Home Trees and shrubs Ege for social studies early period options. Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: we analyze assignments with a teacher

Ege for social studies early period options. Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: we analyze assignments with a teacher

In addition to the main disciplines, students can take additional ones, which they choose on their own, and the results in which they will need for further admission. Social studies belongs to one of these subjects.

In 2018, the social studies exam will not structurally change, the block with the test part will continue to be excluded.

The number of retake attempts has been increased to 3. This option is suitable for those students who did not score the passing number of points or are not satisfied with the exam results. This change is due to the fact that there is a need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

An important change in the project will be the fact that now students will speak more during the exam, rather than write. A similar innovation will affect the humanities, in particular social studies. Time to pass the social studies test will be 235 minutes.

Very important changes await students in relation to violations during the exam. If the examiner finds things that are not allowed in the exam, then he gets the opportunity to retake only the next year.

As for violations on the part of teachers, then a fine will be issued in the amount of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

In general, social studies is a fairly popular subject among graduates, since it is precisely this subject that is needed in a number of prestigious universities.

The structure of assignments for the 2019 exam in social studies

The structure of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies of 2019 will be presented in two types of thematic tasks. The types differ in the complexity and type of answers. A general description of the structure of the task is given below:

  1. The first category includes questions that require one-word answers.
  2. The second includes questions that need to be answered in detail.
  3. The last assignment is an essay on one of the proposed topics.

Essay in the Unified State Exam in Social Science 2019

The most difficult task in the Unified State Exam in social studies is considered to be an essay. For the correct completion of this task, the student can receive from three to five points... The most important thing when performing this task is to properly structure the content of the text, as well as try to avoid common mistakes.

It is important when writing this assignment to reveal the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not revealed or is not revealed correctly, then the answer is already evaluated in zero points.

It is very important to present the correct arguments to support your reasons. If the student has supported his arguments with actual examples, then he will definitely receive a good score for completing the assignment.

In order to cope with such a task, you must remember about essay plan:

  1. Selected quotation is given.
  2. The problem, voiced by the author, is determined, and its relevance is substantiated.
  3. The meaning of the quote is revealed.
  4. Own point of view is voiced.
  5. Arguments of a theoretical nature are presented.
  6. Theoretical arguments are supported by practical examples.
  7. The conclusion is drawn up.

If you strictly adhere to such a plan, then all the requirements for writing an essay will be met and the grade for the essay will be high.

Categories of those taking the exam in social studies

Some citizens cannot take the exam. This is agreed by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are allowed before the test:

  1. Those who took the exam in previous years, however, did not receive the desired result.
  2. Students looking to improve their performance.
  3. Students who fail the test or receive negative marks in a number of disciplines.

How to become a participant of the Unified State Exam 2019?

To get on the exam, you need to make an application at the place where the test is organized. The application contains a list of disciplines in which the exam will take place. Such documents can be submitted to the admissions office of the school, to the municipal authority of the entity where the Unified State Exam will take place, to the admissions offices of universities.

The deadline for submitting an application, for children who want to take the USE ahead of schedule - until February 1, and for those students who want to take the exam later - until December 1.

Early examinations in social studies in 2019

In social studies, it is necessary for those students who cannot pass the test in a timely manner. There are various reasons, ranging from being drafted into the army, by the Olympics and up to a regular move.

In such a situation, the exam is passed ahead of schedule and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss the deadline, will be able to pass the exam and then submit the documents to the university. The early USE also has drawbacks. It is very difficult to prepare for the exam without interrupting your studies. It is natural that hasty preparation will not bring good results.

Additional information about the exam 2019

On the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, it is allowed to bring a gel or capillary black pen, a passport. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of subjects and aids that are allowed to be used on the Unified State Exam is designated. In social studies, it is not allowed to use reference books, manuals, collections.

According to this order, it is prohibited to bring cell phones, tablets, and other electronic computing devices to social studies. It is forbidden to use methodological and reference manuals that are not allowed in the exam.

If a student brings something similar to the Unified State Exam or performs actions that may be qualified as an attempt to write off, then he will be removed from the exam and a note will be made on the Unified State Exam answer form. The student will be allowed to retake only in a year.

The passing score in social studies in 2017 was 42 points, it is not planned to change it in 2018. The scale of the transfer of points is used for the calculation.

