Home Trees and shrubs Instructions for use of the device Almag 01. Almag - characteristics, indications and contraindications. Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, including after trauma, stroke

Instructions for use of the device Almag 01. Almag - characteristics, indications and contraindications. Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, including after trauma, stroke

Both doctors and patients know that any disease must be treated in a comprehensive manner. That is, to use not only the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also other methods. For example, you can take antihypertensive drugs as much as you like and suffer from their low effect if you like strong coffee, salty food, do not get enough sleep chronically and are constantly nervous.

In the presence of articular pathologies, the situation is the same: everyone has learned to use non-steroidal drugs that effectively relieve pain for a short period, and do not even think that many symptoms can be eliminated without medication. We propose to look at physiotherapeutic methods, namely, the Almag-01 device, which operates on the basis of a pulsed magnetic field.

We can foresee objections: to go to the polyclinic too far, and there is no time for this, and there is also a queue there. But we are talking about home physiotherapy procedures that can be carried out with no less efficiency than in a physiotherapy room. Treatment with Almag-01 is the best proof of this. Consider how the instructions for use describe the device.

This is an important point, since you may be encouraged to buy by the praise of friends or acquaintances who have already used home magnetotherapy. However, like all other methods of treatment, the device has limitations in its use.

Application is prohibited in the following cases:
  1. During pregnancy.
  2. In the presence of a severe form of ischemic heart disease and in the postinfarction period.
  3. With severe hypotension.
  4. With oncological diseases.
  5. With blood diseases, a tendency to bleeding.
  6. In the presence of acute purulent processes.
  7. For acute inflammatory diseases of any etiology.
  8. With disorders of cerebral circulation in the acute and subacute period.
  9. With arrhythmias, especially with a pacemaker.
  10. With thyrotoxicosis.
  11. With diencephalic syndrome.
  12. Children's age (up to 3 years old).

Let's dwell on one more important point. Even if you are sure that you do not have the above pathologies, it will be useful to visit a doctor before starting a home course of treatment. The reviews of physiotherapists about the device are good, it is to this specialist that you need to go, taking with you the purchased Almag-01 device.

A specialist will analyze your outpatient card and select the optimal course of procedures. At the same time, he will explain all the subtleties of using Almag-01, if something seems incomprehensible to you. Using the doctor's recommendations is better than being guided by a thematic video or advice from friends.

Operating principle

The operation of the device is similar to a session of magnetic therapy. Additional advantages include the presence of not constant or variable, but a traveling magnetic field. With constant action, the patient's body "gets used" to the procedure, and the effect is much smaller than with the influence of running impulses. It is believed that enhancing microcirculation, changing the polarity of all body fluids is more effective with running impact.

The device Almag-01 has 4 applicators, magnetic impulses in which occur alternately. The location of the device on the affected area matters. For example, in the treatment of varicose veins or neuropathy of the lower extremities, the impulses should go from the bottom up; in case of osteochondrosis, the applicators can be placed in any order.

The instructions offered by the manufacturer cannot include all the subtleties and nuances of the application. Therefore, do not be lazy to go to a physiotherapist before starting treatment.

Now let us list the conditions and pathologies for which the use of the device is recommended.

Expert opinion

Over time, pain and crunching in the back and joints can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy to cure joints, which is recommended by the orthopedist Bubnovsky ... Read more »

List of indications

It is recommended to use home magnetotherapy in the following cases:

  • For diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various etiologies. This group includes osteoarthritis, chondrosis, joint diseases, gout.
  • Contusions, wounds, the consequences of trauma.
  • Arterial hypertension 1, 2 stages.
  • Endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs.
  • Neuralgia, tendon and ligament diseases.
  • Vascular pathologies like dystonia.
  • Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer, dyskinesia, pancreatitis without exacerbation.
  • Women's diseases, complications after cesarean section.
  • Thrombophlebitis, angiopathy, polyneuropathy.
  • Diseases of the peripheral nerves.

Where and how to buy

So, the decision to use Almag-01 has been made. The only thing left is to buy a device. It cannot be said that the device is cheap, its price in a pharmacy is about 8 thousand. rubles.

Customer reviews indicate that online retailers offer the product at a lower cost, but we urge you to be careful. When buying any medicines, medical devices, make sure you have a quality certificate.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced persistent back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, for thousands of years, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases, and it is simple and straightforward. Read more »

A purchase in pharmacies with personal contact with a pharmacist will help to avoid unpleasant surprises - the device can be checked immediately, and also make sure that this is exactly the device that is produced by the Elatomsky plant, which specializes in such equipment. The official website of ELAMED provides detailed information about the device and how to purchase it.

