Home Trees and shrubs Increased mental sensitivity. Is excessive sensitivity a sign of neurosis? Susceptibility and well-being

Increased mental sensitivity. Is excessive sensitivity a sign of neurosis? Susceptibility and well-being

If you are often annoyed by bright lights, loud noises, violent films and television shows, then you can assume that you have a sensitive nervous system. It is difficult for people with such an innate mental trait to filter out stimuli coming from the environment and thus it is easier to get nervous overload. The sound of a car siren or an alarm for them, like a disgusting scratching of nails on a board, causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and associations, and being in a crowd or traveling on public transport is akin to torture, due to strong extraneous odors.

Many who regularly experience something like this begin to fear for their health, believing that increased sensitivity is a deviation from the norm, but this is not so. As mentioned above, sensitivity is an innate individual feature of the psyche that is observed in 20% of people in the world. Avoiding annoying stimuli, about two-thirds of highly sensitive people lead a closed life, content with a small circle of friends.

The rapidly developing world every day brings new irritating stimuli into our lives that test the strength of the sensitive psyche.

If you categorize yourself as a person who is sensitive to sounds, smells or touch, the following tips may help you:

1) make a good habit

For an hour or two before bed, do not watch TV and turn off all electronic equipment - this is what excites the nervous system. Reading or meditation, on the other hand, can help you calm down before bed. It's better to start the morning with a positive affirmation that sets you up for a positive start to the day.

2. Identify your trigger

Sensitivity is different for all people, so it is important to determine which stimuli cause discomfort for you, this will help to choose the right tactics of behavior in advance and minimize the effect of a potential irritant.

3. Plan public events in advance

If you are sensitive to loud sounds and do not like to be in a crowd, but you really want to attend the premiere of a long-awaited film or visit your favorite restaurant, then it is better to schedule these events on a weekday and the first half of the day, when the number of visitors is relatively less than on a weekend day in the evening.

4. If the work is associated with noise

If your job involves noise, feel free to use earplugs. You can also use headphones - listen to soothing music.

5. Think about your current stressors.

What can you do to fix them? If you have a hectic job, think about what circumstances force you to keep working in this place? Why not consider other options? No options? Then it is worth learning how to free yourself from negative emotions, yoga will help a lot with this.

6. Remember, your personality is your gift.

Highly sensitive people, as a rule, are conscientious, capable of creative personal self-expression.

7. Take time out more often

During your vacation, try to go out into nature, visit city parks, and for better relaxation, sign up for massage and aromatherapy.

8. Meditate

Meditation is the best way to train attention. Meditation teaches you not to be distracted by surrounding stimuli and helps you focus on a specific object.

9. Talk about any inconveniences

If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, do not hesitate to tell others about it. If you find yourself annoyed by loud conversations from your coworkers, politely explain that it’s very distracting and that you’re having a hard time concentrating on your work. Tell your loved ones about your peculiarity so that there will be no misunderstanding between you in the future. For example, your loved one uses eau de toilette, the smell of which you do not really like, gently hint to him about it, and next time choose a perfume together.

10. Identify your favorite scent

If you have a problem with odors, identify your favorite scent. It can be a scent with hints of citrus or a light floral scent. Take advantage of a wide range of aromatic oils. Choose what you like. Put your favorite scent on your wrist or handkerchief, carry it with you, and you can always distract your attention from harsh unpleasant odors.

However, for each person, a certain type of body structure is still predominant. Mesomorphs are distinguished by their athletic build, endomorphs - by their rounded shapes and a predominance of a large amount of subcutaneous fat. Today we are writing about people with a sensitive nervous system, most of whom are of the ectomorph type.

Ectomorphs are thin. They are characterized by poorly developed muscles. The main feature of their psyche is an increased sensitivity to information coming from outside. In the modern world with its requirements, they are the type that has the hardest time.

However, if you are an ectomorph, and have a nervous system with increased sensitivity to signals coming from outside, this does not mean that you are also over-emotional. Belonging to this type only indicates a high sensitivity to external stimulation. For example, listening to motivational music will leave an ectomorph more inspired than other types.

The downside of this sensitivity is that their nervous system is equally susceptible to both positive and negative information.

Modern rhythm of life and hypersensitivity: how to adapt

In order to avoid the disadvantages inherent in this type, it is necessary to avoid some mistakes, which, however, are committed by many ectomorphs.

1. Increased stress. As an ectomorph, you must avoid stress at all costs. A little stress is fine, but if you find yourself getting out of hand, it's time to take a break. Since this type of nervous system is hypersensitive, even ten minutes of heightened stress can ruin his entire current schedule.

2. Avoid doing things you hate. The increased reactivity of the nervous system of an ectomorph also affects professional activity. If an ectomorph hates his job, then after a few weeks his nervous system is overloaded with negative emotions and his life turns into a real hell.

3. Information overload. If you like loud music, then please take pity on yourself and don't listen to it for hours. Your psyche absorbs streams of information much stronger than ordinary people, and this can very quickly cause its overstrain.

4. Get good quality sleep. Lack of sleep is the very last thing you can afford as an ectomorph. Your nervous system is under tremendous irritation if your body does not get enough sleep. As a result, if you don't get enough sleep, you can go down the drain all day.



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Hypersensitivity, HSP: What is it?

When the words “hypersensitivity”, “sensitive person” are pronounced, and even the term that has already become commonplace - HSP (highly sensitive people) sounds, it becomes immediately clear that we are talking about something that goes beyond the average, a certain statistical majority.

Many, having heard "hypersensitivity" and "sensitive person", imagine a kind of muslin young lady, regardless of the real sex, who just faints "from an excess of feelings."

Someone thinks that all these are whims, and it is enough to "get together", "stop winding yourself up", and immediately this sensitivity will pass. All this, they say, from being spoiled.

Still others, a minority of them, believe that heightened sensitivity is a gift, and a sensitive person is most likely talented and inclined to be creative.

Let's try to figure out what HSP really is, and, most importantly, how to live with it among those whose level of sensitivity is mostly lower.

What is hypersensitivity and who are HSPs?

Obviously, if there is a heightened sensitivity, there is also a certain average, one might say - a statistical majority, something that many are used to relying on as from the norm.

Sensitivity in general is the ability of the human nervous system to perceive and respond to various stimuli coming from outside. If you do not delve into the structure of the nervous system and physics, then in general we can say that human sensitivity exists within a certain framework.

For example, a person's hearing recognizes sounds in the 20 Hz range, or a person's light sensitivity is in the 380 - 760 nm range, but everything within these frames has very individual shades.

