Home Trees and shrubs The new composition of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Central Committee of the Communist Party. Zyuganov forced to go to the polls

The new composition of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Central Committee of the Communist Party. Zyuganov forced to go to the polls

Vladimir Putin sent a telegram wishing successful work to the delegates of the Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one of the parties represented in the Duma.

The 17th Congress in the year of the centenary of the revolution - the party considers this symbolic. The forum is reporting and elective, but the personnel issue is not the only one. The Communists consider themselves the main opposition force in the country. But in last year's parliamentary elections, the Communist Party almost lost second place to the Liberal Democratic Party. So there is work to be done on the bugs.

A communist from the Urals arrived in an SUV, decorated with party symbols, with loudspeakers on the roof. Nearby are more modest cars of the ambassadors of China, Vietnam and North Korea.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation in its entirety gathers every few years. Emotions were running high. Posters with Lenin and other souvenirs were in demand. T-shirts with leaders for 250 rubles, a bust of Stalin for two and a half thousand.

“The youth began to wake up and go to the party. They no longer want to sit in their tablets and do something incomprehensible. They are interested in the ideas of socialism,” says Congress delegate Valery Smolyakov.

Gennady Zyuganov consolidated what he had read in the party press with his lengthy report.

“The Communist Party of the Russian Federation must sharply intensify work among the masses. The topics of our slogans should be relevant and specific. It is necessary to hit the nerve of the public atmosphere! This is the only way we can rally steadfast fighters around us,” said Gennady Zyuganov.

The Communists have not yet decided on their candidate for the presidential elections. However, Gennady Zyuganov is always ready to fight for the highest post: “I am the leader of the largest party, if I am not ready, then there is nothing to do here. We must be able to solve problems. At the big council of people's patriotic forces, we will determine this later."

The party television company "Red Line" broadcast the congress on the Internet. And the delegates promptly posted photos on social networks.

“This is VKontakte, this is Odnoklassniki, this is Facebook, Twitter. As they say, the Communist Party keeps pace with the times, and modern Russian youth can receive up-to-date party news,” said Congress delegate Andrei Shcheglov.

But in the Central Committee, the presence of communists on the Internet is considered insufficient. Zyuganov admitted today that the party is losing in terms of the volume and form of presentation of the material. Foreign guests listened attentively.

"Great success and good health to all members of the party," Lai Ngoc Doan, Plenipotentiary Minister of the Embassy of Vietnam, wished.

The list of candidates for the post of leader of the Russian Communists included one name - Gennady Zyuganov. He has been at the helm since 1993, that is, 24 years. But there are big changes in the composition of the Central Committee: the main organ of the Communist Party has been updated by more than a third.

№ 2018 / 7, 23.02.2018

We peer into the new board of the Writers' Union. And in it again, a prominent place is occupied by the cultural adviser to the permanent chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Larisa Baranova-Gonchenko. No, there are no hints of the "party spirit" of art - today many writers and critics go to someone's advisers, official or unofficial: power and capital also need cultural "socialization", in public relations, as the British say ... However, Baranova's permanence - Gonchenko in the joint venture is already beginning to resemble a monarchy in the Central Committee of the Communist Party, where the principle of nepotism (at least) has sprouted as a noticeable weed throughout the party, disgracing not only the party, but also communism.

It is difficult to judge how much good the secretariat of the joint venture receives in the face of Baranova-Gonchenko. But judging by her "historical research" in a field that has long been familiar to me - party, communist, then you wonder how this can be an adviser to the leader. Here is just a small quote so that you understand the level of “discourse” (From the speeches at the XIII (March) joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. L.G. Baranova-Gonchenko: Russian means Soviet!):

“Larisa Georgievna began her speech by admitting that after the report G.A. Zyuganov it is very difficult to speak, because this report reveals the deep theme of the Russian Soviet project and the forces opposing it. These forces worked even in Tsarist Russia, an example of which is the Russophobic book “Nikolaev Russia” actively distributed during the “perestroika” De Custina. “Everything needs to be destroyed here and the people re-created” - this is the old slogan of the Russophobes, whom he opposed even Pushkin, who was killed for this, Larisa Georgievna emphasized. Against Russophobia also opposed Zhukovsky, Tyutchev, Dostoevsky. Then the speaker emphasized that today the main marker of Russianness is commitment to the Soviet. Such "Russian patriots" who erect monuments Wrangel and Krasnov, - these are people alien to the Russian world, - noted L.G. Baranova-Gonchenko. Modern Russophobes and anti-Soviet people want to recognize as criminal the people who established the power of the working people, and divide the country into elites and "plebs", - said Larisa Georgievna. But both Crimea and Donbass are drawn to the Russian world, because they are Soviet in their mentality. L.G. Baranova-Gonchenko recalled that even Stalin thanked the Russian people for their ability to sacrificially accept socialism.

