Home Trees and shrubs L.Connors, L.Rashki. Stock secrets. Linda Brandford Raschke and her book - Stock Secrets - Momentum Pinball indicator Linda Raschke fb2

L.Connors, L.Rashki. Stock secrets. Linda Brandford Raschke and her book - Stock Secrets - Momentum Pinball indicator Linda Raschke fb2

There is an opinion that trading is exclusively for men. But today I would like to tell you about one woman who made her name just in the field of trading and investing. Linda Raschke is one of the most popular women in trading who has achieved certain heights.

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I want to say that Linda completely devoted herself to this business, which is worth even the moment that she was actively trading until the last days of her pregnancy.

In this regard, many reporters decided to interview Linda in order to understand in more detail why she has such a passion for trading. In an interview, she jokingly said that she did not trade during childbirth solely because it was already late.

It is noteworthy that Linda opened her next deal three hours after giving birth, she opened a short position on the contract, which ultimately made a profit. As Linda Raschke herself later said, she simply could not refuse such a lucrative deal.

Of course, this woman treats trade with great responsibility, even many brutal men can envy this. Linda was well aware that she wanted to connect her life with investments since early childhood.

After graduating from college, she really wanted to get a job as a broker, but, unfortunately, this did not work out. This state of affairs could break any trader, but not our heroine.

She made it a habit to visit the trading floor every day, where she followed the price charts and changes in quotes. Linda was really interested in the market, and her perseverance paid off, she was eventually allowed to take the position of a trader.

One guy met Linda directly on the trading floor, and he really understood that she clearly had serious potential. He was really surprised how the young girl grasps everything on the fly, and with what dedication she treats the matter.

Ultimately, this guy decided to give Linda a certain amount so that she could close the first deals. Linda worked in this room for about 6 years, primarily trading on the Pacific Exchange, and then moving to the Philadelphia Exchange.

As she matured, Linda managed to create her own approach, which really began to bear fruit. In 1986, Linda had a serious accident, the authorities, worried about the health of the woman, forbade Linda to trade in the hall, instead, she had to trade directly from the office.

Everyone who was somehow familiar with Linda unanimously said that she is an incredibly energetic and positive person, she looks at everything sensibly and never loses heart in any situation. And this despite the fact that Linda suffers from a rare Epstein-Barr disease, which is characterized by a serious and rapid loss of energy.

I would like to note that on the way of her formation, from the very beginning, Linda did not really understand the structure of the market, and concluded most of her transactions based on the indications of fundamental analysis.

Linda took one thing out for herself, that trading on the stock exchange is an exciting, promising, but far from easy task. After graduating from college, she decided to go to San Francisco to try her hand as a stockbroker.

She sent her resume to almost all possible offices, but everywhere she was refused. But Linda Raschke was well aware that all this was quite justified, since the companies were interested in experienced employees, and they had no desire to mess with newcomers.
Secrets of Linda Raschke
The leaders of the companies did not actually take Linda seriously, since she was a young girl, and at the same time she did not have any practical experience at all. But Linda did not rest on this, she stubbornly continued to search for work, and fortune rewarded her for her perseverance.

She managed to get a job in one large organization, taking the position of an analyst! The main office of the company was not far from the Pacific Exchange, and an hour before work, Linda could freely visit the exchange, look at the work of other traders.

Soon, many traders noticed Linda, they saw in her a certain kind of enthusiasm. As Linda herself says, they willingly helped her and told her a lot.

Once, one of Linda's acquaintances told her about options trading, and she decided that she could master this area. As she herself said, at that time it seemed to her that this area was not very complicated.

She perfectly began to understand that on the stock exchange you can meet many interesting people, and the presence of an economic education is far from the main thing in this area.

It is quite possible that it was precisely such ardent enthusiasm that largely predetermined the fact that Linda would become a real professional! As she later realized, even those people who were ordinary factory workers in the past were successful on the stock exchange, therefore, Linda Raschke really believed that she would succeed.

As I said earlier, one of Linda's acquaintances, seeing potential in her, decided to give her a certain amount of money. During that period, Linda was also actively developing and teaching, she applied for admission to graduate school in order to continue to receive a degree.

