Home Trees and shrubs Library advertising traditions and modern trends. Abstract on the topic "library advertising". Types and forms of library advertising

Library advertising traditions and modern trends. Abstract on the topic "library advertising". Types and forms of library advertising


Advertising - information disseminated in any form, by any means about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings (advertising information), which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or maintain interest in these individuals, legal entities, goods, ideas and undertakings and to promote the implementation of goods, ideas and undertakings.

Advertising of library activities is aimed at disseminating information about the activities of a particular library or its individual subdivision. At the same time, advertising of library activities, as one of the components of library or library information marketing, is aimed at implementing the tactics and strategies of library development.

The advertising activity of the library implies the development of external and internal advertising, which can raise the prestige of the library, make it authoritative among users, as well as the development and implementation of advertising for the main library and information services and a list of paid ones, which allow the library to receive an additional flow of money.

It should not be forgotten that advertising of paid services should not suppress advertising of basic library and information services, which are defined by the Federal Law "On Librarianship" as free for all library users, regardless of their racial, national, religious differentiation, social status. status, etc.

Often, advertising for paid and free library and information services is carried out in aggregate, but sometimes for paid services its own advertising is developed, which is considered as a component of the advertising activity of the library as a whole.

The facade of the building and the decoration of the adjacent territory also create favorable conditions for attracting visitors.

Many libraries cooperate with local media, where they also place their advertisements, to which the following requirements are attached: brevity, dynamism, brightness. If an advertisement about a specific event in the library is prepared in the form of a video clip, then it should first of all be dynamic and by no means long, if the advertisement is placed on the radio, it must be musically framed, in print publications, it must be placed on the front pages. , be bright and artistic.

Failure to comply with these criteria leads to the fact that advertising is not perceived by the audience and loses its purpose.

When compiling an advertisement, it is necessary to know not only the needs of users, but also the psychology of its specific groups, as well as to see the prospects for the development of this advertising activity, to have an individualistic beginning and a creative approach. Well-crafted and scientifically based advertising without the use of creativity makes it dry, tough. You can hardly expect great success from such advertising.

Types of library advertising

Each library is obliged, it cannot be otherwise, to abandon the role of passive custodian of information and offer its information services through the press, local radio, television, etc.

Many of these tools are distinguished by genre characteristics. The leaflet form is suitable as a bookmark in a book with a short bibliographic list or just a catchy slogan and as a library memo

The booklet often acts as a library guide, informing visitors about the library's resources and services.

Also, booklets can be devoted to ongoing scientific and practical conferences, round tables, etc.

Often, booklets are dedicated to memorable and significant dates and contain the necessary material that allows the user to more efficiently and efficiently select the literature on the desired topic.

Reflection of local history material is also presented in booklets and constitutes the content of the local history activities of the library in this region.

One of the main advantages of print media is the ability to reach a wide audience at the same time.

Posters and leaflets about library resources, especially booklets, brochures, catalogs, usually "serve" visitors for more than one year. You just need to take care that these publications do not contain momentary "one-day" information.

Print ads allow the library to represent information and other opportunities in an imaginative way. With the help of print ads, librarians can demonstrate an original, often clever slogan - a capacious, imaginative form of activity. He usually acts as the main word for elements of posters, leaflets, booklets. In the archive of the library, print advertising takes pride of place. Visitors can use it to judge the stages of the library's development, traditions and possibilities of their creativity.

The advantages of such materials, the possibility of using for a long time.

Flyers are one of the most popular types of printed matter. As a rule, it is one or two-sided small-format edition without fold. Their advantage is their relative cheapness and the possibility of using them for various purposes. First of all, they are sent by mail in the form of invitations to visit the library, to use its traditional and new services. At the same time, they briefly talk about its resources.

Less often, leaflets are made in a typographic way. Sometimes they use postage, filling the blank side with printed text and drawings.

The poster is an edition without folds. At the same time, it is multicolored and designed to attract attention from a relatively long distance.

Let's distinguish three types of posters:

Ø library and individual services,

Ø forms of activity, as well as posters that assist in the development of information knowledge.

The poster is designed to attract involuntary attention, what is remembered involuntarily is easier to retain in memory. The poster has a large enough space. It has multiple effects. One of the most important requirements for a poster is not to overload it with text and visual means. In posters, a separate element of the text is distinguished with a font or color.

A characteristic feature of the poster's perception is the role of fonts. The choice of the font, the size of the letters, the billboard as a whole depends on its location near the library, in the spacious lobby or in a small hallway, in a narrow corridor. The lighting level of the room should be taken into account.

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About men - employees of our library. However, no, they did not write - they bragged about them. Well, now the shelf of our library men has arrived. Young, enterprising Andrey Strokov with a special education became an employee of the subscription department this summer. He goes on to talk about modern library advertising.

With the transition to a market economy, the importance of advertising information has increased dramatically. Currently, advertising as a marketing tool has taken its rightful place in the socio-economic life of the country. Due to its informational essence, it performs a stimulating effect on the consciousness and behavior of people, and when using various techniques, methods and mechanisms, it can have a direct impact on the consumer. Advertising uses mass and interpersonal communication. She herself can be considered as a form of communication that tries to translate the quality of goods and services into the language of consumer demands.

Advertising is designed to attract users to the library, to form a positive emotional attitude towards it, to give a general idea of ​​the library, the composition of the collection, and the services provided. Another aspect of its impact is encouraging the user to take action: visiting the library, its events, referring to the reference apparatus. There is another important aspect of advertising - it forms the image of the library, helps to distinguish this particular library from a number of others, lays in the minds of users its unique look and forms certain readers' associations. And if they are positive, then this affects the actions of users - visiting the library, interacting with librarians.
Currently, the libraries began to use elements of corporate identity - a trademark, graphic decorative elements.

Sociological studies show that often a library in the eyes of modern youth looks like a kind of anachronism, a haven of conservatism, and the image of a librarian evokes associations of Chekhov's "man in a case." A large segment of the population views the library as, at best, a place to get the book or information related to it. For many years, the library also acted as a kind of appendage of the political education system, which also did not add to its popularity. Although originally the word "library" meant "storage of books", it "grew" long ago from this textbook meaning. Today the work of the library is saturated with deep and very versatile content. The development of information technology has influenced both the traditional forms of its work and modern methods that provide readers with access to an almost unlimited range of information services. Library users turn into full-fledged consumers with their own expectations, needs and freedom of choice.

S. Matlina, a leading researcher at the RSL, notes: “Until one and a half to two decades ago, the concept of“ library advertising ”was completely absent from professional vocabulary. Most often, words and combinations familiar to the ear were used and combinations of "propaganda", "promotion of literature", "attracting the reader", etc. With all the differences, the content of these terms equally included the task of focusing the attention of a real or potential user on a book or service as an important element. ...
Today, the content of advertising is fundamentally changing, functions are becoming more complex and methods are being updated in many respects.

Advertising is free from any ideological dictate. Its task is to promote not the information that is significant from the point of view of the librarian, but potentially interesting to the user. If propaganda is aimed at tracking the "best", "relevant", then not excluding the pragmatic aspect of "usefulness", advertising focuses on the new, unexpected, dissimilar, sometimes sensational. That is, it appeals to a greater extent to the sensual rather than the rational sphere of a person.
In accordance with the law, library advertising is defined as not commercial, but social. It does not promote commercial transactions, but promotes the dissemination of universally significant ideas, social values, and also forms a positive attitude of consumers towards the advertising institution as such.


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« Library advertising ____________

The abstract was prepared by:

Enova Faina Afanasyevna


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Place of work:

__ MOU "Sociocultural Center" ___

Number and date of the contract:

_____ No. 2016 / 03-804-11 dated November 14, 2016 _____

__ February 2017

Lopkhari village, Tyumen region

Russian Federation



1.2 Library image

2. Looking into the future

2.1 Library press

2.4 Library design




With the transition to a market economy, the importance of advertising information has increased dramatically. Currently, advertising as a marketing tool has taken its rightful place in the socio-economic life of the country. Due to its informational essence, it performs a stimulating effect on the consciousness and behavior of people, and when using various techniques, methods and mechanisms, it can have a direct impact on the consumer. Advertising uses mass and interpersonal communication. She herself can be considered as a form of communication that tries to translate the quality of goods and services into the language of consumer demands.

For a long time advertising in the library business was not seriously discussed, but in practice the word "propaganda" was in circulation. Moreover, nowhere were advertising specialists trained, and all advertising wisdom was comprehended in practice. No one could have imagined that such a conservative institution as a library would try to introduce elements of advertising into its activities. One way or another, but the logic of the development of the information business should nevertheless lead to a solution to the problem of the timely appearance of advanced bibliographic information.

Advertising is designed to attract users to the library, to form a positive emotional attitude towards it, to give a general idea of ​​the library, the composition of the collection, and the services provided. Another aspect of its impact is encouraging the user to take action: visiting the library, its events, referring to the reference apparatus. There is another important aspect of advertising - it forms the image of the library, helps to distinguish this particular library from a number of others, lays in the minds of users its unique look and forms certain readers' associations. And if they are positive, then this affects the actions of users - visiting the library, interacting with librarians.

The problematic situation is that all kinds of advertising, including low-quality and unprofessional, overwhelmed the information market and largely discredited itself in the eyes of society. Today the consumer's attitude to advertising is rather ambiguous.

The acuteness of the problem with the use of advertising in library practice is that librarians do not have enough experience in this area, they lack knowledge, and often there is no professional approach. It should be noted that many libraries find it difficult not to adhere to some traditions that have existed and passed on for many years. Of course, it cannot be said that there are no attempts to update library practices. But today requires new methods, non-standard solutions, original ideas. This can be achieved by attracting new people, specialists in their field, for example, artists, designers. The main task at the present stage is to preserve the library, while creating conditions for its existence, in which it would succeed.

