Home Trees and shrubs Products for strengthening the skin. The most useful products for the skin of the face. Maintaining water-salt balance and skin hydration

Products for strengthening the skin. The most useful products for the skin of the face. Maintaining water-salt balance and skin hydration

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I just want to say: the skin is our everything. “Firstly, it is the largest organ in our body with a total area of ​​about 2 square meters. m and weighing about 5% of body weight, says Elena Morozova, nutrition specialist, head of the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Center. "Secondly, it is the most multifunctional organ of the human body." The skin protects our body from negative external factors: dangerous microbes, ultraviolet radiation, heat, cold. She also breathes, providing 2% of gas exchange in the body. And if her breathing is disturbed, it threatens with great trouble.

Plus, the skin absorbs useful substances and removes harmful, wasted ones. The latter is especially important when the liver or kidneys are not working well. Finally, the skin plays an important role in metabolic processes. “In addition to gas exchange, which occurs during skin respiration, it also contains intermediate carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and water-salt metabolism,” says Natalia Grigorieva, nutritionist, head of the Real Clinic Institute of Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies.

Skin is a mirror of our body

Any nutritionist can easily determine whether you are eating right by looking not at your plate, but at your skin: it reflects all the problems of our internal organs. “For example, a duodenal ulcer, colitis and dysbiosis worsen the complexion, provoke various rashes, itching and flabbiness of the skin,” says Elena Morozova.

Accordingly, to solve these problems from the outside, with the help of cosmetics, if possible, then not for long. When the skin deteriorates for internal reasons, they also need to be addressed from the inside - by changing the diet. “Review your diet, change your eating habits and cooking methods,” advises Natalia Grigorieva. - Deep freezing, prolonged and / or improper storage can destroy almost all vitamins in food. Traditional cooking methods - boiling, frying, stewing - also destroy nutrients. Deep-frying and re-using frying oil "enrich" food with carcinogens. " What beauty of the skin can we talk about when it literally suffocates, trying to remove all this muck from the body?

When building a diet for healthy skin, remember: the skin, like the entire body as a whole, needs to receive a full range of nutrients and vitamins.

What nutrients are needed for healthy skin?

“First of all, it needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of proteins and fats,” reminds Elena Morozova. Proteins increase skin tone, providing a clear facial contour. Their lack can lead to the appearance of long-lasting wounds and cracks on it. Fatty acids are essential for the absorption of vitamin A, which is responsible for skin renewal. Smoothness and color of the skin, absence of wrinkles depend on them.

In addition, the skin needs B vitamins to help it look healthy. Vitamin C activates collagen production. Vitamin H helps the skin to avoid flabbiness and restores its healthy color.

Vitamins E and PP are good antioxidants, they protect the skin from free radicals and an aggressive environment, increase the resistance of the skin to ultraviolet light. Zinc and selenium also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Iron tones the skin and is responsible for normal blood circulation.

Products for healthy skin

Where do you get all this from? Vitamin A (retinol) is found in liver, eggs, fatty fish, and provitamin A (beta-carotene) is found in red and bright orange vegetables and fruits. B vitamins can be obtained from animal products - meat, eggs, milk, cheese, fish - and vegetables: nuts, beans, mushrooms, rice, buckwheat. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, kiwi and sour berries. The source of vitamin E is foods containing vegetable fats: nuts, seeds, oils. Vitamin D is found in milk and seafood.

Zinc-rich foods are, again, liver, and also sardines, pumpkin seeds. Selenium is found in mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, whites, pistachios, and garlic. "Iron" products are red meat, offal, buckwheat.

“In order to collect all the substances necessary for the skin, strive to diversify your diet as much as possible, to include only fresh and high-quality products in it,” advises Natalia Grigorieva. - Try to include in the menu products from each of the above categories of essential vitamins and minerals.

To simplify this nutritional regimen, we offer you the top products that are good for the skin and the top that are harmful.

Skin-friendly products

Dairy products. The lactobacilli contained in them normalize the work of the intestines, on the state of which the beauty of the skin depends.

Fish and seafood (especially mackerel, salmon, sardines, herring and tuna). They contain omega-3 fatty acids that protect cell membranes and improve skin elasticity and blood supply.

Meat. Chicken protein improves the overall condition of the skin and participates in regenerative processes. Beef is rich in zinc and vitamin B 2 and is a reliable helper in preventing the appearance of wrinkles, cracks, and ulcers.

Vegetables (especially broccoli and carrots) and fruits (especially lemon) .

