Home Trees and shrubs Water purification by boiling. What are we drinking? Modern methods of drinking water purification. Household water treatment methods

Water purification by boiling. What are we drinking? Modern methods of drinking water purification. Household water treatment methods


Water purification methods

Almost all authors consider one of the reasons for the aging of the organism - a decrease in the ability of cells to bind the amount of water required for metabolism, i.e. age-related dehydration. Water is the main medium in which countless chemical reactions and physicochemical metabolic processes take place. The body precisely regulates the water content in every organ, every tissue. The constancy of the internal environment of the body, including a certain amount of water, is one of the main requirements for full-fledged life. A person can drink large amounts of water, but cannot slow down the age-related process of decreasing water in the body.

The water used by the body is significantly different from the usual. Ordinary water is polluted in the process of man-made human activities with various substances, namely: ions of inorganic compounds, the smallest particles of solid impurities, organic substances of natural and artificial origin, microorganisms and their waste products, dissolved gases. A relationship was found between various diseases of a living organism and the size of the "load" of harmful impurities in drinking water. Pollution at the cellular level leads to irreversible processes, loss of immunity.

Household water treatment methods

People use a variety of methods to purify water at home. But not everyone knows how to correctly implement them and what side effect may arise in this case.

All water purification methods can be roughly divided into two groups: cleaning without filters and cleaning with filters.

Water purification without the use of filters.

This option is mostly popular and affordable, since in order to purify water, there is no need to purchase additional devices, except for ordinary kitchen utensils. The most common techniques include:





We all know that you cannot use raw water, only boiled water. Boiling is used to destroy organic matter (viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.), eliminate chlorine and other low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia, etc.). Boiling does help purify the water to a certain extent, but this method has a number of side effects.

The first is that when boiling, the structure of water changes, i.e. it becomes "dead" as oxygen evaporates. The longer we boil water, the more pathogens are destroyed in it, but the more it becomes useless for the human body.

The second - since water is evaporated during boiling, the concentration of salts in it increases. They are deposited on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and lime and enter the human body upon subsequent consumption of water from the kettle.

As we know, salts have a tendency to accumulate in the body, which leads to a variety of diseases, ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and petrification (cirrhosis) of the liver, and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack, and many others. other In addition, many viruses can easily tolerate boiling water, since much higher temperatures are required to destroy them. Also note that boiling water only removes chlorine gas. In laboratory studies, it was confirmed that after boiling tap water, additional chloroform is formed (causes cancer), even if before boiling the water it was freed from chloroform by blowing with an inert gas.

Output. After boiling, we drink "dead" water, which contains a fine suspension and mechanical particles, heavy metal salts, chlorine and organochlorine (chloroform), viruses, etc.


Deposition is used to remove chlorine from water. Usually, for this, tap water is poured into a large bucket and left in it for several hours. Without mixing water in a bucket, chlorine gas is eliminated from about 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water, therefore, in order to obtain any noticeable effect, it is necessary to follow the well-developed methods of settling.

The effectiveness of this method of water purification leaves much to be desired. After settling, it is required to boil the water.


This method is used for effective water purification by means of its recrystallization. This method is much more effective than boiling and even distillation, since phenol, chlorophenols and light organochlorine (a number of chlorine-containing compounds are a terrible poison) are distilled along with water vapor (we will give the last note to fans of distilled water).

Many people mean by this method the following: pour water into a container and put it in the refrigerator until ice forms, later remove the container from the refrigerator and defrost it for drinking. Immediately, we note that the effect of water purification by the above method is zero, since freezing is a very complex and protracted process, the effectiveness of which depends entirely on the exact adherence to the developed methods.

