Home Trees and shrubs Novo golutvin monastery schedule of services. Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent, Kolomna, Moscow Region. Description of the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin nunnery in Kolomna

Novo golutvin monastery schedule of services. Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent, Kolomna, Moscow Region. Description of the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin nunnery in Kolomna

A necklace of cities and towns stretches along the entire length of the Moskva River. Kolomna, a city with a long history, is also located on the banks of this narrow, but very picturesque river. Here, the crystal waters reflect the carved walls and sparkling domes that adorn the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent.

History of the convent

The exact time of the creation of the monastery complex is unknown. It is believed that the monastery is slightly older than the Kolomna diocese. Located in the very center of the Kremlin territory of the city of Kolomna, it was founded around the beginning or middle of the 14th century, that is, after the end of the invasion of the Mongol hordes into Kievan Rus. At that time, either Prince Kalita ruled in these places from 1328 to 1340, or Simeon the Proud, who came to power in 1340 and left the throne in 1353. From then until 1799 the monastery became the center of the Kolomna diocese.

In those years, the diocese was classified as a third class. It included:

  • churches in the amount of 931 temples;
  • monasteries in the amount of 10 complexes.

Due to the fact that the monastery in those years was the religious center of the entire principality, the quality of the work of the builders was carefully monitored, and its provision was carried out at the highest level. Years passed, the rulers changed, but here, in the quiet monastery courtyard, it seemed to stand still. Century after century, nothing changed here until the 17th century.

The year 1728 brought with it a number of innovations that influenced the life of the city and found a response in the monastery. The construction of a theological seminary began, the first listeners of which were the children of the local clergy. The best students were then sent to the capital for further education with the condition of returning to the walls of the alma mater as new teachers. The most famous graduates of the Kolomna seminary are:

  • Moscow Metropolitan St. Filaret Drozdov;
  • publicist N. Gilyarov-Platonov.

Emperor Paul, by his decree, abolished the Kolomna diocese in 1799. The bishop was transferred to Tula.

Metropolitan Platon of Moscow did not allow the monastery to disappear completely, who in 1800 transferred some of the brothers from the outskirts of the Kolomna Epiphany monastery here. This act led to a change in the name of the monastery, since the Kremlin began to be called Novo-Golutvin, and the suburban - Staro-Golutvin.

The first part of the name was given to the monastery by the main temple of the complex, which is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. He was given the 2nd grade and allowed to support 17 monks. 2 churches were attributed to him: Tikhvin and Assumption.

1871 brought new changes. From a regular monastery it was transferred to the category of a community monastery, which made it possible to increase the number of monastics to 50 people.

Calmness and livability again became companions of the monastery, supporting its well-being for over a hundred years, but everything collapsed overnight.

The year 1917, when the decree "On the separation of churches ..." was proclaimed, brought misfortune to all religious organizations (including monasteries). Kolomna was not spared the trouble either. Novo-Golutvin became one of 673 monasteries that were liquidated between 1918 and 1921. All the property was taken out. The land was nationalized. The abbot, Archimandrite Leonid, lost his personal belongings and awards. 16 monks and 14 young novices were deprived of their homes.

The premises of the monastery were threatened with demolition, but they were saved by the need to locate the headquarters of the new militia of both city and district significance. They moved to some of the monastery premises in 1919, which occupy the most convenient location relative to the entrance.

On May 23, a number of changes were to be made at the monastery, which would turn it into a camp for holding prisoners sentenced to forced labor. The main parameters that gave such an idea to the management were:

  • the presence of a high and strong fence around the entire perimeter of the monastery;
  • the size of the cells, which were very narrow, because they could easily be made into chambers for imprisonment;
  • the size of the monastery territory, which contained a large number of buildings.

Local authorities tried to complete the task, but they failed to quickly prepare the corps. As a result, the idea of ​​opening a camp for criminals was replaced with a plan to temporarily house a hospital. SN Nilov, who at that time occupied the position of the head of the department of management of the Kolomna Sovdep, was not very impressed by this situation, so on August 9 he returned to this issue, intending not to wait for the hospital to liberate the monastery territory. And yet, some inconsistencies and reasons constantly arose that did not allow turning the monastery into a camp, and later the inhabitants began to settle down in cells.

The archives of the monastery included documentation that could be dated to the time of the formation of the monastery complex, while requiring a special attitude towards preservation. The papers were collected in the tower of the fence and the door was twisted with wire, since there were no locks. As a result, many historical documents have been lost. The monastery was transferred to the department of the Glavmuseum in order to preserve as many valuable exhibits as possible.

