Home Trees and shrubs How to get rid of fat deposits on the legs. Removing fat from legs, legs and knees is as easy as shelling pears! Commitment to the result

How to get rid of fat deposits on the legs. Removing fat from legs, legs and knees is as easy as shelling pears! Commitment to the result

There was a time when Goji berries for weight loss spread all over the Internet, they were heard by almost all girls. This miracle berry has not spared me either, for several months now I have been periodically eating it, and I’ll tell you what came of this.

Goji is a type of berry that grows on small bushes. The scientific name is Dereza Ordinary, popularly called the wolf berry.

Appearance goji berries are similar to barberry, oblong, bright red.

Goji berries are rich in vitamins and amino acids. According to the information, they are accepted for:



strengthening immunity

strengthening the cardiovascular system

normalization of kidney function

as an antidepressant

to fight cancer cells

You can list them endlessly, I use them to strengthen the body as a whole.

Dereza fruits (aka Goji berries) can be steamed or eaten raw dried. It is difficult to determine what the berries taste like, they are sweetish, not sour, they do not look like any dry fruit.

There are seeds inside the berries, almost imperceptible.

Daily dose of Goji berries= 30 grams, it is not recommended to exceed it, as it can harm the body.

Goji berry harm

1. The likelihood of provoking diarrhea, bloating. It is more common when eating fresh berries, but dry goji berries will cause a similar adverse reaction with the least probability

2. Allergic reaction.

3. Provoking insomnia. Despite the fact that berries are recommended as a remedy for sleep disorders, their abuse or consumption in the afternoon can lead to insomnia. Therefore, you need to eat berries in the morning. As the Chinese proverb says, "Eat goji berries in the morning and you will be happy all day."

Mode of application

30 grams. pour 1 liter of goji berries. boiling water, wrap, insist for about an hour. Drink during the day, eat berries.

Can be eaten dry like raisins.

Can be added to ready-made meals such as oatmeal

Goji berries for weight loss, a panacea or a real way to lose the hated pounds?

Is it possible to lose weight on Goji berries, or is this just another publicity stunt? A few years ago, no one knew about this variety of barberry, but now it's just know-how or an epidemic that has flooded the entire Internet. True, over the past year, the excitement around this wolfberry has died down.

I am totally against the statement that you can lose weight with the help of Goji berries. Otherwise, not a single fat woman would remain on earth. And if you follow a healthy lifestyle, then you can lose weight great without Goji.

The fact that I would not lose weight with the help of Goji was clear to me. But their effect on my body was very interesting to me. Of course I decided to try it.

The berries are expensive, the price for 500 grams is in the region of 250-300 hryvnia.

You can buy in the bazaar, in online stores, order on Ali. But how not to run into a fake?

How to distinguish goji berries from barberries?

Real berries practically do not smell, if you hear barberry in the aroma, this is one of the signs of a fake.

Goji berries taste nothing, just a sweetish aftertaste. If you hear barberry in your taste, this is it.

Goji berries are red or coral in color.

Goji berry 1-1.5 cm long.

5. Seeds

Goji has a lot of seeds, barberry has only 5-6 of them.

Pour water over the berries and wait a little. Real berries will float up and color the water yellowish.

the effect

Goji berries for weight loss negative reviews! Yes, there are some on the Internet, for example, for example, I also did not manage to lose weight with the help of these berries. Yes, and in order to strengthen immunity, it is difficult to judge, because during these months, in parallel with goji, I drank multivitamins, tried to monitor the diet and turned on physical. load.

But the fact that these berries did not harm me is a fact. It is difficult for me to objectively judge the benefits of Goji berries on my body, nothing special has happened to me. It was not possible to lose weight, a bad mood sometimes visits, with vessels in general Wah!

Goji berries have earned me a solid two, I see no reason to rate them higher, since I do not feel any changes in my body. I will not recommend it, it is unjustifiably expensive and the effect is zero, but whether to buy or not is your business!

Thank you for your attention, good mood!

Goji berries are often called shambhala or Tibetan barberry. However, a well-known spice is also called shambhala, and a common "Caucasian" shrub is called barberry. Global confusion arises from this. More often than not, people think that the barberry we grow in our garden plots is the mysterious goji berry. In fact, plants are not “relatives”. The chemical properties of berries and their use in the food industry vary. Goji are called "barberry", rather, for a similar appearance.

Why goji and barberry are not relatives

Goji belongs to the nightshade family. If we talk about family ties, these berries, rather, are not close to barberry and dogwood, but tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. It is precisely belonging to the nightshade that determines the richness of essential oils and organic acids. There are so many of the latter that Chinese beauties do not take goji with their hands when collecting. A cloth or paper is simply spread near the plant and pounded on the trunk with sticks until the berries fall onto the substrate. That is why it is rather problematic to buy fresh goji - usually pragmatic Chinese leave them to "dry" right where the plantation is located.

