Home Trees and shrubs Girl fortune teller from france. The media unveiled a terrible prediction of the heiress of Wanga. Mistakes of a young clairvoyant

Girl fortune teller from france. The media unveiled a terrible prediction of the heiress of Wanga. Mistakes of a young clairvoyant

Kaede uber is considered the heiress of the world famous fortune teller Vanga. It is even rumored that Wanga herself predicted the birth of this girl, in whom she saw the return of her unique gift of foresight to our planet. Then it was still not entirely clear what Wanga meant when she predicted the birth of her heiress. They started looking for it since the beginning of 2000. But the heroine of our story was born only in 2003 during those terrible events that Wanga spoke about in her predictions. Namely, during the terrible fires in Europe. As you know, 13-year-old Kaede Uber, whose predictions stun the whole world, not only sees the future of people, but also knows how to communicate with the other world.

Predictions by Kaede Uber

Kaede Uber has already predicted about the attacks in Nice and Belgium. But on this, she said, the troubles will not end. And in the very near future, terrorist attacks will begin in America. The girl predicts a great tragedy in which there will be many victims.
French girl Kaede Uber predicted many unpleasant events for the whole world for 2018. According to her predictions, a new epidemic will begin, caused by an unknown virus, against which there is no cure. And this disease will come from the East. Also, according to her foresight, the world will face the next environmental problems, such as an acute shortage of water and much more.

Key predictions of Kaede Uber for 2018

A couple of years ago, a French girl, Kaede Uber, came to Russia on a visit at numerous requests from people. She affably answered all the questions of the passers-by who recognized her. It is worth noting that Wang herself still did not understand what was this gift or curse? But when you have the gift of prediction, you simply have to share information with other people.

15 main predictions of Kaede Uber that affect everyone

The young prophetess had prepared for these questions in advance. She does not always have enough words to answer all the questions and correctly interpret her prophecies. For such purposes, she uses paper, pencils and other means.

The heiress of Vanga has never been wrong in her predictions. This spring, she foreshadowed the attacks in France, and now, she says, the attacks will take place in the United States.

Not so long ago, when asked which country the danger is in, Kaede replied that in France. Many remember the horrific events that took place in Nice, when a terrorist crushed nearly a hundred people in a truck.

When asked what kind of danger does America face? Kaede saw a suicide bomber with explosives in her visions. When she was asked the question, when will this attack take place? She replied that in four months. Indeed, this is what happened in January when a terrorist took hostages in a store.

Kaede sees all the events in advance. So why can't it be prevented? Because the young French fortuneteller was simply afraid to tell her mother about her terrible visions. Now young Kaede Uber, whose predictions always come true, is terribly afraid of migrants from the east. She sees that they are a potential threat.

By the way, when asked what she will do after Barack Obama leaves his presidency, the French fortuneteller replied that she does not see him in the future. Kaede also prophesies that in 2018 all sanctions will be lifted from Russia. As for the predictions for 2018 in Ukraine, new shocks await it too. A coup d'état is about to take place very soon.

The similarity of Wanga and Kaede

It is worth noting that many people really notice the gestures and movements of the Bulgarian seer in the young French fortuneteller. Kaede, making his prophecies, just like Wanga, raises his index finger. The girl's mother complains that the more her gift manifests itself, the more her eyesight falls. So how can you not remember Wang? She, too, lost her sight at such a young age, and it looks like Kaede is following her path. Despite the fact that Wanga did not see anything at all, this did not prevent her from making prophecies that always came true.

As for 2018, Kaede predicts a fall in the Russian ruble and even V. Putin's departure from power. But in Ukraine, a woman will soon rule and in the next few years, life in this country will improve. In 2018, Kaede advises not to go on vacation to Central Asia and Hong Kong, as there is a terrible flu. But at the same time, the seer says that the diseases of war know no boundaries. So far, in her predictions, she does not see anything good. Whether the predictions of the young Frenchwoman will come true or not, we will be able to check ourselves in the near future.

