Home Trees and shrubs Karaite proverbs and sayings. Folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings. Life is given for good deeds

Karaite proverbs and sayings. Folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings. Life is given for good deeds

Consideration of the proverbs and sayings of the Crimean Karaites, which include notions that are not used today, cultural features that are now a thing of the past. Study of various beliefs in folk aphorisms. Ethnoculture of the Crimean Karaites in different periods of time.

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  • To read about the Karaites: * Karaite Confession - Karaism


The most important component of the spiritual culture of the Karais is their folklore, the origins of which have deep roots and date back to the time of the Crimean Khazaria. At the same time, folk art preserved both the mention of the Khazars and the plots very similar to those that exist among the Turks living in Altai.

The tradition of keeping a majum helped the Karaites to preserve their folklore, the presentation of family collections from them, in which folk legends, songs, as well as proverbs and sayings were recorded ... Such collections were available in almost every family and, along with the Old Testament, were considered the most valuable family relics ...

Folk wisdom played no less a role than the prescriptions of religion, served as a guide in relationships, and helped in difficult times. A special place was occupied by proverbs and sayings, these "words of the fathers." There were many sayings, for all occasions. They often had a poetic form with rhyme and rhythm.

"The words of the fathers" say that customs and justice are half of the faith, reflect the attitude towards the native land, friendship, work, neighbor. There are many edifications and aphoristic sayings, often with humor, unexpected epithets, comparisons. Typical examples:

The foreign country is clay, and the Motherland is gold.
The giver is pleasing to God.
Let your word correspond to the donated amount.
God willing - pray, but it won't bring you home - work.
Like pearls and barked the words of a sage, only the word of a fool will hurt.
Be a lion with a lion, be a lamb with a lamb, but do not be a donkey with a donkey.
You are a khan, I am a khan, and there is no one to give hay to the horses.
He who exalts himself to heaven will fall to the ground.
A fool will harness a horse, but a clever wind harnessed.

In the past, there was a curious game. Its members exchanged proverbs and sayings in turn. The one who missed the turn was eliminated from the game. The verbal battles continued into the night. The winner was honored and respected.

They often competed in the improvisation of songs. Songs such as ditties - ranks and more voluminous yyrs - were successful. These songs were quickly created and forgotten. More complex and longer living songs of the Turku genre, including ritual and heroic songs - dastans, were passed down by generations. Of the most ancient songs, a lullaby about the beast butahamor has been preserved, which is close in plot to the one known in Altai.

The folk calendar is interesting. The names suyunch-ai - a joyful month (February-March), einekun - a day of great purity (Friday) and yuhkun - a holy day (Sunday), sounded the same among the Polovtsians. The word yukhkun is close to the names of the Karachais and Balkars, and the name Cancun - blood day (Wednesday) - is used by the Chuvashes and Bashkirs.

Classes. Life.

The ancient professions of the Karai: gardening, viticulture, cattle breeding, military affairs, carriage, crafts, small trade.

Like the Khazars, the Karaites led a seasonal lifestyle. In the spring they went to orchards and vineyards, migrated with herds to the steppes and mountains. In the fall, they returned to their permanent settlements, were engaged in handicrafts. The surnames reflect the professions: shepherd, hunter, hunter of wild animals, gardener, beekeeper, milkman, buznik, baker, cheesemaker, carter, standard-bearer, chumak, locksmith, saddler, coin minter, tanner, leather embroiderer, cooper, woodcutter, gatekeeper, porter, herald, teacher, etc.

The Karaims were ranked among the best gardeners. Gardens and vineyards were located in the valleys of Alma, Kachi, Salgir, Karasu. There was a saying: "Work hard - the garden meets, too lazy - it runs wild." The gardens of S. Crimea, A. Babovich, Prika were once famous. Their owners received awards from All-Russian exhibitions.

Tanners were very famous.

The Karai were especially fond of horses. Hence the sayings: "A good horse is strength for a Karaite," "Without a horse, as without hands," and others. On horses and oxen, the Karaite Chumaks went from the Crimea to their fellow tribesmen in Galicia and Lithuania. From the word "chomacha" - fetters, yoke - comes the Karaite surname Chomak.

Military professions were held in high esteem. The Karaites of the Kyrk-Yer fortress were assigned to the military aristocracy - the Tarkhans. In Lithuania, the Karai were part of the personal guard of Prince Vitovt. In 1914, 700 Karaites served in the Russian army, of which 500 were officers.

The Karaites led a lifestyle characteristic of the Turkic peoples. They were distinguished by their patriarchy and unquestioning obedience to the head of the house. National characteristics were manifested in the architecture of houses, details of the furnishings, clothing, and cuisine. Adherence to black color and low dark astrakhan hats - Karaites, as they were called in Crimea, are characteristic. From the objects of ancient life - a device for kneading dough and processing leather - talki, similar to the one known with a similar name among the Karachais and Altaians. Karaite embroidery with geometric and floral patterns and a characteristic closed rhythm find the closest analogy among the Kirghiz.