Goji is called barberry simply because of the similarity of the berries, and it is visible only in dried form. To non-professionals, it seems that goji resemble a rose hip, and almost half of a reference book on botany. This suggests a simple thought:

  • buy goji only from trusted suppliers;
  • do not pursue extreme cheapness, and if you have already decided to save money, buy a rose hip on the market, it is cheap and also contains fiber and vitamin C.

Differences between goji and barberry in taste

All that a person with unprepared taste buds feels in both cases is acid. However, if you chew the berries longer, they will taste completely different.

Goji give the following flavors:

  • some sweetness;
  • a drop of "salt", but not the same as in ordinary rock salt, but as, for example, the salinity of natural algae;
  • if you chew the berries, they will not be sour, like lemon, but will only slightly "give" to the sourness;
  • goji berries have a rather distinct "fibrous" structure. Imagine that you are chewing the pulp of a slightly dried apple, the feeling will be similar.

Caucasian barberry is "felt" in a completely different way:

  • the first note in its taste is sweet and sour and at the same time slightly spicy. Due to its essential oils, the plant resembles ... the Soviet children's soda "Duchess", but with a less pronounced sweet taste;
  • "Fiber" and "fiber" you will feel much less;
  • some people do not feel the delicate sweetness of barberry at all, but only the acid. This taste haunts those who consume sweeteners, candies and white sugar, as do most modern foods.

Barberry berries do not taste salty, even if chewed for a long time. It is even easier to distinguish berries by brewing a tea based on them. The barberry drink will be lighter and more sour in taste. It will preserve the aroma of barberry, and will only please those who, in principle, love spices. Goji tea is more like ... a mixture of rosehip decoctions and a drop of pu-erh tea or "smoked" tea, but there is less of a "campfire" flavor in it. For some people, goji broth resembles miso soup. The main difference is the dark color and a very subtle, almost imperceptible smell.

In addition, berries vary greatly in how they handle transportation and storage. Many people complain that goji often clump together in a bag and do not tolerate high temperatures well. This is due to the fact that the berries contain more fiber, and simply are not able to dry to the drupe, as, for example, the well-known bird cherry.

Barberry, if desired, can be dried just to the "oak" state, glossy skin and complete inability to "stick together" in a lump. It will not be soft, and the older the fruit, the drier it will appear.

In addition, natural goji often lose color during the drying and transportation process, and do not look as bright as in the pictures on the Internet. When touched, they are more likely to feel like white or yellow raisins. But barberry - the notorious dried bird cherry.

If you look at the shrubs, the difference will be noticeable with the naked eye, but who will show you exactly that plant when you buy?

How not to buy regular barberry instead of goji

The easiest way is to buy goji from a regular offline pharmacy. In such establishments, the quality is monitored by official organizations, and the bags of berries are quietly lying on the window, and you can look at them, touch them and understand what exactly is packed there.

The method, however, does not work for many regions where goji are simply not supplied. In this case, we can advise the juice or liquid extract of berries, it is produced in China, and is supplied under fairly well-known brands. Quality is also guaranteed.

But when buying online, you will have to study the reviews in detail. An indirect sign may be that ... some people are disappointed with the taste of goji. Yes, for those who like sweet berries, and the same dried fruits, goji usually do not like it. In addition, ordering a trial, a small batch will give a complete impression of what and from whom you are purchasing.

The popularity of goji berries is growing. A lot of materials have appeared, telling about their healing effects. Along with them, there is information that goji berries are a barberry. But actually it is not. By its properties, barberry is inferior to berries from China.

These berries are really similar to each other with bright red oblong fruits. Both plants grow as thorny shrubs. But the shape and color of their leaves are different. In addition, they belong to different families. Goji are Solanaceae (nightshade) and barberry are Berberidaceae (barberry).

Barberry is easier to care for, it is grown in many countries of the world. Goji berries, on the other hand, require special conditions. Their habitat is limited to Tibet, China and the Himalayas.

The main difference between barberry and goji is taste. Goji berry - sweetish, slightly sour and salty. When chewing, the fibrous structure of the berries is felt. Barberry has a bright sweet-sour taste with a spicy hue, there are no salty tones. Hard fibers are not felt. The goji berry decoction is similar to a brewed rose hip. The aroma of the barberry infusion is reminiscent of the Duchess drink.

Another way to tell the difference between goji berries and barberries is to bite through them. The barberry will have a bone inside, and the goji will have several small seeds.

Barberry is most commonly used for culinary purposes rather than medications. The main properties of barberry berries: choleretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Also, barberry is used as a decoration for a personal plot - bright red fruits delight the eye throughout the summer.

