Home Trees and shrubs Prophet Muhammad said. What did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) talk about in his farewell sermon? It is easier for a woman to reach Paradise

Prophet Muhammad said. What did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) talk about in his farewell sermon? It is easier for a woman to reach Paradise

Volume 7

Hadiths No. 3101-3200

3128 — (إن الله أمرني بحب أربعة ، وأخبرني أنه يحبهم ، قيل: سمهم لنا ، قال: علي منهم (يقول ذلك ثلاثاً) ، وأبو ذر ، والمقداد ، وسلمان ، أمرني بحبهم ، وأخبرني أنه يحبهم) . (ضعيف)

3128 — "Indeed, Allah told me to love four and told me that He loves them." (The people) said, "Call them to us!" He said, “‘ Ali is one of them! ”(Repeating this three times), Abu Zarr, al-Mikadad and Salman. He told me to love them and told me that He loves them. "

Sheikh al-Albani in Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (7/126) said: “Weak (hadith). He is led by at-Tirmidhi (2/299), Ibn Majah (149), al-Hakim (3/130) and Ahmad (5/351 and 356) along the path of Shariyk, transmitted from Abu Rabi'a, who transmitted from Ibn Buraydah from his father's words as going back to the prophet. This text belongs to at-Tirmidhi and he said: "The hadith is good and we know it only from the hadith Shariyk."

He (Shariik) is weak due to poor memory. Al-Hakim said: "An authentic hadith that meets the conditions of Muslim." After these words of him, al-Zahabi said: "I (al-Zahabi) say: 'Muslim did not transmit hadith from Rabi'a." Al-Zahabi also mentioned in al-Mizan that regarding Abu Rabi, Abu Hatim said: “His hadiths are rejected”.

And this Shariyk - Ibn 'Abdullah al-Qada - did not rely on Muslim, but transmitted mutaba'ats from him, as al-Zahabi himself said about this in al-Mizan, so where does the hadith get its authenticity, and even that, that he is good ?! See Silsilya ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 7 / 126-127 (with minor modifications).

3137 — (إن الله يكره رفع الصوت بالعطاس والتثاؤب) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 7/133: موضوع

3137 — "Indeed, Allah does not like it when they sneeze or yawn loudly."

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilya ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (7/133) said: “Invented (hadith). "(261) and ad-Daylami (1/2/254) from 'Uthman ibn' Abdu-r-Rahman at-Taraifi, who transmitted from 'Ali ibn' Urwa, transmitted from Ibn Abu Muleiki from the words of 'Abdullah ibn al-Zubair as ascending to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say:

- This (hadith) is fictional. His flaw is ‘Ali ibn’ Urwa, who was accused of lying by Salih Jazar, and Ibn Hibban said: "He invented hadith."

3200 — (إن لله ملكاً موكلاً بمن يقول : يا أرحم الراحمين ! فمن قالها ثلاثاً قال الملك : إن أرحم الراحمين قد أقبل عليك فاسأل) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 7/182: ضعيف

3200 — It is narrated from the words of Abu Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

- Indeed, Allah Almighty has an angel who is entrusted with watching over those who will utter the words “O Most Merciful of the Merciful! / Ya Arkhama-r-rahimin! ”, And to the one who utters (these words) three times, this angel says:“ Indeed, the Most Merciful of the Merciful hears you, ask! ” This hadith is quoted by al-Hakim 1/728.


Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith weak. In his isnad there is a transmitter named Fadala ibn Jubair about which Ibn ‘Adi in“ al-Kamil ”(1/325) said:“ Fadala transmitted ten hadith from Abu Umamah and they are all unreliable ”. See al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 3200 (7/182), Da'if al-jami 'as-sagyir 1957.

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

Volume 7

Hadiths No. 3001-3100

3062 — (إنَّ اللهَ جعلَ الحقَّ على لسانِ عُمرَ وقلبِهِ، وهوَ الفاروقُ ، فرقَ بهِ بينَ الحقِ والباطلِ) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 7/63: ضعيف

3062 — “Indeed, Allah has placed the truth in the tongue and heart of‘ Umar! He is the discerner of good and evil / al-Faruk /, and through him (Allah) separated truth from falsehood! "

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (7/63) said:

“Weak (hadith). He is quoted by Ibn Sa'd in "at-Tabakat" (3/270): Told us by Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Azraq al-Makkiy, who said: He informed us' Abdu-r-Rahman ibn Hasan from Ayyub ibn Musa, who said: “The Messenger of Allah said ..” and he cited this hadith.

I (al-Albani) say:

- This isnad is weak and (belongs to the category of) mu'dal, for, apparently, Ayyub ibn Musa is Abu Musa al-Makkiy. But it is possible that this is Ayyub ibn Musa Abu Ka'b al-Sa'di al-Balqawi and both of them are reliable. However, they refer to the followers of the tabi'in / atba'a at-tabi'in /, and therefore he (that is, hadith - approx. Transl.) Is mu'dal, and not as Al-Suyut said about it in “ al-Ziyadh ”(2/36). Then, 'Abdu-r-Rahman ibn Hasan, and he is al-Zajaj Abu Mas'ud al-Mausiliy, about whom Ibn Abu Hatim (2/2/227) said from the words of his father: “His hadiths are recorded, but in do not rely on him. "

However, the first part of this hadith is authentic and is quoted in al-Mishkat (6042). As for the second part of it, I did not find for him a confirming hadith / martyrdom / that supports it, which is why I brought it here.