On May 6, 1968, they wanted to create the Kolomna Historical and Architectural Reserve from the monastery and the entire central part of the city. It should have included:

  • the monastery building, which was to be used as hotel rooms;
  • a restaurant;
  • Museum;
  • an orchard similar to the one that was planted here at the beginning of the 18th century.

These plans did not come true, but in 1973 restoration began on the territory of the monastery complex. Experts studied the traces of decor, historical documentation, archival materials, so that the original appearance of the complex could be restored. It was not easy, because years of rampant atheism destroyed almost everything.

The cross, the head and the drum were restored, then the facade was revived for a long time, making the same hand-hewn bricks as in ancient times. Gradually, numerous works were carried out aimed at restoring from the devastation of such elements of the monastery complex as:

  • refectory;
  • ancient niches;
  • quadruple;
  • interiors of the apse.

The monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1985.


Now the monastery belongs to the women's community. In addition to the above buildings, there are such structures:

  • Trinity and Intercession churches
  • Stone chambers and bell tower
  • Temple in the name of Xenia of Petersburg
  • Chapel with a holy spring
  • Hotel for accommodation of pilgrims and monastics

The monastery provides shelter to 80 nuns and nuns from Russia and neighboring countries. The Orthodox Medical Center named after V.I. St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. The patients are received by nuns who are professional doctors.

Here you can take a guided tour of the nuns for you.

The monastery takes care not only of human souls, but also of animals. The Konvent nursery is open on the territory, so here and in the courtyard located outside the city live:

  • Mongolian-Buryat dogs;
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dogs;
  • the camel Sinai;
  • thoroughbred Vyatka horses.

Workshops of different directions work here:

  • embroidery;
  • ceramic;
  • iconographic;
  • carpentry.

The monastery took over the care of an orphanage for boys, settled on the territory of the village of Maloye Karasevo. The nuns are trained in educational institutions of various ranks.

Schedule of services

The opening hours of churches on the territory of the monastery depends on the availability of holidays. At normal times, the service is held:

  • 8:00 - liturgy.
  • 17:00 - evening service.

On major holidays, the regime may change. It is necessary to find out from the sisters of the monastery in which of the monastery churches the divine service is held on a particular day.

How to get to the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin nunnery

Guests of the city can take a taxi and order a ride to the address Staraya Kolomna district, Lazareva street, 11 a.

Contact details


In Kolomna, in the middle of the wooden Kremlin, the Novo-Golutvin Holy Trinity Convent is located. Walking around Cathedral Square, you will certainly stumble upon it. Today it is one of the largest located on the territory of modern Russia. The youngest of the Kremlin monasteries, it was founded in 1799 in the city of Kolomna and is the first Orthodox women's monastery to open in the Moscow diocese.

Scribe books 1577-1578 provide information that the monastery was erected on the territory where the bishop's residence was located from 1350 to 1799. The residence was inhabited by bishops, archbishops who ruled the Kolomna diocese. It is these data that give grounds to assert that, in fact, some of the buildings of the Novogolutvinsky monastery are much older. After the abolition of the diocese in 1799, the Holy Trinity Monastery was founded inside the Kolomna Kremlin.

The main temple, which has survived to this day, but has been repeatedly altered, is Trinity. It was founded in 1680 in the Moscow Baroque style. Further around the temple, new buildings and structures were created, which formed the basis of the Holy Trinity Monastery.


The Kolomna diocese was formed even before the advent of the Mongols. The first mention of it dates back to the reign of Ivan Kalita, that is, 1328-1340. At that time, she had ten monasteries and 931 churches.

From the letters of the Syrian Paul of Aleppo, the secretary of the Antiochian patriarch Macarius, we learn what the bishop's house of the 17th century was like.

Very large and surrounded by a wooden wall; the bishop's palace was built of the strongest stone and good wood - such a description of the residence is given by the Syrian. He was struck by a long wooden gallery, towering above the ground and intended for the passage of the bishop from the southern doors of the church to the cells. He pays much attention to Russian carpenters who managed to build such warm rooms.

The flourishing of the bishop's courtyard

At the end of the 17th century Nikita of Moscow and Kashira became archbishop. It is under him that the flourishing of the bishop's courtyard is celebrated. The new buildings erected under him were the Bishops' House, the Office of the Discharge Order and the Trinity Cross Church, which are currently the main buildings of the complex.

By 1728, a theological seminary was built in Kolomna, where the children of the local clergy studied. The most gifted students were sent to Moscow to continue their studies, with the condition of their subsequent return to the seminary as teachers and instructors.

