Home Trees and shrubs How homemade beer is made. The Hop Hostess Experience: How I Brew Home Beers

How homemade beer is made. The Hop Hostess Experience: How I Brew Home Beers

Beer is an extremely widespread drink all over the world, it was invented in ancient Egypt. Currently, we can observe it in bars and shops in a huge number and of various varieties. But one cannot but agree that homemade beer made by hand is much better than factory beer. After all, we know for sure that only natural products were used for its production, without any preservatives.

Many people mistakenly believe that home brewing technology requires serious equipment, but this is not entirely true. To brew beer at home, it is quite possible to use ordinary kitchen utensils, for example, a large saucepan. In addition, all the necessary ingredients for the recipe can now be purchased in stores, and it is not at all necessary to harvest hop cones and cook wheat and barley malt in advance.

There are different recipes for making homemade beer, which are replete with a considerable number of interesting components, because beer is a very multifaceted drink. But if we talk about the traditional classic recipe, then it includes yeast, hops, malt and water. If you do everything right, withstand the necessary pauses and correctly adhere to the recipe, then in the end you will get a homemade drink with a thick foam and rich taste. No pasteurization and filtration, like a store beer, only natural ingredients - this is the only way to get a frothy home-brewed beer with a pure original taste.

Brewing beer at home: what is needed for this?

The art of home brewing is not an easy task, so not many people risk making beer with their own hands. Most of us find it easier to buy a bottle of beer at the store than to mess around in our own kitchen. Therefore, all home brewing recipes are designed for loyal fans of this foamy drink who prefer pure taste, without impurities and preservatives.

To brew traditional beer, in addition to water, three ingredients are needed: beer shake, hops and malt. The only “but” is that it is not recommended to experiment with yeast, but to buy the best ones in a special store right away, because the successful outcome of brewing depends on their quality. The first two ingredients can theoretically be made at home, but this will take additional time, so it is also better to purchase them ready-made.

An important nuance: to obtain light beer, the malt must be dried naturally; to obtain dark beer, a special caramel variety is added to the main grist of no more than 10% of the total grist, it is cooked in the oven, lightly roasted.

Malt Are, in fact, sprouted dried barley grains in a hard husk, which serves as a natural filter in beer production.

This ingredient should be white, sweetish, with a pleasant smell and should not sink in water. Before use, the malt must be ground in a special roller mill so that the husk remains intact.

Hop all varieties are divided into two types, aroma and bitter, and it is chosen depending on what you want to achieve more in home brew, aroma or bitterness. The main thing is that the hops are of good quality, this plays an important role in the density of the homemade drink. Before using it, the cones must be carefully examined, they should be reddish and yellowish.

Yeast it is very advisable to take exactly beer, but if you did not manage to purchase them, then ordinary ones will do. The main thing is that they are dry and alive. As for the water, it must certainly be clean and soft; purified, filtered water or water from a spring is ideal. In extreme cases, you can use boiled water. If it's bad, your homemade beer will not taste good and you will be wasting your time.

Ideally, it is better to buy water. It will come out, of course, a little expensive, but on the other hand, the taste of the intoxicating drink will turn out to be simply excellent. And one more important nuance: sugar. It must be taken at the rate of 8 grams per liter of beer (for saturation with carbon dioxide), some recipes use glucose or honey.

Equipment you need for home brewing

All the equipment that you need for making beer yourself at home can be found in any kitchen, or you can get it without any problems, there is no need to purchase a special expensive machine or a mini-brewery. So, you will need a large saucepan (enameled is ideal) with 30 liters, which can be improved by installing a drain tap at the bottom. In a saucepan, you will brew the wort, as well as another container for fermenting beer.

Be sure to stock up on a thermometer to control the temperature, and a large piece of gauze 4-5 meters long. Next, you need to prepare glass and plastic bottles, where you will pour your home-made beer, and a narrow silicone hose (with its help, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment).

A chiller is required to cool the wort. You can make it yourself at home from a copper tube. You can do without a chiller, and use a bathtub or a very large tank of ice water at home to cool the beer wort. Some still stock up with a hydrometer - a device that determines the sugar content, the density of the future drink, but this is not at all necessary.

