Home Trees and shrubs Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science, Moscow State University. Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science. SSU professor Vera Afanasyeva: "Five signs of a serious illness in Russian education"

Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science, Moscow State University. Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science. SSU professor Vera Afanasyeva: "Five signs of a serious illness in Russian education"

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science

leading research center in Russia and the CIS in the field of physical geography and landscape science

Dear Colleagues! Invite our students to summer internships!

D. N. Anuchin?

Revelry. Second half of the 19th century

Photographer Dmitry Anuchin

Sunday at 9 am in the rain! What cool students we have - witty, fearless, enthusiastic! Today there was a medieval-style initiation, they sang gaudeamus and did landscape puzzles. Will live!

Artistic stamped envelopes

JSC "Marka" issued an artistic marked envelope dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of DN Anuchin - the founder and first head of the department.

What snow will tell about Tyumen, students from Moscow will conduct research | 02.02.2018 07:44 The properties of the Tyumen snow will now be studied by students of the Moscow State University ....

Flaps of Tyumen

For those who are at sea, for those at the hydrometeorological posts, for those in the Central Forest Reserve, in Khanty-Mansiysk, in the Crimea, in Altai, in Kislovodsk, throughout the country, and we are the best, we are in Tyumen !!

Friends, colleagues and sympathizers! It is not too late to immortalize oneself on the maps of Tyumen, order a calendar, or simply donate 100 rubles to science. All the best to you!

Scientific expedition "Urbolandscapes of Tyumen" | Planeta

The Scientific Student Society unites young people who, instead of taking vacations, are going to work; who in January, simultaneously with the examination session, will search for materials, process space images and read a lot to prepare for the expedition; who in February and March will process the brought samples, combine maps, evaluate, read a lot and write a report. And most importantly, these are people who believe that their scientific work is necessary and capable of changing life in the city for the better. The guys created a project on the Planet, where they announced the collection of funds for the expedition. Who else can we support, if not them!

Yandex money

Here, we have created a Yandex wallet to collect money for a student expedition, if there is a desire)) All the best!

I have a page where everything is ready for translations. Choose a card or wallet on Yandex, confirm the transfer, and you're done: in a minute I have the money. The beauty.

Dear friends and colleagues!
We are looking for sponsors of the NSO department's winter expedition - legal entities and individuals.
We started to study urban landscapes - the influence of landscape mosaics on the sustainability of the urban environment, climate change, and the comfort of living. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of multifunctionality of natural-anthropogenic landscapes, therefore, we will carry out mapping of urban geosystems and assess their regulatory and cultural functions in the understanding of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (UN) and TEEB based on field and remote data and opinion polls. Last year we explored the city of Tarusa, this year we are hosted by the Tyumen State University, in connection with which we are looking for financial support to pay for the travel of 11 people to the city of Tyumen.
Expedition leaders Tatiana Kharitonova () and Ksenia Merekalova ()
Yandex.Wallet https://money.yandex.ru/to/410015833176472

According to the Russian Geographical Society, a street named after the founder and first head of our department, the famous scientist geographer, ethnologist and anthropologist Dmitry Nikolaevich Anuchin, will appear near the main building of Moscow State University, in which the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science is located.

For the Laboratory of Ecology of Aquatic Communities and Invasions, IPEE RAS carried out aerial photography of small reservoirs of the Volga steppe. Orthophotomaps and digital terrain models have been prepared for 4 sections of the Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe Nature Reserve.

The Laboratory's project is aimed at studying the structure and dynamics of ecosystems of small water bodies of the forest-steppe, experiencing anthropogenic and zoogenic impact.

Orthophotomaps will be used to determine the morphometric parameters of small reservoirs of different genesis in their seasonal and interannual dynamics. The aim of the Project is a comparative analysis of the structure, functioning and dynamics of ecosystems of small water bodies of the forest-steppe zone, formed by zoogenic, anthropogenic and channel processes.

The materials can be found at the links:

Russian chapter IALE was born at Tyumen State University

Within the framework of the XII International Landscape Conference, held at Tyumen State University, a constituent meeting of the Russian branch of the International Association of Landscape Ecology was held

On April 11, the reports of the expeditions of the Scientific Student Society at the conference "Lomonosov-2017" took place. Our department presented the results of the expedition to Tarusa (Kaluga region). Research topic - "The structure of urban landscapes as the basis of urban planning (on the example of the city of Tarusa, Kaluga region)". The third-year student Alexander Moiseev had a difficult lot to open the conference, with which he successfully coped.