Significant effects

Now let's talk about painful symptoms that can be eliminated using the Almag-01 apparatus.

The flying magnetic field of the device will help:

  • Get rid of puffiness and pain;
  • Restore the mobility of diseased joints and get rid of stiffness in the spine;
  • Reduce dosages, stop using painkillers and non-steroidal medications;
  • Accelerate wound healing;
  • Establish a full night's sleep, relieve anxiety;
  • Normalize blood pressure, get rid of tachycardia;
  • Get rid of nausea, heartburn, flatulence;
  • Improve breathing, and increase interictal periods in bronchitis and asthma;
  • Improve microcirculation;
  • Strengthen immunity.

These arguments are enough to convince you of the effectiveness of the device. However, do not forget about contraindications and consider buying Almag-01 thoughtfully.

Age dosages:

Applying inductors depending on the disease:


1. Before carrying out a course of treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis and exclude the presence of contraindications for the use of the device.

2. Carrying out procedures by the patient himself at home does not require special training and special skills.

3. For maximum effect, be sure to read the instructions before carrying out the procedures. Follow the procedures in accordance with the specified method. If you have any questions during the treatment and rehabilitation with the device at home, get recommendations from a physiotherapist.

4. In the case of the appointment of procedures by the doctor, the methodology can be changed by him, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

5. The total duration of procedures should not exceed 40 minutes a day.

6. The use of the device in pediatric practice should be carried out in accordance with age-specific dosages (Table 3-6).

Treatment of all diseases is carried out by influencing the diseased organs and reflex zones with the northern side (N) in accordance with the age dosage. When the procedure is released, the patient is in the supine position.

Age dosages

Treatment with the device for patients over 15 years old

When the use of the device in a medical institution in the first three to five days of treatment, the impact is carried out by regimen No. 3, then - by regimen No. 1.

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes, the duration of the course is 7-12 days in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

In case of home use procedures during the course of treatment are recommended to be released at regular intervals, once or twice a day. When carrying out the first course of treatment, the first three days of the procedure are released with a duration of 10 minutes, on the 3rd and 4th day of treatment, the procedure time is reduced to 7 minutes by 2 days, and then the procedure time is increased and brought to 15-20 minutes.

After the first 6 days of treatment, a break is made for 1 day, then the treatment is carried out for another 6 days and a break is made again for 1 day, after which the treatment is carried out for another 6 days.

The procedures are carried out once or twice a day in accordance with the dosage.

The interval between procedures is at least 8 hours.

In persons suffering from hypertension, in the first 6 days of treatment before the procedure and 20-30 minutes after it, blood pressure should be monitored. This is necessary to assess the magnetic sensitivity and the quality of treatment.

In the case of an increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure, in the first 6 days with regimen No. 3 by no more than 10-25 mm Hg. when carrying out the following procedure, it is necessary to reduce the exposure time by 1/3.

In the case of an increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure in the first 6 days by regimen No. 1 by no more than 10-25 mm Hg. when carrying out treatment within the next 3 days, regimen No. 2 is applied. After that, treatment with regimen No. 1 is resumed.

In case of an increase or decrease in blood pressure after the procedure by more than 25 mm Hg. Before proceeding with the next procedure, you should consult a physiotherapist or attending physician to adjust the treatment method. To assess the dynamics of blood pressure, a diary should be kept, indicating the figures obtained during the measurement.

If it is necessary to treat several diseases with the device: after the course of treatment of one disease, a break in treatment is made for 10-15 days and another disease is treated. if it is necessary to treat only one disease, then the break between courses of treatment is 1.5-2 months. Reducing the interval between courses of treatment is possible only on the recommendation of a physiotherapist.

Treatment with the device for patients under 15 years of age

If the device is used in pediatric practice, the following age-specific dosages should be observed:

Applying inductors for dispensing procedures depending on the disease

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Arthritis, arthrosis

In the case of arthritis of one joint, a ruler of four inductors is spirally applied around the joint to capture the surrounding tissue. In case of damage to two joints, one pair of inductors is placed on one affected joint, the second pair - on the second.

Example knee arthritis treatment- rice. 1

Example hip arthritis treatment- rice. 2.