Abu Nu'aim transmitted to al-Khilya (1/40) on the way of Ishaqa ibn 'Abdullah from Aban ibn Salih, who transmitted from Mujahid, transmitted from Ibn' Abbas, who said: “I asked 'Umar, may he be pleased with him Allah: For what reason were you called al-Faruk? ” He replied "…".

I (al-Albani) say: And he told the story of his acceptance of Islam, may Allah be pleased with him, and how he came out against the polytheists, announcing his Islam, and it quotes his words: “And on that day the messenger Allah called me al-Faruk and distinguished through him truth from falsehood ”.

(The transmitter of this hadith) Ishaq ibn ‘Abdullah, and he Ibn Abu Farwa is a matruk, very weak, from whose hadiths there is no benefit.”

The word "mu'dal" is a passive participle of the verb "adal" (to tire). As a term, this word is used to designate a hadith in the isnad of which the names of two or more transmitters in a row are omitted. See "Hadith Terminology" by Dr. Tahhan.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddis, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinal-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

Volume 6

Hadiths No. 2901-3000

2955 — (أنا مدينة العلم ، وعلي بابها ، فمن أراد العلم فليأته من بابه) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/519: موضوع

2955 — "I am the city of knowledge, and‘ Ali is its gate, and whoever wants to (acquire) knowledge, let him come to him through the gate. "
Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/519) said:

- Fictional (hadith). It was narrated by Ibn Jarir at-Tabari in Tahzib al-Asar, at-Tabarani in Mu'jam al-Kabir (3/108/1), al-Hakim, 3/126, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in “Tarikh Baghdad” (11/48) and Ibn 'Asakir in “Tarikh Dimashq” (12/159/2) along the path of Salta' Abdu-s-Salam ibn Salih al-Haravi: Abu Mu'awiyah informed us from al-A 'Masha, transmitted from the Mujahid from the words of Ibn' Abbas, as going back to the Prophet.

Ibn Jarir and al-Hakim said: "Isnad is authentic." This was rejected by al-Zahabi in his own words: "On the contrary, invented!" Then al-Hakim said: "Abu al-Salt is reliable, trustworthy." Following these words, al-Zahabi said: “I say: No, I swear by Allah! Neither reliable nor trustworthy! " He (al-Zahabi) also said in his book "ad-Du'afa'al-matrukin": "He was accused of lying by more than one (scientist)." Abu Zur'a said: "He was not reliable." Ibn ‘Adi said," Accused of lying! " Someone else said, "Rafidit." Hafiz (Ibn Hajar) in "at-Takrib" said: "Truthful, he has rejected things, became a Shiite, and having shown excessiveness, al-'Uqayli said:" Liar! " 'ifa wal-maudu'a "(6 / 519-530).

Sheikh, imam, muhaddis, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinal-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

"A series of weak and invented hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community."

Volume 6

Hadiths No. 2801-2900

2865 — (اقرؤوا القرآن فإن الله لا يعذب قلبا وعى القرآن) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/395: ضعيف جدا

رواه تمام في "الفوائد" (266/2) ، وابن عساكر (267/1) عن مسلمة بن علي: حدثنا حريز بن عثمان عن سليم بن عامامام

قلت : وهذا إسناد واه جدا ، مسلمة بن علي — وهو الخشني — متروك ؛ كما في » التقريب » .

2865 — "Read the Quran, because Allah Almighty will not punish the heart that the Quran contains." See Da'if al-jami as-sagyir 1068.

Sheikh al-Albani in Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/395) said:

- Very weak (hadith). It was transmitted by Tamam in "al-Fawaid" (2/266) and Ibn 'Asakir (1/267) from Maslama ibn' Ali: Told us by Hariz ibn 'Uthman from Suleim ibn' Amir, who transmitted from Abu Umama as ascending to the prophet ...

I (al-Albani) say:

“This isnad is very weak. Maslyama ibn 'Ali, and he - al-Khushani - matruk, as it is said in "at-Takrib".

2896 — (إن أمتي لن تجتمع على ضلالة ، فإذا رأيتم الاختلاف فعليكم بالسواد الأعظم) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/435: ضعيف

2896 — « Verily, my community will not unite on delusion, and if you see disagreements, then stick to the Great Community / savadul-a'zam / ”».

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith very weak except for the first part, which is authentic. See Da'if Ibn Majah 788.

