Home Trees and shrubs Complete interpretation of the tarot of 7 swords. Seven of Swords: the meaning of the tarot card. Career and money questions

Complete interpretation of the tarot of 7 swords. Seven of Swords: the meaning of the tarot card. Career and money questions

The motto of the Seven of Swords is "normal heroes always go around". This card describes an attempt to find a way out of a difficult situation with the help of some tricks and shenanigans (and not an open struggle), to avoid conflict. She points to the need to be cunning, think with your head, and go for strategic evasions. Maybe this is not the best behavior, but sometimes it is necessary in life, and we all understand this in childhood. Well, you can't tell your parents the WHOLE truth, in fact! J Somewhere it is necessary to use the Seven of Swords, so that the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe, and the shepherd is on the board of honor.

The Seven of Swords is dishonest, it always raises the question of the correctness of actions and the plausibility of intentions. At the same time, this card may simply indicate that we need to test the speed and efficiency of thinking and thinking. One of the ancient meanings that has not lost its relevance at all is persistence, intelligence and perseverance in a difficult situation.

An amazing property of all Tarot Sevens is their amazing fluidity and "adjusting" to the individual characteristics of a person. So, there are people who hate the Seven of Pentacles, and those who consider it a very good card. The Seven of Cups for one person means nothing at all what it means for another. The same thing happens with the Seven of Swords. For some, it may well be the least favorite card in the deck, indicating outrageous treachery and foreshadowing the most unpleasant things.

And for some, it is like a small apron, a valuable opportunity to get away from a difficult situation, let in a little dust, a little fog and cover up your tracks with a habitual movement. Seven of Swords - a card of scouts, "their patron and soul." For them, its loss is a professional holiday. She describes the ability to act with cunning, covertly, the ability to avoid danger, not to openly conflict with the enemy. The only question is how great the deception is, what it generally concerns and what it is fraught with (and this is usually shown by other cards).

This is a card of insincerity and skill, diplomacy and tact "on your mind." It is also an escape card, a way out of a situation, not a fight (unlike the Five of Swords). This is not always a bad thing. You just need to act subtly and not overdo it. In the worst case, the deeds committed by the Seven of Swords can end in ostracism and isolation if you have to be held accountable for your actions.

It is interesting that the literature also does not contain unambiguous interpretations. Some respectable tarologists shout that this is just a giant red warning sign and everything is terrible. Others, no less venerable, position hope as a key value, declare that, in general, the Seven of Swords is a good card of revived confidence, the worst is over, and new attempts to overcome previous failures this time will be successful, because a person has grown wiser and gained experience - new plans, persistence, patience, hope, faith ... Still others hold some other views. It remains to observe and draw your own conclusions.

Perhaps one could argue that in a negative card environment there is a risk that overconfidence in the correctness of their concepts will lead to collapse. It can also mean the need to be on the lookout, because someone is not going to keep promises or tries to cheat. In a favorable environment for the Seven of Swords, it happens that real miracles happen. A person is faced with pleasant surprises, which he did not count on at all and which help to solve a problem on the verge of fantasy (for example, a random fellow traveler who has forgotten to take an important document on a business trip, who turned out to be a high-ranking official, scribbled out a soooo piece of paper out of the kindness of his soul that it was impossible to dream ).

There is the Seven of Cups - this is a card of dreams and fantasies, then the Seven of Swords is a card of designs. And sometimes - intentions ... or conjectures ... or fictions. Making new plans alone, thinking, finding a solution, efforts caused by uncertainty, also go along this map. Critical thinking over one's actions, calculating decisive steps ... a kind of "military council in Fili". With the Devil, of course, unethical behavior, dishonest tricks, something that would be ashamed of if it was revealed.

The Seven of Swords can indicate a question that a person avoids solving, especially if there are other cards in the layout that indicate stress. He does not like what is happening, it is difficult to accept it, and in some way he deceives himself and others. He is a little more agile than just an ostrich hiding its head in the sand (Two of Swords), but he also tends to follow the path of least resistance. This is hiding secrets and avoiding responsibility.

Life is life - and it is impossible to travel endlessly along a flat and paved road: at some point we inevitably turn off. The Seven of Swords may indicate the fact that we have already "turned aside" and deviated from the previous guidelines. This can apply to both personal relationships and obligations once assumed (hence one of the typical meanings - "betrayal"), and business, labor relations, and so on (hence - "tricks, cunning" and loss of trust).

In an everyday sense, a card can indicate theft, surrounded by negative cards - theft of something or a collision with blackmail. It is the significator of all kinds of forgeries - money, love, documents. All sorts of secret boxes and pockets, hidden stash, double-bottom boxes, hidden cameras and voice recorders, and in three layers "password-protected" smartphones and laptops also pass through this map.

"Great maneuvers". For the Seven of Swords, we are hatching rather dangerous thoughts and plans. Our theories and concepts depend on our mood, and our mood is often rather faint-hearted - we would gladly dodge something or cheat. Appearing in the layout, this card suggests that now we simply do not have enough strength to achieve the goal or fulfill the promise, and therefore tricks, evasions and attempts to get out of the situation begin.

The Man of the Seven of Swords is not necessarily an inveterate liar. He values ​​intellectual freedom and diversity - are there many of them in everyday life, if you look at it like that? He just makes reality a little more interesting - both for himself and for others. He enjoys mind games, riddles, charades and subtle hints, cross-referencing and thrilling coincidences. How far he will go is another matter. The Seven of Swords is different. Imagine a game of poker: a skillful bluff is not meanness and deceit, but marked cards are.

A person, designated in the layout by the Seven of Swords, always strives for something, makes an attempt to turn something, hopes for something. He has tenacity, intelligence and a winning strategy. What and where will lead, the surrounding maps can tell. The Man of the Seven of Swords has a developed and sharp intellect, quite successfully bypassing moral restrictions (this is called unprincipledness).

He is unreliable. Sometimes it is assumed that they are cowardly, but this is debatable. The Seven of Swords in its classic form is a spy, a double agent, a person who sells other people's secrets. In order, say, to wander through forged documents, you need your own, specific courage, just not the one with which they rush hand-to-hand. This is a map of blackmailers, thieves, scouts, kidnappers, crooks, hoaxers and paparazzi.

It happens that this is a card of revenge, a desire to recoup, to receive compensation. According to one of the versions, the five swords that the character carries away on the map (two remain on the ground) are weapons that were taken away on the Five of Swords Arcanum, after which he was forced to retire for some time (Six of Swords), but now came back and took what was his. This is a grated kalach that has gone through the "Crimea and Rome", a master of hanging noodles and sneaking along slippery paths, mainly to evade reckoning.

The Seven of Swords has a good understanding of the human psyche with all its weaknesses and is inclined to explain everything subtle and irrational with the help of logic (sometimes somewhat nervously).

Leaving into daydreaming (and often negative expectations) and melancholic detachment from a sober assessment of practical life. Flight of thought into the transcendental spheres of utopia. The mind devotes itself to serving the soul and accepts its aspirations, hopes and illusions: it breaks away from reality and experiences surprise and bewilderment in front of those of its properties that it did not even suspect before. Human fantasy can draw beautiful worlds - however, it is not able to bring these worlds to life, therefore this card is called "Futility". Created by thought is ephemeral, and the mind doubts its own reality of its ideas.