“These are almost magical products that any woman must include in her menu,” says Elena Morozova. - Broccoli is rich in antioxidants that prevent early aging of the skin and increase its elasticity. Regular consumption of carrot juice improves complexion. And vitamin C contained in lemon makes the skin smooth and relieves it of darkening and age spots. "

Green tea. Contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, preventing premature skin aging.

Products harmful to the skin

Food and drinks that cause dehydration and intoxication of the body and destroy skin cells: smoked meats, preservatives, alcohol, coffee, dried fruit and products with E additives.

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 12 minutes


When it comes to proper nutrition, most often this phrase means healthy food that is good for the internal organs of a person.

Meanwhile, many products strongly affect the condition and color of our skin, especially on the skin of the face - some dishes can improve its tone, while others, on the contrary, spoil the complexion and worsen the condition of the epidermis. This is why Hollywood actresses adhere to the strict dietary rules prescribed by a personal nutritionist who works for decent fees - by the way, the bill goes into the thousands of dollars!

What foods and vitamins are good for the face - proper nutrition for beautiful skin

But to have beautiful and well-groomed skin is the desire of every woman, regardless of whether she is a great actress, a successful businesswoman, or just a loving mother of three wonderful children. And expensive creams and healthy sleep are not enough for a delicious face.

This time, the site's experts figured out which foods and vitamins are good for the skin of the face, and which dishes every woman needs to include in her daily diet.

All valuable information is collected for you in this plate.

Products What effect do

Seafood and fish

Helps skin stay smooth, clean and youthful:
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in fish, maintain optimal moisture levels in the skin, preventing dryness and aging.
  • Zinc, which is rich in oily fish and especially oysters, is one of the most important elements for the skin. Collagen synthesis and skin renewal, slowing down the aging process, good blood circulation and a ruddy complexion - all this is the merit of zinc. In addition, zinc can inhibit inflammation and suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, the most common cause of acne.
  • Seaweed is a storehouse of many vitamins and nutrients, including retinol and iodine, which are essential for maintaining youthful skin.
Citrus Revered not only by nutritionists, but also by cosmetologists:
  • For its ability to stimulate the production of collagen, a vital protein that makes skin firm and looking smooth. A sufficient amount of vitamin C in the diet is a guarantee of delayed formation of wrinkles and skin aging.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of the environment.
  • Citrus juices also help get rid of age spots, whiten the skin of the face and even out its color.
Green leafy and orange vegetables Not only our vision depends on vitamin A - the skin also requires a large amount of this element:
  • Carrots, spinach and other leafy green vegetables are reliable helpers in the fight for youth and a beautiful complexion. Vitamin A is an effective antioxidant that can help prevent inflammation.
  • Vitamin A deficiency can be recognized by dry and flaky skin, fine lines and an uneven complexion. Luminous skin and velvety texture is what you should include in your diet rich in beta-carotene.
  • Another interesting fact is that vitamin A serves as a tanning activator, stimulating the production of melanin.

Remember that vitamin A can only be absorbed together with fats - eat carrot salad with sour cream or vegetable oil, and dilute vegetable juices with cream.

Nuts A truly treasure trove of valuable elements - amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins:
  • One of the most valuable for the skin is vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in hazelnuts and almonds - it protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, maintains the correct moisture level and gives the complexion a special freshness.
  • Peanuts are rich in zinc - it is this element that regulates the oiliness of the skin and affects the processes of its renewal.
  • Nuts contain selenium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and its color.

A clean and radiant face is an effect that is easy to achieve. Just include different types of nuts in your daily diet.

