Home Trees and shrubs Kidney cancer lung metastases how to help. Treatment of kidney cancer with lung metastases. Liver metastases

Kidney cancer lung metastases how to help. Treatment of kidney cancer with lung metastases. Liver metastases

Malignant tumors can rightfully be considered the scourge of modern mankind. The incidence of various types of them is steadily increasing, and mortality is still high, even despite the success of scientists in the development of modern and effective methods of combating the disease. If such types of tumors as cancer of the stomach, lungs, breast, or are quite common and familiar to many, then not all of us have heard about kidney cancer, since this type of neoplasia is relatively rare.

Although renal cancer is not classified as a common malignant tumor in humans, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of patients with this type of neoplasm. About 250 thousand new cases of the disease are registered in the world every year.

The prognosis for kidney cancer is considered relatively favorable if the tumor is detected at an early stage, but still the mortality rate remains quite high, reaching 40%.

In men, the disease ranks eighth among all detected tumors, and in women - eleventh, while the risk of getting sick among the male population is about two times higher.

The majority of patients are elderly people aged 60 - 70 years. Perhaps this is due to the increased risk of developing oncopathology in general in this age group.

Until now, scientists have not been able to reliably determine the exact factors leading to the development of kidney tumors, but, despite this, they were able to achieve good results in the treatment of cancer.

Kidney cancer causes

Today, a great many carcinogens are known, their negative effect has been proven, therefore the causes of most tumors are known for sure. We all know that smoking with a high degree of probability leads to lung cancer, ultraviolet light - to melanoma, human papillomavirus provokes cervical cancer, but what causes kidney cancer? Scientists have not yet been able to accurately answer this question.

Despite numerous studies, it has not yet been possible to reliably determine carcinogenic factors in relation to kidney cancer, however, it is assumed that some external causes and pathological conditions play a role in the possibility of developing a malignant neoplasm.

Among the risk factors for kidney cancer are:

  • Gender and age;
  • Smoking;
  • Obesity;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of other renal pathology;
  • Taking medications;
  • Professional factors;

As noted above, kidney cancer is diagnosed much more often in men than in women. The reason for this difference is not entirely clear, but it is possible that a higher likelihood of exposure to occupational hazards and the prevalence of smoking among the male population play a role.

Elderly age also contributes to a considerable extent to the risk of tumor development, not only due to a long time of contact with unfavorable external factors and the appearance of concomitant pathology, but also due to the accumulation of spontaneous genetic mutations, one of which can give rise to a cancer cell.

Excess weight increases the likelihood of kidney cancer by about 20%. The exact mechanism of its effect is still unclear, but the role of hormonal changes, the accumulation of a large amount of estrogen (female sex hormones) in adipose tissue is assumed, which has a carcinogenic effect.

In sick arterial hypertension the likelihood of developing cancer is 15-20% higher. It is possible that it is not hypertension as such that has a negative effect, but prolonged and systematic use of antihypertensive drugs.

Smoking is rightfully considered one of the most powerful carcinogens. The risk of kidney cancer in smokers is about one and a half times higher than in non-smokers, and giving up this addiction reduces the likelihood of a tumor.

Harmful working conditions, implying contact with oil products, dyes, as well as with substances formed during the production of rubber, paper, textiles can also cause kidney cancer.

Taking medications can cause cancer. So, with the systematic use of diuretics, the risk of a malignant tumor increases by about a third. Certain analgesics, antibiotics, and other drugs whose metabolites are excreted in the urine are also thought to increase the risk of cancer.

Among kidney diseases that contribute to the development of cancer, one can distinguish chronic renal failure in the terminal stage. Perhaps this is due to atrophy and sclerosis (proliferation of connective tissue), leading to hypoxia and cellular damage. Such frequent changes as the presence of kidney stones, single cysts against the background of impaired urodynamics do not contribute to the growth of malignant tumors.

The question of the influence of diabetes mellitus continues to be debated. According to various studies, kidney cancer is more common in diabetic patients, but since such patients in most cases also have hypertension with obesity, it is rather difficult to establish the degree of influence of each of these diseases in isolation.

The opinion is expressed that both nature of food plays an important role in carcinogenesis. The consumption of large amounts of animal fats, fried meat increases the risk of cancer in general and kidney cancer in particular, due to the ingestion of various types of carcinogenic substances that affect not only the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but also, being filtered with urine, can damage epithelium of the renal tubules.

Role genetic mutations in relation to renal cell carcinoma is actively studied by scientists from different countries, however, an exact marker of the development of neoplasia has not yet been established. Despite this, the presence of such patients among close relatives (especially sisters and brothers) is considered a risk factor for the disease.

As you can see, most of the listed potential causes of cancer are of a general nature, having a negative effect on the entire body as a whole, but they still need to be taken into account as probable carcinogenic factors in relation to the risk of kidney tumors.

Varieties and sources of growth of malignant kidney tumors

As you know, the kidneys are a paired organ located in the retroperitoneal space of the lumbar region. Their main functions are: the formation of urine and the removal with it of various metabolites and toxic products that enter from the outside (drugs, for example), maintenance of normal blood pressure levels, the secretion of hormones, as well as participation in hematopoiesis.

Microscopically, the kidneys are built from a multitude of vascular glomeruli, from which the formation of the so-called primary urine occurs when the blood plasma is released. In the system of tubules, starting from the cavity of the glomerular capsule, the primary urine is released from glucose, trace elements and other components necessary for the body, and the formation of secondary urine, containing only the products of nitrogen metabolism and water, to be excreted. Such urine enters the renal calyx system, then into the pelvis, moves through the ureters into the bladder and is removed from the body.

The source of kidney cancer can be the epithelium of the convoluted tubules, collecting ducts (renal cell carcinoma) or the lining of the calyces and pelvis, represented by the transitional epithelium, therefore, the cancer is called transitional cell here.

The classification of kidney cancer implies the allocation of various histological types based on the presence of features of the microscopic structure of the tumor. The system is widely used by oncologists TNM, where T characterizes the characteristics of the primary tumor, N - the nature of changes in regional lymph nodes, and M indicates the presence or absence of distant metastases.

Morphological variants of kidney cancer:

  • Clear cell kidney cancer;
  • Chromophilic (papillary cancer);
  • Chromophobic;
  • Oncocytic;
  • Collecting duct cancer.

More than 90% of all diagnosed renal epithelial tumors are clear cell variants sometimes called hypernephroid kidney cancer. This type of cancer grows in the form of a knot, pushing back the surrounding tissue and sometimes reaching a considerable size. In the early stages of development, the neoplasm looks like a capsule that limits it from the surrounding tissues, which disappears as it grows. The presence of such a border distinguishes this type of cancer from other histological variants, which, even at the initial stages of their development, exhibit a tendency to infiltrative growth, penetrating and damaging the renal parenchyma.

In addition to the TNM system and histological classification, it was proposed to isolate stages of kidney cancer(Robson, 1969), which is popular with physicians in the United States. According to this classification:

  1. The first stage of the tumor corresponds to its growth within the kidney, without spreading into the capsule.
  2. In the second stage, the tumor invades the kidney capsule, but does not spread beyond the borders of the renal fascia.
  3. The third stage involves the penetration of the tumor into the lymph nodes, renal and inferior vena cava.
  4. At the fourth stage of the disease, the tumor grows into neighboring organs and gives distant metastases.

Metastasis of kidney cancer occurs by the lymphogenous and hematogenous pathway. When confirming the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of the kidney, about a quarter of patients already have metastases, and their most frequent localization is the lungs, bones, liver, lymph nodes, etc.

The metastatic process and the course of the tumor in the kidney have some peculiarities, namely, the possibility of regression of metastases and stabilization of the growth of the primary node with the cessation of tumor dissemination in the absence of treatment. This feature can be traced in almost a third of patients and should be taken into account if there is a high risk of surgical treatment or prescription of chemotherapy drugs due to concomitant severe pathology, since it has been proven that these patients can live longer without intensive treatment.

Kidney cancer manifestations

Like many other tumors, kidney cancer in the early stages, it can be asymptomatic or give mild nonspecific signs.

As the tumor node grows and the organ parenchyma is damaged, quite characteristic symptoms of kidney cancer appear:

  • Hematuria - the presence of blood clots in the urine;
  • Palpable abdominal mass;
  • Pain syndrome.

Hematuria manifested by the presence of blood clots in the urine, it can appear suddenly and just as suddenly disappear for a while, but later resume. Its presence is associated with hemorrhages and disintegration of tumor tissue, as well as damage to the renal parenchyma. With a significant amount of blood loss, patients suffer from severe anemia, and blockage by a clot of the ureter can lead to impaired emptying of the pelvis, accumulation of urine in them with the appearance of symptoms of renal colic. Hematuria is considered one of the most common signs of kidney cancer.

Palpable mass in the abdominal cavity on the left or right side, it is possible to find at later stages of the disease, especially in thin patients. When the tumor reaches a significant size (sometimes hypernephromas reach the size of an adult's head), it can be palpated through the abdominal wall. It should be borne in mind that the absence of a tumor-like formation in the presence of other characteristic symptoms does not exclude the likelihood of a malignant tumor.

With the large size of the cancer node, enlarged lymph nodes affected by metastases, and their compression of the inferior vena cava, there are signs of kidney cancer such as leg edema, varicose veins of the spermatic cord and abdominal wall, deep vein thrombosis of the legs and inferior vena cava.

Pain syndrome associated with compression of the surrounding tissues, neurovascular bundles, proliferation of the tumor mass of the kidney parenchyma. Most often, patients complain of dull aching pains in the abdomen and lumbar region. Over time, the severity of pain increases and they become permanent. When the ureter closes with a blood clot, hemorrhage into tumor tissue or rupture of a cancerous node, acute and very intense pain, renal colic, may occur.

