of course, you need to have sex regularly.
Therefore, although we are not adherents of such a relationship, nevertheless, a woman may well have a partner for sex, so to speak, for health.
This is a man who, in principle, you like, who let you know that he likes you, but for one reason or another you cannot imagine your relationship with him, however, you are sexually attracted to him.
Such a man can be among acquaintances or friends.

If you do not have such a man in mind, or you are not one of those who do not have sex without love, then your salvation will be self-satisfaction, in other words, masturbation.

Although you should know that when a woman really wants sex, then all her behavior changes, look, gait, smell, everything attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, during this period it is easy to meet a guy.
However, if during this period there is no discharge in the woman, then the desire and languid look change to aggression, irritability and anger, which, on the contrary, repels men.

Therefore, there is no benefit and sense in abstaining, enduring and suffering during a period of strong desire, if there is no man nearby.

Of course, masturbation will not replace intimacy, but it will relieve tension. As for the need for spiritual closeness, it will encourage you to take up your personal life and find a loved one.

So, you've learned what to do when you feel like having sex. Naturally, we cannot consider all cases, since everyone has their own / Therefore, if your situation is not described here and you do not know how to cope with the desire, you may well turn to our specialists for help.

It is important to remember that the desire for sex is normal, but in order for you to feel good at the same time, you need to properly manage your personal life and generally have it, which, of course, not everyone succeeds. Therefore, in this our specialists are always ready to help and give the necessary recommendations so that your personal and intimate life is in harmony with each other, and only make you happier.


(81 Votes)

The fate of a person is a path of trial and error, self-education and other steps. I can do everything, I want everything, but how to understand which choice to make?

1. We take two hours of our time (undivided, personal and calm) and sit down at the table

It is important. Not on the sofa, not on the bench, but at the table. We write out everything that we like to do, that interests. Let it be even a stream of thoughts. It is important to write EVERYTHING.

Now put the piece of paper aside, go to bed. The next day, we looked at it soberly, analyzed it, crossed out frank delirium. Now it is already easier - there is a basis and paths of direction.

2. Read, listen, visit

For a week or two, try reading / listening / visiting several places / events related to the selected areas. Breathe in the local air, feel the atmosphere.

3. What's not to like?

Let's go from the opposite and in the same way decide what we DO NOT like to do. For example, come to work with your mom / dad / other relatives and understand - yours or not. Did you see? I do not like? Good. There is already something.

4. Internship

Any office / magazine / place of work of your dreams is always looking for interns / volunteers. EVERYTHING IS SO SIMPLE. Exactly. You just need to dial the phone number of the instance and ask about the conditions of the internship. Trying is not torture. Such experience is the best way to "sober up" your ideas about future work and make it clear whether it is "it" or not.

5. Travel a lot and often, if possible

A confined space, the same circle of friends, communication often leads us to a dead end. An explosion occurs in your head, a surge of inspiration, energy. You see how people live far and near, what they do.

6. Chat with people older than you

Age is not as important here as life experience is. Especially the experience of those who are already successful in their business and have achieved something. Ask for advice, be interested.

7. Interest club

There are a lot of organizations for students / youth not only by interests, but also by general, so to speak, directions. There you can find like-minded people - one, have a good time - two. Three - often people around us let us know who WE really are.

8. Read a lot

9. Though the ninth, but a very important point (!)

Please use your head. Not mom / dad / family / aunt for mom dad, but his own. YOU live and love what you do. This is your ambition, life.

10. Make contacts

This is now called "networking" (from "network", "network" in translation from English). Your interested and capable friends now are successful people, entrepreneurs, specialists in the future. Be polite to everyone. True, try to help others when possible. Such relationships with people are the building blocks of the future. What you do now - you then.

11. We know how to relax

You can’t search for your calling all the time. Have you thought? Doesn't it go? We take a break and just relax.

12. And here's the catch (see point 9) - listen to family and friends

13. Test

Take a career guidance test. I am not laughing now. Thousands of psychologists and other specialists have been developing such tests for a reason. Each question and your answer to it makes sense. Whether to follow the test results or not is your right.

14. Exhale, there is not much left

So, let's try to get out of our comfort zone and do something we haven't tried before. In a week, we come up with such 2-3 lessons as a maximum and broaden our horizons. Imagine that you are a guinea pig and a doctor at the same time. Observe your reactions to certain objects / activities / activities. Draw conclusions.

