Home Trees and shrubs What is the name of the territory that has certain boundaries. Definitions a country is a territory that has certain boundaries. exercise. The main resources of the economy include

What is the name of the territory that has certain boundaries. Definitions a country is a territory that has certain boundaries. exercise. The main resources of the economy include

Including a certain type of regime of power, organs and structure of government

a brief description of




4 task. The fundamental institutions of society include:

1.family, 5.state

2. health care, 6. education (culture and science),

3. production, 7. religion.

4. army and court

5 task. The struggle for power and its protection is the main question:

1.economic sphere of society,

2.political sphere of society,

3. social sphere of society.

6 task. Choose the correct statement

2. Globalization is the historical process of the transformation of scientific and technological progress into the main driving force of society.

3. The closest environment of the individual - his parents, relatives, friends.

4. In a broad sense, society should be understood as a specific stage in the historical development of any people or country.

Part 2. Economic sphere.



2 task. Fill out the diagram

Main economic functions

3 task What are the three functions of money:

1.means of circulation, 5.measure of consumption,

2. method of measurement, 6. means of accumulation.

3.means of acquisition,

4 task. The relationship between supply and demand is as follows:

1. Demand grows - so does supply,

2. supply falls - demand also falls,

3. Supply grows - so does demand.

5 task. Consumer demand is determined:

1.the size of individual income,

2. the most essential needs,

3. fashion, that is, a public assessment of what is worth buying today and what is not,

4. prices for substitute goods,

5. all together.

6 task. The category paired with demand is ...



7 task. Choose the correct statement.

1. The rarer a thing, the higher the price of it and, therefore, fewer people will want to buy it.

2.Economically active population refers to children, the elderly and the disabled.

5. Buy at a lower price and sell at a higher price is the basic law of business.

6. Productive labor does not create goods.

7. When the expected revenues are equal to the expected expenditures, the budget is called balanced.

8 task. Find a match

A - marketing B - demand C - price D - competition E - monopoly E - scarcity

1-lack of goods

2- rivalry between people, their organizations in achieving similar goals, results

3- the presence on the market of a small number of sellers, each of whom affects the total volume of supply, the price of goods, has an exclusive right in any area of ​​government activity.

4- management system of production and sales activities of enterprises, based on a comprehensive analysis of the market

5- the intention of buyers to purchase this product, supported by a monetary opportunity.

6-the amount of money (or other goods and services) paid and received per unit of goods or services.

Part 3. Social sphere

1.the set of all statuses,

2.the set of all norms,

3.the relationship of social relations,

4. social interactions.

A - stratum B - status C - social group D - social stratification

1- the process and result of the stratification of society

2- the social stratum of people with similar characteristics in terms of income, power, education, prestige.

3rd place of a person in the social structure of society

4- a set of people identified according to socially significant criteria.

3 task Choose the correct statements

1. In 14th century England, costume was determined not by taste or style, but by law.

2. Each stratum includes those people who have unequal income, power, education and prestige.

3. Relative poverty - the inability to maintain a decent standard of living.

4. Poor people are people capable of satisfying only physical needs, providing only biological survival.

5. Ethnos is a collective name for large consanguineous groups of people forming a tribe, nationality or nation.

6. In the USSR, the poor were in a significant majority.

7. Ethnocentrism - a set of misconceptions of one nation about another, testifying to its superiority.

Part 1 "Society"

1 task. Find a match:

A - 3 B - 1 C - 2 D - 4

1- political organization, including a certain type of regime of power, bodies and structure of government

2- a territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty.

3- a part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely related to it, consisting of individuals and including the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their unification.

4- everything that exists, the whole world in the variety of its forms and manifestations.

2 task. Enter the name of the public area in the table

a brief description of

Economic sphere

Includes activities:

production, distribution, exchange, consumption.

Spiritual realm

This area includes universities, museums, theaters, cultural monuments, religious communities.

Social sphere

Covers classes, social strata, nations, taken in their relationships and interactions with each other.

Political sphere

Includes the president, government, parliament, local authorities, security forces and non-state associations (political parties)

3 task. Which society is called traditional:


4 task. The fundamental institutions of society include: 1,3, 5, 6, 7

Part 2. Economic sphere.

