Home Trees and shrubs On the syntax of the language, the main syntactic units. Subject of syntax. Basic syntactic units. What are the offers

On the syntax of the language, the main syntactic units. Subject of syntax. Basic syntactic units. What are the offers

Syntax is a section of grammar that studies, on the one hand, ways of combining words and forms of words into phrases and sentences, sentences into complex sentences and into syntactic wholes, and on the other hand, the phrases and sentences themselves (their types, meanings, functions, conditions of use, nature and types of interaction). The initial unit of syntax, like morphology, is the word. In morphology, words are considered mainly in terms of form formation, morphemic composition, and in syntax - in terms of the participation of words and word forms in the construction of phrases and sentences, coherent oral and written speech.

Traditionally, in Russian grammar, three types of syntactic units are distinguished: a phrase, a sentence and a complex sentence, although a complex syntactic whole, also called a superphrasal unity, is usually considered separately. Since a complex sentence and a complex syntactic whole are ultimately syntactic combinations of simple sentences, only modified in various ways, it is fundamentally important to establish the differences between a simple sentence and a phrase. The main difference between these syntactic units is the presence or absence of predicativity. The sentence is predicative, the phrase does not.

Consider these proposals:

  • 1) You voted the sutra;
  • 2) Would you vote the sutra;
  • 3) Vote you sutra.

All three sentences speak of the same event - voting, but the speaker represents this event from different sides: either from the side of a real, already accomplished fact ( voted), or on the part of the desire to perform this action ( would vote), or, finally, from the side of increased expression of will (vote), and the actions in the 2nd and 3rd sentences are presented in the future tense. So, in all these statements, a certain action is correlated with reality, albeit in different ways: as real, already accomplished, or as desirable, or as mandatory in the future. This correlation by the speakers of the content of their utterance with reality, expressed in the forms of time, and when using the predicate verb and in the forms of the form, is called predicative. In other words, predicativeness is determined in the sense of the objective modality, in the formal - the temporal characteristic, which is characteristic of the sentence.

For phrases, predicativity is completely uncharacteristic. A word combination is a non-predictive syntactic unit. This is its main, radical difference from the proposal. Other differences between these units, although important, are not so significant. So, a sentence can be one-word [ Night. Silence), two-conditional ( Dark night. Deep silence) and verbose (Dark, impenetrable night surrounded us. Deep silence frightened by its singularity). The phrase cannot be one-word, with the most minimal version it consists of two components: paradisaic delight; hijacking; connections with the public, limited liability company.

A complex sentence is essentially a combination of two or more syntactic units with predicativeness, which differ from simple sentences, usually in intonation or in the presence of formal components - conjunctions and union words. Wed: I'll be back. Our white garden will spread its branches like a spring. - I'll be back, when our white garden spreads its branches like spring(S. Yesenin). Intonational completeness of a simple sentence I'll be back and the intonational incompleteness of the first part I'll be back in a complex sentence, as well as the presence of a union word in the last when distinguish between comparable constructs. In simpler terms: a phrase is characterized by non-predicativeness, for a simple sentence - monopredicative, for a complex sentence - polypredicative.

The term syntactic construction is also used to denote syntactic units. It's like a generic name in relation to the phrase ( personal integrity, regulated market economy, economic reform, rector with vice rector, be in the studio) or sentence ( The law has been passed. The speaker was greeted standing. Legal acts cannot be applied, if they are not published). The syntactic construction can be one word form ( Day is breaking. Morning) and a complex sentence with direct speech ( "A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to replace military service with an alternative civilian service", - repeated the speaker, answering the question, which one of the listeners asked him).

Some authors, describing syntactic constructions, use structural schemes, which, in their opinion, represent the most generalized pattern for constructing a phrase, simple and complex sentences. For example, combinations of direct object transitive verbs like pass the exam, get credit, protect the project can be combined with a general formula using the Latin alphabet: Vtrans + N4synt, where V is a verb, N is a noun, trans- transitional, 4synt- fourth (accusative) case with syntactic meaning. Both formulas and Latin designations in them, widely used by representatives of the structural direction, give a general idea of ​​the model of syntactic construction and allow for various lexical content - from the most frequent words to peripheral ones. Here are the alphabetic symbols used further in the textbook (in principle, these are abbreviations of the corresponding Latin names for parts of speech and their morphological forms):

VT - the conjugated form of the verb ( verbum finitum);

Vf3s is a conjugated verb in the form of 3 liters. units h ( singularis);

Inf - infinitive ( infinitiv);

N - noun ( warm);

Adj - adjective ( adjective);

Pron - pronoun ( propotetg);

Adv - adverb ( adverbum);

Part - participle ( participium);

Sor - bunch ( copula).

