Home Trees and shrubs How to draw a summer vacation in stages. How to draw summer? Councils to young artists. The work of Mukhutdinova Adelina in collaboration with her mother

How to draw a summer vacation in stages. How to draw summer? Councils to young artists. The work of Mukhutdinova Adelina in collaboration with her mother

It is not so easy to depict summer on paper and at the same time convey its warmth, colors and mood in the drawing. But if you make the strokes consistent, add important elements, you can get a beautiful picture. And how easy it is to draw a drawing on the theme of summer, we will consider with you below.

Summer sun

How does summer begin? Of course, from the warm sun. Therefore, we will start with him. However, we can observe the sun at any time of the year, so add the inscription "Summer" to the picture. Take a checkered sheet and multi-colored pens.

Checked paper is optional. You can also use the usual landscape format. But it is better to practice on a notebook sheet, as it may be difficult to write letters. Getting started:

It remains only to paint over our drawing. To do this, we will use multi-colored pens. Try to choose the brightest shades. For the sun, use yellow, leave the handles unpainted.

Drawing on the theme of the summer of my dreams

In summer, you really want to go to the beach, sunbathe, relax by the sea and soak up the warm sun. If this is a dream summer for your child, then we suggest trying to portray a simple picture with a beach. For drawing we will use a black felt-tip pen and multi-colored crayons. How to create a drawing of the summer of my dreams:

  1. Draw an arc on the right side of the sheet. It will be a sandy beach.
    On the other hand, draw a wavy strip. We will designate the location of the water for it.
  2. Let's set up an umbrella on our beach. We draw a large arc. We connect its ends in semicircles so that sharp corners are formed. Draw strips from each corner to the top of the umbrella. Let's draw a stick on which the upper part of the umbrella is attached.
  3. Place a beach towel under the umbrella. Draw two parallel wavy lines and connect them at the ends.
  4. What else can you supplement your work with? You can make waves on the water. We will put many points on the beach so that the land looks like sand. We will decorate the towel with stripes, and in the sky we will depict the sun.
  5. Now this summer landscape needs to be painted. Let's make the stripes on the umbrella white and red. Red can also be applied to a towel.
  6. To use blue and green. For the sand, you can use yellow, and to make it look more natural, add some orange touches.
    It remains to paint over the sky, the sun and the rest of the towel. If you wish, you can show flying birds in the sky. , we already know.

That's all. We have successfully completed this simple drawing.

How to draw summer with a pencil for kids

The following figure may seem daunting to you, but it is not. Using simple lines and shapes will create an interesting picture.
To draw you will need: an eraser, a set of colored pencils, paper, a thin black felt-tip pen and a simple pencil with medium hardness.
Let's start drawing:

  1. The drawing sheet must be positioned vertically. The picture will be.
    In order for the walls of the house to be positioned correctly, you need to do a few simple steps.
    Using a simple pencil, draw a line for the location of the horizon. Mark the point in the center where the projection of the house will intersect. We sketch out the outlines of the house, we lead all auxiliary segments to the previously marked point. Focus on the sample.
  2. We apply windows to the house. We arrange them in the same way as the walls of the house.
    We make a winding path near the building. It should go to a point on the horizon.
  3. Sketching the silhouettes of the trees. Let's immediately detail them, draw out the outlines of the crowns. To make the foreground more varied, you can also use mallow buds that bloom.
  4. We outline the sketch with a black felt-tip pen. Erase all auxiliary lines with an eraser. Let's move on to coloring.
  5. Paint over the path with brown. We make the grass in the area where the shadow from the trees falls in dark green, shade the rest of the space with a light color.
    The trunks should be dark brown, some areas can be lightened with an eraser.
  6. Let's make the cat near the house red. The remaining unpainted details in the foreground can be painted over with a delicate light green shade.
    Detail the shadows with a darker color. To make the shadows more natural, you can add a brown tint.
  7. We make the array in the background blue and green. Leaves can be made a little gray. Let's make the sky blue. Use pink for the mallow and yellow for the center.

It remains to paint over the walls of the house and the summer pencil drawing can be considered complete. We take a brown pencil for these parts, and a gray one for the foundation and windows.