Sheikh al-Albani in Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/435) said:

- Weak (hadith). He is quoted by Ibn Majah (3950), Ibn Abu 'Asim in “al-Sunnah” (84),' Abd ibn Humayd in “al-Muntahab minal-musnad” (2/133) and al-Lyalakai in “Usul ahlu-s -Sunna ”(1/105/653) from Mu'an ibn Rifa'a al-Sulami, who transmitted from Abu Khalaf al-A'ma, who transmitted from Anas's words as going back to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say: This isnad is very weak. About Abu Khalaf al-A'ma hafiz (Ibn Hajar) said: “Matruk! And Ibn Ma'in accused him of lying. " Ad-Darakutni in al-Afrad said: "He was the only one who narrated this hadith." (Another transmitter) Mu'an ibn Rifa'a is weak in hadith. Abu Nu'aim transmitted (this hadith) in Akhbar Asbahan (2/208) along the path of Bakiyyi ibn al-Walid, who transmitted from 'Utba ibn Abu Hakim, who transmitted from Art ibn al-Munzir, who transmitted from Abu' Aun al- Ansari, who reported from the words of Samura ibn Jundub, as an ascending hadith to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say: This isnad is weak and has some drawbacks:

The first is the gap between Abu 'Aun al-Ansari and Samura ibn Jundub, for, indeed, from this Abu' Aun does not mention any rivayat from the Companions, but on the contrary, Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said: “He transmitted from' Uthman sent hadiths ”.

The second is the unknown position of this Abu 'Aun, for no one called him reliable except Ibn Hibban, and the Hafiz (Ibn Hajar) in “at-Takrib” said: “Acceptable / Mak'bul /”, that is, in the case when his hadith are confirmed by other reliable transmitters, otherwise his hadiths are considered weak.

The third is the weakness of ‘Utba ibn Abu Hakim. Hafiz (Ibn Hajar) said: "Truthful, he was wrong a lot."

The fourth is ‘an’ an Bakiyyi, for he was a mudallis. ”

"Savadul-a'zam" - Great community. Ishaq ibn Rahaveikh said: “If you ask the Jahils (ignorant people) about the Great Community (sawadul-a'zam), they will say:“ This is the Jama'a of people (that is, a community, a gathering of ordinary people). ”But they are not know that jama'a is' alim (scientist) who follows the path of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and those who are with him are in the jama'a, and the one who resists him, he left jama'a ". See Khilyatul-awliya 9/239.
Imam ash-Shatybi said: "Scientists are the Great Community (sawadul-a'zam), despite their small number." See al-I’tisam 2/776.
Imam ash-Shatibi also said: “Those who believe that“ al-Jama'a ”is just a community of people, despite the fact that there is no scientist among them, they are mistaken, and this is the understanding of fools, not scientists! " See al-I’tisam 2/267.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Verily, both ijma 'and huja (argument) and sawadul-a'zam (Great Community) are' alim following the truth, even if he is alone, and even if all the inhabitants of the earth contradict him ! " See I'lamul-muwakk'i'in 3/397.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddis, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinal-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

"A series of weak and invented hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community."

Volume 6

Hadiths No. 2701-2800

2773 — (اسم الله الأعظم في ست آيات في آخر سورة الحشر) .

قال الألبانى في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/291: ضعيف

2773 — "The greatest name of Allah is contained in the last six verses of Sura al-Khashr."

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/291) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was narrated by al-Wahidi in his tafsir (4/138/2) and ad-Daylami (1/1/173) from Yahya ibn Sa'laba ... from Ibn ‘Abbas, as going back to the prophet.

I (al-Albani) say:

- Yahyu ibn Sa'laba called ad-Darakutni weak.

See also Da'if al-Jami al-Sagyir 853.

2800 — (اطلعت في الجنة فرأيت أكثر أهلها الفقراء ، واطلعت في النار فرأيت أكثر أهلها الأغنياء والنساء) .

قال الألبانى في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة 6/315: ضعيف

2800 — "I looked into heaven and saw that most of its inhabitants are poor, and I looked into hell and saw that most of its inhabitants are rich and women." ».

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/315) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was passed on by Ahmad and his son 'Abdullah in Zawaid al-Musnad (2/173) and both on the way of Shariyk from Ibn Ishaq, who transmitted from Saib ibn Malik, who transmitted that' Abdullah ibn 'Amr, said: “Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said ... ”and he brought this hadith.

I (al-Albani) say:

“This isnad is weak because of Shariyk, and he is Ibn‘ Abdullah al-Qada — who had a bad memory. Abu Iskhak - this is al-Sabi'iy - mudallis confused in hadiths and rendered it in the form ‘an’ an. Al-Munziri (4/85) recognized his isnad as good and was mistaken in this.

Yes, the hadith is authentic, but without the words "rich", since it is confirmed without this addition from a group of companions, including 'Imran ibn Husayn in al-Bukhari (9/245), Ahmad (4/429, 443), at -Tirmidhi (3/349 - Tukhfa), who said: "A good authentic hadith" ... See al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6 / 315-316) for more details.


Shu'ayb al-Arnaut, in the notes to the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, said: "This is a reliable hadith without the word" rich ", since it is not transmitted in hadiths that testify to this and support it."