15. Last and most important

Are you ready? Be yourself. Seriously. Stop copying someone if you've done it before. Someone's experience may not suit you, someone's views may differ from yours, and that's okay. Everyone has his own path. It is important to go through it yourself from beginning to end.

What if a man wants more sex? This question is often asked on the forum. Moreover, both men and women are equally often. Let's try to figure it out!

Main reasons


Help me figure out one tricky question: The fact is that I can’t satisfy my man. He wants to have sex 2-3 times a day, every day.

I have a lot of this, 3-4 times a week is enough for me. We are both 24 years old. Our difference, apart from gender, is that my intimate life began at the age of 18 ... and I was his first (at 23 he lost his virginity). We began to swear over what he wants and I cannot give him in the amount of sex that he requires. What should we do?

A couple of visitors tried to translate the conversation into the framework "if you have a mouth and hands, you can easily help."

I answered as follows. Little information, sorry, you know. At the very least, you need to tell how much satisfaction you and him have with frequent and rare sexual activity, the duration of the act, foreplay and post-coital caresses, behavior soon after a date ... and so on.

Plus, such indicators as the sexual constitution (the need depends on it), its compliance ("biological" and social)), for example ... some may experience new excitement, while others may, on the contrary, cut off all desire.

I was waiting for clarifications. And suddenly there is a "advice" from - typical for the totality of myths! Due to the importance - I answer "line by line". Oh oh oh! So many bad advice in one answer!

And I have exactly the same problem, just the opposite, I want more sex than my husband.

So it’s not the same anymore! Because the reasons for "wanting-not wanting" in men and women can be the same, but they can be very different!

And for many years and nothing to be treated.

May be. But let's not extend the problems of one pair to the problems of another. OK?

It's just that you do not have compatibility of the sexual constitution, that's all.

Lacking information, I did not begin to assume this.

Moreover, considering the phenomenon described below - when guys want more sex. than their counterparts, but at 50 years old - it happens the other way around.

More often, something else happens - what you need to work with, and not console yourself "in 20 years everything will endure, fall in love ..." over the years it will be balanced, but if you wanted more than him, then it would be worse.

Horseradish is not always sweeter than radish.

In general, a woman can even in the absence of a desire to satisfy a man, just smear more grease so that it is not dry due to lack of arousal and endure for 10-15 minutes until the man finishes.

Oh oh oh! This is where I started to "oykat". actually.

Instead of a love game and interaction, they offer to perceive yourself as a "tool for a man" ... Lubrication will not hurt, but such a perception can very much interfere! If you don’t want to feed my colleagues in the future, you don’t have to follow that, okay?

You can even simulate an orgasm at this time, men like it very much.

Ouch! It's not even funny ..

A simulation of orgasm is the right way to anorgasmia and all the problems associated with it .. Playing something is interesting only for one thing - sometime in a scandal, throw it in his face. Vasya - it's always good with him! "...

The rest of the simulation is a lot of problems. And men like it ... only if they buy sexual services, and do not believe that they sincerely love ...

In another case, a man can be offended easily and seriously .. He perceives it as a spit in the face.

And if you always restrict him in sex, then sooner or later he will either leave you and marry another, or he will have a mistress, or he may sleep.

And if you simulate - no? They do not give up because of undersimulation. If there is such a reason, there are other, true reasons. Or there were no deep feelings, or communication, or something else ...

But in any case, tormented by a lack of sex, he will never be happy.

Why should he suffer? There are many options, including alternatives, which were hinted at above, and switchings, and so on - assuming a gradual development of the girl's need.

And simulation - and the fears associated with it (fear of exposure, first of all) - guarantees that this need will be reduced to zero ...

You will have to endure 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Nope. Psychology is a strange thing. You can't take a chocolate bar as a piece of shit, or as a sweetness. Either endure, or enjoy.

And the rest of the time everything will be fine, and if you torment him without giving sex, then he will have to endure and suffer all day long! Here, most likely, the discontent of the author of these "tips" just burst out ... It may well be something justified - but no less harmful from this. Also the fact that "hangs the feeling of guilt" on the girl ...

For example, if a man doesn't want sex, but his wife asks, then he could give a woman so that she doesn't get upset even if he doesn't want to, but in such a situation he simply won't get up more than he can get up.

Why might a healthy, non-old man not want sex? Are you very tired or nervous? This is one, temporary phenomenon ... Or rather, one can assume psychological or physical problems that prevent him from wanting and being able ..

And these problems need to be treated, not tormented, as it is supposed ... In short - think and decide.

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