Home Trees and shrubs Deduction from the general to the particular example. Deductive thinking - trust concrete facts. What is deductive method and how does it work

Deduction from the general to the particular example. Deductive thinking - trust concrete facts. What is deductive method and how does it work

Our most beloved heroes are talented detectives or lawyers. We all know authors such as Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, who in their books created images of genius people using the famous deductive method. Perhaps, among all the grandiose detectives, such as Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple and others, Sherlock Holmes is a certain pinnacle of a person who knows how to reason correctly and accurately, subtly observe and analyze facts.

The deductive way of thinking is widely used not only in popular works of literature and cinema, but also in our daily life.

It is imperative to be able to draw the right conclusions. To learn how to develop deduction, you first need to understand what it is and how it works.

What is deductive method and how does it work?

Deduction is a way of thinking in which the main conclusion is obtained from general reasoning to particular ones. Let us recall the situation that is described in the famous story about Sherlock Holmes "The Sign of the Four". The plot was as follows: a friend of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, decided to check what conclusions he can draw by observing fairly simple things. Watson gives Sherlock Holmes his watch and says: "What can you say by analyzing such an object as a watch?":

  • seeing an antique watch engraved with the initials “G. W. ”, the detective realizes that they are family and, most likely, were acquired by Watson's father;
  • at that time, watches were considered a precious thing and were inherited, according to the rules, to the eldest son. But Watson had a watch recently, although his father died many years ago. This means that Watson had an older brother;
  • there are dents on the watch lid, therefore, the brother was sloppy (especially considering the importance of such a gift as a commemorative watch from a deceased father), etc.

As you can see, the famous detective was simply analyzing general facts and applying them to a particular situation, to Dr. Watson's watch. Interestingly, after the detective shared his conclusions with a friend, he was so shocked by the exact answer that he accused Sherlock of espionage. They say he found out everything in advance and is now taking advantage of the situation.

The reason for this reaction is quite simple. In his mind, Holmes did a fairly large analysis and made an equally huge logical conclusion. Therefore, knowing only the initial step of the inference (“What can you say when analyzing an object such as a watch?”) And the final result (which Holmes voiced to Watson), but at the same time not seeing each separate, intermediate step (the process of forming the conclusion: engraved initials - Watson's father, dents - sloppiness, etc.), the final conclusion can really be amazed.

To get the correct final result, it is necessary to justify each individual step of the inference so that, upon close examination, it can be seen that it was done correctly.

Ways to help you develop deduction

It is quite easy to develop deductive abilities no worse than that of any professional detective (fictional or real). Deduction is not something out of the ordinary, it is just a logical method. Therefore, for its development, it is necessary to keep the whole brain in good shape, and, therefore, not only logic, but also attention, memory, imagination. Learning to think quickly and compare facts will help you follow some tricks.

  • Solve puzzles

Download or borrow any book from the library. It is important that these are not some difficult physical chemistry problems that you do not understand. Normal children's puzzles will do. Remember that being quick-witted requires knowledge in a variety of areas of life. Solving seemingly simple puzzles will teach you to think quickly, think outside the box and solve tasks.

Sherlock Holmes skillfully used not only the deduction method, but was also a very educated and intelligent person. And, therefore, in order to develop deduction as a famous detective, you also need to know and remember a lot. Incidentally, this is one example of inductive inference. To train your memory, learn the poems of your favorite poet, learn the main capitals of the countries of the world, the number pi ... Yes, everything that you have enough imagination for!

  • Solve problems

If you are good at math, then start with simple arithmetic or geometry problems. Well-developed analytical skills will greatly facilitate the process of inference. Was biology your favorite subject at school? It doesn't matter either, there are a lot of simple biological tasks. The main thing is that you are interested, not too easy, but not too difficult. In addition, refreshing your school knowledge will never be superfluous, and a broad outlook is a faithful companion of deduction.