This method is based on the chemical law, according to which, when a liquid freezes, the basic substance first crystallizes in the coldest place, and later in the least cold place everything that was dissolved in the basic substance solidifies. This process can be seen on the example of a candle. In an extinguished candle, farther from the wick, pure transparent paraffin appears, and in the middle, where the wick burned, soot accumulates and the wax turns out to be dirty. All liquid substances obey this law. The important thing here is to provide a slow freezing of water and conduct it so that there is more of it in one place of the vessel than in another. Since this method is very informative, we will not present it here. We only note that the water treatment by the freezing method can take several hours with constant monitoring of the process. Otherwise, the efficiency drops sharply.

Water purification using filters

Various filters are used to eliminate harmful impurities from tap water. At home, a variety of jugs and tap nozzles are often used.

Many methods of water treatment and water purification have already been invented. There are many reasons for the contamination of drinking water. Basically, all of them, one way or another, are associated with water sources. Each type of source has its own characteristic causes of water pollution.

The solution to the problems associated with water pollution is its purification. Nowadays, there are a number of water treatment methods and water purification methods that allow you to achieve high quality drinking water from almost any source.

There are the following ways to obtain guaranteed high quality drinking water from different sources:

Deposition method

Clarification of water

Membrane methods

Chemical reagents for oxidation


Deironing of water

Water softening

Water demineralization

Water conditioning

Water disinfection

Removal of organic contaminants

Dechlorination of water

Removal of nitrates

Classical methods of purification of drinking water


The problem of supplying people with drinking water that meets the requirements of the standard is one of the most important problems, the solution of which is facing the enterprises and organizations of water supply in Russia.

In the process of regulating rivers and building reservoirs on them, conditions arose for the appearance of plankton, which affects the increase in color and the appearance of tastes and odors in the water. Organic impurities and chemical pollution are carried out into reservoirs with untreated wastewater from settlements and industrial enterprises. As a result, in many water bodies, especially near large settlements, natural water contains phenols (up to 2-7 MPC), organochlorine pesticides, ammonium and nitrite nitrogen (up to 10-16 MPC), oil products and many other contaminants.

Periodically emerging emergency situations lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of water from natural sources and, accordingly, the quality of drinking water. Manganese, amines, and oil products are often found in underground waters.

The barrier significance of the existing water treatment facilities is insignificant, and drinking water used by people contains practically the same pollution as in natural water. Ozonation is considered to be one of the most significant and highly effective methods of water purification from these pollutants. Ozonation of water can significantly improve the quality of drinking and treated waste water and solve difficulties: health and ecology.

Ozonation of water makes it possible, in addition to solving important problems to improve the quality of treated wastewater, to simplify the technology of natural water treatment. The technology of ozonation has acquired predominantly widespread use in the field of drinking water production. In the existing variety of methods and methods for solving the problems of high-quality purification and disinfection of water, ozonation is preferable, which is associated with:

· Problems of solving problems associated with the emergence of toxic organochlorine formations in purified water as a result of its chlorination;

· The lack of chlorine reagents produced by the Russian industry;

· The possibility of ozone production at the place of use;

· Increased activity of ozone in relation to water disinfection from bacteria and viruses.

Ozonation can be used as an additional method of water purification instead of classical chlorination, in combination with chlorine, hydrogen peroxide and other oxidants, together with UV irradiation, sonication, filtration using sand, activated carbon, ion exchange resins.

The advantage of ozonization is that under the influence of ozone, simultaneously with disinfection, water discoloration occurs, and odors and tastes of water are removed, and its taste is generally improved. Ozone does not change the natural properties of water, since its excess (unreacted ozone) is converted into oxygen after a few minutes.

Ozone treatment eliminates the earthy taste of water as a result of reducing the concentration of geosmin by 5-10 times. Despite the appearance of a new flavoring component in water after processing with ozone, the total flavoring qualities of ozonized water improve.

Ozone began to be used for disinfection of drinking water earlier than chlorine. But despite this, ozone has not yet found the necessary application in the method of water treatment, especially in Russia. The main reasons for this were, apparently, the lack of electricity, as well as the fact that the chemical and physical properties of an aqueous solution of ozone are still little studied. At the current time, a number of water treatment plants in thermal power engineering have also faced the problem of intensive overgrowth of ion-exchange filters with biomass. Without changing the ion-exchange properties of the feed, the biomass increases the resistance of the feed, which leads to a significant decrease in the filtration rate.

