Home Trees and shrubs Waite tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation. Tarot for beginners: what to do if you want to read cards. Conditions for accurate divination

Waite tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation. Tarot for beginners: what to do if you want to read cards. Conditions for accurate divination

Tarot for beginners. You have decided to learn to read the Tarot. Where to begin? And, most likely, the first thing you did was to interrogate the all-knowing Yandex or Google with passion on the subject

  • what tarot cards to buy for beginners,
  • where to start learning Tarot,
  • tarot deck for beginners,
  • Tarot began to begin,
  • tarot cards for beginners,
  • interpretation of the tarot for beginners,
  • Books about Tart cards for beginners

etc. About self-instruction manuals on the Tarot, about how to independently learn to read Tarot, what needs to be done for this, and what is not needed -.

The best tarot cards for beginners are the Ryder-Waite deck with drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith. Proven over 100 years of practice. In addition, it is for this deck that Tarot masters recommend that beginners learn the basics of Tarot, and it is for this deck that most really good self-study books on Tarot have been written.

In this article, let's touch on topics related to layouts.

  • Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation,
  • Simple tarot spreads for beginners,
  • Interpretation of tarot cards for beginners, etc.

Let's make some clarity about the terms "the meaning of the tarot card" and "interpretation of the tarot card". It is appropriate to talk about the meaning when it means just some kind of separate card (this is for a fortuneteller). We talk about the interpretation of the card when this card is already in some kind of layout. Otherwise, we can say more like this - the fortuneteller uses the meanings of the cards (for himself) in order to interpret (for the questioner) them in the layout.

Tarot for beginners

For those who better absorb information from the video - just below there are 3 videos with a rather detailed interpretation. The simplest tarot layouts for beginners are the tarot triplets. The triplet Tarot layout is simply 3 cards laid out in a row. You can set the names of the positions yourself. The most popular variants of position names in triplets:

If you are interested in the layout for three cards for the future then it might look like this

  • The next 5 years - The next 5 years - And another 5 years.

Those. you define for yourself the time period that interests you and divide it into three parts. Accordingly, if you are interested in what will happen in the next 30 years, then instead of 5 years you say 10 years. BUT, you must agree, it is quite difficult to describe 5 years of life with one card (and even longer periods of time).

Let me explain with an example. There are many literary works that tell about the life of travelers who ended up on a desert island and lived there for a long time. Throughout the novel, a person's life on this island is described. For example, the famous Robinson Crusoe. And so you make a three-card deal for Robinson Crusoe's life.

And, for example, the Knight of Pentacles (trade) - HERMIT - 10 Pentacles (family, inheritance, clan, material well-being) falls out. All those years that he spent on the island, everything that he had to overcome, everything that he had to learn, that he had to endure - the tribes of cannibals, the meeting with Friday, the pirate attack and much more will be described by the HERMIT card. Loneliness, isolation, withdrawal from the world. Will this map reflect the whole picture ???

Conventionally, we can say that when you make an alignment on Tarot cards for the future for three cards, you determine the "temperature average in the ward" (someone has already died and cooled down, someone has a fever of 40 * C, but the card does not say about this, she only says that the average temperature in the ward is 36.6 *).

Tarot layout for the near future in three cards

Will give you a more detailed picture. For example:

  • The next 2 weeks (2 months) - The next 2 weeks (2 months) - And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

You will get even more detailed information if you further limit the scope of the question. For example,

  • What will happen at workв The next 2 weeks (2 months) - The next 2 weeks (2 months) - And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

The situation is three cards - you want to determine the trend of the situation. In this case, the positions can be named as follows:

  • Past-present-future (your income / your relationship / your job, etc.)

And then you can see

How cloudless is your future (Isn't something being laid in the present that you don't even suspect that will cause you a lot of trouble in the future. Although now it seems to you that nothing portends deterioration.)

If you find in the layout something that will alert you, you can get additional cards and find out in more detail what exactly the problem will be.