1 task. The main resources of the economy include:

1.land, 3.work, 5.capital, 7, management

2 task What are the three functions of money:

A medium of circulation, a measure of value, a means of accumulation.

3 task. The relationship between supply and demand is as follows:

1. Demand grows - so does supply

Part 3. Social sphere

1 task. What is social structure:

1.the set of all statuses,

2 task Find a match

Definitions Country A country is a territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty. State A state is a political organization of a given country (regime, form of government). Society Society is the social organization of a given country (social structure).

Form of state National state structure Form of government Political regime Unitary Federation Confederation Commonwealth 1. Monarchy Absolute Limited 2. Republic Parliamentary Presidential Mixed 1. Democratic 2. Non-democratic Authoritarian Totalitarian

What do we mean by the term "nation state" and "multinational state"? P. 24 (Kravchenko's textbook) A nation-state is one in which one nation prevails. (Armenia, Greece, Egypt, Poland, Norway, Japan - more than 90% of one ethnic group.) A multiethnic state is a state with a complex ethnic composition. (Russia, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran ...)

Typical tests B1. The above list shows the similarities and differences between the concepts of "country" and "state". Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the differences in the second column. 1. Territory with defined boundaries. 2. Has a certain type of power regime. 3. The presence of state sovereignty. 4. Has governing bodies and structure. Similarities, Differences 1324

I. A15. State Z is divided into provinces on a territorial basis. The heads of the provinces are appointed by the government of the state. The provinces do not have their own parliaments, constitutions. What is the form of government of country Z? 1.Monarchy. 2. Unitary state. 3. The federal state. 4. Republic. II. A15. R.'s organization extended its power to a certain territory. It provides security and law and order, makes laws, sets taxes. This organization is 1. State. 2.Political party. 3. Public organization. 4. Office.

1. Monarchy - a form of government in which the supreme state power is partially or fully owned by one person, the monarch, and, as a rule, is inherited. P. 32 Absolute Limited (constitutional, parliamentary) Monarch - head of state Sole rule Power is sacred Inherited Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia ... Legal limitation of the power of the monarch by the constitution or parliament Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Japan ...

2. Republic - (Lat. Res publica, "common cause") a form of government in which all the highest bodies of state power are elected), and citizens have personal and political rights. C parliamentary presidential mixed President - head of state, government Directly elected by the United States Parliament - the leading body It forms the government, which is accountable to the parliament, the president is elected by the parliament Italy, Germany Strong presidential power The formation of the government takes place with the participation of parliament. France

1. The President is elected by an electoral college. 2. The President leads the executive branch 3. The President, in agreement with Congress, determines the foundations of foreign and domestic policy 4. The government does not exist. Ministers appointed by the President Presidential Republic

FRG FRG - parliamentary republic The figure of the president is the formal Chancellor - the head of government, the leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections. The Chancellor determines the main line of all domestic and foreign policy of the country. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) Parliamentary Republic

Blue presidential republics, full leadership of the executive branch by the president, the president is the head of government Yellow mixed republics (semi-presidential, parliamentary-presidential, presidential-parliamentary) government is accountable to parliament and the president, parliament influences the choice of the head of government Orange parliamentary republics, parliament forms the government Red parliamentary constitutional monarchies, parliament forms the government, and the monarch has no real power www. Wikipedia.org

Political regime. Form of state National state structure Form of government Political regime Unitary Federation Confederation Commonwealth 1. Monarchy Absolute Limited 2. Republic Parliamentary Presidential Mixed 1. Democratic 2. Non-democratic Authoritarian totalitarian Tyranny (historical) Despotism (historical)

1. Signs of a democratic regime. Democracy - Greek. demos - people + cratos - power Guarantee of human and civil rights and freedoms. Recognition of the people as the highest source of power. People's control over power. Election of the main bodies of the state. Equality of citizens. Subordination of the minority to the majority, protection of the rights of the minority. Pluralism is diversity.