Osteochondropathy, heel spur

With osteochondropathy and heel spur, the procedure is released according to the transverse technique, placing a pair of inductors on both sides of the pathological focus.

Example heel spur treatment- rice. 3.

Spinal osteochondrosis, including herniated disc, scoliosis

Pairs of inductors are placed parallel along the spine on the long muscles of the back so that the problem vertebrae are between the inductors.

In the case of changes in the vertebrae over a long distance, the impact is carried out with a line of four inductors directly on the affected areas of the spine.

Example treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine- rice. 4.

In the case of osteochondrosis (intervertebral hernia), complicated by radicular syndrome, first the impact is carried out on the problem area of ​​the spine, after which the line of emitters must be installed along the affected nerve and the impact on the second area.

Example treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with radicular syndrome- rice. 5.


A ruler of four inductors is applied along the course of the bone, on the side of which the pain syndrome is expressed.

The time of one procedure should correspond to the age dosages.

Example osteoporosis treatment- rice. 6.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Dystonia and hypertension stage 1 and 2 (essential hypertension)

In case of dystonia and hypertension of 1 and 2 stages, a line of four inductors is placed on the collar zone.

The exposure time should correspond to age-related dosages.

Example treatment of hypertension and dystonia- rice. 7.

Complications of diabetes mellitus

In the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy and angiopathy, first a line of four inductor coils is placed on the front surface of the lower leg and below, to the back of the foot. After the end of the impact, a line of four inductor coils is transferred to the anterior-inner surface of the thigh and the impact is carried out. If both legs are affected, during one day the procedure is released on one leg, and the next day on the other.

Example diabetes treatment- rice. eight.

Vascular disease

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs (obliterating endarteritis)

In atherosclerotic occlusion of the arteries of the lower extremities, a line of four inductor coils is placed along the anterior surface of the lower leg along the vessels (from top to bottom) and nerves - from the occlusion zone and below. The first inductor is located proximally (closer to the body).

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are released on both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is released twice a day.

Example treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs- rice. nine.

Diseases of the veins (chronic venous insufficiency, including with ulcers and inflammation) and lymphatic vessels

For diseases of the veins (varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcers and inflammation, chronic venous insufficiency) and lymphatic vessels (lymphostasis), a line of four inductor coils is placed on the posterior surface of the leg and above. The first inductor is located distally (closer to the ankle joint), the fourth - in the popliteal fossa.

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are released on both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is released twice a day with an interval of at least 6 hours.

Example treatment of varicose veins- rice. ten.

Lung disease

Bronchial asthma

First, both pairs of inductors are placed on two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region. After exposure in accordance with the age dosage on the interscapular region, both pairs of inductors are fastened into a ruler and set along the lower edge of the costal arch to effect the lower parts of the lungs and the adrenal glands. The exposure time for adults on this area is 10 minutes; in children - in accordance with age dosages. The procedures are released once a day.

Example bronchial asthma treatment- rice. eleven.


Both pairs of inductors are placed on two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region.

Example bronchitis treatment- rice. 12.

Neurological diseases

Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, including after trauma, stroke

With lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities (neuritis, cerebral palsy and associated paresis, hypertonicity) inductors are applied to the affected nerve plexus and along the affected nerve in accordance with the age dosage. The choice of the number of inducers of influence depends on the length of the affected nerve root.

Example sciatic nerve neuritis treatment- rice. 13.

In cases of damage to the nerve roots after a stroke - once a day: first, exposure with a ruler of four inductors is carried out on the collar zone, after which the inductors are installed on the projection of the affected nerve roots and plexuses and the next exposure is performed in accordance with the age dosage.

Example treating the effects of a stroke- rice. fourteen.

Injuries (fractures)

Coils-inductors are placed along the projection of the lesion focus. It is allowed to carry out the impact through gauze or plaster bandages. The number of inductors is determined by the area of ​​the injury area.

Example shin fracture treatment- rice. 15.

Example forearm fracture treatment- rice. 16.

In order to strengthen the body and in the treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, one of the leading roles is assigned to physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Awakening internal reserves, adjusting the natural forces of the body, they start the process of self-healing. This allows you to reduce or gradually get rid of the use of medications and avoid possible side effects. The arsenal of physiotherapy tools is huge. The most famous and effective is Almag - a magnetic therapy device. For 15 years it has been widely used in medical institutions, clinics and hospital departments. A portable version of Almag-01 has been developed specifically for home treatment - instructions for use and reviews will help you get to know this device better.