Seven is the most perfect of numbers. At its stage, a striving for perfection is manifested, therefore actions at the level of the Seven of Swords are distinguished by refinement, subtlety, although sometimes unnecessary. Air builds too complex schemes on the way to victory, often far-fetched. If we talk about art, then this is the development of skills and abilities. Here metaphysical forces are realized as an act of creativity at the level of subtle plans.

Venus, Neptune, Uranus sound distinctly in the theme of the Seven of Swords. Neptune gives the Seven of Swords the illusion. He pushes to the fact that the desired is perceived as real, and in fact, the Path to the intended Goal turns out to be more difficult and longer. At the same time, this card combines the idealism of Aquarius and the half-heartedness of Libra. (The partial achievement of what was conceived also presupposes the presence of a certain amount of unattained.) But the Seven is not as maximalistic as the Three or the Five, therefore it is able to be satisfied with a partial result.

Some authors believe that the Seven of Swords shows the reverse side of the Magician, with which it is related by the golden background of both cards. The power of knowledge, a clear, sharp mind turn here into dangerous thoughts and unscrupulousness, hidden plans and fraudulent play, cunning and intrigue, meanness and deception, theft and deception. In a milder form, it can be a joke, an evil language, intellectual arrogance, or the position of "my house is on the edge" - unwillingness to notice some things, the habit of playing around, evading, phony, etc. At the same time, it is not clear who is deceiving whom, who is a swindler, and who is a victim. But more often it turns out that we are harming ourselves here.

Deciding on this, a person compromises his conscience - this is the path to nowhere. Agility in overcoming difficulties, getting out of a difficult situation through bluffs and lies ... in fact, the goals are very dubious, but in any case, the main thing is not to go beyond too far. Manipulation, evasion of duties with fox cunning. Dodges and excuses, tricks and tricks to achieve the goal. Skillful cunning actions, quite appropriate to the situation, with a benefit for themselves. Often this benefit is to find a quiet haven, a place of comfort and meditative pastime, and hide there, fooling everyone. It is about dubious and invisible goals and intentions, about trying to slip away, avoid unpleasant situations, contradictions, responsibilities ...

And the basis for this is the fear of existence and negative expectations (depression). The only problem is that consciousness and subconsciousness have exchanged places. Gloomy subconscious anticipations overwhelm the mind and impede apparent success. Severe anxiety prevails, although in reality everything is going completely normal. These destructive thoughts should not be taken seriously. Reality differs significantly from its perception at the moment. Fears have nothing to do with her. This is a map of a critical approach to thinking itself - you have to wake up and see what is really happening.

The map shows a temporarily spreading tent city. The man uncertainly carries five swords and looks back at two more, which he did not take, apparently forgotten by him due to absent-mindedness. Or maybe he just can't take with him all the weapons that he found in the enemy camp. It is believed that the card depicts a person who habitually tries to find a way out of a difficult situation with the help of cunning, to avoid conflict. But now, alas, the tried-and-true method does not help him well: the "enemies" still have two swords, and even those that he could carry off cut his hands. Tents symbolize instability: in the realm of the unknown, consciousness feels like a thief who has crept towards the enemy - it is capable of rejecting and losing all its past achievements.

In this situation, it is important to determine the landmarks of thought, remembering your previous goals: this will give support and more confident movement in the future. An appeal to the past can become a "memory of the future," and the secrets of the depths of the soul - future heights of thought: if, of course, they do not remain secrets. In the best case, this map is used for inner cognition, insight, finding obvious solutions to complex issues, the ability to read the signs of fate; systematic development of internal perception. That is why there are such super-positive interpretations of this card as a strong inner voice, great knowledge in esotericism, understanding and acceptance of symbols, finding the spiritual meaning of life.

The third decade of Aquarius is ruled by the Moon and Neptune, the planets of Faith and mystics, symbolizing the flight of thought into the transcendental spheres of utopia. In this decade, the mind devotes itself to the service of the soul and accepts its aspirations, hopes and illusions: it breaks away from reality and experiences surprise and bewilderment in front of those of its properties that it did not even suspect before. This decade is characterized by a withdrawal into daydreaming and a melancholic detachment from a sober assessment of practical life.

Human fantasy can paint beautiful worlds - however, it is not able to embody these worlds in life, therefore this decade is called - "Futility". Created by thought is ephemeral, and the mind doubts its own reality of its ideas. The essence of this decade reflects the saying that laziness is the engine of progress, and the Aquarius image of Ivanushka the fool, who miraculously became a king, but only because he, without doing anything superfluous, did not hesitate, went to the intended goal. Venus, Neptune, Uranus sound distinctly in the theme of the Seven of Swords. Therefore, this card also has the meaning of esotericity and verbal demiurgy (words that direct the will, one of the meanings of the card "Oath").

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: I will not take it by force - I will take it by cunning! Show ingenuity and diplomacy, do not go into conflict, do not try to act ahead in resolving issues, but use workarounds, veiling their intentions. Strategically verified behavior, no unnecessary movements. Caution, like an owl at night, will lead to what the heart desires. Now is not the time to force things, and also to reveal your true intentions, it is better to walk around and around. You can use all the available dexterity and all the known tricks. Sometimes it’s advice to quit the game, not mess around at all. It is also advice to carefully cover your tracks, to make sure that persecution is impossible and that inquiries will lead nowhere. This is important when you have to do something that is incompatible with morality, but for the good of yourself or other people.

The classic warning of the Seven of Swords: keep your mouth shut. We must beware of overconfidence, otherwise everything will collapse. You don't need to rush forward too much and talk about your plans. The card says that you do not need to talk about what you need or what you plan to do - talkativeness will not play into your hands. Also, there is clearly no time for lies, double play, tricks and deceit. "Do not dig a hole for another - you will fall into it yourself." It makes sense to postpone the "palace coups". Avoid questionable companions. And finally - beware of fraud and people who manipulate others in their own interests.

In general, it is a map of planning and maneuvers. Surrounding maps will tell you what will come of it. There is an opinion that the plan for the Seven of Swords is always unsuccessful, but this is a clear exaggeration. This map may well be like a brilliant special operation behind enemy lines, about which legends will go on for a long time. This is the energy aimed at creating plans, projects. The card can also mean overcoming difficulties, victory over routine by the most scrupulous mastering of it, this is success after a long feverish activity.

Getting strength, instructions, ingenious advice on how to cope and get through all the difficulties. New attempts to overcome old obstacles this time can be successful if confidence and plans are based on knowledge of the situation and experience has already taught what you need to know.

All kinds of research for projects and diplomas are carried out on this map, but, in fairness, it should be noted - manipulation of results for their own benefit, as well as plagiarism.

The best words that go with this card in a negative environment are shady deals, dubious deals. But it may be just an unconventional approach to solving some issue.

The card often falls out to a person who feels guilty in a particular situation in front of certain people, because they let them down, or avoids the authorities because he neglects duties. She talks about cunning and manipulative behavior, grandiose cheating, misleading others and escaping, distorting the real state of affairs, weaving intrigues.

If we talk about art, then the Seven of Swords symbolizes the development of skills and abilities. Her metaphysical powers are realized as an act of creativity at the level of rather subtle plans. This is the energy aimed at creating plans, projects. The card can also mean overcoming difficulties, victory over routine by the most scrupulous mastering of it, this is success after a long feverish activity (trouble).