2. Signs of an authoritarian regime. - Concentration of power in the hands of a small circle of people (elite). - Suppression of the opposition. One-party system. - Some freedom in non-political spheres (science, culture). - Rights and freedoms can be violated at any time.

3. Signs of a totalitarian regime. 1. Comprehensive control over the individual and society. 2. A ruler with unlimited power. Cult of personality. 3. Absence of political opposition, repression. 4. The police and the army aim to suppress public opinion. 5. The dictatorship of one party. 6. Control over the private life of citizens.

Tests B2. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their characteristics. CharacteristicsTypes of regimes A. Guarantees of individual rights and freedoms 1. Democratic B. Power of a single mass party 2. Totalitarian C. Official obligatory ideology. D. Political pluralism 1221

A20. Are the following judgments about human rights correct in a democratic society? A. Human rights are inherent in all people from birth. B. Human rights can be granted by the state to its citizens. 1. Only A. is true. 2. Only B. is true. 3. Both judgments are true. 4. Both judgments are wrong.

To review Are the judgments about the state correct? A. In a broad sense, a state is equivalent to a country and a politically organized people in this territory. B. In a narrow sense, the state means only the organization of the supreme power, standing above society. Both judgments are correct

Place of work: MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Borodino, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Option 1.

1. A territory that has certain boundaries and has state sovereignty is denoted by the term:

1) the state;

2) country;

3) society;

4) community.

2. Are the following judgments about the typologies of societies correct?

A. According to one of the first typologies, societies are divided into pre-written and written ones.

B. Typology, which appeared in the 19th century, singles out the mode of production and the form of ownership as the main criteria for the classification of societies.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

3. About 30 thousand years ago, cave paintings appeared in people. This manifestation:

1) economic progress;

2) technical progress;

3) cultural progress;

4) the industrial revolution.

4. Talent and genius are manifested:

1) only in early childhood;

2) only in adulthood;

3) at any age;

4) always from birth.

5. Are the following judgments about unmet needs true?

A. Suppression of needs deforms a person's personality.

B. Unmet needs of large groups of the population can lead to revolts against the authorities.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

    Socialization takes place in:

    1. a group of friends;

      all of the above is true.

    The economic sphere includes:

    1. consumption of material goods;

      the creation of political parties;

      getting an education;

      organization of local self-government.

    For a market economy to exist, it is necessary:

    1. lack of private ownership of the means of production;

      prohibition of competition;

      freedom of choice of manufacturers in making decisions;

      all of the above.

    The ways of government influence on the economy include:

    1. taxation;

      provision of benefits;

      legal regulation;

      all of the above.

    An example of a social group is:

    1. middle class in society;

      city ​​dwellers;

      all of the above is true.

    Nations arise:

    1. with the advent of Homo sapiens;

      with the emergence of the state;

      with the development of capitalist relations;

      at the present stage of development of society.

    The most common reason for divorce in modern society is:

    1. the dissimilarity of the characters of the spouses;

      lack of common interests;

      alcoholism of one of the spouses;

      all of the above is true.

    Are the following judgments about conflicts correct?

A. Determining the scale of a conflict is related to the severity of its consequences.

B. The most large-scale conflicts occur more often than minor ones.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

IN 1... Find the similarities and differences between the family budget and the state budget.

    is legally binding;

    contains items of expenditure for social needs;

    consists of income and expenditure parts;

    includes payment for the management staff;

    replenished by taxes from the population.


IN 2. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Social status 1) Place of a person in the social structure


B) Social group. 2) A set of representations,

existing in society, about behavior,

human rights and obligations,

occupying a certain position.

C) Social role. 3) The set of people selected

for any socially significant


D) Image. 4) Certain behavior,

appropriate to the human condition

in society.

AT 3... All but one of the following concepts are related to entrepreneurship.

Small business, profit, corporation, socialization.

AT 4... Find statements that are specific to the person in the list provided.

    Man is a person from birth;

    Formed over a long time;

    Formed in the process of socialization;

    It manifests itself outside of society;

    It is expressed in independent actions.

AT 5... All of the terms listed below, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "functions of money".

Measure of value, means of payment, profit, world money.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 6... Find the global problems of humanity in the proposed list.