Device device Almag-01

The device was created in the early 90s by order of the leading physiotherapists of the country to replace the highly effective, but cumbersome and inconvenient in practical application, the ALIMP apparatus. The device Almag-01, developed and manufactured by the Elatomsk Instrument Plant, has the same properties:

  • compact;

  • does not need protective grounding during operation;

  • easy to use, does not require medical knowledge and special skills;

  • affordable.

Almag-01 is a magnetic apparatus (N 1 is a number indicating a modification in the series, since later a more complicated version of N 2 was released for the most difficult cases of the disease). The running electromagnetic field acts as a healing factor. Generation mode - impulse, intermittent. In contrast to the continuous type, the impulse action has a number of advantages:

  • being very sensitive to the action of magnetic fields, the body is easier to adapt, but less accustomed to impulse exposure, which allows you to achieve a much greater therapeutic effect;

  • shows selectivity due to the ability to regulate the frequency of modulation and repetitive pulses in a wide range, shape, duration of exposure, intensity - the main parameters: magnetic flux, induction, permeability, tension;

  • sinks deeper into tissues and organs;

  • has pronounced biological effects;

  • acts at the cellular level on almost all structures, the nervous, bone, endocrine systems, heart, blood and lymphatic vessels are especially sensitive.

What is included in the Almag-01 delivery set and how the device works is described in detail in the instructions attached to it. The package contains:

  • electronic unit - pulse current generator, rectangular box 137x60 mm in size, 4.5 cm high;

  • a light indicator (green and yellow) located on the unit body, showing the phase of operation and a separate control indicator for checking the presence of a magnetic field pulse;

  • power cord;

  • 4 double-sided coils interconnected by a soft tape - impact nodes or emitters applied to the skin. Their diameter - 90 mm, thickness - 15 mm;

  • flexible cable connecting the generator to the applicators;

  • elastic medical bandage for fixing the device;

  • the weight of the device is no more than 6-7 kg.

Magnetic therapy is a method of treatment based on the positive effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the human body. The body consists of different types of cells formed by ionized molecules, each with an electric charge. The principle of operation of Almag-01 is based on the fact that a magnetic field acting on human tissues creates electric currents. They affect the water systems of the body, free radicals, ionized biological molecules - proteins, enzymes. A change in the physicochemical properties and orientation of charged particles in the body contributes to:

  • changes in the permeability of intracellular membranes, acceleration of biochemical and biophysical processes, improvement of tissue trophism, faster removal of toxic decay products;

  • restoration of natural electromagnetic indicators, disturbed as a result of injury or illness;

  • a decrease in viscosity, blood thinning, which makes it difficult to form blood clots;

  • normalization of metabolism, blood circulation in individual zones and the body as a whole;

  • the launch of regeneration - the restoration of lost or damaged areas of tissues and organs;

  • blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the damaged area, which is responsible for pain;

  • stimulation of nerve fibers that regulate vascular tone. This causes the expansion of blood vessels, a decrease in inflammatory edema, restores mobility to the joint;

  • activation of immune processes, restorative action.

The field generated by the device is characterized by the following indicators:

  • frequency of repetitive magnetic pulses - 6 Hz;

  • the duration of the supplied impulses is in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 ms;

  • induction or magnetic flux density - 20 mT;

  • the effective penetration depth of traveling waves is 6-8 cm.

Such technical characteristics explain that the Almag-01 apparatus heals due to the effect on the cellular level not only of bones and joints, but also of internal organs.

How to use at home

Almag-01 is a unique portable device for the treatment of many diseases. The effectiveness is confirmed by numerous medical trials and protocols signed by officials of the leading clinics in Russia.

The device is designed with the maximum safety and comfort of the patient in mind, since it is allowed to use it outside the walls of a medical facility, but independently, right at home. No special qualifications are required.

How to use - the correct sequence of actions, the nuances of the Almag-01, recommendations and warnings are indicated in the instructions for use. Observance of the following rules will help to optimally use the capabilities of the device:

  • Before using, keep the device for at least 4 hours at room temperature, make sure that the connecting wires, the plug are intact, there is no external damage to the parts or any other malfunctions. If necessary, wipe the outer skin-contacting surfaces of the device parts with a cloth soaked in a medical disinfectant solution for plastic products. Avoid getting the solution inside.