Whole grains

They are valued for their strong antioxidant properties and the presence of vitamins:
  • The high content of fiber, which is involved in the normalization of intestinal microflora, will affect your appearance - the beauty of the skin of the face is very dependent on the health of our stomach.
  • B vitamins prevent skin irritation and breakouts.
  • The nutrients complexly contained in whole grain products maintain an optimal level of skin moisture and ensure a clean face.
Fermented milk Improves bowel function, which leads to an immediate improvement in skin condition:
  • Live yogurt and other fermented milk products without additives, both externally and when taken internally, can brighten the complexion and renew skin cells.
  • Curd masks soften, moisturize and refresh the skin.
High in iron They have a positive effect on the condition and color of the whole organism in general and the skin in particular:
  • Meat, pomegranate, eggs, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables provide the iron you need for a beautiful, healthy glow. The lack of this element will be indicated by dark circles under the eyes and pale skin of the face.
  • The pomegranate scrub will energize the skin and strengthen its protective properties.
Meat and liver of animals Perfect product for perfect skin:
  • Meat is a source of protein and iron.
  • Allows the skin to remain supple and always have a healthy, radiant appearance. If you do not have meat in your diet, the skin on your face becomes dull and ages quickly.
  • The liver is rich in vitamin A.
Green tea Strong antioxidant:
  • Perfectly resists oxidative processes in the body, thereby preventing premature aging of the skin.
  • Refreshes the complexion.
Sprouted grains The benefits of magic seeds are legendary, and for good reason:
  • Sprouted lentils contain 100 times more vitamin C than regular grains.
  • Sprouted wheat contains 50 times more vitamin E and 10 times more vitamin B 6 than regular grains.
  • Sprouted grains rejuvenate the skin and have a beneficial effect on its structure.
Vegetable oils Elixirs for eternal youth and beauty:
  • Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which promote natural and moderate self-hydration of the skin.
  • Apricot and sea buckthorn will help to avoid skin rashes.
  • Flaxseed, wheat and coconut oils rejuvenate, heal, contain many useful substances.
Chocolate We are talking about high quality natural chocolate without additives and fillers:
  • Cocoa butter, or rather the flavonoids it contains, improve blood circulation, even out the texture and tone of the face, regulate the degree of skin hydration, preventing dryness and flaking.
  • In addition, lovers of natural products can boast of the resistance of the skin to harmful ultraviolet radiation.

When compiling a daily diet, it is important to remember that some diseases may be a contraindication to the use of certain foods. Therefore, before starting a healthy diet, it is better to consult with competent specialists - doctors will be able to fully examine the body, and a nutritionist will make an optimal menu based on the results of the examination.

10 most harmful foods that spoil the look and color of your skin

Commercials about new serums and other beauty products create a deceptive impression among the fair sex of a panacea for all occasions. But the manufacturer never says that all magic ampoules give a short-term effect, and even just a visual one.

Such funds do not impart health to your skin, but simply hide the flaws for a while. But our goal with you is not to mask the problems, but to provide the skin with truly healthy nutrition and enough vitamins so that the face is radiant, clean on the outside, and healthy on the inside!

Equip yourself with a notebook and write down the 10 most harmful products for the skin of the face:

  1. Sweet: an unhealthy passion for various confectionery products sooner or later leads to inflammatory processes and multiple acne, the skin gradually dulls and becomes oily. The most useful of the most harmful sweets can be considered honey, but it should be consumed in very moderation.
  2. Canned foods and marinades - vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, in other words, all with long shelf life: each such jar contains vinegar, a large amount of salt and sugar, all kinds (preservatives, dyes, and others). The result of eating canned food will be allergic reactions, flaking of the skin and spots in all shades of red.
  3. Semi-finished products: like canned food, they contain many harmful additives, therefore, if consumed regularly, they harm our health and spoil the appearance of the skin.
  4. Smoked products and sausages: an incredible amount of salt and spices, a lot of preservatives and stabilizers, dyes, thickeners, artificial flavors, served under the harmless names of "nitrate", "benzoate" and others - all these are the culprits of manufacturers of sausages, cooked sausages, smoked and cured sausages, as well as other various products , such as boiled pork, bacon, bacon, meat rolls and so on. The constant consumption of all these tasty nasty things guarantees you serious problems not only with the skin (early aging, laxity, wrinkles), but also with health - from gastritis, kidney and liver dysfunction to poisoning and even malignant tumors.
  5. Fast food: It is famous not only for its ability to prepare with lightning speed and the highest calorie content, but also for the content of all of the above E-shek, which is not always useful for our body. Fast food is not only hamburger - sushi, pizza, hot dogs and other types of fast food from McDonald's, pizzerias and sushi bars also belong to the category of the most harmful. They make the skin age prematurely and look tired.
  6. Snacks and all kinds of snacks: crackers, chips and other dry snacks from the store contain not only a huge amount of salt, but are usually prepared with expired oil or fat. The consumption of such food leads to frequent skin inflammation and a change in its tone.
  7. Onion and garlic: Too much of these foods in your diet can lead to skin redness and vasodilation.
  8. White bread: without additives, it is useful because it is rich in vitamins, but store-bought white bread more often than other types contains sugar, harmful food additives, artificial leavening agents - all this causes allergies in the form of skin rashes.
  9. Black tea and coffee: in moderate doses, they have a certain benefit, but if they are used excessively, the skin color becomes unhealthy, differs in yellowness, and even the face becomes wrinkled faster.
  10. Alcohol and various energy drinks: undeniably dangerous drinks for the whole body. They harm not only internal organs, but also negatively affect our skin - it becomes flabby, acquires an unhealthy color, and ages quickly.