Unforeseen circumstances, obstacles, intrigues, hindrances.

This is a map of surveillance, espionage and betrayal. These things can happen in a wide variety of activities in a wide variety of organizations. Even if the questioner is not 007's agent, copying materials from other people's flash drives and winding up overheard telephone conversations can be a habit for him.

Sometimes the card describes "the battle of one strong against many weak."

Some interpretations suggest that this card portends financial success. The desire to appropriate someone else's, to make a profit by deception and tricks. Unreliable financial proposals (promised profits are an empty phrase, but trouble is likely). Scams leading to losses (however, it makes sense to carefully study other cards in the layout).

Deceit and lies, or at least insincerity. What hinders sincerity can be suggested by other cards. This card loves what can be called a fake idyll - the partners pretend that everything is fine, although at least one of them knows perfectly well that everything is not at all what it seems and leads the other around his finger.

In love - serious deception, fooling a partner or avoiding open manifestations of feelings. However, not everything is always so scary. "I will not take it by force - I will take it by cunning!" in this case, you can change it by imagining a not particularly beautiful Vasilisa or a not particularly beautiful knight without a white horse, who firmly know that no one will fall in love with them at first sight. Techniques, strategies and tricks are being developed so that the other side is imbued with and believed that in front of her is "the most charming and attractive" (by the way, the maneuvers from the film of the same name are also pure Seven of Swords: zero feelings, but falling in love with the chosen object is equated to a combat task , and each of the naive maneuvers has been agreed upon in the "General Staff").

In a more formidable version, this is Valmont from Dangerous Liaisons. This is an experienced intriguer and a big fan of fooling around, "grated roll", cunning and reckless. He went through fire, water and copper pipes and is ready for any test. His genre is passion, insincerity, play, seduction, subtle tricks and escape from responsibility. This person always heads to sneak away, get out of the game. A traitor and a manipulator, deftly deceiving other people's expectations and getting out of the water one by one. Slyly, he makes plans for pranks and insidious intrigues, not being honest and frank in his feelings and thoughts. But sometimes he oversteps the boundaries and himself becomes defenseless against the negative inclinations of others.

The partner described by the Seven of Swords can be quite sophisticated in lovemaking at all stages. Pick up here is usually mastered to perfection, it is a master (or a craftswoman) to seduce, moreover, without any sincere feelings from her side. This is art for art's sake, strategy for strategy's sake, and specific objects here are always in the position of extras, even if it seems to them that they are finally invited to the main role. This person knows perfectly well what to write in ambiguous messages, with what expression to look into the eyes, what and how to do when it comes to intimacy, and most importantly - at what moment to melt, like the morning fog. And do not underestimate him, thinking that his skill is limited solely to flirting and bed tricks - he finds the "G-points" in his heart no less confidently.

The Seven of Swords disarms, in exact accordance with the image on the Arcana ... and apparently no one in the tents there even realized what was going on.

Inverted card

Again - "don't dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it", but here, it seems, you have already hit!

The best value of this card is the ability to avoid conflict with a dangerous enemy. Although not everything is completely legal, there is nothing to be afraid of. Suspicions of theft and dishonesty can be dismissed.

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes advice, instructions, remarks, reproaches, reprimands, corrections, that is, that which does not allow cheating and deviating from the true path. At the same time, an inverted Seven of Swords may indicate a lack of energy to achieve what was conceived (Libra), as well as non-recognition by others (Aquarius). In addition, this card means disarmament (including psychological - to be weak, helpless), incompleteness. For example, a person, having barely reached a certain point, instead of moving on, frightened of trials and abandoning an already close goal, runs away. One interesting interpretation is that an inverted Seven of Swords indicates the presence of a rejected or "inappropriate" person. This value should be taken into account if the alignment is done on relationships, as well as the meaning of exposure, tearing off masks, exposing true intentions.

Traditional inverted meaning: slander, plans that can collapse, excessive self-confidence leading to instability in business, annoyance. Questionable advice from someone. Sometimes the card says that a person has penetrated into an unnecessary secret to him, has become an “unnecessary witness,” stuck his nose into something, from which it would be better to stay away. A straight card speaks of the mind, an inverted one - "many knowledge, many sorrows."

At the same time, there is an opinion that the inverted Seven of Swords speaks of cautious actions and a balanced approach to business. Before starting intrigues and cunning plans, a person thinks about whether the game is worth the candle.

Traditional meaning is news, announcements. With the Seven of Pentacles - profit, with the inverted Ace of Swords - childbirth (from the old interpreter).

Hierophant - weakens the action of the Seven of Swords

Justice - weakens the action of the Seven of Swords

With the Hermit - loneliness, withdrawal from society

With the Hanged Man - loss of property or position.

With the Moon - something hidden in a person, unconscious, suppressed.

With the Sun, with the World - gain and luck in that sphere of life, which the questioner is wondering about.

With the Ten of Wands - making commitments that you wanted to evade

With Two of Swords - an escape from the truth

With the Five of Swords - dishonor, separation from others, possibly due to the exposure of a lie

With the Six of Cups - the cunning influence of the Seven of Swords weakens: openness and kindness

With the Nine of Pentacles - the desire to rely on yourself, to act at your own discretion.

In combination with Justice, there is a great risk of being exposed and punished, maneuvers cannot be hidden. In combination with the Devil, the outcome is more favorable for the questioner - he manages to get out of the water and cover his tracks. But still, this should not be considered as a guarantee of safety.

Measure seven times

"War Council in Fili"

Trojan horse

All situations of betrayal and renunciation

Seven of Swords - Lesser Arcanum

From the point of view of astrology, the Seven of Swords corresponds to Mercury, which symbolizes deception, cunning, dishonesty of actions, insincerity and meanness.

This is Aquarius in the Third Decan, which is ruled by such truly mystical planets as Neptune and the Moon, and this indicates the flight of thoughts and fantasies, the search for methods of implementing ideas, and those that will not be associated with special loads.

Other names for the Seven of Swords: Seven of Sabers, Seven of Daggers, Seven of Blades.

Brief description of the Arcana: Theft, Cheating, Fraudulent activity, Meanness, Stabbing in the back.

Description of the Seven of Swords

The classic Tarot is the Seven of Swords, which depicts a tent laid out in the field, and a thief sneaks away from it, holding 5 swords in his hands. He did not take the other two swords, and they remained with the owners of the tent.

In the Tarot deck of the Age of Aquarius on the Arcana, a knight is depicted sitting on the floor of the castle, and a sword lies at his feet. Behind the knight are located his trophies - 6 more swords.

The sacred meaning of the Seven of Swords

According to tradition, the sacred meaning of the Seven of Swords should be looked at in relation to the previous card. In the Six, we saw a family that left the usual way of life, the old house and went to new shores. After the boat moored, the understanding came that it was necessary to somehow begin to live. But there is no livelihood yet. And this is where the duality of this Arcana comes into effect.

On the one hand, the situation can develop like this: upon arriving at a new shore, the family pitches the tent and falls asleep soundly. We remember that the boat had luggage - swords. And so, under cover of night, a robber, taking advantage of the family's fatigue, quietly steals their luggage, leaving the family without any means of subsistence.

On the other hand, the picture may have a slightly different meaning: having arrived on a new land, the family still has neither housing nor sources of income. But do you need to live somehow? And then the head of the family tries to provide for the family in some, albeit not honest way. He finds nothing else but to steal someone's property.