Congratulations on your high fifth place!

SSU professor Vera Afanasyeva: "Five signs of a serious illness in Russian education"

Professor of Saratov State University Vera Afanasyeva, who became widely known on the Internet after the publication of the article "Five reasons why ...

Dear friends and colleagues! We invite you to take part in the XII International Landscape Conference, which will be held this time at Tyumen State University from 21 to 27 August 2017. The theme of the conference is "Landscape and Ecological Support of Rational Nature Management and Sustainable Development", the theme covers 17 different areas of fundamental and applied research ... The deadline for registration is April 1, abstracts are submitted on May 20. Information at the address.
See you in Tyumen!


Trinity Church of the 17th century in Trinity-Lykovo, 1998 The village became part of the city of Moscow in 1960, and in many respects retained its rural, and then dacha, appearance. North ...

Tomorrow, January 31, the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science says goodbye to IRINA IVANOVNA MAMAY.

Irina Ivanovna Mamai - an outstanding landscape scientist, Doctor of Geography, Leading Researcher of the Department, Honored Researcher of Moscow University, Honorary Member of the Russian Geographical Society, in whose ranks she was for more than 50 years - died on January 29 at the age of 82.

Graduate of the Department of Physical Geography of the USSR, favorite student of the founder of the Moscow landscape-geographical school N.A. Solntseva, Irina Ivanovna all her life served science and education. A tireless field explorer, Irina Ivanovna knew, loved and felt nature, the crown of which for her was the Landscape.
After graduating from university in 1955, a young girl Irina Ivanovna was sent to Alma-Ata to work in the Alma-Ata land management expedition to select and delimit virgin and fallow lands. In 1958, Irina Ivanovna returned to the department, where, under the leadership of N.A. Gvozdetsky graduated from graduate school and in 1967 successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis “Theoretical and methodological issues of drawing up a landscape map of scale 1: 1,000,000 and its use in physical and geographical zoning (by the example of Western Kazakhstan); She worked as the head of a detachment of the Virgin Lands Expedition of Moscow State University (1961-1963), the head of the party of the Gorky expedition (1965-1966), then the head and later the scientific leader of the Meshchera expedition, in which she worked until the end of her days.
Irina Ivanovna, a devoted follower of the school of N.A. Solntsev, became a teacher and inspirer of a team of young landscape scientists, generously passed on her rich experience and knowledge to them. The area of ​​her scientific interests is multifaceted. These are the methodology and theory of landscape science, methods of studying and mapping landscapes, applied and regional problems, landscape indication; She made a significant contribution to the development of problems of structural-genetic, functional-dynamic and evolutionary-dynamic directions in landscape science. She substantiated the concepts of "state" and "change" of natural territorial complexes, proposed an original method for their identification, formulated the rules for the formation of evolutionary-dynamic series of NTC. Proposed by I.I. Mamai's genetic-dynamic system of landscape classification has very successfully supplemented the classification of V.A. Nikolaev. In 1994 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Dynamics of landscapes (methodology, methods, regional problems." "," Physical and geographical regionalization "," Indicative landscape science "," Aerospace methods in physical geography ".
I.I. Mamai published more than 100 scientific works, including textbooks and monographs - "Landscapes of the Ryazan Meshchera and the possibilities of their development" and "Landscapes of the Moscow region and their current state", which are the reference books of Russian scientists-physical geographers.
Irina Ivanovna has always done a lot of scientific and organizational work. In the 70s she was the secretary of the department. Since 1992 she is the head of the laboratory of landscape-ecological modeling. For more than ten years, she successfully served as the deputy head of the department for scientific work, until the end of her days she was the chairman of the physical and geographical commission of the Moscow branch (Center) of the Russian Geographical Society. She took part in organizing and conducting more than ten landscape meetings and conferences.

The staff of the department, her students and like-minded people, colleagues at the faculty will always remember Irina Ivanovna as the highest professional scientist, patient teacher, intelligent person and good comrade! Bright memory!

Dean - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dobrolyubov Sergey Anatolyevich;
President - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Sergeevich Kasimov.

Geography as a science has been developing at Moscow University for over 200 years. A separate department of geography and ethnography was created in 1884 by the outstanding scientist and teacher D.N. Anuchin.