Homemade traditional beer recipe with photo

To make grain beer in your own kitchen, according to the classic recipe, withstanding all temperature moments and pauses, you must first pay attention to the preparatory stage: thoroughly wash and dry all equipment (except the thermometer) and start the process with clean hands.

Everything must be sterile, otherwise you risk infecting the wort with wild yeast or other microbes and instead of beer, get sour mash and neutralize all your efforts. Then prepare the ingredients: 32 liters of water, 5 kg of barley malt, 45 grams of hops, 25 grams of brewer's yeast and granulated sugar (from the calculation that was given above).

  1. Pour 25 liters of water into a saucepan, heat to 80 °, and immerse in it ground malt, poured into a gauze bag (it is made from a long piece of gauze). Close the pan with a lid and keep a pause for an hour and a half at a temperature of 65-72 °, turning the heating on or off. It is at this temperature that malt saccharification occurs, as a result, the wort becomes sweet, easily fermentable sugars appear in it.
  2. After an hour and a half, increase the temperature of the fire to 80 ° and maintain this pause for another five minutes. Then remove the bag of malt from the pan and rinse in the remaining seven liters of water, which should then be poured into the wort. This is how we flush out the remaining sugars from the malt.
  3. Next, according to the recipe, the wort should be brought to a boil, remove the foam that has formed and add the first 15 grams of hops. For half an hour, the wort needs to be boiled vigorously, then add another 15 grams of hops. Then cook for another 50 minutes, add the last portion of 15 grams of hops, and cook for another 10-15 minutes. In total, it will take an hour and a half.
  4. Now, the wort needs to be cooled very quickly, within 20-30 minutes. The sooner you do this, the maximum you will reduce the risk of contamination of future beer with wild yeast and harmful bacteria. Transfer the pot to a bathtub filled with ice water, then pour three times through cheesecloth to another container.
  5. The next step is to dilute brewer's yeast and add to the wort, stirring thoroughly. It is very important to follow the instructions on the yeast container. Then the container is transferred for fermentation to a dark place with a temperature of 18-22 °, a water seal is installed on it, and the wort is left to ferment for a week or ten days.
  6. Intensive fermentation will begin within 6-12 hours and will last for two to three days. All this time, the water dispenser will actively blow bubbles, carbon dioxide will come out, and the beer at the end of fermentation will become much lighter. Readiness is determined by the absence of bubbles during the day - this means that the fermentation process is complete.
  7. Now, according to the recipe, the beer is carbonated (filling the drink with carbon dioxide) - to improve the taste, in order to achieve the appearance of a dense thick foam. Don't be intimidated by this “scary” name, the carbonation process is quite simple. You need to take sterilized bottles that you prepared for storing beer (it is very desirable that they are made of dark plastic or glass) and pour sugar into them (for 1 liter of beer, 8 grams of sugar).
  8. After that, the drink must be carefully drained using a narrow silicone hose and the bottles must be filled, being careful not to touch the sediment (otherwise the beer will turn out cloudy). Pour not to the very top, but leave a couple of centimeters for the beer to “breathe” and seal tightly with lids. Further, without any pause, the secondary fermentation process begins, which will supply the young beer with the necessary amount of carbon dioxide.

For best quality, you need to remove the bottles in a dark place with a temperature of 20-23 ° and leave alone for two to three weeks. After the first week has passed, the bottles must be shaken periodically, and at the end of the period, they must be transferred to the cellar or refrigerator.

The brewers intend to celebrate their professional holiday on June 8th. Beer festivals are held all over the world these days - in the Czech Republic, in Hungary. In Russia, the brewer's day falls on the second Saturday of June, that is, on the 13th. There is an idea to celebrate this holiday by joining the glorious tribe of brewers.

At first glance, especially the uneducated one, it is not difficult to brew beer. We find a large saucepan, or even better - a very large, enameled one, and stock up on hops and malt. Hops, in principle, can be substituted for yeast.