After the Kolomna diocese was abolished in 1799 by order of Emperor Paul I, the bishop was transferred to the Tula province. Fearing that the former bishop's house could be abolished, Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) of Moscow was in a hurry to fulfill the decree and, as soon as possible, transfer the brethren from the Epiphany monastery here. After these events, the new monastery in Kolomna is called Novo-Golutvin, which also has another name Kolomensky, and located on the outskirts - Staro-Golutvin.

19th century

In view of the fact that the monastery was built in honor of the Holy Trinity, it began to be called the Holy Trinity New Golutvin monastery, and at the beginning of the 19th century it could contain no more than 17 people, since it was assigned the 2nd class. Two churches - Tikhvin and Assumption, were also attached to the monastery. Archimandrite Varlaam became the abbot.

A few years later, the fears of the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna were confirmed - in a letter from Count A.A. But the metropolitan, albeit with great difficulty, still managed to defend the buildings. The architect who developed a plan for placing cuirassiers on the site of the bishop's house was I.A. Selikhov. This plan has been preserved to this day in the archives of St. Petersburg.

Life in the monastery seethed. Buildings required renovation, a large number of residents needed to be relocated as soon as possible, and unforeseen circumstances, such as bad weather conditions for a long time or a sudden hurricane that instantly ripped off roofs, added to the hassle. Therefore, there was always enough work.

Since 1823, an even larger-scale construction has been unfolding, already under Archimandrite Arseny (Koziorov). The brick church built in the pseudo-Gothic style in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh was one of the newly-made buildings of the monastery.

In addition, almost simultaneously with the construction of the church, a gate was erected on the north side, one of the protective towers in the north-west of the monastery, as well as the second tallest bell tower in Kolomna, which was more than 50 meters high.

Archimandrite Tikhon (Uglensky)

The succession of successive abbots continued until 1846, when this post was taken by Archimandrite Tikhon (Uglensky), who had served here for at least 25 years. Being seriously carried away by the history of the schism of the Russian Orthodox Church, he did not spare money to acquire literature or manuscripts on this issue. Subsequently, part of the rare books he acquired was transferred to the library of the Moscow diocese, and the rest were sold, the money was transferred to the monastery.

In gratitude for the many years of service, the rector Tikhon was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 2nd degree. But with all this, some historians believe that he did not know how to manage the household, and therefore, after the death of the archimandrite, the monastery fell into desolation. As evidence of this point of view, the memoirs of the Ugreshsky abbot Pimen (Myasnikov) are cited.

Novo-Golutvin Monastery becomes a cenobitic

Reform was obvious and inevitable. In addition, an important underlying reason was the opinion that appeared in society that the institution of monasticism should be eliminated altogether. Metropolitan Innokenty (Veniaminov) of Moscow and Kolomna took up the problem in earnest. He believed that the extinction of monasteries was due to a decrease in the level of morality. Therefore, the best way out of this situation would be to transfer all monasteries to a number of communal ones.

Since 1871, the Novo-Golutvin Monastery has become a cenobitic monastery and already has about 50 monks. The patrons of Rotina rendered great assistance in the reorganization of the monastery. They helped not only with finances, they donated a house of several floors with a plot of land in 1876, which brought a considerable annual income to the monastery.

Training of now famous personalities

It should also be noted that the 19th century became a kind of "golden age" for the Novogolutvinsky monastery, because it was then that many well-known personalities studied here and were active in their activities.

Protopresbyter of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin Nikolai Alexandrovich Sergievsky (1827-1892) started his studies here. Later he became a professor of theology at Moscow University and the founder of one of the spiritual journals - "Orthodox Education", writes many works on religious topics.

Future professor of the Theological Academy in Moscow Nikita Petrovich Gilyarov-Platonov (1824-1887) also studied in Kolomna, and then left memories of the life and customs of the Kolomna school. The moments of punishment of students by one of the teachers especially engraved in his memory.

Vasily Grigorievich Tolgsky (1842-1909), a church teacher, after completing his studies at the Kolomna Theological School, he studied at the Moscow Seminary, and later became a priest in 1864. Despite financial difficulties and the inability to properly provide for the family, Father Vasily managed to organize a school at his own expense, organize a choir, which included schoolchildren and peasants.

1894 was marked by the end of the Kolomna Theological School Ivan Nikolaevich Derzhavin, Hieromartyr John (1878-1937); taught at a parish school. In 1930 he was sentenced to exile for three years, he was sent to serve it in the North. Upon his return, he served in one of the rural churches of the Moscow region. In 1937, he was arrested and shot.