Currently, the libraries began to use elements of corporate identity - a trademark, graphic decorative elements. A large number of scientific and practical works are known that reveal advertising and its possibilities, but very little is known about the effectiveness of the use of certain innovative methods of advertising in the library and their perception by users.

Sociological studies show that often a library in the eyes of modern youth looks like a kind of anachronism, a haven of conservatism, and the image of a librarian evokes associations of Chekhov's "man in a case." A large segment of the population views the library as, at best, a place to get the book or information related to it. For many years, the library also acted as a kind of appendage of the political education system, which also did not add to its popularity. Although originally the word "library" meant "storage of books", it "grew" long ago from this textbook definition. Today the work of the library is saturated with deep and very versatile content. The development of information technology has influenced both the traditional forms of its work and modern methods that provide readers with access to an almost unlimited range of information services. Library users turn into full-fledged consumers with their own expectations, needs and freedom of choice.

Advertising - information about the consumer properties of goods and services in order to create demand for them. According to the "Law on Advertising", adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the summer of 1995, "advertising is distributed in any form, using any means of information about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings, which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or to maintain interest in these individuals, legal entities, goods, ideas and undertakings and to promote the sale of goods, ideas. "

Library advertising itself has a long tradition. OA Chrelashvili, Head of the Advertising and Design Department, Central Municipal Library of Noyabrsk, emphasizes that even in the difficult 1920s for Russia, library specialists were worried about this issue. According to her, in the publication "Book - the path to communism" for 1926. it was reported: "A handwritten announcement, compilation of propaganda posters, appeals to comrades at all kinds of gatherings, lectures, even the use of the local newspaper - everything is used here, because the librarian's first job is to notify the surrounding population of the library's existence and constantly maintain interest in it." ...

Today, the content of advertising is fundamentally changing, functions are becoming more complex and methods are being updated in many respects.

S. Matlina, a leading researcher at the RSL, notes: “Another one and a half-

two decades ago, the concept of "library advertising" was completely absent from professional vocabulary. Most often, words and combinations familiar to the ear were used and combinations of "propaganda", "promotion of literature", "attracting the reader", etc. With all the differences, the content of these terms equally included the task of focusing the attention of a real or potential user on a book or service as an important element. ...

The necessity of the library in the life of every person was substantiated, the brightest aspects of its activity were highlighted. Advertising is free from any ideological dictate. Its task is to promote not the information that is significant from the point of view of the librarian, but potentially interesting to the user. If propaganda is aimed at tracking the "best", "relevant", then not excluding the pragmatic aspect of "usefulness", advertising focuses on the new, unexpected, dissimilar, sometimes sensational. That is, it appeals to a greater extent to the sensual rather than the rational sphere of a person.

In accordance with the law, library advertising is defined as not commercial, but social. It does not promote commercial transactions, but promotes the dissemination of universally significant ideas, social values, and also forms a positive attitude of consumers towards the advertising institution as such.

1.1 Features of library advertising

The main goal of any advertising activity is to inform a potential buyer (user) about a product (service) and encourage them to purchase it. The essential component of advertising is interpersonal or mediated communication, characterized, on the one hand, by mass character, on the other, by one-sidedness. Advertising tasks are usually solved through information, persuasion, reminder.

· Formation of demand for library information and related services;

· Popularization of new forms and methods of user service;

· Reducing the effect of the seasonality of readers' visits to the library;

· Promoting the recognition of a particular library institution;

· Counteraction to competition.

A distinctive feature of advertising in general and library advertising in particular is the reliability of the information provided. Many people can trust advertising messages, but realizing that they are at odds with reality, the overwhelming majority of users in the future will begin to react negatively to any messages from a particular library. It is much more difficult to overpersuade than simply initially correctly, without exaggeration, to state the essence of the proposals. Indeed, the problem of inaccurate advertising is highly relevant. G. Tsesarskaya in her article “To attract the love of space” writes: “Once my colleagues asked:“ Take a look at our advertisement ”. It was a message addressed to entrepreneurs who were not promised anything in the new business library: information search in any databases, and business English classes based on audio and video courses, and consultations by leading experts in economics and business, etc. etc.

However, the collections of literature and databases had just begun to be completed, the equipment was being tested, the plans of the business club were discussed, preliminary negotiations were underway with the specialists ... ”.

Even among consumers of the same sex, social and age group, with the same income, living in the same territory, many psychological characteristics differ greatly. That is why one and the same advertisement is positively perceived by some, leaves others indifferent and causes a negative reaction in others. That is why, having chosen a product from a dozen similar ones, the consumer often cannot explain why he chose this product.

· Objectivity;

· Accessibility of perception;

· Sufficiency (rational factual saturation);

· Clarity, expressiveness.

1.2 Library image

Of great importance for the library is its favorable image - its image. The image of the library can be defined as an emotionally colored image formed in the mass consciousness, determined by the attitude of society towards the library, its services, resources, goods. The image of the library is constantly changing. The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team, the management of the library, which must purposefully, systematically form an image based on available resources. Advertising activity as an integral part of the marketing policy of the library contributes to the establishment of the image, forms public opinion through the implementation of systems of events that establish communication between the institution and different categories of the population, governing bodies, authorities.

Considering the current state of the economy in Russia, it should be noted that an increase in spending on culture from the federal budget is not expected. Thus, the question of the choice of priorities in the activities of cultural institutions, including state and municipal libraries, is becoming more and more acute. What can serve as a criterion for choosing priorities? According to R. Panova, the chief librarian of the RSLL, these are the needs and requests of library users, but not all, but certain groups. You should focus on those groups that are primarily socially significant for society and the state, as well as those that are least socially and economically protected. The latter include children, youth, youth. They determine the future of any state. The modern trend in the international development of society is based on the need to develop the country's intellectual potential, which determines its further progress, its place in the world system. The creation of conditions for the formation of intellectual potential through the education system, the sphere of culture should be considered as the most important direction of state policy, including library policy.

The author of this work shares this point of view, therefore, further reasoning will be conducted from the perspective of the indicated understanding of the direction of the library's activities. Currently, domestic and foreign librarians and practitioners do not have disagreements about the need, as well as the relevance and importance of adjusting the social stereotype of the library and its staff in the public consciousness. In the industry press, questions are actively raised about the legality and methods of forming a positive image of both the library as a whole and its director and specialists.

In everyday practice, the library is faced with the parallel existence of three different images: ideal, mirrored and real. The ideal image is the one the library strives for. It serves as a criterion for evaluating long-term plans and current decisions. The mirror image reflects the opinion of the staff about the attractiveness of the library for readers, its reputation, about the attention of the authorities and the population to it. The real image characterizes the actual attitude of various groups of citizens to the library, their satisfaction with the quality of service, etc. It is very important to constantly monitor the opinions, views, preferences of librarians' users, achieving maximum convergence of the mirror and real images with the ideal.

Image and advertising are closely interconnected. For the successful formation of a social image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions for the effective organization of the library's advertising activities: starting with the planning and development of advertising (advertising campaign) and ending with determining the effectiveness of the library's advertising activities.

1.3 Corporate identity of the library

Corporate identity is the use of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all forms of advertising, business papers, documentation, packaging, office and even employees' clothing.

According to E. Pesotsky, the author of the textbook “Modern Advertising. Theory and Practice ”, for the successful operation of any institution and attracting the largest number of consumers, at least two prerequisites must be observed. First: to broadcast corporate identity elements to the outside world as often as possible. Second: do not make any changes to the corporate identity for an unlimited time.

Corporate identity is information about a company, which is transmitted through the elements of "appearance", as well as the basic element of positioning.

All elements of the corporate identity can be fully or partially included in the corporate block. As a rule, it includes the brand name, the full name of the library, its postal and bank details, telephone number, as well as various explanatory inscriptions, corporate font, slogan, graphic decorative elements. The corporate identity begins not only with the sign in front of the entrance to the library, but with the manager's office, primarily with a package of business documents printed on letterhead. If a library intends to develop its work seriously and for a long time, it cannot do without a corporate identity. It will be used to judge an institution as reliable, solid, professional.

It is curious to refer to the experience of German libraries. Corporate identity, print and souvenir advertising enhance the impact of libraries on the external environment, cause the favor of the reading and non-reading public. The positive aspect of the presentation and corporate identity formation method developed and tested by German specialists is that it can be used by libraries of different sizes. At the same time, the libraries do not become like twins, since only a general adherence to style remains, but a wide variety of models are chosen. Russian libraries began to create a corporate identity not so long ago, and some of them managed to make the right decision. However, without the help of a professional, this, as a rule, is almost unrealistic, - notes G. Tsesarskaya. For example, on domestic advertising products, as a rule, library buildings are depicted: in the style of Classicism, Art Nouveau, or typical reinforced concrete structures of the 70s-80s. On foreign models (Norway) - a girl rushing on an airplane carpet (book) upward and the inscription: "The library is great!"

One of the priority directions of work of the South Kazakhstan branch of the republican scientific and technical library is to improve the advertising of the services provided, - writes M. Trenina in the article "Publicity of the institution". The image of the library is easily recognizable thanks to the brand name and the slogan "The owner of information succeeds ...". When forming signs with the names of departments and services, pictograms accepted and understood all over the world were used, as well as the colors and style of announcements were determined.

The corporate identity, as a rule, is represented by business documentation, advertising and informational printed materials, design elements for exhibitions, and souvenir products. A leaflet, a brochure, a catalog, a booklet, branded notebooks, calendars, folders, a library card and a reader's form, an open access fund divider, an index, a bookmark for a book, a diary of readers' reviews - all these are printed materials, which begin the reader's acquaintance with the library. Business cards, envelopes, folders, sticky applications, postcards, standard editions of advertising and information materials play a significant role in creating the corporate identity of the library.