Sacrificially, Carl, sacrificially! Where and when Stalin carried such nonsense? Larisa Georgievna, you are so agitating me to go to the de-Stalinizers! Maybe you meant a toast to the Russian people - but where is this shameful for the Bolshevik priestly word "sacrifice" ?! Yes, and what do you mean? What kind of sacrifices did the Russian people make? Maybe you are just talking about the former self-denying tsar - all the white-red mash wanders in the minds of the intelligentsia, trying to reconcile the irreconcilable in hindsight?

The category "Russian people" in some kind of inverse interpretation - kills the whole communist theme. Maybe there is no need to adapt the reactionary trend of the current neo-monarchism to agitation for socialism, maybe it’s better expressed in Bolshevik: “Soviet means Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Uzbek” and so on according to the formula USSR = 15? Or do you now only the Russian people built socialism? After all, every phrase is a diagnosis.

“Destroy everything and recreate the people” - yes, yes, this is how the proletarian revolution acted. What exactly was destroyed: all national and estate privileges in access to education, the Pale of Settlement, a lot of bad and rotten things were broken, more precisely, they were broken in October (something was already affected by February). And there is no need to intercede for the Revolution from reactionary positions! This is a disgrace to the Great October. “Before 1917, the proletariat had no homeland"- words from the" Spanish Diary " Mikhail Koltsov. And in 1936, the proletariat - the world one, which Koltsov emphasized - received the Soviet, Stalinist constitution, this was the next step. All this is not “sacrificially accepted”, sorry! All this is a new, Soviet people, a fundamentally new community, open, all this he himself did not “accept”, but created, “moreover, in large numbers”, as prompted by Lenin. As councils, collective farms and industry, I understand that for the current stunted stump of the Soviet people on the territory of the Russian Federation, the issue of attitude to the Great October Revolution is precisely the problem of “accept - not accept”, but historically the issue of acceptance was not, it was decided by battle, in Civil. Who did not accept (as part of my noble and merchant relatives, by the way) - he fled to France and Poland. The rest (siblings of my grandmother, who from the Institute for Noble Maidens went to work with homeless children) - all went to the Red Army straight from the cadet corps. Serafim Byleev(after the Great Patriotic War, Plesetsk was built), Vasily Byleev(commissar of Krasnaya Presnya, was wounded near Tsaritsyn, became disabled), Vladimir Byleev(was a bodyguard Blucher long before the conspiracy, he even took "his" bullet during the assassination attempt - when Blucher was still quite red). Yes, the history of this "acceptance" of socialism was not outlined with white threads - but all these destinies formed the foundation of a superpower, a socialist infrastructure that raises more and more new generations ...

Monuments to Wrangel, Kolchak, Krasnov - it is useless to criticize from the standpoint of the "Russian world" precisely because they are the same, predicted by Trotsky, the return of the monarchy, only in the comprador belyak edition, with a "ligature" of ostentatious Slavism outside for the "receiving", and with a shameless the sale of Russia's wealth inside, or rather outside, abroad ...

However, I forgot who I'm arguing with. If it is the reactionaries Tyutchev and Dostoevsky who stand out among the “correct Russians” ideologically involved in the future revolution, and not Chernyshevsky, Ogaryov and Herzen... Pushkin, it turns out, was also killed by the enemies of “Russian socialism” (which is in the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - not for all the peoples that make up the Soviet one, already) - this is what nonsense the post-Soviet intelligentsia agreed to, trying at least in a narrowing crack, even in the reactionary “Sanskrit ”, but to drag in a residual understanding of socialism - flawed, wrong, miserable. Socialism is the expansion of national borders, both in culture and in foreign policy, and it was this factor that became decisive in the construction of the USSR, and not the “Russian world”. And not to the Russian world, which puts up Wrangel's chapel in the Crimea, and he, in the same place in Kerch, hangs on a monument to a comrade who died on the foreign policy front Voikov the sign "regicide" - and Crimea stretches to the Soviet Whole, which had to choose between two islands of the USSR, and he chose, of course, the larger one.