The same hadith without the word “rich” was narrated by Ahmad 1/234, 359, Muslim 2737 and at-Tirmidhi 2602 from the words of Ibn ‘Abbas. Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See Saheeh al-jami 'as-saghir 1030.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddis, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinal-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

"A series of weak and invented hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community."

Volume 6

Hadith No. 2601-2700

2601 — (إذا راح منا سبعون رجلا إلى الجمعة ، كانوا كسبعين موسى الذين وفدوا إلى ربهم ؛ أو أفضل) .

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/109: موضوع

2601 — "If seventy (people) of our number go to Friday prayer, then they will be similar or better than those seventy (followers) of Musa, who went with a delegation to their Lord."

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a (6/109) said:

- Fictional (hadith). He is brought by at-Tabarani in al-Awsat (1/51) from Ahmad ibn Bakr al-Balisi: Khalid ibn Yazid al-Qasri told us from Wa'il ibn Daud, who transmitted from al-Hasan, transmitted from Anas, who said “ The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ... ”, and he brought this hadith. Then he (at-Tabarani) said: "No one is transmitting it from Vail, except for Ahmad, and the only one who transmitted it was Ahmad."

I (al-Albani) say:

- Al-Azdi said: "He invented hadith." For this reason, he called him weak al-Hayes in al-Majma '(2/176).

(The transmitter) al-Qasri is weak, and al-Hasan - he is al-Basri - mudallis, and he transmitted it in the form 'an' an '.

2631 - (إذا طَنَّتْ أُذُنُ أَحَدِكم فلْيَذْكُرْنِي ولْيُصَلِّ عَلَيَّ ولْيَقُلْ: ذَكَرَ اللهُ مَن ذَكَرَني بخيرٍ).

قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/137: موضوع

رواه الروياني في "مسنده" (25/141/2) ، والبزار (3125): أخبرنا أبو الخطاب: أخبرنا معمر بن محمد: أخبرني أبييد: أخب ني أبيامد: أخب ني أبييد ورواه الطبراني في "الصغير" (ص 229 - هندية) و "الأوسط" (9222) و والشجري في "الأمالي" (1/129) من طريق أخرعنمن

قلت : وهذا سند ضعيف جدا ؛ وفيه علتان :

الأولى : محمد هذا — وهو ابن عبيد الله بن أبي رافع — وهو ضعيف جدا .

الثانية : ابنه معمر ؛ وهو أيضا ضعيف جدا ، قال البخاري : » منكر الحديث » .

2631 — The freedman of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Abu Rafi, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:" If any of you rings in your ear, let him remember me, call on me a blessing and say: "May Allah remember the good of the one who remembered me." ... This hadith is quoted by ar-Ruvyani in his Musnad (25/141/2) al-Bazzar (3125), at-Tabarani in al-Saghir (p. 229 - Indian edition) and in al-Ausat ( 9222), al-Shajari in al-Amali 1/129), Ibn as-Sunni in 'Amal al-yaum wa-l-leila 166.

Sheikh al-Albani called the isnad very weak and the hadith fictitious. There are two drawbacks to his isnad. The first is Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaydullah ibn Abu Rafi’, who is a very weak transmitter. The second is his son Mamar, who is also very weak and weak. Al-Bukhari said about him: "His hadiths are rejected." Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Manar (p. 25) said: "All the hadiths about ringing in the ears are lies!" See Silsilah ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a 6/137, Da'if al-Jami al-sagyir 586, al-Kalim at-tayyib 235.

Sheikh, imam, muhaddis, Muhammad Nasiru-d-dinal-Albani, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him!

سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة والموضوعة

"Silsilyatul-ahadis ad-da'ifa wal-maudu'a wa asaruha as-sayyi'fil-Umma"

"A series of weak and invented hadiths and their bad influence on the Muslim community."

Volume 6

Hadiths No. 2501-2600

2501 — (إذا توضأت وأنا جنب أكلت وشربت ، ولا أصلي ولا أقرأ حتى أغتسل) .


قال الألباني في "السلسلة الضعيفة والموضوعة" 6/7: ضعيف

2501 — “If I bathed while in sexual contamination, I ate and drank, but I do not pray or read (the Koran) until I bathe.”

Sheikh al-Albani "al-Silsilah ad-da'ifa wa-l-maudu'a" (6/7) said:

- Weak (hadith). It was transmitted by Abu 'Ubaid in Fadail al-Quran (2/45), ad-Darakutni (437) and al-Bayhaqi (1/89) from Ibn Lahi'a, who transmitted from' Abdullah ibn Suleiman, who transmitted from Sa ' Lyaba ibn Abul-Qanuda, who reported from 'Abdullah ibn Malik al-Ghafikyi that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said' Umar ibn al-Khattab ... and he brought this hadith. Al-Bayhakyi said: "It was also transmitted by al-Waqidi from 'Abdullah ibn Suleiman in this way."