1.4 PR-activities of the library

In modern professional vocabulary, the English-language concept of "public relations" (PR) is widely used. PR technology has successfully established itself in domestic libraries as an effective means of information management and organization of public opinion. In the USA (in the homeland of the PR), there has long been a point of view that public relations for any organization, regardless of organizational and legal form, mean approximately the same as health for a person: the more there are in quantity and the better in quality, the more it is. functions more capable and efficiently.

The library's advertising activities are closely interconnected with the PR activities. The unifying goal is the promotion of the offered library goods and services to the user, the formation of a positive image of the library. In this regard, the main characteristics of "public relations" should be considered.

There have been many attempts at defining PR. Along with the descriptive and functional, the comparative method is widely used. The following characteristics of PR can be distinguished:

· The art and science of creating a business image for an organization and individuals on the basis of legal, official, event and other operational information;

· The art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding between the organization, that is, the library about society, based on the truth and full awareness of citizens;

· Planned continuous efforts aimed at creating and maintaining goodwill relations and mutual understanding between the organization and its public.

Familiarization with the basic postulates of PR allows the library staff to competently and promptly maintain contacts with users, bibliographic and marketing services - to expand their influence on priority groups of consumers of their services and products, to contribute to improving the management of information flows throughout the organization. The PR has its own tools. The most often used and bring noticeable results in library and bibliographic activity are the following: analysis of public and published opinion, information and communication strategies, projects and initiatives, word, illustrations, events / campaigns. One of the sections of the PR - crisis PR. Even in libraries, unforeseen and threatening situations may arise: the loss of important arrays of information due to a failure in computer equipment and networks; insolvency of the bank and the banking system, the appearance in a higher body of persons hostile to the library, counterfeiting or falsification of one of the most popular and well-sold products, etc. But even the most negative situations can be overcome and remedied if PR professionals raised to “ library soil ". Whatever happens, employees of marketing and bibliographic services should bring complete and reliable information to the PR manager or to the employee responsible for the PR activities of the library, help him develop a specific plan to overcome the incident, establish clear guidelines for interpreting the situation and restoring the reputation of this service, and libraries as such.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of PR-activity, its impact on the external environment largely depends on support from within. To create a close-knit team of like-minded people, responsible and interested, responsive to all changes in the team, the techniques of “internal” PR are used. However, according to N. Slaykovskaya, chief librarian of the organizational and methodological department of the Russian State Children's Library, there is no relevant material yet. In the reports, information on this topic is either absent altogether (in most cases), or is represented by general phrases.

Thus, it is important for methodologists and library marketers not only to master the basics of PR, but also to be able to teach colleagues from other departments of the library its basic techniques and methods. Only in this case will dialogue with priority groups of the public, dissemination of the necessary information and stable mutual understanding between various library structures and users become possible.

An advertising campaign is a complex of advertising activities aimed at a specific segment of users in order to evoke their reaction, which contributes to solving the problems of the library. Library advertising campaigns can be classified according to various criteria. The socio-economic criterion underlies their division into commercial and non-commercial campaigns. In the process of commercial advertising campaigns, the products of libraries are promoted to the consumer, primarily information and bibliographic, bibliological and other publications, databases, as well as various paid services. This type of campaign is most fully consistent with the economic essence of advertising. In the course of their implementation, libraries produce and bring to consumers catalogs, publication plans, price lists, press releases, publications about the publication of books, organize presentations, exhibitions of their publications, participate in book fairs, etc. four stages in planning any effective advertising campaign: setting goals and defining objectives; allocation of a budget; creation of an advertising message; choice of means of distribution. Let's consider the organization of planning an advertising campaign of the library in more detail. The first and foremost thing in planning a library's advertising campaign is setting goals and defining its objectives. The definition of the goals of advertising depends on a number of factors: the marketing goals of the library, the object of advertising, etc. There are three stages in the process of setting goals for advertising: defining the target market; determination of the type of influence (to inform about the existence of a product or to push buyers to purchase it); quantitative assessment. After the goals and objectives of advertising are determined, you should develop a budget for the advertising campaign. The advertising budget includes the use of budget funds for advertising free services and income from paid services, the advertising costs of which are included in their price and make up, on average, 10% of the sale of services.

a) determination of the total amount of funds allocated for advertising activities;

b) the distribution of funds allocated for the advertising campaign.

In turn, the funds allocated for an advertising campaign are allocated for the purchase of advertising distribution media, research and preliminary assessment of the results of an advertising campaign, creation of an advertising appeal, technical production of advertising, using the services of an advertising agency, etc. past advertising campaign; and the budget that the library can spend on promotional activities.

The stage of creating an advertising appeal includes three phases: it is necessary to develop the idea of ​​the appeal, then its content and form. Formation of the idea of ​​conversion means analyzing its options, choosing an approach with which it is easy to reach a person's consciousness. Idea choices can involve a serious or humorous tone, a rational or emotional approach, realism or fantasy.

The next step is the choice of means of advertising distribution, on which the development of an advertising message depends. When developing a message, you should answer two main questions of the target audience: what can you offer me; What benefits can I personally derive from this purchase? There are several ways and, accordingly, means of advertising influence on the consumer. The most common way is information, carried out in the following ways: advertising in the press, on radio and television, in the cinema, postal, outdoor, computer, interpersonal communication (demonstration of product samples - at presentations, press conferences, etc.). In addition to advertising information, such methods of advertising influence on the consumer are used as the organization of positive public opinion and promotion of sales, the organization of direct relations with consumers.

When conducting an advertising campaign, you must adhere to the rules that allow you to achieve maximum results at a minimum cost. It is important to form a positive image and then maintain it constantly. It is not necessary to undertake single promotions, it is necessary to carry out complex measures. Repeatability of advertising is the key to efficiency.

    A look into the future

Taking into account the suggestions and needs of the community, the library determines the directions for itself. This, in turn, dictates the choice of partners for cooperation activities: these can be government bodies, organizations and institutions in the sphere of production, finance, trade, including publishing houses, banks, etc. Traditionally, libraries are close to cultural institutions and public organizations and associations , whose field of activity is the humanitarian sphere of the spiritual life of a person. Among the factors contributing to the cooperation and collaboration of libraries with the above organizations and institutions, it should be singled out: common interests and areas of activity and the desire to most fully provide their users with the resources available to all partners.

Often, the library does not have the material resources, finances, staffs to reveal the topic to the extent that it is able to satisfy the user, to arouse the interest of the inhabitants of its territory. Then the addition of the available resources of both partners will make it possible to organize this or that work in the most interesting way.

The library's activities in modern conditions presuppose the ability to use PR techniques, look for additional financial sources for acquisition and current needs, expand the repertoire and the volume of services provided. The constant reduction in appropriations for the development of cultural institutions is most often put forward as the main reason for using PR. The peculiarity of innovative libraries is that they go to their partners not as supplicants, but with thoughtful proposals that are based on non-standard approaches to solving problems that are urgent for them. The library, as an equal partner, offers its information resources and intellectual potential.

One of the main promising areas of the library's activities, the author sees marketing without funds, or "barter", which will help increase the efficiency of library advertising. Information and advertising "barter" is discussed when a library undertakes to distribute someone else's advertisement or place it on its territory, in its publications, hoping to receive equivalent services in return. This will allow the library to dispense with direct financial costs.

Changed political, economic, social conditions

put before the libraries the problem of choice - to exist not only on funds allocated by the state, but also to look for other ways to ensure the functioning of libraries. Thus, fundraising for libraries is a search and attraction of additional sources of funding, the main of which are charity, patronage and sponsorship. The task of the library is to contact in a timely manner and convince that it is she who needs help, to study the commercial goals of companies and corporations, to look for mutual interest.

N. Slaykovskaya writes: “The fundraising system developed by the Pskov ODB has improved the technical equipment. A computer was donated to the library from the manager of the Pskov branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Free access to the Internet and the use of e-mail was provided by the Pskov TTS ”.

However, it should be emphasized that the assistance of sponsors of library activities is noticeable in large cities, which is difficult to say about libraries in villages and rural areas. Each region has its own infrastructure, its own industrial and cultural potential. The lack of the necessary information and financial resources are the reasons that not only reduce the standard of living, but also prevent libraries from the provinces to increase the level and quality of the use of various channels of extra-budgetary funds, as well as to establish permanent business (social) partnerships.

    1. Library press

Advertising in the press includes a variety of advertising materials published in periodicals. They can be roughly divided into two main groups: advertisements and publications of an overview and advertising nature, which include various articles, reports, reviews, sometimes carrying direct and sometimes indirect advertising. Due to its efficiency, repeatability and wide distribution, advertising in the press is one of the most effective means of advertising. For advertising in the press to reach the desired group of potential buyers (consumers), the following conditions must be met:

· Choose the most suitable edition (from the whole variety of printed editions, you should select those that can be used to advertise the offered goods / services);

· Study the readership of the printed edition;

· Select the frequency of publication;

· Determine the location of the advertisement in the publication (the place of the advertisement on the page and even the page itself, on which this advertisement is printed, are of great importance).

It is important to note the danger of a one-time publication of one large-format ad in a magazine or newspaper. A series of smaller ads in the same publication will almost certainly give better results, and may even be cheaper.