According to literary sources, in order to prevent the formation of biomass and sterilize filters, various oxidizing agents are used, such as active chlorine contained in an electroactivated solution of sodium chloride, formaldehyde, peracetic acid, chloramine T, etc.

The process of bactericidal action of chlorine and its oxygen-containing compounds consists in interaction with the constituent elements of the microorganism cell, primarily with enzymes, which affects the metabolism in the cell and the death of microorganisms. In the practice of water processing, free chlorine, hypochlorous acid salts (hypochlorites) and chlorine dioxide ClO2 are used. When chlorine is dissolved in water, hydrolysis occurs with the appearance of hypochlorous and hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acids.

Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water (MITS PV)

At home, you can purify water using household filters, freezing, settling, boiling, as well as a combination of all these and some other methods.

Spring water does not flow from our taps. This problem has been going on for more than a decade, and there is still no global solution. Perhaps, somewhere in a distant country, foreign utilities have already found a way to bring a "clean tear" into their homes. And we just have to look for our own methods of water purification for each individual apartment.

Why can't you leave it as it is?

The quality of tap water is far from any sanitary and simply human standards. Chlorination, or at best fluoridation, relieves it of infectious agents, but does not at all save it from additives such as pesticides, nitrates, and heavy metal salts.

Although industrial methods of water purification should become more perfect from year to year, in reality only the MPC standards change. The concentrations of harmful substances allowed for domestic water are artificially high and simply legalize the chemical "cocktail" that goes into our taps.

Cleaning options

There are a lot of home-made ways of how to purify water from harmful or simply unwanted impurities, but each of them fights with one group of substances or organisms. Therefore, in order to obtain the desired result, it is often necessary to take a whole range of measures.

Water purification at home is possible by several methods, but it is important to understand the physics of each process, since it is quite difficult to ideally divide the liquid into drinking and technical.

Water purification by settling

This method allows not only to separate the heavy sediment, it also gives the water time to self-purify from volatile ammonia and chlorine compounds. To make the process as efficient as possible, the water is settled in a container with a wide top and without a lid for at least 8 hours. Then you can pour it into a clean container, trying not to mix the layers, and pour out the bottom quarter altogether.

After each settling, rinse the sides and bottom of the main vessel with a solution of acetic or citric acid to remove limescale.

Filters for water

At one time, there was a boom in various filtration systems, the manufacturers of which promised problem-free water softening at home and almost 100% cleaning result. Gradually, the less effective ones dropped out, and the most reliable methods continue to be used in everyday life:

  • Capacitive filter jugs are quite versatile, since they can accommodate cassettes with different degrees of water purification. The main thing is not to forget to change them regularly.
  • Multilevel filtration systems - show themselves the best, but also cost accordingly. But they simultaneously use different methods of water purification, freeing it not only from debris, but also from chlorine, suspension of rust, some types of bacteria and viruses.


The method is as old as the world, and effective not only for the destruction of pathogens. During boiling, calcium salts are removed from the water. True, they do not disappear at all, but settle on the inner surface of the kettle, after which they have to be removed from the dishes. Other solutes cannot be neutralized in this way, and purification of water from odor during boiling is impossible.

For rough preparation and disinfection of at least 50-70 percent, water should boil for at least 10-15 minutes, since most pathogens do not die immediately. A higher result of the destruction of pathogens by 98-99% requires even more time - about half an hour. And in the case of anthrax, you will have to boil the water for at least an hour. So an electric kettle with auto shutdown is definitely not suitable for these purposes.

But boiling also has a downside. Most urban water purification plants resort to chlorination in the old fashioned way, and after boiling, chlorine residues turn into a dangerous carcinogen - chloroform. In addition, the natural decrease in the volume of water increases the percentage of other impurities in it. So this method should be used only in a rigid bundle with settling, and double - before and after boiling.