If the exam rules are violated by the organizers, for example, less time is given, then the examiner has the right to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason must be filed on the same day, after leaving the audience.

Also, a similar right arises when the examinee does not agree with the total amount of points earned by him. In such cases, the objection shall be filed within two working days from the moment of acquaintance with the results of the exam. You can dispute the results even if there was a technical failure when checking the exam.

In the event that there were no violations on the part of the applicant, the organizers give the student the opportunity to retake the exam. If there were such violations, then the student will be denied on the complaint.

After the results are calculated and checked, the graduate receives a certificate of the established form, which indicates the results in all subjects, except for those for which a sufficient number of points has not been scored.

This certificate is required when submitting documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

How to prepare for the 2019 USE in social studies

For a good exam, of course, you need to prepare. The training specification varies. You can take online trial tests in a subject. Also, in preparation, it will help great demo version of the FIPI Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019... Others will use ordinary textbooks.

These benefits include the following:

If a student uses online tests to prepare for the exam in social studies, then he may well pass them using a computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, it is enough to go to the official website and take the exam online. There are also drawbacks to such training, the student will not know the theory, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

Also, for preparation, you can use a service such as demo version of the exam in social studies 2019... These are the materials of previous exams posted on the FIPI website.

Using demonstration materials is considered a very good preparation method. KIM codifier based on such materials, the same was used that was used to draw up the main tasks for the exam. The use of such materials will help students familiarize themselves with the procedure for passing the exam, the basic rules, and also form a list of topics that need additional training.

It is very important for both children and their parents to remember that there is no need to be afraid to take the exam. To avoid unnecessary psychological stress and trauma, the teenager himself needs to set goals correctly and maintain a healthy way of eating and sleeping, and parents should try to create that comfortable microclimate that is so necessary for a teenager in a stressful situation, which, in fact, is the USE.

Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years

The share of participants who did not receive the minimum score in 2018 decreased in comparison with the previous year by 3.8% and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score of 142 people, in 2016 there were only 59.

Exam Schedule

The early stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

The main stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

Option No. 3032043

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field a number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. You do not need to write the measurement units. Answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the suggested statements (29.1-29.5).

If the variant was set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to the extended answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Write down the word that is missing in the table.



In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Form of state, form of government, unitary state, federation, republic.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the elite culture.

1) the complexity of the forms used

3) entertaining nature

4) pronounced commercial focus

5) spiritual aristocracy

6) Require special training to understand

Find two terms that "fall out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Choose the correct judgments about society and social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Society is a constantly evolving dynamic system.

2) Social progress is characterized by degradation, a return to already obsolete structures and relations.

3) In a broad sense, society is understood as a part of the world that is isolated from nature, but connected with it, which includes ways of interaction and forms of uniting people.

4) Social institutions perform the function of human socialization.

5) Society is a closed system that does not interact with the external environment.


Establish a correspondence between characteristics and activities: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.



The students conducted a study of the motives of the educational activity of primary schoolchildren. Find in the list below the methods they applied that correspond to the level of empirical knowledge. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) description of the observed phenomena

2) putting forward and substantiating hypotheses

3) explanation of existing relationships

4) direct observation of individual facts and phenomena

5) fixing generalizations in the form of laws

6) obtaining quantitative data about the object under study


Choose the correct judgments about the distinguishing features of the market economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Private property is the basis of the command (planned) economy.

2) In a traditional economy, the main issues of the economy are resolved by central government bodies.

3) The main subjects of market relations are economically independent participants in economic life.

4) The incentive for the activities of enterprises in a market system is profit.

5) The signs of a market economy include free pricing.


Establish a correspondence between examples and types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation (in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Firm Y is a tailor shop for wedding dresses. Find examples of short-run variable costs for firm Y in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) the cost of paying off interest on a previously taken loan

2) the cost of purchasing fabrics, threads, accessories

3) the cost of payment of piecework wages to employees

4) rent for atelier premises

5) payment for consumed electricity

6) insurance premiums


The figure shows the change in the supply of chairs in the respective market: supply line S moved to a new position - S 1 (P- price, Q- number). Which of the following factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) an increase in the cost of materials for upholstery chairs

2) an increase in the wages of workers in factories that produce chairs

3) reducing the cost of materials for the frame of the chairs

4) reduction of taxes levied on furniture manufacturers

5) an increase in electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers


Choose the correct judgments about social stratification and social mobility and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Horizontal mobility presupposes a transition to a social group located at another level of the social hierarchy.