Among other characteristic manifestations of the disease, an increase in blood pressure (secondary arterial hypertension) can be noted, which is associated with damage to the vascular bed or the release of vasopressor agents into the blood - renin.

With the secretion of biologically active substances by the tumor tissue, various metabolic disorders appear (hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia, fever, etc.). In some patients, in the absence of metastases in the liver, changes in its parenchyma up to necrosis are found, which is manifested by changes in laboratory parameters (an increase in alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, a decrease in the amount of albumin in the blood).

In the presence of bone metastasis, symptoms such as pain and pathological fractures appear; shortness of breath and hemoptysis occur with damage to the lungs, jaundice - with metastases in the liver, and progressive neurological disorders will result from brain damage. These symptoms indicate the neglect of the process and determine an extremely unfavorable prognosis.

In the 3rd and 4th stages of the disease, common symptoms are clearly traced - loss of body weight, weakness, loss of appetite, anemia, prolonged fever. These manifestations add up to a picture of the so-called cancer cachexia, which occurs when the body is intoxicated with the products of tumor metabolism, with the decay and necrosis of tumor nodes, with damage to surrounding tissues and organs.

Cancer of the left kidney does not show any clinical features in comparison with the right-sided localization of the disease, however, metastasis may differ. So, with damage to the right kidney, lymphogenous metastases will be found mainly in the lymph nodes of the portal vein region, while left-sided cancer is characterized by metastasis in the para-aortic (around the aorta) lymph nodes.

It is worth noting that in children the described typical symptoms of kidney cancer practically do not occur, and the presence of the disease can be suspected by the presence of a tumor-like formation, or suspicions arise during examination for other diseases.

How can a tumor be detected?

In most cases, the diagnosis of kidney tumors does not cause significant difficulties, but since the disease may be asymptomatic in the early stages, tumors are often detected already in advanced stages.

When a patient turns to a doctor, the latter will find out the nature of the complaints, the time of their appearance, the presence of any other diseases of the urinary system, and also palpate the abdomen and lumbar region, measure blood pressure.

The main instrumental diagnostic methods are:

  • Ultrasound procedure;
  • Computed tomography (CT);
  • Intravenous urography;
  • Bone scintigraphy, chest x-ray if metastases are suspected.

Ultrasound procedure is the most accessible and cheapest diagnostic method that allows you to detect volumetric formations in the kidney parenchyma and distinguish them from cysts. The method is harmless and can be used as a screening method. The disadvantage of ultrasound is its low information content in overweight individuals.

Ultrasound procedure

Excretory urography implies the intravenous administration of a contrast agent followed by an X-ray assessment of the size, contours of the kidneys, the state of the pyelocaliceal system, ureters, etc. The method is good because it allows you to assess changes in both kidneys at once.

In the presence of contraindications to urography, patients with chronic renal failure, thrombosis of the inferior vena cava are shown MRI.

To assess the functional state of the kidneys, use radioisotope scanning... The study itself does not provide accurate data on the tumor, but it allows one to determine the function of the kidneys, which is important in choosing the tactics of surgical treatment later.

In addition to the listed studies, the doctor will definitely prescribe general blood analysis with the determination of the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, ESR, and Analysis of urine for hematuria and the presence of other impurities.

The most accurate method for diagnosing kidney cancer is puncture biopsy under the control of ultrasound, which allows you to take a fragment of tumor tissue for histological analysis. However, in some cases, in the presence of contraindications, the surgeon first removes the entire tumor, and only then its histological examination is performed.

It is important to remember that a visit to a doctor allows, as a rule, to timely establish a diagnosis of cancer and choose an effective treatment strategy.

Kidney cancer treatment

Treatment of kidney cancer involves the use of the main approaches to cancer care for patients - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, and other modern techniques (targeted therapy, radiofrequency ablation).

Timely treatment in the first stage of the disease allows achieving 90% of patient survival and avoiding possible relapses and metastases.

Surgery remains the most effective way to fight disease. Removal of the kidney in cancer is performed when the tumor is large and gives good results in patients at the first stage of the disease. With a relatively small size of the neoplasm, it is possible to use organ-preserving operations - resections. It is especially important to preserve at least part of the organ in patients with only one kidney.


With a small size of a cancerous node, it is possible to use radiofrequency ablation and cryotherapy, which allow preserving the affected kidney.

In advanced cases, with large tumors, surgical treatment can be a component of palliative therapy aimed at reducing pain.

Before the nephrectomy operation, in some cases, arterial embolization is performed in order to reduce the blood flow in the kidney and, accordingly, the size of the tumor node.

Active surgical tactics are often used for metastases, if appropriate. Such an approach can provide, if not a cure, then the transfer of the disease into a chronic, but controlled form.

Chemotherapy in kidney cancer, it has not found proper application, since these neoplasms are practically insensitive to anticancer drugs. This is due to the fact that the cells of the renal tubules, from which most malignant tumors are built, produce a protein that causes multidrug resistance.

Radiation therapy it is more often used as a palliative method that allows you to reduce pain and improve the patient's well-being, but the tumor itself is insensitive to such effects.

A special place in the treatment of kidney cancer belongs to the so-called targeted therapy. This modern and highly effective method of treatment was developed at the beginning of the 21st century and is successfully used in many patients. The drugs in this group are very expensive, but they are allocated free of charge in most countries, and patients and their relatives should be aware of this.

In a malignant tumor, specific proteins and growth factors are formed, which contribute to the uncontrolled multiplication and growth of cancer cells, the development of a dense network of blood vessels in them, as well as metastasis. Targeted therapy targets these proteins, thereby inhibiting the growth of cancer. Among the drugs in this group, sunitinib, sorafenib, temsirolimus and others are successfully used.

The negative side of the use of targeted therapy are side effects in the form of poor tolerance, as well as the rapidly developing resistance of tumor cells to them. In this regard, targeted therapy is often used as part of a combination treatment with other antineoplastic agents.

A relapse is possible in about 30-50% of patients after surgical treatment, which is a rather serious complication, since such tumors are prone to aggressive growth and metastasis. The only way to combat relapse is its surgical removal in combination with immunotherapy with interferons, however, treatment issues continue to be discussed.

The prognosis for kidney cancer is determined by the stage of the disease. In the early stages of the tumor, timely treatment allows you to achieve good results, while in advanced cases, in the presence of extensive metastasis, patients live no more than a year.

The prognosis after cancer removal is often disappointing, and the survival rate is no more than 70%, while about half of the patients have a high risk of local recurrence, which is often very malignant in its course.

After radical treatment of kidney cancer, the majority of patients are assigned a group of disability, which is associated with the loss of an organ and possible disruption of the usual way of life and work capacity in the future.

Since the exact causes of cancer are still unclear, it is necessary to try to avoid at least possible adverse factors for its prevention. A healthy lifestyle, normalization of weight and blood pressure, absence of drug abuse, compliance with safety measures when working with harmful and hazardous substances will help maintain health and reduce the likelihood of cancer.

Video: Kidney Cancer in the Healthy Living Program

The author selectively answers the readers' adequate questions within his competence and only within the OncoLib.ru resource. At the moment, face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not provided.

Why do metastases appear after kidney cancer? How long do you live with metastases? Oncological diseases of the kidneys in the early stages are asymptomatic, and are detected only when metastases have already spread through the lymphatic and circulatory system to other organs, and make themselves felt even after surgery for kidney cancer. As a rule, any malignant formation is dangerous precisely by the formation of metastatic foci, which can be single and multiple, regional and distant, and affect various systems of the patient's body.

The rate of spread of pathological processes in the body and the prognosis depends on several factors, including: the subtype of malignant formation, the degree of prevalence and stage of the primary tumor. Most often forms foci of metastasis clear cell carcinoma of the kidney. The size of the primary malignant neoplasm and the depth of its penetration into other organs, as well as the presence of regional or distant metastases, affect the prognosis.

Risk factors and causes of renal cancer

Kidney cancer is a common disease and is most commonly found in older people in their fifties and older. According to statistics, men are twice as likely to get sick as women.

There are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of this deadly pathology:
  1. Smokers are 60% more likely to suffer from kidney cancer than non-smokers, since a large amount of lead enters the bloodstream along with tobacco smoke.
  2. Obesity - Increases the risk of kidney cancer by 20%.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Prolonged contact with highly toxic chemicals.

At the same time, it has been scientifically proven that the presence of calculi and cysts in the kidneys does not increase the risk of cancer.

How secondary foci of kidney oncology are formed, and which organs they affect

Metastases are atypical cells that have spread throughout the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

The formation mechanism is as follows:
  1. The primary malignant tumor is overgrown with a network of blood vessels and capillaries, which nourish it and promote growth.
  2. Cancer cells "invade" the walls of these vessels and enter the bloodstream, as well as the lymph flow, and are carried throughout the body.
  3. If the immune system is weakened and cannot cope with the destruction of all aggressive cells, they penetrate the tissues of these organs from the blood vessels supplying blood to the vital organs and, multiplying, form new tumor foci there.

Metastases in kidney cancer appear already at the third stage of oncopathology. They are solitary and invade the lymph nodes. Cancer growth at this time grows into the ureters and blood vessels.

At the fourth stage, kidney cancer gives multiple metastases in the lymph nodes and distant organs.

When diagnosed with kidney cancer, metastases are most often affected by:
  • lungs;
  • liver;
  • bone tissue;
  • brain.

Sometimes a malignant neoplasm metastasizes to the skin, as well as to any other organ.

Metastases in the lung tissues can be detected both during the initial examination and after surgery to remove the kidney affected by the tumor. Various malignant formations most often metastasize to the lungs. , since this is due to the peculiarities of blood circulation and mass localization in this area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Metastases can be single and multiple, unilateral and bilateral. These formations are rounded nodes located more often peripherally or subpleurally (less often inside the bronchi). Symptoms appear when, with the growth of a neoplasm and its ingrowth into tissues and bronchi, ventilation of the lungs is impaired, tissues and blood vessels are compressed.

