Home Trees and shrubs Is it possible to use sunflower oil instead of vegetable oil? What can substitute for butter? Chicken, vegetable and bone broth

Is it possible to use sunflower oil instead of vegetable oil? What can substitute for butter? Chicken, vegetable and bone broth

The current variety of ways to lose weight does not always allow women to achieve the desired result. Someone cannot resist the restrictions of sweet food, it is difficult for someone to go through months of fasting, and some simply do not follow the rules and recommendations of a particular technology for losing weight. But this does not mean that the excess weight that was gained will remain your burden for the rest of your life. You can effectively lose weight without visiting gyms with the help of the sensational diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova. Her method of losing weight is called "Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet minus 60". We will analyze all the details and principles of the diet from Katya Mirimanova.

Basics of the Minus 60 system

Who is Ekaterina Mirimanova? This is not a doctor or a nutritionist, but a simple woman who also loves sweets, like all the fair sex. Such an addiction to sweets led to the fact that Catherine imperceptibly recovered, which forced her to resort to effective weight loss. Of the existing methods, she did not find a decent method, so she found an independent way for herself to lose weight. She shared this method with others to help women regain their former forms.

Katya Mirimanova is a simple woman who coped with emerging problems and stresses by eating sweets. This ultimately led to the problem of overweight, and not just overweight, but excessive. With a height of 175 cm, her weight was 120 kg, which is why most modern methods were not suitable for losing weight.

Diet Mirimanova "Minus 60" is not a diet at all, as this term means short-term dietary restrictions. The Mirimanova weight loss system is not at all short-term and allows you to get instant results. By and large, the Mirimanova method of losing weight is a woman's lifestyle, according to which weight loss occurs. The number of pounds shed depends on many factors, so each woman loses weight on an individual basis. Reviews of women who have experienced the technique on themselves indicate that you can bring your weight back to normal no earlier than after 2-2.5 years, if you need to lose weight by 40-50 kg. If the question is in getting rid of a few kilograms, then you can lose weight in a few months.

An important positive factor of the Mirimanova method for losing weight is the absence of contraindications. This is due to the fact that the range of products for consumption is quite wide, and each woman can make up an individual diet for herself. On what principles the Mirimanova diet is based, we will find out in more detail.

The principles of nutrition on the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

Before starting a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles. These are three principles that we will learn more about.

From these fundamental principles of the Mirimanova method of losing weight, the following recommendations follow:

  • Be sure to start the morning with breakfast from 7 to 8 hours. You can include absolutely any food in breakfast, which is a significant advantage. If you eat in the morning, then the body, thus, is supplied with full energy, which is spent on awakening and a full start of a new day.
  • There is no need to give up sweets, because their absence leads to a decrease in the hormones of joy. The amount of sweets just needs to be minimized, which will allow you to get joy without harming your health.
  • If you like milk chocolate, then it is recommended to replace it with black. Dark chocolate is healthier and more beneficial than milk chocolate.
  • Eating foods such as potatoes and pasta is allowed, but only in the morning.
  • You can't skip dinner, but you can make it easier. To do this, you can include stewed vegetables in the diet, as well as fermented milk products. These ingredients will be the best dinner for those looking to lose weight.
  • Salt is a white death, but at the same time it is simply unrealistic to exclude it completely from the diet. Its use should be minimized to the maximum.
  • It is recommended to eat in any quantity of porridge and vegetables. These types of side dishes can be used with fish and meat dishes.
  • Be sure to include snacks between main meals, which are based on vegetables, fruits, juices.
  • It is allowed to include dry red wine in the diet, which has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the body.
  • Along with the diet, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle in the form of physical activity. To do this, there is no need to rush to the gym, but you can do exercises every morning.
  • It is important to pay attention to the condition of the skin during weight loss. After all, weight loss over 10 kg leads to such unpleasant processes as sagging skin. You can get rid of folds and sagging of the skin by visiting massage parlors, wraps and revitalizing masks.

Psychological attitude

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 does not provide for compliance with the recommendations at all, but first of all it is getting the right attitude. It is extremely difficult to change yourself or something in yourself without a psychological attitude. Any work should be done with love and desire, which is also acceptable for the process of losing weight.

Weight loss should be started directly with a psychological attitude, which is the basis of the basics. The desire to lose weight should come from the inside, and not from the husband, who makes comments to his wife about her curvaceous forms. Motivation is also an important aspect of the psychological state of mind. First you need to decide what goals you are pursuing for losing weight, and only after that you set yourself and achieve them in all ways. There should always be motivation, and if it disappears, then, in fact, the desire to achieve the goal also goes away.

Menu for the week

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 allows you to achieve positive results, as evidenced by the first reviews of women who have already used this technique. What is an approximate menu for a week, as well as which food products should be preferred, we will find out further. Every day must necessarily begin with breakfast, the menu of which can be whatever the woman wishes. For breakfast, you can eat anything except milk chocolate, which should be replaced with black. For dinner and lunch, there are corresponding rules for separate meals, so we will find out the details of the weekly menu according to the considered "diet minus 60".


For breakfast, you should make yourself an egg omelet with fresh tomatoes, as well as buns with honey and tea without sugar. For lunch, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, as well as macaroni and cheese. For dinner, entertain yourself with seafood, such as boiled shrimp with red wine.


For breakfast, make a sandwich with cheese and ham, and wash it down with orange juice. For lunch, prepare a vegetable stew with fish meat. Diversify dinner with cottage cheese casserole, as well as eat a fresh apple and drink a glass of water.


For breakfast, make a casserole of potatoes, and drink everything with freshly brewed aromatic coffee. For lunch, prepare yourself a fresh soup with potatoes and mushrooms. For dinner, treat yourself to baked apples with yogurt.


Breakfast is varied with oatmeal with sugar and dark chocolate. For lunch, make a fresh lentil salad with beans. For dinner, cook cabbage rolls without meat, but filled with rice.


Prepare fresh meat soup for breakfast. For lunch, make a roll with chicken or turkey meat, and for dinner, baked eggplants with a glass of cold water. Whenever possible, it is recommended to eat poultry, veal, rabbit and turkey meat, that is, diet types.


On weekend mornings, you can indulge yourself with semolina pudding, cookies and green tea. For lunch, make baked potatoes with vegetables. For dinner - meat cutlets with fish soup.


On the seventh day of the week, you can unload and entertain yourself for breakfast with boiled rice with compote. For lunch, cook steamed fish with cabbage soup, and for dinner - boiled chicken fillet with yogurt and fruits.