Now you know exactly what products you need to give up forever in order to be not only healthy on the inside, but also beautiful on the outside.

What do celebrities eat for a healthy complexion?

Beautiful skin like that of celebrities is what every woman dreams of. Of course, models from the covers of glossy magazines do not save on expensive procedures to restore and rejuvenate the skin of the face, but they do not neglect nutrition either. It's not enough just to do peeling, pamper yourself with masks and buy expensive tonal products - if you use harmful products, no magician cosmetologists will save your face.

So what do stars eat and how do they keep their face beautiful?

As you can see, every celebrity has his own little beauty secret, but in one, all the recipes are similar - you need to eat only natural food, not burdened with synthetic additives.

It is known that skin problems are most often a sign of a malfunctioning digestive system. Surely it happened more than once that all of a sudden you had acne? It turns out that it's all about what you eat. PEOPLETALK has decided to compile a list of products that can seriously damage your skin. Be careful and try not to overuse them.


Many coffee lovers do not even suspect that it is from it that wrinkles appear. When drinking coffee, the body produces cortisol, a stress hormone. Its constant presence in the body leads to premature aging of the skin and its thinning.


Many types of carbonated drinks also contain caffeine. An exception to this is Diet Coke.


When consumed in food, so-called free radicals are formed in the body, which negatively affect DNA. Scientists compare this process to the "rusting" of the body, which causes premature aging.


There is an opinion that fats moisturize the skin, and there is some truth in this. But some species, on the contrary, dry it out. The main source of these "bad" fats is margarine.


The protein found in wheat and all flour products can cause digestive problems: it blinds the intestinal walls and the absorption of beneficial components decreases, which also affects the condition of the skin.


Crustaceans and shellfish are rich in iodine, which clogs the pores. It is best to eat fish that contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids.


This is a double blow to the skin. It is made from red meat and contains a huge amount of harmful food additives.


A favorite supermodel treat actually makes skin age. Scientists have shown that when broken down, the “fast” carbohydrates found in rice crackers affect the balance of blood sugar, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.


Acute may improve metabolism, but it affects the skin more than harmful. Spicy food expands the capillaries and makes them more visible, so women often have a "mesh" around the nose and eyelids.


Recently, juices and smoothies have taken over from natural fruits and vegetables. It is not right! Whole fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which helps in collagen production, while processed foods are significantly lower.


They contain a large amount of sulfates, and scientists have proven that it is they that cause the formation of bags under the eyes and acne.


Have you ever wondered that dark circles under the eyes may not appear at all from lack of sleep? It turns out that salt interferes with blood circulation, especially in the capillaries on the skin of the eyelids, the blood stagnates there, and bruises appear.


It not only causes tooth decay, but also premature aging, as it greatly reduces immunity, thereby reducing the skin's ability to regenerate and produce collagen.


Yes, unfortunately, if you want to achieve perfect skin, you will have to pamper yourself much less often. Fructose affects collagen production even worse than sugar.


At high temperatures, oil oxidizes and releases toxic substances that poison our body. So it is worth limiting the intake of food cooked in oil.


With the help of skin products, unwanted oiliness can be significantly reduced. Although dermatologists and cosmetologists do not yet have a clear answer to the question of why the skin begins to secrete too much sebum. Genetics, stress, poor nutrition, inappropriate cosmetics - these are the possible reasons for the imbalance. Nevertheless, recommendations for improving problem skin in terms of nutrition are developed and available to everyone.

  • Whole grains, unlike white flour, give the body more fiber, antioxidants and proteins, and do not affect blood sugar levels.

Fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants and vitamin A, are very useful in a diet with high fat content. They are valuable for their anti-inflammatory effect, as well as for cleansing the skin pores. Make it a rule to eat a daily choice of lettuce, broccoli, carrots, or pumpkin. For dessert - according to the season: apricots, tangerines, mangoes, papaya or fresh juices from the listed fruits.

  • Animal fats are excluded from all meals. We use vegetable oil, and then in moderation.

Fish (marine and freshwater) is also a useful product for oily skin. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it reduce excess fat content. Fish dishes should be cooked baked, boiled, grilled or steamed.

A few more practical tips:

  • Avoid unhealthy fried or deep-fried foods
  • prefer low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • eat chicken without skin;
  • bypass fast food establishments;
  • do not buy ready-made snacks;
  • all you can take raw;
  • drink plenty of clean water, unsweetened green tea.

There are also recipes for simple yet effective masks that are easy to make at home from food.