What is goji

The popularity of goji berries is due to their on the body. Despite the common common name "Tibetan barberry", they have nothing to do with ordinary barberry. More and more people regularly eat goji berries. Properties of miraculous fruits:

  • ... Protects the skin from free radicals and prevents aging.
  • They normalize blood pressure, are suitable for both hypo- and hypertensive patients.
  • Improves the functioning of the liver, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps to establish a sex life,

Goji is one of the most valuable medicinal plants in the world. Goji berries contain the highest amount of nutrients. They are grown in the fertile valleys of the Tibetan and Mongolian Himalayas. Goji berries are much richer in antioxidants than any other food in the world.

Other names: Lycium barbarum, Lycium chinense, Lycium brevipes, wolfberry, Boxthorn, Matrimony Vine, Desert Thorn

Goji berries are rich in naturally occurring minerals (zinc, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, iron). It is the only naturally occurring product containing Germanium, a known natural ingredient that helps fight cancer.

People who eat Goji berries are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and many other diseases every day. The most famous long-liver in history, Qing Li Yong, lived to be 252 years old, having received awards from the Chinese government three times. He ate Goji daily.
Healing properties
Improves mood, helps fight depression
Promotes weight loss
Promote increased potency in men, increase libido in women
Improves metabolism
They help prevent premature aging and have an anti-aging effect. For this they are very much loved by Hollywood stars.
Improves skin condition
Improves sleep, helps fight insomnia
Helps Overcome the Negative Effects of Menopause
Helps Improve Melatonin Levels
Increase endurance, help to recuperate. Goji berries are used by athletes to keep fit.
Lower blood sugar

The Australian magazine Bazar made a splash in 2004 with the anti-cellulite properties of goji berries. The American newspaper "Los Angeles Times" published an article in July 2005, where it was said that the consumption of these berries in the amount of one tablespoon per day can provide a person with all the necessary vitamins and protect against cancer.

The Chinese call goji berries of happiness - they drive the blues and melancholy. Goji juice is known in the east as "matrimonial wine" because of the strong positive effect of berries on male potency and the body's ability to produce sperm. That is, on top of that, goji is a natural Viagra and an antidepressant in one bottle.

The reason for the excitement surrounding these seemingly no different berries is the unique set of natural ingredients that make goji truly wonderful. These berries contain 21 minerals (such as iron, zinc, iodine) and 18 amino acids (this is more than in bee pollen), eight of which the human body does not produce. They contain vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. Vitamin C in goji is 500 times more than in an orange, and iron - 15 times more than in spinach. Scientists have discovered 4 essential polysaccharides (LBP-1, LBP-2, LBP-3, LBP-4) in goji, which are no longer present in any food product. This product is a true miracle given to man by nature, a real storehouse of vitality, health and longevity.

In oriental medicine, goji is recommended for anemia, back pain, weakening of vision, diabetes mellitus, as a means of ensuring the normal course of pregnancy (in particular, it is used in case of a woman's inability to bear a fetus normally), for the treatment of impotence, improvement of the spinal and head condition. the brain, lymph nodes, in diseases of the nasopharynx and glands, as a strengthening sleep and an anti-stress agent, in order to rejuvenate the whole body. Goji berries burn fat, help control weight and appetite. They lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stabilize blood pressure, and regulate the functioning of the heart and brain.

In a study by Dr. H. Wu, published in 2006 in Japan, it is said that biologically active substances found in goji juice are able to restore the broken structure of DNA molecules. Maybe that's why the Chinese living in the Himalayas live up to 130 years. There is evidence that a certain Lee Kin Yen lived for 252 years (1678-1930), eating goji berries daily.

There is no second such plant on Earth. Due to the unique molecular bonds of the substances contained in goji, their total energy increases several times. The cells of the human body receive "instructions" from polysaccharides, as a result of which a balanced functioning of each individual cell is achieved, and the involvement of all the body's defense mechanisms in a single work.

Goji berries are characterized by their strong antioxidant effects thanks to the special polysaccharides found only in these fruits and are key elements for maintaining good skin condition. In addition, berries are rich in natural antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, carotenoids and other essential elements such as fatty acids omega 3 and 6, whole oligo elements (manganese, zinc, iron, copper, nickel, chromium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, cobalt, selenium, cadmium, phosphorus, germanium, etc.), beta-sitosterol, minerals, sugars and amino acids.

Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates. They are the main source of energy generated by metabolism. Polysaccharides have enormous biological activity: antibiotic, antiviral, antitumor, antidote. They supply blood plasma with lipoproteins and protein complexes, thereby improving the state of blood vessels. Polysaccharides are indispensable in the prevention of many diseases: gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, appendicitis, atherosclerosis, tumor pathology, metabolic disorders, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, etc. They stimulate the motor secretory and evacuation function of the intestine, promote the elimination of toxic substances, metabolic products, cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Due to the fact that polysaccharides are food for the saprophytic microflora of the large intestine, they maintain its optimal composition and vitality. Violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora can provoke the development of various diseases, significantly reduce immunity and dramatically increase the risk of developing cancer. Goji berries can rejuvenate the intestines without the use of colonotherapy, which is detrimental to the microflora.

Fans of healthy eating in our country have also tried this wonderful berry on themselves. Today you can buy Goji in our country.
Indications for use

Action. They have a tonic, antioxidant, tonic effect, normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system. They have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic and nervous system, normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver, strengthen the lungs, improve vision, normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and prevent premature aging.

Indications for use. They are used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, hypertension, atherosclerosis, headaches, dizziness, decreased vision, chronic fatigue, weakness, cough, impotence, prostatitis, constipation with intestinal atony, as well as for the prevention of tumors and in order to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. and radiation therapy.
Method of administration and dosage

Goji berries can be used both dry and for making tea, soup, etc. (Recipes). It is recommended to consume 15-45 gr. dry berries per day. You can also add berries to smoothies. For more information on recipes, see the recipes section.

Boil 1 tablespoon of fruits in a bowl or thermos, close and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting infusion is taken orally 1 / 2-1 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day. The berries left after decanting can also be eaten.

Contraindications: High body temperature, individual intolerance to berries.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, dark place, ready-made infusion - in a cool place for no more than two days.
Useful properties of goji berries

Goji berry is known as the "fruit of longevity". The power of antioxidants and its polysaccharide molecules protect us from premature aging by neutralizing the damage that free radicals cause to the entire body.
Goji berry ranks first among the adaptogens of Asian origin that can increase the body's resistance to harmful influences. It also helps relieve fatigue, especially during the recovery period from illness.
Goji berry can stimulate the anterior pituitary gland to produce growth hormone, also called youth hormone. This hormone has many benefits: reduced body fat, healthier sleep, improved memory, faster recovery, improved libido and a more youthful appearance.
The results of a 1998 study show that the rise in blood pressure could have been largely prevented through the action of Goji berry polysaccharide molecules.
Goji berries are one of the few plants on Earth that contains the anti-cancer mineral germanium. Its unique antioxidants and polysaccharides can inhibit genetic mutations leading to cancer.
Goji can be a particularly good supplement for the prevention of liver cancer because it strengthens liver defenses and is carcinogenic at the same time. This is very important as the liver is the most important detoxifying organ in the human body.
Goji contains beta-sitosterol, which has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels. Its antioxidants prevent cholesterol oxidation and plaque build-up in the arteries. Goji flavonoids help keep the arteries open and function smoothly.
Goji berries have been used in China for many years to treat early diabetes in adults. As a result of observation, it was found that its polysaccharides are able to balance blood sugar and the response to insulin. They also contain betaine, which can prevent fatty liver and vascular damage sometimes seen in diabetics.
The Goji Berry is revered as one of the best herbal sex tonics in all of Asian medicine and is legendary for its ability to aid in "kindling passions." Indeed, there is an old Chinese proverb that warns men who travel far from their wives and families: "Anyone who leaves 1000 kilometers from the family hearth should not eat Goji." Recent scientific studies have shown that Goji increases blood testosterone levels, thereby enhancing libido in both men and women.
In an Asian obesity study, patients were given goji berries in the morning and evening. The results were excellent: most of the patients lost weight. In another study, goji polysaccharides were shown to be effective in reducing weight by improving the conversion of food into energy rather than fat.
In traditional Chinese medicine, migraines and dizziness have often been associated with kidney failure, yin (vitality) and yang (function). Goji is one of the plants most commonly used in restoring yin-yang balance.
Goji has been used in Asia for a long time as a natural treatment for insomnia. In medical studies conducted with elderly people, almost all patients showed an improvement in the quality of sleep according to indications.
Since ancient times, Goji berries are very well known in China for their vision-enhancing properties. Modern research by Chinese scientists has shown that Goji can shorten the time it takes to adapt vision to low light conditions.
Goji is able to regulate immunity by regulating and controlling many of the body's important defenses. The polysaccharides contained in goji berry stimulate and balance the activity of all kinds of immune cells, including cytoxic T, T cells, NK cells, lysozymes, tumor necrosis factor alpha and immunoglobulins IgG and IgA.
In patients undergoing medical treatment for cancer with Goji, the response was 250% higher than that found with simple medical treatment. Such advanced cancer patients experienced remarkable regression in the development of malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and malignant hydrothorax. The period of remission in patients treated with Goji lasted significantly longer than in those who did not take Goji.
Goji Berry is known worldwide as a blood-strengthening and anti-aging agent. In one study, the use of Goji caused the blood condition of older people to become noticeably rejuvenated again. In another test, goji's flavonoids acted as protectors of red blood cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Goji has also been used in very recent clinical studies to treat bone marrow dysfunction (decreased production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).
Lymphocytes are any group of white blood cells that are critical to the adaptable part of the body's immune system. The adaptable part of the immune system organizes defenses as invading bodies penetrate the general defenses of the body. Goji increases the number of lymphocytes and promotes their activation when the body is under attack.
In traditional Chinese medicine, many of the symptoms of menopause are attributed to impaired renal function. For a very long time, Goji has been considered a tonic, chosen mainly to restore hormonal balance.
Goji fruits have long been used by Asian physicians to treat both male and female infertility. Goji is recognized for its incomparable ability to repair in women (the essence of reproduction). In men, Goji polysaccharides have been shown to strengthen sperm cells and have also been shown to be potent inhibitors of stress-induced structural degradation and cellular death of testicular cells.
Goji promotes the secretion of human growth hormone, which is responsible for many important functions of conservation, recovery and development. This includes the production of smooth muscle mass and the incorporation of calcium into the bones and teeth.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the most important organs of all vital organs. It is believed that the kidneys control the brain and other organs. Correct renal performance is considered essential for survival. Goji has a well-deserved fame as a super-tonic agent that affects both yin and yang.
Goji is the premier "brain tonic" in Asia. Contains betaine, which converts to colin, a substance that sharpens memory and memory ability.
Goji is used by Chinese herbalists alone or in combination with other herbs to relieve dry chronic coughs and colds.
As an adaptogen, Goji helps the body adapt and overcome stress. Provides the necessary reserves of energy to maintain self-control in any difficulty.
The constant consumption of Goji is said to bring a joyful mood. Not without reason in Asia, Goji is known as the "berry of happiness."

