Home Trees and shrubs Messing method. Secrets of wolf messing. The dangers of hypnotic influence

Messing method. Secrets of wolf messing. The dangers of hypnotic influence

Wolf Grigorievich Messing (September 10, 1899, Gura-Kalwaria, Warsaw province - November 8, 1974, Moscow) Polish and Soviet hypnotist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971).

If Wolf Messing was lucky with something, then with the date of birth. 1899, the eve of the 20th century, when the belief in miracles all over the world was revived with unprecedented strength. But with the place of birth came a misfire - a beggar Gura-Kalwaria near Warsaw. The town was inhabited by the Jewish poor, to which the family of the future sorcerer belonged. His father, an embittered loser nicknamed Gershka the tramp, lived by renting a tiny garden. Wolf and his three brothers from childhood worked in this garden, caring for apple trees and plums, and as a reward they received only their father's abuse and cuffs. The caress of the mother did not comfort the children for long - Hana Messing died early of consumption.

Wolf was a strange boy. When he was four years old, his mother noticed that he was walking in his sleep. Clever people advised to put a basin of cold water by his bed - stepping into it, the boy woke up. In the end, he was cured of sleepwalking. Around the same time, it was discovered that nature had endowed Wolf with a phenomenal memory. He easily memorized entire pages from the Talmud.

The father decided to make Wolf a rabbi - a loyal piece of bread for his son, and at the same time for him. But the boy, having attended the performance of the visiting circus, was determined to become a magician. The beatings gave nothing, and the head of the family decided to use a trick. One evening, Wolf saw a giant bearded figure in a white robe at the front porch of their house. "My son! the stranger exclaimed, "go to the yeshiva and serve the Lord!" The shocked boy fainted.

When he woke up, he obediently trudged off to a yeshiva - a spiritual school. Maybe the world would have gotten an extraordinary Rabbi Messing someday, but two years later a hefty bearded man came to their house on business. And Wolf immediately recognized him as a terrible stranger. His father deceived him!

On that day, eleven-year-old Wolf committed three serious offenses at once. He secretly left his parents' house, stole money from a donation cup hanging in front of the synagogue (there were only nine kopecks there), and got on the first train that came across.

Huddled under the bench, he stared in horror at the controller walking towards him.

"Hey boy, show me your ticket!" - This voice will sound in Messing's ears for many years to come. Grabbing a dirty piece of newspaper from the floor, he thrust it to the controller, passionately, with all his heart, wanting everything to work out somehow. Several painful moments passed, and the controller's face softened: “Well Are you sitting under the bench with your ticket? Get out, you fool! "

So the boy realized for the first time that he possessed some kind of incomprehensible power. Later, some of Messing's biographers told this story differently. As if, on his silent order, the controller jumped out of the train and crashed to death. Any event in Messing's life has become overgrown with legends, which today are almost impossible to understand.

The biographers were also not helped by his memoirs "About Himself", published in the mid-1960s in several Soviet journals at once. The science fiction writer Mikhail Vasiliev, who wrote them down, also worked hard, decorating the biography of his hero with incredible details. Was it worth the trouble? Wolf Messing's life looks amazing even without any embellishments.

In a crystal coffin

The train took him to Berlin, a huge city where no one was waiting for the little Jewish tramp. Wolf delivered things, washed dishes, cleaned shoes - and was constantly desperately hungry. Finally, he collapsed in the street unconscious. He was almost sent to the morgue - a weak heartbeat was heard only at the last moment. A unique patient, who lay in a deep swoon for three days, was admitted to the clinic of the famous psychiatrist Abel. Opening his eyes, the boy said: "Don't take me to the shelter!" The doctor was amazed - he was just thinking about it ...

Having discovered the boy's extraordinary gift, Abel was the first to try to study his abilities. And even develop them. But the reports of the experiments burned down in his office during the war. And this happened more than once - as if some force persistently and imperiously hid everything connected with Messing.

The impresario Zelmeister became interested in the "miracle child." He arranged for Wolff in the circus. Now the boy spent three days a week in a crystal coffin, plunging himself into a state of catalepsy for the amusement of the audience - something like a faint, accompanied by complete numbness of the body. with other numbers - pierced his neck with a steel needle, looked for things hidden by the audience.The rest of the time Wolf devoted to his education - talked about psychology with the best specialists of that time, read a lot.

Now on the streets he tried to "eavesdrop" on the thoughts of passers-by. Checking himself, he approached the milkmaid and said something like: "Don't worry, your daughter will not forget to milk the goat." And the shop assistant reassured him: "The debt will be returned to you soon." The amazed exclamations of the "test subjects" indicated that the boy really managed to read other people's thoughts.