Simply put - evaporation. The same boiling, but the resulting steam will have to be collected. You will need a homemade water purification device that works like a distillation apparatus. The construction can be the simplest:

  • closed container for boiling;
  • steam outlet pipe;
  • cooling coil;
  • container for collecting distilled water.

In this case, all harmful substances will remain in the evaporator tank, and ideally clean water will collect in the condensing coil. It tastes, of course, unpleasant, and it is not worth using distillate regularly - after all, the supply of minerals in the human body is replenished, including drinking water. Moreover, the distilled liquid will dissolve useful salts already in the cells and flush out the substances necessary for normal life.

Silver and copper cleaning

Our distant ancestors knew how to purify water and make it safe. At least those who were rich enough to "drink and eat on silver." The disinfecting effect of pure Argentum is really widely known, but only precious metal is needed, not technical or even jewelry, which comes with additions of low-melting copper. In a silver bowl, the water is defended for about a day. If there is no such container, you can simply put a silver object in a regular container.

Copper kitchen utensils give a similar effect, but it is not recommended to keep water in it for more than 4 hours. Otherwise, instead of a disinfected liquid, you will receive a solution of poisonous compounds that have passed from copper.


A surprisingly effective way to partially get rid of pathogenic bacteria and almost completely remove dissolved salts from the liquid. In this case, no complex device for water purification is required, except for a fairly spacious freezer.

The liquid from the tap must be poured into plastic bottles, but not to the very neck, but leaving a couple of centimeters free. As it freezes, the water will increase in volume and may break the container. For the same reason, glass cannot be used at all.

Send the prepared containers to the freezer, but monitor the condition of the water. When half to two-thirds of the volume freezes, the residues must be poured out - they contain a large amount of mineral impurities that do not allow the liquid to quickly solidify at 0 ° C. Ice can be thawed and used as intended, or additional water purification methods can be applied to improve the result.


Safe methods of purification, aimed specifically at disinfecting water, are used in modern ozonation systems. Enough 20 minutes of operation of such a device to destroy most harmful microbes. This effect persists for some time, so it is very useful to wash food products with ozonized water so that they become safe for humans.

Infusion on minerals (flint, shungite)

The method is very similar to settling tap water in a separate container, but with the addition of minerals. Silicon for water purification should be taken smaller so that the total surface area of ​​the stones is maximized. It has a disinfecting effect and even benefits the body. has a rejuvenating, immunostimulating effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

You can buy this wonderful mineral at a pharmacy, but it is not difficult to use it: pour water and leave to infuse for a day or two. Silicon attracts impurities and pathogenic microbes, so only the upper layers of water can be used, otherwise the whole point of cleaning is lost. After that, the precipitate is removed and the next portion is poured. But first, inspect the pebbles so that there is no thin coating on them. If the silicon is dirty, it must be washed under running water with a clean toothbrush.

Shungite for the same purposes is recommended to be taken larger - for each liter of liquid, one 100-gram stone is needed. Cooking is almost no different from the recipe for silicon water: infusion for 3 days and pouring the top layers. The mineral needs to be cleaned every six months.

Shungite water should not be drunk by people prone to oncology, blood clots and high acidity of gastric juice.

Traditional methods

Many plants common in our latitudes also have cleansing properties. For example, when using rowan branches, even complete purification of water from the smell is possible - you just need to put fresh cuttings in it for a couple of hours. Willow bark, juniper and bird cherry leaves give the same bactericidal effect after 12 hours.

For quick cleaning of harmful impurities, use activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per glass. After a quarter of an hour, the water can be filtered and disinfected. Alternatively, use a homemade charcoal filter, laying several layers of cheesecloth with crushed powder. Alternatively, simply wrap the tablets in a clean piece of bandage and leave in a container of water overnight.