I (al-Albani) say:

- This isnad is weak. ‘Abdullah ibn Suleiman - it is obvious that this is Abu Hamza al-Misri, who was not called reliable by anyone other than Ibn Hibban (2/156). Al-Bazzar said: "He recounted hadiths that are not supported by reliable transmitters." And Sa'lyabu ibn Abul-Kanud also called Ibn Hibban (1/8) reliable, and Ibn Abu Hatim (1/1/463) also quoted his biography, but did not say anything about his rejection or admissibility. This is the disadvantage of this hadith.

As for Shamsul-Haqqa al-Abadi, he called him weak in words: "I say: Ibn Lahi'a is weak, and al-Waqidi is a matruk."

And he (this) did nothing, because even if Ibn Lahi'i had a bad memory, his hadiths are reliable when one of the ‘Abdullahs narrates from him, and this is so in this case. And among the transmitters from him - ‘Abdullah ibn Wahb at al-Bayhaqi, and therefore the charge is dropped from him, and al-Waqidi was not the only one who transmitted him, as it was said earlier.

Abu 'Ubayd reported from' Umar that he condemned the reading of anything from the Koran in a state of sexual defilement. His isnad is authentic!

Along the way, ‘Amir ibn al-Samta is told that Abul-Qarif said:“ They asked ‘Ali:“ Can one who is in a state of sexual contamination / Junub / read (the Koran)? ” And he answered: “No! And even one letter! ”” There is a weakness in this isnad because of Abul-Garif. See Da'if Abi Daoud (32).

In the message from ‘Umar there is sufficiency and we see that he condemned the reading of the Qur'an to those who are in a state of sexual contamination. This supports the censure of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) of responding to salam without ablution / wudu /, which is no secret to anyone. As for the prohibition of reading the Qur'an (junub), there is no reason for this.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the best of people, the most beloved slave of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) acquired the greatest wealth of this and that world - this is the pleasure of Allah Almighty, and if we also want Allah to be pleased with us, we should follow the advice of His Messenger (peace be upon him):

  1. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If a woman performs five prayers, fasts on Ramadan, observes chastity and obeys her husband, then she will be told:" Enter heaven through the gate through which you wish! "
  1. “O women, give more charity. Indeed, I saw that you are most in Hell. "
  1. “You should do tasbih, tahlil and takdis! And keep count with your fingertips, for verily, they will be asked (on the Day of Judgment) and they will speak! "
  1. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to an Ansar woman named Umm Sinan: "What prevented you from doing Hajj with us?" She said : "Abu Fulyan (her husband) had two mounts, he and his son did the Hajj on one of them, and our servant was on the other."... The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Umrah in Ramadan equates to Hajj (or he said) to Hajj with me."
  1. “May Allah have mercy on a man who gets up at night, prays, wakes up his wife, and if she is too lazy to get up, sprinkles water on her face! May Allah have mercy on a woman who gets up at night, prays, wakes up her husband, and if he is too lazy to get up, sprinkles water in his face! "
  1. “Your prayer in your room is better for you than your prayer in your hallway, and your prayer in your hallway is better for you than your prayer in your courtyard, and your prayer in your courtyard is better for you than yours prayer in the mosque of your tribe, and your prayer in the mosque of your tribe is better for you than your prayer in my mosque. "
  1. Aisha asked the Prophet (peace be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah, we know that jihad (opposition) is the best thing, shouldn't we lead it?" He replied: "However, the best opposition of women is the pious Hajj."
  1. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was told: “Messenger of Allah! A certain woman prays at night, fasts during the day, does good deeds and gives alms, but she stings her neighbors with her tongue. " The Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “There is nothing good about her. She is one of the inhabitants of Hell. " He was told to: "Another woman makes the prescribed prayers and gives out pieces of cheese as alms and does nothing wrong to anyone."... The Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "She is one of the inhabitants of Paradise."
  1. “If I could order to bow down to someone other than Allah, I would order a woman to bow down before her husband. A woman will not fully fulfill her right before her Lord until she fully fulfills her right before her husband. "
  1. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was asked: "Which wife is the best?" He replied: "The one who pleases her husband when he looks at her, obeys him when he tells her to do something, and does not contradict her husband if he does not like something about herself or how she spends her property." ...

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Whoever keeps forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: "Enter Paradise from whatever gate you wish."". May Allah Almighty grant us paradise and the intercession of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)! Amine.

Therefore, we have collected these hadiths with the permission of Allah and with His help.

We hope you learn them.

We also hope for your prayers for us, for our teachers, for sheikhs, for our fathers and mothers. Your prayers for us are actually received for you, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "When a Muslim prays for his brother, the angels say to him in response:" And you are asking for him. " ". May Allah Almighty grant us His pleasure in both worlds! Amine.

1. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, pray five times, observe fasting in the month of Ramadan, pay zakat from property and obey the rulers; you will enter paradise. " The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that the hadith is authentic.

2. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Every good deed is charity." The hadith was narrated by Imam Bukhari.

3. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Who among you sees an atrocity, let him stop it with his hand; if not able to do this, then with the tongue; and if he is not capable of this, even if he does not agree with his heart, this is the weakest degree of faith. " Narrated by Imam Muslim.

4. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A hypocrite has three signs: when he speaks, he lies; when promises, does not fulfill; when they trust him, it does not justify the trust. " The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

5. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The faith of one of you will not be perfect until he wishes his brother the same as himself." The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

6. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He is not a liar who reconciles people, wanting good or saying good." The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

7. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The most fulfilling faith belongs to the one whose disposition is the best, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife well." The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that it is authentic.

9. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Every day two angels descend, and one of them says:" O Allah, enrich those who give alms. " And the other says: "O Allah, destroy the property of those who abstain from charity."

10. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and on the Day of Judgment, let him not harm his neighbor; the one who believes in Allah and on the Day of Judgment, let him honor the guest; the one who believes in Allah and on the Day of Judgment, let him say good or be silent. "

11. Abdullah ibn Masud said: “Once I asked the Messenger of Allah:“ What is the best deed? ” He replied: “Namaz performed in time”. I asked: "And then what?" He replied: "Treating parents well." I asked the question again: "And then?" He replied: "Jihad in the path of Allah."

12. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Among the great sins are associating with Allah Almighty, disobeying parents, killing a person and making a false oath." Narrated by Imam Bukhari.

13. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The best of good deeds is to have a connection with your father's friends."

14. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A man in the religion of his friend; let each of you take a look, with whom he is friends. " The hadith was narrated by Imam Abu Dawud.

15. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "A man will be with the one he loves." The hadith is authentic.

16. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The seven will be in the shadow of Arsh on that Day when there will be no other shadow: 1) a just ruler; 2) a young man who grew up in the worship of Allah Almighty; 3) a person whose heart is associated with the mosque; 4) two people who fell in love with each other for the sake of Allah, for his sake meet and for his sake disperse; 5) a man who was called to her by a rich and beautiful woman, and he replied that he was afraid of Allah; 6) a person who gives alms in such a way that his left hand does not know what the right hand is giving; 7) a person who mentioned Allah in seclusion and shed tears. " The hadith is authentic.

17. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), doing khutba, said: "If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more." And the companions, covering their faces, began to sob.

18. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The example of five times prayer is like the example of a river of water that flows near your house, and you bathe there five times every day."

19. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah is pleased with the slave when he praises Him after eating and drinking." Narrated by Imam Muslim.

20. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If those who believed knew the punishment of Allah, no one would strive for paradise; and if the infidels knew the mercy of Allah, not one of them would have lost hope for paradise. " Narrated by Imam Muslim.

21. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The poor will go to heaven five hundred years earlier than the rich." The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

22. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Wealth does not mean having a lot of property, wealth is when the heart is rich." The hadith is authentic.

23. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Increase the repetition of what spoils pleasure." That is, death. The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

24. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the best of people in disposition." The hadith is authentic.

25. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Indeed, Allah is Most Merciful and loves mercy in all matters." The hadith is authentic.

26. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever obeys me, he obeys Allah, who disobeys me, he disobeys Allah, who obeys the ruler, he obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler, disobeys me." The hadith is authentic.

27. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "... a good word, alms." The hadith is authentic.

28. Narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): "The speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was legible, everyone who listened to him understood him."

29. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "When you dress and wash, start on the right." The hadith is authentic, narrated by Imam Abu Dawood.

30. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you starts eating, let him mention Allah, and if he forgets to mention at the beginning, let him say: with the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end ”.

31. From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never condemned food - if he liked it, he ate, and if not, he did not eat.

32. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Grace is sent down in the middle of the meal, so you eat from the edge." This is done so that there is more grace.

33. The Kaab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) eating with three fingers, and when he finished, he licked them."

34. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drank water in three sips."

35. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: "I gave the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) water to drink, and he drank while standing."

36. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The most truthful of you in sleep is he who is truthful in speech."

37. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever rides, greets the pedestrian, the pedestrian greets the seated one, a small group of people greets a large one, and the younger greets the elder."

38. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a person dies, his deeds stop except for three: endless charity (for example, if you build a road, bridge, lead water), knowledge from which people take benefit, and righteous children, who pray for their parents. "

39. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "You go on a journey at night, truly the night shortens the path."

40. Kaab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “ The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), when returning from the path, first of all went to the mosque and performed two rak'ahs ».

41. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "I swear by Allah, he will not believe, I swear by Allah, he will not believe, I swear by Allah, he will not believe!" He was asked: "Who, O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "The one whose neighbor is not saved from his evil." The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

Muslim narrated this hadith in the following words: "... the one whose neighbor is not saved from his evil will not enter paradise."

Saypula Mukhamadov

If you list all the basics given in the farewell sermon, you get the following:

1 - In any business, it is necessary to always give praise to Allah.

2 - Belief in monotheism is required,

3 - Nafs always wants to guide a person to commit atrocities. For this reason, it is necessary to resort from the evil of nafs to the protection of Allah.

4 - All people are equal from birth, there is no division according to race and skin color.

5 - All Muslims are brothers. All class distinctions and privileges have been canceled. Excellence is achieved only through fear of God and virtue.