Malt cannot be replaced by anything, just beer in its absence will not be beer. It will be either mead, or mash, or kvass or wine. But not beer.

Malt can be wheat, rye, barley - from any grain. To obtain malt, such grain must germinate, then it is dried, and then milled.

If you do this at home, then the grain is spread on a baking sheet, poured with water and left warm and quiet. It will take only 2-3 days - and sprouts will appear. Sprouted grains are removed from water, dried, and a coarse flour is obtained. This is malt.

It can be purchased ready-made. For the needs of modern home brewers, all the amenities are provided, you can even buy a whole set - with a certain type of malt, yeast and hops. This set also includes recipes for making beer.


Only hop cones are used to make beer, that is, its fruits. The bitter flavor inherent in beer comes from the hops. And the beer foam, fluffy and strong, is from hops, and hops also take part in the clarification of beer.

Dry hops can be bought at the market, in the store, and even at the pharmacy. It is mandatory in kits for making beer.

When choosing a hop one should look at its color: if it is reddish, then the hops are overripe; a grayish color indicates that the hops did not have time to ripen; but the yellow-green color indicates that you have found exactly the hops that you need.


The enamel pot that you have prepared for boiling the hops must be free of chips. You can brew beer in a stainless steel container, but glass is best. Plastic, no, absolutely does not fit.

At the beginning it was said that the dishes must be very large. This is to give the beer a chance to ferment.

Finished beer is poured into bottles with darkened walls. Particularly handy are old champagne bottles, which have preserved their own plastic corks. Such plugs allow air to pass through - a little, but this is enough for the fermentation to stop.


Beer - after all, it is alive, and its life proceeds in continuous fermentation. The taste and aroma of beer arise during the fermentation process, and the degrees are also added at this time. Fermentation stops - the beer dies.

Until that moment, the fermentation process must be maintained within certain limits, the most favorable. The main condition is the temperature in the range of 18-20 C. When it rises to 25, the fermentation process becomes too intense, and at 36 the yeast simply dies - along with the beer.

Homemade beer recipes

Dark beer


Grain mix, ½ kg (rye, oats, barley, wheat)

Dried hops, 50 g

Sugar, 4 tbsp

Chicory, 30-40 g

Zest from 1 lemon

Water, 10 l

1. Fry the grains in a dry skillet until brown. Grind it on a coffee grinder.

2. Put the grain with chicory in 1/3 of the water, boil.

3. Top up, without turning off the burner, all the water put, put the zest, sugar and hops. Turn off the heating.

4. We do not touch it for several hours. We filter the infusion with gauze, pour it into bottles. We put it in a cool place.

Mint beer


Black bread, 1 crust

Mint, 1 bunch

Sugar, 3 tbsp

Yeast, 1 stick

Vanilla sugar, 1 sachet

Water, 3 l

1. Boil water, pour mint and leave in a saucepan for 1 hour, covering it with a lid.

2. Add sugar to the yeast. We are waiting for them to come up.

3. Strain the mint infusion, put yeast with sugar and a bread crust in it.

4. We put our mixture to ferment. When foam appears on the surface, add vanilla sugar, stir and bottle. We store.

Honey beer

A samovar in working order, which is capable of continuously supplying hot water, is best suited for making such beer. And not just hot, but boiling.


Honey, 2 tbsp

Rye malt, 3 tbsp

Yeast, 1½ sticks

Sugar, 1 tbsp

Hops, 100 g

Boiling water, 10 l

1. Grind the malt, grind it with hops. Put the mixture in a linen bag. Pour a spoonful of sugar into the yeast so that it fits.

2. Take a large saucepan and put honey in it. We are constructing a complex device: we place a samovar on the table, and hot water from it should pour into the pan, passing along the way through a bag of hops and malt. Moreover, the malt must be stirred all the time while water is pouring through it.