  • Observe, study, analyze

To comprehend the method of deduction will help attention to detail, to every little thing. Try to always pay attention to things that seem insignificant. When communicating with friends, try to guess their emotions, mood. All people lie: someone just slightly embellishes reality, and someone is abusing trust. To learn to think like a detective, become a detective. Ask friends about the details, but not just like that, but really listen to them carefully. Compare facts you already know with new information. Just don't make everything paranoid!

  • Expand your horizons

To use the deduction method correctly, you need to learn to draw conclusions. And this is not an easy task, especially when you know little. Try to read as many books, articles, magazines as possible. But remember, the outlook differs not in the number of books you read, but in the quality. If you thoughtlessly swallow information, it will be of little use. Read slowly and carefully, weighing every sentence, every reasoning or thought expressed by the author. A great way to broaden your horizons is to solve crosswords or scanwords.

  • Watch the news

For example, you can choose a well-known politician or other media personality and completely follow her. What do they say about this person on one channel? And on the other? What information does he publish on his official blogs and social pages? Ask yourself what will happen next? What actions will be taken?

  • Learn to think critically

Never take everything for granted. To develop the method of deduction, you must question every link in the logical chain. Your trump card is truth. If you draw deliberately false information in your conclusions, then no amount of deduction will help you. In today's world, where deception reigns all around, in order to get to the truth, you will have to put in a lot of effort. This method will keep your brain in constant tone, as well as develop ingenuity.

  • Use induction as well as deduction

Induction is the opposite of deduction. Its essence is to come to a general conclusion from private conclusions. In order to master one instrument, one must fully master its opposite. Although calling induction and deduction as opposites would not be entirely correct. Rather, they are different parts that make up a single whole.

  • Play PC games and watch TV shows

You heard right. Although, of course, some points are worth clarifying. Watch smart TV shows, documentaries, biographies of famous people. Play computer games that make you think: with a detective component, puzzles, quests. In addition, a lot of new, useful information can be gleaned from video games. By the way, there are a lot of games based on the works in which you are invited to try on the skin of the famous Holmes.

Why develop a deduction method?

Day after day, we have to deal with the proof of the truth of statements in a wide variety of situations. The deduction method is widely used in all spheres of our life and has great importance on the truth of certain judgments. Suppose you or someone you know has gotten into a bad story. An investigation is underway, there is some crime, the accused, detectives, lawyers, prosecutors, judges. One conclusion must be drawn: is the person guilty or innocent? To do this, one must be able to both justify the guilt of a person and prove his innocence.

The outcome, and, most importantly, the correctness of the final conclusion is of great importance for a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation. Therefore, it is extremely important, convincingly, convincingly and correctly from the available facts to build conclusions about his guilt or innocence. And this is just one example. There are many situations in which the truth of certain statements is important. That is why knowing and understanding how to develop deduction is useful to anyone.


Artyom Luchko

The skills of a good detective, such as the ability to quickly "read" a situation and to uncover the veil of secrets in the smallest detail, recreating pictures of what happened and psychological portraits of people, are certainly useful for everyone. It's not that hard to acquire and hone them. After exploring the various techniques, we have compiled some useful tips that will help you get a little closer to Sherlock Holmes.

Attention to the details

As you observe people and everyday situations, be aware of the smallest signals during conversations to be more responsive to the course of events. These skills have become trademarks of Sherlock Holmes, as well as the heroes of the series "True Detective" or "The Mentalist". The New Yorker columnist and psychologist Maria Konnikova, author of Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes, says Holmes' thinking is based on two simple things - observation and deduction. Most of us do not pay attention to the details around us, and in the meantime, outstanding (fictional and real) detectives have a habit of noticing everything down to the smallest detail. How can you train yourself to be more attentive and focused?

First, give up multitasking and focus on one thing. The more things you do at the same time, the more likely you are to make mistakes and the sooner you miss important information. It is also less likely that this information will be stored in your memory.