For example, to one person, the conversation of neighbors behind the wall will seem like a light, barely noticeable noise. The other will hear nothing at all. The third - every word will be heard. This can be the case with color and with other sensations - taste, smells, touch. So it can be with the sensation of pain - any physician will tell you that a person's pain threshold is individual.

At the same time, the researchers note that about 15% of the world's population is HSP, highly sensitive people. The rest have the same average sensitivity, which is usually perceived as the norm. Rarely, there are cases of complete or partial loss of sensitivity, which are mainly associated with diseases of the central nervous system or with severe psychological shocks.

Why is that? Here, scientists still agree that hypersensitivity is an innate characteristic. To what extent it is determined by hereditary factors is difficult to say, because in some cases one can observe the appearance of children with high sensitivity in the family of parents with average indicators.

True, no one will say for sure whether at least one of the child's parents did not really have hypersensitivity, or whether he simply actively suppressed it and skillfully hid it. There are not many studies on this topic yet, but so far there are several obvious signs of HSP.

Signs of HSP


This is the very case when the conversation of neighbors behind the wall seems loud and clear to you, unlike the rest. You are irritated by strong odors, too bright light, you are susceptible to light touches, you can distinguish the slightest shades of taste, temperature, your body reacts quite tangibly to many interventions - medications, caffeine, other psychoactive and stimulating substances, you have a reduced pain threshold (pain comes earlier , from less visible incentives than most).


You have a heightened sense of empathy, you are quite easily imbued with the situation of another person and easily "pick up" his emotions, it is easy for you to feel the state of the people around you, sometimes - regardless of your desire, you easily feel the atmosphere of a place, you are more receptive to art, you are able to experience strong emotions from the "little things".


You carefully consider and weigh your words, any incoming information, you tend to reflect on it, you have increased attention to details, nuances (for example, you notice grammatical errors and typos, are susceptible to all kinds of inaccuracy, negligence in the surrounding space, which others may not notice for a long time at all), you are able to see many meanings in any external object.

This division, of course, is conditional - it is impossible, as a mechanism, to disassemble a person into parts, therefore, of course, everything is connected. But a sensitive person is not necessarily one who has all the senses "at the limit".

Say, he may have very high auditory and visual sensitivity, while he may exhibit a normal pain threshold, or, say, not show high sensitivity to drugs. Or, for example, a person has high empathy, but he is not inclined to go deep into intellectual meanings.

Therefore, now we will talk about the nuances of high sensitivity, touch on common myths about sensitivity, talk about how this is related to other aspects of a person's psychological characteristics - for example, introversion / extraversion, psychotype, temperament, degree of neurotization, and maybe whether it be a symptom of some other condition, disease.

Sensitive person: a special psychological characteristic

In general, hypersensitivity is not an innate characteristic of a person, but a consequence of certain conditions of the organism. For example, sensitivity can increase in the presence of chronic lack of sleep, constant fatigue, severe stress (as, indeed, a response to stress is a partial decrease in sensitivity, as if "freezing" in the presence of very strong and difficult to digest feelings).

Hypersensitivity can accompany some mental disorders and somatic diseases, especially those associated with the central nervous system. But this mention is only so that you can decide for yourself - whether your characteristic is constant, or temporary. Here we will talk mainly about those whose heightened sensitivity is constant, you remember yourself like that all your life, and you have not observed any other serious deviations in the field of health.

So far, I have not come across studies in which it would be possible to clearly trace which psychotypes are more often correlated with increased sensitivity. However, my own practice gives enough reason to assert: hypersensitivity is neither the fifth type of temperament, nor any special psychotype, HSPs are found among representatives of different temperaments and psychotypes.

We can say that some psychotypes appear among HSPs more often than others, but no clear correlation has yet been traced. That is, a sensitive person can be born that way with any other character traits.

Many assume that HSPs are more likely to be introverted. Logically, this is understandable: a sensitive person needs more time to recover from contact with the outside world, because external stimuli act on him more than on others, and he needs to switch off from strong stimulation more often.

But I've also met extroverts among HSPs. Yes, such a person also needed to retire from time to time, have time to recover, but the focus of such a person's attention was still directed to the outside world, and not to the inner one, like introverts.

It is also not possible to establish a clear connection with temperament. It would be logical to assume that HSPs are more consistent with people with fast arousal and slow inhibition, in other words, they are easy to get turned on, but difficult to calm down (which melancholic people are), but this is more like speculation about what a sensitive person should be, or could be in the opinion of the middle majority, and not on reality.

In general, here we can say that hypersensitivity is not directly related to specific features of the psychotype, temperament or focus of attention, it exists as a separate psychophysiological characteristic, built into the rest of the personality parameters.

HSP: Thinking and Interpretation

But a person does not just experience feelings, he also interprets them. For example, the fact that he reacts more strongly to people around and their condition, needs more rest from this stimulation, he can interpret in different ways.

He can calmly say to himself: "Yes, for me today it is already a bit too much, I want to be in silence" - and calmly leave. Or he may start to wind himself up in the spirit of "all people are like people, but I'm not like that, probably something is wrong with me, since everything starts to annoy me so quickly ..."

A sensitive person will be able to grasp the real state of another person - for example, he will be able to feel that his boss has already entered the office irritated and tense, and the further separation of employees only follows from his initial state. Therefore, a sensitive person is unlikely to attribute this to his own account. However, he may be hurt for a different reason - too loud, too bright, too strong.

But an anxious person just may not feel the real state of his superiors, he is mainly busy with his own experiences, and therefore he will easily attribute the dressing down to himself, and then he will worry for days about his alleged worthlessness and failure.

It is also easy to confuse people who know how to loudly and vividly demonstrate their feelings (it is not at all necessary that the feelings are sincere, and that they actually exist) with HSPs. But demonstration and real feeling are very different things. HSPs are just not in a hurry to share their feelings so loudly, and even more so: the demonstration attracts even more attention, makes them digest a much larger number of external stimuli, and further exacerbates the fatigue from their own reactions.

And here it is very logical to mention several common myths about sensitivity.

HSP: myths and reality

Myth: a sensitive person is weak.

In fact, rather the opposite. Among them there are many generally strong people who control their feelings sometimes much better than the representatives of the average majority.

Why? Because from childhood, such a child understands that he is different from others, that his feelings are sometimes not taken seriously by others. Parents and other adults are not always ready to take feelings (and even more so - so subtle!) Into account and sometimes even declare them abnormal.

Naturally, in response to this, the child develops defenses. And one of them is the formation of the skill of tracking and controlling your emotions. Yes, sometimes this leads to sad options - a habit of suppressing one's feelings, low self-esteem, a feeling of constant incomprehension and rejection is formed.