    Environmental pollution;

    The threat of nuclear war;

    Limited resources;

    Overproduction crisis;

    Growth in the number of single-parent families.

C1... What is social mobility? Give examples of horizontal and vertical social mobility.

Option 2.

    Health care, utilities, catering refers to:

    the economic sphere of society;

    the political sphere of society;

    social sphere of society;

    the spiritual sphere of society.

    Are the following judgments about the consequences of human impact on nature true?

A. The negative consequences of human activity include the annual decline in species.

B. Human-induced climate change is a global problem.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

    By the beginning of the 20th century, some of the peoples of the North, which were part of the Russian Empire, did not have their own written language, led a nomadic lifestyle, and worshiped pagan gods. This fact illustrates:

      1. action of the law of acceleration of history;

        the action of the law of uneven development;

        manifestation of regression;

        a manifestation of technical progress.

    Are the following judgments about personality correct?

A. The need to become a person is equally developed in all individuals.

B. The need to become a person is manifested in the individual both in society and outside of society.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

    The singer K. spent a whole year preparing for the victory at the international vocal competition. The jury awarded K. first place. This is an example of satisfaction:

      1. physiological needs;

        social needs;

        prestigious needs;

        security needs.

    Singer S. was not allowed to leave the stage for a long time after the performance. He smiled, bowed, and the people in the hall stood and applauded him. That's an example:

      1. business communication;

        everyday communication;

        verbal communication;

        ritual communication.

    The market regulates relations in the field of:

      1. production;



    Competition between manufacturers and sellers in the market leads to:

      1. price increases;

        improving the quality of service;

        increasing the number of manufacturers in the market;

4) an increase in the costs of manufacturers for the manufacture of goods

    In a market economy, as opposed to a command economy:

      1. clear state plans for the production of products are adopted;

        fixed prices are set;

        state taxes are levied on the population;

        there is competition.

    Indicate the social status that distinguishes a child from an adult.

      1. athlete;

        dog breeder;


    The characteristics of the poor class include:

      1. economic independence;

        high level of prestige;

        lack of political rights;

        government subsidies and benefits.

    The reasons for ethnic conflicts include:

      1. everyday prejudices and stereotypes;

        the policy of discrimination by the authorities in relation to one of the ethnic groups;

        expulsion of the people from the territory of residence;

        all of the above is true.

13. Are the following judgments about the role of the family correct?

A. In the family, the formation of the individual as a person takes place.

B. The family initially determines the belonging of a person to a particular social stratum of society.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

IN 1. Find the similarities and differences between the economic and social spheres of society.

    Influences the political sphere and depends on it;

    Includes distribution and consumption;

    Includes assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population;

    Creates goods and services;

    It exists at all stages of the development of society.

Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.


IN 2... Establish a correspondence between the stages of development of society and their characteristic features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Traditional society. 1) Machine Manufacturing - Defining

development factor.

B) Industrial society. 2) The big role of the church and the army.

C) Post-industrial society. 3) The service sector predominates in the economy.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 3. All of the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, characterize the standard of living.

Working conditions, level of education, habits, quality of food, living conditions.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 4. Find the Business Principles in the list.

    Lack of personal liability.

    the presence of economic freedom;

    striving for profit;

    lack of professional risk;

    availability of resources for organizing economic activities.

AT 5... All but one of the words listed below refer to acquired status.

Doctor, man, democrat, gardener.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 6... Find the characteristics of a pre-industrial society in the list provided.

    The predominant role of agriculture;

    the great role of religion and the church;

    industrial development;

    class division of society;

    high level of development of science;

    predominance of the urban population over the rural.

C1... What is tax? Give one example of direct and indirect taxes.

Option 3.

1. The process of forming the world community is closely related to the process:

1) the formation of military - political alliances;

2) the creation of independent states;

3) globalization;

4) all of the above is true.

    Are the following judgments about the characteristics of certain types of societies correct?

A. In traditional society, the church and the army played an important role.

B. In preindustrial society, the main population groups were entrepreneurs and wage laborers.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

    The result of the Neolithic Revolution is:

      1. the transition from gathering to agriculture;

        the transition from manufacturing to factory production;

        the emergence of social groups of the bourgeoisie and wage workers;

        the emergence of mass culture.