It's hard to imagine your life without water. We use water for drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, washing, etc., that is, water is necessary for normal human life. Therefore, it is so important that it is clean and absolutely harmless to health. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find today. And there can be many reasons for this - from the unsatisfactory condition of water pipes to the characteristics of water supply sources. That is why today the issue of water purification at home is so urgent.

The main disadvantage of tap water is excessive hardness, that is, an excess of calcium and magnesium salts, hydrocarbons, sulfates and iron. High hardness gives water a bitter taste, has a negative effect on the digestive organs, disrupts the water-salt balance in the human body, forms limescale on dishes and heating elements of household appliances, and spoils fabrics during washing.

Various impurities may be present in tap water: nitrogen compounds, sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese salts, etc. Chlorination is controversial. On the one hand, chlorination is an effective, affordable and inexpensive way to disinfect water.

On the other hand, chlorine significantly impairs the taste of water; moreover, chlorine, having reacted with organic compounds, can form chlorine-containing toxins, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances and poisons, including dioxides.
Naturally, the quality of tap water is monitored by the relevant authorities and if the concentration of harmful impurities in it is exceeded, appropriate measures are taken. However, most experts are unanimous in the opinion: you cannot drink water directly from the tap. You need to at least boil it.


Sedimentation is the simplest way to purify tap water. By settling, we mean the process of separating suspended particles from water under the influence of gravitational forces, namely, salts, some heavy metals, etc. To purify water in this way, you need to take a clean vessel, for example, a jar, fill it with tap water, cover it a little with a lid and leave it for 5-6 hours. During this time, suspended particles will settle to the bottom. You can use only the upper 2/3 of the water, it is advisable to pour out the lower 1/3 of the water, since it is in it that all harmful impurities are concentrated. It is not recommended to stand the water for more than the specified time, since pathogenic bacteria can begin to multiply in long standing water.


Boiling is considered the easiest and most affordable way to purify household water. Moreover, if the water is not purified by means of filters, boiling is a prerequisite for its harmless consumption to health. Boiling helps purify the water of many types of impurities. Under the influence of high temperature, most of the bacteria die, chlorine-containing compounds are destroyed, the water becomes soft and tasty. However, boiling has its drawbacks.

  1. First, in chlorinated water, under the influence of high temperature, dioxide is formed, which tends to accumulate in the human body and has a carcinogenic effect.
  2. Secondly, ordinary boiling (not long-term) destroys far from all microbes, not to mention heavy metals, nitrates, phenol and oil products.
  3. Thirdly, with prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the structure of water is destroyed and, at best, it becomes not useful, and at worst, harmful to health. Boiled water is heavy or, as it is also called, "dead" water. It contains heavy isotopes of hydrogen - deuterium atoms. The negative effect of such water on the human body has been confirmed by numerous studies.

To purify water by boiling to be as effective as possible, and the negative effects to be minimal, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Do not boil the water again, pouring out the remaining water from the kettle and rinsing it after each use.
  • It is advisable to boil pre-filtered water or at least settled
    Use only the upper 2/3 of the volume for drinking or cooking, pour out the remaining water
  • Descale the kettle and other utensils as needed
  • Avoid boiling for a long time


You can clean your tap water at home by partially freezing it. The essence of this method of purification is as follows: cleaner and fresher freezes faster, then crystallizes water containing impurities and salts. To purify water in this way, you need to pour water into a container, for example, into a plastic bottle, and put it in the freezer. When the first thin layer of ice forms on the surface of the water, it should be removed, as this quickly freezes heavy water.

After the water is about half frozen, remove the container from the freezer. It is the frozen water that should be used for drinking and cooking. Do not use unfrozen water. In winter, water purification is much easier. In frosty weather, containers with water can be placed in the open air.

For the best effect, you can use double purification, that is, first, the water is defended or passed through a filter, and only then freeze.

By the way, it has been known since ancient times that melt water has a number. Thus, purification of water by freezing allows you to get not only pure, but also healing water.