2) One of the criteria for differentiating social groups is income.

3) Personal qualities of a person are the criterion of social stratification of modern society.

4) Sociologists distinguish between individual and collective mobility.

5) One of the criteria for the social stratification of society is the amount of power.


In the course of sociological surveys of adult residents of countries Z and Y, they were asked the question: "Which of the directions of the state's youth policy do you consider the most important?"

The results of the polls (in% of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) The share of those who note the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, politics in country Z is less than in country Y.

2) Equal shares of respondents in each country consider it necessary to carry out educational work.

3) In country Z, the opinion about the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, and politics is less popular than the opinion about the importance of educational work.

4) In country Y, equal shares of the respondents noted as the most important areas the creation of conditions for self-expression, self-realization of young people and carrying out educational work with them.

5) The share of those who consider the provision of social support most important in country Z is higher than in country Y.


Choose the correct judgments about the state and its functions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis of the country's environmental safety.

2) The fundamental feature of a state of any type is the implementation of the principle of separation of powers in it.

3) The state has a monopoly on the lawful use of coercion by the forces of law enforcement and security agencies.

4) The external functions of the state include the determination of the general direction of the state's economic policy in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.

5) The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for effective and high-quality activities of state bodies.


Establish a correspondence between the questions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation, to whose jurisdiction these questions relate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



In Democratic State Z, during the reform of the electoral system for parliamentary elections, a transition was made from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. Which of the following remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Write down the corresponding numbers. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) free and voluntary participation of citizens in elections

5) the dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by the party on the number of voters' votes

6) the possibility of nominating independent non-partisan candidates


Which of the following applies to the political rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) holding meetings and rallies

2) appeal to state bodies

3) payment of legally established taxes and fees

4) defense of the Fatherland

5) participation in the management of state affairs through their representatives


Choose the correct judgments about family law in the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Family law regulates property and personal non-property relations between family members.

2) The marriage is suspended due to the announcement by the registry office of one of the spouses as deceased.

3) The marriage is concluded in the offices of the registration of acts of civil status (ZAGS).

4) The legal regime of the spouses' property is established only by the marriage contract.

5) Parents are obliged to provide maintenance to their minor children.


Establish a correspondence between examples and measures of legal responsibility in the Russian Federation: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Joint Stock Company "Sweet Charm" produces confectionery. Find in the above list the features of the difference between a joint-stock company and other organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) division of the authorized capital of the company into equal parts, each of which is framed with a security

2) the obligatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees

3) the obligation of employees to comply with labor discipline

4) distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their labor participation

5) bearing the risk of losses within the value of the securities belonging to the participant

6) payment of dividends to owners for the year


Read the text below where a number of words are missing.

Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“A person who actively assimilates and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is _________ (A). This is a person with his own socially formed and individually expressed qualities: _________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that the individual, together with other people _________ (C), cognizes and changes the world and himself. The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is simultaneously the process of _________ (D).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social ties, a person's relationship to the world and with the world, to himself and to himself. It is characterized by _________ (D) to develop, expand the scope of its activities and is open to all influences of social life, to all experience. This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, carries _________ (E) for his choice. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The following table lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



How does the text describe the impact of the recession on cyclical unemployment? What sectors of the economy, according to the author, is affected by seasonal unemployment? (List all industries mentioned in the text.) How does the author explain the inevitability of functional (frictional) unemployment?

(K. H. Brayer)

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the same salary that he could have by doing that job (and to that extent) that could be claimed by ...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in the demand for labor. A downturn is a cyclical decline in business activity that results in people losing jobs until demand picks up again and business picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in labor demand. It affects those employed in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to the transition from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment, wage earners will move from place to place.

Structural unemployed people experience difficulties in getting a job due to insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work ... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing test, most people who have experienced it say they have experienced despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for more than a few weeks. For most people, employment is the main, and often the only means of meeting material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Studies show that those who do not like their job still prefer to keep it, even when the opportunity to live on other incomes is provided. While working conditions can be detrimental, lack of work leads to just as many problems: increased stress, family conflicts, alcohol and drug addiction.

