Home Trees and shrubs Often you say such compliments to girls. How to make beautiful and unusual compliments to a girl? Compliments to the girl in your own words

Often you say such compliments to girls. How to make beautiful and unusual compliments to a girl? Compliments to the girl in your own words

How to compliment a girl? Why compliment a girl? Why not get seduction without compliments? How can such phrases addressed to a girl help a man:

It's still good that we have such a short date - more than 20 minutes of happiness a day is unhealthy.
If you print out all the compliments you deserve, then Russia will be left without a forest.
The smell of your hair is driving me crazy.
You definitely need to find an expensive restaurant, limousine and security for your figure.
Sometimes it seems to me that some kind of radiant white glow emanates from your eyes: they remind me of beautiful diamonds in the rays of the moonlight.
Compared to you, Gioconda is a milkmaid Gadyukinskaya.
Tell me - from the outside you can see that I am burning with love for you?
Tell me this is not a dream!
Your eyes shine like stars.
Can you not smile? I feel that I’m starting to go crazy just from your smile, I’m starting to lose control of myself, a nervous tic appears, and I can faint .... By the way, can you do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
You have such beautiful hair - I would like to plunge into its coolness, smell it, swim and enjoy it.
I know many beautiful girls, but I put off meeting you for two years, as they cherish the best wine in the collection.
I lose control of myself when you smile.
The girl will go to the one who will compliment her. If you notice that something about her appearance is different from anything you've seen in the past few days, then compliments for the girl will not be so difficult to pick up. The case is quite conducive to starting your acquaintance with a compliment filled with admiration. For example: "Girl, you have such a beautiful blouse, blue suits you so well. I just could not help but tell you this. Moreover, blue is my favorite color." Sometimes a compliment in the style of a researcher is appropriate: "Girl, tell me, what is this drawn on your shoes? Such an interesting drawing, I have never seen anything like this before ..."

But compliments are different. In the course of creating the first impression, it is advisable to say those compliments that best leave an imprint in the girl's memory and sound the most sincere. The girl should like compliments. Of course, if you say in a calm tone: "Girl, you have a great dress!", Then she will be pleased to hear it. However, in order for you to be able to "break the ice" in the mind of the object with maximum efficiency and speed, I offer three main types of compliments for girls that I have tried and that have given the best results.

Finding a highlight. Putting on makeup before leaving the house, a girl always tries to highlight one insignificant detail in her appearance that is of great importance to her, since, in her opinion, this detail emphasizes her originality and uniqueness, distinguishes her from the crowd. What compliments should be given to a girl? The pick-up artist's task is to notice this detail and, with an enthusiastic intonation, inform the girl about the observation with an elegant compliment. The lady will be extremely flattered if you definitely found her "zest", especially if she is not very striking. If a compliment hits the spot, you will rise in her eyes to a person with whom it is pleasant to talk, if only because he has a gorgeous (subjective assessment) taste. The main snag of such a compliment to a girl is the following: the main thing is not to make a mistake. Therefore, use this type of compliment only when you are sure of the correctness of your assessment by at least 90%. It is difficult to give any general recommendations for the use of this type. I will only note that, as a rule, the "highlight" is the combination of colors. For example, the coincidence of the color of the nails with the color of the dress or the combination of the color of the eyes (mascara) with lipstick or the smooth transition of colors from skirt to blouse, etc. Develop your observation and, then, the girl will like the compliments!

Attractive force. This type of compliments to a girl implies the suggestion to the lady that she has magical powers that attract men. This information can be communicated to her directly or indirectly, or it can be done this way and that. A variant of a direct compliment: "You know, you have a certain attractive force, which simply did not allow me to pass by and not speak to you." And here is an example of an indirect compliment: "Girl, you have such beautiful hair, I just can't help but tell you this. I really like your hands. The skin is as delicate as velvet. You are so beautiful that I even forgot where I was going." Naturally, it is necessary to back up your words with the appropriate intonation, facial expressions and even touch (only very carefully). Your compliments to the girl will definitely be remembered. The central problem is that a girl shouldn't feel fake. Or maybe you really idolize her? Then go ahead!