It was here that she faced a choice: to continue her studies, or to give herself to the sphere of the market. Linda did not think much, she chose the sphere of the market, especially since certain funding awaited her. As it turned out, that trader gave the money to Linda for a reason.

He gave Linda $25,000 and the profits were to be shared equally between them. We can say that these investments were enough for Linda to start realizing herself as a professional trader. Over time, her actions became more confident, and profits grew rapidly.

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Linda Raschke was born in 1956 in the family of a financial speculator. She was the eldest daughter of four children. Even as a child, her father gave her stock charts and she flipped through them, looking for familiar figures. Even then, Linda had an interest in financial markets.

But she first tried trading when she was in college, funded by an anonymous investor who set up an anonymous trust and Raschke, along with four other students, worked on the same account.

After graduating from college, Linda Raschke decided to try herself as a broker, sent out resumes to various companies, but was rejected everywhere due to lack of experience in a similar position. Therefore, the girl had to get a job as a financial analyst in a paper trading company. Luckily for Linda Raschke, her new job was only two blocks from the Pacific Stock Exchange. In addition, the latter opened at 7:30, while she had to go to work at 8:30. Therefore, every morning, for one hour, she spent in the floor of the exchange, just watching everything that was happening there.

From time to time, she pestered the traders working on the exchange and they answered her questions, as far as possible. Until one day, one of the traders, seeing Linda's interest, decided to teach her the basics of the market.

The girl had an amazing ability to grasp everything literally on the fly, her teacher liked it, so he decided to give her capital for trading in the amount of $ 25,000 (at that time it was the minimum deposit amount). Thus, in 1981, Linda Raschke began trading professionally, working from the floor of the stock exchange.

At first, she traded options and for three months she was good at it. Linda was able to double her initial capital to $50,000. But then luck turned away from her and she lost $ 80,000 on the sale of uncovered call options. Raschke managed to cover the missing $30,000 out of her own pocket, even though she had $10,000 in college debt.

However, the events described above did not prevent Linda Raschka from finding a new investor and continuing to trade.

In 1986, the girl had an accident - while riding a horse, she received a dislocation of her shoulder and a fracture of several ribs. This incident forced her to move from the floor of the exchange to her home office.

After Linda Raschke retired from the floor, for 45 weeks she traded more than successfully, guided solely by the simple display of quotes that was common in the 1980s. But later she got her first software and lost money within 3 months. However, this story is not something out of the ordinary, many have lost fortunes several times in their lives. Their main difference from losing traders is that after each major loss they managed to get back on their feet. Linda Raschke is no exception in this regard.

For all the time that Linda Raschke has been trading, her trading has undergone many changes, but all of them were superficial in nature, the trading strategy basically remained unchanged. So, some of the oscillators that she currently uses were used by her 20 years ago.

Linda Raschke's approach is not much different from that of any other successful trader - she develops a certain set of rules for entering, exiting the market and placing a stop loss. Her office is full of notebooks filled with statistics for various market trends. This data helps her to make trading decisions in each specific situation.

For example, consider a daily S&P bar that closed above 20% of its range. According to Linda Raschke's notes, this indicates a 75% chance that the next bar will trade above the previous bar's high. But at the same time, there is only a 50% chance that it will close above it.

Many of Linda Raschke's notebooks contain only records of market activity. She makes these entries manually, within a few hours, during the analysis of the market after the close. According to Raschke, they help her remember important moments.

List of indicators and trading techniques that Linda Raschke uses

Oscillator 3-10, which has been used by Linda Raschke since 1981. It consists of two lines, one of which represents the difference between the three-day moving average and the 10-day moving average. The second line is the 16 day moving average from the first line. In is suitable for these purposes, only in it you will need to change the moving averages from exponential to simple and set parameters 3, 10 and 16.

This book "Market Secrets" from consummate authors, Linda Raschke and Larry Connors. Ideal for both beginners and actively trading Forex traders (Forex). This book is not about technical analysis, but about specific highly effective Forex market strategies in short-term trading. Most of the strategies in this book can be used in different time frames and in different markets.