The numbers from 1 to 6 with the symbol N denote the case forms of the noun; number 2 with ellipsis at the same symbol (N2 ...) is a noun in the form of one of the indirect cases (without a preposition or with a preposition).

    Subject of syntax. Syntax in the language system

    Basic syntactic units

    Types of syntactic relations

    Types of syntactic links



    The formal side of the proposal device

    Semantic aspect of a sentence

    Communicative aspect of the proposal



    Subject of syntax. Syntax in the language system

Syntax(Greek. sýntaxis‘Construction, order’):

    all area of ​​grammatical structure language covering

    various constructions, and

    set of rules the construction and operation of these structures;

    scientific discipline, which studies syntactic structures and the rules for their construction and functioning.

The syntax highlights three interconnected parts:

    phrase syntax,

    sentence syntax,

    syntax of the text.

Syntactic tier- the highest in the language system. WITH phonetics the syntax is linked by intonation: the main syntactic unit of the language - a sentence - is always intonationally formalized. Intonation expresses an affirmation, question, urge, exclamation; Intonationally, introductory words, constructions, etc. are highlighted.

The syntax is closely related to vocabulary: LZ of words determine their compatibility, syntactic semantics and functions. Wed:

    firefrom a gun (tool) - firefrom the bushes (scene);

    trade (action object) go forest(traffic route) .

Depending on the lexical content, with the same external form, expressions may differ types of offers:

    Goes on.- two-part, incomplete;

    Day is breaking.- one-piece, impersonal.

Morphological the properties of words of words of different parts of speech determine their syntactic features (adjectives are combined with nouns, changing, respectively, gender, number and case; transitive verbs require nouns to form vp without a preposition).

    Basic syntactic units

The question of the composition and number of syntactic units is solved in different ways.

Traditionally, the main syntactic units are recognized only by those that belong to only syntax:

    collocation and

    offer(simple and complex).

At the same time, some scientists believe basic unit syntax offer and others - collocation.

The scope of syntax also includes units belonging to vocabulary and morphology and participating in the formation of syntactic units. it

    word and

    word form.

In syntax, they are characterized only by their syntactic properties.

The syntactic units also include complex syntactic integer(superphrasal unity) - a piece of speech in the form of a sequence of two or more independent sentences, united by the common theme in semantic blocks [LES, p. 435].

Syntactic units form a certain hierarchy: from a word form to a complex syntactic whole.

complex syntactic integer

difficult sentence

simple sentence


word form

The main syntactic units are characterized by their own a set of differential features.

    Types of syntactic relations

Between components phrases there are the following types of relationships:






Relationships between main members suggestionspredicative.

1. Subjective relationships occur in a phrase in which main the word is expressed by an impersonal form of a verb (for example, a participle) or a verbal noun with the meaning of an action, and dependent- a noun denoting manufactureractions(person or object):

    overturned by the wind(cf .: The wind overturned ...);

    arrival of the actress(cf .: The actress arrived).

2. Objectrelationship Is the relationship between actions and objects. The main thing the word denotes an action, and dependent- the object to which the action is directed:

    compose a retelling, admire the sunset, read a book.

3. Circumstantial relationship characterized as the relationship between actions and the various circumstances of these actions.

Exists several types circumstantial relationship:

a) course of action:to ride;

b) spatial:to go abroad;

v) temporary:come late;

G) causal:do not see blindly;

e) target:to spite;

e) conditional:do it if you wish.

Circumstances can be complicated object and have object-adverbial character:

    be near the house(where? near what?).

4. Attributive relationships- this is the relationship between an object and a sign; the main word names the subject, the dependent one - the sign: summer evening,dress made of wool.

Varieties attributive relations:

a) object-attributive: playing guitar(what? on what?); homesickness(what? for what?);

b) adverbial-attributive: house on the outskirts(what? where?); horse riding(what? how?).

5. Complete(complementary)relationship(lat. completus‘Full’) are set in a phrase in which the main word is informatively insufficient and needs mandatory semantic distribution (addition):

    two windows(cf .: * There were two in the room.);

    be known as an eccentric(*He is reputed), to be considered the original, to be called a baggage, to be a coward.