Alexander Vasilievich Orlov (1890-1937) he was also a student of the Theological School in Kolomna. After he studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, graduating in 1909. In 1911 he became a priest. In 1937 he was arrested and falsely accused. He served his imprisonment in the Taganskaya prison. In October of the same year, he was shot.

Liquidation of the Novogolutvinsk monastery

As for the life of the monastery, it changed dramatically with the beginning of the 1917 revolution. During the period from 1918 to 1921, 673 monasteries were liquidated on the territory of Russia, as well as the Novogolutvinskaya monastery. All the churches were separated, and all the property of the monasteries henceforth became public. Even the personal belongings and awards of the rector of the temple of Leonidas were selected and handed over to the people. 16 monks and 14 novices were left without a shelter.

It was of great importance for the monastery that in 1919 almost all the premises were given over to the state administration, in particular for the district militia. This is what saved the buildings from complete destruction.

And by May, it was decided to reorganize the monastery into a colony like a contraction camp. And despite the favorable conditions for this - a fairly high fence, small cells that would have been used as chambers, the rapid transformation failed. Soon the premises of the monastery turned into a hospital. And later, after new failed attempts to organize a concentration camp on the territory of the monastery, the cells began to be populated by local residents.

After the closure of the temple, the problem of the preservation of the monastery archives arose, which testified to the history of the monastery almost from the day of its foundation. As it turned out, the monastery documentation was located in the guard tower; two living quarters were specially allocated for it. Subsequently, the cases were sealed, but no one knows what happened to them further, since there were no locks on the door of the building, and they closed it, simply twisting it with wire.

Employees of the "Glavmuseum" made every effort to preserve the monastery and the monastery archive, which were one of the most important historical values. Despite all attempts, by 1922 most of the property had been confiscated into the fund to help the starving in the Volga region. But even this did not stop the services in the Trinity Church. In 1928, Hieromonk John (Bolagurov) managed to begin the restoration of the temple under the guise of a religious community.

But by the end of the 20s. XX century The Kolomna City Council was obliged to lease all buildings and objects of worship and conclude agreements on this with groups of believers. This event was not spared by the Holy Trinity Monastery. After a while, the Novo-Golutvinskaya church was closed, many icons disappeared, and the premises were badly ravaged or nationalized. For example, in 1934 the city finance department sold a bell tower to one of the Kolomna factories. 1940-1950s - the time when the Trinity Church was rented from a sewing and repair factory.

A real chance to preserve the remaining property of the monastery appeared in 1971 after a restoration program was created, which involved the creation of a historical and architectural reserve, where the Novo-Golutvin monastery played an important role. It was planned to create on the site of the former bishop's house hotel rooms for future tourists, administration, restaurants and the like.

But these plans were never implemented, although restoration work at the Holy Trinity Monastery still began. The master-architects V.A. Mozzherov, V.V. Teplyakov, S.P. Orlovsky got down to business. Of course, the craftsmen had to face great difficulties during the restoration. The residents had to be gradually evicted from the buildings in order to cover the largest possible area with the renovation.

Due to the fact that it was unclear how the repaired premises were supposed to be used further, the work dragged on for quite a long time. But with the advent of the restructuring of the political and economic life of the state, preconditions appear for the restoration of spiritual and religious freedoms. Gradually, churches began to pass into the hands of believers, and church life was restored.

Patronage of the Russian Orthodox Church

Only in 1989 the buildings, which were in a very neglected state, were returned to the monastery. The main purpose of the return of the premises was the creation of a female communal cloister. Subsequently, there was an active organization of restoration work in the monastery.

The Holy Synod decided that Abbess Xenia would become the abbess of the monastery.

Since 1989, a new life of the monastery begins - the monastery passes under the patronage of the Russian Orthodox Church. From that moment on, the idea of ​​creating the first Orthodox women's monastery arises, which did not exist until that moment. The restoration of the Bishops' Corps begins. The restoration of the monastery and the establishment of monastic life was still difficult, because both building skills and housekeeping skills were practically absent. But nevertheless, the sisters did everything possible in their power - they raked the rubble, helped the new residents to settle in the now rebuilt places. The beginning of a new monastic life was the first service at the Trinity Monastery.

Along with the improvement of the monastery, the administration of the city of Kolomna adds new troubles. Political personalities, cultural figures are beginning to take an interest in the temple, every year the number of guests and pilgrims of the monastery is inexorably growing. Such changes meant that the Holy Trinity Monastery became a landmark of the city.