It is worth noting that such a nutritional system allows you to achieve positive results even without visiting gyms and fitness. You can pay attention to gymnastics during the day and in the evening, which will definitely benefit not only fat burning, but also the removal of folds on the body. Throughout the day, you should drink mineral water without gases, which helps to accelerate metabolism. The dietary power system "minus 60" has one main advantage - it is the earliest adaptation of the body to such a diet.

Fitness and weight loss care

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova provides for physical exercise, for which there are some requirements. Exercise should be done daily without interruption. You can exercise both at home and visit fitness centers. The basis of gymnastic exercises is the press, jump rope, push-ups and running. If you run every day, you can lose weight twice as fast. If you do not have time to visit gyms and fitness clubs, then you can schedule exercises for yourself at home. The load should be on parts of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back and arms.

These exercises are more needed for proper skin care than weight loss, so be sure to take a few minutes of your time each day to do gymnastics. Massages or body wraps can also be done daily. You should not do gymnastics after the weight starts to decrease, but immediately after you get acquainted with the basics of the minus 60 system and psychologically tune in to losing weight.

Mirimanova's system "minus 60" has spread all over the world and has received positive reviews, which are based on the achievement of the set goals. You should also pay attention to skin care on the part of cosmetics. To keep the skin always young and beautiful, it is necessary to take care of it. In addition to exercise and massage, you should also use scrubs, both cosmetic and homemade.

The simplest yet most effective scrub can be made with these ingredients.:

  • ground coffee;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • shower gel.

It is most convenient to apply the scrub on the body in a thick form, so you should not make it too liquid. You can carry out procedures for applying a scrub to the body no more than 2 times a week. Positive results in the form of skin rejuvenation will be achieved only if the methods described above are used regularly: exercise, massage, wraps, scrubbing.

Exiting the diet

Below in the photo is a table of products, which was developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

This table describes in detail what foods can be consumed for lunch, dinner and breakfast. Such a table will help you create your own individual diet menu for the week and use it. Above, the diet of Mirimanova's menu for every day was described in detail, according to which you can create your own menu. From the table of products, it can be concluded that the Mirimanova diet is still different from the current methods for losing weight, where it is necessary to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes in order to lose weight.

The unique weight loss system minus sixty according to Mirimanova after its start must be maintained throughout life. After a few years, you will be able to return to your natural size and body weight, then after that it is strictly forbidden to abandon this system and start the old way of life. The diet must be maintained throughout life, which will allow you not to return to curvaceous forms and feel in your body.

The real results of losing weight on a diet minus 60

At the initial stages of losing weight according to the Mirimanova system, you can find a weight loss of 2 kg per week. This is normal and will not last as long as you would like. After a month, this activity will begin to decline, and after 2 months, the weight will begin to decrease to 0.5 kg per week. But this does not mean that the results obtained are all that the diet is capable of.

This way of losing weight is absolutely normal and correct, especially in such cases when you need to get rid of 30-60 kg of excess weight. Fat cells split for a very long time, and the process of their dissolution will begin no earlier than 2 months after the start of the diet. In the initial stages, weight will be reduced due to the elimination of water, toxins and toxins. In about one year, a woman loses up to 20 kg of excess weight on the Mirimanova diet, which is not just a figure, but a confirmed value.

Contraindications for losing weight according to the Mirimanova system

The advantage of the Mirimanova diet is the absence of contraindications. This option for losing weight does not harm your health, even in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The only important note is an effective way to lose weight, which will be achieved depending on how much you need to lose those extra pounds.

The creation of Ekaterina Mirimanova is a modern useful brainchild, through which women and men with overweight pounds can restore their previous forms without harm to health. In conclusion, confirmation that the "minus 60" diet works will be the reviews of women who have been helped by such a system in the fight against excess weight.

In the fight against obesity, a diet "minus 60" is an excellent tool. Find out the features of the diet of the diet, its duration and the final result.

The content of the article:

Every day, the method of losing weight by Ekaterina Mirimanova, which is called the "minus 60" diet, is becoming more and more popular and in demand. The advantages of this system include not only intense weight loss, but also the fact that in order to get rid of excess weight, you will not have to give up fried, starchy and sweet foods.

The main principles of the minus 60 diet

The minus 60 nutrition system was made by the simplest woman who does not have a medical degree, but wanted to quickly get her figure in shape. This technique has been approved by most of the leading nutritionists both in Russia and in other countries.

Among the advantages of this diet is the fact that it can be used not only by those wishing to lose weight, but also by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Those who have already experienced the effect of this technique on themselves claim that the result obtained remains for a long time and after returning to the usual diet, extra centimeters do not appear on the sides again. However, it is possible to obtain a lasting effect only if all the rules and recommendations of Mirimanova are strictly observed.

This food system is quite difficult to call a strict diet, because it can be followed throughout life and not be afraid that health will be harmed. This technique was developed from personal experience by Mirimanova herself, since she tried just a huge number of different diets in order to bring her figure into good shape. And as a result, I found the perfect remedy for myself.

Following a diet of minus 60, you can eat almost anything, including chocolate, pastries, meat, etc. The slimming effect occurs due to the fact that certain rules of this system are observed.