Secondly, it is necessary to achieve the correct emotional state. Worry, sadness, anger, and other negative emotions that are processed in the amygdala interfere with the brain's ability to solve problems or absorb information. Positive emotions, on the other hand, improve this brain function and even help you think more creatively and strategically.

Develop memory

Having tuned in the right way, you should strain your memory in order to begin to put everything observed there. There are many methods for training it. Basically, it all comes down to learning to attach importance to individual details, for example, the brands of cars parked near the house, and their numbers. At first you will have to force yourself to memorize them, but over time it will become a habit and you will automatically memorize cars. The main thing when forming a new habit is to work on yourself every day.

Play more often " Memori"And other board games that develop memory. Set yourself the task of memorizing as many objects as possible in random photos. For example, try to memorize as many items as possible from photographs of the "" section of our colleagues from FURFUR in 15 seconds, and then reproduce the entire list on paper.

Memory competition champion and author of Einstein Walks on the Moon on how memory works, Joshua Foer explains that anyone with an average memory ability can greatly expand their abilities. Like Sherlock Holmes, Foer is able to memorize hundreds of phone numbers at once, thanks to the encoding of knowledge in visual images.

His method is to use spatial memory to structure and store information that is relatively difficult to remember. So numbers can be turned into words and, accordingly, into images, which in turn will take place in the palace of memory. For example, 0 can be a wheel, ring, or sun; 1 - with a pillar, pencil, arrow, or even a phallus (vulgar images are remembered especially well, Foer writes); 2 - a snake, a swan, etc. Then you imagine some space you are familiar with, for example, your apartment (it will be your "memory palace"), in which there is a wheel at the entrance, a pencil lies on the bedside table, and behind it is a porcelain swan. This way you can memorize the sequence "012".

Maintaining"Field notes"

As you begin your transformation into Sherlock, start keeping a journal with notes. As the Times columnist writes, scientists train their attention in this way - writing down explanations and capturing sketches of what they are observing. Michael Canfield, an entomologist at Harvard University and author of Field Notes on Science and Nature, says this habit "will force you to make good decisions about what's really important and what's not."

Arthur Conan Doyle. "A study in Scarlet":

“It seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish however you want. The fool will drag there any junk that comes to hand, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best you will not get to the bottom of them among all this blockage. And an intelligent man carefully selects what he puts in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he will need for work, but there will be many of them, and he will arrange everything in an exemplary order. It is in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls and they can be stretched as much as necessary. I assure you, the time will come when, acquiring something new, you will forget something of the old. Therefore, it is extremely important that unnecessary information does not crowd out the necessary information. "

Taking notes in the field, whether it's during a regular work planning meeting or a walk in a city park, will develop the right approach to exploring the environment. Over time, you begin to pay attention to small details in any situation, and the more you do it on paper, the faster you will develop the habit of analyzing things on the go.

Focus attention through meditation

Many studies support meditation to improve concentration and attention. It is worth starting to practice from a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes before bedtime. According to John Assaraf, a lecturer and renowned business consultant, “Meditation is what gives control over brain waves. Meditation trains the brain so you can focus on your goals. ”

Meditation can make a person better equipped to receive answers to questions of interest. All this is achieved by developing the ability to modulate and regulate various frequencies of brain waves, which Assaraf compares to four speeds in an auto gearbox: "beta" - with the first, "alpha" - with the second, "theta" - with the third and " delta waves "- from the fourth. Most of us function during the day in the beta range, and this is not so terribly bad. However, what is first gear? The wheels are spinning slowly and the engine wear is quite large. Likewise, people burn out faster and experience more stress and illness. Therefore, it is worth learning how to switch to other gears in order to reduce wear and the amount of "fuel" consumed.

Find a quiet place where nothing will distract you. Be fully aware of what is happening and follow the thoughts that arise in your head, concentrate on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths, feeling the flow of air from the nostrils to the lungs.