3. Having run the required amount of water into the pan, mix its contents, let it cool. Then we put yeast in it.

4. When all the yeast sinks to the bottom of the pan, bottle the beer and let stand for 3-4 days.

Bread beer


Rye bread, 1.6 kg

Rye malt, 300 g

Hops, 600 g

Sugar, 2 tbsp

Salt, ¼ hl

Yeast, 1 stick

1. Cut the bread into thin layers and dry. We dilute the yeast in a glass with lukewarm water.

2. Mix rye crackers with malt, place in a large saucepan and put salt, sugar (1 glass), pepper, pour in the diluted yeast.

3. Scald the hops with boiling water and put them in a saucepan.

4. Pour water into a saucepan, without stopping stirring, until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Cover the dishes with a towel and leave to ferment overnight.

5. Dilute the remaining unused 1 glass of sugar in 9 liters of water. Pour into a saucepan and stir. We no longer cover with a towel, but with a lid. We put in a warm place for 2 days.

6. We drain the liquid to the sediment. Pour 1½ liters of boiling water into the thick remaining at the bottom, mix and let cool. We drain the liquid again, add it to the first batch. Mix everything together, set to boil.

7. Bringing to a boil, remove the foam. We wait until it cools down and filter it. We bottle and seal the beer. We put it in a cold place and wait 2 weeks.

No wonder they are considered the best chefs - men! Even no one can argue with this. Cook borsch, bake pies, stuff fish, etc. - all this is a trifle for a real man. How do you feel about brewing your own beer? Can you? And you will be right! Technology has gone a long way. You can buy all the ingredients and equipment, and organize your home brewing at home (sorry for the taffeta). What could be cooler to offer your friends watching a football match or a broadcast of a boxing match, your own beer?

If you ask the question: "Which beer is better?" - then the answer sounds unambiguously: "Home-made beer!" Any recipe for making this drink will do. In any case, the product will turn out to be much tastier than its store counterparts. People who love fresh and high-quality beer are better off making it with their own hands. The drink turns out to be incredibly aromatic and tasty.

Brewing secrets

Making home-brewed beer is not as difficult as many people think. You just need to stock up on time and do everything as written in the recipe. Most often, hostesses brew home-brewed beer from hops, believing that it is easier to prepare. But this is not the case. Any beer is brewed almost the same way.

Basic cooking rules:

  1. It is better to use filtered or boiled water for beer.
  2. Yeast can be dry or fresh, but it must be brewed.
  3. When cooking, you can use the malt obtained from the germination of barley grains or
  4. The color of the hops should be yellow-green.
  5. Fermentation should take place at a temperature that is slightly below room temperature.
  6. The utensils in which the beer will be brewed must be sterilized.
  7. During cooking, it is advisable to keep the kitchen clean.
  8. It is better to use a high pot for cooking.
  9. It is advisable to leave it alone during the time.
  10. It is better to store finished beer in the refrigerator or cellar.

Homemade beer: a classic recipe

Classic home-brewed beer turns out to be very aromatic and tasty, at least much better than store-bought one. It will be pleasant to treat relatives and friends with such a drink. They will definitely appreciate the beer, for which only high-quality products were used. For relaxation alone, it is also suitable. The drink relaxes and soothes.


  • Two buckets of cold water.
  • Half bucket
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Six large glasses of hops.
  • A cup of yeast.
  • A small cup of molasses.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the barrel and add malt to it. The mixture should be left overnight.
  2. In the morning, everything should be poured into a container and salt should be added. The mixture must be boiled over low heat for about two hours.
  3. Then you need to add hops and cook for another twenty minutes.
  4. The resulting mixture should be passed through cheesecloth and poured into a keg.
  5. Once everything has cooled down, add yeast and molasses to the keg. Everything must be mixed and left for a day.
  6. After that, the beer should be bottled and aged for 24 hours.
  7. The bottles are then sealed and kept for another day.

Recipe # 2: simple homemade beer

Simple beer is considered to be brewed for two days. Otherwise, it is also called early ripening. This is a very tasty and rich homemade beer. The recipe for its preparation is simple and quite affordable. Beer can be served for a noisy and cheerful company. Its taste should please everyone without exception.


  • One kilogram of barley or rye malt.
  • 1 kg of rye flour.
  • One hundred grams of hops.
  • Nine liters of water.
  • Fifty grams of yeast.
  • Four hundred grams of honey.