Complete surprise. You show the girl your admiration for the detail of her appearance, but she either simply does not expect such admiration, or she has a complex associated with the noticed detail. The girl is also driven by interest in further communication on the proposed topic (after all, you are discussing the person most dear to her - hers), and the opportunity to learn something new about her merits, and maybe even get rid of her own complexes. For example, you can tell a girl with a long nose that she has a very sexy nose that speaks of her passionate nature, etc. But remember, the most important thing in a compliment to a girl is his sincerity. Without this component, a compliment, at best, will cause a smile, and, most likely, resentment and rudeness on the part of the subject. Compliments to a girl should be done with caution.
[The ability to say beautiful compliments, the ability to say them to the point, the ability to find something beautiful in a girl that no one notices - when you meet, it has the power of nuclear weapons for a positive effect on a woman! In modern men, this skill is atrophied, which is worth using when seducing a woman. At the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn to confidently say compliments to girls, introducing charming strangers into a pleasant trance.]

One of the central commandments of courting ladies is: "Watch her appearance and her feelings." She, along with other commandments, aims to make the girl understand that she is a woman, and you are a man, and these polar poles are destined to be attracted. Many inexperienced pickup artists believe that at the first stage of the development of a relationship, you should not show a girl that they like her appearance. It is not right! In fact, you don't have to let the girl understand that looks are the only thing that interests you about her. In this case, she will either be offended by you, or she will want to sell herself dearly. The correct tactic is to talk with a girl on all sorts of topics, in which you will periodically say compliments, as if over and over again amazed at her mythical beauty. At the same time, compliments to a girl can be straightforward, but not vulgar. After all, everything that you find attractive in a girl is in many ways the result of her work aimed at making you like her. And if you compliment her, then she feels that she receives a kind of payment for her work, feels that she was not trying in vain. Women have a genetic need to please. She wants to please the men around her and be more attractive than other women. After all, an unattractive female practically moves away from natural selection and does not have the opportunity to choose males, since they simply do not need her. Therefore, every normal woman is in a state of mild drug dependence on pleasant words about her attractiveness, she needs to realize that the world she has created is admired by men and envy by women. But you need to understand the difference between compliment and flattery. Compliments to a girl are a sincere admiration for a person, and flattery is a synonym for the word lie. Unfortunately, there is a "lie detector" in the head of every woman, which picks up the lies of men in most cases. Your happiness if the lie was not revealed by the woman, because otherwise it will be extremely difficult for you to restore your damaged reputation. I want to say that if you really like some detail of the girl's appearance, then be sure to let her know about it. But if you start coming up with a compliment for a girl from scratch, you will be at risk of exposure.

It is important to note that a compliment cannot cause a negative reaction in a person, except when he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Therefore, a compliment can be considered an extremely effective weapon in the hands of a pick-up artist. For anyone who wants to learn to automatically express their admiration for the ladies, I recommend the following exercise: turn on the television and watch the women on the screen; try to find in their appearance what you really like, and say out loud the words of admiration addressed to them. This exercise will help develop observation and learn how to choose the right words, say compliments to the girl, words that will allow you to win the favor and sympathy of any woman.

What are compliments? This is what you say when you don’t know what to say. Constance Jones.

Let's say right away that we will not offer prepared phrases and compliments. Well-worn phrases will make an impression on a girl no less than grandfather's boots, which you put on on a date, abundantly sprinkled with mothballs. And as a result, you may notice that you have been talking to yourself for five minutes, and your companion has quietly hidden in the gateway five minutes ago.

A compliment does not need to be done in such a way that you have to answer it thanks. You can make an imperceptible compliment and continue the speech, as if nothing had happened, leaving her secretly rejoicing in the depths of a woman's soul. After a compliment, you can significantly shut up, "as if" under the effect of her merits, but this must be done carefully.

To the question: "Why say compliments to girls?" the artist and writer Wyndham Lewis responded best: "Always tell a woman that she is not like others, if you want to get from her what you get from others."

Girls are like flowers, they need to be looked after and regularly "watered" with compliments. If this is not done, the woman will "fade", but most likely there will be another boyfriend.

You can give double compliments: “You have such long eyelashes that you can't see your beautiful eyes,” or you can mow down the fair floor with a burst, like from a machine gun of the White Guards, with longer sentences. Sometimes compliments are quite difficult to connect with each other, you don't use foul language, but where did ours not disappear? You can use the experience of such recognized classics-ladies as A. Pushkin or M. Lermontov:

She sings and the sounds melt away
Like kisses on the lips
Looks - and the heavens are playing
In her divine eyes;
Does it go - all her movements,
Or utters a word - all features
So full of feelings, expressions
So full of wondrous simplicity. (Yu.A. Lermontov)

If the last time you recited a poem to teacher Tamara Ivanovna, stammering and lisping, now you have a chance to rehabilitate yourself. Your first love, Sinichkina's classmate, will no longer laugh, seeing the attempts. You are already an adult, otherwise why this tie? And since a beautiful girl is walking next to you, why not try it? Mayakovsky's verse: "I take it out of wide trousers ..." should be postponed until a more appropriate occasion.