Think critically and ask questions

Once you learn to pay close attention to detail, start converting your observations into theories or ideas. If you have two or three pieces of a puzzle, try to figure out how they fit together. The more puzzle pieces you have, the easier it will be to draw conclusions and see the whole picture. Try to deduce particular positions from general ones in a logical way. This is called deduction. Remember to apply critical thinking to everything you see. Use critical thinking to analyze what you are following closely, and use deduction to build a big picture from those facts.

Describing in a few sentences how to develop your critical thinking skills is not easy. The first step to this skill is to return to the child's curiosity and the desire to ask as many questions as possible. Konnikova says the following about this:

“It's important to learn to think critically. So, when acquiring new information or knowledge about something new, you will not just learn by heart and remember something, but learn to analyze it. Ask yourself: “Why is this so important?”; "How to combine this with the things that I already know?" or "Why do I want to remember this?" Questions like this train your brain and organize information into a network of knowledge. ”

Unleash your imagination

Critical thinking is of no use if you do not learn how to make connections between individual pieces of information. Of course, fictional detectives like Holmes have a superpowered ability to see connections that ordinary people simply ignore. But one of the key foundations of this exemplary deduction is non-linear thinking. Sometimes it is worth giving free rein to your imagination in order to replay the most fantastic scenarios in your head and sort out all possible connections.

Sherlock Holmes often sought solitude in order to reflect and freely explore the issue from all angles. Like Albert Einstein, Holmes played the violin to help himself relax. While his hands were occupied with the game, his mind was immersed in meticulous search for new ideas and problem solving. Holmes even mentions once that imagination is the mother of truth. Having renounced reality, he could take a completely new look at his ideas.

Broaden your horizons

Obviously, an important advantage of Sherlock Holmes lies in his broad outlook and erudition. If you also have the same ease to understand the work of Renaissance artists, the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market and discoveries in the most progressive theories of quantum physics, your deductive methods of thinking have a much better chance of success. You should not put yourself in the framework of any narrow specialization. Reach for knowledge and nurture a sense of curiosity in a wide variety of things and areas.

Maria Konnikova:

“Holmes said that a person should have a clean and tidy“ brain attic ”, but at the same time he himself was literally a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. He read a lot of fiction, which actually had nothing to do with his work. I think this is an important lesson that we can learn. "

Throughout life, people improve and develop themselves. In the process of personal development, it is necessary to develop logical thinking. In the development of logic, such a method of thinking as deduction is of great importance. And many are asking questions:

  1. What is logic?
  2. How to develop deduction?

Deduction refers to the ability to reason logically and arrive at an irrefutable conclusion.

Deduction (from lat. deductio- deduction) - deduction of the particular from the general; the path of thinking that leads from the general to the particular, from the general to the particular.

Deduction, as a particular way of thinking, is based on the separation of the main idea from the general. In any sciences and in life, the deduction method is widely used, therefore it is so important to develop deductive inference.

The simplest example of deductive reasoning:

  • Olya and Masha are on a diet;
  • diet excludes the use of sweets;
  • therefore, Olya and Masha do not consume chocolate.

Everyone is well aware of the "king" of deductive thinking - Sherlock Holmes. In solving crimes, he always started from the general - the complete picture of the crime with the alleged participants, and moved to the particular - he considered each separately who could commit it, studied the possibilities, motives, behavior. And then, by logical reasoning, he figured out the criminal, presenting him with irrefutable evidence.

There are many ways, methods and games that develop deductive thinking.


The first and most important way to develop deduction is to read books. First, it is an elementary broadening of horizons, memory training and personal development.

By the particles of soil on the shoes, Sherlock Holmes could determine from which corner of England a person had arrived. And he distinguished 140 types of tobacco ash. Holmes was interested in literally everything and had a huge store of knowledge.

Secondly, you should not just read books, but analyze the described situations, memorize, assume, compare, calculate. When reading, for example, a detective story, try using logical reasoning to determine who will be the culprit. This will teach you how to build logical chains.