But if Zyuganov has such cultural advisers - this is the problem of one party, this is not a problem yet. However, why such "bright minds" for the Writers' Union, which will have to solve the problems of unification, integration - if it wants to be just the Union, and not a circle of writers, where to join for cash, like in a gang? When she was still an employee of the Sovremennik publishing house, the then supporter of Russian Socialism (well, if De Custine, the exposer of tsarism, was already his enemy) took poets and writers into the plan for publishing poets and writers - and then there were a lot of young talents, they went cant, - only according to the principle “Is he ours?”. If a person came from "Youth" - had publications there, then he was given a turn from the gate. Such politicians of literature already then created the prerequisites for circle and islandism, and what are they doing now, how do they think? Apparently, the squalor to which the ideology of the Communist Party has come is just the envy of the Union of Writers, and he also needs a little “socialist Dostoevsky” (the worst enemy of Marxism and any revolution, by the way, in his declining years) ...


21:30 - REGNUM The editors of the news agency REGNUM received an open appeal from the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Boyko V.A., Koryakina O.I., Kostina G.V., Oleinik L.V., Tyukov B.I., Shabanova A.A. to the communists and supporters of the Communist Party, which is published below.

An open appeal to the communists and supporters of the Communist Party

As a result of the federal elections, the Communist Party has lost almost half of its supporters. Today, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation cannot effectively resist the actions of the authorities.

The main reason for the plight of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the mistakes and miscalculations, as well as the purposeful destructive activities of G. Zyuganov and a number of persons in the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: a systematic disruption of the implementation of the provisions of the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, gross and systematic violations of the requirements of the Charter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, disruption of the implementation of decisions of the Party Congresses and Plenums of the Central Committee.

In relations with the allies and left-wing patriotic organizations, the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation made a number of gross mistakes. As a result, many patriotic leaders found themselves outside the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the vast majority of whom under no circumstances will agree to an alliance with G. Zyuganov, openly declaring their refusal to cooperate with him.

The leadership of the Communist Party was not able to raise the people to fight against the government. At the same time, G. Zyuganov regularly holds meetings in the Kremlin at the highest level, and the authorities are interested in his policy, as well as in retaining his post as chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

There is a tendency to lose the political influence of the Communist Party at the regional level. Many communist governors were not re-elected, a number of heads of administrations left the party largely because of the cool attitude of the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to the problems of the territories they headed and their voters.

The beginning of the active collapse of party work should be attributed to 2002. The minority in the Communist Party represented by G. Zyuganov, almost the entire composition of the Presidium of the Central Committee and part of the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, on the contrary, insisted that the Communist Party should go to the elections on its own, because it does not need allies to win. Despite all the efforts of G. Zyuganov and his entourage, this point of view did not find wide support in the party. Realizing this, a group of people in the leadership of the Communist Party headed by G. Zyuganov made an attempt to privatize the party.

During the years of the formation and development of the party, all the communists of the country honestly and openly fought against the authorities, giving all the merit to the leader. However, over time, G. Zyuganov began to take this for granted, trying to concentrate in his hands as many leadership positions in the party and the patriotic movement as possible. At present, he is simultaneously the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the head of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma, the chairman of the Coordinating Council of the NPSR, and also the chairman of the Central Council of the UPC-CPSU. Thus, G. Zyuganov has been demonstrating a desire to subjugate the party for quite a long time, and many communists were seriously mistaken, expecting him to admit and correct his mistakes.

G. Zyuganov's group began to slow down the development of the party in every possible way, blocking any initiatives that did not come from it. The entourage of the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was increasingly noticed in contacts that discredited the Communist Party with B. Berezovsky, representatives of Yukos (two of whom: A. Kondaurov and S. Muravlenko became State Duma deputies on the lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), TNK, Neftyanoy Bank and other oligarchic structures.

The main motives for the activities of G. Zyuganov's group are personal well-being and enrichment, the desire to permanently lead the party, and the fear of being held accountable for what they have done.

Since then, G. Zyuganov's group has taken a number of purposeful actions that have caused irreparable damage to the party.

First. Opposing the creation of an electoral bloc with patriotic forces, G. Zyuganov purposefully led the party to defeat, which was beneficial exclusively to the Kremlin. Now it is clear that the creation of the bloc gave the Communist Party a chance to win, its absence led to a severe failure.