Recently, unusual goji berries have come into vogue. Someone says that this is a 100% weight loss product. Others believe that these miraculous berries are a storehouse of useful and vital micronutrients. In this article, we will learn not only about why this plant is so useful and valuable, but also about how to grow goji berries in our country house.

Mysterious goji berries in Russian and scientifically are called "dereza". Actually, only fruits can be considered goji berries. Chinese Dereza(Lycium chinense), or d. ordinary or barbaric(L. barbarum). Among the people, wolfberry is also called wolfberry (but this name is carried by a number of different plants, including those that are not poisonous, like wolfberry), lure. You can often hear the name "Tibetan barberry", but Dereza and Barberry (Berberis) are completely different plants from different families - do not mix it up! You can slip the seedlings of barberry under the guise of goji. The name "Goji" (Goji) came into English from the Chinese dialects - this is how the dereza is called in China.

Dereza Chinese is originally from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, in northwestern China. It was she who gave rise to so many legends and rumors about long-lived monks.

Dereza ordinary is practically not inferior to the product in terms of properties, but its distribution area is wider - you can find this berry in the east and center of China, throughout Southeast Asia, and in our country too: in Central Asia, in the Kuban, in Primorye , in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in central Russia.

Dereza belongs to the Solanaceae family, it is a deciduous shrub, reaching a height of three meters, with hanging thorny branches and small leaves. The crown can reach up to 6 m in diameter. The root system is strong with deep strong roots forming many root suckers.

The plant, if cultivated, is quite decorative: the branches are of a pleasant light yellow color, the color of the leaves is light green on top, and bluish below.

It will bloom in June and will delight the eye until October. Pink, purple, sometimes even brown-purple flowers have a mild pleasant scent.

The berries are oblong, orange, crimson-red in color, up to 2 cm in length, envelop the shoot like a scattering. Begins to bear fruit from 3 years after planting, sometimes earlier.

Goji breeding

  • Seeds- well propagated by seeds. In a greenhouse without stratification, they are sown in the spring and left for the winter. When the seedlings begin to grow, pinch the top of the shoot for the density of the bush.

  • Vegetatively- can be propagated by semi-lignified cuttings about 10 cm long, but care should be taken that there is old wood on the shoot. To do this, dip a part of the cut in "Kornevin" and in July-August plant it in a greenhouse or under a film. When propagated by lignified cuttings, it takes root faster. You can root in a cool place or a cool, but insulated balcony from autumn to the end of winter.

In the Caucasus, Dereza often reproduces by self-seeding.