The stories of Daria Dontsova's detectives are perfect for training


In order to develop deduction, you must train your memory on a daily basis. Not only books will help you with this, but also various games. Remember, there are enough games that will help you in your daily workouts:

  • Chess - board logic game for two opponents. Perfectly develops logic, intelligence, attentiveness.

Playing chess is great for developing quick wits

  • Checkers - board logic game for two players on a multicellular board similar to a chessboard. Teaches you to think one step ahead, develops observation and memory.

By playing checkers, you develop your memory.

  • Sudoku Is a popular logic puzzle. The 9x9 square must be filled with numbers according to special rules. The game develops attention, intelligence, a three-dimensional view of the world, as well as divergent thinking.

Sudoku lets you master divergent thinking

  • Jigsaw puzzles a puzzle game, which is a mosaic of many pieces of a drawing of various shapes, which you want to put together into a single image. Develops attentiveness, logic, imagination and trains memory.

Putting together puzzles develops logic and attention

  • « Memory » - a board game consisting of several dozen paired cards. The cards are shuffled and laid face down, then opened two at a time. When the pictures on them match, then the cards remain upside down, if the images are different, the cards are turned face down again. « Memory"To this day remains the leader among games that develop visual and spatial memory.

An addicting game that is really useful for developing memory

  • "Snowball" - game with the participation of a large number of strangers. It is also called a game for first acquaintance. The bottom line is that all those present stand in a circle, and someone is the first to call his name. Further clockwise, the next participant calls the name of the previous one and his own. The third will have to name the names of the previous two and pronounce his own, and so on in a circle. The game can be played with friends, not calling names, but, for example, the names of cities. Excellent memory training.

Games like these develop memory and attention.

  • Card games - the well-known card game "fool", etc. In the game, you not only have to memorize cards, but also calculate the moves.

Although the game of cards is considered gambling, it is educational

You can create games for yourself. For example, take a picture, memorize the image for 15 seconds, and then, on a piece of paper, reproduce a list of objects that you could remember.


Everyone, for sure, knows the riddles. There are a lot of them and they perfectly develop logic. If you cannot guess the riddle, do not rush to look at the answers. Try to come to the answer yourself logically, even if it takes you a few days.

Remember, the best riddles are trick riddles. They allow you to develop logic and deduction much more efficiently than simple ones.

Examples of riddles for logic and thinking:

  1. Two people come up to the river. Off the shore is a boat that can only hold one. Both men crossed over to the opposite bank. How?
  2. Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?
  3. Sherlock Holmes walked down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. In the phone book, he found her husband's number. He called. Says: “Come here urgently. Your wife is dead. " And after a while my husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says: "Oh, honey, what happened to you ???"
    Then the police arrive. Sherlock points a finger at the woman's husband and says, “Arrest this man. It was he who killed her. " Question: Why did Sherlock think so?
  4. The can is on the table. She stands so that one half of it is in the air, and the other on the table. What is in the bank if it falls in half an hour? And why?
  5. A man went to sea and got caught in a storm. He was taken to an island where there were no men, only girls. In the morning he woke up all in ropes at some kind of ritual and learned that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he voiced him, the girls made a boat for him, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?
  6. A student of the 1st grade solves this riddle in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, the professor will never solve. Riddle: decipher the ODTCHPShSVDD.
  7. It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit one, which has a lower weight than the rest. How can a counterfeit coin be determined using a scale in two weighings?
  8. Cat - 3, horse - 5, rooster - 8, donkey - 2, cuckoo - 4, frog - 3. Dog -?
  9. We met three criminals: beloveler Belov, burglar Chernov and pickpocket Ryzhov. “It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but none of us has the same hair color as the last name,” said the black-haired man. "And, really ...", - said the bugbear Belov. What is the pickpocket's hair color?
  10. A father with two sons went on a hike. On their way they met a river, at the bank of which there was a raft. He can stand on the water either a father or two sons. How can a father and sons cross to the other side?
  1. They were on different banks.
  2. In chess.
  3. Because Holmes did not tell her husband the address.
  4. Let the ugliest kill me.
  5. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
  6. First weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin in the pile that weighs less. If the piles are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. Second weighing: from the pile with the smallest weight, 1 and 1 coins are compared. If they are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.
  7. Cat - "meow" (3), horse - "go-go" (5), rooster - "ku-ka-re-ku" (8), donkey - "and-a" (2), cuckoo - "Ku-ku" (4), frog - "kwa" (3), dog - "woof" (3).
  8. Belov is not white because of his surname and not black, since he answered the black-haired one. That is, Belov is red. Chernov is not black because of his surname and not red, since the red one is Belov. Pickpocket Ryzhov was left with black color.
  9. First, both sons are ferried. One of the sons goes back to the father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son goes to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross over to the father.

