Home Trees and shrubs How to lose weight quickly after 30. How to start losing weight correctly without harm to the body. Step by step instructions, nutritional advice, diet menu. Don't eat large portions

How to lose weight quickly after 30. How to start losing weight correctly without harm to the body. Step by step instructions, nutritional advice, diet menu. Don't eat large portions

Before I begin, I warn you: everything that I will write here refers to adults who go to work, raise children and who by the end of the day have no energy left for themselves. If you are 15 or even 20 years old, then in view of your youthful maximalism, what you write will seem like excuses for weak-willed people. So close this page for 15 years.

And now I'll start.

Every time we start a business that we are new to, we try to learn from those who are professionals in this business. This is if there is a possibility. And if not, then you have to spy on them and try to repeat.

And in the matter of losing weight, there is nothing worse than listening to the advice of professional athletes, fitness trainers, and other gym dwellers whose bodies are so perfect that you want to cry.

You look at them, or at motivating videos on the Internet, where slender girls with a wasp waist and tough guys with steel abs show how to train, what to eat.

They urge you to exercise every day, eat only healthy foods and several times a day, carrying food trays with you.

It's all very beautiful, but it doesn't motivate a damn thing and, to be honest, it doesn't work at all.

Because most people think: “to look like this, you need to constantly train and constantly prepare food for the day ahead. I just can't live like this. "

Such a lifestyle can only be afforded by schoolchildren, students and other people who do not need to run home from work to tidy-up-wash-cook.

So, when you are going to start losing weight, do not even look at the gym at first if you do not have free time. You will be able to force yourself to visit it once, the second and maybe even the third, but in conditions of time pressure, this will only annoy you.

Moreover, as I wrote in one of my past notes, physical activity does not accelerate the process of weight loss, and sometimes even harm. For example, if you have sore knees, what kind of sport are we talking about? If you can afford an evening stroll, then great. If not, then don't.

How to lose weight at home?

The next source of information to which we turn is the Internet and social networks. Oh, how many of these motivating pictures that you need to clench your will into a fist and fight yourself and your desires, for the sake of the figure of your dreams.

If there is candy next to you, how long can you ignore it? I think not for long. But if you firmly decided to go on a diet that does not include sweets, then you can hold out for several days, because you will have motivation and you will say to yourself: "I am strong, I can." But every day more and more uncertain.

And in most cases there comes a moment when you tell yourself that you are great, you have endured so much and you can reward yourself and eat some candy. And on the same day in the evening the thought comes that since the diet is already broken today, then you can relax. And this is the beginning of the end. Tomorrow you will still be patient until lunchtime, but then you will begin to sweep away everything that is not nailed down, not forgetting to calm yourself down, that okay, I'll relax until the end of the week, but since Monday….

This happens in any situation when the brain begins to fight with itself. One part of him constantly demands something, and the other does not allow him. Whether it's a desire to lose weight, quit drinking or smoking, you are in a losing position in advance. Because it is always a struggle with ourselves and, in the end, we take the side that wants to drink, smoke and eat.

Another example is a bunch of pictures of wacky exercises that need to be done “for just 10 minutes a day” to achieve incredible results.

And there is always a phrase everywhere: "It has been proven that if you perform a certain action for 21 days in a row, it will become a habit!" Seriously? You tried?

The body is so arranged that it tries to spend as little energy as possible. For him, the ideal state is to lie and do nothing. Laziness is an evolutionary achievement of humanity. And our trouble. Thanks to her, a person was able to grow to the level of development at which he is now, but the brain could not cope with his own body.

You can do some exercise every day for at least 21 days, at least a couple of years (let's not say for now that you will not see the result). Each time to do it, you will need to tune. Yes, over time it will be easier, but you have to force yourself. For example, you decide to do push-ups 10-15 times every night. This is a simple exercise and will come easily to you. Do you know which is even easier? To do nothing. Guess what your body will ultimately choose?

So, if you are firmly decided to run in the morning from Monday, then it is better to decide first to do 50 squats in the morning or in the evening. Make sure you only have enough for 3 days and spit on the fight against excess weight with the help of willpower. There are much simpler options.