Diet rules minus 60

Compliance with the following recommendations will help not only to quickly lose weight and bring the figure into shape, but also to consolidate the result obtained for a long time:
  1. It is strictly forbidden to skip breakfast as it is one of the most important meals of the day. It is during the morning meal that the metabolism starts up. It is worth remembering that all unhealthy foods can be consumed only until noon, if you eat fried potatoes for dinner, you will not be able to lose weight. But those with a sweet tooth, who cannot live a day without a chocolate bar, can eat it during breakfast.
  2. You don't have to give up alcohol, coffee and tea. According to the minus 60 diet, you can safely consume such drinks, even adding sugar to them. However, sugar is also allowed to be consumed in the morning and you must try to gradually eliminate it from your diet, due to which the process of losing weight will occur more intensively. The habit of drinking tea without sugar in the morning is very quickly developed. Mirimanova advises to completely abandon white sugar, but if it's hard to imagine life without it, you should replace it with brown sugar. It is also useful to use black instead of milk chocolate.
  3. Regarding the allowed alcohol, while following a diet of minus 60, you can drink only dry red wine, but we must not forget that the restructuring should occur gradually, completely excluding sudden changes.
  4. Almost all modern diets contain rice, and this technique is no exception. It is recommended to eat steamed rice, because it contains the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients, and besides, it tastes quite as good as simple rice.
  5. White bread is also allowed, despite its high calorie content. But it can be consumed strictly until 12 noon. For lunch, it is allowed to eat a slice of rye bread or crackers. But in this case, there should be meat, poultry or fish for lunch.
  6. In the morning, you can eat pasta and potatoes, but do not overuse these products so as not to get the opposite result and not gain weight. During breakfast, pasta can be safely combined with a wide variety of products, and for lunch, it is best to cook vegetables. According to Mirimanova's diet, potatoes and pasta after breakfast cannot be combined with poultry, meat, seafood, or fish.
  7. It is important to observe the following rule - it is strictly forbidden to eat after 18.00. Eating dinner as early as possible is ideal, making the minus 60 diet most effective. At the same time, dinner should not be too late or early, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and you will not be able to lose weight.
  8. Drinking is essential during any diet. Observing the minus 60 system during the day, you must drink at least 2-3 liters of clean water per day. Mirimanova recommends drinking exactly as much liquid as the body requires.
  9. The previous tip also applies to salt intake. You should not completely exclude it from your diet. However, it is not recommended to eat too salty food, as everything should be in moderation.
  10. According to Mirimanova's system, dinner should be as light and low-calorie as possible. Do not overload your stomach in the evening. A great option would be a portion of boiled rice combined with vegetables or dried fruits. It is useful to eat fish, poultry, seafood and meat without combining them with anything.
  11. The food processing process deserves special attention. In the morning, it is allowed to eat stewed, boiled, baked and grilled dishes.

It is worth remembering that the minus 60 diet will bring the maximum benefit, it is necessary not only to strictly adhere to the above rules, but also not to forget about physical activity. Thanks to an integrated approach, the process of losing weight will be significantly accelerated.

What can you eat while on a minus 60 diet?

Adhering to this method of losing weight, it is very important to introduce temporary dietary restrictions and make up your diet only from approved foods. Until noon, you are allowed to eat almost anything, but in the afternoon you can only eat certain foods from the matching groups.

After dinner, only plain water is allowed, not juices or carbonated drinks. If you have to attend a festive event, it is allowed to drink a couple of glasses of dry red wine and have a few slices of cheese to eat.

Being engaged in drawing up a diet for a diet of minus 60, you need to try to completely abandon various semi-finished products. You can choose absolutely any meat, the main thing is that it has a minimum fat content, otherwise you will simply not be able to lose weight.

There are restrictions only for watermelon - only a few slices are allowed per day. You can eat prunes, but no more than 5 pieces per day. As you know, bananas are very high in calories, so almost all diets exclude them. Observing Mirimanova's system, it is allowed to eat one banana until noon.

At any time of the day, you can eat a variety of dairy products, only with a minimum percentage of fat and small portions. But milk is only allowed until lunchtime. You can also eat cheese, but its quantity should not exceed 50 g per day.

Until 2 pm, it is allowed to add various dressings (for example, sour cream, mayonnaise, olive and vegetable oil), but not more than 1 tsp. Ketchup, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, horseradish and mustard may be consumed before lunch. Natural spices such as fresh herbs and herbs are allowed without restriction.

Diet minus 60: food pairing table

According to the weight loss system of Ekaterina Mirimanova, there are exactly 7 food groups. It is this table that is important when drawing up a menu for dinner. This list of products is allowed for consumption while dieting minus 60. Those foods that are not on the list are prohibited and it is better to refuse them if you really want to lose weight.

Group # 1

This group contains dairy products and fruits:

  • apples;
  • minimum fat cottage cheese;
  • prunes;
  • curdled milk;
  • watermelon;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • kiwi;
  • kefir;
  • plums;
  • milk;
  • avocado.
  • hard cheese;
  • pears;
  • yogurt;
  • cherries;
  • grape;
  • cherries;
  • banana;
  • melon;
  • a pineapple;
  • apricot;
  • peaches;
  • mango.

Group no. 2

This group contains vegetables and fruits:

  • apples;
  • radish;
  • citrus;
  • radish;
  • prunes;
  • bell pepper;
  • watermelon;
  • carrot;
  • kiwi;
  • cabbage (different varieties);
  • plums;
  • avocado;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes.
The following products are not combined with this group:
  • pears;
  • mushrooms;
  • cherries;
  • eggplant;
  • cherries;
  • pumpkin;
  • melon;
  • potato;
  • apricots;
  • lentils;
  • mango;
  • peaches;
  • beans;
  • a pineapple;
  • peas;
  • bananas;
  • corn;
  • grape.

Group No. 3

This group contains cereals and fruits:

  • apples;
  • hard pasta;
  • prunes;
  • rice noodles;
  • watermelon;
  • buckwheat;
  • kiwi;
  • brown and white rice;
  • avocado;
  • plums.
The following products are not combined with this group:
  • pears;
  • porridge "Artek";
  • cherries;
  • barley grits;
  • cherries;
  • Wheat groats;
  • melon;
  • corn grits;
  • apricots;
  • millet;
  • mango;
  • oatmeal;
  • peaches;
  • grape;
  • banana;
  • a pineapple.

Group No. 4

This group contains dairy products and vegetables:

  • cucumbers;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk;
  • cabbage (all types);
  • fermented baked milk;
  • carrot;
  • kefir;
  • bell pepper;
  • milk;
  • radish;
  • radish.
The following products are not combined with this group:
  • corn;
  • hard cheese;
  • peas;
  • yogurt;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant;
  • lentils;
  • pumpkin;
  • potato.

Group No. 5

This group contains cereals and vegetables:

  • cucumbers;
  • hard pasta;
  • rice noodles;
  • cabbage (all varieties);
  • buckwheat;
  • carrot;
  • brown and white rice;
  • bell pepper;
  • radish;
  • radish.
The following products are not combined with this group:
  • corn;
  • porridge "Artek";
  • peas;
  • barley grits;
  • beans;
  • Wheat groats;
  • corn grits;
  • lentils;
  • millet;
  • potato;
  • oatmeal;
  • pumpkin;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant.

Group No. 6

This group contains fish and meat:

  • eggs;
  • steam cutlets;
  • aspic;
  • boiled sausage;
  • seafood;
  • quality sausages;
  • meat;
  • kebab, but without marinade;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • crab sticks.

Group No. 7

This group contains cheese and dairy products:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk.
It is forbidden to combine these products with yogurt.


The following drinks are allowed for all groups:

  • tea (white, green, black);
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • weak coffee;
  • not carbonated water, red dry wine.
Diet minus 60 helps to quickly get in good shape and lose weight. The advantages of this system include not only high efficiency, but also the fact that it is not harmful to health. In addition, this principle of nutrition can be adhered to throughout your life and you no longer have to look for methods and means to deal with excess weight.