Observation and details

To develop deduction, it is very important to notice details everywhere and in everything. For example, if you are eating on the bus, pick one person and, noticing even the smallest things, try to understand what he is interested in, who he works, what is his marital status, lifestyle. Attention to small details will allow you to see a more truthful picture of the situation than it might seem at first glance.

Observation itself is the ability to notice essential signs and features in things, phenomena and situations, but little noticeable, and therefore escaping the attention of most people.

Deduction is a special method of thinking based on the ability to build a logical connection, to deduce small private conclusions from the general picture. How did the well-known legendary hero Sherlock Holmes use it?

Sherlock Holmes method

The deductive method of Sherlock Holmes can be described in one phrase, which the detective said in "Study in crimson tones": "Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature by one link." Undoubtedly, everything in life is chaotic and sometimes unpredictable, but, despite this, the skills that the detective possessed helped him solve even the most intricate crimes.

Observation and details

Sherlock Holmes collected as much information as possible, analyzed all possible scenarios for the development of events and looked at them from different angles. This allowed the detective to discard the insignificant, thus, the hero of Arthur Conan Doyle singled out from the many possible versions one or more weighty ones.


A detached face, ignoring people and their questions, as well as events around him - this is how Conan Doyle draws his character. However, this behavior is by no means a sign of bad taste. No. This is the result of a special focus on the investigation. Sherlock Holmes constantly ponders all possible options for solving the problem, abstracting from external factors.

Interest and outlook

The detective's main weapon was his broad outlook. It is worth remembering how he could easily determine from what place in England a person came from the particles of soil. He was interested in literally everything, especially that which escaped the attention of ordinary people. He was an expert in forensic science and biochemistry, played the violin remarkably, understood opera and music, knew several foreign languages, practiced fencing and knew how to box. Multifaceted personality, isn't that so? ..

The palaces of the mind

The deduction method is based on memorizing information using associations. The famous detective worked with a large amount of information. And in order not to get confused in it, he used a method called "the palaces of the mind." By the way, it is far from new, its essence was already known to the ancient Greeks. Each fact, information, knowledge is tied to a certain object of the room, for example, to a door, window, etc. This made it easier for the detective to remember the information that was received almost every hour.

Sign language

Sherlock Holmes was a wonderful psychologist. Observing the behavior of a particular person, the detective paid attention to facial expressions and gestures, as a result of which he could easily determine whether his client / suspect was lying or not. The ability to notice details - behavior, manner of speaking, dress - helps to form an overall picture of a person's life.


Sherlock Holmes' intuition was more likely based not on a sixth sense, but on experience. But the line between the voice of the subconscious and high qualifications in work is quite blurred. Only the person himself can draw this fine line between the assumption and the action itself.


The deduction method can only be developed through practice. Sherlock Holmes constantly practiced logic, even in his free time. This allowed him to constantly keep his mind "in good shape." But without an interesting case, he was bored and depressed.