In 1915, the young telepathic person came on tour to Vienna. Here they became interested in two giants of science of the 20th century - the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. During the demonstration session, fulfilling Freud's mental task, Messing approached Einstein and pulled out three hairs from his luxurious mustache with tweezers. Since then, he has met Freud more than once. Alas, these meetings left no trace in any of the works of the Viennese psychoanalyst. Perhaps Freud simply retreated before a phenomenon that he could not explain in any way. But it was thanks to Freud that Wolf parted with the circus, deciding: no more cheap tricks - only "psychological experiments" in which he surpassed all competitors.

Tour and intrigue

Messing spent several years on foreign tours: Japan, Brazil, Argentina. And then he returned to Poland. Here he was first taken into the army. The puny private, unable to shoot and march, was assigned to the kitchen. They took him straight from the kitchen to the palace of the "chief of Poland" - Marshal Pilsudski, intrigued by the amazing "tricks" that his subordinates told him about. Later, the marshal consulted with Wolf more than once on a variety of issues. For example, about the denouement of his romance with the beautiful Evgenia Levitskaya. Messing did not hide that the life of a young woman is in danger. And so it happened: soon Levitskaya, having lost hope of uniting with a loved one (Pilsudski was married), committed suicide.

Messing still traveled a lot - even visited India, where he visited the spiritual leader of the Hindus, Mahatma Gandhi, and learned a lot from the yogis. He not only performed from the stage, but also solved intricate criminal riddles. Once Count Czartoryski lost a diamond brooch that cost a fortune. He called Messing to him. He asked to see all the inhabitants of the castle in front of him and quickly found the culprit - the imbecile son of the servant. The boy stole the shiny thing and hid it in the mouth of a stuffed bear in the living room. Messing refused the award, asking instead the count to help in repealing the law that infringed on the rights of Jews. Czartoryski pressed the necessary levers in the Diet, and the law was canceled.

Such stories increased the glory of the sorcerer, but incidents also happened. In one town, Messing was shown a letter from a guy who had left for America, from whom there had been no news for a long time. The mother wanted the "seer" to determine what was wrong with her son on a piece of paper. After reading the letter, he frowned: "Pani, I do not want to upset you, but the one who wrote this letter is dead ..."

The ladies were barely pumped out ... And during the next visit to the town of Messinga, they greeted them with shouts of “Swindler! You wretch! " It turned out that the imaginary dead had recently returned home. Messing pondered. "Did you write the letter yourself?" he asked the guy. “No, I’m not very good at literacy,” he was embarrassed. - I dictated, and my friend wrote. Poor fellow, he was soon crushed by a log. " The sorcerer's authority was restored.

The touring paths more than once brought Wolf Messing to Berlin, where another seer, Eric Jan Hanussen, bathed in the rays of glory. Also a Jew, he renounced his people and went into the service of the Nazis, becoming Hitler's personal astrologer. Messing recognized his talent, but believed that Hanussen often used cheap effects, influencing the audience through hypnosis. Hanussen, on the other hand, hated a competitor and instilled in the Fuhrer a superstitious fear of Messing. However, Hitler was afraid of Hanussen himself, who read his secret thoughts: after coming to power in 1933, he ordered to "remove" the astrologer.

In Poland itself, Messing also had many ill-wishers. One of them sent a beautiful lady to the sorcerer, who began to openly seduce him. Wolf, who guessed her plan, quietly called the police. When the stranger jumped out onto the stairs shouting "Help, they are rape!"

At the same time, Messing was not a misogynist. On his tours, he often had novels, then married an artist, had children. Their further fate is unknown - they, like Messing's youth, remained in that half of his life that was cut off by the war.

Fuehrer's hatred

In September 1939, armada of Nazi tanks slammed into Poland like a wedge. The massacres of the Jews began immediately. They were herded into the ghetto, and from there they were sent to death camps. This mournful path went all Gura-Kalwaria, including the father and brothers Messing. They died in the gas chambers of Majdanek. Admirers of his talent hid the fortuneteller himself in Warsaw, in the basement of a butcher's shop. Two years earlier, Messing, in one speech, predicted the death of Hitler if he sent troops to the east. Now the "enemy of the Reich" was looking for the Gestapo. A reward was promised for his head - two hundred thousand Reichsmarks. Like many susceptible people, Messing suffered from a fear of confined spaces. After being locked up for several days, he went out into the street - and was immediately captured by a patrol. Wolf tried to convince the soldiers that he was an artist (long hair, clothes stained with chalk), but was hit in the face with a rifle butt and woke up in prison. “Well, hello, Jewish magician! - the warden grinned. "Berlin has been tired of waiting for you."