Learn more about the minus 60 diet in this video:

This nutritional system bears the name of its developer, Ekaterina Mirimanova, who managed, adhering to this diet, to lose 60 kilograms in a year and a half.

The minus 60 diet, unlike many other diets, has no time limit, it should be perceived as a healthy eating system recommended for long-term use. Mirimanova's minus 60 diet is truly unique, since it does not imply the rejection of any products, it is based on separate meals and the absence of late dinners. According to reviews, a minus 60 diet allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to remain well-fed, healthy and happy. Doctors confirm that the minus 60 diet menu, as well as the nutritional system as a whole, do not contradict the dietary canons, so it is not only safe, but also beneficial to health.

Basic diet rules minus 60

In order to make the transition to a new food system more painless, Ekaterina Mirimanova advises to adhere to three rules:

  • You need a mindset to lose weight. The author of the minus 60 diet calls to bring your body back to normal not for the sake of some person or event, but, first of all, for yourself. You should not postpone starting a diet until tomorrow or Monday, you need to start changing your life and your attitude to food right now.
  • Changing your eating habits should be the beginning of a new life. Mirimanova's diet minus 60 is not a way to quickly lose weight in a short period of time; it is the introduction of healthy food into the daily diet for a long period. Ekaterina Mirimanova recommends learning to eat in small portions, replacing your favorite, but "harmful" foods with useful counterparts.
  • Meal times should be controlled. The content of the plate depends on the time of its intake - the later, the more restrictions.

Principles of the Mirimanova diet

Throughout the minus 60 diet, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • Until 12 noon, the diet can be represented by any dishes and products. Serving size and calorie content can be ignored.
  • Drink water as much as you want. It is not necessary to force the body to consume large volumes of liquid.
  • Salt is not prohibited, but you should not abuse it, since an excessive amount can provoke swelling.
  • Honey, sugar and all derivatives are allowed only until 12.00. It is recommended to replace white sugar with brown sugar or fructose.
  • Breakfast is a must, since it is the morning meal that allows the body to activate metabolic processes in a timely manner.
  • As testimonials testify, many people who lose weight like the minus 60 diet also for the reason that they do not need to count calories. During the day, you just need to adhere to the principles and menu of the diet minus 60, not paying attention to the calorie content of the dishes.
  • The optimal amount of a single serving of food depends on the needs, activity and metabolic processes of each individual, therefore Mirimanova's diet minus 60 does not provide for any standard amount of food at one time.
  • The number of fruits eaten during the day should be limited to 1-2 pieces, since in large quantities they can interfere with weight loss, slowing down metabolic processes.
  • Fasting days and cleansing the body, as well as any other violence against the body, are not recommended.
  • During the day, there are three meals, between which "snacks" in the form of fruits or vegetables are allowed.
  • Food should not be tasted while cooking. If you want to ignore this principle, you should drink green tea.
  • If the dinner did not take place before 18.00, you should completely forget about it.
  • You cannot eat milk chocolate, including in the morning. It is better to prefer dark chocolate or, at worst, cake to this product. Ekaterina Mirimanova explains her love for milk chocolate as a habit that most people manage to get rid of during a minus 60 diet.
  • This nutrition system can be followed by women who are breastfeeding, but the principles should be introduced gradually, observing the amount of milk.
  • According to reviews, the minus 60 diet is also popular among pregnant women, but it is better to refrain from experimenting with nutrition without first consulting a doctor.
  • Taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes is not only allowed, but also encouraged.

Diet menu minus 60

Breakfast. You can eat everything in any quantity, except milk chocolate.

Dinner. For this meal, all minus 60 diet recipes involve boiling or stewing. Mayonnaise and sour cream are allowed, but only until 14.00 and in limited quantities (1 tsp), you can also use a small amount of vegetable oil and soy sauce. For lunch, any variation of sushi or dairy products is suitable. The author of the diet reminds that soups do not saturate for a long time, therefore, he does not recommend getting carried away with them. If you still want to taste the soup, then preference should be given to lean with potatoes, or in broth without potatoes.

Any vegetables are allowed, but there are restrictions. For example, potatoes and beans should not be combined with meat or fish dishes. You can use corn on the cob, corn, and green peas frozen. You should stop eating canned peas. Mushrooms must be raw or cooked. Vegetables should be used raw, baked, boiled, or stewed. As for pickled and pickled vegetables, seaweed, Korean salads, they can only be eaten in small quantities.

From meat and fish products, sausages, boiled sausage, uncooked cutlets, jellied meat, meat, offal, seafood, fish, crab sticks, barbecue are allowed. Boiled eggs are allowed.

You can also eat rice, buckwheat, pasta (not combining with meat and fish), rice noodles.

Permitted drinks are coffee, any tea, dry red wine, fresh juice, milk and sour milk drinks.

Dinner. For this meal, all minus 60 diet recipes involve stewing in water. The use of spices, soy sauce (a little), salt is allowed, but sugar is prohibited. For dinner, you can choose one type of food from the listed ones. From fruits, you can eat the same as for lunch. All vegetables are allowed, except for potatoes, corn, peas, mushrooms, eggplants, pumpkin. Vegetables can be combined with rice or buckwheat, it is also possible to combine with dairy products, of which cottage cheese is allowed, live or unsweetened yogurt (without cereals and muesli), about 50 g of cheese with crisps. During dinner, you can drink freshly squeezed citrus juice, fermented milk or milk drinks, but tea and coffee that do not contain sugar and milk, dry red wine and water can be drunk not only during the evening meal, but also after 18.00.

In the process of losing weight, Ekaterina Mirimanova advises not to forget about caring for the skin of the face and body, as well as about daily physical activity.

If a product is not on the list of permitted products for lunch or dinner, this does not mean that they have forgotten about it, it means that it cannot be eaten for lunch and dinner!

Breakfast and additional nutritional information.

If a product is not on the list of allowed products for lunch or dinner, then it is not allowed to eat it for lunch and dinner!
1) For breakfast, if it is until 12, you can eat absolutely everything, not counting the portion size, and even more so the calories (they do not need to be counted at all). You should definitely have breakfast in order to activate the metabolic processes in the body in a timely manner. You don't have to eat something big. You can limit yourself to a couple of rye croutons with cheese and tea / coffee / juice.

2) You can drink as much water as you need. Don't force yourself - drink as much as you can.

3) Salt - not limited, but do not make food too salty, it provokes swelling.