Remember what the American writer Dale Carnegie, the master of compliments, wrote in How to Make Friends and Influence People about Idivani's polygamous ladies' men.

Why, for example, did the Idivani polygamists enjoy such dazzling success in the marriage market? The great-grandmother of modern glamor and sex symbol of the silent film era, Paul Negri, explained:

“They have learned the art of flattery like no other man I have met. And this art is almost lost in our realistic and skeptical age. I assure you, this is where the secret of Idivani's charm lies. I know".

But don't confuse compliments with flattery, and listen to Dale Carnegie, a man who knows a lot about successful and conflict-free communication:

“How to distinguish flattery from appreciation? It's very simple - one is false, the other is sincere. One is dictated by considerations of its own benefit, the other is disinterested. Finally, one arouses condemnation among all, and the other admiration. "

So you shouldn't say to a naive and sweet blonde: "You are so perceptive", otherwise she will guess ahead of time why you invited her to walk under the moonlight.

Compliments shouldn't be rude, and what sounds normal among friends can be a little masculine for a girl. Men, in the compliment at least replace the word "boobs" with the chest.

What is the topic of complimenting? If the girl has done a different hairstyle, put on a new dress or other changes in appearance have occurred, you just need to react to this. Usually a woman focuses on some detail, her strong side, try to identify what it is and give a compliment.

Young and pretty girls are very fond of compliments about their appearance, but the praise of other qualities is appreciated by women no less. It can be a compliment about a character trait, spiritual qualities, or some kind of deed.

How to Compliment? Women perfectly hear falsehood and a compliment requires a confident voice and sincerity of phrases. The abundance of compliments pouring in from a cornucopia looks too suspicious and will most likely cause a negative reaction.

A compliment to a girl should be unusual and hit an unexpected target. To say to the winner of the Miss World 2010 contest that she is beautiful is naive, because a woman no longer reacts to such curtsies. It is more important to pick up her special trait, which remained behind the scenes, and admire her.

"Do not tell a woman that she is lovely: tell her that there is no other woman like that in the world, and all doors will open for you." I. Rekar

Call her by her name, for a person the sound of his name is the most important and pleasant. You can use variations of the name and various diminutive names.

Learn from the classics: "You have a kind heart under a beautiful breast."... Janusz Leon Vishnevsky. And remember: "Telling a woman that you like her outfit is not a lie, it is self-preservation."

Many people underestimate the importance of compliments when communicating with a girl. Of course, you can do without them (and many seducers have proven this a thousand times). However, the right compliment can propel you more than the right joke. :)

Let's dispel a few myths first. Historically, pick-up artists have been rather silly about compliments. Why? Remember who the first pick-up artists were in Russia. These were programmers (because only they then, back in 1994, had access to foreign conferences) who read the advice of their Western colleagues and perceived these advice as a step-by-step algorithm. And that's what came of it.

Myth 1... Compliments should not be made, because this increases the status of the girl and belittles your status (and Western colleagues wrote that status in communicating with a girl is very important!). If we arm ourselves with common sense and see how girls react to cool and appropriate compliments, then we will quickly realize that this is complete nonsense. Compliments often help raise a girl's interest in you; it's a good seduction tool.

Myth 2... A compliment is a dating tool. Many schools still teach people to get to know each other according to the principle “you come up, say something, then give a compliment…”. In fact, when you’re learning to give compliments, the first place to use is when you’re dating, when you’ve already started a good conversation. Then the compliments will turn out better - more sincere and less intrusive. And almost any pretty girl expects to hear a compliment while dating.

Myth 3... A compliment must be made to please a girl. This is where it gets a little trickier. A compliment is a tool to increase interest. But if you do it in order to please or arouse interest, the compliment will turn into flattery and will work exactly the opposite. The correct motivation is absolute disinterest as a result of the compliment. And you should only compliment those girls and only those qualities that you really like.