The patient may feel unpleasant symptoms:
  • chest pain;
  • cough;
  • coughing up blood;
  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

In the course of a blood test, it is revealed that the ESR is increased.

An increase in body temperature is often observed.

If detected early, solitary lesions are surgically removed.

It is believed that those patients have the best prognosis if their kidney cancer has metastasized to the lungs rather than other organs.

This is due to the fact that currently there are effective complex treatment methods (targeted therapy) that give a cancer patient with such metastases a good chance of survival.

In terms of the frequency of formation among secondary foci, bone metastases in kidney cancer are in second place. They can affect any part of the skeleton, but most often they affect the pelvic bones, the lumbar spine, less often the rib, femur and sacral bones.

Depending on which cells of the bone tissue are involved in the pathological process, the foci differ:
  • osteolytic;
  • osteoblastic.

Osteoblasts - bone cells responsible for the formation of new bone tissue, osteoclasts - destroy old bone tissue.

If clear cell kidney cancer activates the growth of osteoblasts, the bone becomes dense and loses its elasticity - osteosclerosis occurs.

If there is an accelerated reproduction of osteoclasts, bone tissue demineralizes, becomes weak and is destroyed. Such bones break very easily even with a slight load.

Metastases in the spine are very dangerous because a fracture of the spinal bones can lead to immobilization of the patient and other extremely sad consequences. A secondary tumor growing in the spine, in addition, can exert significant pressure on the nerve processes of the spinal cord and lead to their damage.

Symptoms of bone metastases:

  • very severe pains that do not subside even at rest;
  • changes in the structure of bone tissue leads to frequent fractures;
  • deformation of the bones of the skeleton;
  • hypercalcemia.
With the pressure of a metastatic tumor in the spine on the nerve processes of the spinal cord:
  • violation of urination;
  • muscle weakness;
  • violation of the mobility of the spine;
  • partial or complete paralysis of the limbs.

In addition, when a tumor spreads to the spinal column, nervous disorders, depression, nausea, lack of appetite and rapid weight loss are characteristic.

Due to the fact that bone metastases are detected in the late stages of cancer, the prognosis is not favorable. Treatment of the consequences of kidney cancer with metastases in bone tissue is aimed at relieving symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition.

The main functions of the liver are to detoxify and filter blood through the portal vein. In addition, the liver is a "storage" of a certain amount of blood, not involved in blood circulation, and intended in case of sudden blood loss in the body. Thus, this organ is very intensively supplied with blood and can be exposed to atypical cancer cells that have entered it through the hematogenous route.

Symptoms, which manifest themselves as metastases of kidney cancer to the liver, appear at the third or fourth stage of oncopathology:
  1. Lack of appetite, weight loss.
  2. Feeling tired, sleepy, apathetic.
  3. Constant low-grade fever.
  4. Abdominal pain, heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  5. Nausea, bitterness in the mouth.
  6. Itching of the skin due to general intoxication.
  7. Profuse perspiration.
  8. Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin in case of invasion of cancer cells into the bile ducts.

Usually, multiple metastatic formations are formed in the liver parenchyma. Gradually, the tissues of the organ are replaced by atypical cancerous cells.

The prognosis for metastasis of kidney cancer to the liver is very unfavorable and the disease is difficult. Surgical treatment is possible only with a single node , although more often such methods are contraindicated due to the negative effect of anesthesia on the weakened patient's body.

Often, kidney cancer can spread metastases to the brain, which has an extremely unfavorable effect on the patient's condition. Atypical cells, multiplying and forming a secondary tumor, squeeze and irritate the brain tissue, destroy them. Depending on the localization of the secondary tumor and the functional characteristics of the affected part of the brain, the symptoms of pathology will also appear.

The most common signs of a brain tumor are:
  • headaches, aggravated in the morning and with a change in body position and sudden movements;
  • hallucinations, mental disorders;
  • memory loss, personality disorders;
  • loss of vision;
  • speech disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • violation of coordination of movements and motor skills, change in gait;
  • paresis and paralysis of various parts of the body;
  • weakness, fainting;
  • nausea and vomiting.

These symptoms are accompanied by an increased body temperature, jumps in blood pressure may occur. The signs of pathology are growing rather quickly - within a few weeks.

Treatment of kidney cancer and its success depends on the stage of the pathological process, the localization of the tumor, the presence of metastases and the place of their introduction.

When a tumor of the renal vein is affected, no treatment can save the patient, the same applies to distant lymph nodes.

When kidney oncology is used:
  • surgery, including nephrectomy - removal of a kidney affected by cancer;
  • targeted therapy;
  • immunotherapy.

Radiation and chemotherapy are not effective for kidney cancer.

As a rule, people die with cancer not from the tumor itself, but from its metastases, which can be located anywhere, and affect vital organs, rapidly destroying the body. In kidney cancer with metastases, how long they live depends on the stage of the disease, localization of metastasis, tumor volume, the number of distant (new) metastases, the number of lymph nodes involved in the pathological process. The success of treatment depends on how quickly measures were taken to combat the disease, as well as the individual characteristics and endurance of the patient's body.

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Kidney cancer with lung metastases prognosis

Lung metastases: how long a person has to live and the prognosis of survival

Lung metastases are clumps of cancer cells that have formed in the lungs due to cancers of the lung or other organs. These cancer cells are carried by the circulatory system through the vessels (hematogenous pathway) or through the lymph fluid through the lymph nodes (lymphogenous pathway).

Metastases to the lungs penetrate, as a rule, with more advanced forms of cancer, the third or fourth. It is the stage of the cancer disease, its localization and the rate of metastasis that determine the further life prognosis.

Causes of metastatic lung disease

Lung metastasis is caused by the fact that the lung is an organ made up of many blood vessels through which blood and lymph circulate. Through these fluids, pathogenic cancer cells from other organs enter the lungs.

Statistics show that most often kidney and liver cancer (sarcoma) can metastasize to the lungs, but other types of this dangerous disease can also cause metastases. This, for example, can be cancer of the breast, ovary, cervix, bladder, skin, stomach, or directly lung cancer.

It so happens that they arise in the place where the tumor was previously, and after its removal there was a relapse. The presence or absence of metastases may also depend on the general clinical picture of the disease, the immune components of the patient's history.

In some cases, a person can detect pulmonary metastasis in the early stages of the disease (for example, in breast cancer) and stop their progression, and sometimes they can go unnoticed for a long time.

The earlier the foci of cancer cells are diagnosed and treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis. But it is not always possible to diagnose them in the early stages. This is the insidiousness of the disease.

In oncological diseases, cancer cells form a primary focus in the organ whose cancer is diagnosed. Through the blood or lymph, cancer cells can be transported to the lungs, forming a secondary focus. There are several types of metastases:

The above classification will determine the further treatment strategy.

In medical practice, there is a widespread classification of the stages of cancer, which is called TNM:

  1. Then - there is no cancer.
  2. Tis or T1 - cancer is present, there are no metastases, the tumor is not progressing.
  3. T2 - cancer is detected, metastases are present, but within the same organ, they do not spread throughout the body.
  4. T3 - there is cancer, metastases in one organ, there is a possibility of distant foci.
  5. T4 - there is cancer, widespread metastases. Death is the most common.

In accordance with this classification, the stages of metastasis are determined - Mx, M0 and M1. With Mx, metastases are not detected, with M1, they are present within the organ affected by primary cancer, with M2, distant metastases are found.

The rate of appearance of foci in the lungs, their distribution and course depends on the general clinical picture of the disease, the localization of the primary tumor, its type, the patient's age, the treatment measures taken, the degree of response of cancer cells to this treatment.

Cancer treatment is complex in nature, but its own nuances, in contrast to the type of cancer, its stage, the degree of spread and size of metastases.

After surgical removal of the primary tumor, radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is widely used, aimed at influencing cancer foci with the help of radiation. It aims to stop the growth of pathogenic cells. Chemotherapy is also used to fight the disease by stopping its spread.

Endobronchial brachytherapy has a direct effect on the bronchi - with the help of special equipment, radioactive contents are delivered to the bronchi. If the tumor is hormonal in nature, then hormone replacement therapy has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

At the fourth stage, secondary metastases and the primary tumor are the most difficult to treat, but progressive techniques such as neutron and gamma radiation appear. They are aimed at removing the tumor using the so-called radioactive knife, bypassing healthy tissue.

To the table of contents

How to determine the presence of metastases, symptoms

At first, lung metastases do not have pronounced manifestations. The patient can live in complete ignorance. A person may notice shortness of breath, which they often do not pay attention to. However, with the progression of the disease with multiple metastatic nodes, there are symptoms such as cough, which can be dry, lingering or moist, with sputum and blood clots.

Often, chest pain is felt, and not only at moments of coughing attacks, but also during breathing. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing becomes permanent, not only during physical exertion, but even at rest.

The consequence of metastases can be frequent manifestations of infectious diseases affecting the lungs: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Body temperature may also rise, general weakness of the body, loss of weight and appetite may be felt. The presence of these symptoms indicates the third or fourth stage of the disease.

Lung metastases can have similar symptoms with other diseases that are benign and do not pose a threat to life: benign lung tumors, pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

At the slightest suspicion of the presence of pulmonary metastases, a person should undergo a complete examination, which includes X-ray and fluorographic examination of the lungs. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to detect very small lesions.

These modern diagnostic methods can detect secondary lesions less than 0.3 mm in size. In addition to instrumental techniques, a cytological examination of the secreted sputum is taken, as well as a puncture of the lung.