To understand what position a person occupies in the Arcana, you need to look at the question itself and at the surrounding cards.

It must be taken into account that a person carrying stolen swords in his hands acts very carefully, with caution, and does not take all the prey, but only part of it. There can be two options: either he took exactly as much as he needed, or took away as much as he could carry. The true understanding of his actions also needs to be seen in the additional Arcana.

In addition, swords are weapons, which means that if they leave them to the one who harmed, the person must be prepared that the remaining weapons will turn against him, and then he will have to answer for his act. Moreover, we see a completely flat area in which there is nowhere to hide. Therefore, detecting the thief will not be so difficult. What will be the level of punishment - this is also for the Arcana of the alignment.

Mythological correspondence of the Seven of Swords

In mythology, the Seven of Swords is perfectly characterized by the myth of the capture of Troy, when a wooden horse was brought as a sacrifice to the goddess Athena of Ilion, inside which the Greeks were hiding. Under cover of night, they opened the gates of the impregnable Troy, and thus she was taken. Since then, with the light hand of Verglius, the phrase of the priest of the god Apollo "Fear the Danes who bring gifts" has been immortalized.

Also here is the myth of Hermes, who, as is commonly believed, patronizes thieves and swindlers, as well as his son, the consummate swindler and thief Autolycus.

The meaning of the straight Seven of Swords in the layout

The Seven of Swords is a card of a compromise reached in a not entirely honest, or rather even completely dishonest, way. We can safely say that a person got out of the situation through cunning and various evasions, seeing only the goal in front of him and not thinking about the means.

The card speaks of a person who is dishonest, who, contrary to moral principles, builds his own line of behavior. To understand whether a person himself is drawn like this, or whether he has to face a swindler and a thief, nearby cards will tell. In addition to insincerity, a person will also need good skill, because he has to hide all his motives and arrange everything so that no one undermines. To this you need to add prudence, intelligence, the ability to quickly accept non-standard thinking.

This is not to say that the card is frankly negative. Sometimes you have to fight the circumstances through not entirely benevolent actions. There are also lies for salvation. But how to understand where is the line of permissible violations, and where are actions with far-reaching consequences? The rest of the cards in the layout will help you figure it out. They will tell you whether the person will have to answer for their actions and how serious the punishment will be. After all, for theft you can thunder and go to jail.

When surrounded by negative cards, the Seven of Swords suggests that there is a great risk of collapse due to your overconfidence. In addition, Arkan can serve as a warning that you need to be very careful, because a person who has taken on some obligations can fail at any moment or simply take possession of something fraudulently. In a favorable environment, Arkan can talk about some surprises that can lead to success in solving the problem, but here you will most likely have to make a non-trivial decision, and very quickly.

Seven of Swords - Arcanum, which indicates various plans, not always built on honest implementation, especially if the Devil falls nearby (XV Arcanum), saying that these plans are clearly dishonorable and care must be taken to hide them as best as possible ...

The meaning of the inverted Seven of Swords in the layout

The inverted Seven of Swords shows that a person will be able to get away from some kind of conflict, maybe even using not entirely legal methods for this, but at the same time he will be able to get out of the water.

Arkan says that you need to follow the true path and give up trying to achieve something by deceit or by means of fraudulent actions. If you do not listen to the advice of Arkan, you will have to "disarm", which will make a person helpless, weak physically and emotionally, unable to withstand the circumstances.

The card also speaks of some kind of exposure in unseemly actions, a forced demonstration of true intentions, tearing off the masks. At the same time, the inverted Seven of Swords insists on a balanced approach, extreme caution, and thoughtfulness. You will have to very well weigh your actions and the consequences after them.

Seven of Swords upside down shows slander, instability in business, accidental receipt of secret information, which can later play a bad joke.


In professional activity, the Seven of Swords shows the need to achieve goals through certain maneuvers. If everything is planned well, good results can be achieved. To understand the direction of such maneuvers, one can imagine a picture when a reconnaissance group manages to seize trophies behind enemy lines and quietly get away. A well-calculated situation is a guarantee of easy overcoming of difficulties and real success.

Here you can count on receiving important competent advice, even, rather, cunning, support from a knowledgeable person, gaining new knowledge and strength. If the surrounding Arcana is not favorable, then the Seven of Swords indicates dubious transactions, manipulation of documents and money, dark deeds.

To get profit in business, you will have to look for an unconventional approach, take risks and use not entirely honest methods.

If you look from the position of an employee, then here we see a person consumed by a sense of guilt because of some unpleasant situation. He is afraid of being disgraced and punished, so he tries in every possible way to avoid leadership. Such a person is dismissive of his professional duties, tries to manipulate the results of his work, steals information from colleagues, illegally uses the fruits of their work, misleads the bosses and other team members, manipulates and weaves intrigues. The map is a direct indication of plagiarism.

In a team with such a map, spying on each other reigns, attempts to take advantage of other people's achievements, dishonesty and secrecy. There may be overheard conversations and brought up for general discussion, intrigues built on false or inaccurate information.

The Inverted Seven of Swords indicates that at present a person does not have enough opportunities and means to carry on the work begun earlier. It should also be borne in mind that a businessman has his own ill-wishers. In addition, there is no complete confidence in the success of the enterprise, a person is ready to deviate from his original plans and conceived goals, he is ready to give up his idea.

To implement the project, it is necessary to overcome difficulties, but there is a high probability of a hopeless situation due to a lack of manpower and resources. Among other things, a person lacks the trivial ability to communicate, lacks diplomacy in doing business.

Self-development direction

The Seven of Swords teaches you to adapt, find solutions quickly, and be able to use non-trivial methods to achieve your goals. Arkan says that sometimes the end justifies the means, so you can neglect some established traditions, but you need to do this only as needed, so that such an attitude does not become a habit.

The Inverted Seven of Swords teaches that sometimes there comes a time when the secret becomes clear, you have to take off your masks and show your face. At such moments, the essence is revealed and it becomes clear to everyone what a person is. You need to be prepared so that this moment does not turn into a judgment seat. Ready for their past actions and intentions.

Personal relationships

An unenviable card in the hands of relationships. The Seven of Swords speaks of a complex union in which insincerity and deceit reign. We must pay tribute, outwardly such an alliance looks quite safe, but here again everything is saturated with falsehood, including ostentatious idyll. In the alliance of the Seven of Swords, one of the partners necessarily manipulates the other, leads him around his finger, fools, betrays and cheats with him in all imaginary ways.

It is interesting that such a partner does everything possible to initially earn full confidence and in every possible way supports this status quo. As a result, nothing and no one can shake such trust, even if they start shouting to the “victim” “Open your eyes! He is not who he claims to be! " Such revelations will not be successful. Usually this partner does not have feelings, he enjoys trust and love for his own good and only as much as he needs.

Very often, such a person applies all his skills to captivate the prospective couple, to fall in love with him head over heels. He can easily seduce, and only then his skillful sex will complete the job. Very often he seduces for the beauty of the game and self-admiration in it, and only then he uses the fruits of his labor. He flirts perfectly, beautifully and vividly looks after, giving the full illusion of being involved in a relationship and falling in love with a person.

His insidiousness lies in the fact that in this he loves only himself and his talent as a seducer. But he manages to play his part so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose.