Messing foresaw how it would all end. He will be forced to make predictions, and then removed, like Hanussen. Gathering all his will into a fist, he hypnotized the guards and locked them in his cell. But the exit is also being guarded, and there is no more strength left ... Messing jumped from the second floor (permanently injuring his legs) and limped off to the outskirts. There he persuaded a passing peasant to hide him in a cart under the hay. Then other people helped him - some for money, some out of respect for his talent. On a dark November night in 1939, a fishing boat transported him across the Bug to the Soviet Union. The country, where he had never been before, now had to become his home.

Meetings with Stalin

And again the oddities began. Any fugitive from abroad then faced long checks, the almost inevitable accusation of espionage, and then execution or camps. And Messing was immediately allowed to travel freely around the country and perform with his experiments. He himself, rather unconvincingly, explained that he had instilled in some rank the idea of ​​his usefulness for the authorities, one of the tasks of which was the inculcation of materialism.

"In the Soviet Union, fighting against superstitions in the minds of people, they did not favor fortune-tellers, wizards, or palmists ... I had to persuade, demonstrate my abilities a thousand times," - this is how Messing later expounded his version. the fate of the sorcerer was so successful in the USSR only because some high-ranking and very competent people knew about him for a long time.

This was confirmed six months later, when people in uniform took Messing away from the stage, put him on a plane and took him to Moscow. There he was supposedly met by a short mustachioed man, familiar to the entire population of the USSR from countless portraits.

"Hello, Comrade Stalin, - said Messing. - And I carried you in my arms" "-" How is it on my arms? " - the leader was surprised. - "May Day, at the demonstration." After talking with Messing, Stalin said: "Well, you are a sly one!" To which the sorcerer allegedly replied: “What are you talking about! Here you are - so really sly! "

Oddly enough, such an unthinkable familiarity got away with the recent emigrant. But Stalin still arranged checks for him - he ordered him to receive one hundred thousand rubles from the savings bank on a clean sheet of paper. Messing succeeded brilliantly (and the cashier later fell down with a heart attack).

Another time, the "father of peoples" suggested that Wolf Grigorievich (as Messing was called in the USSR) to go to his carefully guarded dacha in Kuntsevo. The sorcerer acted in a simple and logical Soviet way: he convinced the guards that he was the almighty head of the NKVD, Beria. And they let him through all the cordons.

What is true here, what is not? But such stories, which were whispered about in the "near-Kremlin" families in Moscow, gave rise to the legend that Wolf Messing was almost Stalin's personal predictor and advisor. In fact, they only met a few times. It is unlikely that the "Kremlin highlander" would like that someone - even in the order of psychological experience - could read his thoughts ...

An artist of a very original genre

Messing in the USSR almost suffered the fate of Hanussen. Evacuated to Tashkent during the war, he spent two weeks in the hot dungeons of the local NKVD. They say that because he did not want to give money for the construction of a military aircraft. But this is hard to believe. He was never greedy and even before the prison gave the front an airplane, and after it a second. By the way, the famous ace Konstantin Kovalev, who became a friend of Messing after the war, flew on one of them. It seems that Beria's people were trying to get from Wolf Grigorievich something else - so that he would teach them the technique of mind control. Whether he agreed or not is unknown, but the "conveyor belt" of interrogations did its job. The daredevil who joked with Stalin himself came out of prison as a broken, forever intimidated, instantly aged man.

Life of a wizard

Messing's life after the war looks in contrast to be quiet and poor in events. The authorities allocated him a one-room apartment in Moscow, on Novopeschanaya Street, where the fortuneteller settled with his wife Aida Mikhailovna. They met in Novosibirsk during the war, and Aida became everything for Messing - a friend, a secretary, an assistant. With her, the eternal wanderer found his home for the first time, where he could throw off his mask and become himself. But only a few friends saw him like that, as for selection, extraordinary people.

One of them, Mikhail Mikhalkov (brother of Sergei Mikhalkov), Messing explained: “Every person has, say, 20 percent intuition, that is, a sense of self-preservation. You, a person who fought, have developed intuition for 100 percent, for someone it is for 300, and for me - a thousand percent! "

Messing followed the daily routine. I got up at eight o'clock, did exercises, then sat down to breakfast, always the same - coffee with milk, black bread, soft-boiled egg. I walked for a long time with my two dogs. I read a lot, especially science fiction and books on psychology. Before work, he usually slept for about thirty minutes (he said that sleep energizes him). He was cowardly, afraid of lightning, cars and people in uniform.

