Home Trees and shrubs Rare and endangered species of mushrooms. Mushrooms listed in the Red Book. Curly sparassis, or mushroom cabbage

Rare and endangered species of mushrooms. Mushrooms listed in the Red Book. Curly sparassis, or mushroom cabbage

The world of Minecraft is much larger than you can imagine. Not only is it practically endless, but there are also two well-known dimensions: the ordinary world and Hell, which were the first to be added to the game. However, during the release of the game (the release of version 1.0), another dimension was added - the Ender world or the Edge, where the endermen and a huge black dragon live. There are no resources in this world other than the endstone and obsidian. Many players ask the question: "How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft?" The answer is simple - nothing.

First of all, the portal is not done, but is located. But after you have found it, the blocks can be broken and taken with you.

How to get to the Ender world (Edge)

To get to the Land, on the one hand, is simple, but on the other, quite difficult. Because the portal to the Ender world can only be found in the underground fortress.

In order to find the portal to the End, you need to craft the Eye of the End from:

  • Pearls of Ender falling from Endermen;
  • Efrite powder that falls out of efreet.

They need to be thrown into the air and go in the direction where they fly. When the Eye begins to fall right on you, you can safely dig down. The portal to the Ender world is located directly below you. However, you need to dig very carefully, as there is a high probability of falling into the lava located directly under the portal.

What to do in the Ender world?

Your main task is to kill the main boss - the dragon of the End, which will appear immediately as soon as you enter the Ender world. The dragon will start circling, trying to attack you. Your task is to first destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the dragon, and then deal with it yourself. After killing a dragon, you will receive a dragon egg, which, without installing mods, performs a purely decorative function, as well as a reverse portal.

After killing the dragon, the only useful property of the End will remain that there are a lot of Endermen, from which the pearls of Ender fall.

How to get back from the Ender world (End)

So, you teleported to the Ender world, defeated the dragon, but how do you get back? There are two ways: die or use the portal that appeared at the place where the Ender Dragon died. For obvious reasons, I recommend the second method, because your things in this case will remain safe and sound.

How to find the portal to the Ender world (Edge) video

How to make a portal to the Ender world (Edge) video

Thus, the answer to the question "How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft?" does not exist, because this portal can only be found. Good luck with your search, Steve!

Each plant and living organism is useful in the ecosystem and performs its functions. The same can be said for mushrooms. They participate in the metabolism in living nature, and also participate in the decomposition of various remains. There are many types of mushrooms, in accordance with this, several of their classifications.

We are used to dividing all mushrooms into those that can be safely eaten, and those that cannot be eaten, and a separate type - medicinal. But there is also a generally accepted classification. Today, many species of mushrooms are considered endangered and are listed in the Red Book. Mushrooms from the Red Book are diverse, but all are worthy of attention and detailed study.

Boletus white

This mushroom has another name - White Aspen. It is similar to the Red Boletus, a fairly common type of mushroom, but differs in color.

A rare representative of the Agaricomycete class has a rather large white cap, reaching about 25 centimeters in diameter. The mushroom leg is also white, at the bottom it has a thickening. White aspen grows in pine-spruce forests on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. These mushrooms can be found from mid-July to August. And although they are edible, cutting and eating them is prohibited, because the species is endangered.

Boletus white

Mushroom umbrella girlish

This mushroom is also a member of the Agaricomycete class and is safe for the human body. The mushroom has a thin white cap. It is quite large in diameter, reaching ten centimeters. The leg is also white, very thin and high. There is a maiden umbrella mushroom in mixed or pine forests from mid-summer to September. Moreover, its range is wide enough, the mushroom can be found almost throughout the territory of Eurasia.

This mushroom often grows singly, but sometimes it can be found in groups.

Mushroom umbrella girlish

Canine mutinus

The shape of this mushroom is elongated, and the cap is weakly expressed. The length of the canine mutinus reaches 18 centimeters, while the diameter of the leg is small, about one and a half centimeters. As a result of full maturation, its crown opens, while the tip of a pale color becomes visible. Canine mutinus is a very rare fungus, found mainly in Europe. There are also cases of its appearance in North America. He loves coniferous forests, often grows alone. You can see the mutinus on rotten snags or stumps.