  • What needs to be changed - What to keep / maintain as is - What to ignore at all.
  • What can I change - What is not worth changing - What I cannot change (accordingly, you somehow have to adapt to this, or find a way to get around it)
  • This activity / direction / action will bring the greatest benefit / popularity - This activity will do more harm than good - This activity is just a waste of time and money. Or
  • Where to start - How to continue - How to end.
  • Important - Urgent - Useless / unnecessary
  • I have to do it myself - It can be entrusted to someone - You can ignore it.

Tarot layout for three cards for relationships, incl. for love

The simplest variant of the names of positions in the layout

  • What he thinks - What he feels - How it looks in reality
  • What he says - What he thinks - What he does
  • What does he / she like about me - What does not like - What does he / she care about
  • What he likes - What he would like to change - What he is ready to accept / What he is ready to accept as is
  • Why does he want me to appreciate him - What does he want me not to notice in him - What does he not mind changing in himself with my help
  • For which he wants to be responsible in our relationship - For which he will avoid responsibility - For which he will be responsible as a routine, without enthusiasm, but also without a desire to shake off this burden.
  • What he would like for me to never change - what does he want me to constantly show diversity - What in terms of stability / variability does not matter to him at all (But in this scenario, you need to keep in mind that people change, and what a person wants Diversity now may not be important for him at all in 3-5 years. Therefore, this alignment needs to be repeated with some frequency. For example, once every six months or a year. In order to keep up with life)).

Let's draw three cards at random, come up with some hypothetical Mister X, and read the same three cards in different triplets. This will give you a visual opportunity to see how to interpret the same cards in different hands.

Past present Future

  • Knight of Pentacles (Profit / Trade / Deception);
  • 9 of Pentacles
  • 5 of Wands

What can we say about the next 15 years of the life of our Mr. X. For the next 10 years, he will be busy making money, most likely through trading. At the same time, he will not disdain and not very honest methods (the Knight of Pentacles and 9 Pentacles tell us about this) And judging by the 9 Pentacles, these efforts of his in the first 5 years in the next 5 years he will live a fairly wealthy and rather carefree life.

BUT after 10 years from the moment of fortune-telling, something will change in the rules of the activity that provided him with such an income. And in order to keep his income at the same level, it is better for him to study these new rules, and not try to act with the old methods in which he has become very familiar over the previous 10 years. The values ​​of 5 Wands tell us that he will have to relearn (learn new market rules). This is not about money, it is about rules and false competence. Those. a person only thinks that he knows something, in fact, his knowledge was either initially incorrect, or (as in our case) it became false - outdated.

What else can we say on this scenario about Mr. X? He did not limit our sphere of life in which he would like to know the future. This means that we can assume that apart from material security, there will be little interest in his life in the next 15 years. Perhaps he will marry and divorce 5 times over the years, give birth to a bunch of children, but this side of his life will be of little interest to him.

Past-present-future (your income / your relationship / your job, etc.)

Layout "Three cards" for money:

Past... The Knight of Pentacles tells us that in the past man has been actively creating the base for his present well-being. It is quite possible working as a sales agent, sales manager, etc. Those. it was a period when the wolf's legs are fed, as much as he worked, he ate as much.

The present... Now this is a completely wealthy person, his income allows him not to think about his daily bread every day, and not to strain too much about making money. BUT

Future... In the future, some unpleasant changes await him, although in the present nothing portends any deterioration. Therefore, Mr. X needs to keep abreast of the activities that now provide him with a good stable income. Don't rest on your laurels for too long. Already, some changes are beginning to take place in his field of activity, thanks to which his stable good income can significantly decrease.

Layout "Three cards" for relationships

Knight of Pentacles (Profit / Trade / Deception);

9 of Pentacles (Profit / Security / Craving for the forbidden);

5 of Wands (Game / Struggle / Game Rules / False Competence Problems)

In the past and present, the relationship has been and continues to be based on the financial component. But in the near future, our Mr. X may be presented with demands from a partner on the topic - that you are measuring everything with money ?! Do you think you can buy me? You don't pay enough attention to me, etc. Those. he will face problems in relationships that he does not know how to solve, because he knows how to solve these problems only through money and gifts.