Survival is also influenced by the factor of which organ cancer was diagnosed initially. For lung cancer, the forecasts are disappointing, no more than three years. With tumors of the genitourinary system, many live up to 20 years.

Oncologists make unfavorable predictions if metastases appeared in the lungs within the first year after removal of the primary tumor, if they spread too quickly, their number is very large, they are large in size and numerous foci. Such cases include, for example, sarcoma. Unfortunately, death in such cases is likely within two years.

How long they live with metastases in the lungs, how well the disease responds to treatment, is also influenced by the state of the body's immune system. With high resistance, the forecasts are favorable, and you can stay alive for 15 years.

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Lung metastases: symptoms, treatment, photo, how long to live

The lungs are characterized by the presence of rather extensive areas of tissue structures through which blood is continuously pumped. That is why this paired organ ranks second in distant metastasis after the liver.

When a cancerous tumor develops in the intestines and other organs, then in 30-35% it metastasizes to the structures of the lungs.

Pulmonary metastases are dropouts of primary malignant neoplasms, spreading through hematogenous and lymphogenous transfer. Such localization of metastases is life-threatening, since they are detected only at the final stages of the oncological process.


As already specified, the pulmonary structures have an extensive network of capillaries. The lymphatic system, being an integral part of the vascular system and an active participant in the processes of organic microcirculation, carries lymph and performs drainage functions, which explains the lymphogenous origin of lung metastases.

Most often, cancer metastasizes to the lung tissue:

Lung damage in kidney cancer

According to statistics, renal cancer most often metastases to the lungs (50-60%). In some patients, secondary malignant foci are found during the initial treatment, in others they appear after nephrectomy.

Usually, lung metastases in renal cancer look like ovoid or rounded nodules that are clearly visualized with X-ray diagnostics or computed tomography.

Clinically, pulmonary metastasis manifests itself similarly to primary lesions of this organ, although in the case of metastases it can be asymptomatic for a long time.

Metastatic nodules are multiple and single, and their size is limited to 0.5-2 cm.

For breast cancer

In breast cancer, pulmonary metastasis can be detected already in the early stages of the oncological process. The spread of the tumor process into the lungs occurs in a hematogenous way.

Metastases in this type of cancer are usually spherical, tuberous, solitary and lytic. They can grow intensively, but at the same time not lose their shape.


Pulmonary metastases are classified into many different types:

  1. They are small and large in diameter;
  2. By location - double-sided and one-sided;
  3. By quantity - multiple, single (2-3) and solitary (single);
  4. By the type of metastases - infiltrative and focal;
  5. According to the characteristics of distribution - mediastinal and disseminated.

In addition, lung metastases also differ in radiological parameters. They are:

  • Pseudo-pneumatic - in the form of thin strands of dense tissue;
  • Nodular - multiple and solitary metastases, which in the images look in the form of nodes with clear contours;
  • Mixed - when several forms are combined;
  • Pleural - the symptoms resemble exudative pleurisy, lumpy growths appear on the lungs, an effusion may be found in the pleura.

Symptoms and signs of lung metastases

Metastatic pulmonary lesions can develop secretly for a long time, therefore they are often detected already at advanced stages.

Usually, signs of metastases begin to appear when pleural tissues are involved in the oncological process, which occurs at stages 2-3 of the cancer. Like any other cancer, lung metastases are manifested by weight loss and worsening of the general condition.

As for the specific symptoms, it is as follows:

  • Dyspnea;
  • Chest pain;
  • Hemoptysis;
  • Cough;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Subfebrile condition.

Slight hyperthermia can persist for a long time. Similar signs may indicate a primary pulmonary tumor.

They are explained not by the presence of a tumor, but by the development of the inflammatory process of the chest cell localization. It happens that lung metastases are detected earlier than the primary cancer focus.


One of the first manifestations of pulmonary metastasis is cough, which is observed in 85-90% of cancer patients. But metastatic cough is significantly different from the traditional one.

At first, patients are worried about a dry, painful and tearful cough, it is especially exhausting at night.

Then it turns into a wet one and is accompanied by the secretion of sputum of a purulent-mucous nature, sometimes with bloody impurities.

Over time, the bronchial lumen narrows, the structure of the sputum turns into purulent. Sometimes there are blood streaks in the bronchopulmonary discharge.

In addition, there may be signs of bleeding in the lungs. If metastases grow into the pleural tissue, then they press on the bronchi, which intensifies the cough and provokes severe pain that interferes with sleep.

What lung metastases look like

Pulmonary metastases can be determined using X-ray diagnostics.

  • On the images, secondary foci appear in nodular, mixed and diffuse lymphatic form. Nodular foci are multiple or solitary formations.
  • Solitary are well-defined, rounded nodes that are usually located in basal structures. Solitary metastatic formations are similar to primary foci.
  • Usually, pulmonary metastasis manifests itself in a focal form, although there are also large-nodular variants. Metastatic tumors are often accompanied by lymphangitis, so the characteristic symptoms begin to appear already in the early stages.
  • If the metastatic formations are of a pseudo-pneumatic nature, then the traction pattern changes, being displayed on the x-ray in the form of linear thin seals.
  • Metastasis to the pleural area resembles pleurisy. The X-ray image shows a massive effusion and lumpy plate growths. As a result of oncological processes in the pleura, pulmonary insufficiency develops, subfebrile condition is constantly present, and the general condition of a cancer patient worsens.


Diagnostics is carried out using laboratory and instrumental studies. The patient must undergo a chest x-ray and CT scan, which makes it possible to determine the presence of small metastatic formations.

Magnetic resonance imaging is indicated for pediatric patients and people who have repeatedly undergone radiation studies. Such a study is able to identify secondary neoplasms less than 0.3 mm in size.

Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out using cytological analysis of effusion and sputum or histology of biomaterial obtained from a biopsy.


X-ray examination helps to find out the structure of tissues, detect darkening, etc. Usually, in the process of research, they take pictures of the organ and metastatic formations in two projections - from the side and from the front.

The photo shows how metastases in the lungs look on an x-ray

On x-ray, pulmonary metastases look like coins with different-sized blackouts of a different nature (pleural, multiple, solitary, etc.). The appearance of these forms is described above.

How are secondary lesions treated?

Treatment of secondary pulmonary oncological foci is identical to primary formations. Radiation, laser, hormonal and chemotherapy techniques are used.

  • Surgical interventions are justified only in cases of single metastasis and in the absence of metastatic lesions of other organs.
  • For prostatic or breast cancer with lung metastasis, hormone therapy is effective.
  • The mainstay of treatment is often the chemotherapeutic effect of anticancer drugs.
  • Radiotherapy is warranted if there is reticulosarcoma, osteosarcoma, or Ewing's sarcoma, which are hypersensitive to radiation exposure.

In addition to the above methods, laser surgery and radiosurgery are used. If large bronchi are compressed, then endobronchial brachytherapy is performed.

The video shows the thoracoscopic removal of lung metastasis:

Predictive results are determined by many factors such as the size and number of metastases, the degree and localization of the primary focus, and the timeliness of the treatment. Statistics report that lung metastasis has a disappointing prognosis.

The average life expectancy even after ectomy of primary cancer is about 5 years.

More than half of cancer patients live for 5-10 years in case of removal of the primary tumor in the digestive system and lung metastases. If the primary focus is localized in the genitourinary system, then the average life expectancy is about 3-20 years. Multiple lung metastases have a disappointing prognosis.


Lung metastases

Lung metastases are detected in non-operated patients or those who have undergone removal of the primary tumor focus. The formation of mets is often the first sign of illness. As a rule, the development of pulmonary metastases proceeds without pronounced symptoms. Only a small percentage of patients (20%) note strong and painful manifestations:

  • persistent cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • coughing up sputum or blood;
  • a feeling of pain and stiffness in the chest;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 38 C;
  • weight loss.

The presence of shortness of breath is due to the involvement of a large part of the lung tissue in the pathological process as a result of blockage or compression of the bronchial lumen, which leads to a collapse of the segment / lobe of the lung tissue.

If the tumor covers the pleura, spinal column or ribs, then pain occurs.

Such is evidence of a far-reaching process. In most cases, only by regular X-ray examination (after treatment of the primary cancer focus) mets are detected at an early stage, when the maximum therapeutic effect is possible. In this regard, patients who have undergone treatment for any malignant neoplasm should undergo fluorography or X-ray examination of the chest organs at least twice a year.

Cough with metastases in the lungs

Similar to cases of primary tumor process, cough with metastases in the lungs is the very first sign of pathology and in clinical practice occurs in 80-90% of cases.

Despite the fact that cough is an integral companion of all bronchopulmonary diseases, with metastasis to the lung tissue, its character has a number of features.

Initially, patients suffer from a dry, tearful, excruciating cough. Attacks become more frequent, usually at night. Further, the cough is transformed into a moist one, with a detachable, odorless mucopurulent sputum. There may be an admixture of blood streaks in the discharge. As the lumen of the bronchi narrows, the sputum becomes purely purulent. Signs of pulmonary bleeding are possible.

At first, shortness of breath is disturbing during physical effort, but soon it becomes a companion to everyday activities (for example, when walking up stairs).

Lung metastases can invade the pleura, putting pressure on the bronchi, which will intensify the cough and cause severe pain that prevents sleep. Metastasis of the mediastinal nodes on the left leads to sudden hoarseness and aphonia. Localization of mets on the right puts pressure on the superior vena cava, provoking swelling of the face, upper extremities, a feeling of a constricted throat and the appearance of a headache during coughing.

Lung cancer and metastases

Almost all patients with advanced malignant neoplasms develop metastases. It happens that the process of metastasis is often manifested at the beginning of the development of the tumor. Screening of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant organs is a dangerous complication of oncology.