(K. H. Brayer)

The solutions for the expanded answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

The author notes that "even during periods of high employment rates, disproportionately high unemployment remains among the structurally unemployed." Using social science knowledge, explain the reason for this level of unemployment among these categories of citizens. Name any two measures to prevent discrimination of the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the same salary that he could have by doing that job (and to that extent) that could be claimed by ...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in the demand for labor. A downturn is a cyclical decline in business activity that results in people losing jobs until demand picks up again and business picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in labor demand. It affects those employed in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to the transition from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment, wage earners will move from place to place.

Structural unemployed people experience difficulties in getting a job due to insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work ... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing test, most people who have experienced it say they have experienced despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for more than a few weeks. For most people, employment is the main, and often the only means of meeting material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Studies show that those who do not like their job still prefer to keep it, even when the opportunity to live on other incomes is provided. While working conditions can be detrimental, lack of work leads to just as many problems: increased stress, family conflicts, alcohol and drug addiction.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the same salary that he could have by doing that job (and to that extent) that could be claimed by ...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in the demand for labor. A downturn is a cyclical decline in business activity that results in people losing jobs until demand picks up again and business picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in labor demand. It affects those employed in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to the transition from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment, wage earners will move from place to place.

Structural unemployed people experience difficulties in getting a job due to insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work ... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing test, most people who have experienced it say they have experienced despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for more than a few weeks. For most people, employment is the main, and often the only means of meeting material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Studies show that those who do not like their job still prefer to keep it, even when the opportunity to live on other incomes is provided. While working conditions can be detrimental, lack of work leads to just as many problems: increased stress, family conflicts, alcohol and drug addiction.

The solutions for the expanded answer tasks are not automatically checked.

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Indicate, at your discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic touched upon by the author and reveal it (them). When disclosing the main idea (s) indicated by you in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational items.

To illustrate the theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two facts / examples from various sources. Each given fact / example should be formulated in detail and clearly associated with the illustrated position, reasoning, conclusion.

29.1 Philosophy:“The privilege of fish, rats and wolves is to live according to the law of supply and demand; the law of human life is justice. " (D. Ruskin)

29.2 Economy:"The types of business are different, but the business as a system remains the same regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets." (P. Drucker)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"We need schools that do not just teach, which is extremely important, this is the most important thing, but also schools that educate a person." (V.V. Putin)

29.4 Political science:"The supreme power is worthy of veneration only insofar as it is a means of ensuring human rights." (A. Kyustin)

29.5 Jurisprudence:“Protection of rights is a duty to society. Whoever defends his right defends the right in general ”. (R. Iering)

The solutions for the expanded answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

Finish testing, check answers, see solutions.

The unified state exam is a compulsory test for obtaining general secondary education and continuing education in secondary and higher educational institutions. Compulsory subjects and optional disciplines differ. Among the latter, social science has been taking the lead for several years already. This year it will be written by about 400 thousand schoolchildren.

The procedure for conducting, scoring and announcing the results of the Unified State Exam is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Consider when they will be known USE results in social studies 2017 and what are the ways to find them out.

When will the exam results be?

Schedule of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 determined the day of delivery of the discipline for June 5th, Monday. June 21, as well as July 1, is the day when you can have time to hand over any subject.

According to the rules for conducting a unified exam, The deadlines for checking the completed tasks and the announcement of the results have a certain time frame:

  • Forms of CMMs (control and measuring materials) are scanned at the examination sites and sent in electronic form to regional information processing centers. This stage takes up to 4 days;
  • From the regional centers, scans of works are transferred to the federal center, where they are re-processed. This is the longest period and can last up to a week;
  • Results issued at the federal level are transferred back to the regions (1 day);
  • On the ground, state examination commissions at meetings confirm the results of the federal audit (1 day);
  • The publication of the results is also given 1 day.

In total, it takes no more than 14 days to check the results of the exam. Given that this period falls on the holiday of June 12, the official day of publication of USE results in social studies appointed to June, 22.

Note that June 22 is as late as possible announcement of results. Statistics show that, on average, the number of points scored becomes known 2-3 days earlier than the deadline.

Where to find the results of the exam in social studies

Publication of the USE results takes place on a number of information portals:

  • The official portal of the Unified State Examination www.ege.edu.ru;
  • Sites of regional committees, departments of education.