Products for dry skin

Together with the right external facial care products for dry skin will ensure a beautiful and healthy look. Dry skin is often a nuisance for women. The problem is provoked by various reasons: from genetic ones to allergies to cosmetics, cold or heat. Dryness can be caused by aggressive hygiene products, lack of moisture, vitamins or nutrients. In this case, the menu must be corrected in the direction of increasing them.

  • drink enough plain water;
  • eat foods rich in vitamins A, B, E. These are dairy products, especially yogurt, green vegetables, fruits - wheat germ, apricot, avocado, melon;
  • eat at least a little carrots and pumpkins every day, which contain beta-carotene, which is irreplaceable in terms of usefulness;
  • perfectly prevents dryness of sulfur; it is enough in eggs, asparagus, garlic, onions;
  • olive, flaxseed oils - wonderful natural remedies in the fight against dry skin;
  • berries (grapes, currants), apples, tomatoes, yoghurt, sugar beets, cane sugar are perfect for nourishing thinned skin - they contain biochemical alpha acids.

The main problem with dry skin is rapid aging. Certain skin products can be used as nourishing masks to enhance the benefits. But what must be decisively abandoned is alcohol. Do not overuse coffee either. And by all means get enough sleep!

Dairy products for the skin

Dairy products are always in the first place among the must-have products for the skin. You should choose those with less fat. Since the skin benefits from other substances - primarily vitamin A.

Dairy products:

  • strengthens hair, nails, teeth, bones;
  • contain cultures of bacteria that destroy putrefactive intestinal microflora;
  • increase immunity;
  • freshens breath when used regularly.

The result of such an influence is literally “on the face”, and the result is very positive.

  • It is important to use natural dairy products for the skin: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. Experts remind about home products undeservedly forgotten and supplanted by civilization: yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, varenets. Their naturalness is a guarantee of the desired result.

Natural sour milk is also the basis of popular face masks. Mixing honey, pulp of fruits or berries, yolks, olive or almond oil, aloe juice and other ingredients with kefir, we get an excellent product with a nourishing, moisturizing, refreshing, softening effect.

Recipe for a moisturizing and softening mask:

  • Mix half a teaspoon (teaspoon) of olive oil with a spoonful of honey, add the same amount of yogurt without fillers, aloe juice. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water, wash with mineral water without gas.

Products for youthful skin

Beauty requires sacrifice. Therefore, let's start "from the end": for the beginning we will sacrifice everything that is edible, but harmful, although very tempting in smell and taste. Next, we diversify the menu with products for youthful skin.

Not useful

  • canned food (meat, fish, vegetables, compotes);
  • semi-finished products;
  • long-term storage dishes;
  • salty and overly spicy food.

The skin literally screams for help when it flakes, becomes dry and irritated, when its smoothness and elasticity disappear. These signals cannot be ignored, since at an early stage it is enough to make small adjustments to the diet in order to rid her of defects, restore health and youth. Such a task is within the power of conventional skin products - with the regular use of a sufficient amount of them.

  • One of the newest theories of early skin aging blames radiation and heavy metals for this. It is assumed that products contaminated with radiation and harmful metals, water, air, getting into the body, destroy it at the cellular level. The radicals formed at the same time must be removed, which is successfully performed by the antioxidants inherent in fruits of a dark green and bright color. There are many of them in green onions and lettuce, broccoli and olives, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers. Green tea with honey is a great source of antioxidants.

Peeling, unpleasant dryness indicate that there is not enough vitamin A in the diet. There is a lot of it in red, orange fruits. It is absorbed with fats, therefore pharmacists offer a concentrated preparation in the form of an oily solution. Vitamin A is also a perennial ingredient in popular face creams.

Adsorbent products contribute to the fight against premature aging:

  • raw vegetables, fruits;
  • bran;
  • porridge from different cereals.

A deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to inflammation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, making it vulnerable to adverse external factors. Fatty fish will fill the shortage: salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, from the plant group - nuts, seeds, olive and other oils. Nuts are generally considered products of eternal youth - for the presence of antioxidants and substances that accelerate the processes of renewal.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is indispensable for the body, including the skin of the face. Without it, wrinkles appear much earlier. A storehouse of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - fresh fruits, pickled vegetables and fruits, fruit and vegetable juices. It must be borne in mind that it does not withstand heat treatment.

  • Biotin (vitamin H) can prevent flabbiness and restore freshness. It can be found with interest in yolks, liver, milk, nuts, brewer's yeast.