Second. The inclusion of the oligarchs in the electoral lists of the Communist Party alienated many voters from it, who refused to vote for proteges of oligarchic capital. Thus, Zyuganov showed that the opinion and interests of the people are in last place for him.

Third. The question remains open: where did the huge sums received by the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation from the oligarchs go, while the party was sorely lacking funds for the campaign?

Fourth. Individual closed meetings between G. Zyuganov and part of the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the Kremlin administration in 2003, during which agreements were reached on the independent participation of the Communist Party in the elections, on disengagement from S. Glazyev, and also on the inclusion of oligarchs in party lists.

During the presidential campaign, G. Zyuganov repeatedly announced the possible removal of Kharitonov from the elections. However, after a meeting with the deputy head of the presidential administration, V. Surkov, he abandoned this idea. What did G. Zyuganov and V. Surkov agree on, if further events developed in a direction exceptionally beneficial for the Kremlin?

The party itself has already given a negative assessment of the activities of G. Zyuganov and his entourage. Their work in the federal elections was officially recognized as unsatisfactory at the XIV Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This assessment was supported by the IX Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the approval of the decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the party. All regional branches of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the majority of members of the Central Committee of the party opposed the nomination of G. Zyuganov as a candidate for the presidential elections, thus recognizing his futility as a leader.

Such an assessment finds full support in the governing bodies of the NPRS, regional branches of the union, among organizations - collective participants in the NPRS.

As a result, the following can be proved:

1. G. Zyuganov has completely exhausted himself as a leader and is not able to lead the Communist Party to victory. His personal rating in society fell to a minimum level, amounting in April 2004 from 1 to 3% of support.

2. The initiator of the split and its conductor was none other than G. Zyuganov and his entourage, seeking to impose the opinion of the minority on the majority of the party.

We officially bring proven charges against G. Zyuganov and his entourage.

First. In the disruption of the implementation of the Communist Party Program, gross and systematic violations of the Charter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as well as in the failure to comply with the decisions of the Congresses of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Second. In the failure of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in two major federal elections: the 2003 parliamentary and 2004 presidential elections. In organizing the split of the party, in the departure from the Communist Party of a significant part of the supporters and voters. And also - in opposition to the unification of all the patriotic forces of the country.

Third. In the collapse of party work in all areas, because of which the party was thrown back 11 years back to the level of influence, authority and rating of 1993. In carrying out dirty campaigns to combat dissent in the Communist Party, violating all norms of party ethics and the principles of party partnership. And also - in discrediting the party ties with the oligarchs.

We responsibly declare that what is happening in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation cannot be assessed differently. This is the truth, which is already known to the whole Party and the whole country.

The only way to preserve the unity of the Communist Party is to change its current leadership, whose actions have caused and continue to cause irreparable damage to the party. Positively evaluating certain merits of Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov in the formation and development of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, we appeal to him - for the sake of the future of the party, to voluntarily resign from the post of chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

    Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU Central Committee) ... Wikipedia

    RSDLP RSDLP (b) RCP (b) VKP (b) CPSU Party history October Revolution War communism New economic policy Stalinism Khrushchev thaw Era of stagnation Perestroika Party organization Politburo Secretariat Orgburo Central Committee ... ... Wikipedia

    RSDLP RSDLP (b) RCP (b) VKP (b) CPSU Party history October Revolution War communism New economic policy Stalinism Khrushchev thaw Era of stagnation Perestroika Party organization Politburo Secretariat Orgburo Central Committee ... ... Wikipedia

    - (MGK KPRF) governing elective body of the Moscow city branch of the KPRF. The current work of the committee is led by a bureau elected at the plenums of the Moscow City Committee and the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party. Observing the succession of the collection of the governing body from ... ... Wikipedia

    Political party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation" Leader: Gennady Zyuganov Date of foundation: February 14, 1993 Headquarters: 103051 Moscow ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Cycle. Central Executive Committee 1) the highest body of state power of the USSR (in 1922 1936), as well as the union and autonomous republics within the USSR (1917 1938) between congresses of Soviets ... Wikipedia

    CPRF- The Communist Party of the Russian Federation. As of June 2006, the CIPFH had 184,000 members united in 14,700 primary and 2,400 local branches. The supreme body of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the Party Congress, which elects the Central Committee and its chairman. ... ... Great current political encyclopedia

    The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, until 1995 the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) is the governing body of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, acting on a permanent basis. The members of the central committee are elected secretly ... ... Wikipedia

The era of Zyuganov is coming to an end. The upcoming congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation promises to be rich in significant events concerning the future of the party. But the most important, of course, takes place on the sidelines. There are two fundamental issues on the agenda: the nomination of a presidential candidate and the election of a new chairman of the Central Committee. Sources of "FederalPress" say that the congress can bring a lot of surprises, and intra-party conflicts - to a split in the Communist Party. What awaits the second most popular party in the country - in the material "FederalPress".