That's all for today. If the article was useful and interesting to you, I will be grateful for sharing it on social networks.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

On the one hand, learning Tarot is a laborious process. You need to read a lot of books, choose a deck, master the meanings of cards, study the basic layouts. After that, confusion in the head and frequent mistakes can arise. In this article I will tell you how to competently and quickly learn tarot divination.

Chip # 1 - Correct Deck.

Now there are a great many tarot decks. I recommend the classic Ryder-White deck and 78 doors. But this does not mean that you should choose only one of them. The first will help you understand the meaning of the cards, and the second will clearly show. Take any tarot deck you like. The deck should now throw you out.

Ask her 2 questions. The first one is "Will you (you) help me" and pull out any card. Until you know the meaning, look at the picture. If the tarot image is associated with negative, choose a different deck. If it is positive, then the deck has accepted you. The second question is "What card am I associated with?" If you like the image, then you can go to step number 2, if not, think about why the deck chose this card. The choice is worth remembering, because in layouts this card will often be associated with you, regardless of its classic meaning.

Chip number 2 - Personal diary.

Your tarot training should begin with the purchase of a diary. Every morning in the morning, you pull out a card at random. After that, keep an eye on the events throughout the day. In the evening, record all important events in your diary. The effect of the diary will not come immediately. After a few months, when the cards start to repeat. Regardless of your level of tarot proficiency, this habit will help you correctly interpret a particular card.

Reread your diary every six months to refresh your memory. Some cards will come across more often than others. They usually show the direction in life, the course of the future. When laying out for yourself, pay attention to these cards.

Chip number 3 Contemplation.

If you are familiar with tarot, then you probably know what meditation or a relaxed state is. You take a comfortable position (just not lying in yours), remove all irritants - mobile phone, TV, extraneous sounds. You can light a candle and concentrate on its flame. Thus, you go into an altered state of consciousness and turn on the hidden reserves of the body. Your task: get the deck that you chose in step # 1 and examine all the images of the cards. It is advisable to look at one card for at least 5 minutes. I understand. that it is tedious, but will help you in the interpretation of this arcana.

After that, write down all the associations and thoughts in a bloncot. There are 10-15 words per card. You need to pay attention to every detail: the color of the card, what emotion you associate with it - sadness, suffering, anger, falling in love, happiness, indifference, etc. Next, select the main object of the map and study it. If it is a person or several people, direct your attention to the look, facial expressions, clothes, attributes. If another object, then study the color, shape, connection with other elements of the map. I managed to disassemble several major arcana in

Chip number 4 Many options.

When you are learning tarot divination, be prepared for the fact that one card has several meanings. As in astrology for the planets. Therefore, each card in the raklad can mean:

Human- in most cases, when divining a person, a card with a man or a woman in the image falls out, which means a similar person. For example, fortune-telling about relationships: a man is your future life partner, friend, teacher; a woman is a rival, a friend, a lover.

Base value- each card has some basic meaning. For example, - choice, - luck, - temptation. Try to understand the underlying meaning. Most often, make a forecast based on it. After that, you can use multiple values. See the notebook you used in step # 3. After all, your associations are more important than all interpretations.

Your emotions- in step # 3, you studied what emotions the card evokes based on the general picture. Maybe nothing bad or good will happen, you just experience certain emotions.

Event- Of course, the card can mean some kind of event. - pregnancy, stagnation, - destruction.

Chip number 5. Combinations.

While studying tarot, start all fortune-telling with one card. Question answer. After you have studied all the arcana. learn to "read" them easily, go to the layout of several cards. You can make a pronoz for a year according to the Tarot, using 12 cards, one for each month. A layout for the past, present and future of three cards. Don't rush to jump straight to complex layouts of 10 or more cards.