Lung cancer occupies a leading place in the direct spread of malignant cells beyond the borders of the affected lung, as well as in the ability of early and extensive metastasis. The latter is due to the presence of a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels in the lung tissues.

Autopsies show that lung cancer and metastases occur in 80 to 100% of cases.

Metastasis occurs by lymphogenous, hematogenous, aerogenic and mixed pathways. According to most oncologists, the latter is the most common.

Doctors agreed that the formation of this oncological process has a number of patterns:

  • the influence of the patient's age on the rate of spread of disease-causing cells;
  • the frequency depends on the structure of the tumor formation.
  • For example, undifferentiated small cell lung cancer produces multiple mets.

Lung cancer and brain metastases

The largest elimination of mets (30-60%) in the brain is provided by malignant neoplasms of lung tissue, especially small-cell type cancer. The risk group includes patients over 50 years old, and the number of morbidity is growing every year. Such an oncological process contributes to the development of mental and physical disorders.

Metastatic brain damage is caused by:

  • an increase in intracranial pressure, which manifests itself as pain in the head of a bursting type, a feeling of nausea and various disturbances of consciousness (stunnedness, coma);
  • epileptiform seizures;
  • neurological local disorders - signs of the disease appear in the area opposite to the affected one. For example, metastasis of lung cancer to the brain on the left is detected by symptoms (changes in sensitivity, paralysis, speech disorders, etc.) on the body on the right.

Often, brain metastases indicate the manifestation of primary oncology. So about 10% of patients with lung tissue oncology turn to doctors for neurological disorders.

As the disease progresses, neurological symptoms can take the form of a stroke.

It should be noted that every cancer patient with headache symptoms, seizures, nausea, gait disturbance, memory impairment, limb weakness should be examined by CT / MRI.

Lung cancer and liver metastases

Oncological tumors of the lung tissue screen out malignant cells to the liver, lymph nodes, kidneys, brain, bone structures and other organs / tissues. At the initial stage, liver metastases do not manifest themselves in any way. With the gradual replacement of liver cells, mets significantly reduce the functionality of the organ, while the liver thickens and acquires a pronounced tuberosity. A massive lesion often causes jaundice and inherent intoxication.

The presence of pathology can be assumed by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of weakness, decreased performance;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite, anorexia;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting, protrusion of spider veins, earthy skin;
  • severity, pressure of the liver area, dull pain;
  • the presence of temperature, tachycardia;
  • enlarged veins in the abdomen, jaundice, ascites;
  • itching of the skin;
  • the appearance of flatulence, intestinal dysfunction;
  • gastroesophageal type bleeding of varicose veins;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands (the phenomenon of gynecomastia).

The liver in the human body performs the function of detoxification by means of intensive blood circulation (throughput per minute - over one and a half liters), which explains the frequency of mets development in the organ.

Damage to a vital organ excludes the use of radical surgical treatment due to increased generalization and rapid weakening of the body (cardiopulmonary and respiratory failure is often observed).

Lung cancer and bone metastases

In clinical practice, about 40% of the oncological process in bone structures is found in primary oncology of lung tissue. Subject to metastasis: spinal column, thigh bones, pelvic area and shoulders, sternum and ribs. The nature of distribution along the skeletal axis is due to the peculiarities of the localization of the red bone marrow. The presence of tumor cells in the vascular bed of the bone marrow is not a sufficient condition for the emergence of a mets focus; the connection of biological factors is required. These include increased expression of parathyroid hormone-like protein (activates metabolic processes in bone structures), secreted by tumor cells.

Bone metastases are osteolytic, osteoblastic and mixed types. The clinical picture is inherent in:

  • severe soreness;
  • deformation of bone structures and pathological fractures;
  • hypercalcemia (plasma calcium oversaturation).

In rare cases, the formation of mets is asymptomatic. Intolerable pain causes the use of narcotic painkillers and hospital treatment.

Non-small cell lung cancer and bone metastases are criterion for poor prognosis, when the average survival is no more than three months.

Lung cancer and spinal metastases

Metastatic lesions of the spinal column are referred to as secondary malignant tumors that occur more often than primary oncology. Sometimes, in every tenth case, it is not possible to determine the primary source of cancer.

Lung cancer and spinal metastases occur in 90% of clinical practice. Moreover, the oncological process is multiple in nature, and the path of penetration of cancer cells is more often with the bloodstream, less often with lymph. The development of mets causes pain in the corresponding area of ​​the vertebrae, expressed by the presence of neuralgic pain, the appearance of which is associated with pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

Often, lesions accumulate in the lumbar region, causing pain (like sciatica) and even paralysis of the legs. Soreness increases gradually, intensifies at night. Without timely and proper treatment, the pain becomes unbearable. The appearance of the first symptoms of neurological changes - radiculopathy or myelopathy - is the reason for taking X-ray, which reveals the destruction of the vertebral bodies and processes. A more accurate visualization of metastases in the spine allows the technique of bone scanning.

Metastases in the liver and lungs

Metastatic lesions often appear in the late stages of cancer. The spread of mets is carried out by means of blood, lymph, or a mixed method. Most often, the foci are localized in the lung tissues, liver, brain, bones.

The process of metastasis consists of a complex sequence of actions in which cancer cells change their location from the focus of oncology, migrating with the flow of blood, lymph, or by direct expansion into other tissues. Initially, the cancer cell separates from the tumor and causes protein degradation, gaining the ability to move.

The human cell knows three modes of movement: collective, mesenchymal and amoeba. Cancer cells are endowed with a special mobility that allows them to switch from one type of movement to another.

At an early stage, metastasis develops asymptomatically. A feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium occurs only with the growth of the pathological focus.

Cases of metastatic breast cancer in some patients cause progressive pathology of vital organs, leading to death, while in others, a slow progression of the disease with long periods of stabilization (life span reaches 10 years). Metastases in the liver and lungs are a common cause of death in patients with breast cancer.

Kidney cancer and lung metastases

Kidney cancers are more common among male patients, due to addiction to smoking and work in hazardous industries. The average age of patients is 40-60 years, although recently there has been a tendency to detect kidney cancer in the younger generation. The most common type of cancer is renal cell (over 40%), the second place is shared by tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter (20%), cases of sarcoma make up no more than 10% of cases.

Factors affecting the development of tumor processes in the kidney are divided into: hormonal, radiation and chemical. Smokers are at a special risk group, in whom metastasis is numerous, and the disease is more severe.

Cancer cells are spread by hematogenous and lymphogenous. The tendency of renal oncology to spread mets is observed in half of the patients. In most clinical cases of malignant kidney disease, metastases are detected in the lungs, bone structures, liver and brain, which is explained by the existing interaction between the renal venous system and the great vessels of the thoracic and abdominal zones.

Kidney cancer, metastases to the lungs are detected by the characteristic hemoptysis. Solitary tumor process during X-ray examination may resemble bronchogenic cancer, and the presence of multiple mets - a state of pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Breast cancer and lung metastases

Oncological diseases are classified according to the stages of development, which makes it possible for the attending physicians to orient themselves in the selection of effective treatment and to judge the prognosis. With third-degree breast cancer, metastases to the lungs appear, the lymph nodes are affected, and the tumor itself can be of different sizes. However, until the lymph nodes have grown together into a single material, the outcome of the disease is considered favorable.

Stage III breast cancer oncology has two sub-stages:

  • an invasive process with a tumor formation not exceeding five centimeters. Lymph nodes are enlarged, have a tight connection with nearby tissues;
  • the second subdegree is characterized by the germination of tumor cells into the lymph nodes of the breast zone, which is determined by the reddish color of the skin.
  • Breast cancer and lung metastases should be suspected with the following symptoms:
  • a persistent type of progressive cough of a dry type or with discharge (mucus, blood);
  • many patients report shortness of breath;
  • soreness in the chest;
  • decreased appetite and weight.

For the most part, mets affect the peripheral parts of the lung, which explains the complexity of their identification in differential diagnosis. The reason for the late visits of patients is the absence of clinical manifestations of metastases in cases of single and solitary growth.

Chemo and hormonal therapy is used for metastases of breast cancer, but cases of complete recovery are rare. Therefore, the main task of treatment is to eliminate symptoms and the ability for the patient to lead a full life, which is achieved by a more toxic regimen.

Multiple lung metastases

Lung metastases are single or multiple nodes, rounded in shape, the size of which reaches five centimeters or more.

Observations of the development of the disease led to the conclusion that multiple metastases in the lungs are distributed equally in both lobes. The rapidity of the development of the pathological process proves the malignancy of metastatic neoplasms. Within a year after the diagnosis of the primary tumor was confirmed, mets in patients were found in the following ratios:

  • about 30% are of the olite type;
  • more than 35% - a single lesion;
  • 50% of cases are multiple.

A characteristic phenomenon in small foci, without germination in the tissue of the bronchi and pleura, is that multiple metastases in the lungs do not cause any inconvenience in the patient. General weakness, discomfort in the form of shortness of breath, imminent fatigue, fever occur with the progression of the disease.

In rare cases of multiple metastasis, one mets settles on the bronchial wall. With this course of the pathological process, a dry cough manifests itself, developing into the symptomatology of bronchogenic primary oncology with mucous sputum.

Stomach cancer and lung metastases

Through the bloodstream, metastasis is observed in the late stages of gastric cancer, excluding the portal vein. This is how multiple metastases appear in the lungs, bone structures, kidneys, brain, spleen, and skin.

Oncology of the stomach is in second place in terms of frequency of detection in men and in third place among the female population. In idiopathic alveolitis, gastric cancer and metastases to the lungs due to the lymphogenous pathway appear in 70% of the morbidity. Macro-examination reveals that tumor cells form conglomerates in the lymphatic bed (peribronchial and subpleural vessels), representing whitish-gray nodules and thin whitish cords.