The monastery today

Today, the Novogolutvinsky monastery includes several temples:

  • At first, Church of the Holy Trinity... The first service in the newly reviving monastery took place here during the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord on February 15, 1989. From that moment on, the Trinity Church began to symbolize the revival of spiritual life in Kolomna.
  • Secondly, Temple in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God... For quite a long time, the Intercession Church was in a state of desolation and devastation. To consecrate it, the need arose for repair work, namely, dismantling the internal partitions that appeared here in the Soviet period, as well as cleaning the walls and arches from layers of paint and whitewash, under which there were picturesque paintings of the 19th century for a long time.
  • Thirdly, Temple in the name of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg... In 1990, Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna Yuvenaly blessed and consecrated the church in honor of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. The painting of the vaults of the temple cost the nuns a great deal of work. In 1999, a ceramic iconostasis was installed in the church.
  • Fourth, Temple in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God (Compound)... In 1990, a church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God on the territory intended for the management of an economic courtyard. Monastic life begins to boil now here too.
  • And finally, fifthly, Church of the Holy Trinity (Compound) On the territory of the monastery compound of the Holy Trinity Novogolutvinskaya monastery, a church with a bell tower was erected, consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. On Sundays and holidays, the Liturgy is celebrated in the church, and Sunday school classes are held.

And also some chapels:

  • Chapel in the name of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir;
  • Chapel in the name of Saints Blessed Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow.

The monastery is managed by Metropolitan Yuvenaly. More than 80 nuns and nuns live in the monastery, not only from Russia, but also from the Near Abroad. In addition, nuns from countries such as Finland, Holland, Hungary, Poland lived and worked on the territory of the monastery.

At the monastery, the Orthodox Medical Center was opened back in 1997, dedicated to Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, where you can turn to nuns - professional doctors for an appointment. More than three thousand people apply to the medical center during the year.

The monastery also opened its own museum, which operates on a permanent basis. There are icons, mosaics, as well as a photo exhibition telling visitors the history of the monastery from the moment of its foundation to the present day, with all the periods of its ups and downs, destruction and restoration.

The Novo-Golutvin Monastery conducts an active excursion activity - the nuns themselves organize excursions around the monastery. At the same time, there is a refectory here, as well as a small hotel for pilgrims and tourists.

There is a club for animal lovers at the monastery. The main attraction of the monastery is the Sinai camel donated by Valentina Tereshkova, a Russian cosmonaut. In the kennel "Konvent", which was created by the nuns themselves, they breed a rare breed of dogs - Mongolian-Buryat dogs, as well as Central Asian shepherd dogs.

A few kilometers from Kolomna there is a monastery courtyard, where the sisters are engaged in breeding the most ancient and long ago included in the Red Book of purebred Vyatka horse breeds, brought from the Udmurt Republic. Every year during the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, children have the opportunity to ride a horse or a camel.

At the monastery courtyard, the sisters are also engaged in farming: they grow natural food in the garden and vegetable garden. In addition, the courtyard has its own cheese dairy and dairy shop, which makes it possible to produce sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, and the like.

Among other things, various workshops work at the monastery - for embroidery, icon painting, ceramics and carpentry. The nuns mastered publishing and also opened their own radio station, Blago.

The choir, in which the sisters sing, repeatedly goes to concerts and services in many churches in Moscow and other large cities of Russia. In addition, in 2000 the choir took part in the Saxon-Bohemian Festival held in Germany.

Nuns have the opportunity to study at the Pedagogical Institute and other educational institutions. This allows them to run an orphanage for orphan boys (Maloye Karasevo village). Now more than 50 children study here. There is also a Sunday School, where children are taught the basics of piety, church singing, and Church history.

Of great importance for the monastery is the fact that Patriarch Alexy II visited here more than once. In 2003, being the President of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin visited the monastery, and in 2011 - D.A. Medvedev.


At the moment, revered shrines are located in the Intercession Church of the Novogolutvinsky Holy Trinity Convent. Here are parts of the relics of many saints:

  • Apostle and Evangelist Luke;
  • Saint Panteleimon;
  • the first martyr Stephen;
  • great martyr George the Victorious;
  • the Monk Abraham;
  • the faithful prince Alexander Nevsky;
  • martyr John the Warrior;
  • noble princes Peter and Fevronia;
  • martyr John the New;
  • great martyrs Irina and Varvara;
  • Martyr Tatiana;
  • the Monk Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna;
  • Saints Cyril and Maria of Radonezh;
  • holy blessed Matrona of Moscow.