In general, HSPs are less prone to reckless actions "on emotions", they are more likely to think about the nuances of their reactions and behavior, they can more effectively cope with difficult life situations, if only simply because life taught them very early to cope with their feelings in the world is less sensitive.

Myth: a sensitive person is open, kind and therefore very vulnerable.

This is also from the realm of fantasy. HSPs are more often than not inclined to protect their feelings from others, at least, experience teaches them this. Not every closed person belongs to the HSP category, but we can say that among HSPs there are many who are considered closed. And, especially with experience of different perceptions of themselves, HSPs are very selective in their communication.

The ability for empathy, which, of course, HSPs have to a large extent, is not a reason for kindness and, even more so, for naivety. The experience of subtle sensation can be applied in many ways, but think about it: subtle sensation implies a sense of all spectra.

And this means that a sensitive person feels not only the wonderful feelings of people filled with positive. In principle, there are not enough of them in the world, to put it mildly. And it turns out that the main content of empathy is very different, and not always a positive state of people.

What lessons can HSPs draw from this? - yes, whatever. You can find yourself in a helping profession in order to attach this empathy, to give it a place. And you can hate the whole human race for the constant violation of boundaries and for that very unhappy inner content. And for example, become a charming villain like Hannibal Lecter, who, in addition to murder, enjoys delicate dishes from their liver or brain, decorates the house with exquisite paintings and listens to rare performances of opera.

Therefore, in terms of moral and ethical guidelines, HSPs can be at any pole of society, and sensitivity will only impart certain shades to their actions, but it does not in any way limit their choice in terms of their own ethics.

Myth: Sensitive people are talented and smart.

This is partly true, of course, because increased sensitivity in itself is an indication for certain types of activity, in which it is needed - many areas of art and science (especially where intuition matters), in general, the creative environment, helping the profession - psychologists, doctors, social workers.

But at the same time, increased sensitivity also imposes certain restrictions - for example, a sensitive person cannot always work in those conditions in which most can work. And sometimes it becomes an obstacle to career development in a standard way, accepted in society and in a particular profession.

I have known people who have high sensitivity combined with low intelligence. This is perhaps the most difficult of all HSPs, because there is not enough resource to realize their uniqueness, while they also do not always succeed in fully integrating into the world of ordinary people.

And this is, of course, a variant of the norm, which, however, differs from the majority and creates certain problems for such people. And in the next part of the article, we will dwell in more detail on the development of a sensitive child and talk about what to do for parents whose child is exactly like this: https://www.b17.ru/article/chuvstvitelnyj_rebenok/

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Comments (1)

Useful article. Thank you, dear Anton Mikhailovich.

How to deal with hypersensitivity?

Psychological hypersensitivity is a feature of the nervous system.

After all, our nervous system is not so much physiology as psychology. When something starts to annoy us, we immediately say: "Don't waste my and your nerves!" At the same time, sometimes without even knowing where these nerves are located and why they exist.

1. Do not notice trifles and weave a carpet of failures from them.

2. Be patient. Patience will destroy most of all "hyper" niches.

Sensitivity to life's problems, experiences are sometimes too far-fetched: all this does not, of course, interfere with living fully, but rather covers half of the bright colors of life with its unpleasant and slightly gloomy side of constant worries about or without.

A sensitive person catches too many unnecessary moments, is too detailed in his vision of problems. And you need to look at events in a general sense, you do not need to get to the bottom of the little things, you do not need to look for troubles where there are none.

If the problem has arisen in the family and the situation throws you out of balance: take and hug the one with whom you are going to conflict. For example, a tense conversation with my husband: they smiled sweetly, kissed him on the cheek, took the handle and agreed with all the claims.

If the situation is not at home, at work (for example). It must be remembered that there are always people who seem to feed on other people's emotions. Avoid them, do not notice their attacks. Communicate only if a working setup requires it. Only you yourself can draw the line between irritants and yourself. After all, no one will force you to cross it. Let all irritants remain outside the line, you don't even look in their direction. Look where you are welcome, where you are appreciated, where you are under pressure.


Hypersensitive people:

hope and understanding through homeopathy

Since the beginning of the 1980s, I began to pay attention to the fact that a significant part of the patients who came to my office are hypersensitive people. They claimed to react violently to even the smallest doses of drugs, including drugs such as herbs and vitamins, colon, oxygen, and bacteriotherapy. Conventional and unconventional healthcare providers refused to believe them, claiming that their other patients responded well to their treatment. The hypersensitive patient feels almost accused of torturing the doctor with his unexplained behavior. “I really can't help you with anything,” the doctors might have told him, recommending to see a psychiatrist.

Worse than that, unconventional physicians believe that the beneficial effects of their mild vitamins exclude possible harm to the patient. Newspaper articles are also of little use; they quote leading experts: "Hypersensitivity to the environment and many other factors, including drugs, is the result of psychosomatic disorders." Or, in other words, "it only seems to you." The word "psychotic" is a great excuse for a doctor. The connection between the body and the psyche certainly exists, but in this case it is not about that. Using this definition, doctors dismiss the patient as not completely normal or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Patients feel rejected and offended. Even worse, when a person loses the support of his family, friends leave him. Then he begins to wonder if he is going crazy.

Since a large number of these patients emerged in the early 1980s, they have been labeled as having “universal reactions” and “multiple chemical sensitivities” (MCS). Not that it helped the unfortunate victims recover, but at least the disorder got its name, the official recognition that they are suffering from something more than a mental disorder. “It's better than nothing,” hypersensitive patients told me. "At least my family won't call me crazy or lazy." New syndromes have appeared, accompanied by hypersensitivity as one of the symptoms or even the only symptom. Patients who came to my office in the early 1980s suffered from chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS). A large percentage of them, in addition to numerous other symptoms, had reactions to food and external stimuli.

It took ten years for Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome to be recognized by mainstream medicine: in 1990, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) finally acknowledged the existence of such a condition and formulated diagnostic criteria. The idea of ​​multiple chemical sensitivities was not taken seriously until the onset of Gulf War Syndrome, when over-young, healthy men began to suffer from a universal reactivity that was previously thought to only occur in "hysterical" women. Official explanations included industrial pollution in Saudi Arabia and the nerve gas used by Saddam Hussein. The real reason lies behind: a toxic cocktail of experimental anti-nerve gas and vaccinations that the soldiers received without information or consent.

Is this type of hypersensitivity a new condition? No, it has always been. Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, was the first to articulate the concept and estimate that 10% of his patients were hypersensitive. Today, the true number of such cases is seriously underestimated. 40-50% of the population suffers from some form of hypersensitivity to environmental factors or food. The severity ranges from sneezing, loss of smell and occasional constipation to severe asthma, allergic reactions to perfume, carpets, paint, or gasoline. In extreme cases, the body reacts to itself, and the patient develops an autoimmune disorder such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. And the number of such cases is constantly increasing.