In order to master the combination of cards, take the basic meaning and emotion, the color of the card and apply to another card. Bad cards like Tower destroy the sphere, help in learning new skills, etc.

  • don't give your cards to other people
  • don't touch them with dirty hands
  • keep away from others
  • guess in good condition
  • thank cards for info
  • don't read books right away
  • remove cards immediately after divination
  • follow the recommendations of the cards

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You can get an answer to the question

It is not uncommon for me to receive letters in the mail with a request to parse the alignment that the person made himself. Here is an example of such a letter:

“Dear Alla! I have a very difficult family situation. My husband and I are on the verge of divorce. He left, and I don't know what will happen next. I have a tarot deck and I have laid out the cards. I got: 2 of Wands, Hermit, Empress, 3 Denarii, Ace of Swords and Lovers. What do you think it all means. Thanks in advance, Katerina "

Most often, I answer such letters as follows:

“Dear, Ekaterina! Unfortunately, I cannot help you. Because you did the alignment yourself. The information came for you, and you yourself can decipher it. But it is not a fact that the dropped cards objectively reflect your situation. Firstly, because you are nervous, worried, and this confuses information. And secondly, because it is not known how close you are to Tarot, whether you have a connection with this mantic system, whether you are connected to the egregor of Tarot "

Most often, it turns out that a person is interested in Tarot, bought a deck and a book and tries to guess and interpret the cards from the book. This is certainly an interesting activity, you can do it for years, but you never learn to read cards. With this small note, I want to tell readers how you can learn to guess on your own.

So you bought tarot cards. Or maybe they haven't bought it yet, but in the process of finding a suitable deck. You have an interest in this divination system, you have heard about the wonderful possibilities of the Tarot and are eager to quickly learn it. Where do you start?

The entire tarot deck is symbol based. You know the meaning of all these symbols, even if it seems to you that it is not so. If some tricky signs on the cards seem unfamiliar to you, do not pay attention to them for now. Focus on what you know and understand. Symbols are such an interesting thing that we absorb throughout our lives, and maybe even earlier. We may not be aware of this, not try to explain to ourselves what a full glass, a cross, a rose or a skull means to us. But this understanding will be within us. We will know for sure that a rose is associated with love, a skull with death, a cross with trials, and a full glass with something very good, pleasant and joyful. For each of the symbols, images and a chain of associations will pop up in the head. Seeing the image of a rose on the map, each person will have their own set of associations. Someone will remember the rose bush in the park, the beauty of nature, the scents of summer. Someone will remember the first date and a bouquet of presented roses. And someone their pink blouse, in which it looks like a beautiful flower.

This is our property - the ability to get impressions, images from the symbols seen and is the basis of working with cards.

The second, very important point when working with Tarot is to develop your intuition. Without this, there is nowhere in the Tarot! You can know all the meanings of the symbols. You can understand what all signs mean in all mantic systems of the world, but you will not be able to make a prediction if you do not develop your intuition. Well, just imagine, you got a card with a rose. You look at it and you know what it is - love, beauty, nature, art, romance, pain from love (thorns), sex (red), holiday, gift, etc. Which of these values ​​will you choose at the moment? What does this rose mean now? It is precisely in order to determine the correct value that intuition is needed!

In my opinion, it is better to have a finely tuned intuition than to know perfectly the meanings of all symbols. Because a good intuition, even without knowing all the symbols, will give you an exact answer, intuition will tell him what this rose means at the moment. The esoteric scholar will never be able to decide on the answer. He will read you a treatise on the topic “What does a rose mean in the life of each of us” and invite you to understand for yourself what this symbol will bring you. In general, this is also the right path. You will be given ground for thought, and the erudite will have the opportunity to get away from the exact answer, hiding behind the multivariance of symbols.

But our goal is to learn to read Tarot and make accurate predictions. Therefore, we need to move in parallel in two directions - to study the Tarot symbols and develop our intuition.

How to study tarot.