Goji planting

For common dereza, the reaction of the soil can be weakly acidic-strongly alkaline, but in principle it can grow on any soil composition. For planting, preference should be given to sunny locations. Dereza doesn't like stagnant water. The best time to plant is spring. In autumn, goji are rarely planted, this is akin to extreme gardening, because most often it can freeze out in winter. But there are also favorable outcomes for autumn planting in warmer regions. The tests were carried out at breeding grounds in St. Petersburg. With shelter in a cold winter, it froze out to the level of the root collar or until the end of the snow cover. It can tolerate cold temperatures down to -15 ° C. Many sources (German nurseries) say that even down to -25 ° C, but in the middle lane it is extremely risky. In the south of Russia, it can winter without shelter.

For a goji seedling, we prepare a hole 50-60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep. We place the holes for several plants at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Add 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of compost (humus, peat), 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash to the ground for backfill and mix thoroughly. The seedlings need to be buried a little. After planting, thoroughly water and mulch with peat or humus.

Goji care

Watering: Watering the tree can only be done after planting and even no more than 2 times a week, depending on the dryness of the summer.

Top dressing: Dereza grows even on poor soils, but the best fruit quality is observed on soils with average fertility. You can feed young plants during the growing season, then no additional feeding is needed.

Pruning: Goji tolerates haircuts and trims well. New shoots will grow back from old wood. In ornamental gardening, it tolerates cutting well even with special mechanical devices.

Shelter for the winter: In winter, goji can freeze out, to be sure to be safe, many gardeners plant the plant in deep containers and store it in basements until spring. But there are also such gardeners in whom the tree does not freeze and, covered only with spruce branches and snow, hibernates until spring.

The healing properties of goji berries

Goji berries are believed to contain vitamin C, many different minerals and polysaccharides, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. In addition, they contain a huge amount of protein, thereby overtaking even cereals. A decoction of goji berries tones the body, possibly due to its tonic properties in combination with proteins; in Chinese folk medicine it is used as a strong natural aphrodisiac. Scientific studies have actually confirmed an increase in testosterone in the blood. Due to the high content of zinc and iron, they are often used for anemia. In combination with other herbs, it can be used as a remedy for chronic fatigue and increase immunity. Useful as a remedy for hypertension. In modern medicine, the antitumor properties of goji have not been confirmed. But it has been scientifically proven that a special polysaccharide has been isolated from the common wolfberry, which helps in the initial stages of diabetes.

What parts of the plant should you use?

1. Goji berries are usually used dried. Do not pick berries with your bare hands, as fresh juice of wolfberry can irritate the skin (something like, for example, fresh pineapple juice). Better to spread a cloth under the bush and knock the berries off the branches. The fruits should be picked when they turn bright red and have reached full ripeness. Unripe fresh berries can be poisoned. No wonder one of their names is wolfberry.

First you need to dry the berries, then separate them from the stalk. In order for the raw material to acquire medicinal properties, the berries must be dried until the skin begins to peel off. It can only be dried naturally, without the use of ovens and preservatives.

2. Goji root bark- used for coughs, fever, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and is also used as a diuretic and laxative. To obtain raw materials, you need to dig out the roots, rinse, remove the bark and dry thoroughly in the sun. Then make decoctions from the bark.

3. From goji leaves make invigorating teas.

Keep in mind that the body of a Russian person, unlike the Chinese or Tibetans, is not characterized by a large consumption of goji berries. Our body is not able to immediately adapt to the high consumption of fruits and other parts of this plant. In this regard, those who are very addicted to dereza may experience kidney problems and severe dehydration.

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Create lists on a variety of topics. Examples of names can be very different: "My future summer flower bed", "For a summer residence", "Apple garden" and many others. Do you know exactly what you will order from fruit and berry seedlings? So name the list "Delicious", adding your favorite varieties there. And when the time is right, order the entire list in just a few steps.

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Visually, barberry and goji are similar - the shape is oblong, the color is reddish, the size is about the same. However, these fruits differ from each other, and barberry is sometimes sold under the guise of goji in order to cash in on gullible buyers. Therefore, it is necessary to know what fruits look like, to be able to distinguish goji berries from barberries in order to avoid deception.

Goji berries and barberry - differences

Unfortunately, it is easy to confuse these fruits for someone who does not understand them. The question of whether goji berries are a barberry or not is relatively easy. Yes, goji is called Chinese and Tibetan barberry, but these berries have little in common with ordinary barberry fruits. For example, they both grow on thorny bushes, have the same color, shape, are used in the confectionery industry, cooking, the production of teas, seasonings. This is where the similarities end. Let's talk about the differences.