What is the reason for the increase in hypersensitivity in humanity? And why did the big leap take place in the early 1980s? The first post-war generation has just reached the middle of its fourth decade of life. Think of the huge difference in the environment these children grew up in: massive vaccinations and antibiotic abuse began in the 1950s. American children are now receiving more than 20 vaccinations before they reach 2 years of age. An infant's immature immune system cannot be left untouched by so many vaccines; in other countries, for example, in Japan or European countries, children are vaccinated at a later date, and for this reason. In addition, the impact of the environment - chemicals and pesticides - has increased. A Better Life With Chemistry was in full swing in the 1950s. Antibiotics have been overprescribed on an ever-increasing scale, even for viral illnesses, where doctors were prescribing prescriptions yielding to patient demands, even though they knew they were doing the wrong thing.

The overuse of antibiotics has weakened our immune systems (in part by destroying the gut flora, its core) and has given rise to the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the return of tuberculosis, malaria, gonorrhea and syphilis, when we think they are diseases of the past.

In addition to vaccinations, medications and toxic environments, the economic situation poses severe stress. Our immune system has to pay dearly for everything. In my practice, financial problems rank second after personal relationships as a cause of stress in patients' lives. Anxiety, dissatisfaction, anger, mental, emotional and physical disturbances burn out our immune system.

When the immune system is weak, we are vulnerable to our environment. We are losing the ability to adapt, one of the cornerstones of good health. At any moment in our life, the immune system is opposed to the influence of the environment; if it is weak, then our body becomes vulnerable. So why doesn't everyone suffer from hypersensitivity? Perhaps you or your friends, who received vaccinations and antibiotics in due time, can still feel completely normal in this insidious world. But people are individual, and one of the strengths of homeopathy is the individual approach, allowing you to see a patient with a disease and so far without it. The range of human sensitivity is measured from 1 to 1000. This was discovered 200 years ago by Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, a man of infinite wisdom. Some people will react to a drug, food allergen, etc., while 1 in 1000 will not. In this regard, Hahnemann classified hypersensitive people in the range from 700 to 1000.

Through homeopathy, we can learn to recognize two types of hypersensitive people. Once we find these people, we can reduce their medications and vitamins, reduce the number of vaccinations, give less anesthesia, etc. Consider two of the most interesting types of hypersensitive personality, based on the two leading homeopathic remedies (since these people respond well to the corresponding drugs).

The first group includes my favorite category of people, the Phosphorus people. The medicine is made from phosphorus, which is used in the manufacture of matches. It flares up in a sudden blinding flame and is suddenly extinguished. This quality explains the physical, emotional and mental state of patients. Phosphorus... People Phosphorus radiant, lively, with overflowing energy, but physically and mentally they are easily depleted, constantly in need of a short sleep, which quickly returns their strength. We call them good initiators (because they are easily excitable, they give rise to many things) and bad finalists (because they do not have good stamina).

They are extremely sensitive on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. They are most likely to react to chemical influences in the environment, paint fumes, etc. They are sensitive to weather changes and suffer headaches when a storm approaches. They are receptive to spiritual vibrations, attracted by various kinds of New Age philosophy, mediumship, crystals, etc.

They are often gifted with clairvoyance and excellent mediums. They are extremely sensitive to the emotions of others, often feeling them to such an extent as their own that the boundaries between themselves and others are blurred. Therefore, they are known as "psychogenic sponges".

Physically people Phosphorus- tall and slender, with a graceful figure, long eyelashes, a wide smile and shining eyes. People Phosphorus stand out for their gracefulness, femininity, their speech is accompanied by lively and quick movements of the hands, the word trying to draw attention to their expressive face. Large round eyebrows belong to a sentimental and spiritual person who loves to walk under the moon, read poetry, and sing gentle and romantic songs. They often have oval nails on long, thin toes.

Tears come easily, but can be abruptly interrupted by infectious laughter, especially when the person is having fun or feeling the attention of the public. This person hates the winter months in which he becomes a recluse. Being full of light, it needs a constant stimulus of growing energy, as it happens in spring, so necessary for a living, creative person. He often suffers from seasonal emotional disorders. Emotionally people Phosphorus very sensitive, there are too many feelings in them. They are especially concerned about the well-being of their loved ones. They love to travel, sing, dance, paint - everything that excites and gives a chance to perform in front of the public. They have many fears: being left alone, darkness, thunderstorms and lightning, large crowds, etc. They adore the company of friends, love consolation when things don't go well, and cry even over trifles. They often choose professions that require creativity and flexibility.

Do not force them to do routine work, then they will be like a bird in a cage. They are our actors and actresses, dancers, stylists, travel agents, artists, designers, comedians, bartenders, astrologers and sentimental novelists.

Do you recognize yourself among them? Then be careful - often you will be called a sensitive person. Sensitivity of people Phosphorus physically, it can be detected by an overreaction to anesthesia, including a small dose in the dentist's office. The numbness may persist for a long time, or the patient may not wake up from anesthesia for a long time after surgery. This phenomenon is well known in Western medicine, and until now anesthesiologists cannot predict or find a way to avoid it. Homeopathy can recognize this sensitivity in a patient before starting therapy and avoid unnecessary and even harmful aggravation of the condition.

Typically, a person with hypersensitivity needs half or even a quarter of the normal recommended dose, be it a medicine, vaccine, anesthetic, or vitamins. Moreover, he will react sharply to them (even if they are vitamins), since their internal system is overloaded and the vitality is suppressed.

Human Phosphorus lively, radiant and temperamental, but there are darker people who have the same level of hypersensitivity as Phosphorus... These are people belonging to the Arsenicum type: thin, nervous, restless and sometimes angry. They are tall and thin, and walk with their heads held high. You can see they have under-eye circles. They are full of anxiety and anxiety about the future, stressing the hard working adrenal glands. The lips are often oval, curved and compressed, as if constantly concealing disapproval. Words are spoken slowly, with thoughtful selectivity.

All of this characterizes an anxious personality in stark contrast to Phosphorus... Patients Arsenicum suspicious to obsessive mania. Most of all, they are afraid of catching some kind of disease, so they constantly wash their hands and food and disinfect silverware, trying to destroy the ubiquitous germs. They understand that "they will die of germs or maybe cancer", but they want to give them a decisive battle.