How to paint a beautiful summer landscape

Another example, based on which you can understand how to draw summer with colored pencils for children. We will use in this drawing the same tools that were required in the previous lesson. Moving on to the creative process:

  1. This time we place the sheet horizontally.
    On the right side, using a ruler, draw a horizon line. We do not bring it to the opposite side. Draw a circle closer to the edge of the sheet.
  2. There will be a silhouette of sushi on the right. Draw wavy lines from the horizon, which will become the edge of the water. It will take three lines to make waves in the future.
  3. Draw an umbrella at the bottom right. We have already discussed how to do it above. You can depict a beach chair under the umbrella.
    On the piece of land, which we have placed in the background, we will draw several lines, later they will become.
  4. The sketch of the summer landscape is ready. You can start painting. Paint over the sun with a light yellow color, you can even use a cream shade. We make the light that comes from the sun bright yellow. Shade the rest of the sky with blue.
  5. The edge of the water should be painted dark blue. The closer the water gets to the edge, the lighter you need to make it. Draw the horizon near the sun and water with a dark blue pencil. We leave two strips of water near the shore white, add gray strokes at the end.
  6. Paint over the umbrella with a brown pencil. Select its folds. We use the same shade for the chair, but you can also add cream stripes on it.
  7. In the background, near the trees, paint over dense vegetation with green. Select some areas with a black pencil. We direct the trunks of the trees with brown.
    Draw the foliage of the palm trees, give it a jagged look. To make the structure of the leaves more clear, use a thin black pencil.

Gouache painting

So, we have already considered several options for drawing summer and even depicted a picture on the theme of "summer of my dreams". Now let's try, together with the site, to create an amazing, realistic, summer painting using gouache.

In addition to paint, we will need thick paper with embossed canvas, brushes of different sizes, masking tape and water. Getting started:

  1. We fix the sheet with masking tape to the desktop. This will help you stay within the picture. Clean edges allow you to frame your finished landscape.
  2. Make a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil. This option is suitable for those who are going to paint for the first time. In the picture we will place several bushes, one of them will be in the central part.
    You can paint instead of bushes. Let's draw a river and mark the location of the land.
  3. Moving on to the paints. We arm ourselves with a flat wide brush. Apply white gouache to the top of the sheet. Mix the blue with white and cover the sky. The closer to the horizon, the lighter we make the color of the sky. You can add some white underneath to create a nice, smooth transition of the paint layers.
  4. Let's draw the clouds. We do this with white and blue paint. First apply a white layer with neat circles, add blue on top, apply white again, and so on until you have air clouds of the desired size. Place the clouds all over the sky.
  5. Let's go to the bottom. Here we need a gray color and different shades of green. Draw silhouettes using green paint. Fields in the background can be colored with a mixed green and yellow tint. On the left side we will make one of the bushes with a dark shade. We detail its foliage. Add a piece of land near it.
  6. Now let's draw water. We draw with blue paint near the bush on the left and draw water on the right. Leave an unpainted area in the center of the sheet. It will be a bush. You can immediately give it a shape.
    We add some white and dark colors to the water to create an overflow. It is imperative to depict the silhouette of a bush that is displayed in the water. To do this, use green gouache, it is desirable to make it darker, for this you can add a little black to the base.
  7. We draw the second bank. We mix green and yellow. There will be several land areas. We continue to paint the land covered with grass in different shades of green. Leave some unpainted areas to add a few more small bushes later. Mix yellow and white. We draw a winding path. The sides of the path should be decorated in brown.
  8. To make the grass look natural, you need to draw small strips across all land areas. This can be time-consuming, so just dab some paint on the tip of the brush and apply some lotions.
  9. Now it's time to tackle the gaps that we left for the bushes. We draw the smallest ones, which are located on the left side. We do it in one color, but leave light areas between the leaves. With gentle pressing we draw out the central bush and the bush on the right. We mix green with yellow, place light places on the vegetation.

The picture is ready. If you wish, you can complement the landscape with plants using green, as shown in the sample.

The seasons put down a wealth of material that can be used for speech therapy classes and speech games with children. Summer is no exception! This season, there are a number of interesting changes in nature, and people spend a lot of time outdoors, working and relaxing. Visual material allows you to show children a variety of features of this period, pictures and cards must certainly be actively used in the course of developmental activities.

What to tell children about summer

The main "summer" topics that can be used for conversations with children are:

  • berries, ;
  • , birds, ;
  • occupations of people in the garden, in the forest;
  • types of outdoor recreation (travel to the sea, summer sports);
  • safety of children in summer.

The first of these sections are suitable for toddlers, while the rest are suitable for older preschoolers. They allow you to pick up pictures of the summer for both very young children and future first graders. You can use both object images (berries, toys for the sandbox) and plot compositions:

  • “Here is the first day of summer and has come!”;
  • “What do children play in nature in summer?”;
  • "What are the rules of conduct on the water and why are they needed?"

Correctly selected illustrations help to increase the effectiveness of speech development exercises and make them more interesting. Various pictures about summer are an excellent visual material that makes it possible to conduct useful activities, as well as exciting games with preschoolers of different ages.