4) Sugar and derivatives (including honey) - up to 12 !!! I advise you to try to replace sugar with brown, or at least fructose. White sugar does not contain anything useful that cannot be avoided. I am against artificial sugar substitutes.

5) There is no optimal amount of food that can be eaten at a time, depends on the person and on his needs. All people are different, their activity is different, metabolic processes. It is not necessary to switch to saucers, but plates "like from a buffet" should be avoided. In an article in the magazine "Lose Weight Correctly" I talked about it

6) We eat mainly three times a day; if necessary, you can have a snack with permitted fruits and vegetables. But remember: a large amount of fruit can interfere with weight loss (eg 0.5-1kg of apples during the day). If you eat something throughout the day, you slow down your metabolism. All three meals should be of equal saturation.

7) I do not advise you to cleanse the body and spend fasting days. I am against any violence against the body. I think this increases the likelihood of a recession.

8) Vacation. All inclusive. I do as usual - I eat breakfast, lunch is hearty, and then at four or five, lunch is the second. I go to dinner with my friends, have a glass of wine and eat a couple of slices of cheese. In this situation, weight is not gained. With all the others, 100% will go up, no matter how much you swim and do.

9) When visiting, take a bottle of dry red wine with you, so as not to think about what to drink. For evening and nightly activities, you can have a bite to eat with a couple of slices of low-fat cheese.

10) How to cope with the fact that your husband has to cook dinner? The main motivation. Patiently adhere to the "System minus 60" for about two weeks, and then you get used to it. And in any case, do not try what you cook. You get used to it very quickly. Now I can easily determine by smell what seasoning is missing, even the salinity of the dish. It's all a matter of habit

11) If you missed dinner, you will have to forget about it. A couple of passes - and you stop forgetting !!! For myself, I can say that my stomach itself very methodically reminds me that it's time to have lunch or dinner ...

12) Why not milk chocolate, but can cake? The principle is to get used to not consuming extra sugar in principle. Sugar-free cookies and so on - do not exist. But if it is possible to cut back on sugar without sacrificing taste, then why eat milk chocolate? Those who love milk chocolate are just used to its taste (also about dry wine). Switching to dark chocolate is addictive to enjoying not-too-sweet foods. This is what allowed me to restructure my eating habits. I do not like, for example, cream cakes, or honey anymore, they seem too sweet to me.

13) Doctors support the system. My system does not contradict any dietary canon in principle.

14) The system can be used for breastfeeding, with the only caveat - to introduce all the principles very gradually and carefully monitor the amount of milk. In principle, those who are losing weight according to my system do not have problems with GV, since everything is possible, and physical activity is welcomed only within reasonable limits.

15) I am entirely in favor of taking additional vitamin products. In our time, eating a balanced diet is impossible. How many oranges, for example, greenhouse oranges do you need to eat to get your daily dose of vitamin C ?! I regularly take multivitamin preparations in courses, they make skin, hair and nails look better. By the way, some vitamins help restore skin elasticity, which is also very important. In the book, I also recommend taking vitamins.

16) Many people successfully use the system during pregnancy, however, before starting it is necessary to consult with the supervising doctor.


1. Well, at least kill I did not find any information about chewing gum ... can you chew it?
Sugar-free, but it whets your appetite
2. If in the middle of the day I do pre-bites, apples or oranges, several times, is it a mistake?
Better to eat three times: breakfast, lunch and dinner. If breakfast is early, then you can have a little snack with harmful substances until 12-00. If lunch is early and it's hard to survive until dinner, then you can have a snack with permitted vegetables or fruits.
3. And it turns out until 12 everything can be eaten once?
If your first breakfast is early or doesn't work in the morning, then you can have two, but lunch should be normal too! It shouldn't be like "I ate so much for breakfast that I don't want to have lunch."
4. Buckwheat with fish in a sauce without fat is it possible?
The lunch lists say about buckwheat that it is not allowed with fish? Or the fish, that it is not allowed with buckwheat? No, not written! But it is written that any combination of products, if it is not specified separately, then you can buckwheat with fish.
5. What to do with dinner if lunch is at 15-00-16-00?
Well, you can move it for an hour, but it doesn't have to be constant !!!
6. What are crisps?
These are rye croutons, like bread, but MANDATORY RYE! NO MORE! You can see how they look in Yandex.
7. And on the forum it is written that meat is not allowed with anything for dinner, and in the recipes in Katya's book there are recipes with meat and tomatoes.
It is necessary to read not only recipes, but also advice to them. It says that such a combination is permissible for decoration or flavoring, but not as a side dish.
8. If I go to bed very late, can I move my dinner?
It is possible, at the same time the deadline for the end of weight loss will also move. The later the dinner, the slower you lose weight.
9. I get up at 14-00 and go to bed at 6-00 in the morning, why shouldn't I have breakfast now?
Well, yes, do not have breakfast. Do you want? So change your daily routine. (Note, this does not apply to night shift workers!)
10. And I had lunch with "a leaf of cabbage and a piece of sausage", is this normal?
No, you shouldn't take Minus 60 as a diet and make your diet dietary. Eat like all normal people, just make adjustments to the system.
11. And I have not seen dried apricots, seeds, nuts, etc., etc. on the lists, it is impossible?
We read the first message in the topic "Nutrition" ... This phrase must be remembered and repeated as soon as such questions appear .... A sort of mantra ...
12. And the earliest time for breakfast is what time?
And when you wake up and your working day begins. But denser or lighter, listen to the stomach, it is our friend, but do not forget that you have to be hungry for dinner!
13. I work the night shift, is the system not suitable for me?
If you work the night shift, Katya advises you to have breakfast when you get home from work and go to bed. And then, if possible, adhere to the usual routine, that is, have lunch and dinner at your usual time.
14. During the day I really want something sweet, I still have a habit of eating sweets at lunch. How to be?
Eat prunes (3-5 pcs.), They are sweet and over the system or fruit. This will help to rebuild and give up this habit altogether.
15. Why can't berries, etc., etc.?
Because they do not lose weight.
16. Why shouldn't you cook porridge in milk for lunch?
Sweet or unsweetened cereals cooked in milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have normal digestion, allow yourself this breakfast. If you don’t take our word for it, contact any nutritionist or check for yourself, only then do not ask the questions "why am I not losing weight?"
17. Is it enough to eat homemade yogurt for dinner, or do you need something more serious?
All three meals should be evenly saturated.
18. I read that after 12 you can have coffee without milk and sugar! But coffee and milk are allowed, can they be sugar-free together?
Yes, but in combination with a meal, i.e. after / during lunch and dinner (see food combination), otherwise it will be equated to an unwanted snack.
19. According to the System, you can only drink red dry wine, but I have an allergy / heartburn to it, can I replace it with white?
According to the system, only dry red is allowed, the rest is on your conscience.
20. For example: I am reading Katina's book of recipes. Dinner p. 215 "salad from cabbage breast". Can you eat meat and vegetables for dinner? Or, for example, read on the forum recipes on the system "for dinner" cottage cheese casserole + an apple and an egg? which of the options does this apply to? Explain I can not enter, or I literally understand everything, you can and so ???
The recipe tips say EVERYTHING. Re-read all the tips, there are many new and interesting things written about building a menu, combining products.