  1. Hops need to be ground with flour and mixed with malt.
  2. Put the entire mixture in a clean cloth bag.
  3. After that, it must be hung on a stand. You need to put a saucepan below, and boiling water should be poured on top. The wort should drain off in a thin stream.
  4. Add honey and yeast to the resulting cooled mixture. Everything should be left for a day.
  5. After that, the beer is bottled, corked and placed in the refrigerator for less than two days.

Recipe number 3: from malt

This time, let's take a look at homemade malt beer recipes. It is he who gives the beer richness, fullness of taste, delicate color and persistent foam. Almost everyone likes beer, as it has a rather delicate and pleasant taste. It is better to treat your loved ones with such a drink; they will appreciate the work of the brewer.


  • 4.5 kg of rye malt.
  • 7 kg of bread.
  • 4.5 kg of wheat malt.
  • Ten grams of yeast.
  • Four kilograms of dry hops.
  • Twenty bottles of boiled water.
  • Two tablespoons of baking soda.

Cooking method:

  1. Place bread, malt, yeast and hops in a large container. Everything should be mixed and left in a warm place for five hours.
  2. Then the mixture must be poured with water, closed with a lid and left for a day.
  3. After a day, everything should be drained without sediment and expressed.
  4. Add soda to the mixture and leave it for another day.
  5. Then everything is bottled.

Recipe number 4: from hops

Now let's take a look at how to make homemade hops beer. It gives the beer a pleasant, bitter taste. It also brightens the drink and forms a foam. The beer is very reminiscent of the classic, so it suits absolutely everyone to taste. The drink is slightly bitter and very foaming. This beer is sure to be to everyone's taste.


  • Nine liters of water.
  • Thirty grams of hops.
  • Four glasses of sugar.
  • Fifty grams of yeast.
  • One kilogram of rye malt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the container, add hops to it. You need to cook everything for one hour.
  2. The resulting mixture must be cooled, filtered and yeast added to it.
  3. Everything should wander in a warm place for at least three days.
  4. After the drink should be filtered, bottled and closed.
  5. It is desirable to insist everything within a week.

Recipe number 5: mint beer

Very often hostesses ask themselves the question: "How to brew homemade beer with mint correctly and will it be tasty?" The drink turns out to be really unusual. His taste is specific and not for everybody's taste. Ladies should definitely like this beer. It turns out to be light and tender. Such beer is prepared in almost the same way as the previous types. The main thing is not to overdo it with mint.


  • Three small handfuls of mint.
  • Three liters of water.
  • 50 g yeast.
  • Three small glasses of sugar.
  • One packet of vanilla sugar.
  • A crust of bread.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the mint over with boiled water and close the pan. You need to withstand everything for about an hour.
  2. After the mint must be filtered. Add a crust of bread with yeast and sugar to the mixture.
  3. The drink should be left in a warm place to ferment.
  4. After the foam appears, add the vanilla sugar.
  5. The beer is bottled and sealed tightly.

Recipe number 6: juniper beer

This beer is also home-brewed. It is based on the use of juniper. The drink turns out to have an unusual taste and smell, but many people really like this beer. Its strength reaches 5 degrees. For receiving guests, friends, such a treat is perfect.


  • 200 g of juniper berries.
  • Two liters of water.
  • 50 grams of honey.
  • 25 grams of yeast.


  1. Fresh berries need to be boiled for thirty minutes.
  2. Then they should be filtered and cooled.
  3. Yeast and honey are added to the resulting mixture. Everything must be mixed and left alone for the duration of fermentation.
  4. As soon as the yeast rises, stir everything again and pour into glass bottles.
  5. Bottles should be corked and left in a cool place for five days.

Recipe number 7: from dried fruits

Sometimes the hostesses have a desire to experiment. For example, you can brew beer from dried fruit. They make homemade beer with the most unusual taste and smell. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple.


  • Twenty bottles of water.
  • Eight kilograms of rye malt.
  • 2.5 kg of juniper berries.
  • 300 g of dry berries (any).
  • 100 g of dry apples and pears.

