Home Trees and shrubs The more varied the food is. Why do you need to eat varied? Check your diet

The more varied the food is. Why do you need to eat varied? Check your diet


Imagine this situation, two people are asked the same question: "Do you eat a variety of foods?" One of the respondents is a village dweller who lives from hand to mouth, and the other is a rich man who allows himself meals in the most expensive restaurants. It's easy to predict their answers. The poor man will say: “What variety is there ?! Every day potatoes with cucumbers, bread and milk ... ". The rich man boasts: "Today I ate red caviar for breakfast, pike for lunch, shrimp for dinner." Who do you think eats more varied food? But you didn’t guess! From the point of view of healthy eating, without a doubt, the victory belongs to the poor man's menu ... Often, trying to eat correctly and variedly, we fill the refrigerator with various delicacies, dozens of types of sausages, cheeses, meat, fish, etc., various exotic fruits and overseas vegetables ... But, in fact, if we want to eat a variety of foods solely in the interests of our health, and not for the sake of gastronomic pleasure, everything is hundreds of times simpler. In fact, there should always be only 5 types of food in your diet and in your refrigerator. And even if they are the same from day to day, the diversity of your diet will not be affected in the least. And your body, in the meantime, will receive absolutely all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs without extra money.

So what are these products? So these are meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals. You can, of course, also add seafood, nuts, honey, etc. to this list. But in fact, you can do without all this and be absolutely healthy if your daily diet contains 5 of the above components. At the same time, if you do not like cereals, but eat enough bread every day, you can already assume that you have completely enriched your diet with cereals. Also, for example, potatoes may very well be the only vegetable on your daily menu. Do not worry that you are missing something, and you urgently need to buy cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and something else. Potatoes are enough for the normal functioning of your body. But when many girls, striving for an ideal figure, begin to eat some vegetables, thinking that in this way they also enrich their body with a huge amount of vitamins, they, in fact, do their health a disservice, depriving their body of many others vital essential nutrients. Some amino acids are absent in purely plant-based foods. Therefore, the human body must necessarily receive animal protein, which is found only in meat or dairy products.

So, the moral of this fable is this: the variety of your food is measured not by the number of delicacies that replace each other on your table every day, but by only five irreplaceable products. So a person with any financial capabilities and taste preferences can afford to eat properly and varied for their health!

Do you want to eat healthy, varied, and at the same time tasty and inexpensive? Then, our article is for you!

TOP 10 Tips for Good Nutrition:

1. Buy only seasonal vegetables and fruits, preferably from local markets.

First, it is very rational. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are always cheaper than their “year-round counterparts”. And if they are also grown in local beds, then doubly.
Secondly, it is useful. Everyone knows that watermelons contain only pesticides in summer, while apples in late winter contain only remnants of former vitamins. It is best to eat strawberries in summer, watermelons and apples in autumn, and tangerines in winter. Buy artificial vitamin complexes in early spring.
And finally, on the market there are more chances to buy a "natural" apple uncoated with wax than in the retail network.

2. Buy frozen vegetables in winter and early spring.

It has long been known that freezing is considered the best way of preserving, since it allows you to almost completely preserve vitamins and minerals. The benefits are undeniable! And how easy they are to prepare - just a fairy tale! Frozen vegetables can be added to soups, cooked in a double boiler, stewed, fried - there are tons of options.

3. Is there an insulated balcony? Build your own mini-vegetable garden on it.

With a little work, you can eat natural greens all year round. What to plant? Lettuce, parsley, celery, cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower), onions. Some even manage to grow vegetables on it: cherry tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and dwarf eggplants.

3. Make cereals as the basis of your diet.

And not those cereals that we were stuffed with in childhood and from which we still cringe when remembering, milky-boiled, but pure cereals boiled in water. They help us in the fight against excess weight and bring no less benefit than vegetables and fruits, are a good source of vitamins B1, B6, PP, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.
Too lazy to cook? We buy cereals in bags - put them in water, lightly add some salt, after 15 minutes we take them out - and no problem.
Cereals are easy to prepare, cheap and healthy, and if you remember that there is not only rice and buckwheat, but also millet, oatmeal, semolina, pearl barley, wheat, it becomes clear that they are also diverse.

4. May you always have dried fruits and nuts at home.

In addition to the fact that dried fruits can be added to cereals, they can still be successfully replaced with sweets. I’m not talking about dried fruits like prunes and dried apricots, I’m talking about true substitutes for sweets, such candied fruits as dried pineapples, papaya, mango. Not boring, and much healthier than a snack of a chocolate bar. There is nothing to say about nuts. A treasure trove of vitamins and minerals.
The main thing here is not to overdo it - a handful of nuts and dried fruits a day will fill you with energy and will not damage your figure!