How to lose weight if there is no willpower and you constantly want to eat

And one more thing that spoils everything: the constant feeling of hunger. What is hunger? This is a signal to the brain that blood sugar levels have dropped and it is time to recharge. The interesting thing here is that in addition to real hunger, there is also a psychological one. And this is the real problem.

Think of the candy on the table. Do you think you will end up eating it because you really want to eat, or because you just want candy? I think the second option.

With the development of the food industry, the human brain has generally lost the ability to critically approach food. He knows for sure that there is a lot of sugar in candy and it will quickly increase blood sugar and the brain will enjoy it.

Yes exactly. We get pleasure from food, comparable to that of a drug. After receiving a "dose", the brain gets serotonin - the hormone of happiness. And it is he who needs the brain, not this damn candy. And the more sugar in the product, the more pleasure the brain will receive.

When you next decide that you are hungry and want to eat a pie, bun or cake, then ask yourself if you want to eat boiled rice, for example (substitute a dish here that you do not like very much). If you don't want rice, then I'm sorry, this is not real hunger.

Basic instructions for losing weight

Well, after such a long preface, we finally got to the tips. And they sound like this:

You do not need to start losing weight, having decided to initially drive yourself into a rigid framework. On a rigid diet and unloved sports, you simply won't last long enough to get at least some decent result. Start Smoothly:

1. Get your dinner in order. There is no need to harshly cut the menu and leave only dry boiled chicken for the evening. No. To begin with, it will be enough to give up starchy and sweet foods. Ideally, you still need to abandon such side dishes and replace it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

The time of the dinner itself is not very important. The main thing here is to go to bed hungry, but you should not go to bed with a full stomach either.

This will be the first step in the right direction. The fact is that the body, having lost carbohydrates (and carbohydrates are any food obtained from plant products: beans, rice, flour, pasta, fruits and vegetables, etc.), the body begins to burn fat to obtain the necessary vital activity energy. And by giving up these carbohydrates in the evening, you will burn the reserves of these carbohydrates in the body until the very morning, and not accumulate them in the form of fat, which would happen if you had a hearty dinner with pasta, for example.

This is an important step that many do not pay attention to, preferring to completely abandon dinner. But this is already a test of your willpower and you know how it ends.

2. Check out the list of foods that are undesirable for weight loss. The fact is that most of them have a lot of sugar, despite the fact that they are trying to convince us otherwise. Sugar eaten raises blood sugar levels and, if too much, can be stored in fat.

There are studies showing that only 10% of the fat eaten can be deposited as fat on the sides. But the eaten carbohydrates (of which sugar is formed in the blood) are able to be absorbed in the form of fat by as much as 70%. So carbohydrates are actually much more dangerous than fat.

But both of them are vital, because balance is always important in the body. The brain can only feed on glucose, and fat is involved in the formation of many hormones.

That is why I am not urging you to switch to lean meat and give up fried. At this rate, the balance can be greatly displaced. It is not helpful. And when losing weight, it is very important not only to reduce weight, but also not to undermine health.

Returning to the list of undesirable foods: when making a snack, replace curds and curds with real cottage cheese with natural 1-2% yogurt, give up the advertised muesli in favor of rolled oats, do not drink packaged juices. And already these steps will reduce sugar consumption by 2 times.

3. Do not try to speed up the process by taking various fat burners, fat blockers and other nonsense. There is no research to prove their effectiveness. But the harm may well be. Trying to influence the hormonal system and the digestive system with foreign substances, you can "break" something inside.

Interestingly, most of these drugs are not sold over the counter. The reason is simple: they are not certified as medicinal products and are sold as dietary supplements. What are they made of? Go guess. But such remedies are very popular. Because there will never be an end of people who want to get the "magic pill".

Well, here, in principle, are your first three actions that you need to do in order to start seeing the result. I do not promise you fantastic results, I just can guarantee that anyone who is in the slightest degree focused on the result will be able to follow these simple steps for 3-4 weeks until the first results. Well, what to do after that, I will tell you literally in the next 2-3 notes.

The results may be different: someone will be able to lose weight by a couple of kilograms during this time, and someone by 3-4. It all depends on the starting parameters.

But on the other hand, you do not need to plow in the gym, count calories, eat by the hour or separately.