Bottled water

You can replace low-quality tap water with bottled water, which can be easily bought at any store. Now many people prefer just such water, considering it as safe as possible for health. Bottled water is divided into two categories: the first category water and the highest category water. The first category water is well-purified tap water. That is, water from the tap is first cleaned from impurities, then disinfected, after which useful elements are added to it and poured into containers. Such water is undoubtedly better than tap water, but not all manufacturers manage to completely purify water from impurities.

The water quality of the highest category is much higher. Most often it is pure underground water that does not contain harmful impurities. Such water is either initially rich in compounds such as fluorine, potassium, calcium, iodine, or it is enriched with them before being poured into containers. There is a misconception that it is enough to clear water of all impurities, and it will be useful. In fact, water should enrich the human body with minerals. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous manufacturers on the market who sell not only poorly purified bottled water, but also insufficiently mineralized water. Therefore, in order not to acquire a fake, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • On the label of the container with water, there must be information about the category of water
  • The container should not have dents, drawings and inscriptions on the label should be clearly imprinted
  • There should be no sediment at the bottom of the container with water
  • It is better to buy water from well-known manufacturers that have been producing similar products for a long time.

Household filters

Clean and healthy water can be obtained using household filters. There are many different filters with which water can be purified with varying degrees of purification. Household filters are divided into two groups:

  1. Jug filters. They are easy to use and affordable, however, their productivity and the degree of water purification are low. If tap water contains a lot of mechanical impurities, but its chemical composition meets the standards, you can limit yourself to this device. The service life of the filter is long, the main thing is to replace the cartridge approximately once every 1.5-2 months (after cleaning 150-300 liters of water). The jug must be washed regularly, and filtered water must not be stored in it for a long time. Otherwise, it is possible. Before a long break in operation, it should be washed, dried and stored in a dry place, since moisture is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.
  2. Flow models. They are connected directly to the water supply or tap, are relatively expensive, but at the same time they are characterized by high performance and provide high quality of purified water. The use of such models is advisable if the water is highly hard and has harmful impurities. The cartridges used in them not only produce mechanical cleaning of water, but also precipitate toxic chemical impurities, make the water softer and more pleasant to the taste.

For the effective operation of the filter, it is necessary to timely change the cartridge, which has a limited resource. Typically, in stationary models, the cartridge lasts about 1 year. It is important to remember that flow filters need continuous operation. With a long break in the use of such a filter, optimal conditions for the reproduction of microbes are created in its cartridge, and also there is a loss of the operational properties of the filter material. As a result, it may be necessary to replace the cartridge and thoroughly clean the filter cavity.

Filtration with activated carbon and minerals

It is believed that activated carbon absorbs substances harmful to the human body from water, including such heavy metals as lead, radon and its decay products, chlorine, pesticides, etc. At the same time, it enriches water with valuable minerals. To purify water, tablets of activated carbon are packed in a gauze bag and placed in a container with water for 12-14 hours. After this time, clean water is suitable for drinking. It is not recommended to leave water with activated carbon for a longer period, as such water can become a favorable breeding ground for various microorganisms.

Often minerals are used for water purification, in particular, silicon.

This method of obtaining pure water was used in Ancient Russia. It is believed that due to the activation of water with silicon, it becomes not only pure, but also tastier and can be stored for a long time without changing its composition. In such water, the life of viruses and pathogenic microbes is simply impossible. Silicon absorbs substances harmful to human health, such as salts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc. In order to purify water with silicon at home, it is necessary to place silicon washed under running water in a glass or enamel dish, pour water at the rate of 10 g of mineral per liter of water. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth and place in a dark place for 2-3 days.

After the specified period, use the upper 2/3 of the water, pour out the remaining layer, since it is there that harmful substances from the water accumulate. The resulting silicon water must not be refrigerated or boiled. It is better to leave it stored indoors at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

Video material will tell about modern methods of drinking water purification:

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The importance of clean drinking water for the human body has been proven for a long time, since then a variety of filtration systems have become more and more in demand. In addition, many people are interested in how to purify water with improvised means. This is especially true in case of insurance, if, for some reason, special devices do not inspire confidence or have become unusable. And also such methods allow you to significantly save money spent on all kinds of installations and cartridges.