I would like to summarize with the statement of the abbess Xenia. Here are her words:

Most people talk about temples and monasteries without really knowing either Christianity or the problems of monastic life. But they say so not out of ignorance, but because they were taught this way from early childhood. Therefore, it is very easy, as a result of wrong judgments, to sink to the very real "prison of false views", which in its essence does not cause any discomfort in a person, and therefore no one even tries to get rid of it.

The moral degradation now taking place in the most tolerant and democratic countries of the world cannot go unnoticed. Detention factors can serve as a solution to these kinds of problems. Monasticism is a special arrangement of the soul, the acquisition of such knowledge that will become the key to understanding the real meaning of life, to find a path to compassion and inspiration.

On the map

How to get to Novo-Golutvin of the Holy Trinity nunnery

  • How to get to the Novogolutvinsky monastery by public transport: we go from the Vykhino metro station by bus number 460 to the city of Kolomna. We get off at the bus stop "Square of Two Revolutions". Approximate travel time is 1.5 - 2 hours. We enter the Kolomna Kremlin from the side of Lazhechnikova street.
  • By rail: we go from Kazansky railway station by electric train "Moscow-Golutvin" or "Moscow-Ryazan" to the station "Golutvin" (approximate time of stay on the way - 2-2.5 hours).
    Then we take tram number 3, or minibus taxi number 10U, or 18 to the stop "Ploshchad dvuy revolyutsii" (Square of Two Revolutions). We enter the Kremlin from the side of the Yamskaya Tower.
  • To get to the Novo-Golutvin Monastery by car, you need to move along the Novoryazanskoe highway. After entering (from Moscow) into Kolomna, you need to adhere to the long central street of the city - October Revolution Street. After the railway crossing after 500 m, turn left (where the road sign "The Epiphany Staro-Golutvin Monastery and the Kolomna Theological Seminary"). After 100 m - the final stop.


  • Novo-Golutvina monastery: Moscow region, the city of Kolomna, Lazareva street, 9-11A

Opening hours

  • Daily from 07:00 to 20:00

Phones, e-mail

  • Calls from Moscow and the Moscow region, Kolomna city code - 261, calls from other regions - 09661.
  • Chancellery tel.fax: (nun Anastasia) 2-07-07
  • Medical Center - Chief Physician Nun Ekaterina: 4-27-44
  • Pilgrimage Center: (Irina Anatolyevna) 8-910-4678767
  • You can order excursions by contacting nun Matrona: 4-75-07
  • Email: [email protected]

Despite its name, the Novogolutvinsky Convent is located in the historic center of Kolomna, called Old Kolomna, and not in a remote area of ​​the city of Golutvin. The abode is located on the territory of the Kolomna Kremlin - the most famous sight of the city near Moscow.

Also near the monastery is the confluence of the Kolomenka and Moscow rivers. Another landmark is the newly built Speed ​​Skating Center located on the Kolomenka Embankment.

History of the convent

The monastery was founded at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, but some of its buildings are much older. The fact is that the monastery was organized on the site of the bishop's house of the Kolomna diocese, abolished by the decree of Emperor Paul I. The monastery inherited the chambers of the Bishops' Corps (17th century) and the Trinity Cathedral (early 18th century) from the bishop's house. It is curious that according to the plans of Count A. Arakcheev, a stable of a cuirassier regiment could well have been located on the site of the monastery. However, Metropolitan Platon managed to get ahead of Arakcheev and transport part of the brethren from the Starogolutvinsky Epiphany Monastery to the territory of the bishop's courtyard.

Like other monasteries, the Novogolutvin monastery suffered immediately after the revolution. The monastery was closed, all church property was nationalized, and the monks and novices were left homeless. However, the Trinity Cathedral continued its work and received believers until 1928.

During the Civil War, a hospital for the wounded and a concentration camp for the enemies of the regime replaced each other on the territory of the former monastery.

Subsequently, the buildings of the former monastery were inhabited by residents or were occupied by various organizations: from the Glavmuseum to a sewing and repair factory. Real work on the preservation of the heritage began in the 70s, when the restoration of most of the buildings of the former monastery was carried out. For this, the people living there were gradually evicted from the territory of the monastery.

In 1989, the territory was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and it was decided to revive the monastery, but already as a women's monastery. Abbess Xenia (Zaitseva) was appointed abbess of the monastery.

The monastery in our time

Now the monastery buildings include 3 churches:

  • the historical Trinity Cathedral and the Intercession Church;
  • the newly built church of Xenia of Petersburg.

Also on the territory of the monastery was built a chapel named after Prince Vladimir. In total, about 80 nuns and novices from Russia and the countries of the former USSR live on the territory of the monastery.