Tarot is an esoteric science. And you need to approach the study of Tarot in the same way as you would approach the study of any science - starting with small, gradually moving forward to more complex. If you decided to become a doctor and entered a medical institute, this does not mean that tomorrow you will take a book, read how to have an operation to remove appendicitis and start cutting someone from your loved ones? So why, as soon as people buy a tarot deck, they find the tarot layout on the Internet, pull out the cards and try to understand from the book that the cards are being prophesied for them? Yes, I understand - interesting! What if they take the cards now and tell you the whole truth ?! They won't tell you anything. They will only discourage further study of the Tarot. And the conclusion that you will come to in the end - "all this is nonsense" or "Tarot, this is not mine."

There is no need to rape the Tarot and demand answers from him. It's like in love - first meet, communicate more often, get to know and love each other, and then Tarot itself will reveal all the secrets to you.

So where do you start? From looking at pictures! Yes, I'm not kidding. Each card contains everything you need. So just pick up the card and look at it. Better to start with the Major Arcana. They are the backbone of the deck. There are opinions that earlier the deck consisted only of the Major Arcana. The younger ones were added to the deck much later.

Each Major Arcana has its own serial number. It is not accidental. The number itself, as well as the name of the card, also has a meaning. If you are not good at numerology, do not be discouraged. For now, even the most primitive knowledge of numbers is enough for you. You can read from the Magician, who has serial number 1, or from the Fool, who is generally out of any numbers. Rather, in some decks it is marked with 22 numbers, in some 0. Does the fact that the card may be the first, or maybe the last, tell you something?

So, you take a card and see what is shown there. Usually on the Major Arcana there is a certain plot, the hero of this plot and the general setting. It is useful to look at all this the way children look at pictures. They imagine in their heads what is happening there, they add the missing details, they imagine themselves in this picture. Try to do the same for you.

Try to describe what you see on the map. Feel your personal relationship to the card - like it or not. Consider the symbols depicted on the map. What are they telling you? Remember that everything matters - the image, the color, the position of the shapes, the name, the number. Whatever you think about the map, write down in your diary.

It's very good to try to find the music that you think would fit this card. Or remember which of the heroes of films or books the character of the card looks like. If you can draw, draw this map yourself. Or come up with a fairy tale about a map.

A good way to get to know the map is to meditate on the map, or as they say, entering the map. In a relaxed, calm state, look at the map and imagine that you are inside. It may feel like a dream. You can walk, talk, ask questions in the map. Write down all your impressions of the meditation in your journal.

This way you will collect your personal information about the card, your impressions, your values. And only after that you can search for information about symbols that you do not know. Dictionaries of symbols, which are enough in the internet, are very helpful in this case.

And now you have already collected a lot of information on the map. Be prepared for the fact that information on each card will be added and added. Leave a couple of blank pages in your diary for her and move on to the next card.

A prerequisite for studying the Major Arcana is no more than 2 cards per day. Better yet, one card per day. Then you will fully study each card, and there will be no piling up of information and energy.

In parallel with the study of the cards, start communicating with them. Draw out the card of the day from the Major Arcana every day. Do not look for what other tarot readers write on this card. Look at the card and write down your feelings from it right away. And at the end of the day, compare these feelings of yours with the past day. With such a simple exercise, you will tune in to the Tarot deck, you will learn to speak with it. She will tell you something, and you will try to understand her language.

After all the Major Arcana have been passed, you can start making layouts. Do not use the younger ones yet. You do not know them yet, they will not give you any information.

Here, in short, I tried to tell you how you can learn the Tarot on your own. How does this method differ from the generally accepted one? You develop your own interpretations of the cards, you get along with the deck, you perfectly feel each symbol on the cards, and it speaks to you. You can read hundreds of books on the Tarot, but you never learn to guess. Or you can write a Tarot book in your diary yourself and use it perfectly.

It remains for us to talk about the development of intuition. More on this next time.