Change is coming. It is no longer possible to postpone the solution of pressing issues. The change of generations, about which the leaders of the Communist Party spoke so often, did not happen. The Communist Party approaches the presidential elections as a fragmented structure, which is torn apart by internal squabbles and conflicts. The decisions of the Congress of the Central Committee should at least somehow relieve tension and ease the pressure on the part of ordinary party members who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and the lack of turnover of persons in the leadership.

Three teams

At the moment, the three most influential groups have developed within the party. According to FederalPress sources in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one of the key decisions of the congress should be the appointment of a young but experienced deputy, secretary of the Central Committee for organizational work. Yuri Afonin vice chairman. Now his position is gaining momentum. It is through him that all party appointments pass today. Afonin headed the youth wing of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (LKSM RF) for almost ten years, and was the first secretary of the Tula Regional Committee from 2008 to 2014. He managed to surround himself with a young team, mostly from his region. The current leader of the Komsomol Vladimir Isakov also comes from Tula and is Afonin's protégé, according to a FederalPress source. According to the interlocutor, Yuri Afonin moved his assistants to the capital, who are paid for living in Moscow. It is Afonin's candidacy that is considered one of the two main candidates as Zyuganov's successor.

“The appointment of a young Tula communist as deputy head of the Central Committee will be the beginning of the last stage of the race for the chairmanship,” a FederalPress source explains.

The second participant in this race - Dmitry Novikov, one of Zyuganov's current deputies. His position in the party is relatively stable. He also got a young team. The main direction of its activity is informational and ideological work. Novikov heads the party media and acts as Zyuganov's main speechwriter. It is he who is the author of policy statements of the ideological nature of the head of the Communist Party. The key difference between Novikov and Afonin is that he is more geared towards inner-party work, but little recognizable to outsiders. The figure of Afonin has become media in recent times.

Another potential successor to Zyuganov Valery Rashkin in fact dropped out of the race for the chair. According to a FederalPress source close to the leadership of the Communist Party, Rashkin may be deprived of the post of Zyuganov's deputy at the next congress.

“Rashkin is regularly subjected to harsh criticism from Zyuganov and other deputies. The actions of Rashkin and the Moscow City Committee, which he heads, very often do not agree with the position of the leadership of the Central Committee, ”explained the interlocutor of FederalPress.

Rashkin's desire to cooperate with Navalny against Prime Minister Medvedev did not find support from Zyuganov. Recall that Rashkin was forbidden to ask the head of the Cabinet a question about the investigation of the FBK. Valery Rashkin has repeatedly openly criticized President Vladimir Putin at a time when the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was abandoning the anti-presidential agenda and focusing on Medvedev. Responding to any hot news stories, like high-profile murders or corruption scandals, Rashkin achieved media polarity. But it has turned into odiousness.

There will be a split

Valery Rashkin's tacit conflict with other Central Committee leaders could lead to a split in the party, FederalPress sources say. The Moscow city committee may soon separate if Rashkin is indeed removed from his post as deputy chairman at the next congress. political consultant Dmitry Fetisov considers such a development possible. According to the expert, Valery Rashkin is capable of open conflict with Gennady Zyuganov.

“Such a situation cannot be ruled out. Actually, Zyuganov himself did a lot to weaken his group by preventing a number of Rashkin's people in the regions from participating in the State Duma elections. Even his closest associate Obukhov lost his mandate. Accordingly, the influence of Rashkin in the party has fallen very much. But again, Rashkin is a fairly radical politician. It is believed that it is financed by a number of large companies. He can make unpredictable political moves, radical and open. These facts allow us to say that a split is possible. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is losing the presidential campaign in advance, before it is announced, and this is a weakening of Zyuganov's position in the eyes of his fellow party members. Rashkin himself may try to use this moment to organize an intra-party revolt against Zyuganov,” Fetisov told FederalPress.