5. Fermented milk products are also required in the diet.

Cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, natural yogurt are perfectly absorbed by the body, contain beneficial bacteria that suppress the processes of intoxication of the body, are rich in calcium and other microelements. It is a well-known fact that among people who daily consumed fermented milk products, most of all are centenarians!

6. If you are not a convinced vegetarian, let it be in your diet once a day (preferably during lunch) there is meat - an irreplaceable source of protein... While pork or beef steak is definitely tasty and healthy, go for chicken or turkey.
So chicken meat is an excellent dietary product, and turkey is the record holder for the content of iron and calcium, vitamins A and E.
In addition, pay attention to cheaper, but no less useful offal: beef and pork kidneys, brains, liver, heart, tongue - are extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals.

7. Buy fish and seafood at least twice a week.

It is not at all necessary to buy insanely expensive varieties of fish and royal lobsters, the well-known herring, trout, cod, mackerel, salmon, tuna are no less valuable in terms of the Omega 3 fat content.
Frozen seafood can also be afforded by everyone, at least ordinary shrimp, mussels or squid. Find a couple of seafood salads and please yourself and your guests!

8. If you know how and love to cook, try to cook in a variety of ways, so more various nutrients will enter your body. Do not get hung up on dishes "still your mother" with mayonnaise and sausage in salads. Use olive oil, lemon, pepper, and salt as your main seasonings - enough to create a slimming and beautiful dish.

9. Avoid fast food... What else can you say? It may be inexpensive, but useless, and even harmful.

10. Don't know how to cook at all? Go to cafes and restaurants, but for God's sake, stop buying the same dishes! Especially if it's the same big pizza or meat pancakes. For the same money, you can take a slightly smaller portion of sushi, seafood salad, fish. And save the figure, and there will always be something to talk about: "It's better not to order lobster in this restaurant .."

A good full meal is ideal. And if there is an opportunity to dine like that - it doesn't matter whether it is in the office center itself or nearby in a good cafe or restaurant - it's great.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But we will show you how to get out of the situation and how to eat properly and healthily, despite any problems.

Work dinner

“Lunch at work is sometimes a really big problem, but I would not reduce it to lunch only,” says Mikhail Bogomolov, psychoendocrinologist and president of the Russian Diabetes Association... - Due to the long work and the long way home in the evening, the whole routine of our meals is disrupted. A dinner that starts at 9-10 pm, or even later, cannot be called healthy. And this is directly related to the work schedule, few people have time to come home and cook a healthy dinner by 19-20 hours. What to do? I recommend either postponing dinner to work, or having at least a small snack before the end of it. This is important for two reasons. First, having dinner at home after that can be very easy for you and you won't overeat before bed. Secondly, the long drive home from work will not be stressful: when you are hungry, it is much worse tolerated.

Making such a healthy snack is easy. On rye, grain or other coarse-flour bread or cereal crispbread, of which there are many, put chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, greens. It is good to add chopped tongue or home-cooked pork. They will be much more useful than any sausage or ready-made meat products. And I always recommend making them yourself - it's easy.

It is also better to cook the lunch yourself. In any case, this is more useful: you know all the components of the dish and you won't add anything bad, you control the salt content - in cafes, restaurants, in semi-finished and ready-made dishes, there is usually a lot of it. Chop cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, carrots and other vegetables in the evening, do all this to your liking. Already in the office in a multicooker it is quick and easy to make a vegetable side dish of this. You can also use frozen vegetables, they are also very good and healthy. Microwave frozen fish or meat. Dry herbs and spices add variety to your meal. There is no need to be lazy, all this is simple and pays off in its usefulness.

Vazu - to the office

Often at work there is a vase with all sorts of goodies to intercept when passing by, or to have something to drink tea with. It is usually filled with candies, cookies, waffles, and other sweets. It is not right. There is a better and tastier "filling" for a vase.

What should be in a vase at work

  • Fruits: apples, oranges, tangerines, bananas, pears, kiwi, etc.
  • Nuts: walnuts, cashews, forest, peanuts and any others
  • Berries: be sure to add currants, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries and other fresh berries during the season
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes and any other dried fruits - all year round, it is better that they are without added sugar, and do not confuse them with candied fruits - the latter contain a lot of sugar and are less useful

What drink

What you drink during your workday is critical to your health. And in order to separate the useful from the harmful, we present the rating of drinks compiled by the Russian Diabetes Association. It is designed for healthy people who seek to avoid obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and for those who are at risk of developing these diseases. All drinks are divided into 6 levels, the most useful are at the 1st level, the harmful ones at the 6th.