The mushroom is considered edible, but only if it is not yet ripe, that is, when it is in the egg shell. The dog mutinus itself has a specific smell, which, in turn, attracts various insects. They flock to the smell and begin to gnaw the mushroom. After that, he begins to decompose quickly.

Canine mutinus

Amanita muscaria

This mushroom is also called pineal fly agaric. He is poisonous. The fly agaric has a large white hat; it rests on a leg about 20 centimeters high.

You can meet the pine cone-shaped fly agaric on the territory of the CIS countries, in particular, in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine. It also grows in some regions of Russia. The fungus loves mixed forests dominated by oak, beech or linden. You can meet him in late summer - early autumn.

Amanita muscaria is very rare, because it has high requirements for the environment, as well as soil and temperature.

Amanita muscaria

Double mesh

In appearance, the mushroom resembles a canine mutinus, but differs in color. At first, the doubled mesh has a weakly pronounced brown cap, and when it ripens, it becomes gray. The double netting is very fond of drained soil, often grows on decaying wood. The mushroom is found mainly singly, less often you can see groups of several representatives. So itself, like the canine mutinus, the twinned nest is considered edible, but only until it is ripe and is still in the egg shell. This mushroom is also considered medicinal and is used in folk medicine.

Double mesh

Gyropor chestnut

It also has several other names: chestnut mushroom or chestnut.

Outwardly, a rare species is quite attractive, has a thick brown cap and a low, slightly widened at the end of the leg. The chestnut is found in many countries, in particular, in the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and even in North America. Basically, the fungus grows on sandy or clayey soils, on the edges of deciduous or coniferous forests. You need to look for mushrooms away from trees.

The chestnut mushroom begins to bear fruit in August and ends in September.

Gyropor chestnut

Lattice red

This mushroom is the only fungus of the Lattice family that is listed in the Red Book. He loves a mild climate, so he can be found, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory. A rare mushroom grows, mainly in deciduous forests, it can be found only one by one. Due to its interesting appearance, it is often grown in greenhouses. There is no general agreement about the edibility of the mushroom. Some say it is poisonous, although the nutritional status of trellis red has not been studied to date.

Lattice red

Coral Hericium

The mushroom got its name solely because of its appearance, since it really resembles coral. Herzium coral is also called coral hertius, it is very beautiful and extraordinary. It grows mainly on the trunks of trees such as elm, aspen, linden, oak, or on stumps. When the mushroom is adult, it grows strongly and looks spectacular in the dark.

Coral Hericium is a rare fungus that begins to bear fruit from the second half of summer to the end of September.

Coral Hericium

Curly griffin

Another name for the mushroom, more popular, is the ram mushroom. The ram mushroom is very large, in mass it can reach 10 kilograms. The diameter of the mushroom is 80 centimeters. The fruiting bodies consist of many small spatulate-shaped caps, which are held on to branching legs. As a result, all these legs merge into a common base, forming a multi-tiered body of curly griffins. Curly griffin can be found in deciduous forests in August and September. Mushrooms grow on the trunks of old oak or maple trees, most often at their base. It is worth noting that they are able to grow very quickly and form white rot.

Curly griffin

Gyroporus blue

This species is a tubular cap mushroom, also called a bruise.

The mushroom grows in deciduous or mixed forests, loves sandy soil, often forms its mycorrhiza under birches. You can also find blue gyroporus near chestnuts or oaks. You can meet the mushroom from July to September, but it rarely grows on the territory of Russia.

Gyroporus blue

Boletus white

This mushroom has a cap that reaches 15 centimeters in diameter. When the mushroom ripens, the cap becomes cushion-shaped and changes its color to yellowish. But at first, the white boletus has a white color with different shades. His flesh is dense, and if you cut it, it will quickly begin to turn blue, and subsequently turn black. The stem of the mushroom is high, has a thickening at the bottom and white scales. Later, they begin to darken and have a fibrous structure. White boletus is found in pine and mixed forests on the territory of the Russian Federation in the summer. It grows rarely, but in large groups.