How to learn to read Tarot in three days? (In three easy steps)

Tarot cards are a whole complex of a symbolic system of images, in which 78 basic situations and states of human existence are fixed. By combining these cards with each other, using simple knowledge and several previously learned layouts, you can not only read your own destiny, but also find answers to many questions that torment you. There is an opinion that mantics (the art of fortune-telling) is a complex science, which only the most persistent and talented can learn. We are ready to dispel this myth and tell you how the Tarot spreads work, as well as teach the basics of this art in just three days!

How does tarot work?

Many people wonder how cards can show the future? Someone believes in the mystical background of the question, someone prefers not to ask unnecessary questions, they say it works and works. But not so many practitioners really understand how the Tarot works. The deck is a kind of combination of various algorithms, and the layout is the program by which you read them. When the mantic is guessing, he shares a piece of his energy with the cards, and by asking a question, he gives out the direction of the search. In the case when fortune-telling occurs for another person, various additional manipulations are performed: shuffling, shifting cards, and so on, which, as it were, give a key request to the search structure. In essence, communicating directly with the information field of humanity, the cards will not tell you your fate, but they can show one of its variations if you do not change your behavior from the moment of the alignment too diametrically. That's all the subtleties.

Step one. Be a Tarot reader

If you decide to learn how to read destinies with the help of Tarot, then the first step for you will be to choose a deck. Each deck of cards is partly a living organism that senses and responds to you. Focus on this when choosing a deck and, when choosing, hold several decks in your hands so that you can compare which one you prefer. You should not neglect this rule and order a deck on the Internet, since you have to work with it directly, and if it is not synchronized with you, then you will spend too much time and effort trying to squeeze at least some information from the cards, and this unprofitable.

The character of each mantic is individual and you should not be embarrassed by the fact that you like too dark or light deck. This is okay as it will help you reach your own dormant potential. There are many narrowly focused decks, differing in the elements, or directions of witchcraft. Take your time, give yourself time to study and get used to your newfound friend and advisor.

Tarot card set

Step two. Tarot naming

This kind of ritual will help you learn how to read the Tarot without months of memorizing standard interpretations. An extremely popular misconception is that cards can be read according to the values ​​that are written in the booklet that comes with them. This is a mistake and many tarot readers are perplexed why they very often have a real state of affairs that does not coincide with what the cards show. This is because the description of each card was created by one single tarot reader, who named them through the prism of his own perception, different from yours. Accordingly, in working with your thinking, the cards will produce results that do not coincide with those described in the booklet.

To name the Tarot deck, you need to consistently, paying attention to each drawing, make notes of what you see in this or that image. Of course, in the process of naming, you can check with conventional meanings and supplement your own interpretations, but blindly following them is pointless. Name the Major Arcana first, and then the Minor Arcana, since the former are more diverse and specialize in a broad, fateful profile.

For example: Knight of Cups. A young, strong youth, with a bowl and a sword in his hands, racing on a horse along the river bed from a sandstorm. In this case, a young man can mean strength and youthfulness of character (bowls always symbolize emotions, feelings), a sword in his right hand is a symbol of readiness not only to speak, but also to do. The bowl, raised up, reflects the presence of a dominant idea, and escape from the storm along the river - in fixation on trifles and at the same time the lack of due attention to the opinions and feelings of the people around.

Major Arcana - 22 cards, ranging from zero to twenty-one. Traditionally, they form a cyclical path of spiritual development of the individual, from the young and ambitious "Fool" to the full comprehension of the "World".

Step three. First alignment

As the first alignment, this very variation, which is called the "Celtic Cross", is very often advised and is a very powerful fortune-telling tool for the near future: from one month to a year. The layout is as follows:

  1. The key to the situation. What the situation is like in the present.
  2. Sensual, emotional attitude of the one for whom the alignment is being made.
  3. Rational attitude.
  4. Recent events.
  5. Events of the near future.
  6. Attitude of others.
  7. Hopes and fears.
  8. The distant future, the result.