I understand perfectly well that such modest results do not suit you. Everyone wants to lose 5 kilograms a week and therefore choose tough and sometimes brutal diets in an attempt to lose weight instantly. Well, I am not discouraging, I myself was once like that. Just remember, having broken off the next kefir diet and realizing that you spent all spring and summer trying to lose weight quickly, and in the end you just gained more, come back here. I still have a lot to tell about real weight loss with guaranteed results, but without empty promises.

Let's compose an average portrait of a woman in her 30s. She stubbornly climbs up the career ladder or has already reached certain professional heights, she is married, has given birth or is preparing for the birth of a child. A modern woman at the age of 30 knows how to do everything at the same time: to be a successful business woman, a good mother and wife, and also strives to take care of herself and keep herself in shape. But there is a well-established stereotype: “After 30 years, it is difficult to lose weight.” To such an absurd statement, I immediately want to ask: “Have you tried it?” FashionTime - on how to properly and effectively lose weight after 30 years.

Why is it difficult to lose weight after 30 years?

With age, the metabolic process slows down in the human body. Metabolism is the rate at which the body converts food into energy. The lower the metabolism in a person, the more the body stores calories, and even more precisely stores it in fat deposits. After 30 years, we begin to lead a more relaxed and measured lifestyle. Walking in parks, cycling, spontaneous picnics outside the city disappear from our daily routine. We spend the whole day in the office and can afford a good rest on a short vacation, which is also not distinguished by active activities: the beach, tasting local dishes, rare entertainment and sleep.

In the body of an adult woman, hormones play a very important role, especially progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone promotes fat burning, while estrogen, on the other hand, is responsible for its storage and storage. One of the most common female problems is menstrual irregularities. An excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone prevent a woman from losing weight quickly. In order to lose weight after 30 years, you need to make more efforts than at a younger age. But this does not mean at all that the desired forms are a pipe fantasy. We pull ourselves together and begin to act!

We start to move more

Approximate lifestyle of a 30-year-old woman: all weekdays are busy with work, after work - dinner, household chores, communication with family, sleep. On weekends - sleep for the whole week, household chores, chatting on the Internet, at best meeting friends or going to the cinema or theater. If you are not married yet, then, of course, you have more time for meeting friends, romantic dates, playing sports, hobbies and hobbies. In such a daily routine, there is no time for sports, but every year the number of calories that the body burns decreases by 2%. If your schedule doesn't have free exercise windows at the fitness center, then take the time to exercise at home. For example, buy some fitness videos and kick everyone out of the room and do step aerobics with Carmen Electroy or Cindy crawford... These girls are already well over 30, and their fit and slender figures confirm that you can also lose weight. These video tutorials will keep you fit and have fun. In addition, try to move more in principle - walking, climbing stairs, and not using the elevator, dancing to the music.

1. Don't eat junk food. We all love tea sandwiches. If you don't get rid of the habit, then replace the white bread sandwich with mayonnaise, cheese and sausage for the same gray bread sandwich with bran, a slice of mozzarella cheese and a sprig of parsley or lettuce. It's also incredibly tasty, but also healthy.

2. Do not set unrealizable goals “I want to lose 10 kg in a week”. You can deny yourself completely food and by inhuman efforts to achieve what you want, causing enormous harm to your health. After such an express diet, the body, having received food, will immediately begin to put it in fat deposits in case of the next hunger strike. Diet "Minus 10 kg in six months" is much more effective, and the weight will go away without unnecessary reminders of yourself.

3. Eat more calcium-rich foods. Women who consume these products, with active sports, spend 70% more calories. Calcium-rich seeds of sesame, poppy, sunflower, hard cheese, feta cheese, plums, almonds, milk, parsley, dill, garlic, beans, chickpeas.

4. Eat protein foods. Protein helps the body build muscle, because with age, a person loses 250 grams of muscle tissue annually. The body needs to help compensate for this loss with food rich in proteins: meat, fish, seafood, milk.

Professional beauty

Perhaps even the defense industry during the Cold War did not develop as rapidly as the beauty industry has recently. Salon treatments such as pressotherapy, vacuum massage, slim massage, myostimulation, as well as hardware cosmetology help to get rid of extra pounds, sagging skin, "orange peel" in problem areas. These procedures are quite expensive, but you can easily get out of the situation using a coupon service.