6 - For the first time, the law of marriage, family rights and equality of rights between men and women were presented.

7 - Women and men have mutual rights, responsibilities and obligations.

8 - Both women and men should avoid adultery by any means.

9 - The manifestation of respect for property rights and the rights of other people, inviolability of the home is ensured.

10 - Life, property and honor are sacred. The right to life is a natural right. Honor, honor, dignity, freedom and possession of property are rights protected from attack.

11 - It is necessary to beware of manifestations of injustice, it is not allowed to unfairly use the property of the people, a thing belonging to one person will not be allowed to another without the permission of the owner of this thing.

12 - Muslims should beware of war among themselves.

13 - Abolition of torture and slavery.

14 - Blood conflicts are fiction and lies.

15 - The idea of ​​reducing interest to zero, which the modern economy has reached only recently, with the words "every kind of interest is canceled", the economy and "debtors will only return the money they took" created the basis for public safety and mutual assistance.

16 - By communicating that each person is responsible for their deeds, not left unattended, an attempt was made to transcend anarchy and aimlessness.

17 - The foundation was laid for debt obligations and the right of surety, ordered and recommended to beware of excess in order to achieve peace, reconciliation and prosperity; it is indicated that the guilty person himself, and not someone else, will be responsible for each offense, and it is said: "Even if those who instruct Muslims on the straight path, there is a black man with a cut nose, obey him and enter Paradise."

18 - The traditions of the times of ignorance have been canceled. People should give up the bad deeds that they did blindly out of habit.

19 - Items entrusted to storage must be returned to their owners. You can not betray entrusted to storage.

20 - It is necessary to beware of following the shaitan in any small and large, important and insignificant matters.

21 - People who adhere to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet will never go astray.

22 - It is necessary to adhere to the simplicity of Islam, not to go to extremes.

23 - It is necessary to worship Allah Almighty - to perform five-fold prayer, observe fasting in the month of fasting, follow the advice of the venerable prophet. Those who do it properly will be rewarded with heaven.

24 - Basics such as will, ancestry and adultery were touched upon. Since the sermon was mostly specific, there is no need for detailed descriptions. After the farewell sermon, the following verse was revealed: “Today I have perfected your religion for you, brought My mercy to you to the end and approved Islam for you as a religion” (Surah Al-Maida: 3). As you can see, religion has reached its perfection, the world has become completely different, humanity has entered a new world.

Another feature of the farewell sermon is that it contains an appeal to the entire public with the words “oh, people” instead of the words “oh, believers, Muslims”, and the words “may those who stand here today convey all my instructions to the one who is not here. And maybe many of those to whom this message will be transmitted will observe it with greater diligence than those who listened here today, ”she did not lose her value over a certain period of time and retained the quality of illuminating the path of subsequent people.


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Don't tell me if you later have to ask for forgiveness!
Ibn Majah, Zuhd, 15.
Communication is a great grace of God, it helps to strengthen ties, strengthen friendship and mutual understanding. Many people express their thoughts and feelings, requests and desires precisely in the process of communication. But the manner of speaking can bring some to a pedestal of honor, while others can drink the cup of humiliation and disappointment in full. The hadith says that you need to follow the speech, as thanks to this you can get to Paradise.

“Whoever gives me a word that he will keep what he finds between two jaws (meaning the tongue) and his honor, then I will give him my word that he will certainly go to heaven.” (Bukhari, Rikak, 23).

Another time, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) gave the following answer to the question "Who is the most virtuous?"

"This is the kind of person who does not harm Muslims either with his hands or with his tongue."

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) taught his companions the rules of communication, some of which can be cited in the following order:

1. Speak clearly and clearly, taking into account the level of the interlocutor. If necessary, you need to repeat some expressions several times. Companions highlight the following features of the speech of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), who always spoke beautifully and concisely:
"The speech of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was so clear that everyone present could easily understand it." (Abu Daud, Adab, 18).

“When he spoke, anyone who wanted to could read his words without much difficulty.” (Bukhari, Manakib, 23).

"He repeated three times those words and phrases to which he wanted to draw the attention of the audience." (Tirmidhi, Manakib, 9).

In order for the listeners to understand certain expressions well, they sometimes need to be repeated several times. As you know, in order to draw the attention of listeners to any situation, especially important events and commands are often repeated in the Qur'an. For example, the disobedience of the Shaitan is mentioned seven times, the behavior of the sorcerers who believed Musa (Aleikhissals) is described four times.

During the prayer, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) recited the most important verses of the Koran many times. While giving instructions to his companions, he spoke the most significant phrases several times. While listening to the conversations of the righteous, you can often hear them repeat other expressions. However, this should be done in order to emphasize attention and should not bother the audience.

But speaking to some people who don't understand your words at all is a waste of time.

2. In Islam, it is forbidden to perform in front of people, which is performed in order to show their knowledge or their superiority over them. It is also forbidden to speak in hints or talk about incomprehensible things when speaking.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

“Indeed, Allah is angry with those people who engage in idle talk, chewing on words like cows feed.” (Abu Dawud, Adab, 94).