In addition, you can find out the results of the passed exam at:

  • Information boards in schools or other places for passing the exam;
  • By hot telephone lines opened in a number of regions by education departments.

To check the result you will need:

  • Full name of the examinee;
  • Passport ID;
  • Identification number issued to the USE participant.

Information is provided to individuals who have taken the exam, as well as to their parents, free of charge.

Where can I see my work?

You can get acquainted with your work after passing the exam and publishing the results. All scanned works go to the personal account of the USE participant on the official website of the Unified State Exam. From the scans, you can understand how the work is assessed and what mistakes were made.

Often, published works and results raise questions and disagreement with the final scores. In this case, it is necessary up to 2 days after the announcement of the results of the exam file an appeal with the examination board.

The commission will re-examine the work and issue a verdict:

  • About the change in the assessment;
  • Refusal to change it.

Also, the Commission is empowered to accept statements of violations during the exam. Such appeals are filed on the day of the exam. The reason may be:

  • Violations of the rules by the organizers;
  • Failure to provide the agreed time for 4 hours (if this did not happen through the fault of the exam participant).

It is important for schoolchildren to follow the order of the Unified Exam:

  1. Come to the drop-off points in advance to fill out the documents;
  2. Do not take prohibited items (mobile devices, books, cheat sheets) with you;
  3. Follow the rules of conduct during the exam, which exclude the possibility of "cheating" or consulting with a friend.

The unified state examination is a serious event at the state level, during which participants must strictly follow all regulations.

The Unified Exam is assessed in two point systems:

  • Primary;
  • Test.

Initially submitted works are evaluated in primary scores... Further, on a special scale, which undergoes changes every year and depends on the general level of training of schoolchildren, the primary scores transferred to test... It is the number of test points that is the final result of the exam.

It is important to note that the publication of the results is carried out in primary points!

In 2017, to pass social studies, you need to type minimum 19 primary or 42 test points.

Early exam in social studies

An early stage of passing the state exam is held annually in the spring. It involves schoolchildren who will not be able to take part in the main stage. The following are accepted as reasons:

  • Treatment, rest in sanatoriums;
  • Participation in olympiads, competitions.

Early Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017 passed 7 april and on the reserve day 12th of April... It was written by 17.5 thousand schoolchildren. The results were released on April 18th.

Date of retaking the exam in social studies in 2017

Social studies is an optional discipline in the Unified State Exam. According to the rules, its retake is possible only next year.

Choosing this subject as an exam, experts recommend soberly assessing your strengths and carefully preparing for delivery. About 20% of schoolchildren, having chosen social studies as an additional subject, do not take the Unified State Exam.

Failure in the exam in this subject does not threaten the lack of a certificate, but it is often required for admission to universities.

Social studies holds the palm among the selective subjects for passing the exam. The popularity of this exam is explained quite simply: on the one hand, it is considered uncomplicated, and on the other, it is often required for admission to humanitarian specialties. Some students think that they need not prepare for social studies, since they will understand the correct answers to the test part based on logic, and they will write something in the essay. This mistake has already caught a lot of high school students.

This exam requires not only time and effort to memorize the terminology, but also the ability to operate it. In addition, the threshold for this USE exceeds the "minimum" that must be scored, for example, for or. To successfully pass social studies, you need to learn everything about the changes in KIMs that have already been published. Let's figure out what is included in the exam in this subject, and also find out what pitfalls high school students have to bypass.

Demonstration version of the exam-2017

Dates of the exam in social studies

Rosobrnadzor has allocated the following dates for the Unified State Exam in Social Science:

  • Early period. An early exam will be held on March 24, 2017, and April 5, 2017 is allocated as a reserve day (you need to write an application for early delivery before March 1);
  • The main stage. The main exam is scheduled for June 9, 2017.
  • Reserve date. The reserve day for social studies is June 20, 2017 (in case of force majeure, there is one more reserve day for all subjects - June 30, 2017).

Recall that only some categories of graduates can apply for early USE:

  • those who graduated from school before the 2016/2017 academic year;
  • students who received secondary education before the 2016/2017 academic year with a certificate, not a certificate;
  • evening school students;
  • high school students falling under;
  • eleventh graders who will be absent on the day of the main test due to leaving for sports, Olympiads, competitions and other events of the federal or international level, as well as those who will be forced to miss the main date due to treatment or prevention of diseases;
  • graduates leaving the territory of Russia due to a change of residence or to study at a foreign university;
  • students who graduated from school outside of Russia.