G. Tsesarskaya notes: “Placing advertisements in“ pure form ”is an expensive pleasure. Most likely, publication is possible if the library has a mutually beneficial barter relationship with the editorial board. Representatives of the press can get a subscription reference and information service, make the library premises a place for meetings with business people, etc. "

Gradually, libraries are creating their own "press", which can also have an advertising effect. But it will accompany the library periodical only when its creators clearly define their goals and the readership of the publication, will be able to significantly increase the circulation, which will actually diverge. The main principle is to work not for the readers, but for the population (even if the newspaper is distributed among the readers).

Radio advertising, according to sociologists, is not much behind television in terms of memorability. Radio covers such categories of people that TV and the press do not reach. Modern "post-television" radio is addressed to listeners who are mainly engaged in other activities. It claims to be the rest of the attention of an active person, forming the background of his work or rest. The following advantages of radio advertising can be named: ubiquity, efficiency, selectivity, intimacy, that is, the ability to address the addressee at home and thereby create an atmosphere of trust.

However, it should be noted that radio advertising is underutilized by libraries. The reasons for the ineffective use of radio air by libraries are, firstly, the inability of library staff to possess special knowledge on creating radio advertising texts, and, secondly, due to inertia, the lack of desire to change the situation. For the most part, radio advertising is monotonous and schematic. Currently, there is an acute need for obtaining basic knowledge of the psychology of impact and audio perception of the ether, and their further application in library activities.

The process of writing and broadcasting promotional material is certainly creative. But creativity in this case should not be an end in itself.The main task is to create an effective advertising message that will increase the demand for the services offered by the library, or create the necessary image in society. Radio advertising draws images from the same sources as journalism: folk art, fiction, facts of public life. The methods of their use are varied: from the full involvement of the context of the work to the use of just one phrase or the name of the fairytale hero, however, they are so capacious and so firmly rooted in the minds of listeners that this makes it possible to laconically and clearly formulate the attitude towards the library. The use of speech turns, literary techniques to a greater extent determines the originality and memorability of the advertising message.

One of the topical trends in advertising in general, and in audio advertising in particular, is the use of media that influence the subconscious. Advertising, directed to the depths of the human brain, may look quite unattractive, but it will work flawlessly, says C. Sandage. The following factors have an impact on the effectiveness of the message: the time it goes on air, the duration of the sound, the musical processing of the audio clip, its structure, the characteristics of the text, the originality of the clip, and the emotional impact. G. Tsesarskaya suggests: “Less words - more meaning! Sometimes a musical or verbal image that is well-established in the minds of listeners creates an effect that cannot be achieved even with ten minutes of stories. " The most effective programs for including advertisements are programs that contain interesting or important information, such as time signals, weather reports, etc.

Based on the foregoing, long-term contacts of libraries with local radio broadcasting channels will allow them to receive their library program, where, possibly, a reportage from the reading room, interviews with its staff and visitors, consultations of bibliographers on reference books and databases, as well as the objectives of the library will be presented. its structure, services, etc.

Advertising on the screen has become a permanent feature of modern life. Today, the Law on Advertising provides for a number of provisions on the use of advertising on television. In particular, the time and frequency of repetitions of this or that advertising video during a certain type of TV broadcasts are stipulated: official, information and entertainment programs, demonstration of films, etc. must exceed 7% of the frame area.

Although the TV channel is the most expensive medium of advertising, libraries do not reject it, but in most cases they prefer to use the services of cheaper cable television, and often are forced to abandon this type of advertising altogether. If the library works in contact with local television, it may well offer one or another editorial office a project called “Meetings in the Reading Room”. By genre, it can be: "talk-show" - discussion of acute problems of politics (economy, culture), a press conference of representatives of the municipality, conversations on the "hot line" with the participation of a lawyer, economist, bibliographer, etc.

Just like on radio, the authors of the video have only 30 seconds to convey the necessary information to the viewer, and three seconds to pay attention to the ad. The high cost of the video makes it accessible to few, but sometimes local television programs can be so interested in the information offered by the library that TV people will meet it halfway. If a librarian is expected to participate in the transfer, he or she should prepare thoroughly by working with the interviewer on a range of suggested topics. It is worth considering the appearance as well, perhaps using the advice of the in-house television stylist. Speech requires no less attention - it is necessary to speak calmly and carefully, avoiding specific library terms and colloquialisms. It is important to note that in video films, as in all other advertising products, the library appears as the librarian perceives it, and not the user, to whom, in fact, the advertising message is directed. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the creation of an advertising film not from the standpoint of a seller, but from the standpoint of a consumer who chooses the best alternative for himself.

2.4 Library design

Design is a design activity aimed at the formation of aesthetic and functional qualities of the subject environment. The idea of ​​library design is also not new, it has a long history. However, a uniform interpretation of the term "library design" has not yet been developed. It is identified with the decoration of libraries, with artistic design, etc.

Design and advertising is one of the most relevant and at the same time less developed topics. And although mastering advertising methods is extremely necessary in library institutions, the services of a professional designer are still inaccessible to most of them. Good design creates order out of chaos, and successful design not only significantly increases the chances of becoming noticeable, but also helps to organize the content of the work in the form of a clear, logical chain, consistent, capable of retaining attention, and more interesting to tell about yourself. Beautiful design requires adherence to certain principles - meaningfulness, relevance, proportionality, consistency, stylistic unity, integrity, restraint and accuracy. From all this, the strength of its impact and visual appeal are added.

Every library must adhere to the rules of good design in order to competently provide services to the consumer and stand firmly on its feet in a world constantly changing under the influence of new technologies and media. E. Silemanova, author of the article "Advertising is not a luxury, but a means of promotion" notes that in 1998 a competition was held among the libraries of Omsk called "Prestigious and most successful artistic solutions of the library space" in order to find and create the most comfortable conditions for readers. In the design, inexpensive materials were mainly used - self-adhesive film of all kinds of colors for gold and silver, Whatman paper, cardboard, colored paper. As a result, a lot of interesting, original samples of advertising products appeared, made in the technique of paper graphics. It makes the design more voluminous. In the design of the literary living room and halls, the staff used elements of stage decorations. All of them enhance the effect of the stage action, creating the impression of the presence of another time, enriching and developing the artistic content of the performances. Many libraries are engaged in phytodesign. The walls of their libraries are decorated with compositions in which dried plants, branches, leaves, flowers are skillfully combined. These paintings perfectly imitate wildlife.

Currently, the library is a cultural and information center, where a person rests, develops as a person, therefore, its building should carry a cultural and aesthetic principle. Unfortunately, modern construction has not created real masterpieces or monuments of art. For this reason, many libraries have become simply book stores for their readers. The task of the designer today is for libraries to acquire their own unique image, which, of course, will be an effective way to attract users (readers) and increase the efficiency of library activities in general, and advertising activities in particular.

2.5 Library exhibitions and fairs

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, as they present very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products to establish direct contacts with potential users. The high efficiency of this advertising medium is confirmed by the fact that every year thousands of large exhibition events are held around the world, requiring significant costs. It should be noted that the fair is a commercial event, the main purpose of which is to conclude trade deals for the goods on display. The exhibition is, first of all, a public demonstration of the achievement of certain branches of the material or spiritual sphere of society, the main goal of which is the exchange of ideas and knowledge while simultaneously carrying out commercial work.

The library's participation in the exhibition-fair involves:

· Study of the demand for library services, clarification and expansion of the market for their sale;

· Promotion of library services, including new ones;

· Possibility of conducting conversations with an interested audience;

· Conclusion of partnership agreements and contracts;

· Strengthening old friendships and establishing new ones.

It is worth emphasizing that in order to effectively advertise your

services, it is not at all necessary to rent large areas and involve a significant number of employees.

The art designer arranges all the materials of the exposition in such a way that a holistic image of the organization is created for the visitors. Thus, participation in exhibitions is an excellent form of advertising for all types of products, goods and services.

Computerized advertising is a fundamentally new means of advertising distribution. In addition, the computerization of traditional advertising media has brought a lot of new things into the preparation and conduct of advertising campaigns, significantly increasing their effectiveness. Today computer networks are popular and effective carriers and channels for distributing advertising information. The electronic advertising network of the library and information sphere is a single center for collecting and placing advertising for a variety of users: libraries, library staff, etc.

It should be noted that the concept of "library network", like the closely related concepts of "library cooperation" and "library consortium", appeared much earlier than the first computer networks. Obviously, the "library networks" existing in the USSR meant nothing more than departmental or sectoral subordination and had nothing to do with network technologies. In fact, the existing services had to be technologically and technically “adapted” to the changing infrastructure, which happened at an increasingly accelerating pace with the development of network technologies. Only by the beginning of the 90s. more than 60% of American libraries had functioning electronic catalogs of their collections, which, when the means of presentation on the Internet, were ported for the Internet user within a short time.

Advertising information and library resources The Internet is one of the most promising means of implementing large-scale library and bibliographic projects. The library community in Russia, despite its inherent healthy conservatism, has always strived to use the latest advances in information technology in its practice. The understanding that the place, role and prestige of a public institution largely depends on its ability to respond to the realities of today, as well as the constant growth of information needs of users forced Russian libraries to constantly evolve. Unfortunately, in the recent past, access to any kind of transmission and reception of information has been severely limited by policy makers. A breakthrough stage in the development of telecommunication technologies in libraries was 1991-95.

The main forms of advertising on the Internet: Web sites of library information centers, banner, e-mail and mailing lists, chats, teleconferences, forums, round tables, etc. Their main idea is to provide users with news, while within the framework of the named service, perhaps , exchange ideas, opinions. Corporate Web servers are used to host advertising information about the library, its resources, products and services. Banner is a rectangular graphic image in established formats, placed on a Web page and sent to the company's server. There are three types of banner ads:

Use of special banner exchange services;

Agreement on the placement of banners between two or more Web-pages, exchange of them;

Paid display of your banner on "other people's" pages.