Lunch (we have lunch in the afternoon, but if you have lunch before 12, you still stick to these lists)

METHOD OF PREPARING FOOD FOR LUNCH: - For lunch, any cooking method except frying *, maximum - sautéing **, but then butter, sour cream and mayonnaise are no longer possible.
* Frying is a process in which products are heat treated and brought to readiness by direct contact with fat or in oil (deep fat) at a temperature that ensures the formation of a specific crust on their surface. (do not confuse the crust that forms during frying with the crust that forms during baking in the oven or during sautéing, these are two different things)
** Passing - in our case - 1 tsp was poured into the pan. oils, put vegetables or some other products, fried a little, added water and brought to readiness

- Mayonnaise, or sour cream, or vegetable or olive oil are allowed until 14-00 in small quantities (about a teaspoon)
- soy sauce, coconut milk, ketchup, adjika, horseradish, etc., also in small quantities, but there is no time limit
- you can use any herbs, spices, garlic. "Chemical" seasonings and spices (such as Maggi cubes, Galina blanca, etc.) are best avoided or used as little as possible. We do not use mixtures like Magi for the second, etc.
- LOVE greens! (such as dill, parsley, cilantro, etc., etc.)

Everything is possible with everything. Except:
- pasta with a meat group, except for eggs, you can not have a lot of them;
- potatoes, sweet potatoes with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them;
- corn with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them
- couscous with a meat group, except for eggs, not a lot of them
- legumes with a meat group, except for eggs, there are not many of them.
And do not try to fool yourself by eating soup with meat for the first and potatoes for the second! (THIS IS FOR EXAMPLE)
- Accordingly, soups, if they contain pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, are cooked in water. If they do not have pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, then you can use meat broth. But remember that soups do not saturate for a long time, so I do not recommend getting carried away with them. Do not try to cook soup in meat broth with potatoes, and then fish them out of there, this cannot be done

- You can do the first, and the second, and a salad, and in one meal. That is, it is not necessary to eat only soup at lunch or only the second, you can do both.
- Sushi in any form is allowed. Rolls are also possible, except for hot ones.
- From soy products, you can only use Tofu soy cheese.
- You can only rye croutons (these are crisps - you can find out what crisps are by asking a question to Yandex), or, at worst, rye bread.

Permitted fruits, dried fruits, nuts and berries
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00)
2. Citrus fruits
3. Plums (not many)
4. Kiwi
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (not a lot, 4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Avocado

Permitted vegetables and legumes
You can eat Any, but:
1. Peas and corn can be eaten frozen, but not canned. You can also corn on the cob. If they are included in the frozen mixture, then it is possible with meat / fish, because there are not so many of them.
2. Salted and pickled vegetables are allowed in small quantities, this also applies to various Korean salads, seaweed, sauerkraut, olives, olives and all saltiness and pickles, including mushrooms.
3. Do not forget that sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and legumes cannot be combined with permitted meat and fish products, except for eggs.
4. It is better not to get carried away with the combination of mushrooms with meat (this phrase does not mean that mushrooms with meat cannot be! You can, but be careful!)
5. Green beans are a vegetable, not a legume.
6. Legumes are beans, peas, lentils, etc.

Permitted meat and fish products:
1. Boiled sausage and sausages and other boiled sausage products.
2. Cutlets (not fried !!!)
3. Meat (any chicken, rabbit, and horse meat, in general - ANY), offal (this does not mean that you can eat skin and fat !!!)
4. Jelly (aspic)
5. Fish (salted and lightly salted in small quantities)
6. Seafood
7. Crab sticks (rare)
8. Kebab, if not very greasy, and not very pickled. Better to marinate in lemon juice, kefir, pomegranate juice. If it has been marinated in vinegar for a long time, then it is better not to eat it.
9. Eggs
10. From canned food only canned FISH in its own juice. (rarely)

Permitted cereals:
1. Fig. White milled rice is extremely rare. Better to switch to brown, parboiled and other types of rice.
2. Buckwheat
3. Pasta ONLY from durum wheat (do not forget that you cannot combine with permitted meat and fish products, except eggs)
ATTENTION!!! This does not mean that you can have dough for lunch !!!
4. Rice noodles.
5. Corn grits and couscous - no more than 1 time per week and do not combine with products from the meat group!
6. All permitted cereals cannot be cooked in milk, because sweet or not sweet cereals cooked in milk can contribute to weight gain. If you have normal digestion, allow yourself this breakfast. If you don’t take our word for it, contact any nutritionist or check for yourself, only then do not ask the questions "why am I not losing weight?" You can boil the cereal in water and add milk.

Dairy and fermented milk products:
-You can eat any non-greasy one.
-Cheese can be of any fat content
-It is imperative to look at the composition so that there is no prohibited sugar, butter, etc., etc.

1. Tea of ​​any kind
2. Coffee
3. Red dry wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.
4. Freshly squeezed juice
5. Dairy and fermented milk drinks.
6. Any water (mineral water, with gas, without it, but this does not mean that you can have sweet soda !!!)

1. Tea of ​​any kind
2. Coffee
3. Red dry wine
4. Any water (mineral water, with gas, without it, but this does not mean that you can sweet soda !!!)

Dinner (we have dinner in the evening, closer to 18-00, not 15-00)

- For dinner, any way of cooking, but you can not use any oil and fat.

- soy sauce, balsamic vinegar in small quantities.
- you can use any herbs, spices, garlic. We do not use "chemical" seasonings and spices (such as Maggi cubes, Galina Blanca, etc.), mixtures such as Magi for the second, etc. We do not use.
- LOVE greens! (such as dill, parsley, cilantro, etc., etc.)
- In small quantities lettuce leaves and seaweed (in versions with vegetables, the quantity is not limited)

Below are 7 dining options.
- You need to choose one of these options and there is only what is written there, DO NOT ADD PRODUCTS FROM OTHER OPTIONS !!!
- Don't try to eat everything that is listed in the option, eat only what you want!
- Alternating dinner options is not only possible, but also necessary.
- You can combine products from one version with each other, except for Option No. 6 "Meat, fish". In this version, it is better not to combine the products with each other, a half of an egg for a maximum of 200 grams of meat.