Now a rather difficult situation not only in our country, but throughout the world, people are waiting with trepidation for the coming of the next year. Many believe in the predictions of various clairvoyants and astrologers, some of the famous prophets are already dead, and people can only interpret their predictions. Clairvoyants have always lived on earth, both in ancient times, and now, some of the most popular living psychics are Vera Lyon, Charles Johnson and the little Frenchwoman Kaede Uber. Today we will talk about the latter, find out what predictions for 2017 for Russia from a French girl are already known? Not so long ago, Kaede visited our country, and even talked to Russian journalists, in an interview she told several prophecies about the fate of Russia and other countries.

Who is she - the heiress of Vanga?

Twelve-year-old Kaede Uber bears the title of "heiress of Vanga", as numerous journalists dubbed her, however, the family of the young prophet was always against media interference in the personal life of their child, so little is known about Kaede. The girl suffers from a serious genetic disease, as a result of which the clairvoyant rapidly loses sight and the ability to move independently. But, like Wanga, the more Kaede physically weakens, the stronger it becomes energetically, her gift of divination grows every day. All visions come to the girl in a dream, of course, she interprets them herself, but let's hope that her predictions are accurate.

For the first time, the little soothsayer became famous when she predicted the death of her own grandmother, she also saw the death of her stepfather long before the tragic events, the world learned about her abilities back in 2009. Then Kaede disappeared from the screens for 5 years, but in 2016 Russian journalists invited her to our country, where she answered several questions regarding the future fate of Russia and other countries. Now let's talk about the predictions for 2017 from a French girl. After all, some of her predictions have come true, as the clairvoyant predicted the terrorist attacks that recently took place in Paris.

Kaede Uber forecast for 2017

In a recent interview, the girl gave an annual forecast of what the world will face next year. For example, she claims that our president will achieve success on the world stage, with Putin, Russia will prosper.

The soothsayer said that next year the whole world will face a series of terrorist attacks, the very first one will take place in the United States.

Kaede sees a lot of blood and pain, we hope that this prediction will not come true.

In a dream, a little clairvoyant often sees Arabs, in her visions they are everywhere. Kaede believes that very soon France will be flooded with immigrants from the Middle East, according to her mother, the girl became very much afraid of emigrants.

Kaede Uber in predictions for 2017 claims that it is the Arabs who will bring death to many people around the world. Perhaps, because the Arab terrorist organization "Islamic State" is growing every year, ISIS terrorists account for thousands of lives of innocent people around the world.

The girl has several predictions about Ukraine as well, as she claims that next year the country will face another wave of protests, which in its cruelty will eclipse the 2014 Maidan. Petro Poroshenko will step down from power, his fate is extremely unenviable. His political career will collapse. Ukraine will again face decline and economic crisis, perhaps the government of the country will be replaced again.

It is not yet known whether the predictions of the French soothsayer will come true, we hope that soon the Ukrainian people will wait for stability and economic growth.

Whatever the prophecies of Kaede Uber, some of her visions never came true. Let's see what the girl predicted earlier and what did not come true in the end.

Unfulfilled predictions

Kaede has already predicted some events that should have happened in Russia and other countries of the world before, and some of them are unfulfilled. So, in 2012, the little seer predicted that in 4 years, Putin will step down from the presidency and leave the country. Those. in 2016, Vladimir Vladimirovich will terminate his powers, but a little more than a month is left until the end of the year, and Putin is not going to go anywhere.

The girl also said that in 2016 peace will reign in the Middle East, but military conflicts there still do not fade away, crowds of refugees have settled in Europe.

Kaede also had visions about the elections in the United States, as the girl claimed, the next president of the United States would be Hillary Clinton, but Donald Trump won the presidential race, and here the clairvoyant predictions turned out to be incorrect, perhaps due to her age the girl still cannot accurately interpret her visions.

Now we know that the little French soothsayer predicts for the next 2017, it remains only to wait whether the events she saw will come true or not.

Forecasts, predictions and prophecies have always been and remain a part of human existence. Few people are not even the least interested in his future. And getting reliable information from the lips of the great predictors who have won worldwide fame is a real gift!

One of these unique people is a French girl with the beautiful name Kaede Uber. Thanks to the ubiquitous Internet network, we have a wonderful opportunity, without unnecessary hassle, by typing a simple combination of letters, to find out what fate has in store for us in the near future.

Kaede was born in 2003 in France, in the large city of Montpellier, in the southern part of the country. Unfortunately, even in the maternity hospital, the parents' happiness was clouded by terrible words from the lips of doctors - their daughter was diagnosed with a serious disease that progresses at the genetic level and affects the organs that are responsible for the most important senses: hearing and sight.