E-mail is a cheap, prompt and convenient channel for distributing advertisements, presenting and receiving various special information for the work and professional growth of library personnel. The use of such "Internet sites" as "discussion lists" and "news groups" for advertising purposes has become widespread. A promising form of the development of library advertising of traditional and advertising books in the global network is Internet bookstores and their advertising infrastructure, reference search devices, bibliographic databases.

The process of library internetization contributes to a change in the nature of the service of library and information resources and services necessary to meet the needs of an information-dependent society, and also increases the efficiency of the library's advertising activities, enhances its role as an information, socio-cultural and educational institution. centuries-old traditions are mass communication activities that create and distribute laconic, expressive-suggestive, informative-figurative texts addressed to groups of people in order to induce them to the desired choice, action, deed. Based on the study and analysis of literature and library practice, the experience gained by libraries is still negligible. The library staff lacks specialized knowledge in the field of library advertising, experience and professionalism. It is only recently that the advertising marketer specialization has begun to appear within the library profession.

The world is oversaturated with advertising, the library must fight for its place, wanting to reach users. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with advertising agencies, firms, advertising experts, who will help to avoid many mistakes. However, today almost all libraries are financed either by the Ministry of Culture or from local budgets, and often material resources are insufficient to carry out effective advertising activities.


The transformation of the image of the library in the process of its development and focusing on the expectations and needs of real and potential users seems logical. Nevertheless, at this stage, there are social stereotypes in society that characterize the library and librarians very negatively. These cliches, which have existed for a relatively long time in the minds of the majority and are often supported by the mass media, are usually not adequate to their objects, since they are not able to quickly record the qualitative changes and transformations taking place with them.

Due to the fact that stereotypes contain unattractive information about the library and libraries in general, they have a negative impact on the formation of the library's image, hindering its progressive development. At the same time, a negative reputation makes it difficult for the library to actively interact with the external environment, slowing down or nullifying innovation processes, partly because society (including potential users, partners, sponsors, trustees, etc.) is either not at all interested in bilateral activities and cooperation, or shows imprudence and mistrust of its resources and capabilities, therefore it is inert and not inclined to contacts.


1. Balashova, E. V. Library design: textbook / E. V. Balashova, M. R. Tishchenko, A. N. Vaneev. - M .: Gardariki, 2004 .-- 288s.

3. Germogenova, L. Yu. Effective advertising in Russia. Practice and recommendations. - M .: Rus Partner Ltd, 1994 .-- 252s.

5. Goncharov, M. V. Practical implementation of the Internet library complex: Scientific and practical manual / M. V. Goncharov, K. A. Kolosov; Ed. L.A. Kazachenkova. - M .: FAIR-PRESS, 2005 .-- 192s.: Ill. - (Special edition project for libraries).

6. Dvorkina, N. Ya. Library services: New reality: Lectures. –M .: Publishing house MGUKI, 2003. - 48p.

7. Klyuev, VK Marketing orientation of library and information activities. (Marketing in the library management system): Textbook. manual. For universities and colleges of culture and arts / V. K. Klyuev, E. N. Yastrebova. - M .: Publishing house MGUKI, 1999 .-- 144p.

8. Klyuev, VK Public relations: library option // Bibliography. - 2000. - No. 1. - S. 40-43.

9. Klyuev, VK Public relations: library option // Bibliography. - 2000. - No. 1. - S. 40-43.

10. Mikhnova, IB How to advertise the library: Theory, methodology, practice / IB Mikhnova, GL Tsesarskaya. M .: NVTs "Bibliomarket", 1996. - 220s. - (Marketing of non-profit organizations).

12. Pesotsky, EA Modern advertising. Theory and practice. - Rostov n / Don, 2001 .-- 237s.: Ill.

14. Schreiberg. Ya. L. Internet resources and services for libraries / Ya. L. Shraiberg, MV Goncharov, OV Shlykova; Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, GPNTB MGUKI. - M., 2000 .-- 140s.: Ill.

15. Yastrebova, E.M. Public relations for libraries // Bibliography. - 2000. - No. 1. - S. 43-45.


Department of Information Resources Management


4th year student

d / about FIRid; gr. MIR-43

Kasper Natalia Vladimirovna

Barnaul 2007

1.2 Library image

1.3 Corporate identity of the library

2. Looking into the future

2.4 Library design


Sociological studies show that often a library in the eyes of modern youth looks like a kind of anachronism, a haven of conservatism, and the image of a librarian evokes associations of Chekhov's "man in a case." A large segment of the population views the library as, at best, a place to get the book or information related to it. For many years, the library also acted as a kind of appendage of the political education system, which also did not add to its popularity. Although originally the word "library" meant "storage of books", it "grew" long ago from this textbook definition. Today the work of the library is saturated with deep and very versatile content. The development of information technology has influenced both the traditional forms of its work and modern methods that provide readers with access to an almost unlimited range of information services. Library users turn into full-fledged consumers with their own expectations, needs and freedom of choice.

Advertising - information about the consumer properties of goods and services in order to create demand for them ... According to the "Law on Advertising", adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the summer of 1995, "advertising is distributed in any form, using any means of information about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and undertakings, which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or to maintain interest in these individuals, legal entities, goods, ideas and undertakings and to promote the sale of goods, ideas. "

Library advertising itself has a long tradition. OA Chrelashvili, Head of the Advertising and Design Department of the Central Municipal Library of Noyabrsk, emphasizes that even in the difficult 1920s for Russia, library specialists were worried about this issue. According to her, in the publication "Book - the path to communism" for 1926. it was reported: "A handwritten announcement, compilation of propaganda posters, appeals to comrades at all kinds of gatherings, lectures, even the use of the local newspaper - everything is used here, because the librarian's first job is to notify the surrounding population of the library's existence and constantly maintain interest in it." ...

Today, the content of advertising is fundamentally changing, functions are becoming more complex and methods are being updated in many respects.

S. Matlina, a leading researcher at the RSL, notes: “Until one and a half to two decades ago, the concept of“ library advertising ”was completely absent from professional vocabulary. Most often, words and combinations familiar to the ear were used and combinations of "propaganda", "promotion of literature", "attracting the reader", etc. With all the differences, the content of these terms equally included the task of focusing the attention of a real or potential user on a book or service as an important element. ...

The necessity of the library in the life of every person was substantiated, the brightest aspects of its activity were highlighted. Advertising is free from any ideological dictate. Its task is to promote not the information that is significant from the point of view of the librarian, but potentially interesting to the user. If propaganda is aimed at tracking the "best", "relevant", then not excluding the pragmatic aspect of "usefulness", advertising focuses on the new, unexpected, dissimilar, sometimes sensational. That is, it appeals to a greater extent to the sensual rather than the rational sphere of a person.

In accordance with the law, library advertising is defined as not commercial, but social. It does not promote commercial transactions, but promotes the dissemination of universally significant ideas, social values, and also forms a positive attitude of consumers towards the advertising institution as such. .

1. 1 Features of library advertising

The main goal of any advertising activity is to inform a potential buyer (user) about a product (service) and encourage them to purchase it. The essential component of advertising is interpersonal or mediated communication, characterized, on the one hand, by mass character, on the other, by one-sidedness. Advertising tasks are usually solved through information, persuasion, reminder.

· Formation of demand for library information and related services;

· Popularization of new forms and methods of user service;

· Reducing the effect of the seasonality of readers' visits to the library;

· Promoting the recognition of a particular library institution;

Anti-competition [ 7; WITH .81] .

A distinctive feature of advertising in general and library advertising in particular is the reliability of the information provided. Many people can trust advertising messages, but realizing that they are at odds with reality, the overwhelming majority of users in the future will begin to react negatively to any messages from a particular library. It is much more difficult to overpersuade than simply initially correctly, without exaggeration, to state the essence of the proposals. Indeed, the problem of inaccurate advertising is highly relevant. G. Tsesarskaya writes in her article “To attract the love of space”: “Once my colleagues asked:“ Take a look at our advertisement ”. It was a message addressed to entrepreneurs who were not promised anything in the new business library: information search in any databases, and business English classes based on audio and video courses, and consulting by leading experts in economics and business, etc. etc.

However, the collections of literature and databases had just begun to be completed, the equipment was being tested, the plans of the business club were discussed, preliminary negotiations were underway with the specialists ... ”.

Even among consumers of the same sex, social and age group, with the same income, living in the same territory, many psychological characteristics differ greatly. That is why one and the same advertisement is positively perceived by some, leaves others indifferent and causes a negative reaction in others. That is why, having chosen a product from a dozen similar ones, the consumer often cannot explain why he chose this product.

· Objectivity;

· Accessibility of perception;

· Sufficiency (rational factual saturation);

· Clarity, expressiveness.

2 Image of the library

Of great importance for the library is its favorable image - its image. The image of the library can be defined as an emotionally colored image formed in the mass consciousness, determined by the attitude of society towards the library, its services, resources, goods. The image of the library is constantly changing. The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team, the management of the library, which must purposefully, systematically form an image based on available resources. Advertising activity as an integral part of the marketing policy of the library contributes to the establishment of the image, forms public opinion through the implementation of systems of events that establish communication between the institution and different categories of the population, governing bodies, authorities.

Considering the current state of the economy in Russia, it should be noted that an increase in spending on culture from the federal budget is not expected. Thus, the question of the choice of priorities in the activities of cultural institutions, including state and municipal libraries, is becoming more and more acute. What can serve as a criterion for choosing priorities? According to R. Panova, the chief librarian of the RSLL, these are the needs and requests of library users, but not all, but certain groups. You should focus on those groups that are primarily socially significant for society and the state, as well as those that are least socially and economically protected. The latter include children, youth, youth. They determine the future of any state. The modern trend in the international development of society is based on the need to develop the country's intellectual potential, which determines its further progress, its place in the world system. The creation of conditions for the formation of intellectual potential through the education system, the sphere of culture should be considered as the most important direction of state policy, including library policy.