The Geography Faculty of Moscow University was established in 1938. Today it is the world's largest educational and scientific team of geographers. The structure of the faculty includes 15 departments and 8 research laboratories, 5 educational and scientific bases, 28 department laboratories, branches in the branches of Moscow State University in Sevastopol and Astana (Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University). More than 800 students and 140 postgraduates study at the faculty, 750 employees work, including one academician and three corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored workers of science of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation, laureates of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, science and technology, Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University for scientific work and pedagogical activity, Anuchin Prize, etc.

There are four working at the faculty, at which about 30% of all Russian dissertations in the field of environmental and geographical sciences are defended.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science

leading research center in Russia and the CIS in the field of physical geography and landscape science

Dear Colleagues! Invite our students to summer internships!

D. N. Anuchin?

Revelry. Second half of the 19th century

Photographer Dmitry Anuchin

Sunday at 9 am in the rain! What cool students we have - witty, fearless, enthusiastic! Today there was a medieval-style initiation, they sang gaudeamus and did landscape puzzles. Will live!

Artistic stamped envelopes

JSC "Marka" issued an artistic marked envelope dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of DN Anuchin - the founder and first head of the department.

What snow will tell about Tyumen, students from Moscow will conduct research | 02.02.2018 07:44 The properties of the Tyumen snow will now be studied by students of the Moscow State University ....

Flaps of Tyumen

For those who are at sea, for those at the hydrometeorological posts, for those in the Central Forest Reserve, in Khanty-Mansiysk, in the Crimea, in Altai, in Kislovodsk, throughout the country, and we are the best, we are in Tyumen !!

Friends, colleagues and sympathizers! It is not too late to immortalize oneself on the maps of Tyumen, order a calendar, or simply donate 100 rubles to science. All the best to you!

Scientific expedition "Urbolandscapes of Tyumen" | Planeta

The Scientific Student Society unites young people who, instead of taking vacations, are going to work; who in January, simultaneously with the examination session, will search for materials, process space images and read a lot to prepare for the expedition; who in February and March will process the brought samples, combine maps, evaluate, read a lot and write a report. And most importantly, these are people who believe that their scientific work is necessary and capable of changing life in the city for the better. The guys created a project on the Planet, where they announced the collection of funds for the expedition. Who else can we support, if not them!

Yandex money

Here, we have created a Yandex wallet to collect money for a student expedition, if there is a desire)) All the best!

I have a page where everything is ready for translations. Choose a card or wallet on Yandex, confirm the transfer, and you're done: in a minute I have the money. The beauty.

Dear friends and colleagues!
We are looking for sponsors of the NSO department's winter expedition - legal entities and individuals.
We started to study urban landscapes - the influence of landscape mosaics on the sustainability of the urban environment, climate change, and the comfort of living. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of multifunctionality of natural-anthropogenic landscapes, therefore, we will carry out mapping of urban geosystems and assess their regulatory and cultural functions in the understanding of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (UN) and TEEB based on field and remote data and opinion polls. Last year we explored the city of Tarusa, this year we are hosted by the Tyumen State University, in connection with which we are looking for financial support to pay for the travel of 11 people to the city of Tyumen.
Expedition leaders Tatiana Kharitonova () and Ksenia Merekalova ()
Yandex.Wallet https://money.yandex.ru/to/410015833176472

According to the Russian Geographical Society, a street named after the founder and first head of our department, the famous scientist geographer, ethnologist and anthropologist Dmitry Nikolaevich Anuchin, will appear near the main building of Moscow State University, in which the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science is located.

For the Laboratory of Ecology of Aquatic Communities and Invasions, IPEE RAS carried out aerial photography of small reservoirs of the Volga steppe. Orthophotomaps and digital terrain models have been prepared for 4 sections of the Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe Nature Reserve.

The Laboratory's project is aimed at studying the structure and dynamics of ecosystems of small water bodies of the forest-steppe, experiencing anthropogenic and zoogenic impact.

Orthophotomaps will be used to determine the morphometric parameters of small reservoirs of different genesis in their seasonal and interannual dynamics. The aim of the Project is a comparative analysis of the structure, functioning and dynamics of ecosystems of small water bodies of the forest-steppe zone, formed by zoogenic, anthropogenic and channel processes.