Cooking method:

  1. The malt must be filled with water so that it covers it completely. Everything should be boiled for fifteen minutes and removed from heat.
  2. Berries and dried fruits are then added to the mixture.
  3. Everything must be poured into a keg and filled up to the middle with warm water.
  4. The keg should be hammered and left for a day.
  5. Every day, during the fermentation process, you need to add a little water.
  6. After the drink should be left alone. The beer will be ready as soon as it stops making noise.

Here's how easy it is to make beer at home. The recipes are all available and easy, and there is no need to doubt the quality of the product used. Not much effort will be spent, and a calm, relaxing and cozy evening with home-brewed beer is guaranteed.

In any store you can buy beer from a variety of manufacturers (both dark and light). But what makes some fans to master the technology of preparation of this drink. Some want to experience new flavors, others find interest in the very process of brewing at home.

Contrary to popular belief, yourself? not an easy task. There are many recipes to be found, but not all of them will lead you to success. It is important to be able to choose the right ingredients, inventory and follow the technology exactly. Any mistake can lead to the fact that instead of what you want, you get mash or some other alcoholic drink.

What products to choose?

Home Brewing Equipment

The dishes must be taken larger in volume than the intended beer. Is there one important condition? all equipment must be sterile. To do this, treat the items with boiling water and dry them with a clean towel.

Before brewing beer at home, take the time to cleanly wash and dry your hands.

Detailed traditional technology

So, at home you have all the necessary ingredients and inventory ready. Let's get down to a complex but interesting process.

Stage 1. Mashing the malt

First you need to achieve a certain temperature regime. Put water on the stove and heat it to a temperature of 61 to 72 °. In the future, you will have to maintain a stable temperature in this limit. The strength of the beer and its aroma will depend on this.

For higher alcohol levels, select the lower temperature limit. If you leave the value at 70? 72 °, then a not very strong, but aromatic beer will come out. The optimum temperature is considered to be 65 °, at which the future fortress will be 4 °.

It is better to place the malt first in a cloth bag (preferably made of flax) and then in hot water.

The mixture is boiled for 1-1.5 hours. Then they check it for starch. How to do it at home? Take a white saucer and pour some malt into it, and then add a drop of iodine. If the mixture turns blue, it means starch is present in the malt. And he shouldn't be there. In this case, you need to cook
continue for another 15 minutes.

Stage 2. Filtration

As a filter, a regular colander and gauze are suitable, as described above. Slowly pass the resulting liquid with malt and squeeze the linen bag into the filter.

Step 3. Adding hops

Add 10-15 g of hops to 10 liters of hot wort. Then the liquid must be boiled for another hour.

Stage 4. Wort cooling

You can simply leave the dishes with the wort to cool at room temperature. However, at this moment, there is a high probability of contamination of the future beer with foreign microorganisms. How to make the procedure expedited? To do this, put the wort in a cold water bath for 30 minutes. Make sure that the temperature does not drop below room temperature.

After the wort has cooled, repeat the filtration procedure. Pour the liquid into a fermentation vessel.

Step 5. Adding yeast

0.25 g of yeast is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Wait 15 minutes, then add them to a large bowl and stir in the wort.

Stage 6. Waiting

Now you just have to put the pan in a dark place at home and wait 1-1.5 weeks. A live drink needs time to ferment. Therefore, it is kept in the refrigerator for another 1 week.

Step 7. Bottling

Prepare some clean bottles and add some granulated sugar to the bottom. Use a silicone hose to pour the beer from the fermentation tank into the bottles. It is important that the hose does not touch the surfaces and bottom of the pot. Otherwise, sediment may enter the beer.

First, the beer is kept warm for several days (so that the sugar saturates the beer with carbon dioxide), and then? in the cold. As you can see, the described technology has a lot of nuances and takes a lot of time. Can you make it simpler?

Today, you can find many recipes to help you make your favorite drink at home in an easier way.

A very simple recipe

For those who are not ready to spend a lot of time and energy at home, but want to try home-made beer, we recommend the following recipe.