  • It is connected to a regular household outlet with a rated supply voltage of 220-230V, intended for household appliances. Away, at least 0.5 m, from magnetic storage media (flash drives, disks, credit cards, video recordings, key cards).

  • A green indicator lit up on the generator housing indicates that the device is working properly and is ready for operation. Simultaneously with it, a yellow lamp lights up, signaling the beginning of the formation and distribution of current pulses through the emitters. A pulsed magnetic field running from one coil to another will be generated and distributed in space - you can start a therapy session. The efficiency of the device is also indicated by 4 green indicators blinking with equal frequency, located in the center of the applicator coils. Additionally, you can verify the presence of a magnetic field using a special testing indicator - applying it to the coils and observing the reaction. Depending on the type, the control indicator vibrates or flashes green.

  • After 22 minutes, the yellow lamp associated with the timer will automatically go out and the radiation will stop. The device takes 10 minutes. a break during which it is disconnected from the power supply. Then it is ready for reuse. In this intermittent mode, Almag-01 provides 6 hours of uninterrupted operation.

  • Apply inductors with any work surface directly to the skin or, for hygiene reasons, to a diseased area covered with a light cloth. The effect persists when applied through a plaster or gauze bandage.

  • During the session, the patient should be in a comfortable, relaxed position - sitting or lying down. It is advisable to choose the time in the morning and evening hours, 1 hour before meals or after waiting 2-3 hours after meals. The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during the entire period of treatment.

  • The duration of the course and the exact time of exposure is determined by the doctor based on the type of disease, individual characteristics of the organism and for what Almag-01 is prescribed - for therapeutic, prophylactic or general health purposes. The procedures should be carried out daily, preferably 2 rubles / day at the same time. Begin therapy with 10 minutes. sessions, gradually increasing the time: after 4 procedures for 5 minutes, after 8 - for 10 minutes. The duration of the course is usually 10-20 sessions, then a mandatory 4-week break.

  • At the end of the session, turn off the device. Store away from direct sunlight, heating elements and high temperature sources.

Indications and contraindications

The doctor decides on the need to use the Almag device for the treatment of joints, problems with the spine or other diseases after examining the patient and making a diagnosis. The instruction contains the method of using Almag-01, indications and contraindications.

The device is useful for a variety of diseases.

Main indications:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system: trauma, inflammatory diseases, hernia, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine. Also, damage to ligaments and muscles, purulent inflammation of the cellular spaces, difficult healing wounds, burns and their consequences;

  • neurological syndromes, incl. orthopedic neurology, vascular lesions of the brain;

  • venous insufficiency of the upper and lower extremities, diseases of the heart and blood vessels: hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis, endarteritis;

  • inflammation of the vein wall (phlebitis), blockage of veins or arteries by a thrombus, performed phlebectomy - an operation to remove varicose veins;

  • gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;

  • endocrine diseases associated with pancreatic disorders, complications associated with diabetes mellitus;

  • violations of the respiratory function of the lungs - bronchial obstruction, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis;

  • dermatological diseases, diseases of the genital organs in women, reproductive, urogenital areas.

Physiotherapy or therapy with magnets is considered a safe method, it does not directly harm the body, because natural to humans. Some patients with a certain disease and pathological condition are prohibited from using the magnet treatment. To prevent Almag-01 from being harmful, it is important to take into account the limitations, the full list contains instructions. Here are the main ones:

  • acute purulent infections, inflammatory processes of various localization caused by pyogenic microflora;

  • predisposition to bleeding, diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs - bone marrow, thymus gland, lymph nodes, spleen;

  • hypothalamic syndrome, hyperthyroidism;

  • hypotension - decreased muscle tone or general, expressed by low pressure;

  • cancerous growths;

  • the early period of the postponed heart attack, severe form of heart ischemia;

  • pregnancy;

  • alcoholic intoxication;

  • an implanted pacemaker in an area exposed to the magnetic field.

Side effects can develop if the instructions for use are not followed or if the doctor's order is ignored. This can be increased pain, discomfort, individual reactions - headache, dizziness, itching, rash, gag reflex.