The materials can be found at the links:

Russian chapter IALE was born at Tyumen State University

Within the framework of the XII International Landscape Conference, held at Tyumen State University, a constituent meeting of the Russian branch of the International Association of Landscape Ecology was held

On April 11, the reports of the expeditions of the Scientific Student Society at the conference "Lomonosov-2017" took place. Our department presented the results of the expedition to Tarusa (Kaluga region). Research topic - "The structure of urban landscapes as the basis of urban planning (on the example of the city of Tarusa, Kaluga region)". The third-year student Alexander Moiseev had a difficult lot to open the conference, with which he successfully coped.

Congratulations on your high fifth place!

SSU professor Vera Afanasyeva: "Five signs of a serious illness in Russian education"

Professor of Saratov State University Vera Afanasyeva, who became widely known on the Internet after the publication of the article "Five reasons why ...

Dear friends and colleagues! We invite you to take part in the XII International Landscape Conference, which will be held this time at Tyumen State University from 21 to 27 August 2017. The theme of the conference is "Landscape and Ecological Support of Rational Nature Management and Sustainable Development", the theme covers 17 different areas of fundamental and applied research ... The deadline for registration is April 1, abstracts are submitted on May 20. Information at the address.
See you in Tyumen!


Trinity Church of the 17th century in Trinity-Lykovo, 1998 The village became part of the city of Moscow in 1960, and in many respects retained its rural, and then dacha, appearance. North ...

Tomorrow, January 31, the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science says goodbye to IRINA IVANOVNA MAMAY.

Irina Ivanovna Mamai - an outstanding landscape scientist, Doctor of Geography, Leading Researcher of the Department, Honored Researcher of Moscow University, Honorary Member of the Russian Geographical Society, in whose ranks she was for more than 50 years - died on January 29 at the age of 82.

Graduate of the Department of Physical Geography of the USSR, favorite student of the founder of the Moscow landscape-geographical school N.A. Solntseva, Irina Ivanovna all her life served science and education. A tireless field explorer, Irina Ivanovna knew, loved and felt nature, the crown of which for her was the Landscape.
After graduating from university in 1955, a young girl Irina Ivanovna was sent to Alma-Ata to work in the Alma-Ata land management expedition to select and delimit virgin and fallow lands. In 1958, Irina Ivanovna returned to the department, where, under the leadership of N.A. Gvozdetsky graduated from graduate school and in 1967 successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis “Theoretical and methodological issues of drawing up a landscape map of scale 1: 1,000,000 and its use in physical and geographical zoning (by the example of Western Kazakhstan); She worked as the head of a detachment of the Virgin Lands Expedition of Moscow State University (1961-1963), the head of the party of the Gorky expedition (1965-1966), then the head and later the scientific leader of the Meshchera expedition, in which she worked until the end of her days.
Irina Ivanovna, a devoted follower of the school of N.A. Solntsev, became a teacher and inspirer of a team of young landscape scientists, generously passed on her rich experience and knowledge to them. The area of ​​her scientific interests is multifaceted. These are the methodology and theory of landscape science, methods of studying and mapping landscapes, applied and regional problems, landscape indication; She made a significant contribution to the development of problems of structural-genetic, functional-dynamic and evolutionary-dynamic directions in landscape science. She substantiated the concepts of "state" and "change" of natural territorial complexes, proposed an original method for their identification, formulated the rules for the formation of evolutionary-dynamic series of NTC. Proposed by I.I. Mamai's genetic-dynamic system of landscape classification has very successfully supplemented the classification of V.A. Nikolaev. In 1994 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Dynamics of landscapes (methodology, methods, regional problems." "," Physical and geographical regionalization "," Indicative landscape science "," Aerospace methods in physical geography ".
I.I. Mamai published more than 100 scientific works, including textbooks and monographs - "Landscapes of the Ryazan Meshchera and the possibilities of their development" and "Landscapes of the Moscow region and their current state", which are the reference books of Russian scientists-physical geographers.
Irina Ivanovna has always done a lot of scientific and organizational work. In the 70s she was the secretary of the department. Since 1992 she is the head of the laboratory of landscape-ecological modeling. For more than ten years, she successfully served as the deputy head of the department for scientific work, until the end of her days she was the chairman of the physical and geographical commission of the Moscow branch (Center) of the Russian Geographical Society. She took part in organizing and conducting more than ten landscape meetings and conferences.

The staff of the department, her students and like-minded people, colleagues at the faculty will always remember Irina Ivanovna as the highest professional scientist, patient teacher, intelligent person and good comrade! Bright memory!

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