    Every baby born in the world is:

      1. brilliant;


        great personality;

        an individual.

    Are the following judgments about the manifestation of needs true?

A. All people share all needs equally.

B. Higher (secondary) needs have a great influence on the formation of personality.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

    After retirement, L. took a great interest in fishing and joined the society of amateur fishermen. That's an example:

      1. education;




    The main production unit is:

      1. local authorities;

      2. company;

    Equilibrium price:

      1. arises in a competitive environment;

        established by the state;

        suits only buyers;

        suits only sellers.

    In a command economy, as well as in a market economy:

      1. there is no exchange;

        employees have no motivation to work;

        direct taxes;

        free pricing.

    Stratification means:

      1. Union;



        inclusion in the community.

    The subject of the conflict is:

      1. the good, because of which the conflict occurs;

        a situation leading to a conflict;

        the results of the conflict;

        parties - participants in the conflict.

    Nuclear family:

      1. most common in an agrarian society;

        includes at least three generations of direct relatives;

        is a small social group;

        does not imply community of life.

    Are the following judgments about the middle class correct?

A. In modern Western countries, the middle class is the backbone of society.

B. In Russia in the 1990s. the middle class has been replenished with refugees, retirees and foreign workers.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong.

IN 1. Find similarities and differences between congenital and acquired status.

    Reflects a specific characteristic of a person;

    does not depend on merit;

    achieved as a result of a person's personal efforts;

    achieved as a result of a person's choice;

    affects the nature of behavior.

Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.


IN 2... Establish a correspondence between the type of needs and their manifestation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Physiological 1) Participation in any public


B) Prestigious. 2) Creation of literary works

C) Spiritual. 3) Protection against cold or heat

D) Social 4) Career growth.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 3... All but one of the concepts listed below are related to the characterization of the market.

Monopoly, monarchy, oligopoly, competition.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 4... Find ethnic-forming factors in the given list.

    Blood relations;

    general culture;

    lack of intergenerational community;

    common area;

    single language.

AT 5... All of the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, relate to how conflicts occur.

Competition, monopoly, rivalry, confrontation.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 6... Find the factors that contribute to the rise in unemployment from the list.

    Economic crisis;

    economic development;

    curtailment of production in traditional sectors of the economy;

    mismatch between supply and demand in the labor market;

    the state carries out professional retraining of employees;

    creation of additional jobs.

C1... What is social status? Give one example of prescribed and attainable social status.

Option 4.

      During the 1917 revolution in Russia, bankers, owners of factories and plants, large landowners lost their property. This is an example of influence:

      1. the political sphere into the spiritual;

        the economic sphere to the political;

        the political sphere to the economic;

        the social sphere to the economic.

2. Are the following judgments about the interaction of nature and society true?

A. The development of human society cannot significantly affect the state of the natural environment.

B. Social progress goes hand in hand with natural progress.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong

3. At the beginning of the 18th century in Russia under Peter I, there was a rapid growth of manufacturing production. During this period, about 200 new manufactories appeared. This fact is an example:

      industrial revolution;

      political reforms;

3) economic reforms;

4) regression.

4. Are the following judgments about the role of society in the formation of personality correct?

A. Society is capable of both developing a personality and suppressing it.

B. The higher the general cultural level of a society, the less a person is valued in it as a person.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong

5. The main (basic) needs according to the theory of the hierarchy of needs are:

1) physiological;

2) social;

3) prestigious;

4) spiritual.

    Communication process:

1) is associated with the social environment;

2) is not associated with the social environment;

3) associated with the natural environment;

4) occurs only in the family.

    Master K. according to the results of his work for the year received a large monetary award from the company. This example illustrates relationships in a sphere:

      1. production;

      2. distribution;


    Are the following judgments about market action correct?

A. There is a process of price equalization in the market.

B. In market conditions, prices depend on supply and demand.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are wrong

9. The state budget in the Russian Federation is approved:

1) the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

2) the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) by referendum.