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), whose mission was clear to everyone, who spoke only the truth, never came forward with the purpose of demonstrating oratory. He spoke sincerely, from the bottom of his heart, overflowing with love and mercy for people. His speech was smooth and beautiful, kindling a spark of love in the hearts of people and encouraging them to diligence.

3. You should never shout during speeches or argue loudly with interlocutors. It's ugly when you shout at your interlocutor as if he is deaf. You also cannot speak in a rude manner, as if you are angry with the audience. You must always speak in a gentle and calm manner. In the Qur'an, through the lips of Lukman (alayhissals), the following is said about this (meaning):

"Try to measure your gait and (properly) lower your voice, because, undoubtedly, the most unpleasant of sounds is the sound of a donkey's voice." Lookman, 31/19.

In another verse, the Lord commands (meaning):

"Tell my servants to say what is best!" Isra, 17/53.

Almighty Allah, sending the Prophet Musa and his brother Harun (alayhimas salam) to the ruler of Egypt, orders them to admonish him in a soft and delicate manner. One of the hadiths emphasizes that even a kind word can save a person from hellfire.

“Save yourself from hell if you have to give (to the beggar) even half a date. Whoever cannot find this, let him save himself from hell with a kind word! " (Muslim, Zakat, 68).

4. It is forbidden to whisper in the presence of a third person, since the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said that such actions could offend him. (Bukhari, Istizan, 47).

A true Muslim will never offend or offend his fellow believer.

5. If there is a conversation about a topic or a question is asked in the meeting, the chairperson of the meeting can speak or answer the question first. After him, others present can express their views. When the youngest in age, Abdurrahman bin Sahl, began to speak at the meeting, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) stopped him, ordering: “You give the floor to the elders! You give the floor to the elders! "

Abdullah bin Umar (radiyallahu anhu) told the following story:

“Once the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked the companions to describe a tree that looked like Muslims. Those present began to list the names of the trees. I remembered a tree, and I wanted to immediately get up and name it, but since there were people at the meeting who were much older than me, I did not speak. Nobody could name this tree, then the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said that it was a palm tree ”. (Muslim, Munafikin, 64)

6. You need to speak laconically and briefly, avoid idle talk and unnecessary details. Almighty Allah, condemning those who are engaged in demagoguery, commanded in the Qur'an (meaning):

“But there is one among people who, without possessing any knowledge, buys empty fables”, “Lukman”, 31/6.

In connection with our topic, the following hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) are of interest:

“Without remembering Allah, do not say much! Besides the remembrance of Allah, other words lead to the hardening of souls. There is no doubt that callous people are always far from God. "
(Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 62).

"Whoever avoids that which does not concern him is a true Muslim." (Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 11).

The poet Yahya Tashlajali wrote:

All sages repeat about this: He who talks a lot is often mistaken!

7. One should always avoid those conversations that do not bring any benefit: neither material nor spiritual, as they are very harmful. The following verse of the Qur'an indicates that each person will be held accountable for everything that he said in this world (meaning):

"And there is not a single spoken word that is not marked by the (angel) assigned to it", "Kaph", 50/18.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Everyone who believes in Allah, let him say only good things, or let him just be silent!" (Bukhari, Adab, 31/85)

8. You shouldn't have a conversation about a topic that you don't know well. You cannot say those things, the true essence of which is currently unknown. The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) says:

"Sometimes a person begins to rashly talk, because of what he can get to such a depth of hell, which is much greater than the distance between the West and the East." (Bukhari, Rikak, 23).

It was not for nothing that they used to say in Russia: "The word is silver, and silence is gold."

9. When communicating, one should avoid such topics and expressions that can put the interlocutors in a difficult position, since this can lead to a break in friendly relations. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Don't tell me if you have to ask for forgiveness later!" (Ibn Majah, Zuhd, 15)

10. A Muslim is always obliged to tell only the truth, must avoid lies and false information. For the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

“As soon as a person wakes up, all his organs begin to beg him:“ Fear Allah and take care of us, since we receive all punishments only from your conversations. We obey you. If you will be truthful, then we will be truthful, if you go astray, then we will follow you and become the same as you ”. (Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 61)

The Quran contains the following warning (meaning):

“O you who believe! Fear (anger) God and speak righteous words, so that He will make things well for you and forgive you your sins. " "Akhzab", 33 / 70-71.

11. When talking about the future or making any plans, it is imperative to say "Insha Allah" (if Allah wills for that), for this is one of the points of adab. In any business, a person's capabilities or desires are not enough. The most important thing is the will of Allah, therefore the use of the expression "Insha Allah" means that a person realizes the power of God. One of the verses of the Quran commands (meaning):

“And (never) say (about accomplishing) something:“ I will do it tomorrow, ”without adding:“ If the Lord wills for that. ” Kahf, 18 / 23-24.

In one of the hadiths, it is reported that since the Prophet Suleiman (alayhissalam) forgot to say "insha Allah", his wish was not fulfilled. (Bukhari, Ayman, 3)

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