They have many fears about the future, they fear that no one will take care of them when they get sick or old. They constantly think about the chance of catching a disease that lies in wait for them at every corner. They are convinced that no doctor can recognize their illness or that no one can understand how badly they suffer from their illness. To keep their anxiety under control as much as possible, they pay great attention to the little things. While people Phosphorus looking for pleasure, people Arsenicum always see the glass as half empty. As analysts, they can drive you crazy, but it's great to have them as secretaries (your desk will be in order, whether you like it or not). Nothing delivers personality Arsenicum more fun than cleaning over and over again.

Of course, they are more dependent and more organized than humans. Phosphorus, but there will be fewer smiles in your office. With their meticulousness, they can be excellent detectives, inspectors, professors, psychotherapists, dentists, accountants, pharmacists, social workers and proofreaders. While people Phosphorus are born as they are, about Arsenicum people we can say that they are fashioned from sad events: fears and anxieties begin at a young age due to illness or death of relatives or parents, financial losses, poverty and even food poisoning. All this can lead to the formation of a personality type Arsenicum... And alas, they acquire the same sensitivity as humans. Phosphorus... Although there is a big difference that the representatives Phosphorus are sensitive to the environment and Arsenicum- to food, or they are prone to allergies.

Understanding these different types of people and enriching this knowledge with the process of their treatment would allow Western medicine to avoid many of the negative reactions that are so common today. And as always, homeopathy will look for the root cause of the disease and heal the body as a whole. By recognizing sensitive patients, a skilled homeopathic physician can heal and balance their disorder so that the world becomes a more enjoyable place to live! If you suffer from hypersensitivity, go boldly to a homeopath familiar with LM potencies - special potencies developed by Hahnemann himself, gentle enough to treat hypersensitive patients. Otherwise, deterioration is inevitable. As you strengthen your constitution through homeopathy, you will become less responsive to the world around you and more and more able to lead a normal life.

Note: To learn more about your type, read my book What About Men on the relationship between types of homeopathic medicines and Chinese medicine.

Sensitivity I

the body's ability to perceive and respond to various stimuli emanating from the external and internal environment.

Ch. Is based on the processes of reception, the biological significance of which lies in the perception of stimuli acting on, their transformation into processes of excitation (Excitation) , which are the source of the corresponding sensations (pain, temperature, light, auditory, etc.). Subjectively experienced appears with threshold stimulation of certain receptors (Receptors) . In cases where the incoming receptors in c.ns. below the threshold of sensation, it does not cause this or that sensation, however, it can lead to certain reflex reactions of the body (vegetative-vascular, etc.).

For an understanding of the physiological mechanisms of ch., The teachings of I.P. Pavlova about analyzers (Analyzers) . As a result of the activity of all parts of the analyzer, a subtle synthesis of stimuli acting on is carried out, and not only the transmission of impulses from the receptors to the central analyzer occurs, but also a complex process of reverse (efferent) regulation of sensitive perception (see Self-regulation of physiological functions) . The excitability of the receptor apparatus is determined both by the absolute intensity of stimulation and by the number of simultaneously stimulated receptors or the quality of their repeated stimuli - the law of summation of receptor stimuli. the excitability of the receptor depends on the influence of c.ns. and sympathetic innervation.

Sensory impulses from the peripheral receptor apparatus reach the cerebral cortex along specific pathways and through nonspecific conduction systems of the reticular formation (Reticular formation) Nonspecific afferent impulses pass along the spinoreticular pathway, which at the level of the brain stem (Brain stem) has a form of communication with the cells of the reticular formation ... The activating and inhibiting systems of the reticular formation (see Functional systems) regulate afferent impulses, participate in the selection of information going from the periphery to the higher parts of the Ch system, passing some impulses and blocking others.

Distinguish between general and special Ch. General Ch. Are divided into exteroceptive, proprioceptive and interoceptive. Exteroceptive (superficial, skin) includes pain, temperature (heat and cold) and tactile Ch. () With their varieties (for example, electrocutaneous - sensations caused by various types of electric current; feeling of moisture - hygresthesia , it is based on a combination of tactile sensation with temperature; feeling of itching - a variant of tactile Ch., etc.).

Proprioceptive (deep) Ch. - bathyesthesia includes muscular-articular Ch. (Sense of the position of the body and its parts in space), vibration (), feeling of pressure (). The interoceptive (vegetative-visceral) is Ch. Associated with the receptor apparatus in the internal organs and blood vessels. Complex types of sensitivity are also distinguished: two-dimensional spatial feeling, localization, discriminatory Ch., Stereognosis, etc.

The English neurologist Ged (N. Head) proposed to divide the general sensitivity into protopathic and epicritical. Protopathic Ch. Is phylogenetically more ancient, is associated with the visual hillock, serves for the perception of nociceptive stimuli that threaten the body with tissue destruction or even death (for example, severe pain irritation, sharp temperature effects, etc.). Epicritic Ch., Phylogenetically younger, is not associated with the perception of damaging influences. It enables the body to navigate in the environment, to perceive weak stimuli, to which the body can respond with a choice reaction (an arbitrary motor act). Epicritic ch. Includes tactile, low temperature fluctuations (from 27 to 35 °), irritation, their difference (discrimination), and muscular-articular feeling. A decrease in or the function of epicritic ch. Leads to disinhibition of the function of the protopathic ch. system and makes the perception of nociceptive stimuli unusually strong. At the same time, pain and temperature irritations are perceived as particularly unpleasant, they become more diffuse, diffuse and do not lend themselves to precise localization, which is indicated by the term "".

Special Ch. Is associated with the function of the sense organs. It includes Sight , Hearing , Smell , Taste , Body balance . Gustatory Ch. Is associated with contact receptors, the other species - with distant receptors.

Differentiation of Ch. Is associated with the structural and physiological features of a peripheral sensitive neuron - its receptor and dendrite. Normal at 1 cm 2 the skin has an average of 100-200 pain receptors, 20-25 tactile, 12-15 cold and 1-2 heat receptors. Peripheral sensory nerve fibers (dendrites of the cells of the spinal ganglion, trigeminal ganglion, jugular ganglion, etc.) conduct excitation impulses at different speeds depending on the thickness of their myelin layer. Fibers of group A, covered with a thick layer of myelin, conduct an impulse at a speed of 12-120 m / s; fibers of group B, which have a thin myelin layer, deliver impulses at a speed of 3-14 m / s; group C fibers - myelin-free (have only one) - at a rate of 1-2 m / s... Fibers of group A serve to conduct tactile and deep impulses, but they can also conduct painful stimuli. Group B fibers conduct painful and tactile irritations. Fibers of group C are conductors mainly of painful irritations.