Moreover, this alignment can be done in almost all areas of life, from financial to love relationships. It is extremely simple, convenient and functional at the same time. Its only drawback is energy consumption: after making 3-4 layouts, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

Additional tips for tarot divination

  • The first rule of any tarot reader: there is only one owner of the cards. This suggests that only you and no one else can guess on your deck.
  • When naming a deck, do not follow dogma. It may happen that in the course of the alignment you will have the feeling that the card has a different meaning and this is normal. Depending on the position of other cards, some values ​​may vary in the most unexpected range.
  • Don't get emotional. It is often tempting to deliberately falsify the meaning of the cards and distort what they say to your advantage. This should not be done under any circumstances. Thus, you break your connection with them and the deck may "take offense" and for some time not give you absolutely any information.

Remember the main thing: occultism is interpreted as "secret knowledge." It is knowledge, not a gift, and everyone can learn it. Mantica, being the most widely available branch of magic, can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from making a profit to achieving mastery, but the essence remains the essence. Even such a superficial touch to something unknown leaves the most vivid, indelible impressions of the process itself, and only after trying, you will understand that there is something much more interesting than dry scientific knowledge, and the world is not only something that you can touch ...

1.1 ANKH

The spiritual and deep reasons for what is happening come to the fore in the scenario. How the problem in reality affects the questioner, what steps should be taken and where they will lead.

1 + 2 - Two opposite impulses blocking each other; The questioner seems to be crucified between them (In the event that the question concerns the cause of the conflict or crisis. If the question is about any pleasant event, then these cards personify the forces that are in harmony.

3 - Long-standing reasons.

4 - Newest reason (occasion).

5 - Enlightenment (awareness of the true meaning of events).

6 - Conclusions.

If the Questioner managed to achieve enlightenment (5) and draw the necessary conclusions (6), you can reveal the rest of the cards.

7 - Next step.

8 - Unexpected discovery.

9 - Result.

How to interpret maps.

First you need to find out the essence of the conflict with cards (1-2). This is the biggest difficulty in this scenario. It is especially difficult to understand what the conflict consists of, especially if the opposite cards have a positive meaning. If you do not understand this, then the further alignment does not make any sense.

The most important role in the layout is assigned to the cards (5 - 6), having understood them, we already know exactly what to do next. For the interpretation of the card (5), you can refer to the column "Consciousness", and the card (6), the meaning corresponds to the section "Advice".

Then you can go to the forecast maps in positions (7 - 8 - 9).

1.2 The pinnacle of happiness

1 - You will get rid of this.

2 - You will achieve this.

3 - It will come.

4 - It will bring you happiness.

5 - It still bothers you.

6 - This decision will bring you the utmost happiness.

1.3 Question regarding decision making

1 - 2 - You have come to this.

3-4 - There you go, hazards / odds.

1 - 3 - Anything against.

2 - 4 - All that for.

1.4 Yes or No

1 - What is the question?

2 - How does it affect my life?

3 - What obstacles do I need to overcome?

4 - What is my past experience with the question?

5 - What do I think about it now?

6 - What will happen in the future?

7 - Do I need to seek professional advice?

8 - How will it end? (Or: Will this issue affect my finances?)

1.5 Star

1 - On what path in life you are now. Your present position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Difficulties and obstacles.

4 - your strengths.

5 - your goal.

1 - At what stage in your life are you now. Your present position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Fears and concerns.

4 - What / who will help you further.

5 - The result of efforts.

1.6 Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card layouts. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose. If you find it difficult to decide which alignment is best for answering your question, use the Celtic Cross and you can't go wrong.

The value of the positions.

1 - The meaning of the problem.

2 - Coming circumstances.

3 - What do we think about it.

4 - How do we feel.

5 - The reason for the situation.

6 - The trend of its development.

7 - The point of view of the questioner.

8 - Point of view of other people.

9 - What the questioner expects or fears.

10 - Prospects and results.

The meaning of the individual items

1 - Description of the situation at the moment.

2 - An impulse from the outside, which can help the cause, add something to it, or even hinder it.

These two cards describe the outer side of events, and the next two describe its inner, non-obvious side.