Option 1 "fruit and milk":

2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,

6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5% can be used. Yoghurts with any additives are prohibited. No cheese.

What can you drink?

- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas


Option 2 "fruits and vegetables":
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00),
2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
8. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Corn

What can you drink?
- Juices made from the listed fruits and permitted vegetables
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

Option 3 "fruits and cereals":
1. Apples (1-2 pcs during the day (after 12-00),
2. Citrus fruits,
3. Plums (not a lot),
4. Kiwi,
5. Watermelon (1-2 pieces during the day (after 12-00)
6. Prunes (4-6 pieces)
7. Pineapple
9. Any rice, except for white polished (note, rice noodles are not allowed, because white rice is not allowed for dinner)
10. Buckwheat

What can you drink?
- Juices from the listed fruits
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

Option 4 "vegetables and milk"
1. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Corn
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Nothing salty, pickled, smoked DO NOT!
2. You can dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5%. Yoghurts with any additives are prohibited. No cheese.

What can you drink?
- Juices from permitted vegetables
- Dairy and fermented milk drinks
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

Option 5 "vegetables and cereals"
1. Any vegetables, EXCEPT:
- Potatoes
- Pea
- Corn
- Mushrooms
- Pumpkins
- Eggplant
- Avocado
- Legumes
- Batata
- Nothing salty, pickled, smoked DO NOT!
2. Any rice, except for white polished (note, rice noodles cannot be, because you cannot white rice)
3. Buckwheat

What can you drink?
- Juices from permitted vegetables
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas


6 option "meat, fish"
1. Meat (any and chicken, and rabbit, and horse meat, in general ANY) and offal (this does not mean that you can eat skin and fat !!!). You can have a little broth and without fat (up to 100 ml)
2. Fish
3. Seafood (salted, lightly salted, pickled, etc. not allowed)
4 eggs
5. Aspic, aspic.
ATTENTION!!! There are no boiled sausages, crab sticks, canned food on the list. We have not forgotten about them, they cannot be.

What can you drink?
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

7 option "milk, cheese and crisps"
1. You can dairy or sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than 5%. Yoghurts with any additives are prohibited.
2. Cheese up to 50g. Any cheese is possible, even with mold!
3. Crisps (RYE croutons, namely RYE) 3-4 pieces.

What can you drink?
- Dairy and fermented milk drinks
- Tea of ​​any kind
- Coffee
- Water with or without gas
- Dry red wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.

1. Green or herbal tea (from leaves, stems, plant flowers, but not from roots)
2. Coffee
3. Water with gas (very gently, whet the appetite) or not
4. Red dry wine. If you have an allergy / heartburn, etc., then it is up to you to replace it with something or not. According to the system, only dry red is allowed.
5. During evening and night activities, you can have a bite to eat with a couple of slices of low-fat cheese

It is generally accepted that weight loss is possible only if strict dietary restrictions and regular physical activity are observed. Only a person with great willpower can withstand such a rhythm, but what about the rest? Ekaterina Mirimanova suggests using her weight loss system "Minus 60", according to which she herself was able to get rid of 60 kg of excess weight in just a year and a half.

📌 Read in this article

The history of the method

Numerous disputes over the effectiveness of the weight loss system according to Mirimanova boil down to one thing: is it worth trusting someone who is far from medicine? Indeed, Catherine is not a doctor or a biologist, she does not delve into the physiological processes of the body, but she has demonstrated the effectiveness of her own method.

And the story of his appearance is simple: Mirimanova has always been a "lady in the body", but this did not bother her too much, because everything was in order in her life - her husband was a chef with a weight of 200 kg, her favorite job, and children. But after the birth of her third baby, Catherine realized that it was really hard for her to carry those extra pounds.

For many years before this, a woman had tried a variety of diets for weight loss, periodically broke down and stopped trying to put her figure in order. And when she realized that she needed to get rid of extra pounds, she first analyzed all her previous attempts and decided not to radically change her diet. Yes, she introduced some restrictions, but they were so insignificant that they were easily accepted by the body.

After going through the entire period of losing weight, having managed to keep the results for a long time, Ekaterina Mirimanova shared her experience with other women. And this led to immense popularity, thanks from more than a million ladies who managed to defeat themselves and their weight.

Features of the weight loss system from Ekaterina Mirimanova

Catherine has developed such a unique weight loss system that there is no such thing in all dietetics. If you highlight the specific features of Mirimanova's weight loss system, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  • There will be no categorical prohibitions, even some alcoholic beverages can be consumed. Of course, you will have to limit yourself in some way, but this will need to be done in the afternoon and evening. This approach has a lot of advantages, and the main thing is that you will not need to experience the painful feeling of hunger, to fight the cravings for sweets.
  • The "right" food is introduced into the diet gradually, which eliminates stress for the body and gastronomic disruptions. Women can independently replace their usual fatty foods with less high-calorie foods. If at first only the thought of cottage cheese with fruit was perplexing, then Mirimanova's method of losing weight literally makes women fall in love with such dishes.
  • The developer of the system herself claims that even with weight loss, you can eat absolutely everything, but within reasonable limits. For example, replace all plates with saucers, exclude milk chocolate, but eat bitter in the morning, do not combine meat and potatoes, refuse pasta in the evening, and so on.

Do not think that you can lose weight with this method without any effort. Firstly, you will need to control your appetite and introduce some restrictions on products, and secondly, sports are still needed - at least minimal physical activity will have to be present daily.