The bodies of the first neurons of all types of Ch. Are located in the spinal ganglia ( rice. 1 ) and in the nodes of the sensory cranial nerves (Cranial nerves) . The axons of these neurons in the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves and sensory roots of the corresponding cranial nerves also enter the brain stem, forming two groups of fibers. The short fibers end with a synapse in the cells of the posterior horn of the spinal cord (their analog in the brain stem is the descending spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve), which are the second sensory neuron. The axons of most of these neurons, rising by 2-3 segments, pass through the anterior white commissure in the opposite side of the spinal cord and go upward as part of the lateral spinothalamic tract, ending with a synapse in cells of specific ventrolateral thalamic nuclei. Pain and temperature impulses are conducted along these fibers. Another part of the fibers of the spinothalamic pathway passing through the simplest types of tactile sensitivity (hair sensitivity, etc.) is located in the anterior cord of the spinal cord and constitutes the anterior spinothalamic tract, which also reaches the thalamus. cells of thalamic nuclei (third sensory neurons) axons, forming the posterior third of the posterior femur of the inner capsule, reach the sensory neurons of the cerebral cortex (cerebral cortex) (posterior central and parietal).

A group of long fibers from the posterior root without interruption passes in the same direction, forming a thin and wedge-shaped bundles. As part of these bundles, axons, without crossing, rise to the medulla oblongata, where they end in the nuclei of the same name - in the thin and wedge-shaped nuclei. Thin (Golla) contains fibers that conduct Ch. From the lower half of the body, wedge-shaped (Burdakha) - from the upper half of the body. The axons of the cells of the thin and wedge-shaped nuclei pass at the level of the medulla oblongata to the opposite side - the upper sensitive medial loops. After this crossing in the suture, the fibers of the medial loop go up in the posterior part (operculum) of the pons and midbrain and, together with the fibers of the spinothalamic tract, approach the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus. Fibers from the thin nucleus approach the cells located laterally, and from the wedge-shaped nucleus - to more medial groups of cells. Axons of sensitive cells of the trigeminal nerve nuclei are also suitable here. neurons of thalamic nuclei axons pass through the posterior third of the posterior femur of the inner capsule and, ending at the cells of the cortex of the postcentral gyrus (fields 1, 2, 3), the superior parietal lobule (fields 5 and 7) of the cerebral hemispheres. These long fibers carry out muscular-articular, vibrational, complex types of tactile, two-dimensional-spatial, discriminatory Ch., Feeling of pressure, stereognosis - from the receptors of the same half of the body to the medulla oblongata. Above the medulla oblongata, they again connect with the conductors of pain and temperature sensitivity of the corresponding side of the body.

Research methods sensitivities are divided into subjective and objective. Subjective methods are based on the psychophysiological study of sensation (absolute and differential thresholds of Ch.). Clinical study Ch. (See Examination of the patient , neurological examination) should be performed in a warm and quiet room. To better concentrate on the perception and analysis of sensations, he must lie with his eyes closed. The results of the study of Ch. Depend on the patient's reaction, his attention, the preservation of consciousness, etc.

Pain sensitivity is examined with a pin prick or other sharp object; temperature sensitivity - by touching the skin with test tubes filled with cool (no higher than 25 °) and hot (40-50 °) water. More precisely, the temperature Ch. Can be investigated with the help of a thermoesthesiometer, and the painful one - with the Rudzit's algesimeter. The threshold characteristic of pain and tactile sensitivity can be obtained by examining graduated bristles and hairs according to the Frey method. Tactile Ch. Is examined by lightly touching the skin with a brush, cotton wool, soft paper, etc. Discriminatory Ch. Is examined with Weber's compass. Normally, two separate irritations on the palmar surface of the fingers are perceived when one is removed from the other by 2 mm, on the palmar surface of the hand, this distance reaches 6-10 mm, on the forearm and dorsum of the foot - 40 mm, and on the back and hips - 65-67 mm.

The muscular-articular feeling is examined in the patient's lying position, always with closed eyes. produces unsharp passive in individual small or large joints - extension, adduction, etc. The examinee must determine the direction, volume, and these movements. A kinesthesiometer can be used. With a pronounced violation of the musculo-articular sense, a sensitive (Ataxia) .

The feeling of pressure is determined by distinguishing pressure from a light touch, and also by detecting the difference in the degree of pressure being applied. The study is performed using a baresthesiometer - a spring apparatus with a scale of pressure intensity expressed in grams. Normally, there is an increase or decrease in pressure on the arm by 1/10 - 1/20 of the initial pressure.

Vibrating ch. Is examined with a tuning fork 64-128 Hz... The leg of the sounding tuning fork is placed on the projections (ankles, forearms, iliac crest, etc.). Normally, vibration on the ankles lasts 8-10 with, on the forearm - 11-12 with.

The ability to recognize two-dimensional stimuli is investigated by asking the patient to determine, with his eyes closed, numbers, letters and figures that he draws with a pencil or a blunt end of a pin on the subject's skin.

Stereognostic feeling is determined by the possibility of recognizing coins, pencil, key, etc. when feeling them with closed eyes. The subject assesses the shape, consistency, temperature, surfaces, approximate weight and other qualities of the object. The complex act of stereognosis is associated with the associative activity of the brain. With the defeat of general types of sensitivity, this is impossible - secondary (pseudoastereognosis). Primary happens with a disorder of higher cerebral (cortical) functions - gnosis (see Agnosia) .

Sensitivity disorders are often observed in various diseases of the nervous system and, as a rule, are used to clarify the tonic diagnosis, as well as to control the dynamics of the pathological process under the influence of the patient's treatment. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative violations of Ch. Quantitative is a decrease in the intensity of sensation - or a complete loss of Ch. -. This applies to all types of Ch., Analgesia - a decrease or absence of pain Ch., Thermoanesthesia - a decrease or absence of temperature Ch., Topogipesthesia, topanesthesia - a decrease or loss of localized irritation, etc. An increase in Ch. Is associated with a decrease in the threshold of perception of one or another irritation ... Qualitative violations of Ch. Include a perversion of the perception of external stimuli, for example: the onset of a sensation of pain during cold or heat irritation - a sensation of a larger size of the object being touched - macroesthesia, a sensation of many objects instead of one - polyesthesia, a sensation of pain in another zone in relation to the injection site - sinalgia, a feeling of irritation not in the place of its application - alloesthesia, a feeling of irritation in a symmetrical area on the other hand - inadequate perception of various irritations -. A special form of qualitative change in Ch. Is a kind of painful perception of various sharp irritations. With hyperpathy, excitability increases (light irritations are perceived in the zone of hyperpathy less clearly than normal, and intense irritations are sharply painful, extremely unpleasant, painful), irritations are poorly localized to the patient, and they are long-lasting.