Benefits of deduction

Deductive thinking skills will be useful in everyday life and work. The secret of many successful people is the ability to think logically and analyze their actions, predicting the outcome of events. This helps them avoid cliches and achieve great success in various fields:

In studies - it helps to quickly master the studied subject;

In working life - to make the right decisions and calculate your actions for several steps forward;

In life - to be well versed in people and build effective relationships with others.

Thus, the deduction method will help make life much easier and avoid many unpleasant situations, as well as quickly achieve your goals.

How to develop deductive thinking

Mastering the way of thinking we are considering is a long and painstaking work on oneself, but at the same time it does not present any particular difficulties. The deduction method requires the participation of common sense, while emotions must be relegated to the background, they will only interfere with the process. There are some rules that can help you develop a deductive way of thinking at any age.

1. If you are determined to achieve a positive result in this field, then you need to start reading a lot. But not glossy magazines and newspapers - classic literature and modern detective stories or novels will be useful. While reading, you need to think about the plot, remember the details. Compare the "covered material": eras, genres, etc.

2. In everyday life, try to pay attention to little things: people's behavior, their clothes, gestures, facial expressions, speech. This will help develop your observation skills and teach you how to analyze. It would be nice to enlist the support of a like-minded person with whom you can discuss what you saw, besides, in the course of the conversation, you will learn to express your thoughts logically and build a chronological sequence of events.

3. Solving logic problems and puzzles will help to master the skills of deductive thinking.

4. Pay attention to your actions, analyze why you acted this way in a certain situation, look for other possible ways out of it and think about what result could be obtained in this case.

5. The development of deductive thinking requires memory training. This is necessary in order to capture a large amount of information and keep it in your head. It is important to note that memory training should be done constantly. Scientists have found that a person loses acquired skills and abilities if brain activity is interrupted for a certain period of time (say, on vacation). Well-known methods will help develop memory:

Memorize a certain number of words by ear;

Repeat the read phrases word for word;

List items.

It should be remembered that there are several sources of information perception: auditory, vocal, visual and tactile. At the same time, it is important to develop everything at the same time, focusing on weaknesses. To simplify the memorization process, you can come up with your own coding and association system.

6. But do not rely entirely on memory, as its possibilities are not limitless. You need to train yourself to take notes - in the form of graphs, tables, lists. This good habit will help you find relationships and create logical chains.

7. It is important to constantly master new knowledge. They may not even be related to social life and interpersonal relationships. It is recommended to read fiction - this will develop impressionability, the ability to think figuratively. Special attention should be paid to the development of special knowledge, such as psychology, physiognomy, sign language. They will help analyze human behavior in certain situations.

8. Practice plays an important role in mastering deductive thinking. Its essence lies in creating a problem situation and finding a way out of this situation. To do this, it is necessary to put forward a hypothesis and determine the ways of solving the problem. Further, considering all possible approaches, you need to find the best option. Try to make a comparative analysis of the expected paths of development of events.

The deductive way of thinking is an exciting journey through the vastness of logic. After making an effort and spending some time studying, you can use deduction to pick the keys to any locks and experience for yourself what it means to be Sherlock Holmes.

Induction and deduction are interrelated, complementary methods of inference. A whole occurs in which a new statement is born from judgments on the basis of several conclusions. The purpose of these methods is to deduce a new truth from pre-existing ones. Let us find out what it is, and give examples of deduction and induction. The article will answer these questions in detail.


Translated from Latin (deduction) means "deduction". Deduction is the logical conclusion of the particular from the general. This line of reasoning always leads to a true conclusion. The method is used in cases when it is necessary to deduce the necessary conclusion about a phenomenon from the generally known truth. For example, metals are heat-conducting substances, gold is a metal, we conclude: gold is a heat-conducting element.

Descartes is considered the founder of this idea. He argued that the starting point of deduction begins with intellectual intuition. His method includes the following:

  1. Recognizing as true only what is cognized with maximum obviousness. No doubts should arise in the mind, that is, you need to judge only on non-refutable facts.
  2. Divide the investigated phenomenon into as many simple parts as possible for their further easy overcoming.
  3. Move from simple to more complex.
  4. Compile the big picture in detail, without any oversights.