How to be treated with Almag-01

Having studied numerous reviews about Almag-01, we can draw conclusions:

  • the effect is not immediately noticeable, only after 2-3 days of use the pain and swelling begin to subside gradually. For more tangible improvements, regular long-term treatment is required;

  • Almag is especially useful for the back - after 4-5 sessions of complex treatment, pain, lethargy of muscles subsides, stiffness in the spine disappears;

  • with arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout and other inflammatory types of diseases of the spine and joints, drugs are often ineffective, their combination with Almag-01 provides a quick analgesic effect without the use of large doses of non-steroidal drugs;

  • some note an improvement in general well-being - normalization of sleep, stress relief, anxiety. Wounds and postoperative scars heal faster, Almag-01 helps to get rid of or reduce such unpleasant phenomena as belching, bloating, flatulence, nausea;

  • with regular use, a noticeable decrease in the size of veins, a favorable effect of Almaga-01 on visual acuity, respiratory functions is noted;

  • It is successfully used for hypertension: primary hypertension, renal origin and vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type. In the first case, 12 sessions are required - to apply the device to the collar area, this is a reflexogenic zone, which is responsible for ensuring the functioning of the heart and the constancy of blood pressure. The impact on the receptors located in this place reduces the strength of the heart contraction and frequency, and the pulsed magnetic field promotes the expansion of blood vessels. In two other cases, it is prescribed to alternate the impact on the collar zone with the zone of direct projection of the adrenal glands - located on the back, in the lumbar region, under the ribs. It will take about 18 procedures; during treatment, constantly monitor blood pressure.

Most patients are satisfied with the result, noting positive qualities, but there are negative reviews:

  • at the beginning of use, the pain syndrome increases;

  • unpleasant tingling, discomfort during the session;

  • lack of a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The ability to have a beneficial effect on human health is confirmed by many experts, but one should not count on an instant result and rely on Almag-01 as a panacea for all diseases. According to medical practitioners, the device is not capable of completely curing serious ailments. But, as evidenced by the reviews of doctors, as part of complex therapy, Almag-01 has an additional therapeutic effect. It is based on the effect of a trace, i.e. the magnetic field creates conditions for the restructuring of the body, after which it begins to function normally. It is important to be patient.

How to use the device also matters. Each disease has its own area of ​​application of the applicator and the direction of movement of the impulses. In case of joint damage, osteochondrosis, it is enough to place a flexible emitting line along the affected area in any order, but when treating varicose veins or problems with the peripheral nervous system in the lower extremities, it is important that the running impulses follow from bottom to top. Do not treat more than 2 joints at the same time or apply a magnetic field to the heart, brain or eyes.

Appliance cost

Almag-01 is purchased in medical equipment stores, a stationary pharmacy network, via the Internet, or ordered directly from the factory. The price varies from 8 to 9.5 thousand rubles. The official website of the manufacturer (www.almag-01.ru) provides an opportunity to buy Almag-01 at a discount. Including delivery, the price will be 8500 rubles. The manufacturer provides service and maintenance, the warranty period is 24 months. The price of the device is high, but if all requirements are met, the manufacturer guarantees 5-8 years of impeccable service and physical therapy at home.

Before using, be sure to consult with your doctor, undergo the necessary examination.

The problem of back pain is urgent. Every person has experienced this feeling at least once. There are diseases that cause a constant feeling of pain, not only in the back, but also in other parts of the body. There are many ways to treat pain, ranging from conservative to surgical. Recently, the Almag device, based on magnetic therapy, has been gaining popularity, designed specifically to combat this problem and improve the quality of life of patients.

Principle of operation

Almag 01 is a source of magnetic rays that have a healing effect on the body. It is a physiotherapeutic treatment (). It consists of 4 interconnected coils (emitter of magnetic currents), connected by a cable with a power cord. Also included is a magnetic radiation indicator and an elastic bandage for fixing. The device is convenient for home use, as well as. Should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician as magnetotherapy.

The principle of operation of the device in the emission of magnetic currents. The coils included in the composition are interconnected by flexible structures, therefore they are freely applied to the affected area and the device is included in the network. There is a magnet inside the coils. Under the influence of a current power of 220 volts, pulsed currents are formed in the coils, which are then converted into magnetic radiation in them. As a result, a field - a magnet - is formed in the space around the coils of the device.

Magnetic rays penetrate the skin to a depth of 8 centimeters. They improve blood circulation, relieve pain impulse and improve metabolism, magnetic therapy is based on this. In addition, Almag 01 has a slight warming effect.