6. Predictive relationships arise between subject and predicate... This is the most difficult type of relationship, on which there is no single point of view.

    Alone scientists believe that there is a relationship between subject and predicate submission. The question of which member of the proposal is the main one is also solved in different ways.

    Other see this relationship as equal.

    Types of syntactic links

Syntactic link- formal expression of relations between syntactic units or their components [Kasatkin et al., P. 332].

There are two most important types of syntactic connection in the language: writing and subordination.

Writing communication is observed when connecting equal components:

    on the groundand in the sky;quickly but carefully.

The work can be presented in the form:

a) connections:rain and wind;

b) opposites:not snow, but rain;

v) division:either snow or rain;not only adults but also children.

At subordinate relationships relationships between components unequal: one component is the main (dominant), the other is dependent (subordinate).

TO main types subordination at the level of a phrase relate




1) Coordination- a type of subordinate connection, in which the dependent word is likened to the main one in the expression of grammatical meanings:

    fashionableth style, fashionableoh dress, fashionableand I hairstyle, fashionableth pants; fashionableWow style ...

    German: kalter Wein, kalte Milch, kaltes Wasser;

    French: un livre intéressant[ã], une pièce intéressante [t];

    English: this flower, these flowers .

2) Management- a type of subordinate connection, in which the main word requires a certain grammatical form from the dependent, while changing the form of the main word does not cause a change in the form of the dependent word:

    performanceactresses ,

    to the speechactresses ,


Depending on whether you participate in the expression of the connection preposition (postposition), the control is divided into unsolicited and prepositional(postponed):

    He loves his country.

    He looks at the picture.

3) Adjacency- a type of subordinate connection, in which dependence is expressed not by the forms of words, but semantically, by intonation and word order. Adjoin immutable words and forms of words: adverb, infinitive, gerunds, comparative:

    many is reading,

    abilitythink ,

    goesstumbling ,

    wentfaster .

Adjacency is widespread in analytical languages:

    an interesting book,astrong man English adjectives, unlike Russian ones, are adjacent to the basic noun, since they are immutable.

Term adjoining used mainly in Russian linguistics.

4) Izafet(from arab. al-idafatu‘Addition’) is primarily a certain type of attributive (determinative) constructions in some Iranian and Turkic languages.

For example, Tajik:

    whale- and hub ‘Good book’ (lit. ‘book is good’),

    whalezO-and hub‘Good books’.

V Turkology the term ‘izafet’ denotes noun qualifiers, both of which are nouns, and subordinate link indicator - on the defined(the main!) word. For example, in Turkish:

    türk dil-i 'Turkish language',

    azerb .: at bashand ‘Head of a horse’ [LES, p. 172].

V proposal a syntactic relationship between the subject and the predicate is implemented, which is called " coordination». Specificity this type of connection consists in bi-directional... For example, in Russian. language:

    The sunshines.

Verb in the function of the predicate consistent with the subject in number and person, and on the other hand, manages the nominative subject.

This does not mean that in all languages ​​the connection between the subject and the predicate is coordination (if the words do not change, then there is no question of coordination).


Exists broad and narrow understanding of the phrase, accordingly, the issue of the boundaries of the phrase.

Within the framework of broad approach under phrase is understood any grammatical connection significant words.

Thus, the concept of a phrase includes and (1) offer or its predicative center (subject and predicate), as well as (2) word combinations based on creative connection:

    booksand magazines; sunny but cold;sometimes fun, sometimes boring.

V narrow understanding collocation Is a syntactic construction that is formed by a combination of two or more forms significant words based subordination(coordination, management, abutment, izafet, etc.).

In this case, the structure of the phrase is highlighted pivotal(main) component (grammatically and semantically dominant word) and dependent component [LES, p. 469]:

    study music,

    above brother.

With this approach, the phrase takes intermediate position between a word and a sentence. As well word, it

    is an nominative, a not communicative unit,

    serves as a building material for the proposal

    and is extracted from it when parsing.

Likewise proposal phrase is design, although a sentence, unlike a phrase, can consist of one component ( Dawn). The phrase is opposed to the proposal for a number of differential features (they are discussed in clause 6).

Combinations of words based on compositional links are excluded from the composition of phrases, tk. they often form open row:

    and books, and magazines, and newspapers, and brochures ...

    sometimes fun, sometimes boring, sometimes playful, sometimes serious ...