He obeyed his wife in everything and only sometimes, when it came to matters of principle, did he menacingly straighten himself up and utter in a different voice, sharp and squeaky: “This is not Volfochka speaking to you, but Messing!”

Having lived for many years in the Soviet Union, he never perfectly mastered the Russian language, which more than once led to funny situations. Once, when some lady at a performance refused to give him her thing for the experiment, Messing was indignant: “Why don't you give it? Women have always given me! " And I could not understand why the audience burst into laughter. And when they said to him: "You are working great!" - answered with dignity: "Yes, I am healthy, I am not sick!"

He not only did not get sick, but also knew how to heal others with the help of hypnosis. However, he could not help his wife. She died of cancer in 1960. Having lost Aida Mikhailovna, Messing did not appear on stage for six months, but then returned to work. He traveled all over the country, from the Carpathians to the Uzbek villages and temporary houses of the builders of Bratsk. He always performed with similar numbers: he asked the audience to hide all kinds of objects in the hall and found them, instantly counted matches scattered on the floor, answered tricky questions. But most often he performed tasks that the audience gave him mentally. For example, this: take off the glasses from the nose of the lady sitting in the sixth place of the thirteenth row, take them to the stage and put them in the glass with the right glass down.

Messing successfully completed such tasks without using leading remarks or hints from assistants. Official science could not explain this then, and it did not try very hard. In the 1970s, a real boom in parapsychology began, enthusiasts began to investigate all the "telepaths", but for some reason no one attracted Messing to such experiments. Is it because in his experiments they did not see a special mystery - only a perfected susceptibility to the so-called ideomotor? The fact is that, conceiving a task and entering into a mental dialogue with another person, we imperceptibly for ourselves with barely perceptible movements of the arms, torso, eyes "lead" him, "prompt" what needs to be done. Most likely, this is how any student psychology today will explain Messing's experiments. But there is another explanation: all these years the sorcerer remained under the invisible "cap" of the special services. It is no coincidence that after his death all his papers disappeared along with a large diamond ring - a talisman that he wore during performances. Messing hinted to friends about some tasks of "important persons" that he performed. Alas, nothing is known specifically about this. If the documents remain, they are buried in closed archives.

In recent years, Messing was seriously ill. He stopped speaking, fearing that the overwhelming burden of other people's thoughts would destroy his brain. However, the disease crept from the other side - the vessels on the once crippled legs refused. Leaving for the hospital, he looked at his photo on the wall and said: "Okay, Wolf, you won't come back here." And so it happened: the operation was successful, but suddenly the kidneys failed, then the lungs. Wolf Messing died on November 8, 1974.

The state did not give generosity to the monument to the sorcerer of the Land of the Soviets, and fifteen years later Messing's friends installed it at their own expense.

Erlikhman Vadim. Messing: the sorcerer of the Land of Soviets // Geo, №10-2004

Many of us have probably dreamed of possessing some extraordinary abilities that other people do not have. "With such properties, we, of course, could achieve special success in life, - we think, - to be higher and richer than everyone else." And therefore, it is very incomprehensible against the background of our fantasies that the statement of a person who just possessed such unusual qualities sounds. This is a well-known psychic and predictor of the future, Wolf Messing.

And he said that you should not be jealous of his abilities. Since using them to your advantage will be revealed and punishment will follow. Necessarily!

And if so, why was a special gift given to him? And is there any benefit in this?

The life of a famous medium

Wolf Messing was born on September 10, 1899, in a place near Warsaw. The family was not rich, in addition, Wolf's parents had four sons. Children from early childhood were forced to work. They adhered to strict religious rules. From the age of six, Wolf attended Heder (a Jewish school), where he displayed an unusual memory. He was prophesied to become a rabbi and was enrolled at the end of elementary school in a yeshiva.

But the energetic boy studied in a Jewish institution for only a few years and fled to Berlin.

In the German capital, 11-year-old Wolf worked as a messenger, but the earnings were still not enough for food. Due to hunger, he once passed out right on the street. He was considered dead and sent to the morgue. He lay there for several days, and, by a happy coincidence, a medical student determined that he was alive. It turned out that Wolf could fall into a lethargic sleep. German professor Abel, a psychiatrist and neuropathologist, became interested in this feature, and he began to teach Wolf to inspire and read thoughts, as well as to control his body.

This is how the young Wolf's career as an artist began. First, Messing toured with his psychological experiences. But after he made a prediction in 1937 about the defeat of Hitler, he was forced to flee to the USSR. Here he toured almost the entire country of the Soviets. During his performances, Messing met Aida Rapoport, who became his beloved wife, devoted assistant and concert assistant.