As early as 1997, a medical center began operating in the monastery, where nuns - professional doctors in their worldly life - receive the suffering. Every year, about 3 thousand guests of the monastery use the services of the medical center.

The Novogolutvinsky monastery is a modern type of monastery, where nuns and novices do not shield themselves from the world. The sisters themselves organize excursions for those who wish, while they are tour guides. A dog kennel "Convent" was opened at the monastery, where nuns breed the rarest shepherd dogs. Another remarkable feature of the monastery is the Sinai camel, presented as a gift to the sisters by cosmonaut V. Tereshkova.

How to get to the Novo-Golutvino monastery

The proximity of Kolomna to Moscow makes it easy for a tourist to visit the monastery.

By personal transport: you need to leave the capital and move along the Novoryazanskoe highway to the village of Nikulskoe, where at the junction turn right towards Kolomna. After entering the city, you should move along Moskovskaya Street, which turns into October Revolution Street. Having passed the bridge over the Kolomenka river, you need to enter the city center and in the area of ​​the Kolomna Kremlin turn left onto Lazareva Street. After driving 100 m past the walls of the Kremlin, you can get to the entrance to the monastery.

From Moscow by bus: the capital and Kolomna are connected by route No. 460. The place of departure is the Kotelniki bus station, the travel time is about one and a half hours. Upon arrival in Kolomna, you should get off at the stop "Square of two revolutions" and walk along Lazhechnikova street through the Kolomna Kremlin to reach the monastery.

Second option by public transport: this is a train ride to the Golutvin railway station. Electric trains in the direction of Kolomna depart from the Kazansky railway station on the routes Moscow - Kolomna and Moscow - Ryazan. Travel time is about 2 hours. Upon arrival at the railway station, you should walk to the Golutvin stop located on the side of Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii Street, closest to the station. Then you need to take any of the passing buses or a minibus and get to the stops "Ploshchad dvuy revolyutsii" or "Bus station Staraya Kolomna". Leaving the bus, you should move towards the Kolomna Kremlin, where the Novogolutvinsky monastery is located.

Address and contact information

The exact address of the Novogolutvinsky monastery: Kolomna, Staraya Kolomna district, st. Lazareva, 11A. The monastery receives pilgrims and guests every day from 07:00 to 20:00.

Contact Information:

  • E-mail address - [email protected];
  • Kolomna telephone code - 261 (for the Moscow region), 09661 (for other subjects of the Russian Federation);
  • excursions ordering - 4-75-07 (nun Matrona);
  • office - 2-07-07 (tel / fax);
  • + 7-916-816-72-25 (nun Maria), + 7-916-506-49-39 (nun Athanasia).

Now the Novogolutvinsky monastery in Kolomna is not just one of the many monasteries in the Moscow region, but also the most important cultural and religious center. Largely due to this, the monastery was repeatedly visited by the highest dignitaries of the Russian Federation: from the current and former president to members of the government and deputies of the State Duma.

Temple in honor of the Holy Trinity

Temple in honor of the Protection of the Mother of God

At all times Kolomna was the religious center of the Moscow principality and was always proud of its holy places and monasteries. The oldest Kolomna Monastery - the Mother of God-Rozhdestvensky Bobrenev Monastery, it is an architectural monument of the bravery and valor of the Russian soldiers who defeated the army of Khan Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo. The monastery was built with the money of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, and Prince Bobrok-Volynsky, who was Dmitry Ivanovich's right hand, supervised the construction. The monastery received the second name, because it was erected on the lands of the boyar Bobren. There is also a legend, according to which the monastery was built in the forests where the robber Bobrenya was doing business.

There are two churches on the territory of the monastery: the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, which was erected in 1790 and the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Fyodor, built at the expense of the benefactor Khludov in 1861. The buildings with cells date back to the 18th-19th centuries. In 1778, a fence with gates and towers was built, which has no analogues in the whole Moscow region. In 1930, the service in the temples was stopped, but today the monastery is active.

Staro-Golutvin monastery in Kolomna the second oldest. It was founded near the confluence of the Oka and the Moskva River in 1385 by Sergius of Radonezh. All buildings were originally wooden; the first stone Epiphany Cathedral was erected in the early 1700s. Sergievskaya church was built in 1833. In the complete complex of buildings of the monastery, a special place can be given to the fence, which was erected by the architect M.F. Kazakov. During the war, the monastery was the base of the artillery units of the Red Army and suffered greatly from the soldiers, who, practicing accurate shooting, used the faces and clothes of the saints as targets. In the early 90s, the most difficult work was carried out by the inhabitants of the monastery to restore the monastery.