As we can see, one should be able to make compliments and it is worth learning how to do it. There are certain rules and schemes for composing hearing-pleasing words that will help you give really high-quality compliments to girls. And now I will share these diagrams with you.

But first, here are some examples of compliments that you can use right now. These will be compliments to girls in SMS and to photos - you will not have to wait long for a situation to use these examples.

Examples of compliments to girls in SMS

What to write in sms so that she feels that this is a compliment and not something else? Let's take a look at a few examples so you get the gist.

For example, if you communicate with her via SMS, and she teases you, then you can give the following compliment to the girl:

"Masha, I like your sense of humor and insolence!"

Some seducers in such cases advise to arrange a competition with the girl, whose joke will turn out to be funnier and "more painful".

But everything changes when, instead of playing this game with her, you pay a compliment. Thus, you show that you can see her game perfectly, that you are higher than her, and you have condescended to her to make this compliment. Those. you perceive her behavior as the playfulness of a little girl, and act as a caring dad. Many women like this approach very much - try it and you will see the result!

Another example: “I love it when you are angry! So you become more sexy! ".

If during the correspondence she told you that she went to workout, you can make the following compliment: "I believe that only really strong people go in for sports." This is the indirect compliment model that I will tell you about a little later.

Note: In all of these examples, the compliment is your reaction to her behavior or situation. Those. the compliment really needs to be earned.

Compliments to girls for a photo

Communication by SMS teaches us to compliment her behavior, but what about her appearance? Photos of girls are perfect for training. You have time to watch and think. Let's study!

What compliments can you write to girls? to the photo? Of course, a lot will depend on what you see in the photo. A universal recommendation is to try to look for those small details in her appearance that you really like and that can be praised. Try especially to notice the changes that occur in her appearance. Perhaps it's a pretty dress or a new hairstyle.

Then you can write: “Marina, you have a taste! ;) " or " This hairstyle suits you very much!».

If you can't compliment something in particular, then you can compliment her in general. True, so that your compliment does not turn out to be trivial, it is important to use the so-called "strong" words:

« You are irresistible as always! " or " In this photo, you are very sexy.!;)».

With the help of "strong" words, you can give your words an emotional flavor. Again, you can use various sexual derivatives (sexy, passionate, lecherous) in your compliments. These epithets work well if you and your girlfriend already have a fair amount of trust.

Direct and indirect compliments to girls: what's the difference?

Now we’ll talk a little about the different types of compliments and their structure. We will divide all compliments into direct and indirect.

  • Direct - we praise the girl or her some quality directly and openly

Straight lines are good for the initial stages of communication with a girl, when you are just getting to know her, talking on the phone or having a first date.

As in the previous SMS compliment example, you can compliment her attempts to pin you up: “ Natasha, and I like your sincerity and insolence!».

At the first meeting (at the moment when you saw her), you can say with admiration in your voice: “ You are simply irresistible today!».

  • Indirect - we praise some quality inherent in a girl, in isolation from her personality

Indirect ones are more suitable for more "advanced" stages of communication. More often these are compliments about sex or about “deep and important”.


« Do you work as a teacher? I think this is one of the most important professions!».

« Next to you I feel like a man with a capital M».

« If you do not develop your creative skills, then it will be a crime against all of humanity.».

Indirect compliments (especially at the initial stage of training) are recommended to be given during live communication (not by SMS, phone, but at a meeting). To make this compliment work better, we recommend sticking to this structure:

  1. Look into the eyes for 2-3 seconds.
  2. Look at the subject of the compliment for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Pause for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Saying your compliment.
  5. Touch.

This is the sequence of actions that works "perfectly".

What can you compliment on?

  • Outward appearance... Only it shouldn't be trivial compliments. Try to find those things that are rarely praised or not praised at all (for example: “ You have such an attractive ankle! :)»).
  • Efforts... Skillfully selected colors in clothes, small wardrobe items, hairstyle, unusual (!) Manicure - all this forces her to put in a huge amount of effort. So, it requires praise and approval! ;)
  • Environment and lifestyle... Praise work, friends and leisure.
  • Behavior... How she manifests herself in life, what actions she does (she did in the past or the behavior she strives for).
  • Skills... People often devalue their own skills, not considering them to be something significant. However, when you compliment what she can do well, she will be pleased to hear it.
  • Beliefs... By approving her beliefs, you are already complimenting her. The main thing is not to praise what you disagree with, otherwise she will feel fake.
  • Energy and attractive power... It is quite difficult to prove that she has an attractive power. This kind of compliment is based, rather, on the suggestion of this fact. :)

For example, you can ask her why she is looking at you like that, and after 5 minutes in conversation, make the following compliment: “Well, here we go again. :) Again I looked so that I even forgot why I took the cup in my hands;)».