Phrases in each language are built according to certain patterns ( models,structural diagrams). The structural diagram is usually written in the form of a formula, the components of which are conveyed by symbols that have a morphological basis. For example:

    VN 4 :cook dinner, water flowers;V- verb (lat. verbum),N- a noun or its analogue (lat. nōmen'name');

    AN:warm day,a round table;A- adjective (lat. adjectīvus).

Modern foreign linguists use the concept of a phrase to a limited extent. collocation more or less the same terms syntagma(eng. syntagm) or phrase(eng. phrase) [LES, p. 469].

Each language, including Russian, contains a large number of words. But these linguistic units do not mean anything without the correct design. This is where syntax comes in. The basic units of syntax are just responsible for the grammatical connection of words into sentences, which make up human speech, written and oral. Knowledge of this important section of the science of language will help to correctly and competently formulate your thoughts. The syntax is in basic syntax units and is discussed below.

Syntax is a special section of linguistic science

The structure of syntactic units, their meaning and interaction is studied by the section of grammar called "syntax". It is a Greek word meaning "composing" or "building." the section examines how exactly from the entire set of words to construct the basic units of syntax - a phrase and a sentence. If this section of grammar is mastered at the proper level, speech will be harmonious, logical and varied.

Punctuation is inseparable from syntax. It is a system of rules governing the use of punctuation marks. They help to divide the text into sentences, as well as to logically form the syntactic units themselves.

Basic units

The basic units of syntax are phrases and sentences. Each of them has its own characteristics and purpose. Also, syntax units include text and a complex syntactic whole.

Let's see what the basic syntax units are. The table will help with this.



It does not have a communicative function, it serves for the grammatical and semantic connection of words with each other.

The minimum communicative unit, serves for the design of oral and written speech. Possesses predicativeness.

One grammatical base

Two grammatical foundations

Catch a net, a wooden table, slow down, jump high.

The forest is extraordinarily beautiful today.

He became very sad.

I have come to pay my respects.

Nature comes to life: in some places you can already hear the singing of the birds that have flown in.

Submissive relationship

So, we said what syntax is, the basic units of syntax. Syntactic links determine how the relations between the latter are realized. There are two types of communication that can connect words in a phrase that make up the elements of a sentence: compositional and subordinate.

When we talk about the latter, this implies that it is possible to single out the main part and the one that will depend on it. In other words, the main one - on which it is necessary to ask the question, the dependent - to which it is posed.

Let's look at examples: know (what?) The exact time. In this phrase "know" will be the main word, "time" - dependent.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring me. Here we already have a complex sentence with a subordinate relationship between the parts. From the first - "I know" - we ask the question to the subordinate clause (what?) "What will present me tomorrow."

Methods of submission

The subordinate relationship is implemented in several ways. This is most noticeable within a phrase.

  1. Coordination: when the entire syntactic unit changes, the word forms included in it also change. Wicker basket; a wicker basket, about a wicker basket. Dependent words in this case can be participles, adjectives, ordinal numbers and adjective pronouns.
  2. Control: the dependent word remains unchanged, while the main one can change the grammatical form. Describing the landscape - describing the landscape - describing the landscape - describing the landscape. Dependent words: nouns, verbs, adjectives and cardinal numbers.
  3. Adjacency: connection only in meaning. They walked staggeringly, very handsome, and went to work. Here everyone will be addicted

Writing connection

Unlike submission, the compositional connection connects absolutely equal parts. It can be both special combinations of words: flowers and herbs, walked and rejoiced, and components of a complex sentence: "It soon subsided in the street, but anxiety grew in the house."

Here we do not single out the main and dependent words, this connection is formalized intonationally or with the help of compositional conjunctions. Compare: "He walked, cried, did not notice anyone. - He walked and cried." In the first case, only intonation is used, in the second - the union and (compositional connecting).

Word combination. Types of phrases

So, above it was described what the basic units of syntax are. The phrase is the smallest of them. It represents two or more words connected in meaning, intonation or grammatical. Phrases are isolated from sentences, because they are an integral part of them. This is done in the following way: It is drizzling in the street.

  1. First, the grammatical base is determined. It is not a phrase. The rain is drizzling.
  2. Next, we ask questions from the subject: rain (what?) Shallow.
  3. After that, from the predicate: drizzle (where?) On the street.