In the southwestern part of the Kolomna Kremlin is located Assumption Brusensky Monastery, which was founded in the second half of the 16th century. Before the Kazan campaign, Ivan the Terrible made a vow that in case of victory he would build a monastery in Kolomna. According to legend, the monastery was for men and the first to be inhabited by the participants of the Kazan campaign. On the territory of the monastery there is the Assumption Church, which is the first building in the tent construction. The monastery fence with towers and two gates was erected in 1778. This building is also referred to the development of M.F. Kazakov, who at one time was the author of the town planning plan of Kolomna. The flourishing of the monastery is associated with the appearance of the abbess Olympias, who was sent to Kolomna by Metropolitan Filaret. The construction of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross, consecrated in 1856, is associated with its appearance; a cell building, a refectory and the abbess's house were also created here.

The series of operating Kolomna monasteries ends Holy Trinity New Golutvin Monastery... On the territory of this monastery in the XIV - XVIII centuries. the residence of the Kolomna bishops was located. In 1783, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin was built. Also on the territory of the monastery are the Trinity Church, the Refectory and the Seminar buildings. Under the leadership of the architect M.F. Kazakov, the courtyard was rebuilt, and a fence with corner towers and three gates was erected. In 1825, the monastery was decorated with an Empire bell tower depicting the Holy Trinity. At the beginning, the monastery was for men, and after it was closed in 1918, its premises were used as residential buildings. After the return of the monastery to the Orthodox Church in 1989, the Trinity Cathedral and the Intercession Church were restored. Today it is an active female monastery, however, it has retained its former name.

The Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent was founded on the territory of the Kolomna Kremlin during the reign of Emperor Paul I in 1799. Then, by decree of the Holy Synod, Bishop Methodius of Kolomna was transferred to Tula, and the episcopal residence remained empty.

To preserve the bishop's courtyard in Kolomna (where the authorities were going to set up military barracks), Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) of Moscow ordered that the brethren of the Golutvin Monastery be resettled there. The New Golutvin Holy Trinity Monastery was formed, into the subordination of which the deserted Staro Golutvin and Bobrenev Monasteries entered.

From 1819 to 1829, the monastery was ruled by Archimandrite Arseny (Koziorov). During his management of the monastery, the present bell tower was built in 1825. It had 8 bells.

The monastery bell tower is one of the best works of the Empire style in Kolomna. Despite the difference in appearance, the belfry of the Novo-Golutvin Monastery is surprisingly well combined with the cathedral bell tower, together with the Assumption Cathedral, creating an ensemble of fantastic beauty.

The main temple of the Novo-Golutvin Monastery is the Trinity Cathedral, built in 1705. On the north side of the church there was a porch with a platform and 14 steps.

In its basement, where there was a storeroom with three mica windows, there is a church dedicated to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.

In the 1680s, simultaneously with the Bishops' Palace, the house of the Intercession Church was erected. In the 1770s-1780s, the architect M.F. Kazakov is creating a project for the restructuring of the entire courtyard, the main place in which was assigned to the Intercession Church. The temple is dressed in "Gothic" decor, trying to transfer to Russia the style of the European Middle Ages.

The monastery was closed by 1920. In its buildings, the hospital was sequentially located, then the hostel, communal apartments. In churches - sewing workshops, later - workshops of the Union of Cinematographers. The plundered temples and buildings fell into disrepair, the monastery cemetery was desecrated.

Now the monastery is home to 90 novices and nuns who, under the leadership of Abbess Ksenia (graduate of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University Ksenia Zaitseva), perform various obediences. They sew, and knit, and glue, and plan, and draw, and sing, and bake, and milk the cows, and meet the president and the patriarch. They are engaged in photography, and ceramics are fired, and their website has been designed in such a way that another programmer would envy.

The Orthodox Medical Center named after Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg was opened in the monastery. Reception is conducted by nuns - professional doctors. The actress Margarita Terekhova was treated here.

On the territory of the monastery in the kennel "Convent" created by the nuns, the rarest breed of Mongolian-Buryat dogs, as well as Central Asian shepherd dogs, is kept and bred.

The attraction of the monastery is the Sinai camel, donated by the woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. On the territory of the monastery courtyard, located 17 km from Kolomna, the sisters breed purebred Vyatka horses brought from Udmurtia. There is a club of animal lovers at the monastery. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the sisters harness horses and a camel for the children to ride.

In 1993, the female choir of the Holy Trinity New Golutvinsky Monastery took part in a concert by Boris Grebenshchikov in Kolomna.

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