The Seven of Swords says that treason, meanness and betrayal are possible in an alliance. Moreover, in addition to various intrigues and insidious actions, there may be another negative: total surveillance of the partner.

An inverted Seven of Swords indicates that one of the partners is completely dependent on the advice, opinion and influence of the other. He is very sensitive to criticism, not sure about the relationship.

Quite often, there is slander in the union, which destroys relationships, causes negative emotions and, after them, hatred.

The card can also mean the partner's passivity in building relationships, caused by uncertainty as a result, unwillingness to do anything so as not to waste energy.

Personality characteristic

The Seven of Swords describes a person who is hatching dangerous plans and ideas. The danger is that he is willing to reach them dishonestly - by deception and fraud. He is ready to go to various tricks to achieve his goal, and he does not care at all how others will feel at the same time. This person is an excellent liar, and even for a while he manages to lie quite believably, than to gain the confidence of the interlocutors. However, this man always has a knife in store, and he is waiting for someone to turn his back on him.

He is not ready for open confrontation, but he will easily inflict a blow on the sly. I must say that this does not bother him, he is not going to draw conclusions and is ready to do so again and again. Until his actions are stopped by some kind of strong opposition.

This person likes to bluff and prefers bluffing. He is an intellectual, loves to solve complex riddles, play mind games. He is always on horseback in such situations and enjoys the beauty of his game.

A person under the influence of the Seven of Swords is a kind of Ostap Bender, who is constantly starting something, striving for something, trying to do something. He develops strategy and tactics, finds all sorts of loopholes, seeks the opportunity to beautifully bypass moral barriers.

It is very dangerous to have such a person as friends: he is extremely unreliable, he can fail at any moment, lie, distort information. He always acts to his advantage and without hesitation neglects friendship and trust.

Such people easily rub themselves into trust, ferret out secrets, and then calmly go to blackmail. They can sell information if they are offered a good deal, tell the enemy plans for a "moderate" fee.

I must say that the man of the Seven of Swords is quite well versed in the human psyche, therefore he easily finds his followers, with whom he is also easily dealt with.

The inverted Seven of Swords shows an emotionally devastated person who is in some kind of hopelessness. He is cowardly by nature, so he is often haunted by fears. Sometimes cowardice can easily be mistaken for prudence, but if the prudent person tries to calculate the situation from possible positions, then the cowardly becomes prudent under the influence of his fear. Even far-fetched and unreasonable.

This is a gloomy person who is trying to somehow make his way in life, but most often unsuccessfully. He thinks in terms of a fraud, but he always lacks neither the strength, nor the means, nor the reasonable plans to carry out the ideas. Most often, he becomes a victim of his own dishonest machinations, or such machinations come out.

Alignment for the situation

The Seven of Swords shows that the situation has become unbearable for a person, he no longer understands what is happening, he is trying to deceive others and himself in order to somehow delay the solution of the issue. And yet the situation will have to be resolved, and Arkan says that the decision will have to be made very quickly, and it will be unpopular.

Sometimes, in order to get out of the situation, it is necessary to go to some kind of deception, intrigue or fraud. Also, the card suggests that the solution to the situation can become possible only when a person receives some information illegally and uses it correctly. You will definitely have to play around, get out and trick.

At the everyday level, the Seven of Swords indicates theft, the likelihood of falling into the hands of a blackmailer. In addition, it is necessary to very carefully conduct all your affairs, since this Arkan is very closely connected with all kinds of forgeries and falsifications.

The Seven of Swords can talk about some kind of profit due to deception, tricks, machinations.

The inverted Arcanum shows that the situation is beginning to be resolved, often the advice of some wise or simply information-aware person leads to this. Perhaps, along with advice, help will follow. Advice can be given through criticism, which will deliver a lot of nervous shocks, but in the end everything will be resolved more or less beautifully.

Arkan can also talk about the lack of strength and means to achieve the desired result. Maybe because there is not enough experience and knowledge. Sometimes the solution of the situation is hampered by excessive fearfulness and caution.


The Seven of Swords speaks of the latent course of the disease, the beginning of some kind of disease, the very beginning of the crisis. Psychologically, a person is in melancholy.

The inverted Arcanum speaks of the beginning of recovery, the crisis has passed, the period of rehabilitation is coming.

Card of the day

When leaving the house, it is advisable to safely hide important things, because there is a very high probability of theft. Also on this day, you can face betrayal and fraud. Solving some of your questions will have to be cunning and dodge, but the result will be positive.

The inverted Seven of Swords says that on this day, forces will leave a person, and fears and laziness will take over him. Not enough determination to do something important, as a result, the day will be perceived as having fallen out of life.

Card of the year

The Year of the Seven of Swords is a year of stealth and bluff. You just need to go all-in to achieve your goals. But here the ends will justify the means, so you need to act quickly, choose unexpected decisions, and leave the moral aspects to others.

Inverted Arcanum promises a very painful year, which will be accompanied by the desire to do something, but the lack of strength and energy for it. No development is expected this year. Routine and only routine.

Arcana Council

The Seven of Swords advises not to act impudently, but to try to solve everything through diplomatic means. What is this path? Who are diplomats? Sly, cunning and clever manipulators, liars who know how to pass off a lie for the truth. It is necessary to use cunning loopholes, not to go to open confrontation, and then the issue will be resolved positively.

Seven swords are subject to the elements of air. The number seven itself is a divine number. Most often, the map depicts a guy who stole swords. He walks stealthily and cautiously looking back. This whole performance suggests that the man, by deception, decided to get what he needed. Also, the time of day in the illustration is either early morning when everyone is still asleep, or evening when everyone is already asleep.

Seven swords are subject to the elements of air

The overall value of the card

In general terms, the meaning of the card is as follows:

  • lack of confidence in their abilities;
  • useless attempts to do something, the impossibility of the enterprise's success is justified by the position in society, unwillingness to notice any nuances;
  • you don't need to be on a rampage in order to achieve a goal - sometimes you need to be able to go around, adjust to the situation and society;
  • in the interpretation of this card, it is not at all clear who the questioner is, the victim or the thief.

The inverted position symbolizes the very great confidence of the fortuneteller in his abilities. And also indicates that difficulties and obstacles are growing due to rumors, lies. In rare cases, the lasso indicates a hidden malevolent influence, and quite tangible. Or, the questioner was drawn into some kind of story related to a showdown.

What the card says

7 pentacles in the layout for a career tells about the dishonest path that the questioner takes in order to achieve his goal. Or the person will be drawn into affairs by deception. All affairs seem to be covered with a gloomy veil, the success of the business is negligible. The person himself does not see the point in continuing. Doesn't believe in success. The inverted 7 pentacle card symbolizes an acute shortage of funds and a lack of prospects for continuing the enterprise begun.

Sometimes it means that the questioner retreated, reaching the middle. The man gave up in front of the upcoming difficulties. It is possible to correctly state the interpretation only by looking at the arcana that fell nearby.

What does the seven pentacles promise in terms of health? You have a latent illness. It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis, but it is worth checking. Your body has not yet shown any signs of an ongoing disease.

In the scenario for a change in state, he says that recovery will come unambiguously, no matter how difficult the diagnosis is. The disease was initially misdiagnosed and not as serious as it seemed.