There are many indications for the use of the drug. The instruction confirms several diseases for which the use of a magnetic therapy device is recommended. All of them are accompanied by pain syndrome, restriction of movement and activity, differ only in localization. According to the instructions, indications for the use of Almag are:

  • Any diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: neuritis, bursitis, tendinitis. All of these diseases are inflammatory in nature. With the help of Almag, thanks to the action of magnetic beams, the feeling of edema is removed and, not immediately, gradually. Sprains and tears of ligaments, fractures during the recovery period, bruises are also accompanied by a feeling of pain and an increase in edema, so magnetic therapy will be quite effective. It is also indicated for the formation of hernias, osteochondrosis, etc. Since in these diseases the structure of the cartilage is disrupted, its blood supply is disrupted. The magnet improves microcirculation both in the joints and in the spine. You can use Almag 01 for hematomas, wounds, edema, burns, scars.
  • Diseases of a neurological nature. The effect is more based on the relaxing and calming effect of the procedure.

  • Cardiovascular pathology. The Almag apparatus is used for ischemic disease, atherosclerotic vascular lesions, hypertension, including symptomatic, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The main thing is to control the course of the disease using medication. It is possible to use Almag 01 for these diseases, if there are no contraindications. Basically, the effect is based on the stimulation of blood circulation, activation of vascular activity and a calming effect.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: used for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis. Treatment Almag 01 is based on stimulating blood circulation, accelerating scarring of defects. It also relieves pain.
  • Diseases of the small pelvis, for example, inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), trauma to the small pelvis, decreased ovarian function. The device also works to relieve pain and improve well-being.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: chronic bronchitis and asthma of bronchial origin, pneumonia in the recovery stage, chest contusions. The medical device improves blood supply to target organs, accelerates recovery, and relieves pain.
  • Complications of the course of diabetes mellitus.


Contraindications are limited. But it is important to observe them and not to use the Almag 01 apparatus in the presence of the following conditions, since more harm than good can be done. Almag 01 is contraindicated for use:

  1. In the presence of purulent diseases, both external and internal. Since it is possible to worsen the inflammatory process when exposed to magnetic current and cause complications. If this is an external inflammation, then you can not lean against the focus of foreign objects.
  2. If you are pregnant. In no case is it possible! Since the magnetic current, like any other radiation, can harm the fetus and lead to termination of pregnancy.
  3. In the presence of increased bleeding, reduced blood clotting, you can not use.
  4. When detecting tumor diseases. Since physiotherapy can contribute to the growth and progression of the neoplasm.
  5. With increased thyroid function (thyrotoxicosis).
  6. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, there are also contraindications to the use of the apparatus.
  7. In the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in active form. In this condition, it is also impossible to use both this drug and any physiotherapy.
  8. With uncompensated coronary heart disease (severe forms of arrhythmias, angina pectoris, heart attack). It is possible to start using the device when the condition compensation is reached. It is strictly contraindicated in the presence of a pacemaker!
  9. If there were operations for fractures of the spine or bones, metal rods or frames were inserted, the use of Almag is also prohibited, these are direct contraindications.
  10. If there are adverse reactions to the drug (itching, rash, dizziness, nausea, and others), it is worth discontinuing use.

How to use?

Before use, you must connect Almag 01 to the network. Before that, be sure to disinfect its surfaces with a soft cloth soaked in a disinfectant solution. It can be hydrogen peroxide, a solution of ethyl alcohol, chloramine. You can just use a detergent.

Repeat disinfection at least twice with an interval of ten minutes. Let the device dry, then plug it in.

The device has indicators of magnetic radiation. There are two of them. As soon as you plug in the device, one of them lights up in green. The second turns on yellow a little later and starts blinking. The Almag device will blink for 22 minutes, since this is the time needed to heat the device and the appearance of a magnetic field. The following algorithm:

  • Disconnect Almag 01 from the network and turn it on again. Both LEDs should light up green.
  • There is a control indicator included. It can be brought up to each of the coils to check their functionality. It should give a color signal when it works.

  • It is necessary to take the coils in hand, put them on the place of impact, take a calm posture. You can place the coils directly on the skin, on fabric (diaper, clothing), even over plaster.
  • The duration of exposure is different, depending on the disease being treated. The time of the procedure is appointed by the attending physician. Minimally kept from ten to fifteen minutes.
  • At the end of use, turn off the drug, put it in a dry, cool place, protected from sunlight.