Protein deficiency is manifested by the formation of wounds and cracks that do not heal well. The natural process of skin cell renewal is slowed down. Fish, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese will do an excellent job with this problem. An important group of proteins are enzymes (enzymes). They are destroyed by high temperatures, so they are stored only in raw foods.

Skin firming products

Products for skin elasticity consist of several groups, they "work together" to ensure its elasticity, which means health and youth.

  • Let's start with water. In the aquatic environment, most of the physiological processes take place, ensuring the vital activity of each cell. The speed and clarity of these reactions, the assimilation of food and the elimination of toxins depend on the volume and quality of water. The human body needs about two liters of fluid every day.

Eggplants, garden herbs, legumes, liver, yeast, grain bread contain a set of B vitamins. They keep the skin toned, help to recover and retain moisture.

  • And again about green tea. It is a unique natural remedy rich in polyphenols that maintain firmness. In the same row - berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, plums, beans, artichokes. The functions of the substances contained in them are to "neutralize" free radicals and to protect cell membranes from destruction.

Elasticity is promoted by vitamins D, K, F. There are many of them in vegetable oils, liver, fish, eggs, seeds, peanuts.

Olive and other oils are valuable due to the presence of vitamin E. It slows down wilting, retains moisture in the skin and effectively retains internal moisture. Thanks to this, the skin does not age for a long time.

Rejuvenate skin by helping unsaturated organic acids stay firm. They come with nuts, flaxseeds, seafood, and other skin products. Retain moisture, help pores breathe. Omega-6 is enough in the body, omega-3 needs to be replenished. In a duet, they redouble their efforts, directing them towards rejuvenation.

  • Without vitamin C, too, nothing. It promotes collagen formation, healing of small wounds, and vascular strength. Contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, currants, cranberries, spinach, peppers, potatoes.

Skin moisturizing products

Moisturized skin - beautiful skin. With the help of skin moisturizing products, it is quite possible to make the reflection in the mirror pleasing to look at.

  • Olives and oil from them

Oleic acid has a beneficial effect on firmness. Good fats help absorb antioxidants from a variety of plant foods and remove waste products.

  • Natural yoghurts

No need to put sugar in them. For those with a sweet tooth, it is better to add honey, raisins, dried apricots. The beneficial microflora contained in it treats inflammation, even eczema.

Fish protein comes in handy for moisturizing. Nutritionists advise salmon, sardines and trout due to their high content of substances with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Berries, fruits, vegetables

The gifts of fields, gardens and wildlife contain many essential health benefits. Fruits of all shades of yellow-red gamut are replete with carotenoids, which can even resist malignant tumors. Berries are excellent natural desserts. In particular, raspberries, blueberries, with the help of anthocyanins, are protected from an overdose of ultraviolet rays.

  • Natural honey

It is a unique product for moisturizing the skin. By its usefulness - one of the leaders. It is easier to say what is missing in honey than to list the advantages - both taste and healing. There are many varieties of this bee product, all of which are very valuable.

Humidification is basically impossible without water. If the menu can be varied, then water in each case is in a place of honor. The requirements for its quality are also the same: clean, without chemicals, sugar and gas.

  • Spices

It turns out that vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are found even in spices. Not to mention dill-parsley and onion-garlic. Therefore, both local and imported spices are a must in the kitchen of a woman who wants to moisturize her skin. Of course, they should not be abused: “under-” is better than “over-”.

  • Vitamin complexes

Sometimes, on the advice of doctors, it is necessary to enhance the effect of food products for the skin with pharmaceuticals. There is nothing wrong with this, you should not only get carried away with self-medication.

Antioxidant products for the skin

Antioxidants have a positive effect on the renewal of organs and systems at the cellular level. All nature is rich in them, in one way or another, various fruits are rich in them. They are also present in food of animal origin. We offer an approximate list of such products for the skin.

  • Orange, bright yellow, red fruits (tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, carrots, apricots). Contains provitamin A, which is responsible for the renewal of skin cells.
  • Fruits and berries (kiwi, oranges, currants, strawberries). These storehouses of ascorbic acid strengthen blood vessels, take part in the formation of collagen, and "inhibit" aging.
  • Fish (mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon). The source of the necessary acids, vitamins A, D. Under their influence, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin regenerates, freshens and rejuvenates.
  • Cottage cheese is not only a storehouse of calcium, which is so necessary for teeth and bones. It also contains powerful antioxidants selenium, vitamin E, which postpone the inevitable, alas, process of natural wilting for an indefinite future.
  • The grain-legume group of agricultural plants contains silicon - a material for collagen, as well as various B vitamins. Their presence softens, promotes the renewal of the skin. Whole flour bread and cereal porridge perfectly cleanse the intestines, which miraculously affects the beauty of the skin.
  • Green tea is among the best antioxidant foods for the skin.