Massages and a visit to the sauna will make their invaluable contribution to the fight against kilograms. You can trust a professional massage therapist and choose a special course or regularly. You can get rid of extra pounds not only by force, but also by heat - in the sauna. If you want to lose weight and you have no contraindications to visiting the sauna, then for the result you need to visit it at least three times a week. For a week's session of the correct use of the sauna, you can get rid of up to 4 kg. Before entering the steam room, take a contrast shower - a minute under cold water, two under warm water. Go to the heated steam room and take a seat on the middle shelf. After 10 minutes, leave the steam room and take a neutral warm shower. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or bathrobe and get some rest. Then re-enter the steam room, stand or walk around it, and then go up to the top shelf. It is advisable to use a broom and do self-massage. After 10 minutes, go down to the bottom bunk and rest. Then slowly leave the steam room and take a shower. Again, a 10 minute rest and the last run similar to the previous one. The most important rule when visiting a sauna for the purpose of losing weight is not to drink during and five hours after the end of the procedure. It is also recommended not to swim in the pool, but to take a quick shower. Your task is to sweat and remove fluid from the body, and while swimming in the pool, through the pores you get back up to 10 mg of water.

Today, the ideal female figure is slim and fit. It's not difficult for young girls to fashion a beauty out of themselves: a couple of workouts are enough a week. It is more difficult for women who have passed the 35-year-old milestone to fight extra pounds, each bun eaten overnight is deposited with fat on the thighs. But there is no need to despair: nutritionists give several recommendations on how to lose weight after 35 years for a woman, how to change the diet.

Reasons for weight gain: why is it difficult for women to lose weight after 30 - 35 years old?

Each organism is different. Some women remain fit even at 50, others gain fat mass by the age of 30, cannot lose weight. With each passing year, it becomes more difficult to fight overweight, and maintaining the achieved result is a feat.

Regardless of the individual characteristics of the body for weight loss in mature years, the same methods are used. This is due to the fact that the reasons why women gain extra pounds after 35 years are the same for everyone:

  1. Lifestyle changes. It is enough to remember yourself in your youth to understand why you cannot lose weight. Girls lead an active life, go to clubs and events, dance, go on trips with friends. A 30-year-old working woman with a family cannot afford these pleasures. All day in the office, dinner in the evening and watching TV on the couch.
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Women at 35 think that menopause is still far away. But the hormonal system is already starting to fail. The synthesis of progesterone is inhibited, against this background there is an excess of estrogens, which provoke the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Excessive calorie intake. Every year, less and less daily calories are required, which is due to the age-related deterioration of metabolism. But mature women continue to include in their diet the same high-calorie foods that they ate in their youth.

Nutritionists name 3 factors that help a woman lose weight in adulthood:

  • transformation of the diet;
  • physical activity;
  • lifestyle change.

The first place to start losing weight at home for a woman after 35 years is with a change in diet. A strict diet for several days is no help. Weight will return with interest, and health will be harmed. The main advice of a nutritionist: separate meals, moderate portions, sufficient water intake.

You can’t overeat, but hungry people don’t need to get up from the table, otherwise a rumbling stomach will demand a snack and interfere with doing business. You need to consume about 1.5 liters of water per day. And this also applies to women who are prone to edema. If you do not limit yourself in the use of fluids, then the body will gradually remember how to distribute water through the tissues and remove excess, and the swelling will become less noticeable. Calories need to be reduced: if the norm for a 20-year-old girl is 2000 kcal, then for a woman at 35 years old - 1700.

An important nuance of how to properly lose weight in mature years for a woman is physical activity. Without it, you don't have to expect success in the battle with excess weight. Even if the diet helps to burn off fat, the body will remain sluggish, flabby and unattractive. Physical training develops muscles, gets rid of cellulite, tightens the skin, and makes the body relief beautiful.

A correct lifestyle is important for beauty and shape as much as physical exercise. A night's sleep should last 7 - 8 hours, and you need to go to bed no later than 23 00. Stress factors negatively affect body weight and well-being, they need to be minimized, although in the modern world this is problematic. A good way to disengage from stress and the desire to seize problems is to find a hobby.