All that needs to be done is to choose a suitable liquid treatment option, or even several, and debug its system of work in order to cover the needs of the whole family.

Advantages and disadvantages of boiling, settling and freezing

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the simplest and most affordable ways by which tap water is purified. These are physical options for exposure without the use of any filter, which have both obvious advantages and serious disadvantages:

  • Boiling. In the process of exposure to high temperature tap water, the liquid is sterilized. The main advantage of the approach is the fact that the death of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. True, for the cleansing to really take place, the product must be boiled for at least 15 minutes with the lid open. Only then will the harmful components evaporate. It is worth considering that the water becomes "dead", i.e. useless for the body, and nothing can be done about it. In addition, chlorine does not disappear anywhere, but only changes, turning into an even more dangerous compound for humans.

  • Defending. Another simple approach, the use of which is convenient only if there is no time limit. You need to pour the liquid into a bowl and leave for at least 8 hours. Such water purification at home allows you to get rid of chlorine and a number of other volatile chemical compounds. True, heavy metals remain in the liquid, although they settle to the bottom. To get rid of them, the water cannot be chatted and stirred, and after insisting it must be carefully poured into another dish, leaving at least a quarter of the product at the bottom.

  • Freezing. Today, water purification by freezing is considered one of the most effective among the primitive physical methods. You need to do the following: pour water into a saucepan or plastic dish and put it in the freezer. Next, the most difficult thing begins - we make sure that only half of the liquid freezes. Then we drain the liquid part (all salts and harmful components remain in it), and melt the frozen one, and it becomes drinkable. It is recommended to drink such a product immediately, because it is considered to be healing. Therefore, you need to set a schedule for when it is best to freeze water.

Tip: Today, highly chlorinated water flows from the tap, which is considered safe for humans and supposedly can be used in everyday life. In fact, if you use it in its "pure" form, you can face digestive disorders, allergic reactions, penetration of worms into the body and, paradoxically, dehydration.

Choosing between boiling, settling and freezing, you need to take into account that you can control the quality of the product only in the latter case, because water rich in mineral salts freezes very slowly. Therefore, the use of this approach in the absence of a high-quality filter is considered by experts to be the most logical solution.

Rules for the use of cleaning components

A number of chemical compounds can be used as a cleaning filter. Most often, at home, water is purified with silicon, table salt, shungite, activated carbon and silver. The methods for preparing drinking liquid in these cases are as follows:

  • The use of table salt. For 2 liters of tap water, take a heaped tablespoon of salt and dissolve. We insist the product for 20 minutes, after which it can be consumed. With the help of such a kind of filter, the liquid can be made free of heavy metal salts and pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, such purification of tap water cannot be used too often, because

  • Cleansing with pharmacy silicon. It is best to purchase the product at the pharmacy, so as not to face additional problems later. First, the ingredient must be thoroughly rinsed under lukewarm running water. Then we put it in a container with water at the rate of 3 g of stone per 1 liter of liquid. The container with silicon should be covered with gauze and removed in a bright place, but away from direct sunlight. This filter will purify the water in about 2-3 days. To get the maximum benefit from the product, it must be drained into a new container, leaving at least 3 cm of sediment in the old one.

  • Another stone with which people are increasingly purifying water. To make tap water drinkable, you need to place a stone weighing 100 g in a liter of water and stand it for three days, then drain, leaving a little product at the bottom. From time to time, such a natural filter needs to be cleaned with a hard sponge or changed.

  • The natural product not only purifies water, but also eliminates unpleasant odors, absorbs harmful substances that have entered the liquid from the surface of the pipes. You just need to wrap several tablets of the drug in gauze (1 piece per liter of liquid) and place them in water for 8 hours.