10. One of the criteria for stratification is:

1) age;

      place of residence;

    The concepts of "confrontation", "competition", "rivalry" characterize 6

        the ways of the conflicts;

        ways of resolving conflicts;

        the process of socialization of the individual;

        causes of conflicts.

    The condition for belonging to an ethnic group is:

    1. community of historical destiny;

      lack of consanguinity;

      attitude to the means of production;

      general income level.

    The Petrovs divorced. After the divorce, Anna Petrovna, together with her two sons, moved to live in the village with her mother. That's an example:

    1. nuclear family;

      patriarchal family;

      single-parent family;

      a large family.

IN 1. Find similarities and differences between productive and unproductive labor.

    A product is created that is a commodity;

    Services are provided;

    Is a type of economic activity;

    Assumes a reward;

    It is important for the development of society.

Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second.


IN 2... Establish a correspondence between the social groups of society and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) The rich 1) The main occupation is begging.

B) Middle class 2) The presence of large property

C) Poor 3) Providing only a living wage

D) Beggars 4) Beginning lifestyle

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 3... All of the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, relate to the forms of wages.

Piecework wages, professional wages, lump sum wages, time wages.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 4... Find the characteristics of the family in the list provided.

    Fundamental institution of society;

    Small social group;

    The continuity of generations;

    Separate accommodation;

    Unity of political views.

AT 5... All of the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "types of progress".

Revolution, economic reforms, education, social reforms, political reforms.

Find and indicate a concept that "falls out" of this series.

AT 6... Find the features of the product in the list provided.

    Satisfies any need;

    Cannot be sold;

    Corresponds to other goods in terms of value;

    Can act as a service;

    It is exchanged only through direct contacts of the seller and the buyer.

C1... What is unemployment? What are three reasons for unemployment?


Option 1

C1. Social mobility is a change by an individual or a group of the social position, the place occupied in the social structure. Horizontal mobility is the transition from one place of work to another without changing social status. Vertical mobility - promotions, political careers, etc.

Option 2

C1. Tax is a mandatory payment levied by the state from each manufacturer of goods, recipient of income, owner of a particular property. Direct taxes are imposed directly on consumers, income recipients or property owners. His examples are income tax, property tax, land tax. Indirect taxes are taxes on the sale of goods and services, for example: excise tax, customs duties.

Option 3.

C1. Social status is the social position of a person in society with the rights and obligations arising from it. Prescribed social status: gender, age, race. Achieved status: education, financial situation.

Option 4.

C1. Unemployment is a situation in the economy when a part of the working-age population who wants to work cannot find a job. Causes of unemployment: economic downturn, seasonal nature of work, changes in demand for certain types of goods, moving to another place of residence or changing jobs.


All correctly completed tasks of level A are estimated at 1 point.

Tasks of level B, with a choice of several answer options, are evaluated at 1-2 points. Two points for a correct answer and 1 point for one error.

For the tasks of part C - 3 points.

Results evaluation system:

80% of the maximum amount of points - grade "5"

60-80% - rating "4"

40-60% - grade "3"

0-40% - score "2"

Literature: Khromova I.S. Social studies tests for the textbook by A.I. Kravchenko "Social Science". 8th grade. M .: LLC "TID" Russian word - RS ", 2010

Definitions A country is a territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty. State - political State is the organization of a given country (regime, form of government). Society is a social organization The society of a given country (social structure).

The form of the state TO LEARN BY LINE !!! check Form of state Territorial state structure Unitary Federation Confederation Commonwealth Form of government 1. Monarchy Absolute Limited 2. Republic Parliamentary Presidential Mixed Political regime 1. Democratic 2. Non-democratic Authoritarian totalitarian Tyranny (historical) Despotism (historical)

1. Territorial structure A unitary state is a form of state structure in which its parts are administrative-territorial units, do not have political independence, and are subordinate to a single central government.

Federation is a form of state. a device in which parts of a federal state are state entities with a certain political and legal independence.