Often, multiple, round mets are small and grow slowly. In most cases, bilateral ones are found, germinating in isolation or against the background of metastatic lesions of the bronchopulmonary, bifurcated lymph nodes. Isolated pleural effusion (unilateral / bilateral) or lymphangitis with spread to bronchopulmonary, mediastinal nodes is often found.

Metastases in the lungs and spine

Spinal metastasis is a relapse after primary oncology treatment, in which the mets were not completely destroyed. They actively progress, affecting nearby tissues. Metastases in the spinal column can penetrate from neighboring organs.

The formation of metastases in the lungs and spine is caused by an active blood supply to the lung tissues and bones. Tumor cells with blood flow enter the bone marrow and bone tissue, activating the work of osteoclast cells, which dissolve the bone structure. Blood is constantly pumped through the lung tissue, which makes them the second available place (after the liver) for the growth of mets.

According to its clinical picture, metastases in the lungs and spine at first do not reveal themselves in any way. Pulmonary metastasis during development (more often with advanced forms) can be detected by coughing, bloody inclusions in sputum, subfebrile condition, exhaustion, difficulty breathing.

The progression of bone metastasis is expressed by pain syndrome, non-healing fractures, metabolic disorders, hypercalcemia. The most unpleasant and serious symptom - hypercalcemia - includes a set of symptoms: thirst, dry mouth, active urine production (polyuria), nausea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of consciousness. The defeat of the mets spinal column is fraught with increased pressure on the spinal cord, as well as neurological problems - changes in the mobility of the limbs, the function of the pelvic bones.

For a favorable outcome of metastasis to the lungs and spine, it is important to recognize pathological manifestations at the beginning of development and to prescribe effective treatment.

Bowel cancer and lung metastases

Intestinal cancerous processes are understood as a malignant disease of the mucous membrane. Oncology occurs in any area of ​​the intestine, but most often in the large section. A fairly common cancer disease affects both male and female populations over 45 years old.

Like many cancers, bowel cancer is asymptomatic, and the first signs of the disease are often confused with colitis. The main symptom of intestinal cancer is the presence of blood in the stool.

Clinical manifestations are different depending on which site is involved in the pathological process and the stage of oncology development. Tumor processes on the right are characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain syndrome, blood inclusions in the feces, iron deficiency anemia (due to constant blood loss). Oncology on the left - constipation, bloating. Intestinal cancer should be suspected by prolonged (two weeks or more) dyspeptic manifestations: belching, nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, decreased appetite, and irregular bowel movements.

An equally important symptom of intestinal cancer is a dislike for meat. Intestinal cancer and metastases to the lungs indicate the progression of the disease, the transition to an intractable form. Weakness, pale skin, weight loss, and excessive nervousness are added to the general symptoms.

Prostate cancer and lung metastases

Mets affecting vital organs are considered fatal in prostate cancer. And the cause of death is the late diagnosis of the disease (at the third or even the fourth stage).

The process of metastasis begins at an early stage of the disease, which involves the lymph nodes, bone structures, lung tissue, adrenal glands and liver. Symptoms appear when oncology is neglected, when treatment is difficult or even impossible.

In a malignant disease of the prostate, it is noted: frequent urination, pain syndrome of the perineal zone, impurities of blood in urine and semen. Prostate cancer and metastases to the lungs, in addition to the addition of pulmonary symptoms (cough, sputum with blood, chest pain, etc.) at the later stages of the development of the tumor process have common signs of intoxication: a sharp weight loss of the patient, weakness, rapid fatigability, pallor of the skin with earthy shade. Metastasis in prostate cancer is detected with swelling of the legs (feet, ankles).

Having problems with urination is a reason to visit a urologist. Cancer neoplasms in the prostate are more likely to affect men in old age.

Sarcoma metastases in the lungs

Soft tissue sarcoma is a wide group of malignant tumors that form from a primitive type of embryonic mesoderm. The mesoderm includes mesenchyme - the primary material for the formation of connective tissue that makes up tendons, ligaments, muscles, etc.

Sarcoma is characterized by slow growth and no pain. Most often, metastases of sarcoma are detected in the lung tissues, less often in the lymph nodes of the regional type. The common place of localization of sarcoma is the lower extremities, pelvic region, retroperitoneal space. By the size of the tumor itself, the likelihood of the spread of mets is judged (the larger the lesion, the higher the likelihood of metastasis).

External sarcoma is a rapidly growing, sedentary, painless and soft to the touch formation. The surface of the tumor is smooth or bumpy. Late stages are characterized by a characteristic purplish-bluish tinge, and veins are prominent and dilated. The internal one is detected when the process is started by squeezing the surrounding organs with foci.

The way of penetration of metastases into the lungs and other internal organs is hematogenous. Lymphogenous metastasis accounts for only 15% of all cases.

Lung metastases stage 4

Stage 4 cancer is an irreversible pathological process characterized by the penetration of oncology into neighboring organs, as well as the appearance of distant mets.

Diagnosis criteria:

  • progression of cancer with damage to bone structures, liver, pancreas, brain;
  • rapidly growing swelling;
  • any kind of bone cancer;
  • fatal cancer (melanoma, pancreatic cancer, etc.).

The five-year survival rate since the diagnosis of stage 4 cancer does not exceed 10%. For example, stage 4 gastric cancer and lung metastases have a favorable prognosis with a 15-20% survival rate. The maximum life expectancy is observed in patients with tumors of the cardinal part, especially of the squamous cell type. While a positive prognosis for intestinal tumor processes does not exceed 5%. The main problem of patients with prostate cancer is impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys, which leads to death in the first five years after confirmation of the diagnosis.

What do lung metastases look like?

X-ray diagnostics allows you to determine what the metastases in the lungs look like. According to the clinical picture, the following shape changes are distinguished:

  • knobby;
  • diffuse lymphatic;
  • mixed.

The nodular form includes solitary (large-nodular) or multiple (focal) types. Foci of a solitary type are rounded nodes with clear contours, localized mainly in the basal region. Such mets are often found in the asymptomatic course of the cancer process. In terms of developmental characteristics and growth rate, solitary mets are similar to the original tumor.

Doctors meet focal form of metastasis more often than large-nodular. In most patients, small focal metastases in the lungs are observed simultaneously with lymphangitis of the surrounding lung tissues, therefore, clinical symptoms (shortness of breath, general weakness, cough without discharge) appear in the early stages.

The diffuse-lymphatic (pseudopneumatic) course is characterized by changes in the traction pattern, which appears on the X-ray as thin linear seals. The progression of the pathological process leads to the growth of focal shadows. Such patients are considered the most severe.

Mets of the pleural form can initially be confused with exudative pleurisy. The radiograph reveals a lumpy type of bedding, the presence of massive effusion. Pathological processes of the pleura are characterized by pulmonary insufficiency, deterioration of health, low-grade fever.

In the mixed form, in addition to the defeat of the nodes, lymphangitis and effusion of the pleural zone occurs. The process often involves mediastinal nodes. These foci in the lungs are called pulmonary-pleural or pulmonary-mediastinal.

Lung metastases on x-rays

Examination of the chest by x-ray allows you to study the structure of the lung tissue, identify suspicious blackouts, changes in the position of the sternum organs, and determine the size of the lymph nodes.

In order to determine the location and value of mets, two variants of images are taken - anterior and lateral projection. Lung metastases on X-ray are round (like a coin) darkening of various sizes (single or multiple), subdivided into types:

  • nodular, including large-nodular (solitary) and focal (multiple) forms;
  • diffuse lymphatic (pseudopneumatic);
  • pleural;
  • mixed.

The solitary species is characterized by clearly delineated contours of the affected nodes located mainly in the basal parts of the lung. In this case, the structure of the lung tissue is not changed. The focal form is more widespread, combined with lymphangitis of the surrounding tissues.

The diffuse-lymphatic type is radiographically revealed by a pulling pattern of thin linear seals of the peribronchial zone. The growth of the pathological focus transforms the cords into vague and further with clear boundaries of the shadow, diffusely located along the fields of the lungs.

The pleural form of mets in the lungs at an early stage is most often mistaken for a picture of exudative pleurisy. In rare cases, the involvement of the pleura in the pathogenic focus is observed. On the roentgenogram, a lumpy type of strata covering the lung tissue is noticeable, or an effusion (often bilateral), the nature of which varies from transudate / exudate to pronounced hemorrhagic.

The mixed form is characterized by the presence of nodes in the lung tissue along with lymphangitis and pleural effusion.


Lung metastases: symptoms and stages, diagnosis and treatment

Metastases are a secondary focus of cancer. They arise as a result of the movement of cells of the primary tumor to other organs and tissues of the body (often through the blood and lymph). The lungs take an active part in the process of blood supply to the body, saturation of blood with oxygen. This organ ranks second in the frequency of metastases.

Causes of occurrence

Metastases are formed as a result of the movement of mutated cancer cells to other organs and tissues. The primary disease can be located far from the localization of secondary formations. Moreover, the cells of metastases have the same characteristics as the cells of the main focus.

Any oncological disease can metastasize to the lungs, but most often these are:

  • breast cancer (lung metastases are observed in 26% of patients with breast cancer);
  • kidney and bladder cancer;
  • melanoma;
  • coloteral cancer;
  • cancer of the esophagus and stomach;
  • prostate cancer;
  • cancer of the uterus and ovaries;
  • cancer of one of the lungs.

Types of metastases

Depending on the path of movement of malignant tumor cells, the following types of metastases are distinguished:

  1. Lymphogenic. Affected cells enter the lymph nodes through the lymphatic vessels. This pathway is most typical for epithelial tumors.
  2. Hematogenous. Cells reach any organ through the blood vessels. In this way, usually connective tissue tumors spread.
  3. Implantation. The proliferation of cells occurs due to accidental contact of tissues of a healthy organ with an affected one.