The principles of good nutrition

Nutrition after 35 to help you lose weight and keep it at an optimal level includes the following points:

  1. Moderate food intake before bedtime. Cooking dinner from easily digestible products.
  2. Elimination of refined sugar, replacing it with natural honey (up to 2 teaspoons per day).
  3. Reducing the amount of salt in dishes.
  4. Minimal consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of smoked meats, semi-finished products, confectionery products, baked goods.
  6. Eating dairy products separately from other foods.
  7. Fractional food: in small portions 5 - 6 times a day.
  8. Thorough and leisurely consumption of food.
  9. Obligatory breakfast. Eating in the morning stimulates metabolism, which already starts to slow down at 35 years old.

Woman with water bottle in park

Effective diets for women over 35

The dietary ration at the age of 30 cannot be made rigid. Do not abruptly exclude familiar, but harmful products. Changing food preferences should be gradual, not painful for the body.

A diet after 35 years for women can be as follows:

  • breakfast - fermented milk product, vegetable dish;
  • second breakfast - fruit;
  • lunch - soup without broth, boiled meat, stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon tea - milkshake;
  • dinner - boiled egg, cereal porridge, green tea.

Another suitable menu option for a woman who wants to lose weight:

  • breakfast - cottage cheese with honey, a slice of whole grain bread, herbal tea;
  • second breakfast - vegetable salad;
  • lunch - soup without broth, stew with meat and vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - fermented milk product, a handful of nuts;
  • dinner - cottage cheese, vegetable dish.

Exercise and boost metabolism

A woman can go to the gym, or she can exercise at home on her own by buying or watching video instructions on the Internet. There are different sports methods on how to lose weight after 30 years and maintain the achieved result, but training must necessarily include both aerobic and strength exercises. The first ones contribute to the burning of fat accumulations, the second ones - the acceleration of metabolism in the muscles, the formation of a beautiful body relief.

The following physical exercises are optimal for 35-year-old women:

  • aerobics;
  • callanetics;
  • swimming;
  • bicycle rides;
  • dumbbell exercises;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates.

Strength and aerobic exercises should be alternated: do the first for 2 - 3 minutes, then go to the second for 5 - 10 minutes.

It is important to stay physically active outside the gym as well. To lose weight faster, it is recommended to use less transport and the elevator, walk more often and climb stairs.

Losing weight after 35 is not an easy goal. You can lie on the couch, eat cookies, and then feel sorry for yourself, complain about an ugly figure, or you can pull yourself together, change your diet, go in for sports. The body will not take on an attractive appearance with a wave of a magic wand: it will take work and come to terms with restrictions.

How to lose weight after 30 years? Skeptics argue that this is a very difficult task, almost overwhelming work. Does this make sense? Perhaps every woman knows that the 30th birthday is a milestone not only for you, but also for your metabolism. From this age, he begins to gradually slow down. However, this is all quite individual, because the main reason for the slowdown in metabolism is the loss of muscle tissue. Well, if a woman includes strength training in her daily routine and eats right, not forgetting about protein, she is not in danger. The main problem of losing weight after 30 is not at all in metabolism, and not even in hormones, but in our established lifestyle, dietary style and the way we react to stress.

Typical mistakes when losing weight after 30 years

Often women cut calories to literally a physiological minimum, as they are trying to fight real or perceived metabolic disorders that occur after 30 years. Should you eat less and choose the lowest calorie diet? In the long run, such a strategy makes no sense at all. At the first stage, you really will fold a lot and immediately, but at the second, the process will practically stop. And it is not at all necessary that the result suits you. In addition, low-calorie diets work against you because they decrease muscle mass and therefore slow down metabolism.

Do not go to the other extreme - huge weights in the gym, liters of protein and chicken breasts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This strategy is bad for the layman, especially if you haven't been doing fitness at all for a long time. You will really start to gain mass and increase in volume, but you will definitely not get any thinner.

And, of course, you should not rush to plastic surgery clinics without trying to lose weight on your own and start “cutting and suturing” your own body. Plastic surgery, especially liposuction, can provoke serious health problems, and it is clearly not worth losing weight in this way.