The author of this work shares this point of view, therefore, further reasoning will be conducted from the perspective of the indicated understanding of the direction of the library's activities. Currently, domestic and foreign librarians and practitioners do not have disagreements about the need, as well as the relevance and importance of adjusting the social stereotype of the library and its staff in the public consciousness. In the industry press, questions are actively raised about the legality and methods of forming a positive image of both the library as a whole and its director and specialists.

In everyday practice, the library is faced with the parallel existence of three different images: ideal, mirrored and real. The ideal image is the one the library strives for. It serves as a criterion for evaluating long-term plans and current decisions. The mirror image reflects the opinion of the staff about the attractiveness of the library for readers, its reputation, about the attention of the authorities and the population to it. The real image characterizes the actual attitude of various groups of citizens to the library, their satisfaction with the quality of service, etc. .

Image and advertising are closely interconnected. For the successful formation of a social image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions for the effective organization of the library's advertising activities: starting with the planning and development of advertising (advertising campaign) and ending with determining the effectiveness of the library's advertising activities.

3 Corporate identity of the library

Corporate identity is the use of uniform design principles, color combinations and images for all forms of advertising, business papers, documentation, packaging, office and even employees' clothing.

According to E. Pesotsky, the author of the textbook “Modern Advertising. Theory and Practice ”, for the successful operation of any institution and attracting the largest number of consumers, at least two prerequisites must be observed. First: to broadcast corporate identity elements to the outside world as often as possible. Second: do not make any changes to the corporate identity for an unlimited time.

Corporate identity is information about a company, which is transmitted through the elements of "appearance", as well as the basic element of positioning.

All elements of the corporate identity can be fully or partially included in the corporate block. As a rule, it includes the brand name, the full name of the library, its postal and bank details, telephone number, as well as various explanatory inscriptions, corporate font, slogan, graphic decorative elements. The corporate identity begins not only with the sign in front of the entrance to the library, but with the manager's office, primarily with a package of business documents printed on letterhead. If a library intends to develop its work seriously and for a long time, it cannot do without a corporate identity. It will be used to judge an institution as reliable, solid, professional.

It is curious to refer to the experience of German libraries. Corporate identity, print and souvenir advertising enhance the impact of libraries on the external environment, cause the favor of the reading and non-reading public. The positive aspect of the presentation and corporate identity formation method developed and tested by German specialists is that it can be used by libraries of different sizes. At the same time, the libraries do not become like twins, since only a general adherence to style remains, but a wide variety of models are chosen. ... Russian libraries began to create a corporate identity not so long ago, and some of them managed to make the right decision. However, without the help of a professional, this, as a rule, is almost unrealistic, - notes G. Tsesarskaya. For example, on domestic advertising products, as a rule, library buildings are depicted: in the style of Classicism, Art Nouveau, or typical reinforced concrete structures of the 70s-80s. On foreign models (Norway) - a girl rushing on an airplane carpet (book) upward and the inscription: "The library is great!"

One of the priority directions of work of the South Kazakhstan branch of the republican scientific and technical library is to improve the advertising of the services provided, - writes M. Trenina in the article "Publicity of the institution". The image of the library is easily recognizable thanks to the brand name and the slogan "The owner of information succeeds ...". When forming signs with the names of departments and services, pictograms accepted and understood all over the world were used, as well as the colors and style of announcements were determined.

The corporate identity, as a rule, is represented by business documentation, advertising and informational printed materials, design elements for exhibitions, and souvenir products. A leaflet, a brochure, a catalog, a booklet, branded notebooks, calendars, folders, a library card and a reader's form, an open access fund divider, an index, a bookmark for a book, a diary of readers' reviews - all these are printed materials, which begin the reader's acquaintance with the library. Business cards, envelopes, folders, sticky applications, postcards, standard editions of advertising and information materials play a significant role in creating the corporate identity of the library.

1.4 PR activities of the library

In modern professional vocabulary, the English-language concept of "public relations" (PR) is widely used. PR technology has successfully established itself in domestic libraries as an effective means of information management and organization of public opinion. ... In the USA (in the homeland of the PR), there has long been a point of view that public relations for any organization, regardless of organizational and legal form, mean approximately the same as health for a person: the more there are in quantity and the better in quality, the more it is. functions more capable and efficiently.

The library's advertising activities are closely interconnected with the PR activities. The unifying goal is the promotion of the offered library goods and services to the user, the formation of a positive image of the library. In this regard, the main characteristics of "public relations" should be considered.

There have been many attempts at defining PR. Along with the descriptive and functional, the comparative method is widely used. The following characteristics of PR can be distinguished:

· The art and science of creating a business image for an organization and individuals on the basis of legal, official, event and other operational information;

· The art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding between the organization, i.e. a library about society, based on truth and full awareness of citizens;

· Planned continuous efforts aimed at creating and maintaining goodwill relations and mutual understanding between the organization and its public.

Familiarization with the basic postulates of PR allows the library staff to competently and promptly maintain contacts with users, bibliographic and marketing services - to expand their influence on priority groups of consumers of their services and products, to contribute to improving the management of information flows throughout the organization. The PR has its own tools. The most often used and bring noticeable results in library and bibliographic activity are the following: analysis of public and published opinion, information and communication strategies, projects and initiatives, word, illustrations, events / campaigns. One of the sections of the PR - crisis PR. Even in libraries, unforeseen and threatening situations may arise: the loss of important arrays of information due to a failure in computer equipment and networks; insolvency of the bank and the banking system, the appearance in a higher body of persons hostile to the library, counterfeiting or falsification of one of the most popular and well-sold products, etc. But even the most negative situations can be overcome and remedied if PR professionals raised to “ library soil ". Whatever happens, employees of marketing and bibliographic services should bring complete and reliable information to the PR manager or to the employee responsible for the PR activities of the library, help him develop a specific plan to overcome the incident, establish clear guidelines for interpreting the situation and restoring the reputation of this service, and libraries as such.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of PR-activity, its impact on the external environment largely depends on support from within. To create a close-knit team of like-minded people, responsible and interested, responsive to all changes in the team, the techniques of “internal” PR are used. However, according to N. Slaykovskaya, chief librarian of the organizational and methodological department of the Russian State Children's Library, there is no relevant material yet. In the reports, information on this topic is either absent altogether (in most cases), or is represented by general phrases.

Thus, it is important for methodologists and library marketers not only to master the basics of PR, but also to be able to teach colleagues from other departments of the library its basic techniques and methods. Only in this case will dialogue with priority groups of the public, dissemination of the necessary information and stable mutual understanding between various library structures and users become possible.

1.5 Advertising campaign of the library

An advertising campaign is a complex of advertising activities aimed at a specific segment of users in order to evoke their reaction, which contributes to solving the problems of the library. Library advertising campaigns can be classified according to various criteria. The socio-economic criterion underlies their division into commercial and non-commercial campaigns. In the process of commercial advertising campaigns, the products of libraries are promoted to the consumer, primarily information and bibliographic, bibliological and other publications, databases, as well as various paid services. This type of campaign is most fully consistent with the economic essence of advertising. In the course of their implementation, libraries produce and bring to consumers catalogs, publication plans, price lists, press releases, publications about the publication of books, organize presentations, exhibitions of their publications, participate in book fairs, etc. ... There are four stages in planning any effective advertising campaign: setting goals and defining objectives; allocation of a budget; creation of an advertising message; choice of means of distribution. Let's consider the organization of planning an advertising campaign of the library in more detail. The first and foremost thing in planning a library's advertising campaign is setting goals and defining its objectives. Determining the goals of advertising activities depends on a number of factors: the marketing goals of the library, the object of advertising, etc. There are three stages in the process of setting advertising objectives: defining the target market; determination of the type of influence (to inform about the existence of a product or to push buyers to purchase it); quantitative assessment. After the goals and objectives of advertising are determined, you should develop a budget for the advertising campaign. The advertising budget includes the use of budget funds for advertising free services and income from paid services, the advertising costs of which are included in their price and amount, on average, 10% of the sale of services .

The library's advertising budget assumes: a) determination of the total amount of funds allocated for advertising activities, b) distribution of funds allocated for an advertising campaign. In turn, the funds allocated for the advertising campaign are allocated for the purchase of advertising distribution media, research and preliminary assessment of the results of the advertising campaign, the creation of an advertising appeal, the technical production of advertising, the appeal to the services of an advertising agency, etc. Consideration should be given to the costs and benefits of past advertising campaigns, as well as the budget that the library might spend on promotional activities.

The stage of creating an advertising appeal includes three phases: it is necessary to develop the idea of ​​the appeal, then its content and form. Formation of the idea of ​​conversion means analyzing its options, choosing an approach with which it is easy to reach a person's consciousness. Idea choices can involve a serious or humorous tone, a rational or emotional approach, realism or fantasy.

The next step is the choice of means of advertising distribution, on which the development of an advertising message depends. When developing a message, you should answer two main questions of the target audience: what can you offer me; What benefits can I personally derive from this purchase? There are several ways and, accordingly, means of advertising influence on the consumer. The most common way is information, carried out in the following ways: advertising in the press, on radio and television, in the cinema, postal, outdoor, computer, interpersonal communication (demonstration of product samples - at presentations, press conferences, etc.). In addition to advertising information, such methods of advertising influence on the consumer are used as the organization of positive public opinion and promotion of sales, the organization of direct relations with consumers.