One of the most mysterious figures of the past century

Messing's extraordinary abilities attracted the attention of many famous people of that time. He was interested in him, who was then at the height of his recognition. He invited Wolf to his home, where he introduced him to Sigmund Freud, a famous physician and psychologist. Freud and Einstein even helped him with money, and also tried to understand and explore the abilities of the young phenomenon.

Hitler considered Messing the number one enemy because of his prophetic statements about the outcome of hostilities. He predicted the end date of World War II - May 8, 1945. He was also personally acquainted with Stalin.

It is very symbolic that Messing told in advance about the death of the leader, which coincided with. It was at that time that Stalin began persecuting Soviet Jews, but his death did not allow him to commit this crime.

The hardest thing for Messing was to predict the death of loved ones. He knew exactly the day of his wife's death, he knew the day of his death. But I couldn't do anything about it.

Wolf Messing constantly tried to solve the riddle of his phenomenon. Why is he endowed with such a unique gift? What is the use of his predictions if he cannot change anything?

He argued that knowing your future can be fatal for a person.

Time to reveal secrets

It would seem that the life of such a popular person should be very happy. Wolf Messing could read people's minds, but this did not become a revelation for him. He knew the future, but he could not change anything. He lived with his beloved, but knowing the date of her death, he could not help her. He was rich, but there was no money even to put a tombstone for him. He saw through time, but did not understand his purpose ...

The legendary medium was able to predict events that had not yet happened. Yes, there is such an opportunity to find out what lies ahead. But what's the point if nothing can be changed? So maybe Wolf Messing was right, and a person shouldn't know the future?

Our fate is not hidden from us by accident. The sages tell us that it makes no sense to open it, because it will not help us in any way. And all our ordeals in this life exist only so that we come to questions about the purpose of suffering, and in essence - about the meaning of life.

The famous kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag writes in an article about the last generation that our society is now completing its cycle of development within the boundaries of this world. And in order for the new stage of our development to pass safely, without wars and suffering, the ancient wisdom - Kabbalah - is revealed to us.

She is able to lead all of humanity to the final goal in an absolutely good way. Having understood from Kabbalah that the ultimate goal is to unite all of us into a single soul and striving in the right direction, we change our life. And one can approach this goal only in accordance with the main principle of the Torah, that is, to love one's neighbor as oneself. This is the only way to improve the fate of everyone.

We can come together to a new, wonderful life based on love for each other. To rise above this world and to manage your own future - this is the destiny of every person.

The great telepath and clairvoyant, Wolf Messing, whose fame thundered all over the world, will remain one of the greatest mysteries of the twentieth century.

He himself modestly stated that there was nothing supernatural in his abilities. Perhaps for him it was really so, because he did not even read the thoughts - he saw them. "It is very difficult to be a mystery to oneself. People only go to telepathy. The fact is that everyone has such abilities, only to a different degree, and they need to be developed. It's like a musical talent. Many can play various instruments, but masterly - units ".

Wolf Messing was born in 1899 in the family of a poor gardener from the Jewish town of Hora Kavaleriya in Poland. “I was a small jitsu, how to say, very well-versed,” so the superman himself, who suffered from sleepwalking in childhood, said about himself. On clear moonlit nights, he got out of bed and looked at the sky through closed eyelids. The father decided to cure him with a trough of cold water. The wolf-sleepwalker, getting up, fell into the icy water with his feet, and woke up. They say that if the sleepwalker is unsuccessfully awakened, he will die. But Messing was lucky, he did not die, but one day he "woke up" and realized that he had phenomenal abilities.

One evening, at dusk, Wolf went out into the courtyard - and someone in shining white robes appeared before him and said: "Son, I was sent by heaven to predict your future. Become a rabbi! Your prayers will rejoice in heaven." When Wolf, who had fainted, woke up, his parents read prayers over him.

"The boy has a great future," said Sholem Aleichem about him, seeing him as his successor. And although his spiritual career did not work out, the prediction did come true. He personally met with Einstein, Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Marlene Dietrich. Among his clients was, in particular, the President of Poland, Józef Pilsudski, about meetings with whom Messing was subsequently questioned in the NKVD.

Many predicted a great future for Messing. A rabbi from the town of Gora-Kalvariya persuaded the boy's parents to send him to study at the cheder. The Rebbe hoped that he would then go to Yesheva and become a rabbi. Wolf, who easily memorized entire pages from the Torah, was not happy with this prospect and, a few years later, fled on a Berlin train. It was in this train that his mystical gift was first revealed.