  • Silver. Its properties are still used, because the component acts much more efficiently than carbolic acid and bleach. In order to start water purification, you need to place a silver coin or spoon in a container with tap liquid and leave for at least 10 hours.

At home, if you wish, you can make a real filter, but in terms of the quality of work, it still cannot surpass the described methods or industrial products.

Simple and safe folk remedies

Before you purify water at home using one of the folk remedies, you need to take into account that their effectiveness will directly depend on the quality and environmental friendliness of the components used.

  • Rowan. We just put a bunch of berries in a container of water and wait a couple of hours. Such a natural filter purifies water no worse than activated carbon and silver.
  • Wine, vinegar. People knew how to purify water with wine thousands of years ago. You just need to take 300 ml of white wine (dry, young) per liter of water, mix and insist for at least 4 hours. In the absence of this ingredient, it is allowed to use vinegar. Only you need to take it no more than a teaspoon for the same volume.

Experts warn against trying to quench your thirst with distilled water. Although this product does not contain harmful components, there is no benefit from it either. But the regular use of such a liquid accelerates the process of removing vitamins and minerals from tissues, which is dangerous for the body. Well, the easiest way is to buy at least a simple jug with a filter that will not take up much space, will not cause trouble, and at the same time will provide the family with clean drinking water.

Summer has come. For many, this is the time for hiking and outdoor recreation. Our article is addressed to those who like to travel far from civilization and are not afraid of everyday difficulties. They more often than others have to use water for cooking and drinking, which contains not the most healthy components. For them, we publish a list of ways to purify water in field conditions.

Source: depositphotos.com


This is one of the simplest and most common ways to purify natural (river, lake, etc.) water from most pathogenic microorganisms. Boil time should be at least 5 minutes. If the water is taken from a region where there are frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases, it must be boiled for 30 minutes to an hour, and the boiling process must be continuous. With a significant decrease in the amount of liquid, you can reduce the heating intensity, but you cannot add raw water to the container.

Source: depositphotos.com

Application of hot stones

It may happen that tourists do not have heat-resistant dishes with them, suitable for boiling liquid in it. In such a situation, you can heat stones in a fire (heat for 40-60 minutes) and place them in a container with water until they cool.

Warming up in the sun

Using wool thread

The simplest filter for water purification can be made from a woolen thread folded several times. One end of such a "wick" is dipped into a container with water, and the other into an empty container. The liquid permeates the thread, flowing from one vessel to another, and is freed from some of the harmful impurities.


At a multi-day parking lot, sedimentation can be applied. Water is poured into large containers and kept without shaking for 10-12 hours, and then the upper part, which has become transparent, is carefully drained. In this way, you can get rid of a significant part of the pollution and prepare the water for further processing.

The method will be more effective if you add a little starch or a few chopped raw potato tubers to the settling water.

Cleaning with iodine or potassium permanganate

A pharmaceutical solution of iodine is added to natural water for its disinfection in the amount of 3-5 drops per 1 liter. A container with a well-mixed liquid is defended for at least half an hour.

You can put several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) into the water, the liquid should acquire a pale pink color. The use of this method requires caution: ingestion of a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is fraught with the development of dysbiosis or chemical burns of the mucous membranes.

Filtration through sand

To make such a filter, you need to take an empty tin can and punch its bottom in 3-4 places. Alternatively, a plastic container with a perforated bottom will work. A layer of clean thin cloth should be placed on top of the holes and covered with sand, previously washed and calcined at a fire. Place the container on a support (tripod), under which the empty dishes are placed, and pour water into the upper container in small portions. The liquid will slowly flow through the layers of sand and fabric, being cleaned of mechanical impurities.


Table salt has a strong bactericidal effect. By adding it to water (1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter) and settling the solution for half an hour, you can get a liquid suitable for cooking. Drinking such water is not very pleasant, but you can reduce its salinity by adding a handful of hawthorn berries to the solution.

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