Almag 01 is lightweight and easy to use. Both an elderly person and a child can cope with it. The main thing is to follow the instructions. The main advantages of this device over other methods:

  1. Security. Relative concept, since there is still a danger associated with the presence of contact with electricity. But the magnetic field is absolutely safe, there is no harmful effect.
  2. Treatment with Almag is effective. The effect comes gradually, but noticeable.
  3. Availability. Any pharmacy and medical equipment store is available.
  4. Compact and convenient packaging.
  5. Easy to service and maintain.
  6. A minimum of side effects, subject to contraindications.

Thus, the Almag 01 device, as well as the device, is a modern and effective method of physiotherapy. The Almag device is affordable and easy to use at home. It is important to follow the instructions when using.

Almag 01 application. The magnetic field has healing properties; it can be variable, constant and running. On this basis, the device - "Almag 01" was created. The device has a wide range of applications, is easy to use and compact.

  • power cord;
  • cables for tape inductors;
  • an electronic unit that creates pulses of a magnetic field;
  • inductors connected to each other. There are four of them in total, they are applied to the skin on which the problem area is projected;

The operation of the device is based on the property of a magnetic field of pulsed origin. This affects the tissues of the human body, and the wave effect extends to a depth of 8 sentiments.

The reaction of the body to the device Almag.

He is able to provide a therapeutic effect:

  • pain is neutralized through the ability of the running field to block a nerve impulse in a particular area;
  • reduces inflammation and swelling in problem areas due to the use of Almag. Due to this, the dose of non-steroidal drugs is constantly being reduced;
  • the human immune system improves, there is a general strengthening effect;
  • under the influence of Almag, the blood becomes more fluid, its quality improves, the risk of blood clots decreases;
  • improves metabolism and capillary blood circulation, as a result of which cells heal. They are saturated with oxygen and nourished, immunity increases. When more complete cells are born, the process of their regeneration begins;

Specifications Almag 01, application

The manufacturer of the Almag 01 device is the Elamed company, Russia.

A number of studies were carried out that related to the consequences of using the device, the contraindications for use of Almag 01 were determined. After them, "Almag 01" was recommended by specialists for treatment at home and clinically, as prescribed by specialists.

Indications for use of Almaga 01

The device can be used to treat:

  • respiratory system;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • neurological diseases;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • reproductive system disorders in women;
  • cardiovascular diseases associated with insufficient tissue nutrition and impaired blood flow;

Possible contraindications for use.

Like other treatment methods, the use of Almag 01 has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute phase;
  • acute problems of cerebral circulation;
  • increased presence of thyroid hormones in the body;
  • the possibility or presence of internal circulation;
  • suspicion of cancer or a diagnosed disease;

Peculiarities of using the Almag 01 apparatus

Before treating this or that ailment, the patient must choose a comfortable position for himself.

Inductors need to be applied to the problematic area of ​​the skin. There may be a light fabric between the skin and the working part of "Almaga 01".

Rules for the use of "Almag 01":

the course of treatment - from 10 to 20 procedures;

a session of using the apparatus is carried out one hour before a meal or 2-3 hours after it;

perform procedures at the same time 2 times a day;

the first magnetotherapy is given for 10 minutes or less. Over time, the duration of the procedure increases, the maximum duration is 20 minutes. The first sessions provoke aggravation or pain. Subsequently, it disappears;

if it is necessary to use "Almag 01" for the treatment of two zones, then the total duration of exposure should be a maximum of 30 minutes;

Instructions for use Almaga 01

Almag belt equipped with special inductors.

They are applied to:

  • collar area;
  • lower back; the spine;
  • legs with problem veins;
  • the area around the affected joint;

Sometimes pain is present at the beginning of the course of treatment. The first effect of use is often the disappearance of systemic pain.

It should be remembered that results can be expected only with long-term use of "Almaga 01". The body rebuilds very slowly, but as a result, the body becomes strong and finds reserves within itself for treatment.

Safety rules when using "Almaga 01"

Observe the following safety rules:

  • before using the device, check the integrity of the coatings of all its components;
  • when preparing to use the device, remove all magnetically sensitive equipment by at least 0.5 meters;
  • do not allow the reel cable and power cord to be pulled under tension while using the machine. Choose a place where the sockets are conveniently located and extension cords can be used;
  • do not move the device by pulling it by the cord;
  • use only a working socket with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 220 V;
  • do not put the coils in the area of ​​direct influence on the heart and brain;
  • handle "Almag" with care, do not shake it and do not allow moisture to get inside the parts;
  • after automatic shutdown of the device, to continue its operation, disconnect the device from the mains and turn it on again after 10 minutes;

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