A similar story already happened in 2010, when the previous composition of the Moscow City Committee was dispersed, and its leader Vladimir Ulas was removed from the post of first secretary. Then he and his supporters in the capital organized an alternative city committee of the Communist Party.

Zyuganov forced to go to the polls

According to interlocutors from the Communist Party, neither Afonin, nor Novikov, nor Rashkin are willing to put forward their candidacy for the presidential election. They are pushing Zyuganov to participate in the presidential campaign in every possible way. Gennady Andreevich himself clearly does not want to go to the polls, soberly assessing his chances and state of health. Now he is looking for "options on the side", among non-partisans. Therefore, the issue of approving a candidate for the presidential election is postponed until the Congress of the Central Committee, which will be held in December 2018. But the upcoming congress will nominate candidates.

Director of the Center for Political Science Research of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Pavel Salin believes that such a situation, when no one in the Communist Party wants to put forward his candidacy for elections, is connected with the current domestic political agenda in Russia.

“This is due to the multidirectional signals that the federal government is now demonstrating, because two blocs have taken shape. I will not name them personally. One speaks from the point of view "the old horse will not spoil the furrow", the second speaks from the point of view of the need for a dynamic election campaign. And since the party members receive multidirectional signals, they do not want to get mixed up if something happens, ”the political scientist said.

Union of communists with monarchists and nationalists

In order to nominate a non-party candidate, the so-called Union of People's Patriotic Forces of Russia was organized, which was established by the Communist Party. This alliance, however, includes not only left-wing movements (their minority), but also openly nationalist organizations, right-wing politicians and even monarchists. Examples include Andrei Savelyev, leader of the Great Russia party; Sergei Evstifeev from the Union of the Russian People; Sergei Baburin, head of the Russian People's Union, and even Igor Strelkov. The indicated figures have nothing to do with the left political platform and Leninism. One of the main speakers of this "patriotic get-together" is the ex-deputy chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Yuri Boldyrev, who has long been friends with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and participates in many party events. It is he who is seen as an alternative to Zyuganov and as a single candidate from nationalists and communists in the presidential elections, sources from the Communist Party say. The nomination of a non-partisan candidate from the Communist Party may be the lesser of two evils for Zyuganov. political consultant Dmitry Fetisov told Federal Press that future elections could mean failure for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the candidacy of a non-party figure would at least save the face of the party.

“Zyuganov and his entourage are well aware that a failure in the presidential elections will weaken Zyuganov's position if he participates there. At the same time, it seems to me that Zyuganov himself is not ready for the elections. On the one hand, Zyuganov does not want to nominate any of the groups that exist within the party, so as not to strengthen them, and at the same time, he does not want to be nominated himself. Perhaps it will be a third-party candidate like Boldyrev. In advance, the leadership of the Communist Party could not do anything to overcome the crisis at home. Any third-party candidacy is a loss in the elections, but it will at least be an attempt to save some face. A stalemate is emerging. To nominate a party member is a loss, to nominate a non-party member is a loss, but the second option is good because such a candidate will not be tied to a party,” Fetisov said.

In an interview with a Federal Press correspondent Yuri Boldyrev admitted that he was directly related to the pre-election processes organized by the Communist Party.

“I represent some forces that appeal to the current president and government. I am among those who are trying to organize a nationally oriented force to nominate an alternative development team and presidential candidate. On March 31, at the Moscow Economic Forum, we agreed on a common platform with the communists and anti-communists,” Boldyrev said.

By inertia

According to sources of "FederalPress" in the Communist Party, the leadership of the Communist Party is not considering as possible candidates for the presidential election of the governor of the Irkutsk region Sergei Levchenko and mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot. At the same time, a number of experts are sure that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will take the path of least resistance in the presidential campaign, because there is very little time left before the elections and it will be very problematic to “promote” a new face. Political analyst Yevgeny Minchenko told FederalPress that he sees no other scenario than another nomination of Gennady Zyuganov as a presidential candidate. According to Minchenko, Afonin, Lokot, Levchenko and Boldyrev do not fit into this scenario.

“Judging by what is happening now in the party, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will follow the inertial path. Zyuganov will most likely go to the polls again,” the expert is sure.

Judging by all available information, the upcoming congress is unlikely to provide answers to pressing questions. There may even be more of them. And this means that the protracted internal political crisis in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has not yet found a solution. Therefore, it is logical to think that this will directly affect the election campaign of the Communist Party.

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