Working compliment rules

What needs to be done to make it work?

For this, it is important to remember that:

  • The compliment should be sincere. The falsity will definitely be felt.
  • You must definitely touch her at least in the “SDP” format (socially acceptable touch). A compliment with touch works 3-5 times better!
  • Correct motivation is when you praise her not because you liked something, but in order to emphasize your vision of beauty.
  • Say only non-standard things!
  • Do this in an appraisal frame so that the girl understands that your value is high enough, and the compliment is not an attempt to kick her up.
  • There should be a slight smile on the face.

If each of these rules is followed, then your compliment will work 100%. Use these diagrams and examples, and with experience, you can come up with some really cool compliments on the fly.

Many guys and men do not know which compliments you can say girl that you like and want to get to know her and seduce her. Most do not know how to say and accept compliments, as they are mostly filled with flattery and do not make sense. Compliment- should emphasize the dignity of the girl, and if you do everything with benefit and simulated, this is flattery.

In the article you will find out which compliments you can tell the girl and how to do it right. Since all girls love compliments, and if you give the desired compliment, this will not only allow you to successfully meet a girl, but also start a relationship with her.

Give compliments sincerely.

The main thing that you need to know in order to understand what compliments you can say and say to a girl is that the compliment must be pronounced sincerely, otherwise it will not be taken seriously and will be rejected by the girl. Learning to do it right, giving compliments to girls is a great art and the main secret of seduction, since girls are not particularly interested in who you are, they are interested in how you treat her.

Compliment the girl that compliments her appearance or circumstances

In order to correctly speak and compliment a girl, you need to assess the situation and what can be emphasized in it. There is no need to be afraid to say compliments to a girl, since any compliment, if said sincerely, will be appreciated by the girl, since it is rare for anyone to say correct and sincere compliments to them. Basically, this is flattery and nothing more, said with the benefit and imagination of a man in order to benefit from a girl.

Talk compliments to the girl Is an art and to develop the experience, try to highlight all the advantages of girls. Speak words of praise sincerely and with no particular selfish purpose. Just learn to please the girls with your compliments and raise their mood, and you yourself will notice how they begin to behave towards you. Practice and compliment the girl's beauty and personality.

You can say that she looks great, what a beautiful earring, hair, eyes, lips. Replace the word - beautiful girl with another compliment, for example, charming or beautiful, as girls are already tired of this word, as they often pronounce it without coming up with anything original. Emphasize her character, tell her that she is a very sweet and kind girl. Remember what compliment you give a girl, this is how she will behave.

Therefore, if you want to know what compliments you can say to a girl, look at the girl herself carefully and think about what can be emphasized in her, then she will appreciate it, because she knows that this is really so, and you are not lying and do not flatter her. Any selfish compliment will be rejected. Compliment your girlfriend seriously, but with a smile.

Give compliments that call for action

For example, if a girl compliments a guy on how brave and determined he is in a situation where help is needed, the guy will undoubtedly become brave and decisive and help you. So if you learn give compliments and you will understand what compliments you can say to the girl, then you will manage them.

If you tell a girl that she is modest and sweet, then she will behave nicely and modestly with you and other people until she is given another compliment. We all depend on the opinion of the majority, on criticism and on compliments that emphasize or reject our appearance. Therefore, before you compliment a girl, think about where it can lead her and you.

Compliment your girlfriend not infrequently and infrequently.

Many guys get too carried away with compliments and start littering them. You don't need to do this. To understand what compliments you can tell the girl, you need to remember for the rest of your life that girls too often give compliments not worth it, as they will stop taking you seriously. But in general, do not forget to say compliments to the girl at least once a day, but which makes sense and emphasizes the girl's appearance and character.

What compliments to a girl can really surprise, impress, fall in love with her? It's hard to come up with it yourself, but the banal “you are beautiful” is already tired? Then these hundred phrases will be an excellent solution to the problem. What can I say so that a pretty new acquaintance or a long and dearly beloved woman smiles sincerely?