How to interpret the lasso in combination with other cards

7 swords of tarot meaning in combinations with high cards can have both good and bad. In combination with a jester, it shows an unclear, uncertain situation in relation to affairs. And in relation to a person, he shows a frivolous image who does not want to be responsible. If the Magician and Seven Swords lasso falls, it is advised to show agility and ingenuity. The High Priestess in the layout with the seven of pentacles symbolizes the concealment of secret actions. In combination with the Empress, she shows a low human nature, neglecting parental responsibilities, who does not want to be responsible.

The emperor, being near the seven, expresses disagreement and unwillingness to put up with the orders of higher rank. The hierophant in combination with seven swords indicates pretense, two-faced behavior. If you want to appear better than in reality, the person still does not change. With a card of Lovers in the layout, it speaks of the impossibility of choosing one side or the other, some kind of indecision. With the Chariot warns of danger. Conflicts should be carefully avoided. Together with the lasso, the Force shows a feigned pretense. With the Hermit, the alignment speaks of the desire to hide from those around him his inner experiences, mental torment, and emotional state. The wheel of fortune promises financial fraud.

Hierophant in combination with seven swords indicates pretense, two-faced behavior

The Justice card in the combination of the seven swords of the tarot warns that you will be unfairly accused of treachery, unpleasant rumors concerning you. In combination with the Hanged Man lasso, it warns that some strange circumstances are developing around. With Death - the completion of a certain stage of life. New opportunities. In combination with Moderation, it encourages to seek compromises.

The seven of swords in combination with the Devil card symbolizes hypocritical behavior, the questioner is insincere towards others, he deliberately deceives everyone. The tower symbolizes events that are a consequence of the past. Or, it gives a warning that the current behavior could lead to destructive events.

With the Star it symbolizes lost opportunities, potential wasted in vain. The moon and the seven of swords speak of hidden manipulation. The sun advises to become a diplomat and be ready for compromise solutions. The court predicts that the fortuneteller is prone to low deeds, but the well-deserved punishment will still overtake. With the World Map, it is predicted that further development will require the power of the mind.

What advice does the lasso give? In any scenario, the interpretation of each card has a certain message, special advice.

  • The seven of swords tarot card advises you to be careful.
  • No need to give up at the very first difficulties or hints of them.
  • All decisions need to be carefully weighed and use roundabout ways to get around problems. Sometimes you have to make concessions.

What a card can mean in divination for a relationship

In layouts for love and the continuation of relationships, the interpretation is very complicated. Partly also because the number seven itself is not very inclined to communicate with magicians and fortune-tellers. The worst option would be the gradual transition of a love relationship to a rival one. After parting, the couple will remain angry, and on both sides. It is very likely that one of the partners is cheating.

The tarot card seven of swords can be a symbol of closeness in relation to your soul mate. The fortuneteller does not have enough fortitude to start a conversation that has been waiting for a partner for so long. It may be the reason for the whole attempt to hide away from actions that require a responsible approach, in the pettiness of the questioner.

Often, when you see a card in a relationship, you need to think about your partner's attitude. Such people lure, charm their so-called victims, creating a visual image of falling in love. And then they enjoy the victory. If the victim is caught in the nets, he can leave them only at the request of the usurper himself.

The inverted lasso in the layouts speaks of the complete dependence of one partner on the other. The dependent partner indulges his half in everything. Uncertainty in relationships that is generated by defamation from other people. This very uncertainty and lack of agreement ultimately leads to destruction. Painful for both partners.

Inverted card - the meaning of the inverted lasso.

  1. Most likely, the questioner has in the past become a victim of dishonest machinations on the part of opponents. Gossip played a big role. The man suffered losses.
  2. The hour has come to return what was lost. Now the enemies cannot gain the upper hand, because all actions on the part of the fortuneteller are correct, weighed. Every step and blow is delivered with professional precision.
  3. It promises the return of stolen property or restoration at the previous place of work.

Astrological binding

The minor lasso of the seven pentacles is under the influence of the planet Mercury. He is responsible for resourcefulness, cunning, deceit. Aquarius in the third decade is under the control of the Moon and Neptune. They affect thought flight. It is possible to realize everything conceived not only with the help of brute force, but also by finding a creative, irrational approach.

The sacred meaning, the interpretation based on the binding to the previous lasso, and, accordingly, to the six, takes on a somewhat ambiguous character. What do we see?

The minor lasso of the seven pentacles is influenced by the planet Mercury

Initially, we saw a family that left everything they were used to. This family sailed away in a boat. Having reached the coast, people begin to understand that they have nothing in their new place yet.

And then comes the realization that you need to survive at any cost. Then the father of the family steals the swords while the owners sleep. But, only five swords were stolen, two remained. Therefore, having committed an atrocity, a person must prepare for a blow in response to his meanness.

Another development of events shows us a picture, when a family mooring to the shore, tired of long ordeals, falls exhausted and falls asleep. Here, under cover of night, a certain criminal appears and steals the swords that were in the boat. Again, the two swords left behind symbolize that reckoning cannot be avoided. All stolen goods will be returned.

Personality characteristic

Maps not only describe events and provide answers to questions, but also show the environment of the questioner.

  1. If seven swords drop out next to a card symbolizing a person, this may mean that there is a very inventive and intelligent person nearby. The image of a person who is always perfectly knowledgeable in any business. Such people will never disappear, even alone.
  2. Often shows that next to the questioner there is a thieving colleague or gossips.
  3. In some layouts, it shows a frequent change of housing.

A person capable of vile deeds in order to achieve their goals. He can plan his tricks for a long time and carefully. He can lie believably, which causes a trusting attitude towards him. There is always a weapon in his pocket, which he will deftly use at the first opportunity.

The inverted seven of swords indicates the narrow-mindedness of the mind. Often, this is a thief who does not know how to act imperceptibly.

What does the card of day seven of swords promise? If today this particular card fell into your hands, do not be sad. It's just that on this day, an obstacle may be encountered on the way that needs to be removed with a little thought. It will take some kind of compromise solution. The main thing is to face the problem. You shouldn't back down and play around.

A person capable of vile deeds in order to achieve their goals

The layout of the relationship.

  1. Asking question from a married woman who has noticed a breakdown in a relationship: What's next for our marriage?
  2. The arcana of the seven of swords fell justice and the hermit.
  3. Based on this, we can conclude that a divorce awaits the couple. Moreover, the husband is always trying to get away from retribution. There is some kind of understatement in the relationship. The hermit reinforces the initial interpretation of divorce, as if showing that the woman will be left alone. An additional card dropped out death. Which is a sign of the end of an old relationship.

The cards seem to say that the cup of patience has been overflowing for a long time. And stop living like that. It's time to end this stage and start a new one.


Not everything always lends itself to stereotyped descriptions. Especially in tarot cards. The meaning of the seven of swords comes across in good interpretations. It depends on which side and for what question the fortune-telling is intended. You need to look and read the cards with your gut rather than with your mind. So the seven of pentacles can be viewed in comparison with a chess game between fate and man. There is no room for brute force proof in chess. The enemy must prove his superiority, relying on his experience, intelligence and ability to choose the right tactics. In this battle, the strongest will win and not necessarily fate will be able to break a person.

The Seven of Swords of the Tarot will help you find the right path, take the path of life priorities that will help you withstand any cold.