"Your ticket, young man!" At the sight of the controller, fear deprived the young fugitive speechless (even for travel without a ticket, in the early 1930s in Germany a Jew could face the death penalty). Looking into the eyes of the conductor, the deranged Messing with trembling hands for some reason held out a piece of newspaper, mentally beckoning him to take the piece of paper for a real ticket. The inspector looked at him strangely and punched the piece of paper with a puncher. "What are you, you fool, hiding? Get up, Berlin is coming soon."

Indeed, there are cases when people in extreme situations show paranormal abilities. But Messing did not immediately understand what had happened to him. He explained the punched scrap of newspaper by the absent-mindedness or pity of the controller. It was necessary to have trouble once again for Wolf to understand: he possesses some kind of supernatural gift.

In Berlin, where he arrived hoping to find salvation from oppression in Poland, round-ups of Jews became more frequent. People were sent to concentration camps or shot. Wolf Messing got into one of the raids. He had no documents, he did not work anywhere, begging on the streets. The half-starved ragamuffin was thrown into the punishment cell. With childish naivety, Wolf dreamed of the impossible: to turn into a tiny creature, a mouse, a fly - all the same, and disappear. Or even if the guards left the corridor unattended, he would try to escape. Let them go to the back room. This delusional thought haunted ... One by one the Germans dragged themselves into a distant room. And when they returned, the arrested youth disappeared ...

In the end, Messing got a job as a courier in the German capital. Somehow, while dragging a heavy parcel, I fainted in hunger. The doctors, without finding a pulse, sent the boy to the morgue. Saved his case. A student-trainee, who stopped at the "corpse", made out a barely audible heartbeat. When he woke up, Wolf learned from the doctor that he had spent three whole days in a lethargic sleep. Intrigued by the incident, Dr. Abel began to teach the teenager then fashionable telepathy. He also found him a job in the wax museum. From Friday to Sunday evening, Messing was resurrected from a crystal coffin for five marks, and from Monday to Thursday, he trained his mysterious abilities.

In 1935, his first tour took place in Vienna, which became the highlight of the season. It was then that he paid a visit to Einstein, and Sigmund Freud, who was visiting the physicist, did not fail to test the abilities of a sixteen-year-old boy. Fulfilling Freud's mental order, the shy Wolf went to the dressing table, took tweezers and ... pulled out three gray hairs from the famous mustache of the owner of the house. Einstein, taken aback, only winced in pain. But Sigmund Freud, who watched the guest's strange trick, smiled with satisfaction. For, having read the secret thoughts of the founder of psychoanalysis, Messing passed the exam brilliantly.

Inspired by his success, Messing went on a trip to Japan, Brazil, Argentina. In India, he met with Mahatma Gandhi, visited the yogis. Wolf's performances in Paris, London, Stockholm, Rome and other European cities drew crowds of people.

Once in Riga, he was driving a car blindfolded. Hands were on the steering wheel, feet were on the pedals. The driver sat next to him and mentally gave him orders. He mentally controlled the car, and drove it practically Messing. Thousands of residents of Riga have seen this. By the way, neither before nor after this incident Messing sat at the wheel of the car.

In 1937 Messing returned to Poland. On the eve of the war, a woman came to the clairvoyant with a photograph of her brother. He says he went to America and sank into the water. Where is he? What about him? Never before had Messing "see" a person from a photograph. And then I immediately felt both a contented face and well-being. “On the thirteenth day, counting this, you will receive a message,” Messing said. A crowd of curious people gathered on the thirteenth day at this woman's house. The evening train brought back from Philadelphia a long-awaited letter from a prosperous fellow countryman.

However, there were also misunderstandings. Once, while working with a letter, Messing felt "dead handwriting" and said that the person who wrote it had already died. The heartbroken mother mourned her son for a long time. And he returned, and was very angry with his relatives, who believed the first scoundrel he met. It's just that the mother did not know that it was not her son who wrote the news, but his friend, who died.

In 1937, at one of the speeches, Messing was asked about the fate of Hitler. Entering a trance, he replied that Hitler would die, turning his troops to Russia. The Fuhrer, having learned about the words of the world famous soothsayer, issued a decree declaring Messing his personal enemy, for the capture of which a reward of 200 thousand marks is guaranteed. Then Messing fled through the sewer system, eventually reaching the Western Bug - the border with the USSR.

Clutching in his pocket a fascist leaflet with his picture - the only identity card he had, Messing ended up at the Soviet border post. The leaflet had an effect, as a very important person, handcuffed, he was taken to Moscow - let them sort it out upstairs. Stalin was intrigued by the appearance of the world famous telepath. He did not seem to believe in God, but he admitted the existence of paranormal abilities.