It is because of eye problems that little Kaede will later be called the “heiress of the Bulgarian fortuneteller”, “new Vanga”. According to rumors, the gift of the world famous clairvoyant Vanga passed to this girl. The blind Bulgarian seer herself predicted the birth of a baby with a unique ability to see things that were just about to happen.

They began to look for the heiress of the great fortuneteller at the dawn of the 2000s, but the girl was born only three years later, just during the terrible events predicted by Wang, namely, during the fires raging in Europe.

According to the parents of the miracle girl, when Kaede was only 5 years old, she made her first prophecy. The little girl predicted the injury of her cousin. The little girl assured her family that her cousin would break his leg. And so it happened.

Since then, Kaede has been informing relatives and friends about upcoming events. Only a few years later, the little fortuneteller started talking about much larger events that should happen in different parts of the world.

A French schoolgirl, whose predictions come true with amazing accuracy, can not only foresee the future, but also enter into communication with the other world. Kaede Uber has prophetic dreams. According to the teenager, some shadows, most likely the souls of the dead, tell her about what will soon happen. The more the girl's state of health worsens, the more her gift is revealed.

Kaede's predictions

In 2009, little Kaede foresaw the death of her own grandmother. Also, the baby, long before what happened, predicted the death of her stepfather. Kaede Uber spoke about the attacks in Belgium and Nice before the tragic events. The girl predicted the world economic crisis, as well as the death of the Libyan dictator Gaddafi.

Surprisingly, in the hometown of the fortuneteller, few people know about Kaede and her gift. The thing is that parents in every possible way protect their daughter from unwanted attention. However, in Russia, the successor has become quite famous. For the first time they started talking about Kaede in 2011 on one of the Russian TV channels. The program had a resounding title "Vanga Returns". More than once on television, the girl was recalled as the heiress of the great gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant.

Then, for a long time, a baby with unique abilities disappeared from TV screens. The camera lenses and microphones of the journalists approached Kaede in 2016. It was then that Russian correspondents invited the girl to our country, where Kaede, without a shadow of a doubt, told the audience about the future that awaits both Russia and other states.

What did Kaede predict for 2018?

During her visit to Russia, the little Frenchwoman made several important predictions. Kaede Uber happily shared her foresight not only with journalists, but also with passers-by who recognized the girl on the street.

For questions about the future, the young seer always prepares in advance. Often, Kaede has enough words to describe a particular vision. In order to correctly and easily interpret their prophecies, the heiress of Vanga uses pencils, paper and other materials.

Kaede Uber is almost never wrong in his predictions. Not so long ago, she foreshadowed terrorist attacks in France. Many probably remember what happened in Nice when a terrorist drove a truck through a crowd of people. But now such evil things are going to happen in the United States. And, it is true, one terrorist attack has already taken place: a terrorist took hostages in one of the shops.

By the way, about the United States: when asked what Barack Obama will do after leaving the presidency, Kaede replied that she does not see his political future. In addition, according to the girl, absolutely all sanctions will be lifted from Russia.

But Ukraine will face new shocks next year. Kaede Uber clearly sees the upcoming coup d'état. It is not yet clear how it will all end, but the fortuneteller spoke of a wave of protests that could overshadow the events of the Maidan in 2014 with its cruelty.

At present, the young clairvoyant, whose prophecies frighten not only people, but also herself, is dumbfounded by the dark-skinned people from the east. She probably dreamed about them. According to the girl, she saw that in the future the threat would come from them.

Moreover, it is not yet known what kind of trouble fate promises us. Either the beginning of the Third World War with the use of terrible biological weapons, or nature itself will rebel against humanity, and the eastern nations will be the first to suffer from a serious disease.

Today, as before, the topic of clairvoyants remains popular. Many people want to look to the future in some way. Therefore, all mankind is interested in the consequences of the modern crisis, political conflicts and military actions, which are increasing every year.

Because of this, many scammers have appeared who are ready to profit from gullible people at any time. But still, there are individuals who deserve attention, since millions of people around the planet believe in their gift.