  • Water? 5 l.
  • Hop cones? 16 g
  • Sugar? 250 g
  • Dry yeast? 10 g

Beer is made as follows. Boil the cones in water for an hour and a half. Dissolve sugar in water and add to liquid. Cook the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. Then we filter the beer, cool to room temperature and add yeast. The only thing left to do is to bottle the beer and let it stand for 5 days.

Bavarian beer recipe

This recipe, on the other hand, is very complex. If you follow all the conditions correctly, the result will be a beer that is unique in taste and aroma.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sweet and sour custard bread? 4 lbs.
  • Rye malt? 2 pounds.
  • Salt? 0.25 tsp
  • Yeast? 15 g
  • Pepper? 10 grains.
  • Hop? 1.5 lbs.
  • Sugar? 1 lb
  • Water.

They do everything in this order. Bread should be finely chopped, pepper? pound and grind, hops? scald with boiling water. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of warm water. Place all ingredients in a cast iron pot (0.5 lb. sugar). Pour the mixture with water until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained, cover with a thick cloth and put in a warm place for a day.

The next day, add the remaining sugar, diluted with boiling water, and boiled water (15 liters) to the boiler. Cover and place in a preheated oven for 2 days.

Remove the boiler from the oven, cool the mixture. Pour it into a ceramic bowl, and pour 3 liters of boiling water into the boiler. Transfer the liquid from the boiler to the previously drained mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a large container (for example, an enamel saucepan) and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam, filter the resulting liquid and bottle. Cork them tightly and place in a cool place for 15 days.

There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of fans of the intoxicating foamy drink around the world. But not everyone is able to brew beer at home for themselves and their friends, which would be not only natural, but also unusual, really tasty. But only from such a drink you can get real pleasure! We want to reveal to you some secrets that will help you brew excellent quality home beer. It will please you yourself, and they will not be ashamed to treat their friends. It is important to grasp the algorithm, the technology that is the basis for the preparation of any beer, and it will be possible to experiment with the filling of various varieties of malt, using different types of hops and yeast later.

How to brew homemade beer from natural ingredients

First, let's figure out the composition of any natural foamy drink. It includes:

Barley malt is in great demand today, which allows brewing home-made beer with a rich malt flavor. Hops, as a rule, are used granular. It is prepared in advance, which greatly facilitates the task. Yeast is a fermentation catalyst and is also very easy to buy, for example, in a malt shop. Now let's look at the specific proportions and the algorithm of actions.

Mixing ratio for ingredients

It is impossible to brew beer at home without relying on specific numbers. Therefore, we will consider brewing beer with 35 liters of water (soft as mentioned above), for which 5 kilograms of malt will suffice. As for hops, its proportions can be different (it all depends on the taste preferences of the brewer), but, as a rule, it is about 50 grams of granulated hops per 5 kilograms of malt on the homebrewer's initial journey, after a year the “appetite” of the brewer increases significantly. Based on these proportions, a volume of about 25 liters of homebrew can be brewed.

Algorithm of actions

To make it easier for you, let's schematically expand the algorithm for mixing ingredients and their processing:

Directly brewing beer

Often two weeks is enough for the sugar to be completely fermented into alcohols. The beer can then be bottled. In this case, for each liter of beer, one teaspoon of dextrose (glucose) must be added. This promotes carbonation (carbonation) of the beer. It is he who makes the beer "effervescent". Carbonation time can be 7-10 days on average. Sugar can also be used instead of glucose, but the taste of home-brewed beer can be affected by this.

Actually, now you have everything that will allow you to brew beer at home, which you will enjoy doubly. And the point is not even that it will be natural. Most importantly, you managed to brew your own home-brewed beer.

And even if the first "pancake" turns out to be lumpy, the main thing is desire, and our malt shop will help you in the rest. For any additional questions, you can always contact us using the information from the "Contacts" tab. Now you do not need to think about how to brew beer, more importantly - with whom you will share it! Craft beer is a drink for friends.

  • Thursday, 13 July 2017 15:15

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