Frozen Messing demonstrated tricks incomprehensible to the mind. Stalin was silent, puffing on his pipe. Then, unexpectedly quietly, he said: "So you can rob a bank." - "It is possible", - Messing answered sincerely. They assigned people from security to him and sent him "on a mission": to steal 100 thousand rubles from the State Bank of the USSR.

Here is how Messing himself tells about it: "I went up to the cashier, handed him a virgin blank sheet of paper torn from a school notebook. Then I laid out an ordinary folder for papers in front of the window and began mentally ordering the cashier to pay me the amount indicated by Stalin. The elderly man carefully" studied "paper, without any doubt opened the safe and counted out the money." Messing calmly put them in a suitcase and went to the exit, where the NKVD officers who were watching the experiment were waiting for him. When the amount was checked and made sure that the task was completed, Messing returned to the cash register and began to lay out the banknotes. The cashier looked at the blank sheet and fainted.

Information about one more test has been preserved: Messing was supposed to enter Stalin's office in the Kremlin without a pass. Stalin himself considered this clearly impracticable and incredible. But Messing reached Stalin, and the guard, which consisted entirely of NKVD officers, looked at him with respect and saluted. Stalin could not hide his surprise: how did he succeed? Messing claimed that he telepathically inspired all the guards that Beria was coming.

After this incident, Messing acquired the reputation of Stalin's personal soothsayer. The leader, inclined to mysticism, later secretly met with Messing more than once and used his predictions, but Wolf Grigorievich himself never mentioned this anywhere. They also say that it is not clear in what capacity Messing collaborated at the school for the training of NKVD agents. However, despite the high patronage and extraordinary abilities, the harsh laws of time extended to him.

During the war, the famous hypnotist, who received considerable income from his performances, was offered to build an airplane for the Soviet army at his own expense. Since the victory of the USSR was a foregone conclusion, Messing refused. After that, he was arrested and charged with espionage. Surprisingly, but this time his abilities let him down - the Soviet guards, unlike their German colleagues, were not suggestible. Messing agreed to build the plane, and the charges were dropped.

Having decided that the magician and the wizard had nothing to do in such a country where people are so pragmatic that they do not even lend themselves to hypnosis, he was going to cross the Soviet-Iranian border and found a guide. But the soul of the Soviet man was again inaccessible to hypnosis - the guide betrayed the great sorcerer. Messing was detained at the border and offered to build another plane. Which he did with great enthusiasm, realizing that the border of this empire was crossed once and only in one direction.

He continued to perform in the USSR with "fantastic" concerts, but he himself was unclear about his own talent. Not only the nature of his gift, but also, for example, why he hears the thoughts of some people as if from a loudspeaker, and others as a whisper, was a mystery to him. And it was completely incomprehensible to Messing why scientists stubbornly refuse to notice telepathy and clairvoyance, the ability to which, in his opinion, many have, sometimes without even knowing it.

It is impossible to explain how he catches other people's thoughts or transfers his orders to especially sensitive people. When Messing died, Soviet doctors, Academician L. Badalyan said, carefully studied his brain, trying to uncover the secret of the great predictor. They were disappointed - nothing special was found. The brain is like a brain. The secrets of an amazing phenomenon, unsolved to this day, Wolf Messing took to the grave.

Wolf Messing is a legendary personality with phenomenal abilities, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed. This article is about the amazing possibilities of hypnosis that boggle the human imagination.

The essence of hypnosis

The psychological experiments conducted by Wolf Grigorievich are used very successfully today. Hypnosis is direct contact with the subconscious of a person and the general information field. In esotericism, many practices are somehow connected with this amazing phenomenon. Affirmations and programming of consciousness, coding and other techniques are based on working with the human subconscious. In other words, on an intense impact on the subtle bodies of a person. Hypnosis is not a dream, it is the influence of willpower on the subconscious. The mechanism of hypnotic influence can be well observed in the work of Wolf Messing. First, he created an energy field that caused an altered state of consciousness. Energy passes, rhythmic vibrations of the voice, a strong magnetic gaze - all these are the hypnotist's tools that allow you to establish contact with the subconscious. The magnetic gift and phenomenal abilities allowed Wolf Messing to achieve a strong effect as a result of the experiments carried out. His secret techniques are still used today, using the basic principles of influencing a person: influencing the subconscious with the help of attitudes and thought forms.

How did Wolf Messing control the subconscious?