Statistical data

The social studies exam in 2016 was chosen by 358.5 thousand schoolchildren (about 55% of all graduates). Despite the seeming simplicity of this exam, about 17.6% of eleventh graders were unable to score a minimum score last year. Unfortunately, this indicator has significantly increased in recent years. For example, in 2011 the percentage of "poor" was only 3.9%, and in 2013 - 5.3%. Only 59 people were able to demonstrate the highest result, equal to one hundred points.

Passing the exam in social studies

The time allotted by FIPI for the social studies exam will be the same as last year - the student has the right to solve the ticket for 235 minutes. It is worth reminding once again that this examination does not imply the use of additional reference materials and computer technology.

Before a graduate enters the classroom and receives his ticket, he must get rid of all prohibited items (smartphone, audio, video, photographic equipment, tablet, smart watch and other small equipment, reference books or cheat sheets). Any of these subjects will be the reason for removal from the exam and giving an unsatisfactory mark.

Instructions on the conditions for passing the exam will be held before the exam

During the social studies exam, schoolchildren are prohibited from changing their place, getting up from it without the permission of observers, leaving the classroom unaccompanied, turning to other students and talking to them. Do not worry that you will not be able to navigate or do something wrong. Before you start testing, you will be given the rules of conduct, they will tell you how and when you can get acquainted with your results, how to fill out examination forms and correct mistakes.

Social Studies tickets review information related to various aspects of life in modern society. The exam is designed to test the knowledge of graduates in the basics of economics, jurisprudence, understanding of sociology and political science, as well as philosophy and, in some aspects, even history. Specifically, the student will be required to demonstrate:

  • understanding of the biosocial essence of a person;
  • knowledge of the main stages and factors that determine the socialization of an individual;
  • the ability to determine the role and place of the individual in social relations;
  • knowledge about the laws and trends in the development of society, as well as the institutions that govern society;
  • understanding the need to manage public relations;
  • knowledge of the norms and mechanisms of legal regulation of relations in society;
  • the ability to search and analyze information characterizing various social objects;
  • skills in applying the acquired social, economic and humanitarian knowledge in practice;
  • the ability to formulate and argue their own point of view on the proposed problems.

The structure of the work is represented by 29 tasks, divided into two parts:

  • the first part consists of 20 tasks involving a short answer in the form of one or more words. A possible answer consisting of sequentially written digits;
  • the second part includes 9 tasks, to which you should give a detailed answer in the form of an explanation, description or statement of a reasoned opinion. This also includes such an important part as the essay.

This exam tests the knowledge of schoolchildren about the functioning of society

What will change in the exam in 2017?

KIMs for social studies of the sample of 2017 do not imply any significant changes in the content, however, the ticket structure has been optimized. Experts from FIPI pay attention to the following points in the block of tasks from the first part, which are aimed at testing knowledge from the "Law" section:

  • the ticket is supplemented with task number 17, which assumes the choice of correct judgments, as a result of which the numbering has been changed. The test, previously numbered 17th, became the 18th in a row;
  • the task, which was the 19th in the KIMs of previous years, was excluded from the examination ticket.

Grading system and passing score

For 8 years, the points that the student receives for the USE were not transferred to the usual five-point grading system, since the result of this test did not affect the points of the final certificate. However, not so long ago there was news that in 2017 this will be revised - with the help of the exam it will be possible to correct school grades. If we translate the received points into the usual grading system, then the distribution will become as follows:

  • graduates who scored from 0 to 41 points demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge, therefore, these points are equal to the mark "2";
  • students who scored from 42 to 54 points understand the structure of society at a satisfactory level, their score is "3";
  • high school students who received from 55 to 66 points are quite well oriented in social studies, so they receive a grade of "4";
  • graduates who scored 67 points and more for the exam know social studies perfectly and receive a well-deserved "5".

You can find out your scores for the exam by registering on the USE portal. For personal identification, you will need to enter your passport data. The minimum passing score in the discipline "Social Studies" in 2017 will be 42. As practice shows, to obtain it, you need to successfully cope with about 12 tasks, since almost all of them are estimated at more than 1 point. Recall that the maximum that can be gained for the exam is 100 points.

