Home Trees and shrubs The gray cardinal is good or bad. The expression gray cardinal what does it mean. Examples from history

The gray cardinal is good or bad. The expression gray cardinal what does it mean. Examples from history


stable cognitive interest of children in the process of discovering new, unusual knowledge about a familiar object - a spoon.



  1. Give an idea of ​​the history and variety of spoons (different in size, shape, material)
  2. To form a cognitive interest in the hidden properties of various materials (wood, metal, plastic).
  3. Concretize knowledge about the properties of various materials (light-heavy, floats-sinks, bends - does not bend, is attracted - is not attracted by a magnet)


  1. Expand the vocabulary of children (, parts of a spoon and material, folk crafts: woodcarving, turning, painting).
  2. Develop attention, associative thinking, imagination.


  1. Cultivate a love of history, the ability to see the beauty in the world around

Integration of educational areas:health, socialization, communication, artistic creativity, artistic and aesthetic development.

Equipment: stone, shells, a collection of spoons from different materials; presentation for children: "Spoons"; musical records.

Preliminary work:stories about the history of spoons with a selection of illustrations; selection of riddles, poems, proverbs dedicated to spoons; exhibition of spoons used by us in everyday life; art class "Decorating a spoon with Khokhloma painting"

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical.

Materials and equipment:multimedia equipment, stones, shells, a plate of jam, water containers, a collection of spoons: wooden, metal, silver, gilded, plastic, a musical record, a "sun" with ribbons, plastic spoons for each child, cloth, ribbon for independent work.


Educator: Today I want to treat you with jam. Eat, my dears! (no spoons - creating a problem situation)

Children: How?

Educator: Oh, I completely forgot to prepare the spoons! How can you eat without a spoon?

Children: Finger, tongue, some object! (Discuss with children whether it is correct to use such methods)

The teacher gives the children spoons.

Educator: It turns out that a spoon is a very important item and it is impossible to do without it.

The spoon is a simple worker,

City crane.

Pick up on a spoon

Porridge, soup or potatoes.

Lift more loads

Send them straight to the belly.

Eat everything yourself to the crumbs,

To make the legs run faster

To grow up quickly guys

Like vegetables in a garden.

Educator: What do you think the very first spoon was made of?

See what's in my hand? (stone). Hold him. What is he? The very first spoon was made of stone.

Do you think it was convenient to eat with such a spoon? Why? Yes, she was very heavy, uneven, and while eating she burned her mouth. Look at what the first spoons were, (slide number 1)

Educator: What is it? Shells. In Greece, when there were no spoons, shells were used. (slide number 2,3)

We have water. Let's try to scoop up water with seashells. Water pours, pours out, hands are wet, little water is scooped up. Imagine that you are eating hot soup. Are you comfortable? Why? Edges are sharp and uneven. (Children's answers) What is missing? (Pens)

In ancient Egypt, spoons were carved from ivory. (slide number 4,5)

In Japan, people used and still use sticks called hashi (slide No. 6,7)

Educator: What do you think, what kind of spoons did they eat before in Russia? (children's answers). In Russia, the spoon was made quite early. Ordinary Russian people have been eating cabbage soup and porridge with wooden spoons since time immemorial. (slide number 8,9)

The teacher addresses the children:

Children, do you have a birthday? Do you love this holiday? I love birthday too. Because on this day everyone is dressed up and gives gifts to the birthday girl or birthday boy. Guys, I heard that it turns out that birthdays happen not only for people, but also for objects too. Today we will arrange the birthday of the spoon. Guys, I know a place where there are a lot of spoons, I have already been there. This place is a museum of spoons. Would you like to visit with me? (slide number 12)

Let's say the magic words (one, two, three - here we are in the museum!) close our eyes and circle around ourselves once.

Children perform and find themselves in a “museum”, where a large number of different spoons lie on the tables.

Educator: Guys, look how many different spoons there are. And they are all different. (Children examine the spoons, touch them with their hands).

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Look, guys, from what material spoons are not made! And now the most common material from which spoons are used? That's right, the modern spoon is made of metal and is called a metal spoon.

The teacher finds a metal spoon in the "museum", shows it to the children.

Educator: Guys, look, how else do spoons differ from each other? (shape, size, color, material). And what else? Do not know? Let's try to find out if spoons behave the same way in water. Let's take one wooden, plastic and metal spoon and go to the experiment room.

Children pass with spoons to the tables, on which there are basins of water and magnets.

Educator: We will dip three spoons into the water, and what will happen, look carefully.

EXPERIMENT WITH WATER, Spoons are lowered one by one into a basin of water and it is determined that one spoon (from what?) - iron, drowned immediately, the other (from what?) - wooden floats in water, and a plastic spoon rests on the surface of the water .

Educator: Why do you think one spoon sank? (It is heavy - iron). Why are the other two spoons floating on the surface? (They are lightweight - made of plastic and wood). And if the spoons in the water behave differently, are they the same? (Various).

And now we will try to bend the spoons.