Table of Contents - Exchange Secrets - Forex Book

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Swing Trading
Chapter 3. Money Management

Part one. samples
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Part two. Recovery
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Part three. Climax Models
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Part four. Breakthrough mode
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Historical Volatility Meets Toby Crabel

Part five. Market Reflections
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Applications (calculations, statistics, reports)

When communicating with each other, traders do not necessarily discuss bear or bull markets. They most often exchange views on the intricacy and unusual nature of their business. In her book, Linda Raschke, Trading Secrets, traders can share experiences by starting a conversation, identifying similarities or differences in lessons learned. And many of them come to the same conclusions completely independently of each other. And the answers to such questions lie in ourselves, in our heads. In such communication, each trader often tries to understand himself a little better.

And despite the general unrelenting desire for knowledge, the market presents everything in such a way that learning never ends. And according to the author Linda Raschke Stock Secrets, experience is the highest teacher and nothing can replace it. It remains for us to choose the attitude to the process of comprehending trade. Each of us either chooses and learns from inevitable failures, or we can succumb to our own perseverance, and then we will have to repeat all the same lessons over and over again. Both success and failure, all this is embedded in the head of every trader, moreover, in the minds of every person.

All possible exchange secrets and answers to them

This book was written by two people who love this process. And, as it turned out, these are not the only people who happened to make a number of mistakes along the way. And both authors managed to discover the same secrets of success. In her work Linda Raschke Secrets of the Exchange wants to share these secrets with the reader. She wants to show that it is possible to approach the issue differently without losing anything. And one of the most important secrets, the authors of the book call it that you need to be able to listen to the markets, and not impose your own will on them.

Any known to the authors and at the same time a successful trader has learned the need for consistency. According to the author, this contains the key to everything. In Raschke's book Trading Secrets, you will learn that you must trade using a consistent methodology. At the same time, you must always follow a specific trading strategy. And among the many such strategies, one general principle can be distinguished - reducing risk, and only then maximizing profit. This will serve as a starting point for every trader, identifying and controlling risk and, as a result, maximizing returns.

Connors and Raschke - "Market Secrets"

Thirty-four years of experience in the field of stock traders is shared by the authors of this book. They acted as not only traders, but also institutional traders, members of the exchange, managers of hedge funds and advised people on futures trading. And throughout this time, the authors of the book traded for their own account. And they were good at trading because they followed the first guiding principle. He says that, first of all, it is imperative to find schemes and ways to enter the market that will minimize all risk. And the profit, after that, came by itself.

To succeed in this business, each trader needs only one strategy. And this is despite the fact that in her book Linda Raschke Stock Exchange Secrets, which you can download from us, she presented many different models. The authors express the hope that all the models presented in this manual will contribute to the reader's understanding of some aspects of the market. And they are also meant to shape or confirm the reader's own thoughts about the market. This work is simply obliged to become a reference book for any trader who wants to succeed.

And who said that only a man can become a professional trader? We invite you to pay attention to a unique lady who managed to make a huge fortune through investing. Linda Bradford Raschke took up the basics of currency trading and was able to make a huge fortune.

To describe her passion, one can give an example of the case when she, being pregnant, traded until the last day of childbirth. The reporter decided to interview Linda, and she jokingly said that she did not trade during childbirth only because it was four in the morning and the markets were closed.

However, already three hours after the birth of her daughter, she made a deal by opening a short position on some currency contracts that expired on the same day. The deal paid off—Linda couldn't just walk away from a vantage point. Of course, she takes trading very seriously.

From an early age, Linda Bradford Raschke knew that she wanted to work in the field of trading in the market. However, upon completion of college, she does not get a job as a stock broker. But Linda did not think to despair, deciding to make a habit of spending time every day on the trading floor, watching the charts and actions of other exchange workers. The young girl was delighted with the movement of the market, and the formed habit began to give the first results - she was allowed to become a trader.

Linda Raschke - happy partnership

One of the guys who traded on the floor met the inquisitive Linda and realized that she had potential. The guy taught Raschka the basic principles of options trading. He was simply taken aback by the enthusiasm of the young girl, and he especially admired her ability to quickly grasp market concepts. As a result of long communication, the young man even gave her part of his money so that she could make the first transactions.

Linda Raschke has worked in this hall for about six years. At first she traded on the Pacific Exchange, and then moved to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Despite the fact that at the beginning of her career she was very "pierced", in the future her profits increased. The young girl managed to develop her own strategy, which allowed her to have a stable income. In 1986, Linda has a misfortune (car accident) and the authorities forbade her to go to the trading floor, insisting that she make transactions from the office.