Prepare to write your essay - this is an important part of the CSE exam!

How to write a good essay?

One of the most difficult tasks in social studies is considered an essay, which will require you to have serious theoretical skills and the ability to correctly formulate your thoughts. However, it is quite possible to overcome difficulties with this task if you use the following recommendations:

  • correctly allocate the time allotted for the exam: try to leave at least 65-70 minutes on the essay;
  • do not try to fill out a complete answer on a draft form, because then you may not have enough time to rewrite everything. Limit yourself to theses and key points that will help you structure this assignment;
  • take a responsible approach to the choice of a topic - read and think over all the options proposed for the choice in order to choose the one that you understand exactly and can comprehensively argue;
  • unambiguously determine to which branch of knowledge the topic that you will disclose belongs to. The Commission strongly dislikes vague and generalized language that goes beyond disciplines;
  • start your essay with a general discussion of the problem and focus on its relevance;
  • include at least a brief information about the author whose statement you will need to analyze, describe several approaches to the formulated problem, select theoretical and empirical arguments;
  • do not forget to draw a capacious final conclusion.

In total, you can get 5 points for an essay, the first part of which is awarded for understanding the topic. This is an important point - if the expert thinks that you have not been able to understand the topic, he simply will not check the work. The second part of the points is awarded for knowledge of the terms, the ability to use them, and also for how correctly you can draw conclusions. The third component is scores for the skills of reasoned reinforcement of one's position.

Preparation for the exam in social studies

When preparing for the exam, you should initially focus on knowledge of terminology. However, it is not enough to memorize definitions from economics, philosophy, law, sociology, or political science. The success of this exam largely depends on how correctly you can operate with concepts, whether you know how to relate the problem to a certain branch of science and analyze it using the methods it uses.

To pass the exam, be more attentive in the classroom and go through demo options

An important point is the choice of manuals, methodological literature and teaching materials. Unfortunately, preparing for the exam is a way to earn extra money selling third-rate literature. Choose only textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education - for example, the development of L.N. Bogolyubov and A.I. Kravchenko. Make sure that the selected literature has been published in recent years, as specialists from FIPI rely only on modern publications.

Work through the demo version of the Unified State Exam in order to understand the structure of the ticket and the requirements for its solution. A demo version of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies can be downloaded on our website (see the beginning of the article). This version was developed by specialists from FIPI, so the tasks that it includes are similar to real tests. See which essay topics have been included in the tickets of the past years, and write training work for each of them. This approach will help you develop the skill of structuring thoughts and presenting arguments.

Educational portal "Study HERE" offers to pass the test examinations of the Unified State Examination in social studies. After you pass the test, you will be shown the correct answers. These tests will help you prepare for a future exam. With repeated training, you will have an idea of ​​how the Unified State Exam in Social Studies goes. Of course, the trial versions of the exam will not coincide with the real tasks. But keep in mind, when you take an on-line test on the "Study HERE" website, you are not limited in time, and on a real exam, the time frame is strictly regulated.

The training exam has a positive effect on academic performance

The collected statistics allow experts to conclude that those students who constantly pass the training exam, including online tests, learn better than their peers. This can be explained by the fact that schoolchildren recall the previously passed material, training on the trial exam. And new knowledge is based on old ones. Repetition of the past helps to better understand new topics. In addition, the student recognizes his weaknesses and repeats them to improve his performance. Those who prepare better for the exam and pass the USE better will be able to enter a more prestigious university and get a modern higher education at a high level.

Do the online tests match the real USE?

Online examinations of the exam do not correspond to the tasks on the real exam. But they have a general principle of constructing questions. Also, the child needs to get used to the test form of the exam. Online tests allow you to prepare at home for the most serious school test. Many children are very nervous before the exam. But those who trained at home are already ready for the exam, and they are not so worried. This allows them to focus their attention and strain their memory. Concentration allows you to avoid silly mistakes that could take away precious points. For these reasons, teachers advise students to periodically check their readiness for the exam using various mock tests. After all, each ball can decide whether a graduate will be able to enter a particular university. And studying at a good Moscow university is the key to a successful career. So it is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the issue of preparation and devote some time to the online exam tests, which will help you prepare for the exam.

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