The right strategy for losing weight after 30 years

You will need the same "terms" as your 20s - the right motivation, a smart meal plan, a good workout program. It usually happens that women force themselves to lose weight solely because of the aesthetic preferences of their own husbands. However, this does not work well - if you lose weight for your own health, your own happiness and your own preferences, things will go faster. This is how our subconscious works. Sadly, he doesn't care about your husband's standards or model standards. It is solely concerned with your own welfare.

A good meal plan after 30 is not the strictest diet you can find, nor is it the most balanced diet. The "trick" of successful weight loss is how the diet is right for you. If you are unable to lose weight effectively, think about it, maybe your body is signaling that the diet “does not fit” with your schedule with breakdowns. Most often, dieters suffer in the style of "I don't eat after three, five, six and generally eat every other day." You should definitely have three main meals and 2-3 snacks if desired. Don't skip lunch or dinner as this will only slow down your metabolism. Better master the art of choosing the right food. You should eat 2 servings of whole grain cereals or fitness breads, 3 servings of protein foods, 5 servings of vegetables and fruits, and one serving of vegetable oil per day.

Choose physical activity as much as possible, and try to make your workouts enjoyable, you really take a break from everyday worries while working on yourself. Only then will you not refer to employment, other things and skip classes.

Think about how to change your life "in a healthy way" and you will definitely lose weight.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

How to lose weight after 30 years? Skeptics argue that this is a very difficult task, almost overwhelming work. Does this make sense? Perhaps every woman knows that the 30th birthday is a milestone not only for you, but also for your metabolism. From this age, he begins to gradually slow down. However, this is all quite individual, because the main reason for the slowdown in metabolism is the loss of muscle tissue. Well, if a woman includes strength training in her daily routine and eats right, not forgetting about protein, she is not in danger. The main problem of losing weight after 30 is not at all in metabolism, and not even in hormones, but in our established lifestyle, dietary style and the way we react to stress.

Typical mistakes when losing weight after 30 years

Often women cut calories to literally a physiological minimum, as they are trying to fight real or perceived metabolic disorders that occur after 30 years. Should you eat less and choose the lowest calorie diet? In the long run, such a strategy makes no sense at all. At the first stage, you really will fold a lot and immediately, but at the second, the process will practically stop. And it is not at all necessary that the result suits you. In addition, low-calorie diets work against you because they decrease muscle mass and therefore slow down metabolism.

Do not go to the other extreme - huge weights in the gym, liters of protein and chicken breasts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This strategy is bad for the layman, especially if you haven't been doing fitness at all for a long time. You will really start to gain mass and increase in volume, but you will definitely not get any thinner.

And, of course, you should not rush to plastic surgery clinics without trying to lose weight on your own and start “cutting and suturing” your own body. Plastic surgery, especially liposuction, can provoke serious health problems, and it is clearly not worth losing weight in this way.

The right strategy for losing weight after 30 years

You will need the same "terms" as your 20s - the right motivation, a smart meal plan, a good workout program. It usually happens that women force themselves to lose weight solely because of the aesthetic preferences of their own husbands. However, this does not work well - if you lose weight for your own health, your own happiness and your own preferences, things will go faster. This is how our subconscious works. Sadly, he doesn't care about your husband's standards or model standards. It is solely concerned with your own welfare.

A good meal plan after 30 is not the strictest diet you can find, nor is it the most balanced diet. The "trick" of successful weight loss is how the diet is right for you. If you are unable to lose weight effectively, think about it, maybe your body is signaling that the diet “does not fit” with your schedule with breakdowns. Most often, dieters suffer in the style of "I don't eat after three, five, six and generally eat every other day." You should definitely have three main meals and 2-3 snacks if desired. Don't skip lunch or dinner as this will only slow down your metabolism. Better master the art of choosing the right food. You should eat 2 servings of whole grain cereals or fitness breads, 3 servings of protein foods, 5 servings of vegetables and fruits, and one serving of vegetable oil per day.

Choose physical activity as much as possible, and try to make your workouts enjoyable, you really take a break from everyday worries while working on yourself. Only then will you not refer to employment, other things and skip classes.

Think about how to change your life "in a healthy way" and you will definitely lose weight.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

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