The most important thing in the success of any hypnotic technique is the hypnotist's willpower and unconditional belief in one's magnetic abilities. Messing's experiments, which demonstrated his phenomenal intuitive abilities, are primarily based on the fact that he commanded the will of other people. When Wolf Grigorievich suggested that the audience hide objects in their clothes, he clearly defined who and where they would be. The principle and secret of such an experiment lies in the fact that the hypnotist, by the power of his suggestion, gives a specific command for action, after which the person, obeying the will of another, performs the suggestions, considering them his natural desire. As a result, the hypnotist clearly and accurately determines the location of objects. This method of hypnotic influence on consciousness is used by strong specialists in the field of esotericism. First, by an effort of will, contact is established with the subconscious of a person, then a certain thought is introduced to him. After that, this thought is fixed in the biofield and turns into a programmed action. After completing an action, a person cannot explain the reason for his behavior. This is the algorithm used by Wolf Messing.

Wolf Messing: hypnosis as a blessing

Hypnotic techniques are used to treat diseases and remove negative blocks. The patient is given a suggestion, which his subconscious mind carries out. Messing conducted such psychological experiments when he gave a patient a glucose tablet, suggesting that it was a potent remedy for pain. After that, the person's severe pain instantly disappeared. Or the patient was given a hypnotic setting: "Within a week, your health will improve, and you will be absolutely healthy." Thanks to the phenomenal abilities of Wolf Messing, many really got better. Because the influence on the subconscious and subtle bodies always causes changes in the physical body of a person.

The dangers of hypnotic influence

But the secrets of hypnotic influence can be used both for the good and for the detriment of a person. It happens that experts in the field of esotericism give destructive attitudes: "You are spoiled", "You cannot cope with problems without me", "You will fail if you do not use my services." Even when a person does not believe such predictions, his subconscious, having received the hypnotic influence, begins to carry out the program set by the hypnotist. Our subconscious is designed in such a way that negative information is perceived faster than positive information. Therefore, having heard the forecast: "You will find yourself in a streak of failures, and troubles await you," the program is automatically embodied in the reality of life. , an expert in the field of esotericism never gives negative attitudes. A true master, seeing a serious problem in your life, will propose to improve the situation, warn about possible difficulties and give an orientation to overcome any failures. For example, if there are problems in personal relationships, the master will never say that the relationship will break off if you do not take advantage of his opportunities. A professional expert will explain the complexity of the situation and propose solutions, focusing on the positive: "This relationship is temporary, but in the near future, you will meet a worthy companion for marriage." If you accidentally fall under the hypnotic influence of a negative program, then it is very difficult to remove it yourself. It is better to seek professional help.
100 most effective rituals for the fulfillment of desires from the most famous psychics Denis Lobkov

Wolf Messing: "Engrave words with a needle on a candle"

Wolf Grigorievich Messing, a world-famous hypnotist, predictor, clairvoyant, telepath, was among the students of Freud and Dr. Abel (he died in 1974). They say Messing could subdue any person to his will. During his life, he unraveled many complex crimes, was engaged in predicting the future; on his account - the prophecies of the greatest events in the history of Russia and other countries.

With just a touch of his hand, Wolf Messing could heal a person, on whose recovery modern medicine has given up. So, this greatest man changed the fate of many people, including the son of Joseph Stalin - his magician also saved from death. Millions of people came to the visionary's speeches, becoming eyewitnesses of the gift that the owner himself called a curse.

Often at the mass sessions of Messing, questions were raised from the audience, and the question of fulfilling a wish was heard more often than others. Usually the fortuneteller tactfully avoided any instructions, floridly saying that any earthly blessings, wealth and happiness must be earned, and if it is not given from above, there is no need to try to argue with fate. However, one day he “gave up”, and at a session that took place in one of the concert halls in Warsaw in 1937, meeting the wishes of the audience, Wolf Grigorievich “broke down”. “I don’t like this advice,” he said. - It's one thing to see the future: I hear a question, the subconscious mind connects with something, I give an answer and do not bear any responsibility for it. And it is quite different to advise. If you fail, who will be blamed? Me! And I will be very worried ... "Then he stood a little silently at the edge of the stage, smiled slyly and waved his hand:" Oh, okay, write it down "...

The advice from Messing went down in history, because hundreds of people heard and wrote it down, including representatives of the state security agencies in civilian clothes - with their light hand, instructions from the psychic were recorded and today are part of the state archives.

You will need a large, thick candle and a fair amount of sunflower oil. Using a needle, write on (engrave on) any desire on the candle. For example: "Until the end of the week, I will be paid back" or "I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person." Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it saturates the entire surface of the candle. Then remove the candle from the oil, wait a little while the excess drains from it, and place it in the candelabrum. Light a candle. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and keep it as a talisman until the idea is completed.

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