According to which part of speech the main word belongs to, all phrases are divided into nominal ones (an oak table, each of the guests, is capable of learning); verbal (stumbling, speaking clearly) and adverbial (very fun, to the right of the road, somewhere in a store).

Also, phrases are divided into simple and complex.

In the first, only one question is possible: the sun (which one?) Is bright and radiant. Complex ones are more common. Compare: read (what?) A magazine (simple) and read (what) a popular science magazine. In the last example, from the word magazine, a question is also asked to the word popular science, so the phrase is complex.

Allocate free and complete phrases. The first are distinguished by the fact that each word from their composition is a full-fledged member of the sentence. The second ones in the sentence are not divided into component parts. Only two students passed the session with excellent marks. "Two students" is essentially a phrase, but in the sentence it acts as a subject, so it can be described as a whole.

Is not a phrase

It should be remembered that phrases are never:

  1. Subject and predicate.
  2. Homogeneous members of the proposal.
  3. Phraseologisms (they should not be confused with whole phrases that are one member of the sentence: three sisters, a boy with a girl, etc.).
  4. Combinations of a service word and an independent part of speech: during the day (preposition and noun), so is he (union and pronoun), what an ignoramus (particle and noun).
  5. Complex forms: I will read (future tense), the highest is quieter (comparative degree), let it go (imperative mood).

The proposal and its signs

We already know that the basic units of syntax are phrases and sentences, but the latter is the most important. After all, our speech consists precisely of sentences: with them we think and speak, making up a coherent text.

What characterizes the sentence as the basic unit of syntax? The grammatical base is the indicator that distinguishes it from a phrase or a simple set of words. This trait is also called predicative, because it is the predicate that carries the indicator of the reality or unreality of what is happening. It is expressed through the mood of the verb.

Also, the sentence as the basic unit of syntax is characterized by logical and intonational completeness. This is a short statement, the formulation of a certain thought about the subject of the conversation. It cannot be confused with a phrase, because no logical completeness can be traced in the latter - it is just a grammatically related set of words.

Grammatical basis

Every sentence has a grammatical basis. This is an indicator of its structure - the most important characteristic.

The predicative stem can be represented both by the subject and the predicate, and by each of them separately.

For example, the sentence: "We saw the long-awaited land." There are both main members here. Another thing is a sentence of this kind: "The long-awaited land has become visible." Here, from the base, only the predicate became visible.

It is by the number of predicative bases that the most important characteristic is given: a simple sentence in front of us or a complex one.

Let's briefly analyze each main term. The subject shows us the subject of speech, indicates what the sentence is talking about. The predicate denotes what the subject does, what it is, who or what it is. There are three types of this main member in terms of structure and meaning: simple and compound, verbal and nominal.

What are the offers

It is the sentences for the most part that learns the syntax. The basic syntax units are characterized in many ways.

Regardless of the number of predicative bases, sentences are distinguished for:

  1. The goals of the statement. When communicating with each other, people can communicate some facts (declarative sentences), ask (interrogative), or call for some action (incentive). At the end of such syntactic units, a period, question mark or exclamation mark, respectively, are put.
  2. Emotional coloring. Highlight exclamation and non-exclamation sentences. It should be noted that the former may not necessarily be exclusively incentive. For example, a sentence: What a ridiculous situation! We will characterize it as narrative but exclamatory. It's all to blame for that, expressing admiration.

Characteristics of simple sentences

Simple sentences are the basic units of syntax. Let's briefly analyze their most important characteristics.

  1. One-piece or two-piece. This will be indicated by the grammatical basis. If it is submitted by one of the members, the proposal will be one-piece. Otherwise, two-part. If a sentence has only a subject or a predicate, it is necessary to indicate its type (definitely or indefinitely personal, nominative or impersonal).
  2. Common or not. Minor members are responsible for this characteristic. If there is at least one of them, the proposal is widespread.
  3. Complete or incomplete. The latter are characteristic of oral speech: they miss a member. Thus, it is not possible to construct a logical chain without neighboring sentences. For example: "Are you reading a book?" - "No, magazine." The answer to the question posed is an incomplete proposal.
  4. A simple sentence can be complicated. This is also one of its characteristics. Separate and secondary members, both common and not, act as complicating elements, as well as homogeneous constructions, introductory words, and addresses.

Sentences are simple and complex

Russian syntax is very diverse. The main syntactic units are simple and Let's figure out what is the difference between them.