Boletus white

Pistil horned

The fruit body of the slingshot is club-shaped, thickened at the end. The color of the mushroom is bright, lemon and orange. If you press on it, then the fruiting body turns reddish brown. Closer to the base, the stem of the fungus tapers. You can meet the pistil horned in autumn, among the green mosses. He loves mixed or deciduous forests, where there is a lot of moisture.

Pistil horned

Cobweb purple

This mushroom is very interesting and has a bright and rich purple color, and it is also edible. The hat reaches a diameter of 10-15 centimeters. When the mushroom is small, the cap is slightly convex, subsequently it becomes cushion-shaped with wavy edges. The plates, which have grown with a tooth, are clearly visible. They are deep purple in color.

The pulp of the purple cobweb has a whitish or slightly purple color, the taste is quite pleasant. The purple spider web is often found in coniferous or deciduous forests, in many European countries.

Cobweb purple

Mutinus Ravenel (another name for "smelly morel")

It has an oblong shape. Germinate from white ovoid formations up to 1.5 centimeters wide. The cap of the mushroom is an oblong mucous membrane of green color. The smell is reminiscent of rotten meat and rot. Cannot be eaten. Mushrooms of this species can be found from early summer to early autumn in parks, gardens, and less often under conifers. Most common in North America. It is quite rare in Europe.

Mutinus Ravenel

Curly sparassis

Curly sparassis

Cottonfoot mushroom

The hat is quite wide - up to 17 centimeters in diameter. In young mushrooms, it looks like a ball, then becomes completely flat. The color of the cap is white, grayish, it is covered with scales of almost black color. The taste of the mushroom is insipid without a noticeable taste and smell. The flesh of the mushroom immediately turns reddish-orange, then almost black. The leg is quite long - up to 12 centimeters, dense, shaped like a cylinder. The color of the cap and the leg is the same - grayish-black. The surface of the cap resembles flakes. Hence the very name of the mushroom. It is found in coniferous and mixed forests.

Cottonfoot mushroom


At first glance, a rather attractive mushroom. In any case, it is considered an edible mushroom. The leg is quite long - up to 12 centimeters. The shape of the hat resembles a hemisphere of a rather large size in diameter. The color of the cap is brown, brownish. The smell of the pulp of the mushroom itself is unpleasant. When cut, it becomes bluish, green, black and even red. Found in Europe, North America in mixed forests from late summer - early autumn.


The reasons why mushrooms are in danger of extinction are solely in human activities. But at the same time, a direct connection - as, for example, in deforestation - can be quite difficult to detect. Typically, there are many reasons for the decline in fungal flora. The main reasons are:

  • Loss of space due to building
  • Lowering the water table and diverting water
  • Converting deciduous forests to coniferous
  • Planting trees atypical for the region
  • Destruction of trees that make up mycorrhiza with fungi
  • Change or destruction of shrub and grass cover
  • Cutting down trees on forest edges, shrubs
  • Increased air pollution and forest extinction

The question of how the disappearance of species is connected with the collection of fruiting bodies remains controversial. Long-term research has shown that picking mushrooms does not damage the mycelium by itself. But the migration and distribution of species is achieved only if a large number of fruiting bodies that can spread spores remain on the soil. A more serious danger for the mycelium than picking mushrooms is the walking of people on the grass cover, that is, soil compaction.

If we consider the life forms of endangered fungi, it is easy to see that saprophytes suffer much less than symbionts. For the latter, pollution of the environment and air turns out to be disastrous. The decline in their number began at the same time when the problem of the survival of forests suddenly sharply exacerbated.

From the above it follows that most mushrooms are in danger of extinction not at all because of the collection of their fruiting bodies, but because of the change or even destruction of their living space. Therefore, a more important task than preserving the species is the protection of the living environment (biotope).
(article source Educational portal Claw.ru)

All mushrooms listed in the Red Book are rare species and are subject to protection.

Scarassis Curly

Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Sparassian Sparassiaceae
Genus: Sparassis
Rare view.

Grows on the roots or at the base of the trunks of pine, cedar, spruce, fir in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests. Occurs from late July in September - October. Causes red rot.
In the RSFSR, found in Krasnodar, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories, Sakhalin Region. (Kunashir Island); in the USSR, in addition, in the Baltic republics, in Belarus, in the Ukraine and in Georgia. Outside the USSR, it is known from Western Europe, Asia, North America. photo authorPuchatech K.