Also, lung metastases are classified according to various criteria:

  • The nature of the lesion: infiltration, mixed, focal.
  • Quantitative trait: solitary, single, multiple (more than 3).
  • Magnification: large, small.
  • Localization: one-sided, two-sided.


For a long time, metastases in the lungs do not affect the patient's condition, and do not manifest themselves in the form of symptoms. At the initial stage, they can be identified with the passage of a regular examination. It is necessary to start treatment immediately after the diagnosis is made.

Symptoms begin to appear when cancer affects the pleural tissue. This process occurs at stages 2-3 of the initial tumor. At this stage, lung metastases have the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • decreased performance;
  • fatigue;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent occurrence of influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • respiratory tract catarrh;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough;
  • weight loss.

In some cases, symptoms occur with metastases in the lungs in the last stages of cancer. During this period, the manifestations of metastases can be quite intense. However, such pronounced signs are typical for a small number of clinical cases (no more than 20%). Symptoms are similar to those of stage 4 lung cancer. These signs include:

  • hemoptysis;
  • suffocating cough (dry or wet);
  • significant weight loss;
  • sputum production with blood;
  • dyspnea;
  • persistently elevated body temperature;
  • feeling of general weakness;
  • pain in the ribs and chest;
  • hoarse voice.

A symptom such as a cough is one of the main ones. It is often the first manifestation of metastasis, and occurs in 90% of clinical cases. However, it is different from a normal cough. At first, the cough is dry and tearful. Then it becomes wet, and often the phlegm contains impurities of pus and blood. Over time, the sputum becomes purulent, streaked with blood. In rare cases, the cough may be accompanied by pulmonary hemorrhage. When the metastatic process affects the pleural tissues, there is pressure on the bronchi, and, as a result, the cough becomes more intense and is accompanied by significant pain.

Cough in oncological processes is long lasting. It may not go away for several months and may be resistant to antitussive drugs.


The process of metastasis goes through several successive stages:

Intravasation - the cells of the primary tumor move to the lymphatic or blood vessels.

Dissemination - cells, along with the flow of lymph or blood, move through the human body.

Embolism - cells stop in a specific organ or tissues. Metastatic cells can stop in any organ and tissue, even those located at a considerable distance from the primary tumor.

Extravasation - the fourth stage is characterized by the entry of cells through the walls of blood vessels into the tissues, and the beginning of the process of their division.

Direct growth of education due to division and multiplication of metastatic cells. This process can happen faster than the growth of the primary tumor.


To detect metastases in the lungs and make an appropriate diagnosis, the following examination methods are used:

  • CT scan;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy and histology;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • sputum and effusion tests.

Formations can have a different structure and echogenicity:

  • homogeneous hyperechoic (source - sigmoid colon cancer, rectal cancer);
  • homogeneous hypoechoic (source - breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma);
  • pulmonary metastasis with a cystic structure (source - cancer of the ovaries, intestines, kidneys, pancreas);
  • calcified metastasis (source - cancer of the colon, ovaries, stomach, mammary glands).


The choice of treatment tactics is made by the doctor. Treatment methods are selected individually in each case. The direction of the treatment course depends on the following factors:

  • characteristics of the primary malignant neoplasm;
  • the location of metastases in the lungs and their number;
  • the size of the tumor;
  • intensity of symptoms;
  • the rate of growth and development of metastases;
  • age, state of health of the patient.

In the treatment of metastases in the lungs, the same methods are used as in the treatment of primary oncological formations:

Chemotherapy - with this method it is possible to control the growth and spread of metastases. When prescribing chemotherapy, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the primary tumor therapy by this method, as well as previously used drugs. As a result of this procedure, tumors can calcify and stop growing. This method affects the general condition of the patient; after application, long-term rehabilitation is required.

Radiation therapy - treatment of metastases in the affected lungs by exposure to ionizing radiation on the area of ​​the neoplasm. Under the influence of rays, the growth of tumors stops, and cells are destroyed. May have significant effects on the entire body. Neutron radiation, gamma radiation, X-ray and beta radiation are used.

Hormone therapy is most effective in combating metastases from primary breast and prostate tumors, as they show a greater sensitivity to hormone therapy. This method should be part of a comprehensive therapy.

Endobronchial brachytherapy - a radioactive drug is injected into the bronchi with a bronchoscope through the trachea. It is used for tumors localized around the bronchus, with a small size of the formation.

Cyberknife is a device used in radiosurgery. The method is similar to radiation therapy, however, the cyberknife allows you to make an accurate effect on the neoplasm, without affecting the surrounding tissues and organs. As a result, tumors are treated with higher doses of radiation.

Surgical treatment is used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • absence of primary tumor and recurrence of primary cancer;
  • absence of other metastases in the body;
  • education has a focal character;
  • single metastasis (no more than 3);
  • low rate of tumor development (1 year elapses between the elimination of the primary tumor and the onset of metastasis);
  • the appearance of a focus of metastasis in the lung is not accompanied by the active emergence of other foci;
  • surgical intervention will not cause significant harm to the patient's health (during the operation, a more severe picture may be detected than during the examination).

Therapy for lung metastases is performed in the same way as for stage 4 lung cancer.

Electrostatic cancer treatment:

Treatment of tumors with electrostatics (video):

In the structure of oncological diseases, kidney cancer ranks 10th, but it should be borne in mind that in recent years there has been a threefold increase in the number of patients suffering from malignant tumors in the kidneys. Men get sick more often than women, which, apparently, is explained by the spread of smoking among the male part of the population and more harmful working conditions. Of particular concern is the fact that kidney cancer treatment is increasingly required for young people, although earlier this disease mainly affected the elderly.

The most common form of the disease is renal cell carcinoma. It accounts for over 40% of reported cases. Formations in the renal pelvis and ureter are much less common (20% each). Sarcomas (mesenchymal formations) make up no more than 10% of the number of registered cases.

Causes of the disease

Kidney cancer, which is now seen in people of all ages, is caused by:

  • disorders at the genetic level, in particular, the loss of a segment of the third chromosome;
  • Hippel-Lindau syndrome and other hereditary diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • uncontrolled intake of diuretics, especially diuretics;
  • diabetes;
  • improper diet with a predominance of fatty, fried foods;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • smoking is one of the most important reasons a person gets kidney cancer. Metastases in smokers are much more numerous, and the disease itself is usually quite difficult. Overall, people who smoke are 60% more likely to develop kidney cancer than those who do not crave nicotine and do not interact with smokers.

Stages of kidney cancer

The severity of the disease is determined by comparing healthy and diseased cells.

Stage I - tumor cells differ slightly from normal, healthy cells of renal tissue. Cancer develops slowly, the prognosis is good.

Stage II - moderately differentiated - the most common form of cancer. Healthy and diseased cells have distinct differences, but the tumor still grows slowly and is treatable.

Stage III - the tumor extends beyond the kidney, affecting nearby lymph nodes.

Stage IV - undifferentiated kidney cancer. The affected cells differ significantly from healthy ones, indicating an aggressive form of the disease. At stage IV, kidney cancer metastases to neighboring organs (lungs, liver) and distant lymph nodes. Treatment of kidney cancer at this stage is significantly difficult or even impossible.

It should be noted that by highlighting the stages of the kidney, doctors can not only classify the disease, but also determine the size of the tumor, its localization, thereby increasing the survival rate of patients.

Kidney cancer - metastases

In the later stages, the tumor tends to metastasize both by hematogenous and lymphogenous pathways. Most often, metastases are detected in the lungs, then in the bones, liver and brain. Brain damage is most typical for stage IV.

Kidney cancer - symptoms

In the early stages, kidney cancer can be completely asymptomatic. The presence of a tumor can be determined either by chance or in the presence of certain indirect signs. As the tumor grows, the symptoms appear much more pronounced. The main ones include:

  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • swelling in the lumbar region, palpable on palpation;
  • weakness, weight loss, lack of appetite;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • a sharp rise in temperature for no apparent reason;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • pain in the kidney area.

Diagnosis of the disease

Kidney cancer, the metastases of which have spread to neighboring organs and distant lymph nodes, is easily diagnosed. The situation is different in the early stages of the disease, when the symptoms of kidney cancer can be easily confused with signs of other diseases. Modern methods of medical imaging play a huge role in making the correct diagnosis:

  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radioisotope scintigraphy.

In addition, patients are assigned a biopsy and urine test.

The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of the kidney cancer, the size of the tumor, the presence of metastases, and some other important factors. In most cases, doctors use surgical intervention, and the operation is prescribed even for metastases, since this can significantly prolong the patient's life.

In the early stages, kidney cancer, the symptoms of which are absent or only slightly manifested, can be cured with the help of organ-preserving surgeries, but even in this case, the removal of tumor thrombi and removal of regional lymph nodes, excluding metastasis, is a prerequisite.

In the later stages, it is advisable to carry out radical nephrectomy (removal of the kidney, including when the tumor grows into neighboring organs) or laparoscopic nephrectomy (allows you to achieve a more accurate cut off of the organ and thereby reduces the duration of the recovery period, but requires special equipment and highly qualified staff of the clinic ). Radiation therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are practically not used in the treatment of kidney cancer, as they show low efficiency. Immunotherapy with interleukin-2, alpha-interferon and 5-fluorouracil helps to increase the survival time.

A few words about how likely it is to successfully cure kidney cancer. The prognosis in this case depends on the stage of the tumor process and the degree of differentiation of cancer cells. If metastasis has affected the renal vein, then the prognosis is poor. The same situation develops with metastases in distant lymph nodes. In all other cases, the forecasts are more or less favorable.

YouTube video related to the article:

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!