Where love is, there is God.

Good feelings are neighbors of love.

Love wins over everything.

Love and advice, and there is no grief.

Lovers and God loves.

The beauty is not famous, but who likes what.

Love us black, and everyone will love white.

With love, there is space everywhere, with evil everywhere cramped.

The mind is enlightened by the truth, the heart is warmed by love.

5. Aphorisms and quotes

Love is a reward without merit. Ricarda Huh

Love is all. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson

To love is to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame. Sigmund Freud

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree over trifles. Don Aminado

The measure of love is love without measure. Modified Francis of Salez

It's so easy to be loved, it's so hard to love. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Love should forgive all sins, but not a sin against love. Oscar Wilde

6. Works of art (literature, cinema, theater, painting)

Marc Chagall "Above the City"

Anton Viktorov - paintings with the word Love. Illustration - "Picture of Happiness"

Leonid Baranov Old age in love

7. Love and enterprise management

If lovers work together, they are distracted from work.

If they do not work together, they talk to each other on the phone at work time, take time off to solve this problem. problems.

Some companies encourage the formation of families within the enterprise in order to reduce employee turnover, to make the business "family", successive from generation to generation (this applies to both managers and employees).

Consultation for parents.

Folk wisdom in pdonkeysOhand sayingOh.

Sayings and proverbs are short sayings containing a conclusion from observations of others. They are more understandable to elders. children - six to seven years old... In a saying, a proverb, their content is important. They were formed on the basis of vast life experience. Proverb - belonging to the speech of adults. Children can hardly use it yet and are only being brought up to this form of folklore. However, certain proverbs addressed to children can instill in them some rules of behavior, for example: "In a hurry, you will make people laugh." It is more correct to use proverbs and sayings at a time when circumstances clearly illustrate a proverb.

In adults, a stock of proverbs and sayings is usually created as a result of listening and reading fairy tales, folk epics, fiction, under the influence of the speech of others. It is bad if they will "plan" in advance the use of proverbs and sayings. Folk expressions are alive only when they are spoken at the right time and place. From children in no case should not be sought so that they use these expressions, or worse, memorize them. It is good if children in the speech of an adult catch humor, and understand the edification in a proverb. If a proverb or a separate expression taken from a fairy tale or from the speech of an adult occasionally flashes in a child's speech, this will be a reward for the work, but you should not deliberately call the child to this.

Life is given for good deeds.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth.

Wear a dress - don't take it off, endure grief - don't tell it.

It will be dashing, it will be quiet.

The spark of the carcass before the fire, ward off the trouble before the blow.

Grandmother said in two: either rain, or snow, or there will be or not.

God, God, and don't be bad yourself.

To be afraid of misfortune is not to see happiness.

Or the chest in crosses, or the head in the bushes.

You will go through the whole world crooked, but you will not turn back.

Youth is a bird, and old age is a turtle.

The Russian does not joke with either a sword or a roll.

Whoever eats quickly works quickly.

Everyone is a blacksmith of his own happiness.

See the tree in fruit, and the man in deeds.

To plow is not to play a tune.

Trying is not torture, and demand is not a problem.

Darn the hole while it's small.

Without grabbing an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

As a master, such is the point.

Where there is desire, there is skill.

I knew how to start, and know how to finish.

The end is the crown of the work.

What is the spinner, so is the shirt.

Leni's too lazy to take a spoon, but Leni is not too lazy to dine.

"Shark, why don't you sew on the floor?" -

"And I, mother, will still flog!"

Knocked it down, knocked it together, here's a wheel!

Sat down and went - oh, good!

I looked back - some knitting needles were lying.

Stupid and lazy - does one thing twice.

A big talker is a bad worker.

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

The wolf does not accept a willing herd.

Amicably - not overweight, but apart - at least give it up.

For a dear friend and an earring from the ear.

For a friend, even seven miles is not a outskirts.

Where there is a way, there is a treasure.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

A bird has wings, and a person has a mind.

And the power is inferior to the mind.

You will not be clever with someone else's mind.

Don't ask the old, ask the experienced.

In a smart conversation, to be - to buy the mind, and in a stupid conversation - and to lose your own.

Take your time to answer, hurry up to listen.

A long rope is good, but speech is short.

Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.

To brag is not to mow, the back does not hurt.

Empty vessels make the greatest sound.

Don't teach fish to swim.

In the absence of people, Thomas is a nobleman.

There is a large chunk in the wrong hands.

Sinking - the ax promised, but pulled out - and it's a pity for the axes.

Slander that coal: it will not burn, so it will stain.

Every song has its end.

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