Level 1

Water. It activates metabolism and saturates the body with calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals. Has no calories. Even slight dehydration manifests itself in rapid mental fatigue, mood decline, and thermoregulation disorders. Excessive water intake is rare, but it can cause dysfunction and increase the burden on the kidneys.


Tea. Black, green and oolong - all these teas are rich in useful flavonoids, antioxidants and trace elements, in particular fluoride compounds. Protects the body from cancer and heart disease. Contains the amino acid threonine, which increases immunity.

Coffee. There has been a link between coffee consumption and a reduced likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. Reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease in men, but not in women, which is probably due to the presence of estrogens in the latter.

Level 3

Low fat and skim milk. Milk is the main source of vitamin D, calcium and protein for babies.

Soy drink. Alternative for people who are intolerant of cow's milk. But it contains much less vitamin D and calcium.

Level 4

Diet and light drinks. Calorie-free, essentially water, sweeteners and flavors.

Level 5

Juices. They are rich in micro- and macro-elements, contain vitamins and other useful substances. However, they are high in calories and a lot of sugars and fewer useful components, especially pectins and fiber, than fruits. It is preferable to consume the fruits themselves rather than juices.

Natural fat milk. Along with many useful components, it contains a large amount of calories and saturated fatty acids that are harmful to blood vessels. For adults, it is an optional food component and can be easily replaced with fermented milk products and cottage cheese.

Alcoholic drinks. Excessive consumption of them is extremely harmful, but moderate consumption can be beneficial for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes. In terms of calorie content, they are superior to carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Better than others - dry red wines with alcohol up to 12% and high in antioxidants.

Level 6

Soda and drinks with little juice. As a rule, this is water with glucose-fructose syrups, flavorings, dyes, preservatives and other food additives. They are rich in calories, macro- and micronutrients, very little or not at all. Sugars cause tooth decay, obesity, type 2 diabetes. These drinks can only be consumed in extremely limited quantities.

If there is fast food nearby

Often there are fast food restaurants near work, and, to be honest, many often drop in there for lunch.

Doing this is not worth it - this is a sure way to ill health. Only a month of such nutrition - and serious problems begin with the liver.

Recently, Swedish scientists from the University of Linkoping proved that just 4 weeks spent on such a diet can cause serious harm to the body. They conducted an experiment in which students ate fast food twice a day for 4 weeks. Not only did they part with their slenderness, increasing their waist by 7 centimeters, and their weight by 10-15%, many developed changes in the liver, often they began after a week of such nutrition, and then everything only worsened. Tests performed showed changes indicative of liver cell damage. At the same time, the accumulation of fat in the liver was also observed. Its content has increased by an average of 2.5 times. In fact, all this suggests that, against the background of eating fast food, the so-called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has developed (see the expert's comment). This ailment, if he went close, will be reversed. But not very quickly, for the participants in the experiment it took up to 6 months. And if they continued to sit on a fast food diet, like many of their peers, the disease would rapidly progress. And by the age of 40-45, or even earlier, they would have acquired a bunch of diseases - diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease.

Alexey Bueverov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the First Moscow Medical University named after I.I. Sechenova, specialist in liver diseases:

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is well known in the art. It is characterized by the deposition of fat in liver cells, and a number of patients also develop progressive inflammation. All this leads to the development of fibrosis and even cirrhosis of the liver. Such changes are also typical for alcohol abusers. But since the reason here is completely different and in order to distinguish this disease from alcoholic liver damage, it is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fast food is usually high temperature fried fatty foods. Consequently, its regular use leads to an overload of the liver with fats. And the fatty acids formed in our body from the fat eaten can, in turn, trigger the process of inflammation. Which further aggravates the course of the disease. The increase in the level of liver enzymes in the blood, which was revealed in the study by Swedish scientists, is just about this. Of course, this chain of processes is not observed in all people - a certain genetic predisposition is required. However, the results of the above experiment should further raise awareness of the regular consumption of fast food. This is especially true for children and persons with additional risk factors: obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, as well as abusive alcohol.

The bottom half of the circle contains foods that are inexpensive in relation to their nutritional value. This part is called the base (main products). But you can't eat only these foods. We need varied and good food. Therefore, we also take products from the upper half, which is called a supplement (additional products).

Main products: 1. Milk and cheese.
2. Oil.
3. Bread and other grain products.
4. Potatoes and root vegetables.
Additional products:
5. Vegetables.
6. Fruits and berries.
7. Meat, fish and eggs

The base satisfies about two-thirds of our calorie needs and takes up about a third of our food budget.