When conducting an advertising campaign, you must adhere to the rules that allow you to achieve maximum results at a minimum cost. It is important to form a positive image and then maintain it constantly. It is not necessary to undertake single promotions, it is necessary to carry out complex measures. Repeatability of advertising is the key to efficiency.

2. Looking into the future

Taking into account the suggestions and needs of the community, the library determines the directions for itself. This, in turn, dictates the choice of partners for cooperation activities: these can be government bodies, organizations and institutions in the sphere of production, finance, trade, including publishing houses, banks, etc. Traditionally, libraries are close to cultural institutions and public organizations and associations , whose field of activity is the humanitarian sphere of the spiritual life of a person. Among the factors contributing to the cooperation and collaboration of libraries with the above organizations and institutions, it should be singled out: common interests and areas of activity and the desire to most fully provide their users with the resources available to all partners.

Often, the library does not have the material resources, finances, staffs to reveal the topic to the extent that it is able to satisfy the user, to arouse the interest of the inhabitants of its territory. Then the addition of the available resources of both partners will make it possible to organize this or that work in the most interesting way. .

The library's activities in modern conditions presuppose the ability to use PR techniques, look for additional financial sources for acquisition and current needs, expand the repertoire and the volume of services provided. The constant reduction in appropriations for the development of cultural institutions is most often put forward as the main reason for using PR. The peculiarity of innovative libraries is that they go to their partners not as supplicants, but with thoughtful proposals that are based on non-standard approaches to solving problems that are urgent for them. The library, as an equal partner, offers its information resources and intellectual potential.

One of the main promising areas of the library's activities, the author sees marketing without funds, or "barter", which will help increase the efficiency of library advertising. Information and advertising "barter" is discussed when a library undertakes to distribute someone else's advertisement or place it on its territory, in its publications, hoping to receive equivalent services in return. This will allow the library to dispense with direct financial costs.

Changed political, economic, social conditions have posed the problem of choice for libraries - to exist not only on funds allocated by the state, but also to look for other ways to ensure the functioning of libraries. Thus, fundraising for libraries is a search and attraction of additional sources of funding, the main of which are charity, patronage and sponsorship. The task of the library is to contact in a timely manner and convince that it is she who needs help, to study the commercial goals of companies and corporations, to look for mutual interest.

N. Slaykovskaya writes: “The fundraising system developed by the Pskov ODB has improved the technical equipment. A computer was donated to the library from the manager of the Pskov branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Free access to the Internet and the use of e-mail was provided by the Pskov TTS ”.

However, it should be emphasized that the assistance of sponsors of library activities is noticeable in large cities, which is difficult to say about libraries in villages and rural areas. Each region has its own infrastructure, its own industrial and cultural potential. The lack of the necessary information and financial resources are the reasons that not only reduce the standard of living, but also prevent libraries from the provinces to increase the level and quality of the use of various channels of extra-budgetary funds, as well as to establish permanent business (social) partnerships.

2.1 Library press

Advertising in the press includes a variety of advertising materials published in periodicals. They can be roughly divided into two main groups: advertisements and publications of an overview and advertising nature, which include various articles, reports, reviews, sometimes carrying direct and sometimes indirect advertising. Due to its efficiency, repeatability and wide distribution, advertising in the press is one of the most effective means of advertising. ... For advertising in the press to reach the desired group of potential buyers (consumers), the following conditions must be met:

· Choose the most suitable edition (from the whole variety of printed editions, you should select those that can be used to advertise the offered goods / services);

· Study the readership of the printed edition;

· Select the frequency of publication;

It is important to note the danger of a one-time publication of one large-format ad in a magazine or newspaper. A series of smaller ads in the same publication will almost certainly give better results, and may even be cheaper.

G. Tsesarskaya notes: “Placing advertisements in“ pure form ”is an expensive pleasure. Most likely, publication is possible if the library has a mutually beneficial barter relationship with the editorial board. Representatives of the press can get a subscription reference and information service, make the library premises a place for meetings with business people, etc. "

Gradually, libraries are creating their own "press", which can also have an advertising effect. But it will accompany the library periodical only when its creators clearly define their goals and the readership of the publication, will be able to significantly increase the circulation, which will actually diverge. The main principle is to work not for the readers, but for the population (even if the newspaper is distributed among the readers).

2.2 Advertising the library on the radio

Radio advertising, according to sociologists, is not much behind television in terms of memorability. Radio covers such categories of people that TV and the press do not reach. Modern "post-television" radio is addressed to listeners who are mainly engaged in other activities. It claims to be the rest of the attention of an active person, forming the background of his work or rest. The following advantages of radio advertising can be called: ubiquity, efficiency, selectivity, intimacy, i.e. the ability to address the addressee at home and thereby create an atmosphere of trust.

However, it should be noted that radio advertising is underutilized by libraries. The reasons for the ineffective use of radio air by libraries are, firstly, the inability of library staff to possess special knowledge on creating radio advertising texts, and, secondly, due to inertia, the lack of desire to change the situation. For the most part, radio advertising is monotonous and schematic. Currently, there is an acute need for obtaining basic knowledge of the psychology of impact and audio perception of the ether, and their further application in library activities.

The main task is to create an effective advertising message that will increase the demand for the services offered by the library, or create the necessary image in society. Radio advertising draws images from the same sources as journalism: folk art, fiction, facts of public life. The methods of their use are varied: from the full involvement of the context of the work to the use of just one phrase or the name of the fairytale hero, however, they are so capacious and so firmly rooted in the minds of listeners that this makes it possible to laconically and clearly formulate the attitude towards the library. The use of speech turns, literary techniques to a greater extent determines the originality and memorability of the advertising message.

One of the topical trends in advertising in general, and in audio advertising in particular, is the use of media that influence the subconscious. Advertising, directed to the depths of the human brain, may look quite unattractive, but it will work flawlessly, says C. Sandage. The following factors have an impact on the effectiveness of the message: the time it goes on air, the duration of the sound, the musical processing of the audio clip, its structure, the characteristics of the text, the originality of the clip, and the emotional impact. G. Tsesarskaya suggests: “Less words - more meaning! Sometimes a musical or verbal image that is well-established in the minds of listeners creates an effect that cannot be achieved even with ten minutes of stories. " The most effective programs for the inclusion of advertising are programs containing interesting or important information, for example, time signals, weather reports, etc.

Based on the foregoing, long-term contacts of libraries with local radio broadcasting channels will allow them to receive their library program, where, possibly, a reportage from the reading room, interviews with its staff and visitors, consultations of bibliographers on reference books and databases, as well as the objectives of the library will be presented. its structure, services, etc.

2.3 Advertising of the Library on Television

Advertising on the screen has become a permanent feature of modern life. Today, the Law on Advertising provides for a number of provisions on the use of advertising on television. In particular, the time and frequency of repetitions of this or that advertising video during a certain type of TV broadcasts are stipulated: official, information and entertainment programs, demonstration of films, etc. must exceed 7% of the frame area.

Although the TV channel is the most expensive medium of advertising, libraries do not reject it, but in most cases they prefer to use the services of cheaper cable television, and often are forced to abandon this type of advertising altogether. If the library works in contact with local television, it may well offer one or another editorial office a project called “Meetings in the Reading Room”. By genre it can be: "talk-show" - discussion of acute problems of politics (economy, culture), a press conference of representatives of the municipality, conversations on the "hot line" with the participation of a lawyer, economist, bibliographer, etc. ...

Just like on radio, the authors of the video have only 30 seconds to convey the necessary information to the viewer, and three seconds to pay attention to the ad. The high cost of the video makes it accessible to few, but sometimes local television programs can be so interested in the information offered by the library that TV people will meet it halfway. If a librarian is expected to participate in the transfer, he or she should prepare thoroughly by working with the interviewer on a range of suggested topics. It is worth considering the appearance as well, perhaps using the advice of the in-house television stylist. Speech requires no less attention - it is necessary to speak calmly and carefully, avoiding specific library terms and colloquialisms. It is important to note that in video films, as in all other advertising products, the library appears as the librarian perceives it, and not the user, to whom, in fact, the advertising message is directed. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the creation of an advertising film not from the standpoint of a seller, but from the standpoint of a consumer who chooses the best alternative for himself.

2.4 Library design

Design is a design activity aimed at the formation of aesthetic and functional qualities of the subject environment. The idea of ​​library design is also not new, it has a long history. However, a uniform interpretation of the term "library design" has not yet been developed. It is identified with the decoration of libraries, with artistic construction, etc. .

Design and advertising is one of the most relevant and at the same time less developed topics. And although mastering advertising methods is extremely necessary in library institutions, the services of a professional designer are still inaccessible to most of them. Good design creates order out of chaos, and successful design not only significantly increases the chances of becoming noticeable, but also helps to organize the content of the work in the form of a clear, logical chain, consistent, capable of retaining attention, and more interesting to tell about yourself. Beautiful design requires adherence to certain principles - meaningfulness, relevance, proportionality, consistency, stylistic unity, integrity, restraint and accuracy. From all this, the strength of its impact and visual appeal are added.

Every library must adhere to the rules of good design in order to competently provide services to the consumer and stand firmly on its feet in a world constantly changing under the influence of new technologies and media. E. Silemanova, author of the article "Advertising is not a luxury, but a means of promotion" notes that in 1998 a competition was held among the libraries of Omsk called "Prestigious and most successful artistic solutions of the library space" in order to find and create the most comfortable conditions for readers. In the design, inexpensive materials were mainly used - self-adhesive film of all kinds of colors for gold and silver, Whatman paper, cardboard, colored paper.