If a syntactic unit has one grammatical base, then we will talk about a simple sentence. The wind is making a lot of noise today. The characteristics of such a proposal will follow the plan presented above.

There are times when a syntactic unit consists of several simple ones. Then it will be a difficult proposition.

The most difficult thing is to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex one. Here you need to carefully look at the subject. If it is one object that performs different actions, then the sentence will be simple. Let's look at examples:

"They walked the streets of the city and enjoyed their newfound freedom." - "They walked the streets of the city, and the newfound freedom gave them strength." The first sentence is simple. There is only one predicative basis, complicated by homogeneous predicates: they were walking, enjoying themselves. The second sentence will be difficult, because there are two grammatical foundations: they walked, they gave them freedom.

Types of links in complex sentences

As stated above, sentences are the main syntax units. If we talk about complex structures, then their most important characteristic will be the type of connection between the parts. Syntax also deals with these phenomena. The basic units of syntax, complex sentences, may include parts connected by a subordinate and compositional relationship. Depending on this, there is a gradation into complex and complex sentences.

Let's look at each type in more detail. The constituent parts of compound sentences are equal. This equality provides them with a special, creative connection. It is expressed in the fact that compositional conjunctions are used in the construction of sentences. Thus, a question from one simple sentence to another is impossible.

Example: "I want to return everything back, but something constantly bothers me." This sentence is complex, the parts are connected by an opposing union no.

Also, intonation plays an important role in the formation of a complex sentence: at the end of each simple sentence, it goes down - this characterizes the logical completeness.

Complex syntactic integer

What other elements does Russian syntax include? The basic syntax units are also complex sentences. They are made up of elements where one is dependent on the other. That is, between the simple parts of such a sentence, you can always put the question: "The clearing (which one?), Which we entered, was hidden from prying eyes."

Such a connection is realized through subordinate conjunctions and intonation descending to the end of each simple sentence.

Do not forget that there is a non-union connection. It implies the absence of formal elements between the parts, only intonational completeness: The river was noisy and seething; the ships sailing along it feared for their safety.

We have analyzed what the Russian syntax includes. The basic syntactic units, a sentence and a phrase, form other structures called a complex syntactic whole. And it, in turn, already forms the text. Inside it, just like in any other element of syntax, there are connections, both grammatical and semantic and even formal (for example, the conjunctions with which the next sentence begins).

What is a complex syntactic whole? This is a group of sentences, simple and complex, logically related to each other by one main idea. In others, the syntactic whole is a micro theme, which contains an intermediate meaning. As a rule, it is limited to paragraph division.

It is not uncommon for a text to be a syntactic whole. Typically, these are short stories with one short storyline.

Syntactic units it is customary to call stable unity that has a certain syntactic structure, meaning and function.

A complete list of syntactic units is given in the "Grammar of the Russian literary language" (1980). Syntactic units include:

1) word, word form;

2) phrase;

3) predicative unit;

4) a simple sentence;

5) a complex sentence;

6) a complex syntactic whole;

Let's briefly describe each of these units.

Word Is a representative of a group of specific word forms that have the same lexical meaning.

Wordform- the specific use of the word, the specific implementation of the word in speech. The form of a word is, first of all, an element of a phrase. For example, buy a book, an interesting book. However, her role and purpose are not limited to this. A word form can act as a "building element" not only of a phrase, but also as part of a sentence, when it spreads the sentence itself or participates in the construction of its basis, for example: It's damp in the forest; Snow is falling outside the windows; Moscow in festive decoration. It follows from this that the word form participates in the construction of a sentence either directly or through a phrase.

The existence of a word form as a syntactic unit is confirmed by the extreme case of its functioning, when a word form is transformed into a sentence, i.e. into a unit of a different syntactic level. For example: On a steamer on the way from Palestine to Odessa. Among the deck passengers there are many Russian men and women(Bunin).

Collocation Is a semantic and grammatical union of two or more significant words or word forms based on a subordinate relationship. For example: light audience, article on lexicology, person of average height, read aloud... Being, along with the word, an element of constructing a sentence, the phrase acts as one of the main syntactic units. Some grammarians (F.F.Fortunatov, M.N. Peterson) defined syntax as the doctrine of a word combination.

A word combination is a syntactic unit of the pre-communicative (pre-sentence) level, which serves as a means of nomination.

The phrase is built according to a certain pattern: noun + consonant adjective, verb + controlled wordform etc.