Ch.'s disorders include paresthesias, which are not associated with any external influence, various sensations - running of creeps, numbness, tingling, numbness of skin areas, pain in the hair roots (trichalgia), a feeling of moisture in the skin, drops of liquid along it (). Especially often a variety of paresthesias are observed with tabes dorsal (Tabes dorsalis) , funicular myelosis (funicular myelosis) and other diseases of the nervous system, in which the posterior cords of the spinal cord and posterior roots are involved in the process.

Depending on the localization of the pathological process in the nervous system, various types of Ch. Disorders are observed. ...

When the sensory nerve is damaged, two zones of disturbance are found: anesthesia in the zone of autonomous innervation of this nerve and hypesthesia with hyperpathy in the zone of mixed innervation (overlapping of zones of innervation with another nerve). There is a discrepancy between the zones of disturbance of different types of heart: the largest surface is occupied by a section with a violation of the temperature C., then the tactile and least of all - the section of disturbance of the pain C. relatively high temperature (above 37 °) and low (below 20 °), injections are perceived as extremely unpleasant, diffuse, long-lasting sensations. Later (after about 1 year) tactile sensitivity is restored, the ability to distinguish between temperatures from 26 to 37 ° C, at the same time the localization error disappears and increased to painful irritations (Ged-Scherren's law). With damage to the peripheral nerve, all types of sensitivity are violated (see.Nuritis) . For multiple symmetric lesions of peripheral nerves of the extremities (see.Polyneuropathy) a violation of all types of Ch. is characteristic of the polyneuritic or distal type - in the form of gloves on the hands and stockings (socks) on the legs ( rice. 2 ).

With the defeat of the dorsal roots, disorders of all types of Ch. Are localized in the corresponding dermatome ( rice. 3 ). With a viral lesion of the spinal node and a sensitive root, paresthesia and hypesthesia are combined with herpetic eruptions in the same dermatome (see.Ganglionitis) .

With damage to the entire diameter of the spinal cord, a conductive conductor of all types develops with an upper border, which indicates the level of the spinal cord ( rice. 4 ). When the pathological focus is localized above the cervical thickening of the spinal cord, the upper and lower extremities and trunk appear. This is combined with central tetraparesis, a dysfunction of the pelvic organs (see Spinal cord) . The pathological focus at the level of the upper thoracic segments is manifested by anesthesia on the lower extremities, central lower paraparesis, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. With the defeat of the lumbar segments of the spinal cord, conduction anesthesia captures the lower extremities and the anogenital zone.

Pathology of the thalamus determines Dejerine-Russi, in which all types of Ch. Decrease or disappear in the half of the body opposite the focus, a sensitive and moderate in the same limbs, contralateral hemianopsia develops. . Typical for the defeat of the thalamus is hyperpathy and central with hypesthesia on the entire half of the body. Thalamic pain is always very intense, diffuse, burning and resistant to analgesics.

With the defeat of the posterior thigh of the inner capsule, the so-called capsular develops on the half of the body opposite the focus. It is characterized by more pronounced disorders of Ch. In the distal extremities, especially on the arm.

A pathological focus in the radiant crown or cerebral cortex (postcentral) causes monoanesthesia on the face or only on the arm, or only on the leg (depending on the location of the focus and in accordance with the somatotopic representation of sensitivity). with cortical pathological foci, it is more pronounced in the distal parts of the limb, and the musculo-articular feeling and vibration Ch. are disturbed more than the superficial Ch.

When the pathological process is localized in the parasagittal region, both paracentral lobules are simultaneously disturbed and sensitivity is disturbed on both feet.

Irritation of the sensitive area of ​​the cerebral cortex (with, cicatricial adhesive process, etc.) leads to Jacksonian sensitive seizures (see Jacksonian epilepsy) : paresthesias in the face, arm or leg, lasting from several seconds to minutes without changing consciousness. With the defeat of the parietal lobe, more complex types of violation of Ch. Develop, a weakening of the ability to discriminate, two-dimensional spatial Ch., Stereognosis, to determine spatial relations (topognosy).

Bibliography: Krol M.B. and Fedorova E.A. The main neuropathological syndromes, M ,. 1966; Skoromets A.A. diseases of the nervous system, L., 1989.

Rice. 4. Scheme of conduction spinal paraanesthesia with the upper border on Th X.

Rice. 1. Scheme of conductors of surface (A) and deep (B) sensitivity: 1 - a cell of the spinal ganglion; 2 - a cell of the posterior horn of the spinal cord; 3 - spinothalamic tract; 4 - ; 5 - postcentral gyrus (leg zone); 6 - a cell of the spinal ganglion; 7 - Gaulle beam; 8 - the core of the Gaulle beam; 9 - bulbothalamic tract ().

II Sensitivity (sensibilitas)

the body's ability to perceive irritations emanating from the environment or from its own tissues and organs.

Visceral sensitivity(s. visceralis) - Ch. to irritations acting on internal organs.

Gustatory sensitivity(s. gustatoria) - Ch. to chemical action, which is realized by the emergence of a sensation of taste of the influencing substance.

The sensitivity is deep(s. profunda) - see Proprioceptive sensitivity.

Directional sensitivity- Ch. To some properties of the environment, realized by spatial orientation, highlighting a certain direction in it.

Sensitivity discriminatory(s. discriminativa) - Ch., consisting in the ability to distinguish between two simultaneous identical stimuli of different localization, for example, in different areas.

Differential sensitivity(s. differentialis;. Ch. difference) - a type of Ch., consisting in the ability to perceive changes in the intensity of stimulation.

Interoceptive sensitivity(s. interoceptiva) - Ch. to irritations emanating from the internal media of tissues and organs.

Skin sensitivity(s. cutanea) - Ch. to irritation of various (tactile, temperature, pain) receptors of the skin.

Nociceptive sensitivity(s. nociceptiva) - see Pain sensitivity.

Olfactory sensitivity(s. olfactoria) - Ch. to chemical action, which is realized by the appearance of the smell of the acting substance.

Surface sensitivity(s. superficialis) - see Exteroceptive sensitivity.

Sensitivity proprioceptive(s. proprioceptiva; syn., deep sensitivity) - Ch. to irritation of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other elements of the joints.

Sensitivity protopathic(s. protopathica; Greek prōtos first, primary + pathos feeling, suffering,) is a phylogenetically ancient Ch., characterized by limited possibilities for differentiating stimuli according to their modality, intensity and localization.

Differential sensitivity- see Differential sensitivity.

Light sensitivity(s. visualis) - Ch. to the effects of visible radiation.