So she realized that she liked this type of trade more and after some time she moved home. Note that many traders who decide to equip an office at home face difficulties, Linda Raschke was able to increase profits in one year. Throughout the following years, she retained the ability to conclude profitable transactions, working from a personal office at home.

Everyone who has ever come across this incredible person was amazed by the sheer amount of energy that Linda exuded. It should be noted here that she suffers from a rare disease called Epstein-Barr syndrome. The main symptom of this disease is a chronic loss of energy.

Linda Raschke - interview

“You probably know that I rested for four days to accumulate enough strength to make this trip,” says Linda Raschke in one of her interviews. The reporter invited the successful lady to come to her home, but she found an excuse to visit the financial capital of the United States. I wonder how energetic Linda would be without this disease? After all, everyone who has ever communicated with this unique personality noted that now it is difficult for him to imagine a more energetic person.

Linda herself believes that in her youth she worked too much and therefore fell ill. It's no joke, she somehow managed to trade full time, take care of the child, look after the workers who repaired the house, and also devote her free time to her hobby - horse riding. However, an accomplished professional trader looks at the disease from a positive point of view and even tries to joke. She often says that the syndrome has brought her many benefits and now Linda Raschke realizes that at the age of 35 she is still young and open to new achievements.

During the interview, the reporter tried not to drag out the conversation because he knew that Linda had a bus at lunchtime. However, the successful investor looked relaxed and calm. It seemed that she was in no hurry and that she had an eternity ahead of her. But this situation can be looked at from the other side - the journalist had enough time to ask about the details of the success story of this unique woman.

As a result of a small "survey", it turned out that Linda's father also worked in the market, but could not achieve such success as his daughter. Since Linda was the eldest of four children, she often helped her father leaf through the charts in search of some unique figures. However, she had her first real exposure to the market at Occidental College. Some anonymous donor held a contest each year to select ten students to run the trust.

Linda Raschke - details of the success story

At first, she knew very little about the markets, and Linda made decisions based on fundamental analysis. Any of the team members proposed a solution, and through voting, a decision was made on further actions. Everything that Linda Raschke learned from working on the stock exchange is extremely interesting. After graduating from college, she decides to go to San Francisco and try her luck at finding a job as a broker. The graduate applied to almost all brokerage houses in the city, but everywhere she received a negative answer.

However, she was not at all surprised by this turn of affairs, since brokerage houses needed experienced employees. The authorities and the representative of the personnel department simply did not take her seriously - after all, in front of them was a young girl with no experience in the financial sector. However, water wears away stone and Linda manages to find a job at Crown Zellerbach, where she acts as a financial analyst.

Fate favored the energetic girl, since the office of the employing company was just a few blocks from the Pacific Stock Exchange. The working day at Crown Zellerbach started at 8.30, and the stock exchange opened at 7.30. Linda Raschke could spend an hour inside the building, studying charts and talking to traders. Sometimes she just watched what was happening on the trading floor, and after a while she came to the attention of some traders. Many of them were distracted from their affairs to explain to me what was going on here.

Linda Raschke - anyone can trade options

One of the workers told the inquisitive girl about options trading, and she thought she could handle it. At least it didn't seem so difficult back then. Linda also realized that you can meet a variety of people on the stock exchange and you don’t have to have a higher economic education to make a profit. As it turned out later, many traders on the stock exchange were simple beach bums, which meant that she could also make money on options.

Finally, as we have described before, one of the speculators saw the potential in the young girl and gave her some money. At that time, Linda Raschke applied for admission to graduate school to complete her degree. It was at this point that she had to make a choice between getting an education and trading on the stock exchange. Perhaps it was the burning desire and enthusiasm that influenced that very trader to finance the future professional speculator.

However, one should not think that this money was received by Linda free of charge. According to the standard agreement, all profits were to be divided equally. As it turned out, an investment of 25 thousand dollars was enough. Mrs. Raschke simply bought options that she thought were underpriced and sold positions that were overpriced. It is worth noting that in 1980 the options market was extremely efficient, and after three months she managed to raise her capital to $25,000 by paying off all her debts.

There have been ups and downs in Linda Raschke's life, but this fate must befall every trader who is determined to improve his financial condition.

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