Products for skin elasticity

Products for skin elasticity should contain different vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H. It is this complex that has active antioxidant properties. They protect against adverse environmental factors, ultraviolet radiation, oxidation and moisture loss.

  • The elasticity of the skin is provided by collagen and elastin fibers. If they fall apart, the skin fades and loses its elasticity. On the face, this is manifested by wrinkles. Successfully counteracts unwanted process with regular garnet. It prolongs the existence of fibroblasts, from which collagen and elastin are actually formed. This will delay the appearance of wrinkles. The miracle fruit helps to heal wounds, restore skin cells, and stubbornly resists age-related changes.

Small wrinkles as a result of loss of elasticity occur when there is a lack of beneficial fatty acids. The body can be saturated with them using seafood, a variety of seeds and vegetable fats.

Vitamin C in sufficient quantities will also prevent aging. More than other plant products, it is found in currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, fresh juices, pickled and soaked vegetables.

Aging, as well as skin renewal, are complex processes. There are no wrinkles without flabbiness, irritation without dryness; and vice versa - youth without freshness and radiance of the skin. And it is impossible to isolate a separate food for each individual defect, because each product for the skin has different beneficial properties. Perhaps there are only small accents in one direction or the other, and the general trend, with other normal indicators, is a rational balanced diet.

Tanning products for skin

Persistent even tan to the face and blond (to) am, and brown-haired (to) am. Subtlety is not in the shade. Many are willing to pay big bucks to have a tanned look all year round, not just in summer. Because of this, cosmetologists have consumed tons of chemicals, inventing effective recipes for lotions and creams, someone else has come up with a solarium - any whim for your money! Tanning products can help speed up the desired result.

Sunburn is manifested as a result of the formation of melanin in the skin. The amount of pigment increases in proportion to the dose of sunlight and the time of exposure. The products must certainly contain substances that promote tanning:

  • tryptophan, tyrosine (amino acids);
  • beta-carotene (provitamin);
  • vitamin E;
  • selenium;
  • lycopene (pigment).

These substances are found in foods such as:

  • carrots (a glass of juice on the beach is a great choice);
  • apricots (in season - 200 g daily);
  • peaches;
  • grapes;
  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • tomatoes;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • seafood.

What the tan doesn’t like is tea, coffee, chocolate products, fatty and smoked ones.

It should be emphasized that skin products alone are not capable of producing a tan. However, such a diet enhances the dark complexion, fixes the tan and makes it natural. The skin receives protection from excessive solar radiation and aging.

Skin lightening products

No matter how fashionable artificial swarthiness is, women have long wanted to be "all blush and whiter." For this purpose, many fairy-tale heroines resorted to miraculous means - from Cinderella's to queens.

Nowadays, a whole scientific and industrial branch is at the service of beauties, offering cosmetics for all occasions. But we will focus on the most economical ways of lightening with special skin products.

The skin is whitened in several cases:

  • when they want to get rid of annoying freckles;
  • to remove pigmentation;
  • whiten excessive dark skin;
  • just don't like the complexion.

Many products have a brightening effect:

  • cucumbers;
  • parsley (broth);
  • dandelion, bearberry, yarrow, licorice (decoction);
  • juices of different berries;
  • kefir, sour cream, whey;
  • lemon;
  • rice (broth);
  • essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, orange, mint, eucalyptus, tea tree).

The oil ingredient must be added to the mask one to two drops at a time.

Considering that masks made from products for lightening the skin dry it out, after washing your face, you need to apply a nourishing cream.

The best products for smooth skin

Dreaming of smooth skin, you need to exclude tasty, but unhealthy foods and dishes from them from the diet, replacing them with fresh vegetables, fermented milk products, and fruits. Give up alcoholic and carbonated drinks, bad habits.

Of particular value for smooth skin are:

  • fish, seafood (omega-3 fatty acids, zinc);
  • citruses, red vegetables (vitamin C);
  • orange and green vegetables (vitamin A, beta-carotene);
  • nuts (vitamin E);
  • whole grains, black bread (rutin, vitamins B, E, fatty acids);
  • oils from plants;
  • butter (a little);
  • yogurt, kefir.

For smooth skin, it is useful to start each meal with fresh vegetables or fruits (600 grams per day). Bananas, grapefruits, kiwi, lemons, lingonberries, cabbage should be on the table every day, and three glasses of kefir (yogurt) should become the norm. A handful or two of seeds are also the best foods for smooth skin.