Are barberries and goji berries the same thing? No, the former grows almost everywhere, the latter only in China. Goji blooms purple, the shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, the barberry is yellow, the fruits are elongated. The color of the fruit itself is different from each other - the barberry is raspberry, yellow or bright red, the goji is red, and has a citrus flavor. Therefore, if in a store you are trying to understand what is in front of you, goji berries, barberries or dogwood, ask the seller to give a taste of the offered product. You will definitely not be mistaken, at the same time you will carry out an honesty check. It is better to take the fruits in trusted places, do not go to questionable outlets, markets, do not order in unknown online stores.

These shrubs are of different types. Goji have small seeds inside, barberry has one bone. The first fruits are considered a dietary product, the second are not. Even the beneficial properties of these species are different. Barberry fruits help relieve pain, inflammation, have a choleretic, laxative effect. Goji are rich in vitamin C, protein, antioxidants, for which athletes love them.

When you are going to the store, remember the differences between dry goji fruits and barberry fruits. The former, after drying, retain a bright red color, the shape is oblong, the latter darken, decrease, become rounder.

And, you can read it in our other articles.

Recently, it has become widely known about the value of such a product as goji berries.

But when buying them, you should be wary, as you may be sold a very similar-looking fruit of a barberry bush.

However, barberry is much cheaper and does not have such colossal useful properties.

Is barberry the same as goji or not?

Outwardly, barberry really resembles goja fruits, bright red and oblong. But these are completely different plants. Barberry grows on almost all continents.

Absolutely not whimsical to conditions and care. It is usually bred in the garden. Barberry is also useful, although significantly less than goji fruits.

It combines choleretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, hemostatic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antitumor effects.

Despite this, barberry is rarely used for medicinal purposes, but its use in cooking is quite wide (syrups, tinctures, sweets).

Also, barberry is used to refine the land, as a hedge. Such a fence looks especially beautiful in autumn: multi-colored leaves, and bright red fruits against their background.

What is goji?

Goji shrub, in turn, requires special conditions for growth. This shrub grows in China, Tibet and the Himalayas, reaching 3.5 meters in height.

It has a red color and an oblong shape. Differs in the presence of a whole storehouse of useful properties.

Decoctions, tinctures and teas of the fruits of this shrub are used for medicinal purposes:

  • unique antioxidant;
  • copes with pressure drops;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys;
  • saturates the body with energy and strength;
  • fights overweight;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • strengthens muscles and bones.

The easiest way to tell a barberry from a goji berry is to bite it through. Inside the barberry there is a bone, and inside the goji fruit there are small seeds. Also, the first fruit tastes sour, and the second is sweet and sour.

In order not to buy a fake, ask the sellers about where the goods come from, how they are packed, and what is the shelf life. Real berries are packed in branded packaging with an address in Chinese (sometimes duplicated in English).

Let's summarize the main differences between barberry and goji berries:

  • the presence of seeds in one and seeds in the other;
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Since 2004, only the lazy has not been talking about goji berries. There are many show business stars, writers, politicians and athletes among the fans and propagandists of the "miracle berry". Goji berries are called "natural Viagra and antidepressant in one bottle", "conjugal wine", "fruits of longevity", "the first tonic for the brain", "berries of happiness." The popularity of goji berries in the West is so great that it’s time to talk about “goji”. The properties of goji berries have not yet been fully investigated, however, many nutritionists and nutritionists call them an analogue of fabulous rejuvenating apples, or even a panacea that can cure the most terrible diseases known to humanity. The thousands of years of experience of Tibetan healers proves the tremendous health benefits of goji berries.

How to grow a Goji Berry

Shrub Goji berries love rocky alkaline soils, but they can well grow on black soil. Berries can be easily grown in your own summer cottage.It is not at all difficult to care for shrubs. The plant can easily withstand prolonged rains, temperature drops and even frosts.For growing Goji Berries, it is better to choose an empty place, as shrubs grow quickly and can interfere with other plants. After overgrowing, the branches will be difficult to get rid of. Alternatively, a hedge can be made from shrubs.It is possible to grow shrubs of Goji Berries both from cuttings and from fruit seeds. If you decide to grow a shrub from seeds, then you need dried Goji Berries. Before removing the seeds, the berry must be soaked for several hours in warm water. The seeds are planted in a germination substrate. In this case, you need to ensure that there is good lighting, the soil does not dry out, and the temperature is in the range of 20 - 25 degrees Celsius.

In order to retain moisture, it is recommended to cover the container in which the seeds are germinated with cellophane wrap.

When sowing, the seeds are sown either on the surface of the soil or to a depth of 2 mm to make it easier for them to germinate. When the first shoots appear, it is recommended to remove the cellophane. After about 2 - 4 weeks, 2 - 3 pairs of leaves are already formed on the shoots. At this time, the sprouts can be seated separately.

In the second year, shrubs that have grown from seeds begin to bloom, and by 3-4 years they already become fruitful.