3 - The level of consciousness. What the questioner already knows (understands), or what he aspires to.

4 - The level of the subconscious. “That which is below,” as the sorcerers used to say. This is the basis, the foundation of the existing situation, its roots, a deep inner conviction of a person in his actions, which is very difficult to shake.

5 - Map of the past. She describes what was relatively recent, what exactly caused the question itself, or indicates the reasons for the occurrence of this situation.

6 - The first map of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - This card personifies the questioner, his own attitude to the situation (i.e., to cards 1 and 2), or his mood in connection with it.

8 - External circumstances. This card can represent the place where the situation is played out, or the role of other people in it. If the question is about a relationship between two people, this card denotes a partner, man or woman.

9 - Hopes and concerns. The role of this map is often underestimated because it does not contain any prediction. Meanwhile, it can provide valuable information, especially if we are guessing at an absent person. It shows how a person assesses the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears.

10 - The second map of the future, describing more distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

Thus, we read the forecast only for positions 6 and 10. All other cards describe only certain details, the “background” on which the situation related to the question asked is played out.

Interpretation of the meanings of the cards.

Better to start at position 5 (past, background) and then move on to position 9 (hopes and concerns).

Thus, you will immediately get a general idea about the reasons for the question (position 5), and what exactly worries the questioner (position 9).

Next, look at cards 1 and 2, which mean the main driving impulses, with the first card always showing the initial, initial impulse, and the second - the accompanying one, which can add something to the situation, can stall the matter, or, conversely, accelerate it.

Check what the questioner is aware of (position 3), and what is hidden in his subconscious (position 4). Please note that this position is especially important. That which is rooted in the subconscious will not be shaken by any hurricanes. If this position turns out to be a negative or problematic card, this is bad for the whole deal as a whole, even if the other cards are each better than the other.

After that, find out how the questioner relates to this situation (position 7), what external factors or other people play a role in it (position 8), and only then proceed to the forecasts in positions 6 and 10.

1.7 Sword

1 - The crux of the matter.

2 - Starting point.

3 - Support, base.

4 - Chances / what will help the Questioner.

5 - How the problem is resolved.

6 - What desires come true.

7 - New state, understanding.

1.8 Crossroads

The layout describes the likelihood of unexpected events in the life of the Questioner, their nature, and also gives wise advice on how to proceed in this situation.

Cards are interpreted in groups.

1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - These cards describe the life of the Questioner in a given period of time (about 3 months). They talk about the situation in which the Questioner will find himself.

3 - 8 - 9 - These cards give advice to the Questioner.

Moreover - (3) - this card speaks about how to act in the mental area (that is, what idea to follow).

(8 - 9) - cards speak about what actions of the Questioner will be the most correct.

6 - 7 - These cards describe the nature of anticipated surprises.

1.9 Pyramid

This alignment is good for considering a particular problem. With it, you can get an exact answer to your question.

1 - Indicates a question of interest. Your problem that you want to solve.

2 - Your opportunities that you have at the moment.

3 - The influence of the surrounding world, external circumstances. They have the most direct impact on you and on the state of affairs. The map will help you figure out what factors matter to you.

4 - What stands in your way. These are barriers and obstacles (including psychological ones) that you must deal with.

5 - Describes those details of the current picture in your life that you do not like and that you must overcome. It is likely that this is some kind of your old habit or work for which you spend a lot of energy and get nothing in return.

6 - Positive aspects of the current situation. This is what you would like to keep in the future.

7 - Key. The most favorable way to get out of this situation.

8 - Unforeseen circumstances. Something will probably appear that you never expected.

9 - Alternatives. You are free to choose and the map will indicate new paths of development.

10 - The result, the outcome of the situation.

1.10 Path to resolution

1 - What you have.

2 - Where are you going.

3 - Odds and Opportunities.

4 - Challenge of fate.

5 - What is a mystery to us.

6 - Cargo, which, however, you need.

7 - Tasks.

8 - Problems.

9 - how your problems are resolved.

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