Principles of a positive weight loss method

They are simple, but very effective:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. You can not skip the morning meal, even if the rise is very early, then you can first eat something light, and after 2 - 3 hours have a full meal. For breakfast, you can have absolutely everything - from fried potatoes to meat, chocolate and sweet compotes.
  • Don't give up coffee and tea. They can be drunk, but coffee is best consumed in the morning. And you do not need to immediately try to fall in love with these drinks without sugar, it is better to gradually reduce its amount, reducing it to nothing. On a diet "minus 60" according to Mirimanova, even the use of dry red wine is allowed, but not more than 200 ml per day.
  • Chocolate is not the enemy of the figure. It is generally hard for women to be left without this delicacy, but this is not required! You just need to replace the milk type with a bitter one, and if at once the taste of the latter seems too specific, then with the gradual replacement of sweetness it will acquire sophistication and will be perceived adequately.
  • Buckwheat is also perfect for garnish. First you need to eat steamed rice, then switch to brown - these varieties are perfectly absorbed by the body, give a person a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Pasta and potatoes may well be on the menu. But you need to use them for breakfast, and if you plan to do this at lunchtime, then they should act as an independent dish. This means that you cannot add pork goulash, veal stroganoff, or fried chicken to them.
  • Dinner should be early, but this does not mean that no later than 18-00. In this matter, one should be guided by the individual regime of the day: if a person goes to bed no earlier than midnight, then a later meal is quite acceptable (maximum at 20-00).
  • In the evening you need to eat something "light". It can be kefir or with fruit, soft cheeses with herbs and olives, and vegetable salads with oil and vinegar. Ekaterina categorically does not recommend using it at dinner, even boiled or steamed.

Mirimanova claims that drinking 2 - 3 liters of pure water every day is not at all necessary, you need to listen to the wishes of the body and drink as much as it needs.

The only thing is that you need to make sure that the water is constantly in sight, this will help not to miss signals from the brain about the need to replenish fluid reserves in the body. The same applies to salt - let it be freely available, and the body itself will require an increase or decrease in its amount in ready-made dishes.

Psychological attitude

It is considered an essential ingredient for effective weight loss. The psychological attitude will help the body to properly prepare for the upcoming process, which will determine its effectiveness. Ekaterina Mirimanova gives the following recommendations:

  • There is no need to postpone the start of losing weight for a more convenient time, Monday or holiday. After studying the information, understanding and remembering the basic principles, you need to start the path to your transformation tomorrow - there will be no time for doubts and hesitation.
  • No one is to blame for being overweight! Knowing that reproaching yourself for past hearty meals is a waste of time is already a step towards success. There is excess weight and a desire to get rid of it, everything else is unnecessary, unnecessary thoughts that interfere with transformation.
  • Mirimanova's system does not require great willpower - you do not need to give up food and introduce only plant foods into the menu. And this makes the process easy, and as you master the technique, your view of eating habits will begin to change.
  • On some days, you have a heightened appetite - and that's okay! This can happen during menstruation or with premenstrual syndrome. There is no need to panic, it is enough to smoothly increase the amount of food consumed on these days, but you still have to give up the nightly “dozhors”.

It is important to tune in to get the result, but it will be visible even after a month of observing such a weight loss system - minus 4 - 5 kg also means a lot. But there is no need to wait for an instant transformation into a slender woman, because extra pounds also did not appear overnight, why should they disappear in this way?

You need to forget about the principle “upset - eat a good meal” and learn to react to resentment, stress and problems by walking in the park, exercising on a simulator or rollerblading, ice skating and skiing.

It is much more useful to walk a brisk pace down the street or do a long workout on a treadmill than to eat 3 - 5 pies, washed down with sweet tea and eating sweets - and weight loss will not be interrupted, and you will not be able to feel sorry for yourself (and therefore even more upset), and the thoughts in my head will be put in order. So, perhaps, and sooner, there will be a way out of a difficult situation.

About Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet, see this video:

Care and exercise

Sports for losing weight is mandatory, but here Mirimanova has developed her own training system:

  • you need to do regular exercises, and not some exotic aerobics;
  • you can do it at any time of the day, there are no restrictions on the duration of each workout, the main thing is to do it every day;
  • if a woman visits the gym, then you don't need to give up the simplest gymnastics at home either - this will develop the habit of constantly loading the body.

If there is too much excess weight, then it will be quite difficult to perform some physical exercises. But you cannot refuse them! It is worth starting small - bends (scatter matches, remove toys with the children, wash the floors not with a mop, but with your hands), squats with your hand resting on a table or chair, wall.

An excellent option would be ... dancing! Whirling, jumping slightly, raising your arms up and just moving to the beat - this is already physical activity, which, when done daily, will make it possible to start harder exercises after 1 - 2 weeks.

When losing weight, there will certainly be problems with the skin - it is also stretched out by fat deposits and, removing them, the “skin” is saggy and flabby. To avoid this, it is worth taking only a few measures:

  • scrub problem areas with drunk ground coffee with salt or sugar;
  • massage the areas with sagging skin of the mummy;
  • to carry out wraps with cosmetic clay and algae.

Such procedures should be carried out 1 - 2 times a week, and for this you do not need to go to a beauty salon - everything is available at home.

Menu in the "Minus 60" system

Taking into account the principles and features of the method of losing weight by Ekaterina Mirimanova, it will not be difficult to compose a menu. Here's a good example of a 3-day diet:

  • First:

During the day, it is allowed to consume teas, coffee, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, milk, fermented milk drinks and mineral water.

Ekaterina Mirimanova gives clear recommendations in her books and on her personal website. All of them help women create a competent menu and facilitate the process of losing weight. The most valuable of these are those that relate to the compilation of a daily diet:

  • any sweets can be eaten only until 12 noon, including sugar, chocolate;
  • there are no portion restrictions - they are all given to understand what result you need to achieve, but you should not overeat;
  • fasting days can not be arranged, cleaning is not needed with this system;
  • fruit should be consumed in moderation and preferably low in sugar.

Opinions on the weight loss system of Ekaterina Mirimanova

Nutritionists have a negative attitude to the method. And this is not at all a prejudice against a person without special education, but claims that are quite reasoned from a scientific point of view:

  • breakfast of a sandwich and coffee with scrambled eggs will not saturate for a long time, it is better to give preference to porridge on the water;
  • it is stupid not to limit yourself in the diet before lunch, so you can immediately consume the daily need for calories - the weight will not decrease, but increase;
  • Catherine forbids certain vegetables to be consumed, but nutritionists consider this a personal dislike for them;
  • pasta and potatoes are considered normal food, there is even a number of diets based on them, and you should not limit them on the menu;
  • you can't eat fruit for dinner - there will be a lot of energy, there is nowhere to put it in the evening, the result will be new fat deposits;
  • refusing soups for lunch is stupid - this is the simplest solution to pacify appetite and stop an attack of hunger, moreover, low-calorie.

The method of losing weight by Ekaterina Mirimanova is effective - this is what numerous reviews say. Nutritionists are categorically against long-term adherence to such a diet. In any case, it's worth a try - according to Catherine herself, a difference in appearance will be visible in a month.

Useful video

For the mistakes of losing weight according to the "minus 60" system, see this video:

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