Tarot cards have a deep meaning. They can provide answers to exciting questions and reveal the true meaning of what is happening. Tarot is not just fortune telling. This is the key to the secrets hidden in the subconscious, and the ability to look beyond the boundaries of everyday life.

This article provides a description and interpretation of one of the minor arcana - the meaning of the Tarot Seven of Swords.

Description and general meaning

In classic tarot decks, the card depicts a man who, looking around furtively, carries away five swords, leaving two more behind. The fact that he looks around speaks of his doubts, fears, inner struggle and fear. Another important point is that a person holds swords in such a way that they can damage his hands. This indicates the danger and that, probably, he is acting to the detriment of himself.


If the question was about work, then the meaning of the Seven of Swords Tarot implies non-standard ways or non-traditional methods of solving problems. The combination with auspicious lassos speaks of the need to show dexterity, discretion and diplomacy. These qualities will help resolve conflicts and find a compromise.

In some cases, the lasso speaks of dishonest profits. Theft, falsification, financial fraud, deception - this is just an incomplete list of what the Seven of Swords (Tarot) can hide in itself. The value can be determined more accurately by looking at the adjacent cards in the layout.


In matters of love, swords most often carry a negative connotation. As for the Seven of Swords (Tarot) card, the meaning in relationships is also very unfavorable. This minor lasso speaks of insincerity, lies, false emotions, and sometimes betrayal. In such a union, betrayal, meanness and manipulation of the feelings of others are possible.

In an inverted position, the card speaks of love addiction. In such a relationship, one partner is influenced by the other. This relationship is dangerous for both. The addicted person loses his personality, completely adjusting to the circumstances. The second becomes a tyrant, showing his worst qualities: selfishness, aggression, jealousy.

Personal characteristic

If you need to get a description of a specific person, then the Seven of Swords of the Tarot can speak both of his character as a whole, and of the temporary state in which he is at the moment. In the first case, the lasso personifies a person who is deceitful by nature, prone to meanness and betrayal. Such a person achieves the goal dishonestly, causing harm to others. He is not able to openly express his own opinion. Out of cowardice, he acts in secret, manipulating other people.

If the question concerned the current state, and not the general characteristics of the personality, then the card may simply indicate temporary difficulties. The person is in a difficult state and cannot find a way out. In this case, he had to show cunning to avoid a conflict situation. Although, perhaps under normal conditions, such actions are unusual for him. It is also likely that the actions he takes may harm him.

The meaning of the Seven of Swords Tarot in health matters

In this case, the card speaks of some kind of hidden disease, the symptoms of which have not yet been identified. If the question was about a psychological state, the lasso indicates the likelihood of depression and apathy associated with fatigue and recent experiences.

The inverted position carries a positive meaning and indicates a speedy recovery. The acute period of the disease has passed.

Alignment for the situation

The presence of this lasso in the layout speaks of dishonesty, doubts, duality or negative consequences of your actions in the past.

At the moment, the circumstances are very unfavorable. But the map only shows the current state of affairs and the likely trend in the development of events. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Tarot implies that in this situation one should not give up and lose hope. Correct actions will help you find your way out.

Perhaps you are uncomfortable with past actions and want to take a defensive position, letting things go. However, such actions will only harm yourself. The presence of 7 Swords in the layout should be taken as advice to show dexterity, diplomacy, intelligence.

Among other things, this card may indicate the completion of a certain stage of life and the beginning of a new path. Saying goodbye to the past will help you to boldly look into the future. But you should be careful and avoid rash decisions in the near future. But do not take swords in the layout as a harbinger of imminent danger. The meaning of the Seven of Swords Tarot is primarily advice to proceed with caution. Cards open up possible paths for you, showing you what to fear and how best to proceed.

Combination of 7 Swords with other arcana

Any situation should be viewed from different angles. For a clearer understanding, you need to pay attention to the combination of the arcana. The following is a more detailed explanation of the significance of the Seven of Swords in combination with other cards.

Major Arcana + Seven of Swords:

  • 0 - "Fool" ("Fool", "Fool") speaks of a frivolous person who wants to avoid responsibility. If we are talking about the situation, then the proximity of the 7 Swords with the zero lasso represents ambiguity and unreliability.
  • 1 - "Magician" ("Wizard") calls for dexterity and quick wits.
  • 2 - "High Priestess" - hiding the secret.
  • 3 - "Empress" - neglect of parental responsibilities, the desire to avoid responsibility.
  • 4 - "Emperor" - disagreement with the leadership.
  • 5 - "Hierophant" - hypocrisy, hypocrisy, an attempt to seem better.
  • 6 - "Lovers" - indecision and inability to make a choice.
  • 7 - "Chariot". The value of the Tarot card "Seven of Swords" + 7 Major Arcanum implies the need to avoid conflict situations.
  • 8 - "Strength" - pretense.
  • 9 - "The Hermit" - secrecy, an attempt to hide from those around him his own emotions and thoughts.
  • 10 - "Wheel of Fortune" - money fraud.
  • 11 - "Justice" - unfair accusations, slander.
  • 12 - "The Hanged Man" - indecision, uncertain circumstances, weak will.
  • 13 - "Death" - the completion of one stage and the opportunity to start something new.
  • 14 - "Moderation" - the need to compromise.
  • 15 - "Devil" - deception, hypocrisy, insincerity.
  • 16 - "Tower" - the destruction associated with your actions in the past. Or a warning that the result of current actions may turn out to be deplorable.
  • 17 - "Star" - lost opportunities, wasted potential.
  • 18 - "Moon" - machinations, hidden manipulations.
  • 19 - "Sun" - advice to show diplomacy and compromise.
  • 20 - "Judgment" - an attempt to avoid a well-deserved punishment.
  • 21 - "Peace" - to move forward it is necessary to use the power of the mind.

In almost any matter, the Seven of Swords (Tarot) is an advice to exercise caution and prudence. Difficult decisions will likely have to be made. The main thing is not to give up. The right direction and the right actions on the path to success will help you achieve the desired result. However, before you make any effort, you need to think carefully about everything.

Each of the Tarot cards has its own specifics, which is important to know if you want to become a competent tarot reader and perform truthful layouts. This material reveals the meaning of the 7 Swords of the Tarot, which you can also meet in various sources under the names of the Seven of Sabers, Seven of Daggers and Seven of Blades and the Lord of Unreliable Effort.

In reverse position

In an inverted form, the Seven of Sabers demonstrates rejection by others, a change in plans built in advance.

  1. Overall meaning: it is pointless to hide your actions.
  2. In the field of events: the secret turns into the obvious: the lasso indicates surveillance, cunning, deception, which will be discovered.
  3. In work: declassification of intrigues, violations in business papers and disclosure of intrigues in the work collective.
  4. In terms of health: 7 of Swords is a very favorable card, indicates pathologies detected in time, making the correct diagnosis.
  5. In personal life: betrayal becomes obvious. A person can no longer hide his secret connection.
  6. Arkan demonstrates the exposed person caught "hot".
  7. He advises: it is better to confess yourself to what you have done.
  8. Caution - you will be exposed.
  9. Describes the tricks that will give themselves away in the end.

Seven of Swords Tarot more detailed description

In its meaning, 7 of Swords is very similar to the reverse side of the "Magician" lasso, it even has the same golden background with it. But in this case, the power of knowledge and a sharp mind becomes cunning, intrigue, meanness and deception.