  1. You have such thin and graceful fingers that I want to hold your hand all the time.
  2. Did you know that when you smile, dimples appear on your cheeks? They are so cute.
  3. You have a gorgeous eye color, so intense (deep, bright, rare, soft). By the way, this is my favorite shade.
  4. Please smile more often. Your eyes start to sparkle right away and you look amazing.
  5. You have such a thin waist (graceful tassels, smooth shoulder line). I really like your femininity.
  6. An amazing figure! It's easy to mistake you for a fitness trainer or an athlete.
  7. Mmm, such delicate (velvety, smooth, soft) skin. You must be looking after her very carefully.
  8. You are so amazing that I want to become an artist and capture all your lines, dimples, shadows on canvas.
  9. You are very beautiful without makeup, and your natural beauty is immediately visible. That's great rarity.
  10. Sorry, I stared at you and lost my thought. Could you do it one more time?

Character traits

  1. I always dreamed of such a kind (affectionate, gentle, caring, sensitive) woman. I'm happy to have met you.
  2. Your dedication (willpower, confidence, perseverance, any strengths) deserves praise. I am truly proud of you.
  3. Thank you for always trying to understand me. Your peacefulness, non-conflict and ability to compromise are very valuable to me.
  4. Thank you for your sincerity and openness. You have no idea how important they are to me.
  5. Sometimes you are quiet and a little withdrawn, but it makes you so mysterious. I like your mysteriousness and modesty.
  6. You will never get bored with you. You are cheerful, active and cheerful. You will always be like this, won't you?
  7. Did you come up with it (did it) yourself? What a fine fellow you are! Very beautiful (creative, unusual, resourceful).
  8. I respect your drive to improve and become even better. Although every time it seems to me that there is nowhere better. But you always pleasantly surprise me.
  9. Dear, thank you for your loyalty and dedication. I am glad that I can be calm and trust you 100%.
  10. You have amazing taste. I do not know what I would do without your thrift, accuracy and thrift.


  1. I love your graceful curves. They stir my blood.
  2. I want to kiss every inch of your body and enjoy you all the time.
  3. Crazy about your walk. Every step, every movement of the hips teases, beckons and fucking turns on.
  4. How do you think I am supposed to control myself if you look so stunning?
  5. Next to you, I constantly have to control myself. If not for all these people around ...
  6. I really want to hug you right now, but I'm afraid that having done this, I can no longer refrain from continuing.
  7. Can you say it again? You have such a sexy tone of voice.
  8. Stop smiling like that (looking, doing, talking), otherwise I'll undress you right here and pounce on you.
  9. What do I think about your appearance? Let's just say, if there was a meter of sexuality, then next to you it would have exploded from overload long ago.
  10. You are my personal aphrodisiac. You excite, excite, turn off your head, play with me.

One in a million

  1. I don’t want to see anyone beside me but you. You are my only one, and I am firmly convinced of it.
  2. You are the best choice I have made in my life. I'm glad I brought us together.
  3. Thank you for making me, I have never experienced such joy and bliss.
  4. I have no idea if there is someone up there who assigns people to each other. But if we assume that this is so, then you are definitely my half.
  5. I have not met anyone like you. You are really special and unique.
  6. Why would I think or dream about the world's first beauty if I have you?
  7. I want what is between us to last a very, very long time. No not like this. I want it to be forever and with you.
  8. It is difficult for me to express my feelings for you, because I have never felt so strong.
  9. Since you appeared in my life, it has become very difficult for me to notice someone else. And now, apart from you, in my world, no one exists at all.
  10. Well, what have you done? I can't work, I can't have fun, I'm not myself with my friends either. Why? Because I think only of you.


  1. You are so fragile and delicate that you want to constantly carry in your arms and protect you from everything bad.
  2. I don’t want to let you go there alone, suddenly someone steals such a treasure!
  3. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you, see your sleepy face every morning and wake you up with kisses.
  4. I know that you are an independent adult girl, but I can’t help myself. I want to take care of you all the time.
  5. Sweetheart, dear, the best, you are mine and inspiration.
  6. Can I hug you and not let go anymore? Seriously, it gets harder and harder to let go of you.
  7. Let me tuck this naughty curl behind the ear. No, no, it suits you very much and looks cute. I just wanted to touch you.
  8. I am afraid to do something wrong. Your vulnerability and sensuality make you so fragile, but so tender, feminine and beautiful.
  9. I don't want to sound intrusive, but your fingers and sugar lips are so sweet that I want to kiss them all the time.
  10. Every time you are around, I have a feeling that the whole world becomes more colorful and amazing.