Descartes believed that with the help of such an algorithm, the researcher would be able to find the true answer.

It is impossible to comprehend any knowledge other than through intuition, mind and deduction. Descartes


Translated from Latin (induction) means "guidance". Induction is a logical conclusion of the general from private judgments. In contrast to deduction, the line of reasoning is brought to a probable conclusion, all because there is a generalization of several reasons, and hasty conclusions are often drawn. For example, gold, like copper, silver, lead, is a solid. This means that all metals are solids. The conclusion is not correct, as the conclusion was hasty, because there is a metal, such as mercury, and it is a liquid. An example of deduction and induction: in the first case, the inference turned out to be true. And in the second, it is probable.

Sphere of economics

Deduction and induction in economics are research methods on a par with such as observation, experiment, modeling, the method of scientific abstractions, analysis and synthesis, the systems approach, the historical and geographical method. When using the inductive method, research begins with observing economic phenomena, facts are accumulated, and then a generalization is made on their basis. When applying the deductive method, an economic theory is formulated, then, on the basis of it, hypotheses are tested. That is, from theory to facts, research goes from general to particular.

Here are some examples of deduction and induction in economics. The increase in the cost of bread, meat, cereals and other goods forces us to draw a conclusion about the rise in the cost of living in our country. This is induction. The notice of the increase in the cost of living makes it possible to think that the prices for gas, electricity, other utilities and consumer goods will increase. This is deduction.

Sphere of psychology

For the first time, the phenomena we are considering in psychology were mentioned in his works by the English thinker. His merit was the unification of rational and empirical knowledge. Hobbes insisted that there is only one truth, achieved through experience and reason. In his opinion, cognition begins with sensuality as the first step towards generalization. The general properties of phenomena are established by induction. Knowing the action, you can find out the reason. After finding out all the reasons, the opposite way is needed, deduction, which makes it possible to cognize new various actions and phenomena. and deductions in psychology according to Hobbes show that these are interchangeable, passing from each other stages of one cognitive process.

Sphere of logic

We are familiar with two species thanks to a character like Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle published the deductive method to the whole world. Sherlock began his observation with a general picture of the crime and led to the private, that is, he studied each suspect, every detail, motives and physical capabilities, and using logical inferences calculated the criminal, arguing with iron evidence.

Deduction and induction in logic is simple, we, without noticing, use it every day in everyday life. We often react quickly, instantly drawing the wrong conclusion. Deduction is longer thinking. To develop it, you need to constantly load your brain. To do this, you can solve problems from any field, mathematical, from physics, geometry, even puzzles and crosswords will help the development of thinking. Books, reference books, films, travel - everything that broadens one's horizons in various fields of activity will provide invaluable help. Observation will help to come to the correct logical conclusion. Each, even the most insignificant, detail can become part of one big picture.

Let's give an example of deduction and induction in logic. You see a woman about 40 years old, in her hand is a ladies' bag with a non-zipper from a large number of notebooks in it. She is modestly dressed, without frills and pretentious details, on her wrist a thin watch and a white trace of chalk. You will conclude that, most likely, she works as a teacher.

Sphere of pedagogy

The method of induction and deduction is often used in school education. Methodological literature for teachers is built in an inductive manner. This type of thinking is widely applicable for studying technical devices and solving practical problems. And with the help of the deductive method, it is easier to describe a large number of facts, explaining their general principles or properties. Examples of deduction and induction in pedagogy can be observed in any classroom. Often in physics or mathematics, the teacher gives a formula, and then during the lesson, students solve problems that are suitable for this case.

In any field of activity, methods of induction and deduction are always useful. And you don't have to be a super-sleuth or a genius in scientific fields to do this. Give a load for your thinking, develop your brain, train your memory, and in the future, complex tasks will be solved on an instinctive level.

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