Such nutrition, along with other means, will certainly help your skin to remain young, smooth, beautiful.

"Attention, it is dangerous for the skin!" - These signs can be used to provide some of the foods that are present in our daily diet. Acne, flabbiness, loss of healthy color, wrinkles, swelling, bruising under the eyes - these and other problems serve as signals that the diet contains foods that are harmful to the skin. What products are the enemies of the epidermis, how do they affect the skin? We will help you figure out what exactly needs to be removed from the refrigerator to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin.

Tea, coffee, some types of carbonated drinks can give not only vigor, but also cause dehydration of the skin. Due to increased dryness of the epidermis, caffeine can cause loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. As a result, a healthy complexion is lost, and early wrinkles appear.

Reduce your consumption of tea and coffee to 5 cups a day, and also take care of additional hydration of the epidermis.

Dairy products

Believe it or not, calcium-rich cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir and regular milk can cause acne. Recent studies have shown that dairy products can worsen skin conditions. And a negative effect is observed not only with lactose intolerance, but also as a reaction to the content of hormones and biologically active components in milk. Hormones and various stimulating chemical additives are actively used in feeding cows.

To keep skin health under control, use dairy products from trusted manufacturers - environmentally friendly.


Foods that are too sweet cause malnutrition of skin cells. The overuse of candy and chocolate bars causes an imbalance in lymph drainage. As a result, the skin suffers from fluid retention, bruising under the eyes and swelling. And also various sweets increase the glucose content in the body, which can provoke the multiplication of staphylococcal infections on the surface of the epidermis. As a result - skin inflammation.

Expert commentary

Remember the popular adage that sugar is a white poison? It turns out that this statement is not far from the truth. Excessive consumption of sweets not only harms the figure, but also accelerates the aging process of the skin.

Sugar triggers a process called glycation, where excess glucose molecules attach to collagen and make collagen fibers stiff and inflexible. Whereas normally these fibers are elastic, resilient. But that's not all! Glycation also destroys hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for maintaining skin moisture levels. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic, loses its tone, becomes dry, and numerous wrinkles appear - especially under the eyes, where the skin is thinnest.

What to do? Give up sweets altogether? Of course not. Dessert lovers need to adhere to the following rules to preserve the beauty of their skin:

1. Try not to add or minimize sugar in tea, coffee and other drinks.

2. Avoid carbonated drinks, packaged juices, breakfast cereals. They contain a lot of sugar.

3. Eat B vitamins - they stop the process of protein damage.

4. Limit the use of purchased sweets. If you pamper yourself with sweets or cakes once every 2-3 days, then sugar will not become "death" for your youth.

5. Give preference to fresh fruit as an alternative to sweets. And remember: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine; the dose makes it one way or another ”.

Despite the fact that in small doses, alcoholic beverages, for example, red wine, are not capable of causing serious harm to health, in order to preserve the beauty of the skin, it is better to refuse them. Alcohol leads to dehydration of the skin. The result of drinking any alcohol-containing drinks will be visible on the face in the form of dry epidermis, swelling under the eyes.

To reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the skin, compensate for your alcoholic beverage intake by drinking plenty of plain water.

Simple carbohydrates

White bread, baked goods, pasta, and other sources of simple carbohydrates can affect skin health. Their excessive presence in the diet leads to an increase in oxidative processes in the body, the destruction of elastin, collagen, which are necessary for the elasticity of the epidermis. Foods rich in simple carbohydrates increase insulin levels, which accelerates aging and leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Reduce your consumption of buns by replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones. For example, whole grain foods, brown rice, oatmeal.

While salt can help reveal the flavor of food, this food supplement exacerbates the condition of acne-prone skin and other breakouts. "White death" leads to vasodilation, a decrease in the amount of collagen in the body. Therefore, salt causes skin laxity. Also, various marinades, salinity, sausages with a high salt content cause swelling under the eyes.

To maintain skin elasticity, reduce salt intake, diversify your diet with natural spices and herbs.

Fried meat, fast food

Fried cuts of meat dripping with fat, hamburgers and other "fast food" with fried meat patties are a threat to a slim figure and clear skin. With intensive heat treatment, oils and fats are oxidized, which is why pathological processes are triggered in the body. Various fried foods can cause cancer, atherosclerosis, and skin diseases. Also, fatty meats often cause pore clogging and wrinkle formation.

To reduce the harm of such dishes to the skin, cook fast food yourself, always use fresh oil for frying.

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