Gyropor Chestnut, Chestnut Mushroom, Chestnut
Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Boletaceae Boletaceae
Genus: Gyroporus

In Russia, it is found in the European part - in the Leningrad, Moscow, Belgorod, Penza regions and in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the North Caucasus - in the Krasnodar Territory and in the south of the Far East - in the Primorsky Territory. Recorded also in Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. and also in Europe, Asia and North America.
Occurs in nature reserves: Volzhsko-Kamsky and Kedrovaya Pad '. It is included in the list of species under protection in the Leningrad Region. A rare mushroom in need of protection. Mycorrhizal fungus, but it can live without symbiosis with woody species. Prefers sandy and clayey soils. Inhabits deciduous, less often coniferous forests, on forest edges, sometimes on lawns, at a considerable distance from the edge of the forest. Fruiting in August - September.

Umbrella mushroom girlish

Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Agaric Agaricaceae
Genus: Macrolepiota
V Russia is found only in the south of the Far East: in the Voroshilovsky, Shkotovsky and Ussuriysky regions of the Primorsky Territory and on southern Sakhalin. It also grows in the Baltics and Ukraine, and is also distributed in Western Europe
A soil-borne fungus, the mycelium of which is located in the lower layers of the litter. Fruiting in August - September. It grows in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests, in artificial plantings of spruce, larch and birch, in single specimens or in groups.
Artificial cultivation of the mushroom in protected areas is possible. Photo source

Gyropor Blue, Bruise
Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Boletaceae Boletaceae
Genus: Gyroporus
Mycorrhizal fungus, not specialized for tree species. Lives in symbiosis with pine, birch, oak, possibly with spruce and fir. Prefers sandy soils. Fruiting in July - September. It lives in coniferous and deciduous forests, mainly pine. In Russia, it is found in the European part - in the Leningrad and Penza regions, in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the North Caucasus - in the Krasnodar Territory and in the south of the Far East - in the Primorsky Territory; it is also noted in the Baltic States, in Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia. Known in Europe and North America.

Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Fly agaric Amanitaceae Genus: Amanita

Mycorrhizal mushroom, symbiont of oak, beech, linden. Prefers calcareous soils. Fruiting in July - September. It is found in deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forests, in Russia it is found only in oak forests. Occurs only in Belgorod oblast, where several localities are known in Novooskolsk and Valuisky districts. In the USSR, in addition, it is found in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Eastern Georgia, as well as in Central and Eastern Kazakhstan. Outside the USSR, it grows in Western Europe, with the exception of its northern part

Mutinus Doggy

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Merry Phallaceae
Genus: MutinusIt dwells mainly in deciduous and mixed forests, among shrubs, in grass in clearings, in parks, on soil rich in humus and organic residues, sometimes on badly destroyed deciduous wood, always in humid places. It is rare, but sometimes in large groups, forming clusters of fruiting bodies, in June - October.
Occurs in Karelia and the Murmansk region. in the Leningrad region., Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, in the Tomsk region. and the Primorsky Territory; in addition, in Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia; and also in the temperate zone of the Holarctic.

Mutinus Ravenel
Chapter: Mushrooms
Family: Merry Phallaceae
Genus: Mutinus In the Leningrad region. found in mixed forest on soil, in Khabarovsk found in arboretum. In Latvia it lives on the territory of Riga in gardens among raspberries, strawberries, flower beds, under ornamental shrubs. It is also found in our Moscow region.

Photo by Lidia Sergeeva

Grifole Umbrella, Polypore BranchedR

R azdel: Mushrooms


Genus: Grifola

It grows at the base of trunks and on stumps of deciduous species, mainly maple, oak, hornbeam, beech, in broad-leaved, occasionally coniferous-deciduous, more often mountain forests. As an exception, it is noted on fir and spruce. Occurs in the Leningrad, Moscow, Smolensk regions, Krasnodar Territory, in the Polar Urals, recorded once in Transbaikalia. It is also known in Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Found in Western Europe and North America.
Photo sourceLebrac