As a result, a lot of interesting, original samples of advertising products appeared, made in the technique of paper graphics. It makes the design more voluminous. In the design of the literary living room and halls, the staff used elements of stage decorations. All of them enhance the effect of the stage action, creating the impression of the presence of another time, enriching and developing the artistic content of the performances. Many libraries are engaged in phytodesign. The walls of their libraries are decorated with compositions in which dried plants, branches, leaves, flowers are skillfully combined. These paintings perfectly imitate wildlife.

Currently, the library is a cultural and information center, where a person rests, develops as a person, therefore, its building should carry a cultural and aesthetic principle. Unfortunately, modern construction has not created real masterpieces or monuments of art. For this reason, many libraries have become simply book stores for their readers. The task of the designer today is for libraries to acquire their own unique image, which, of course, will be an effective way to attract users (readers) and increase the efficiency of library activities in general, and advertising activities in particular.

2.5 Library exhibitions and fairs

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, as they present very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products to establish direct contacts with potential users. The high efficiency of this advertising medium is confirmed by the fact that every year thousands of large exhibition events are held around the world, requiring significant costs. It should be noted that the fair is a commercial event, the main purpose of which is to conclude trade deals for the goods on display. The exhibition is, first of all, a public demonstration of the achievement of certain branches of the material or spiritual sphere of society, the main goal of which is the exchange of ideas and knowledge while simultaneously carrying out commercial work.

The library's participation in the exhibition-fair involves:

· Study of the demand for library services, clarification and expansion of the market for their sale;

· Promotion of library services, including new ones;

· Possibility of conducting conversations with an interested audience;

· Conclusion of partnership agreements and contracts;

Strengthening old friendships and establishing new ones .

It is worth emphasizing that in order to effectively advertise your services, it is not at all necessary to rent large areas and involve a significant number of employees.

The art designer arranges all the materials of the exposition in such a way that a holistic image of the organization is created for the visitors. ... Thus, participation in exhibitions is an excellent form of advertising for all types of products, goods and services.

2.6 Computerized Library Advertising

Computerized advertising is a fundamentally new means of advertising distribution. In addition, the computerization of traditional advertising media has brought a lot of new things into the preparation and conduct of advertising campaigns, significantly increasing their effectiveness. Today computer networks are popular and effective carriers and channels for distributing advertising information. The electronic advertising network of the library and information sphere is a single center for collecting and placing advertising for a variety of users: libraries, library staff, etc.

It should be noted that the concept of "library network", like the closely related concepts of "library cooperation" and "library consortium", appeared much earlier than the first computer networks. Obviously, the "library networks" existing in the USSR meant nothing more than departmental or sectoral subordination and had nothing to do with network technologies. In fact, the existing services had to be technologically and technically “adapted” to the changing infrastructure, which happened at an increasingly accelerating pace with the development of network technologies. Only by the beginning of the 90s. more than 60% of American libraries had functioning electronic catalogs of their collections, which, when the means of presentation on the Internet, were ported for the Internet user within a short time.

Advertising information and library resources The Internet is one of the most promising means of implementing large-scale library and bibliographic projects. The library community in Russia, despite its inherent healthy conservatism, has always strived to use the latest advances in information technology in its practice. The understanding that the place, role and prestige of a public institution largely depends on its ability to respond to the realities of today, as well as the constant growth of information needs of users forced Russian libraries to constantly evolve. Unfortunately, in the recent past, access to any kind of transmission and reception of information has been severely limited by policy makers. A breakthrough stage in the development of telecommunication technologies in libraries was 1991-95.

The main forms of advertising on the Internet: Web sites of library information centers, banner, e-mail and mailing lists, chats, teleconferences, forums, round tables, etc. Their main idea is to provide users with news, while within the framework of the named service, perhaps , exchange ideas, opinions. Corporate Web servers are used to host advertising information about the library, its resources, products and services. Banner is a rectangular graphic image in established formats, placed on a Web page and sent to the company's server. There are three types of banner ads:

Use of special banner exchange services;

Agreement on the placement of banners between two or more Web-pages, exchange of them;

Paid display of your banner on "other people's" pages.

E-mail is a cheap, prompt and convenient channel for distributing advertisements, presenting and receiving various special information for the work and professional growth of library personnel. The use of such "Internet sites" as "discussion lists" and "news groups" for advertising purposes has become widespread. A promising form of the development of library advertising of traditional and advertising books in the global network is Internet bookstores and their advertising infrastructure, reference search devices, bibliographic databases.

The process of library internetization contributes to a change in the nature of the service of library and information resources and services necessary to meet the needs of an information-dependent society, and also increases the efficiency of the library's advertising activities, enhances its role as an information, sociocultural and educational institution.

Advertising activity in its modern form, inheriting centuries-old traditions, is a mass communication activity that creates and distributes concise, expressive-suggestive, informative-figurative texts addressed to groups of people in order to induce them to the desired choice, action, deed. Based on the study and analysis of literature and library practice, the experience gained by libraries is still negligible. The library staff lacks specialized knowledge in the field of library advertising, experience and professionalism. It is only recently that the advertising marketer specialization has begun to appear within the library profession.

The world is oversaturated with advertising, the library must fight for its place, wanting to reach users. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with advertising agencies, firms, advertising experts, who will help to avoid many mistakes. However, today almost all libraries are financed either by the Ministry of Culture or from local budgets, and often material resources are insufficient to carry out effective advertising activities.


The transformation of the image of the library in the process of its development and focusing on the expectations and needs of real and potential users seems logical. Nevertheless, at this stage, there are social stereotypes in society that characterize the library and librarians very negatively. These cliches, which have existed for a relatively long time in the minds of the majority and are often supported by the mass media, are usually not adequate to their objects, since they are not able to quickly record the qualitative changes and transformations taking place with them.

Due to the fact that stereotypes contain unattractive information about the library and libraries in general, they have a negative impact on the formation of the library's image, hindering its progressive development. At the same time, a negative reputation makes it difficult for the library to actively interact with the external environment, slowing down or nullifying innovation processes, partly because society (including potential users, partners, sponsors, trustees, etc.) is either not at all interested in bilateral activities and cooperation, or shows imprudence and mistrust of its resources and capabilities, therefore it is inert and not inclined to contacts.

1. The effectiveness of the library's advertising activities directly depends on whether there is a specialized unit in its structure, whose tasks include the formation of a unified policy in this area, the development and methodological support of the most general issues of strategy and tactics of advertising campaigns. Nowadays, most libraries would like to do advertising, but do not know how to do it. It would be advisable to train specialists in library design, managers of library socio-cultural programs, librarians-marketers, etc.

2. The problem with many libraries nowadays is that it is difficult not to adhere to some traditions that have existed and passed on for many years. Today, however, requires new approaches: libraries need to overcome inertia in their work. In order to improve advertising activities, library institutions need to actively seek contacts with sponsors, entrepreneurs; conclude contracts with enterprises; to establish permanent and low-cost relations with the press, radio, local television.

3. There is a need to go out and use the external space of the library (creating a bright, attention-grabbing signage - a kind of library business card; distributing leaflets with advertising information in the library area; placing information on the display windows and walls of the library; person-poster, etc.).

4. It is necessary to increase the level of in-library advertising. A number of libraries use only a small number of leaflets, without referring to booklets, posters, posters, advertising and information corners, etc. It is advisable to link the factual basis of the listed varieties with artistic performance, which necessarily contains an element of recognition. For this, a logo is used - the emblem or sign of the library, usually in the form of a picture with an abbreviation. They give users positive associations between the library's activities and a specific program.

5. It is rather difficult to attract the attention of users to the library advertising information, which obliges to make it in such a way that it is of particular importance to the user, offers effective forms of meeting information needs. An innovative approach is needed to promote traditional services. For example:

· Forms of drawing attention to the content of the newsletter (a literary quiz, continuing in several issues, the winners of which will receive prizes; the "Exclusive - Book" club, a souvenir for readers who signed up for the library for the first time, etc.).

6. Extremely little is used such a powerful means of advertising communication as humor, the desire to see oneself from the outside and cheerfully make fun of oneself.

7. Advertising activity is largely focused on the actual users of the library and is not very much aimed at potential users, in particular, at the young population of the city, which reduces its effectiveness. It is necessary to disseminate information about the library (opening hours, transport routes, upcoming events, etc.) through advertisements on information boards in educational institutions, on advertising boards in the entrances of residential buildings, in local newspapers, on the radio, etc.


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5. Goncharov, M.V. Practical implementation of the Internet library complex: Scientific and practical manual. / M.V. Goncharov, K.A. Kolosov; Ed. L.A. Kazachenkova. - M .: FAIR-PRESS, 2005 .-- 192s.: Ill. - (Special edition project for libraries).

6. Dvorkina, N. Ya. Library Service: New Reality: Lectures. –M .: Publishing house MGUKI, 2003. - 48p.

7. Klyuev, V.K. Marketing orientation of library and information activities. (Marketing in the library management system): Textbook. manual. For universities and colleges of culture and arts / V.K. Klyuev, E.N. Yastrebova. - M .: Publishing house MGUKI, 1999 .-- 144p.

8. Klyuev, V.K. Public Relations: Library Option // Bibliography. - 2000. - No. 1. - S.40-43.

9. Matlina, S.G. Library Marketing: Practical. manual. for public library workers. - 1993 .-- 66s.

10. Matlina, S.G. Attractive Library, or What Advertising Can Do: Practic. manual. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: LIBERIA, 2000. - 128 p.

13. Panova, R. A positive image: how to create it? // Library.– 1997.- №2.– P.11-13.

16. Prokopenko, E. Unclassified secrets of exhibiting // Library. - 2002. - No. *. - S.16-17.

19. Slaykovskaya, N. Is it a sign in the sign? // Library.– 2002.- №5.– P.4247.

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