EXPERIENCE WITH POWER MOVEMENT. Children begin to bend spoons: plastic ones bend, wooden and iron ones do not bend, but wooden ones can be broken).

Educator: So the spoons also bend in different ways.

And how else can you find out which of the spoons is iron? (If the children cannot say - prompt with a magnet).

EXPERIENCE WITH A MAGNET. All spoons are checked with a magnet.

In Russia, the spoon is also used as a musical instrument. Masters of spoon-makers made and painted spoons with different patterns (slide No. 10), and musicians - spoon-makers (spooners) play (slide No. 11) tapping with spoons and a rhythmic, fervent, dance melody is obtained. And even more so, since today is the birthday of the spoon, you may want to play a small musical number on the spoons.

Educator: What spoons will we play with? (wooden)

1 child: Spoons, spoons

painted spoons

Spoons gilded

Twisted patterns

At least have a sip

At least play some music.

2 child: Our grandfathers in Russia - you ask anyone -

This spoon was respected and cut out of birch.

Painted spoon - lacquer leg,

Red berry eye, golden curl.

And for porridge and for cabbage soup there is no need for a spoon

And beautiful, and easy - for any eater.

We ate heartily and the spoons are good!

And now let's go dancing and playing on spoons!

Folk music sounds, children play on spoons.

Educator: What a wonderful gift - a concert! Guys, when you have a birthday, you probably wear beautiful dresses, shirts? Maybe we'll dress up a spoon for your birthday?!

On the tables are plastic spoons and attributes for decoration.

Performed finger gymnastics


Girls and boys are friends in our group

fingers are connected in a "lock"

We will make friends with you little fingers

rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name of both hands

One, two, three, four, five

alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers

One, two, three, four, five.

hands down, shake your hands

Independent work on decorating spoons.

After the children dress up their spoons, they decorate their faces with plasticine: from blue plasticine - eyes, from red - mouths.

Then the children admire their spoons, take them to the museum.

Educator: And now, guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's get up, say the magic words and close our eyes: One, two, three, here we are in the group!

Children sit around a round yellow box with ribbons.

Educator: Yes, guys, nothing stands still. Time passes, and thanks to the knowledge and skills of a person, everything around changes. Living conditions change, household appliances change, furniture changes, clothes change. Today, we saw how the spoon appeared and changed - a simple cutlery. We saw how comfortable, durable, beautiful spoons replaced stone spoons.

Please tell us what you liked about our trip. As soon as you say, pull the ribbon towards you.

Children pull the ribbons towards themselves, saying what they liked about the trip. During the course, the teacher asks questions about the topic of the lesson. For example:

What was the first spoon made of?

What object did the Greeks replace spoons with?

What kind of spoons do the Japanese use?

What spoons were used in Russia?

Which spoons sink in water?

Which spoons float on the surface of water?

Which spoons float on the surface of the water?

Which spoon can be bent?

Which spoon can be broken

Which spoons don't bend?

Are all spoons attracted to a magnet?

Where have we been today?

Teacher: What did we get?

Children: Sunshine!

Educator: Today we have received as much knowledge as the rays of this sun.

The urgent need for such a cutlery as a tablespoon, people felt in ancient times. And although the history of the origin of the tablespoon tells that the spoon appeared much earlier than the table fork, the exact date of its appearance has not yet been clarified.

But, almost to the present time, in some tribes of the African and South American continents, people continue to use shells to scoop up liquid food. In fact, the very word "spoon" in ancient Greek and Latin is derived from the phrase "snail shell".

In Russia, a spoon as a means of absorbing food appeared on the orders of Prince Vladimir in 998 AD, who immediately after the baptism of all honest people, as part of a program to raise culture to the level of Western countries, ordered the rule to eat not with hands, but with special devices for that. Already in The Tale of Bygone Years, it is mentioned as a familiar and absolutely necessary item during meals. The chronicler tells how the warriors of Prince Vladimir complained that they eat with wooden spoons, not silver ones. The prince commanded to "look for" silver spoons for them and said that you would not get a squad with silver and gold, but with a squad you would get both gold and silver.

Spoons, like knives, were often carried with them in special cases or simply behind a belt or boot top. Therefore, people have created a lot of sayings and sayings about this, such as “With your spoon for someone else’s dinner” or “A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon.”

In Europe, the spoon took root much later. Even in the 12th and 13th centuries, the aristocracy still ate with their hands. But later, when the spoon took its permanent place on the tables of both the lower and upper strata of the population, the latter began to use it as a symbol of wealth.

The history of the emergence of services for 12 people is interesting. Why was the number 12 chosen and not some other number? The thing is that in the Renaissance it became fashionable to make the so-called apostolic spoons, on the handles of which the figures of all 12 apostles, the disciples of Christ, were placed. And it was customary to give a born baby a silver spoon, on which the apostle was depicted, whose name the child was named. This custom can still be observed in most Christian countries.