Typical tests 1. 2. 3. 4. This list shows the similarities and differences between the concepts of "country" and "state". Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the differences in the second column. Territory with defined boundaries. Has a certain type of power regime. State sovereignty. Has governing bodies and structure. Similarities 1 3 Differences 2 4

I. State Z is divided into provinces on a territorial basis. The heads of the provinces are appointed by the government of the state. The provinces do not have their own parliaments, constitutions. What is the form of government of country Z? 1. Monarchy. 2. Unitary state. 3. Federal state. 4. Republic. II. R.'s organization extended its power to a certain territory. It provides security and law and order, makes laws, sets taxes. This organization is 1. State. 2. Political party. 3. Public organization. 4. Office.

3 types of government. "Right" and "Wrong" forms (ancient Greek thinkers) Autocracy (tyranny, dictatorship) Oligarchy Ochlocracy Power of one Monarchy Power of the minority Aristocracy Power of the majority Democracy

1. Monarchy - f. etc., in which the supreme state power is partially or fully owned by one person - the monarch and, as a rule, is inherited. Absolute Monarch - head of state Sole rule Power is sacred Inherited Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia ... Limited (constitutional, parliamentary) Legal limitation of the power of the monarch by the constitution or parliament Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Japan ...

2. Republic - (lat. Res publica, "common cause") - f. in which all the highest bodies of state power are elected, and citizens have personal and political rights parliamentary Parliament is the leading body It forms the government, which is accountable to parliament, the president is elected by the parliament Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany presidential mixed President is the head of state, governments Strong presidential power Elected by direct vote The formation of the government takes place with the participation of parliament. USA France

1. The President is elected by an electoral college. 2. The President leads the executive branch 3. The President, in agreement with Congress, determines the foundations of foreign and domestic policy 4. There is no government. Ministers appointed by the President

Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel (CDU) Germany is a parliamentary republic The figure of the president is the formal Chancellor - the head of government, the leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections The Chancellor determines the main line of all domestic and foreign policy of the country.

President François Hollande 1. The president is elected by the people 2. The government is headed by the leader of the majority in Parliament 3. The president determines foreign and defense policy 4. The government determines domestic policy

www. Wikipedia. org Blue - presidential republics, full control of the executive power by the president, the president is the head of government Yellow - mixed republics (semi-presidential, parliamentary-presidential, presidential-parliamentary) - the government is accountable to parliament and the president, parliament influences the choice of the head of government Orange - parliamentary republics , parliament forms the government Red - parliamentary constitutional monarchies, parliament forms the government, and the monarch has no real power

2. Political regime - a set of methods, means, techniques for exercising political power, reflecting the level of political freedom

Signs of a democratic regime, p. 235 Democracy - Greek. demos - people + cratos - power The principle of democracy. The people are the source of power. The principle of the majority. The right of the minority to oppose. The influence of the people on the development of political decisions, parliamentarism. The rule of law. Guarantee of human and civil rights and freedoms Pluralism - diversity

Signs of an authoritarian regime, p. 234 - Dictatorship of one person or group of persons. Concentration of power in the hands of a small circle of people (elite) - Power is beyond the control of citizens, reliance on force - Monopolization of politics in the absence of total control over society - Some freedom in non-political spheres (economy, science, culture). - Rights and freedoms can be violated at any time

Signs of a totalitarian regime, p. 234 Comprehensive control over the individual and society Monopoly on power. A ruler with unlimited power. Cult of personality. The dictatorship of one party. Lack of political opposition, repression Total police control Control over the private life of citizens Control over the media Centralized economy

Test B 2. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their characteristics. Characteristics Types of regimes A. Guarantees of individual rights and freedoms B. Power of a single mass party C. Official obligatory ideology. D. Political pluralism 1. Democratic 2. Totalitarian 1221

The system of methods of exercising state power, the attitude of power to the exercise of individual rights and freedoms is called 1. Form of government. 2. State structure. 3. Political system. 4. Political regime.

Are the following judgments about human rights correct in a democratic society? A. Human rights are inherent in all people from birth. B. Human rights can be granted by the state to its citizens. 1. Only A. is true. 2. Only B. is true. 3. Both statements are true. 4. Both judgments are wrong.

1. 2. 3. 4. What characterizes a democratic regime? Command and control methods of management. Comprehensive control of the state over the life of society. Executive dominance. Equality of citizens before the law.

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