The components of a phrase are: 1) the main word (or core), i.e. the word is grammatically independent and 2) the dependent word, which formally obeys the requirements emanating from the main word ( writing desk, going to work, running barefoot and etc.).

Predicative unit Is a syntactic structure in which objective modality and syntactic time are formally expressed, i.e. predicativity.

Consider two cases:

father's arrival- it is impossible to determine the time and inclination

Father has arrived- you can define the time (last time) and inclination (express).

Objective modality is the relationship of the communicated to reality.

- Has your father arrived?

- Father has arrived.

A predicative unit becomes a sentence if it acquires a communicative function.

Offer- This is the minimum unit of human speech, which is a grammatically organized combination of words (or word), which has a certain semantic and intonational completeness.

The concept of grammatical organization includes the idea of ​​the main feature of a sentence as a syntactic unit - predicativity.

Predicativity- this is the expression by linguistic means of the relation of the content of the expressed to reality (its reality or unreality, possibility or impossibility, necessity or probability). The grammatical means of expressing predicativity are the categories of time, person, mood and various types of intonation (intonation of a message, question, motivation, etc.).

An essential feature of the offer is modality , since, while expressing his thoughts, feelings, will, the speaker at the same time expresses his attitude to the content of the utterance (its desirability or undesirability, should or convention, etc.). The means of expressing modality are: 1) the mood category (indicative, imperative, subjunctive) and 2) special lexical and grammatical means (modal verbs, modal words and particles).

Finally, an essential feature of a sentence, which, along with predicativity and modality, delimits a sentence from a phrase, is intonation ... The intonation of the question, message, motivation, etc. is different.

Thus, the main features of a sentence are predicativity (the relationship of the content of the sentence to reality), modality (the relationship of the speaker to the utterance), intonation formation and relative semantic completeness.

Simple sentence is the main central syntactic unit. It contains one predicative unit.

Difficult sentence- a sentence that contains two or more predicative units that form a single whole in semantic, constructive and intonational terms.

Complex syntactic whole, or inter-phrase unity, Is a combination of several sentences in the text, characterized by the relative completeness of the topic (microtheme), semantic and syntactic cohesion of the components.

Text- a segment of speech organized on the basis of linguistic connections and relations, meaningfully uniting syntactic units into a whole.

Syntax as a section of linguistics

Two main subsystems of the Russian language: morphological and syntactic(as a rule, phonetics, lexicology and semantics are not included in the grammar). Syntax in the hierarchy of linguistic levels occupies the highest level, since it is associated with the communicative function of the language.

Let's highlight two main meanings of the concept of "syntax".

1.Syntaxone of the spheres of the grammatical structure of the language, the syntactic structure of the language... In other words, it is supreme, communicative level of the language, in which units of other levels are organized for the purpose of constructing speech: phonetic level, lexical level, morphological level, connecting with each other, form a message about reality, about the speaker's will or about his attitude to the world.

2. Syntax is a section of linguistics that describes the rules for constructing a coherent speech and the subject of study of which is syntactic units, syntactic relations, syntactic links, syntactic means.

The connection between syntax and phonetics in the field of intonation is obvious (there is no sentence without intonation).

There is a multidimensional connection between syntax and vocabulary, which determines both the semantics of syntactic units and their structure.

If morphology examines a single word and the system of its forms, then syntax analyzes the structure and functioning of units more complex than a word.

The main syntactic units of the language.

Syntactic units are elements of the syntactic structure (syntactic system) that determine its specificity and have certain functions and features.

The characteristic aspects of syntax units are structure and functions... Therefore, when deciding on the main units of syntax, different grounds for their classification can be used.

functional principle then highlight two units: offer and collocation... It should be emphasized that a phrase and a sentence, being syntactic units, have different purposes, differ in their essential features.

The sentence is the main unit of syntax, it forms the statement and performs communicative function, communication function, messages.

A phrase is an auxiliary syntactic unit, a building component of a sentence, it fulfills nominative function- names objects, signs, etc. However, in the syntactic structure, the nominative function also appears, but in a peculiar way: the sentence calls, but not individual objects, signs, actions, etc., but names an event, a state of affairs, a situation.

If the classification is based on structural criterion, then allocate five units, starting with the elementary and ending with the most complex, in addition, taking into account the fact that each subsequent unit is "built" on the basis of the previous one:

1) Syntactic word form (syntaxeme) - the minimum unit of syntax, which is a structural and semantic component of a phrase and a sentence .

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