These include the girl-prophet Kaede Uber. She has already been nicknamed "the new Vanga". However, everyone has the right to decide independently - to believe or not to trust her predictions. To begin with, you can simply familiarize yourself with the prophecies for the coming year and see if they came true.

Biography of Kaede Uber - heiress of Wanga

She was born in 2003 and lives in one of the provincial French towns of Montpellier. Like the famous Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga, the girl does not see and speaks poorly due to a genetic disease. Her parents carefully hide their daughter from prying eyes. This can be explained by the fact that the people living in the neighborhood did not know about the miracle child until the moment the press started talking about her.

From the age of 5, Kaede spoke about the first predictions that adults perceived as ordinary childhood fantasies. However, after what the girl said began to come true, her parents believed her.

It was the Russian television channel NTV that found Vanga's heiress only 15 years after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant even managed to tell the place where to look for the girl. And since 2011, the TV show "Wanga Returns" appeared, in which Kaede was introduced to the Russian viewer as a follower of the Bulgarian seer. Since then, she often appears on the NTV channel.

Predictions of Wanga's heiress - Kaede for 2018 and those that did not come true

According to the statements of Kaede's parents, the girl predicted many world events, but still sometimes she is wrong. This concerns the end of the military conflict in the Middle East and the beginning of a nuclear war. Kaede also predicted the United States for President Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

This year, the prophet girl speaks of an increase in terrorist threats, but it is the United States that should be wary of. And the most dangerous for society are oriental people with dark skin. It is from there that a type of flu, unknown until this time, will come. As a result, war can start in almost every country around the world.

The French "Vanga" also mentioned the Muslim religion, she explained that because of the aggressive attitude of Muslims typhoons can wake up and sweep away all living things. Therefore, it is better for them to redirect their negativity into something good and useful. and also to look at the world "in a kind" way.

For Russia, Kaede predicted good news for 2018 - the lifting of absolutely all sanctions. Vladimir Putin, in accordance with the words of Kaede, may voluntarily resign from the presidency. Ukraine, on the contrary, faces a possible coup d'etat, which could become much larger than the Maidan.

The only heiress of the great Vanga - the French girl Kaede Uber - voiced a terrible prediction for 2017. She said that very soon in the USA ...

She smiles sweetly, involuntarily repeats the gestures of the famous woman Vanga and rapidly loses her sight. She is a young Frenchwoman Kaede Uber. A new world sensation, which is called the heiress of the great Bulgarian soothsayer.

In fact, we do not know anything about the phenomenon of clairvoyance. You can doubt him as much as you like and even ridicule him, if not for the same Vanga - a fantastic soothsayer, many of whose prophecies came true exactly. Not everything that the seer said became clear and obvious at once - for example, her phrase about iron birds that would hit two twins took on tragic outlines only after September 11, 2001, a horrific and well-known terrorist attack took place in America.

And shortly before her death, Wang said that she would "leave, but not leave," and prophesied to the world the appearance of an heiress - a girl who would see and feel everything the same way she did. Moreover: the seer clearly enough indicated the place of the appearance of a wonderful child: she would be born in France, in a city standing on two hills, the squares of which were once flooded with water. Of course, fans of everything supernatural knocked off their feet, looking for a new Wanga, but no one knew where she was until a tiny note about a strange girl Kaede Uber was published in the local newspaper of a small French town, talking with otherworldly forces and able to predict the future.

An amazing child was carried away by the NTV channel: in January of this year, in one of the issues of New Russian Sensations, Kaede predicted a terrorist attack in Brussels. I absolutely did not want to believe in this, but after March 22, when a terrible tragedy occurred in Belgium, the baby's prophecy was remembered. And then another prediction came true - the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016.

Last Sunday, baby Kaede was again a guest at NTV. More precisely, she has a channel. To retell her words is a thankless task, we list her main predictions.

The young seer predicted Hillary Clinton's election victory. However, she noticed that "there is always a doctor near this woman who treats her." She, according to Kaede, collected a whole bunch of diseases. Despite this, according to the girl, Clinton will still bypass Trump in the fight for the presidency of the United States. The girl also determined that Aunt Clinton has a family and a husband, and when asked who is in charge of their family, she unequivocally said that everything is controlled by “she”. She does not see any future for the current President of the United States - obviously, this is a hint of political oblivion that awaits Barack Obama in the future.

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