  1. I look at you - and I want to plant forest belts, build residential complexes and educate a whole generation.
  2. You definitely have a fever, the temperature is so close to 40. No? How do you intoxicate me then?
  3. I do not know how to do somersaults, but my heart learned when it saw you.
  4. Well, at least you carried a fire extinguisher with you, if you look like that.
  5. Violating, girl? Where is the warning sign “Caution! Causes insomnia, distraction and falling in love ”?
  6. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a pirate. It seems to have become. He drank rum, let go of his beard, sailed on the ship, and now he has found a treasure.
  7. They say that you need to take only the best from life. So I'm picking you up.
  8. I didn't have to ask where you are. And so I realized that you were somewhere near when I saw a bunch of men with glowing eyes.
  9. You just smiled, but my brain surrendered.
  10. A friend told me that his girlfriend is the best in the whole world. I look at you and think - vre-e-e-e-he, an infection.


  1. You wrinkle your nose so cute when you laugh (nervous, embarrassed, sneeze).
  2. I love it when you twist a curl around your finger. You look so naughty and charming.
  3. I love it when you start unconsciously biting (licking) your lips. It's so sexy.
  4. Stretching like a kitty. I just want to stroke it.
  5. You always purr so nicely when you taste this dish. Waiter, please bring three more such portions.
  6. I absolutely cannot quarrel with you. When you are angry, you start to sniff so touchingly. It is impossible to be offended.
  7. When you are very passionate about something, you tilt your head to one side (showing your tongue, frowning funny, fingering your hair). It is always pleasant and interesting to look at you.
  8. I love it so much when you put your head on my shoulder. At these moments you seem so small and defenseless.
  9. It calms me down the way you stroke my head (look at me, hug, kiss) when I'm upset. Thanks.
  10. Have you seen your expression when you are happy (anxious, serious, confused)? How is it not?

Her influence

  1. Thanks to you, I want to be better, stronger, more successful.
  2. Your support makes me feel like I can move mountains.
  3. I'm really happy with you. And this is completely your merit.
  4. Your words always inspire and strengthen me.
  5. really got a lot better after I got to know you.
  6. I am not the most restrained (open, decisive, orderly) person. But your presence makes me change for the better.
  7. What would I do without your advice (golden hands, help, borscht)?
  8. When it is difficult for me, I remember that you are always there and love me, and it becomes much easier for me.
  9. Thank you for taking care of me. It is pleasant and very important to me.
  10. You alone know how to make me laugh (rethink something, see the positive, keep fighting).


  1. Do you draw (sew clothes, do hand-made)? You must have amazing taste and sense of style.
  2. Are you dancing? Hope you show me someday. I'm sure you move very nicely.
  3. Eat? And I just thought, what a beautiful and melodic voice you have.
  4. Do you love? It is very pleasant to know that I have met such a kind and helpful girl.
  5. Do you enjoy spending time with your friends? You are probably the soul of the company. It is really very interesting to communicate with you.
  6. Do you play a musical instrument? I'm sure you have perfect hearing. And such fingers can create only the most beautiful sounds - 100%. Will you play sometime?
  7. Doing sports? You didn't even need to talk about it, your figure said everything for you.
  8. Do you write poetry (prose, plays)? Then you definitely have a very good imagination. I can't imagine how you can compose. You are an amazing girl.
  9. Do you read a lot? Any recommendation? For some reason it seems to me that you will immediately guess the book that I like.
  10. Are you fond of cooking? So, everyone, move in with me. Seriously, this interest is very encouraging. You're just a godsend.

From films and books

  1. Didn't you star in Wonder Woman? Strange, but the film is clearly about you.
  2. When I see you, all my 50 shades of gray are colored bright red.
  3. I'm not Richard Gere, of course, but you're still pretty.
  4. By your side, I am Bruce Almighty.
  5. I would like to protect you, like the Little Prince his Rose.
  6. My life turned into Wonderland when you entered it.
  7. I don’t have a scar on my forehead, I don’t wear glasses. How did I manage to conjure such a charm to myself?
  8. You are my Margarita, for whose sake I am ready to become a Jack of all trades.
  9. You are my rarest and most beautiful Scarlet Flower.
  10. You are my Marquis of Angels - tender, seductive, sensual.

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