In a more delicate form, the card will indicate evil tongues, the presence of intellectual arrogance, testifies to a detached position like "my khata is hidden" - a person does not want to pay attention to some things, is used to shirking his direct duties, and so on.

At the same time, it is difficult to establish who is the victim and who is the crook - the questioner or those around him. It is also often the case that you harm yourself.

In work

Either we are being deceived, or we ourselves are "glad to be deceived." It is likely that a person seeks to get his own using dishonest, deceitful ways. At the same time, he uses hypocrisy, low-respected tricks, and does nasty things to other people.

If the Seven of Daggers is the answer to a question in the area of ​​work, then, of course, it is important for you to be careful. Control your behavior so as not to suffer from self-organized intrigue.

In the event-personal plane, the card personifies a hack who, by all means, seeks to avoid responsibility and does his job poorly.

In the field of consciousness

A person stubbornly does not recognize the obvious and seeks to avoid discussions on these issues. And this is dishonest, first of all, in relation to ourselves: in this way we block the opportunity for ourselves to know the truth. And in especially serious situations we deal with frankly false cases.

Therefore, here you should take the lasso as a serious warning that you need to monitor your views on life and not consider them an absolute truth.

7 of Swords of Tarot meaning in relationships

In this area of ​​life, the card has a rather extensive aspect of the action: its meaning ranges from insignificant dirty tricks (gloating, hypocrisy) to outright lies, vile and low acts, betrayal.

In addition, the lasso indicates that partners are not open enough to each other in a relationship, they are afraid to speak directly, they do not want to solve important issues.

Combination with other cards

  • With the lasso "Jester" - dodging one's obligations.
  • With the lasso "Magician" - a manifestation of cunning.
  • With the lasso "High Priestess" - the concealment of the truth.
  • With the lasso "Empress" - the parent does not fulfill his duty to the children.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - a lie to the father or boss, slipping out of custody.
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - you will find a compromise with your conscience; man makes himself an innocent, lies with the aim of salvation.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - unwillingness to make a choice.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - avoidance of a conflict situation.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - pretense.
  • With the lasso "Hermit" - a person "on his own mind."
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - exit from the game.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - to escape from justice.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - refusal to sacrifice.
  • With the lasso "Death" - an action according to previously tested methods.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - finding a compromise solution.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - a person is cleverly rubbed into trust.
  • With the "Tower" lasso - damage caused by cunning actions.
  • With the lasso "Star" - to leave the true path.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - dark affairs.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - a diplomatic model of behavior.
  • With the lasso "Judgment" - avoiding just retribution.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - a person is affirmed with the help of his mind.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - a controversial event.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - the need to hide.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - ingenious projects.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - a fictitious agreement.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - dishonest competitive actions, attacks from others.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - the use of any means to achieve their goals.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - an attempt to expose someone.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso - outsmart your opponent.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - a person tries to hide his true essence, but it does not work out for him.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - an attempt to hide the truth, which was unsuccessful.
  • With the lasso "Page of Wands" - a deception of a teenager.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - an unpredictable end.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - a woman's lie.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - they deceive a man.

You can also get the necessary information about the described card in the next video clip

The value of the card in different layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ Layout "One card"

Total value

It symbolizes cowardice, in addition, the card may indicate that a person wants to enrich himself dishonestly and warns him against this.


The card portends an affair on the side of a fortuneteller or partner.


Arkan promises health problems. The card says that there will be a disease that cannot be diagnosed.


Arkan indicates theft, waste and other financial problems that will lead to unpleasant consequences.

link >>>

✚ For the future

First of all, it means sad thoughts inside the soul of a person. This is most likely due to a compromise that did not bring the desired dictum from the problem. Therefore, a person is tormented by thoughts whether he did everything right at that moment. In personal life, betrayal or other betrayal from a loved one may occur, so you should be wary of the strangeness of your partner. In general, the card does not carry any positive information, everything will be quite difficult and sad in the near future.

A full description of the map is available by link >>>

✚ On relationships

This card suggests that there is a lot of understatement and uncertainty in a relationship. If one of the partners does not dare to start talking in order to solve the problem and shorten the growing distance, then the relationship will be difficult to save. Do not be afraid to tell the truth, it will turn out much worse if the second person feels withdrawn and insincere towards him. Now is not the best time for new relationships, it is worthwhile to engage in self-knowledge and self-determination, in the future this will give good results in relationships.

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✚ For today

Cunning, deceit, a tendency to cheat, and a desire to travel. The card promises a change of place of work, theft; the desire to make dishonest money. The fortuneteller is prone to depressive states, it is recommended to undergo an examination immediately. Relationships built on lies, deceit and deceived trust; manipulation of a partner and infidelity. You are a man of "sharp mind and an evil tongue" with a very good sense of humor; you know how to dissemble in order to achieve your goal. Try to quietly continue to make your plans and intentions come true!

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✚ For tomorrow

Conflict situations caused by cowardice and meanness. It may mean the need for immediate departure, practically an escape from an insoluble problem. But the map can also predict an internal search, attempts to understand oneself, since internal conflicts are no less intense than external ones.

Tomorrow the questioner can expect a day full of confusion. Someone's dishonest behavior or internal tension is perplexing. There are not enough internal resources to solve the problem, so there are attempts to escape, escape from the conflict. This path is wrong, the situation will not be resolved that way, so you just need to gain strength and think about everything.

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✚ What does he think of me

An unpleasant card in a relationship, but it reveals the true face of your love. You have been looking for a partner for a long time who can be selfish for you, now you are building a relationship with him, but there can be no question of any love on either side. You just get what you want from each other and you are content. Your relationship is saturated with lies that you try to hide carefully. Remember that this "love" does not bring happiness to people. Try to break up to start a life that will lead you to genuine feelings.

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✚ On desire

You have some fears. Some of them are unfounded, and some have a specific reason. Think, are they so great and do you need to focus on them? The best attitude to achieve what you want will be peacefulness. Take your time, think over everything to the smallest detail. Be humble and don't focus on your goals and plans. In this case, you can count on the help of natural talent and hidden advantages.

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✚ On the situation

The current situation is influenced by short-sighted and ill-considered decisions in the past. Fantasies outweighed the arguments of reason. Secret events take place. Developed skills and abilities can be applied to implement plans.

In a negative way, dishonest actions and the situation getting out of control are possible. Unseemly actions on the part of others can interfere. However, no losses are foreseen if you are careful. Calmly do your job and do not strive to be in the thick of things!

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✚ On the betrothed

The Seven of Swords shows the dishonesty and hypocrisy of partners towards each other. Such a relationship can hardly be called long-term: as soon as someone has the opportunity to get rid of them, he will gladly take advantage of it. The card does not recommend at all to associate life with such a person, but it's up to you to decide. The main thing is that the decision made should not be a burden.

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A person is in a state of irritation, because he has taken on an overwhelming burden. Overloads do not allow completing the work begun, the nervous tension grows.

The Guardian Angel advises to abandon without pity from affairs that cannot be realized now. Complete what you started and do not grab onto everything. You are responsible for your business and you will receive your reward.

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✚ On the King

There is a man next to you who is distinguished by cowardice and meanness. Be careful: it is possible that he makes money dishonestly. You can take courtship at face value. But in reality the satellite is a swindler and a thief. Real theft is possible. Before telling the details about your life, make sure of the pure thoughts of your chosen one.

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