Energy and nutrients. Energy and nutrient requirements are individual and vary with age, gender and body size.

Good food for everyone. There is variety and enough - this is a must for everyone: children, adults and the elderly. Most of the plate or half of it should be vegetables and roots, complemented by fruits and berries. About a quarter is rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. On the remaining quarter of the plate, put meat, fish and eggs. On the vegetarian menu, meat and fish are replaced by peas, beans, lentils, and nuts. It is necessary to reduce the intake of fatty and sugary foods and eat more foods containing fiber.

Food gives us energy. All foods contain some amount of nutrients. Every day, the body needs proteins (protein), fats, carbohydrates, wigamines, minerals and water.

Protein. It is primarily a building material for the body. Enzymes and many hormones are made up of protein. Protein can also function as fuel for the body. Protein is found in both animal and plant foods.

Carbohydrates. It is the cheapest source of energy, most of all in plant foods that contain fiber. They provide a feeling of fullness, but they do not provide energy, and they are important for digestion.

Fats. It cannot be completely excluded from the diet, since they contain vitamins A and D. But their use should be limited, since they are easily deposited in the body as a supply of energy.

Vitamins. Vital for managing chemical processes in the body. Vitamins are divided into fat-splitting (A, D, E and K) and water-splitting (B and C).

Minerals. They are necessary because they support and build tissues. The most important are iron and calcium.

We get iron from liver pate, shellfish, blood sausage, liver, kidneys, eggs, spinach and kale, iron-fortified flour and cereals.

Sources of calcium include milk, cheese, cabbage and cabbage, spinach, and beans.

The rest of the minerals, zinc, selenium, iodine, phosphorus and magnesium, we get in sufficient quantities if we eat a variety of foods.

Water. Essential for life. It transports nutrients and waste products in the human body. Water also maintains the required temperature in the body.

If you are obese. You need to lose weight.

A significant degree of obesity. You urgently need to lose weight. Consult a dietitian doctor

Fats are found in many foods, and the hostess should try to add them as little as possible. Instead of a piece of fried meat, it is better to choose vegetables with a low fat content, serve dishes without fatty sauces.

Sugar is found naturally in fruits, vegetables and milk. There is often no need to add it to meals. Sugar abuse leads to an excess of carbohydrates and a lack of vitamins in food, quickly spoils your teeth.

Bread, cereals, pasta. These products are the main source of fiber, starch, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), iron, zinc, and to some extent - protein. It is recommended to prepare meals based on this food group. For those who traditionally believe that meat should have been the basis of the dish, this is a change of worldview. Most Europeans have already acquired the healthy habit of eating bread without butter. Many are convinced that bread makes you fat, but this is true if you consume it in large quantities. In fact, the culprit is the fat spread on the bread.

The main source of vitamins A, C, E, as well as fiber, are fruits and vegetables. The aforementioned vitamins are included in the group of antioxidants that prevent it from colological diseases. Try to eat fruits and vegetables more often, even if they are frozen.

Meat, fish, eggs, and legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) are sources of protein and B vitamins. Protein is a must for everyone's diet, but many people consume excessive amounts of protein. You need to choose the right dishes for yourself.

Meat (red and white), in addition to proteins, contains a lot of iron, zinc and niacin (niacin).

Fatty fish (sardines, herring) contains vitamins D and F and polyunsaturated acids necessary for organic food.

White fish is rich in protein and low in fat.

The liver contains proteins, iron, various vitamins.

Some of the foods in this group are high in fat and should be eaten in moderation.

Milk, cheese and yogurt - the main sources of calcium - are indispensable for children and pregnant women. Dairy products are also an important source of protein, but they can be high in fat. Try to choose foods that are lower in fat.

2012 -6-29 20:35

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Proper nutrition: what do you know about it? If the phrase "PP" immediately made you think about tasteless buckwheat with chicken or unsalted porridge on the water, then we can safely tell you: you have no idea what it is.

A healthy approach to food does not mean a meager menu and giving up everything that we like so much. Together with the experts of Grow Food, a service for the delivery of healthy food, we decided to “open” your eyes to the fact that PP can be not only useful, but also delicious.

What kind of nutrition can be called correct?

First of all, you should understand that proper nutrition is not a temporary measure, but a permanent healthy lifestyle. And if you limit yourself in many foods, while thinking that you will be able to eat them again after a while, you are confusing a diet with a transition to proper nutrition.

The basic principle of PP is balance. Calorie intake should be related to physical activity, and there should be a balance in the consumption of foods from different groups. You cannot eat one "buckwheat" and call it a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget that many healthy vegetables or fruits in large quantities may no longer be so healthy. As an example, apples - you can keep your body on them for a couple of days, but now a week of eating apples alone will be harmful, since the body stops receiving the necessary fats, proteins and other necessary components that are not in apples.