Curly Griffin, Sheep Mushroom

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Albatrell albatrellaceae

Genus: Grifola
It grows on the soil, at the base of old trees of oak, chestnut, hornbeam, beech, in reserved and little exploited deciduous, less often coniferous-deciduous forests. Occurs in single specimens in July - September. We meet in the Leningrad region. (Petrodvorets), Mari-El (environs of the village of Tokori), Chuvashia, Stavropol (environs of Pyatigorsk) and Primorskii Territories Also in Belarus and Ukraine, in the Baltic States and in Georgia. Found in Western Europe, North America, Australia

Photo byPethan

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Hericiaceae

Genus: Hericium

It grows on stumps and dead trunks of deciduous species, mainly birch, less often beech, elm, alder, oak, linden, aspen, in mixed and deciduous, occasionally coniferous forests. Occurs not often, but regularly from late July to late September. Distributed in the entire forest zone of the European part, in Western (environs of Novosibirsk, Gorno-Altai aut. Region) and Eastern Siberia (environs of Krasnoyarsk, Stolby reserve, the coasts of the Yenisei River and Lake Baikal, Chita and Irkutsk regions , South Yakutia), in the Far East (environs of Kozyrevsk, Kamchatka Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories; Amur Region). Despite its extensive area, it is rarely found everywhere. It grows in Ukraine, Belarus, the Transcaucasian republics, the Baltic states and Kazakhstan. Occurs - in Western Europe and North America

Pine-footed pine mushroom

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Pine fungus Strobilomycetaceae

Genus: Strobilomyces

Inhabits deciduous and mixed forests on soil, sometimes on buried remains of destroyed wood. Occurs singly or in small groups in June - October. It is found in Moscow Region, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Primorsky Territories, in addition, in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan, in Europe, Asia, North America, North Africa.

Mesh Scooper Double

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Merry Phallaceae

Genus: Dictiophora

Inhabits deciduous forests on humus-rich soil or on highly decomposed wood debris. It is extremely rare, singly or in groups, in July - September, in the Moscow, Belgorod, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, in the Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, in the Irkutsk and Amur regions, in the Primorsky Territory. Also found in Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and in the temperate zone of the Holarctic.

Horned Pistil

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Clavariaceae

Genus: Clavariadelphus

It inhabits soil, usually among green mosses, in deciduous and mixed forests, in humid places. Found in the European part - in the Leningrad, Penza, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kirov regions, in TatarstanR (Volzhsko-Kamsky reserve); in the Caucasus - in the Stavropol Territory in the vicinity of Zheleznovodsk; in the Urals - in Komi (Sivaya Mask hospital) and in the Chelyabinsk region. (Ilmensky reserve); in Siberia - in the Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk Regions; in the Far East - in the Amur Region. (Svobodnensky district), in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories (Ussuriysky nature reserve, the vicinity of Vladivostok), in the Sakhalin region. - O. Kunashir. Also noted in the Baltics, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan. It is also distributed in Western Europe, East Asia (China, Japan) and North America.

Lattice Red

Chapter: Mushrooms

Family: Lattice Clathraceae

Genus: Clathrus

Within our country, it grows singly on soil in deciduous forests.
It was seen only once in the Moscow region, and occasionally occurs in the Krasnodar Territory. In addition, it sometimes appeared in the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences (Petersburg) and once in the greenhouse in the city of Gorno-Altaysk (Altai Territory. It is found in Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and also grows in the subtropical, partly temperate zones of the Holarctic (in particular in the Mediterranean).

A source

For the normal functioning of the ecosystem on our planet, the presence of various types of living beings is absolutely necessary. Fungi are an important part of this process and participate in the natural cycle of substances; they decompose organic matter in the soil to inorganic matter, which is then used as food for the plant. Molds are active participants in soil formation, and the fruiting bodies of various edible fungi subspecies are food for animals and humans. In general, the number of species and variety of mushrooms is very wide, however, there are also rare species among them. This is due to the fact that in the process of economic activity, a person destroys the natural habitats of mushrooms, cuts down forests, plows up virgin lands, and the ecological situation on our planet as a whole leaves much to be desired. What types of mushrooms can be called the rarest in Russia? Information about all mushrooms can be found on the website https://o-prirode.ru/griby/

Pineal fly agaric (Amanita strobiliformis)

This mushroom is classified as conditionally edible, but it is often confused with its dangerous poisonous congeners, so caution should be exercised when collecting it.