Growing Goji Berries on your own will allow you to constantly replenish stocks of dried fruits and regularly include such a useful product in your diet. And thanks to the beneficial properties of Goji Berry, you will preserve your youth for a long time, not only improve your health, but also prevent the development of many diseases.

Beneficial features:

What is so unique about the Goji berry?

Performs antioxidant functions;

Reduces cell oxidation;

Slows down the aging process of the body;

The abundance of carotenoids in the berry improves vision;

Betaine - improves memory and keeps the brain in good shape;

Has anti-inflammatory effect;

It is a prophylactic agent for oncological diseases;

Strengthens the nervous system;

Improves health and mood;

Strengthens the immune system.

Dr. Al Mindell, who has studied these berries for a long time, released a book in which he named 33 reasons why you should eat goji every day. According to the scientist, goji berries prolong life, give energy, rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol, normalize blood sugar, improve sexual activity, help reduce weight, improve sleep, strengthen the heart, normalize vision. increase resistance to disease, improve blood composition and treat bone marrow disorders, support liver and kidney function, restore hormonal balance, help in the treatment of infertility, strengthen muscles and bones, improve memory and relieve stress ... The list is impressive. Has humanity finally found a universal remedy for all diseases?

I must say that this is only a novelty for Europeans and Americans, but in China these berries have been known for thousands of years. Goji, also known as Tibetan barberry, Chinese Dereza, lycium barbarum and wolfberry, is a creeping shrub of the nightshade family whose soft vines hang down to 3-8 meters. The branches are covered with thin thorns. The fruits are juicy red berries.

The plant is poisonous!

It is not worth picking up fresh berries: a strong oxidative reaction immediately begins on the skin, and it turns black. In order to collect the fruits, a cloth is spread on the ground under the bush and the ripe berries are shaken off with a special stick. They must be dried in the shade. After drying, the berries are completely safe. Their taste is sweet-salty, sometimes sour. Nothing special in general. But goji berries aren't popular for their flavor.

Goji berries: contraindications

Certain herbs, tinctures, and medications can actively interact with goji berries. Whatever you take, you need to consult with your doctor if you can eat goji berries. Especially if you are taking anticoagulants: there are several cases described where their interaction with goji berries led to massive bleeding.

In addition, goji berries can also interact with diabetes and blood pressure medications; dosages may need to be recalculated. Keep in mind that with constant use, the effect of goji berries accumulates.

Goji berries are gaining in popularity every year. Many manufacturers, in order to meet the growing demand, go to various tricks without worrying about the health of the end consumer: a high content of pesticides, nitrates and phosphates is often found in the product.

Research suggests the unique composition of the fruit of this plant. They contain 18 amino acids (of which 8 are irreplaceable), 21 minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and others), vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B6, carotene, polysaccharides and many other biologically active substances. Among them, for example, a substance such as germanium. This mineral, in combination with other components, is effective in the treatment of cancer. There is 500 times more vitamin C in goji berries than in oranges and lemons. Iron is 15 times more than spinach. Beta-carotene - much more than carrots. The protein concentration in goji berries is higher than in royal jelly. It is believed that eating just 1 tablespoon of goji berries a day can provide a person with all the necessary vitamins.

An old Chinese proverb says, "Goji should not be eaten by someone who travels far from the hearth." This warning is not in vain: the goji berry is revered as one of the best sex tonics in all Asian medicine. Science has confirmed the ancient wisdom - goji berries increase the content of testosterone in the blood, thereby enhancing libido in both men and women. Asian doctors also treat infertility with goji berries.

Despite the huge number of useful properties, like any product, goji berries have contraindications, but there are not many of them: Chinese barberry is not recommended at elevated temperatures;People prone to allergic reactions should also not eat berries, since they can provoke an attack.

How to brew Goji Berries?
There are no special rules. Pour dried Goji Berries with hot water and leave for 20 minutes. You can experiment with quantity. Start with a 150 ml tablespoon of dried berries. water. By the way, the berries themselves can then be eaten. The most useful thing in them.
There is also an interesting option: brew, leave overnight and drink in the morning. During the night, maximum vitamins are extracted into the infusion.
Lovers of delicious food. Goji berry recipes.

Can be added to morning rice porridge, soups and other meals. The Chinese do that. Experiment! Place at the same time when adding other spices to the dish.

How many Goji Berries do you need per day?

Try drinking Goji Berry tea every day for 10 days. You will need 250 gr. (25 grams per day). You can buy 50 gr. goji to try, if in doubt. Not a problem!
In China, goji berries are used not only as a medicine, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. Perhaps it was thanks to the goji berries that the Chinese super long-liver Li Qingyun lived for 256 years (!!!). Still, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and mental balance are of no small importance.

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