Comments on the material (32):

1 2

Nadezhda doctor / 27 Feb 2018, 23:51

I quote Christina:

Hello. Diagnosis C64, the left kidney together with the tumor was completely removed, after a while metastases were found in the lungs, perihepatic space, abdominal cavity - renal cell carcinoma with capsule invasion, hemorrhages and necrosis. Based on experience and knowledge, if you can, please tell me how effective is targeted therapy with Sunitinib or any other drug in this case?

Good afternoon.
Only your treating oncologist can answer this question. Only he has the necessary data for this.

I quote Christina:

And we do not have any attending physician: wherever we went, the doctors said that they could not do anything without even trying to help with something !!! And without a twinge of conscience, the young woman was sent home to slowly die in agony !!!

I really sympathize with you, Christina. But even if the drug is indicated, it must be taken under medical supervision. These are not medications that you can take on your own. You should not be treated on the advice of strangers - what suits one and helps him is contraindicated for another.

I quote Elena:

Hello. Kidney cancer, like any cancer, progresses in different ways. I had my left kidney removed (stage 1 clear cell carcinoma) in 2006. I live in the yard in 2018. All analyzes are normal. I constantly do ultrasound and x-rays of the lungs. A woman was lying with me, she was in stage 3, a large tumor, and she is also alive. We periodically call each other. I don’t know why it depends, but I think the outcome of the operation will be at the hands of the operating surgeon. And I also know a few people who were operated on with him 15 and 18 years ago. I do not limit myself to anything, I go to rest at the sea, in a sanatorium for mineral waters. But she completely changed her worldview, because she understood the possible cause of this disease inside herself. Good luck everyone!

Elena, hello! Thank you very much for your positive comment! Many people really need hope that the disease will not return. I have been 4 years after the removal of the kidney and only in the last year did my fear let go a little, although I know that it will remain for the rest of my life ... And, by the way, I also found for myself the cause of the disease inside myself and tried to change my lifestyle, although never before she had no bad habits and was healthy.

I quote jul:

Good day! I would advise everyone who has kidney cancer to have an MRI of the lungs or CT, instead of an X-ray, every year, as well as a bone scintigraphy !! From personal experience I write (

Lungs are not visible on MRI! Only CT of the lungs is informative! (well, x-ray as a budget option). Bone scintigraphy is recommended if bone pain is present.

1 2

Do you know that:

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Human blood "runs" through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, is capable of shooting at a distance of up to 10 meters.

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Studies have shown that women who drink several glasses of beer or wine per week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

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Cancer diagnosed in the early stages, in 90% of cases, can be successfully treated with surgical or conservative methods. A high mortality rate refers to cases of advanced malignant tumors. The development of oncological pathology is associated with the danger of the spread of cancer cells throughout the body, in other words, with the formation of metastases. The primary focus of a malignant tumor grows with blood and lymphatic vessels, then with a stream of fluids penetrates into distant organs and tissues. Metastases after kidney cancer develop at 3-4 stages of the disease due to tumor progression or under the influence of external and internal provoking factors.

Causes of occurrence

Kidney cancer is a common oncological pathology. The structural feature, functional load contributes to an increased risk of degeneration of normal cellular structures under unfavorable conditions. The increased risk of detecting cancer in the late stages is associated with the erased symptoms of the course of the pathological process for a long time. A person may live with kidney cancer and be unaware of the existence of the disease until a disappointing diagnosis is made through random examination or when typical signs appear.

The reasons for the occurrence are considered not fully understood. A large role in the development of diseases related to the field of oncology is assigned to genes, more precisely, to their mutations under the influence of unfavorable external conditions or with burdened heredity. When analyzing cases of occurrence, it was found that more than 40% of cases are associated with the presence of oncological diseases in the family.

The structure and functions of cells are laid down during the period of intrauterine development, specification, integration into tissues occurs, and the whole process is regulated at the gene level. Violation of the genetic code under unfavorable conditions leads to the launch of a pathological mechanism, in which cells are actively dividing and growing, but stop working and perform their functions. The malfunction is inherent in genes, but does not occur immediately. Oncology can manifest itself throughout life with a weakening of the body's defenses or be transmitted to future generations in the form of a pathological code. Cancer can be triggered by harmful external influences or changes in the functioning of the immune system.

Oncological pathology affects any organs, but most often structures that are closely related to blood circulation are targeted. Important filtration processes take place in the kidneys, the blood is cleansed of toxins, some of which have oncogenic properties. Excessive stress leads to disruption of cellular structures, a tumor of a benign or malignant nature develops.

Factors that may pose a threat in the development of kidney cancer:

  • Chemical substances - salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, carcinogens, which are contained in the inhaled air, water - are found in hazardous industrial production.
  • Physical factors, in particular radiation radiation, including high doses of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Weakening of immune forces in diseases, increased nervous and physical stress.

The increased risk is associated with the presence of chronic renal pathology, in which the filtration organs are under increased stress.

Metastasis process

A cancerous tumor is an accumulation of pathological cells, different in shape, size, without specific functions and in the stage of constant multiplication. An irregular growth is formed within the capsule, muscle layer or at the level of the nephrons. Initially, healthy cells cope with their functions, the kidneys function normally, and the body does not start the processes of introducing diseased structures into the general bloodstream. In medical practice, this stage is considered the stage of tumor localization; it can be treated with conservative and surgical methods.

Renal cancer metastases

As they grow and proliferate, tumor cells become overgrown with a network of blood and lymph vessels, displace healthy tissues, and begin to penetrate through the blood and lymph into distant organs. This is how metastases are formed, and given the peculiarities of the blood supply to the kidneys, as well as the proximity of large lymph nodes, the process can develop rapidly.

At the place of the new habitat, the process of active growth and replacement of normal cells in another part of the body is started. The detection of metastases is accompanied by a poor prognosis, and life expectancy in this case depends on the degree of activity of the oncological process.

Where can arise

Regardless of the localization of metastases, the risk of oncology at this stage is high. Predicting the site of localization is difficult, since the kidneys are actively involved in the general blood flow and are penetrated by the lymphatic network. Malignant pathology is complicated by the spread of pathological tumor foci in the liver, lungs, brain and spinal cord, skin, bone structures, adrenal glands. If at least one large lymph node is affected, then there is a high probability of developing foci in all lymphatic tracts. The mammary glands and the prostate gland are also likely target organs. In most cases, the detection of metastases occurs during diagnostic procedures or during surgery. The prognosis for a person when cancer is detected at the stage of metastasis is unfavorable.

In the lungs

The lungs receive a large amount of venous blood for oxygenation, and a huge number of lymphatic vessels pass through them. The incidence of metastasis of cancer to the lungs is more than 60% of the total number of cases. Primary metastases are detected during diagnosis, detected by plain radiography of the lungs. Secondary pathology is determined during surgery, associated with the need to remove the kidney affected by cancer. Symptoms of the development of metastases are manifested in different ways - cough, shortness of breath, pulmonary insufficiency, bleeding. In most cases, the prognosis is poor, since both organs are affected, and the operation is impossible.

In the spine

Metastatic cancer can penetrate into the structure of bones, cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord, and affect large nerve centers. The danger of pathology lies in the loss of motor ability with the extensive spread of metastases. Initial symptoms are often associated with muscle weakness, numbness of the limbs, and recurrent cramps. The most likely way for a malignant tumor to enter the spine is through the lymphatic system. Modern diagnostic methods allow identifying the initial stage, and then conducting complex therapy with a likely successful outcome. The prognosis depends on the localization of cancer foci in the spine, with the defeat of large areas, the life expectancy against the background of complete paralysis is not more than 1 year.

In the liver

Metastases from the kidney penetrate the liver through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and with the extensive development of the initial focus, there are cases of tumor growth. Among all forms of metastasis, liver damage is in third place in terms of frequency of occurrence, but the prognosis with timely treatment is the most favorable. Symptoms resemble the course of chronic hepatitis or liver failure. A person is worried about jaundice of the skin, loss of appetite, weight loss, pain, a taste of bile in the mouth, and indigestion. The structure of the liver allows for extensive surgical interventions while maintaining functional capacity.

In the skin

Clear cell carcinoma, which is diagnosed by examination of the kidneys, metastases to the skin, forms small focal lesions in the form of red stars, moles, rashes and other unusual skin lesions. Most often, skin metastases affect the face, abdomen and lower back, lower limbs, scalp. Removal of single fragments is ineffective, therefore, preference is given to complex treatment of kidney cancer with metastases to the skin using radiation techniques and chemotherapy.

How to diagnose

Diagnosis of all forms of cancer requires a comprehensive examination:

  • Urine and blood tests reveal pathological abnormalities in the biochemical and structural composition, individual samples indicate the presence of specific markers.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics determines the primary focus and allows detecting the presence of metastases.
  • Computer research methods give a complete picture of the development and course of oncology.
  • A biopsy is performed to determine the shape of the malignant tumor.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, a treatment plan is drawn up.

Features of therapy

The diagnosis of oncological pathology several years ago was a verdict. In modern medicine, thanks to new technologies and advances in treatment, treatment options for cancer with metastases are possible:

  • Surgical removal of the primary lesion, followed by a course of radiation therapy to destroy the malignant cells.
  • Targeted therapy with complex radiation, immunostimulating and chemotherapy effects.
  • Stimulation of natural immunity, increasing the activity of the body's own defenses to combat pathological cells.

Traditional medicine and alternative medicines are ineffective in treating any form of cancer.

Survival prognosis

Doctors dealing with the treatment of oncological diseases prefer not to make predictions about future development. Much depends on the stage of the disease, the area of ​​spread of metastases and the timeliness of the prescribed treatment. Patients are advised to tune in to a long struggle with the disease, stimulate their own defenses, follow the doctor's recommendations, and get rid of negative thinking as much as possible. Scheduled inspections and the implementation of the necessary procedures allow you to notice changes in time.

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