The cap of the pineal fly agaric is white or white-fawn, covered with large dense gray scales. In old mushrooms, the cap is flattened. Remnants of the bedspread are visible at the edge. The leg is white, in longitudinal stripes in young mushrooms. In the middle of the leg, there is a white ring in velvety scales. The leg expands to the base. The pulp is white, dense in structure.

This species grows exclusively in deciduous oak forests, very rarely in parks, on calcareous soil. In Russia, it grows only on the territory of the Belgorod region.

Sparassis crispa

This rare and unusual species is included in the Red Book of Russia. The weight of its fruiting body can reach 10 kg, and its diameter is 1.5 m. Externally, the mushroom resembles a cauliflower. It is bushy, round, spherical or irregular in shape and consists of "curly" branches that grow from the central stalk. They are flat, small in size with split edges. The young mushroom is whitish, turns yellowish in old age, and after full maturation it turns ocher or brown. The pulp is white, has a nutty taste and a strong specific odor. The leg is central and seems very short due to the fact that it sinks deep into the ground. At first, it is yellow or white, and later turns brown or black.

This mushroom is used in folk medicine as an antineoplastic and immunomodulatory agent. It is also well known to nutritionists, helps to reduce weight and lose weight, as it has a low calorie content. In the composition of curly sparasis, antibiotics were found that inhibit the growth of staphylococci. But today it is forbidden to collect this mushroom, as it is a rare species. Nevertheless, thanks to the fact that they learned to grow the species artificially, it still remains a good helper for humans.

Needle raincoat (Lycoperdon echinatum)

This mushroom is edible and rare, has a pleasant aroma that lasts after drying. Only young mushrooms with white flesh are considered edible. Grows in rare small groups in deciduous forests or one at a time, on calcareous soil.

The fruiting body is inversely pear-shaped, ovoid, spherical, tuberous in shape, it can be hemispherical with a thinning downward. Densely covered with small closely spaced spines from above. Because of this, the mushroom looks like a hedgehog and for the same reason it got its name. Small spines are arranged in a ring around one large one. They can also fall off easily, leaving a bare surface. The flesh of young specimens is white; in mature ones, it turns into a greenish-brown powder.

Bruise (Gyroporus blue) (Gyroporus cyanescens)

The species is a rare tubular cap fungus, a representative of the genus Gyroporus of the Gyroporovaceae family. The hat is 5 to 20 cm in diameter; its shape changes as the mushroom matures from convex to flattened. The color palette includes various shades from white to yellow and brown. The surface of the cap is velvety and darkens when pressed. The pulp is dense and thick structure, light, turns blue at a break or cut, which is why the mushroom got its unusual name. The taste and smell of the pulp are weak. The leg is up to 15 cm high, about 5 cm thick, the shape is different. The color is always the same as the hat. It sometimes has a mesh pattern.

A bruise is very rare, it belongs to edible mushrooms.

Chestnut Mushroom (Gyroporus castaneus)

This edible and tasty mushroom is also known as chestnut gyroporus, chestnut, hare mushroom, sand mushroom and looks like the well-known porcini mushroom. It differs from it in a brown leg, hollow or with voids. As a rare species, the chestnut mushroom is included in the Red Book of Russia.

The cap is colored in shades of rusty-brown, red-brown or chestnut-brown, in young specimens it is convex, as the fungus grows it turns into a flat or cushion-shaped one, the diameter is about 10 cm.The surface is velvety or pubescent in a young mushroom, in an old one it usually naked. In the dry season, it is prone to cracking. The tubules are white, the old mushroom yellow, and retain their original color when cut. They grow to the stem, and only eventually become free, reaching 1 cm in length. The pores are small, rounded, white, later yellow. If you press on the surface of the mushroom, then brown spots remain on it. The pulp is white, its color does not change on the cut, the smell is weak, the taste is mushroom with a light and pleasant nutty tinge. The stem is cylindrical, thickens towards the base, solid in young mushrooms, but gradually becomes hollow. The colored leg is usually slightly lighter than the cap. The length of the leg reaches 8 cm, it is about 3 cm in diameter.

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