Complicated sensitivity(s. composita) - Ch., based on the integration of the activity of receptors of different modality.

Hearing sensitivity(s. auditiva) - Ch. to the effects of sound.

Temperature sensitivity(s. thermaesthetica) - Ch. to a change in ambient temperature.

Exteroceptive sensitivity(s. exteroceptiva; syn. Ch. superficial) - Ch. to irritations emanating from the environment.

Electrocutaneous sensitivity(s. electrocutanea) - a type of cutaneous Ch., consisting in the ability to perceive

Sensitivity as a personality trait - the ability to feel, express your emotions, hear your own voice of the soul, subtly capture the mood shades of others, understand and empathize with their feelings, with a piercing acuteness to perceive the beauty of the world, nature, works of art.

Once the great Teacher Abu Ali Ibn-Sina told his disciples about the need to be observant and vigilant in life. He said that the human senses can be trained in the same way as thought and muscles. - For example, you enter a room, and your sensitivity immediately captures the most important details. At that moment, the Teacher was informed that they had come to him and asked him to leave. Ibn Sina said to his disciples: - Sit down, I'll be right back. And he went out to the visitors. The disciples decided to test the sensitivity of their Master. Placing a blank sheet of paper under the mat on which he was sitting, they eagerly awaited his return: would he feel any change? When Ibn Sina returned and sat down, he immediately read some kind of conspiracy in the slyly narrowed eyes of his disciples. Having carefully examined his students, he said: - Probably, either I have grown, or the ceiling has become lower ...

Sensitivity is the increased vulnerability of the heart. In physiology, it is interpreted as the ability to perceive stimuli from the external environment and from one's own tissues. Human skin reacts to irritation caused by the activation of certain receptors. The main types of sensitivity: tactile, pain, temperature, musculo-articular, vibration. Depending on the sensations, the brain receives the necessary information about the world around us. There is such an anecdote. The doctor checks the sensitivity. - Doctor, and doctor! And why are you feeling me all the time? - Checking if the sensitivity is preserved. - I have something? - I do not have. We are not interested in physiological sensitivity, but in stable, clearly manifested personality traits associated with vividly experienced impressions, with the perception of one's inner and outer world through the heart.

Sensitivity is the ability to know oneself. Women are six times more sensitive than men. Their mind is located in close proximity to the feelings, while in men it is close to the mind. This difference is the secret of almost all the nuances of the relationship between the sexes. This is where many of the features of male and female behavior stem from.

Masculine nature is responsibility, protection and care for women and children. Touching most of the day with the harsh realities of the outside world, proving every day that he owes him money, a man, at times, becomes an insensitive idol. Sensitive stronger sex - sounds like nonsense, nonsense. But life doesn't like extremes. To perceive the world in its entire rich palette of colors, a man also needs a certain amount of sensitivity. Who can help him learn to hear the voice of his own heart, to catch the nuances of a woman’s mood, to express his feelings more emotionally? He himself cannot reproduce sensitivity in himself. Only a woman with her sensitive heart, softness, tenderness and flexibility is able to kindle in him a warming fire of sensitivity. Man and woman balance each other. A man protects a woman from excessive emotionality, and she protects him from coldness and lack of emotion. Women determine the mentality of men with extraordinary ease. He is still climbing the stairs, and an experienced wife already senses what kind of mood he is in. Men are, by and large, jealous of this ability. They realize that in order to solve many problems they could use a subtle sense of the moods of their boss, partners, opponents or subordinates.

A man, if he has not learned to feel himself, runs the risk of becoming an object of manipulation, is in danger of doing not what he wants himself, but what the manipulators expect from him. There is a parable. “Today is a terrible day. Everything, as if by agreement, makes me nervous, angry and irritated, ”one person said to another. “And don’t tell me,” said his familiar musician, “I have similar problems. Today, as luck would have it, everyone touches my violin. Because of this, she gets upset, after which it is impossible to play on her. “So why don’t you tune it in the right way and hide it in a case so that clumsy hands don’t upset it and make discordant sounds that cut your sensitive hearing?” Don't you think that you are the only one to blame for this? Why do you allow someone who is not too lazy to play your instrument? And since you don’t like what they play, isn’t it better to hide it or play yourself what you like? - I see, dear friend, that you are well versed in music. So why don't you apply this knowledge to your "tool" yourself? Why don't you properly tune your consciousness, take it into your own hands and start “playing” what you like, instead of letting anyone “play” on the sensitive strings of your soul what they like? Why, instead of learning to play the song of love, patience and forgiveness, do you play the funeral march of resentment and the funeral march of anger? Don't you think it's not the people who get on your nerves to blame, but yourself? Know that you can choose whether to play yourself or let others play. The choice is yours!

Unlike sensuality, which sees and includes lust, sensitivity sees and simply feels with the heart. Sensitivity loves talking about experiences and emotions, showing a sincere reaction to them. She doesn't need to practice her eloquence. It is enough to look at her face and it immediately becomes clear that before us is a person who can deeply feel and empathize with the state of another. A sensitive person is usually benevolent, quiet, shy, and touchy. He lacks energy, activity and initiative. Sensitive people rarely take leadership positions, as they can be good performers, but when it is necessary to make decisions in conditions of relative risk and be held accountable for those decisions, they often give up.

Karamzin wrote: "A sensitive heart is a rich source of ideas: if reason and taste help it, then success is not doubtful and a celebrity awaits the writer." A striking example of a sensitive person was the great and unique landscape painter I.I. Levitan. Levitan's comrade, Mikhail Nesterov, in his book of memoirs "Ancient Days", recalled that young Levitan, after waiting for the last round of the school by the soldier Zemlyankin, nicknamed "Unclean Power", was left alone to while away the night in the warmth, there was a long winter evening and a long night with that, so that in the morning, on an empty stomach, start the day with dreams of a dearly beloved nature. A special, to tears, love for nature and a nervous sensitivity to its states were inherent in the future landscape painter from the very beginning. Relatives recalled how from an early age he loved to wander through the fields and forests, to contemplate some sunset or sunrise for a long time, and when spring came, “he completely transformed and fussed, worried, he was drawn out of the city, where he ran away whenever he it was given at least half an hour. "

AP Chekhov wrote: "... Until such amazing simplicity and clarity of the motive, which Levitan has reached recently, no one reached him, and I do not know if anyone will come after." The brilliant landscape painter died in 1900, at the time of the blooming of his beloved phloxes. They were laid on his grave by young artists - those whom he taught to comprehend nature sensitively, deeply and penetratingly, so as to hear the "vegetation of herbs."

Petr Kovalev 2013

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