Work in the vegetable garden

Animal world

Russia Day

Children take care of nature


  • Choose one subject picture from a thematic group of images (mushrooms, berries, insects), describe it, listing as many characteristics as possible.
  • Compose a story "Summer Holidays" using the image of children:

- in the forest;
- on the beach;
- in the country.

  • List the signs of summer from several scenes depicting nature or the city.
  • Tell about one of the wildflowers using several photographs or drawings.
  • Select several subject pictures (from a whole set) on the topic: Summer in the forest, make a description of each of them.
  • Tell one of several fairy tales or stories in pictures, matched to the topic.
  • Come up with riddles for each subject image from the series: "Children play in nature."
  • Continue the sentence "Hello summer, you came to us with ... ..". You can list the signs of the season, seasonal changes in the surrounding world. You need to complete the task based on subject or plot images on the topic.
  • Tell that animals are also happy in the summer, that their life at this time of the year is changing a lot. The drawn animals in the pictures should be a kind of "hints".
  • Draw a verbal portrait of one of the people in the picture, describe the features of the appearance of one of the tourists or vacationers on the beach.

Summer in the forest
Summer forest
Summer in the city
City in summer
Summer fun for children
Summer Games
Summer in the countryside
Summer day in the village

It is important to select all tasks for the development of speech, based on the age characteristics of the child, then they will be interesting to him, and will also be useful. For example, for children 5-6 years old, you can use tasks of increased complexity: offer to tell (based on the plot picture) what happened before the events depicted and what will happen after. You can ask to speak on behalf of one of the characters depicted in the pictures for children from the senior or preparatory group. Object cards are useful for coming up with:

  • riddles;
  • funny stories with a sequel;
  • short rhymes.

Such exercises not only train the speech abilities of future schoolchildren, but also develop imaginative thinking, attention, and imagination.


Various pictures for children about summer can be used not only for educational activities, but also during exciting games. Here is some of them:

  • "Putting a raspberry in a basket": list as many wild or garden berries as possible, selecting the appropriate images from the set of illustrations.
  • “I'll tell you, you guess!”: Take any subject card on the topic “Summer” and describe what is depicted on it. These can be: plants, animals in a "summer" fur coat, a symbolic image of the weather or a natural phenomenon (rainbow, thunderstorm, dew).
  • “Summer is an artist”: choose one of the colors, “invite him to visit”. Then you should name the drawings, as many as possible that can be colored by him. These are a kind of verbal coloring pages for children that allow you to enrich speech with descriptive adjectives.
  • "Hike": each of the players (in turn) talks about what he saw during an imaginary (or real) excursion to nature. For this game, you need to pick up several plot pictures. "Summer in the forest" or "Summer vacation in nature" are perfect. You can take any published for kindergarten on this topic.
  • "In a forest clearing": this game combines speech and artistic tasks. Each participant must draw with a pencil and then paint a portrait of an animal. It is necessary that these were animals that are easy to meet in the forest in summer. You can use ready-made mask images that are placed in Summer in the forest coloring pages or others, similar. Of course, ready-made masks used in kindergarten for matinees are also suitable. Then the children play the character whose image he got. You can ask everyone:
  • tell about his life in the forest;
  • come up with a funny story about summer;
  • list your favorite berries, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees.

At the end of the fun, the one who was the most interesting beast is chosen, he becomes the winner.

  • "In memory of the summer"

It is impossible to imagine games on the theme of "summer" without entertainment at all in nature. Invite your child or the whole group to find the most beautiful leaves or flowers in the park. Let everyone choose one and then describe it. Then all the plants must be carefully dried, and then placed in a folder, on a transparent background or colored. The finished herbarium can then be placed in a corner of the group's nature, where some animals and plants are found all year round.

And although it's already autumn, summer memories are still vivid thanks to the wonderful drawings of our contestants.

Diana Shilova is a regular participant in our competitions. She painted her "summer" with pens and legs. It turned out very interesting!

The mother of a five-year-old girl Vasilisa writes:

Despite her young age, my daughter has extraordinary abilities, she loves to draw, cut and create. From the hands of Vasilisa her own bangs, a huge variety of socks and tights, ownerless rags and handkerchiefs, in short, cannot be enumerated, have already suffered. I try to direct my daughter's energy in the right direction, I do a lot of extra crafts and drawings with her.

In the summer, my daughter and I were in the Volga region, where we swam and overeat with fresh ripe berries and fruits. When I asked Vasilisa: “What do you remember from your grandmother the most?”, My daughter answered: “Apples”. Therefore, our summer drawing is called simply: "Apples".