Foods that do not fit into the "healthy" category

There are exceptions to proper nutrition. There are a number of foods that are best avoided. It may be difficult, but it's worth trying, and it should be done gradually.

A ban should be imposed on dry breakfast mixes (most types of muesli also belong to them, you must read the composition), you should forget about white bread, especially about a loaf and pastries. Chocolate bars and various confectionery products are evil for health and shape, and if you have a sweet tooth, try to gradually limit yourself to sweets so as not to stress the body. Start small - you can try replacing sugary foods with homemade cakes with the least amount of butter and sugar.

I think everyone already knows, but we will still repeat: fast food should be completely abandoned, as well as chips / crackers and carbonated drinks.

If you want to diversify your dish with any sauce, then our advice to you is to try to make it yourself, and not use ready-made ones. As a last resort, find natural sauces without various additives. It will be both tastier and healthier.

We all feel like drinking juice sometimes. But packaged juices that are sold in stores are definitely not synonymous with “healthy”. Better sometimes to pamper yourself with freshly squeezed juice than to drink constantly “Favorite” or “Dobry” in liters.

Alcohol is also not included in the list of healthy foods, which means it's time to quit. Only one glass of dry wine is allowed 1-2 times a week.

Proper nutrition: basic rules

  • Eat when hunger is felt, but in small portions;
  • Chew food thoroughly;
  • Eat in a calm state, while sitting, and concentrate on the process itself;
  • Divide your diet into 4-5 small meals instead of 2-3 large ones;
  • Physical activity during the day;
  • You can not drink food and drink after eating food too;
  • The largest portion should be for lunch;
  • Take only freshly prepared and natural food;
  • There are foods containing fiber - fresh fruits and vegetables.

Life hacks from Grow Food service or how can you diversify a boring meal?

There are many different types of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that are great for a healthy diet. Any ordinary porridge can be diversified with fruits, and additional ingredients can be added to the omelet. Try to eat something light, but high in calories for breakfast so that you have enough energy until your next meal of lunch. In this case, cheese, various cereals, fruits, muesli and variations of egg dishes are perfect. Try combining some foods to keep your eating hassle-free.

Snacks should be taken seriously: unsweetened fruits, vegetables, kefir, low-fat yogurt, nuts (a portion should fit in the palm of your hand), as well as dried fruits.

For lunch, try to eat something meat or fish, but preferably steamed or boiled. Fried should be discarded. Ordinary buckwheat for a side dish can be made with carrots and onions - there will already be something unusual.

Dinner should be at least 4 hours before bedtime, so that the food has time to digest, and the food should not be heavy. Your best bet is to eat vegetables, make a salad, and add boiled meat to it.

Here's how you can eat using the example of the Fit line from Grow Food:

Breakfasts:Granola with peach yogurt, omelet noodles with herbs and Teriyaki sauce, almond muffin with amaranth flour, egg roll with meat filling, oatmeal with coconut milk and strawberry jam, egg scrambled with lecho and barbecue sauce, homemade pancakes with meat, omelet, signature banana cake, baked egg with herbs, specialty pancakes and jam, omelet with cheese, signature blueberry cake with curd cream.

Main dishes:RED Burger with chicken fillet, steamed turkey cutlets and mashed green peas with mint, tender chicken fillet with teriyaki sauce, Pan-Asian rice, Sicilian chicken stew, Caesar roll, juicy chicken pancakes, grilled vegetables, duck fillet with sauce from tomatoes, bulgur with eggplant and spices, Cheese-cheddar casserole with chicken, Wok with shrimps and soba noodles, Caponata with chicken, Pkhali with turkey and parsley, Caesar sauce, veal with green beans, oven-baked buckwheat mushroom sauce, tender chicken roll, grilled vegetables.

Salads:Korean funchose salad with chicken fillet and Teriyaki sauce, quinoa salad and Teriyaki sauce, Caesar salad with shrimps.

Soups:Sicilian soup with beans and chicken, mushroom cream soup with croutons.

Desserts:Cottage cheese - banana dessert, baked cottage cheese pancakes with flax seeds and jam, raspberry panna cotta, cottage cheese-mango dessert, farmer's cottage cheese casserole and jam, cottage cheese-chocolate balls with coconut, orange panna cotta.

It's pretty simple, you just really want to start eating right. And remember, if you suddenly broke loose and ate or drank what proper nutrition does not imply - you should not abandon everything that has already been built. Continue to eat healthy, many people have breakdowns.

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