First, Vasilisa drew fruits on paper, then transferred them to thin felt, cut out and glued them onto a felt napkin. Butterflies are also cut from a napkin. Now, in St. Petersburg, we will admire the picture and remember the hot Volga summer.

Pupils of kindergarten № 1518 have prepared a whole exhibition of drawings.

Emelyanov Egor, 6 years old. "Duck family"

Novikova Dasha, 6 years old. "Ah, summer!"

Kotlyar Alisa, 6 years old. "Summer for Mom"

Hamid Adela, 5 years old. "Summer in the park"

Olga Chichkova

Creative competition"We draw summer" (children 3 years old)

My children and I took part in competition"we draw summer"For this we needed brushes, gouache, paper, palms and a little help from a teacher.

Hand drawing is very popular with children. The brush, however, tickles the palm. But this is so unusual - the whole hand is covered with paint! And you can draw with it! It turns out that the sun, the bird, the flower, and then the tree. You can add missing details with a brush. Now you're done!

And children really like summer, because it gives so many colorful impressions! Let's see which ones.

Hooray! It's warm again, and you can walk all day! The cheerful sun gives us warmth. (1st degree diploma)

Bluebirds of happiness rejoice in the sun. (1st degree diploma)

And flowers also reach out to the sun. (3rd degree diploma)

There are so many flowers, there is a whole carpet of them in the meadow! (2nd degree diploma)

For mom, you can pick a bouquet. (2nd degree diploma)

The forest is full of berries on the bushes. (2nd degree diploma)

And the butterflies are so beautiful! They flutter among the flowers. (2nd degree diploma)

Here is a hedgehog carrying a red apple. (2nd degree diploma)

The bluebird is very happy to fly. Over the green grass swaying from the wind, you can flutter and whirl, and flutter again. (3rd degree diploma)

After all, the sun is shining brightly over the forest glade, this is how it makes us happy summer! (3rd degree diploma)

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Evgeniya Kirillova


1. By means of artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer season.

2. To develop children's emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Teach to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. To teach children the ability to select and reflect the colors typical for the summer season.

5. Encourage the initiative and independence of children in building the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


Album sheet

Wax crayons

Simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, viewing illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer" directed by V. Karavaev, excursion to the forest (glade, meadow).

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading L. Korchagina's poem "Summer":

If the wind is warm, even though it is from the north,

If the meadow is in daisies and clover clumps,

Butterflies and bees are circling over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue with a fragment of the sky,

And the childish skin is like a chocolate bar ...

If the garden grows red from strawberries -

A true omen: it has come….

Children. Summer.

Educator... You're right, summer is a wonderful, generous time of the year. Most recently, we met with one character who did not know what summer was. I will remind you of this story. Santa Claus lived in the far cold North. When winter came, he set out on a journey to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, and decorate the windows of houses with patterns. Santa Claus spent his time with benefit in the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that was where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids, he danced, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he lovingly prepared for each child. Once during the New Year's holiday, one of the children asked Santa Claus: "Will you come to us in the summer?" Santa Claus became curious, and what is summer? The children were surprised that such an old grandfather had never heard, let alone seen summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song "Song of Summer" by Yu. Entin to music by E. Krylatov is played)

Educator. Since then, Santa Claus lost his peace, he really wanted to see the summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come to visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And hit the road. What happened to him?

Children... He felt very bad in the heat, and he began to melt.

Educator... Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream box. And in it they began to take him to different places: to the forest, to a meadow, to a river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his North to come to the children only in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, his portrait?

Children's answers: In a motley sundress, with a wreath of flowers on his head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Educator. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

Assumptions of children.

Educator invites children to listen to B. Sergunenkov's story "Where is Summer Hiding?"

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but there was one summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as fluff, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, the leaves did not shed and were always green!

This continued until one day the winter took offense.

What is it, - he says, - all summer and summer, it's time to know the conscience.

Winter has begun to crowd in summer, but where can the summer go? Summer threw itself into the ground, and frost bound the ground. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I am dying, - he says, - I have nowhere to go. Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the fly:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer and hid in the buds of trees, took refuge from the cold winter.

Winter is gone. The sun shone, streams rumbled. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened up, the summer escaped, rolled out into the wild. Summer has come to earth….

Educator. People rejoice and say: "Summer has come."

Today we are going to paint summer. What color do you think you will be using? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education "What color is summer?"

Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color is it?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Soft green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like the sand by the rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color else?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, lightning, sweet strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color else?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. The practical part.

The teacher offers to draw pictures and present them later to Santa Claus.

3. The result of the lesson.

When examining the finished work, the teacher pays attention to the color scheme, the combination of shades, the creation of a composition, and the observance of proportions.

But what kind of work we got.

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