During the Baroque period, the spoon turned into a work of art. The refined style in architecture, design, furniture, dress and manners prevented spoons from remaining with wide handles. It was required to hold them with the whole palm, which, taking into account the presence of wide cuffs, frills, long collars and the generally sophisticated appearance of the owner, became completely uncomfortable. Therefore, in the first half of the 17th century, the handle of the spoon lengthened several times. In general, fashion has changed the shape of the spoon more than once. For example, the etiquette rule of holding a spoon with three fingers has led to wider and flatter handles.

A common feature of all baroque spoons (as well as everything that surrounded the aristocracy at that time) is the extraordinary splendor of decorations and the variety of handle shapes (there were spoons in the form of a lotus, and shells, and violins, etc.). Lush Baroque decor did not bypass even a spoon. It was decorated with complex emblems, floral and fruit ornaments, allegorical figures, etc.

The opening of coffee and tea houses in the 18th century led to the emergence of new utensils needed for tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. The culture of tea drinking laid the foundation for the production of coffee and teaspoons and the emergence of new rules of etiquette. So, while stirring the sugar, the spoon had to be easily held with two fingers. A spoon placed across the cup by the guest meant that he did not need to add more tea.

In the 19th century, the demand for souvenir spoons grew. The first of them appeared around the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. Friesland, a historical region in the north of the Netherlands and one of the centers of the Northern Renaissance, is considered their homeland. Here, for the first time, spoons began to be decorated with images of real local landscapes. In the new, 19th century, such spoons spread throughout all the shops of Europe. It was at this time that Europeans, during the Middle Ages, traveling for educational purposes, began to turn into tourists.

Around 1900, a huge number of similar products were produced in Europe and North America with engravings of historical and landscape sights, views of cities and emblems of states. Portraits of famous people became a favorite decoration.

Currently, the number of produced tablespoons is incredibly large. And the materials for their manufacture are: wood, plastic, silver, gold and gilding, stainless steel, aluminum, etc. Meanwhile, there are still such types of spoons, the scope of which, as a matter of fact, and their shape , remain unchanged.

The main spoons are: a tablespoon, a teaspoon, a dessert spoon. In addition, the so-called auxiliary types of spoons are also produced: for olives, for crabs, for soup, for eggs, for broth, for fruits, and for caviar.

Throughout its development, the spoon has constantly undergone sometimes dramatic changes, depending both on changes in the fashion for clothes and on a change in lifestyle in general. But be that as it may, the spoon remains, to this day, an indispensable item in a person's daily life.

"History of the Wooden Spoon"

Target: to instill a steady cognitive interest in children in the process of discovering new, unusual knowledge about a familiar object - a spoon.


    To broaden the horizons of children about history and folk traditions, to introduce them to everyday objects of antiquity, to aim at recreating the cultural values ​​of the Russian people.

    Cultivate a sense of love and pride for the Motherland,

    Continue work to unite the team of children, improve communication skills, creative abilities.

Lesson progress:

caregiver : It turns out that a spoon is a very important item in our life, and it is impossible to do without it. At breakfast or at dinner, you take a spoon in your hand, and no one thinks about when the spoon first appeared and what it was like. Would you like to know something interesting about spoons?

It turns out that a spoon is a very important item in our life, and it is impossible to do without it.

Then I invite you to go on a journey “Into the history of the spoon”

Since ancient times, the Russian people were considered hospitable. The most valuable products for the common man have always been bread and salt.

A long time ago people didn't have spoons and they ate with their hands. Then they had the first spoons that people made from clay, but these spoons were not strong, they broke, crumbled. People began to make stone spoons. These spoons were heavy, uncomfortable and also broke. The first spoons similar to modern ones appeared in Egypt. Spoons were decorated with precious stones, dressed up. Only rich people had spoons. In Russia, spoons appeared during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The rich had gold and silver spoons, while the poor had wooden ones. Wooden spoons are ugly and people painted them with different patterns. Now everyone has spoons.

They ate liquid food with spoons, meat with their hands: there were no forks in Russia, as in the medieval West, until very late. Food was cut with a knife, which each person usually carried with him (usually behind a belt, sometimes in a leather sheath). The rite of eating in Russia is interesting. After the food was scooped up from the common bowl and put into the mouth, the spoon was lowered onto the table. Only after thoroughly chewing the food, the person again took up the spoon and scooped it out of the bowl. If someone ate from a bowl without letting go of the spoon, then he was considered gluttonous.

Spoons were made from different types of wood. At the same time, sometimes the first stages - splitting a block into buckwheat (chocks), trimming a buckwheat in a rough draft - were entrusted to children, and the final ones - scraping the finished product with a knife, sanding and polishing - to women. From here, by the way, came the expression "beat the buckets", which originally meant: to do a very simple thing, and later acquired a different meaning - to mess around, to spend time idly. When making spoons, the carver used a special spoon hatchet, rasps, chisels, an adze and a knife. For an experienced craftsman, the process of manufacturing a wooden spoon, starting from the simplest clumsy workpiece - a "baklusha", took 20 minutes.

Many beliefs were associated with spoons in Russia. For example, there is still a sign that a good housewife should always look so that there is not an extra spoon on some dish. They believed that then the evil spirits would be able to sit down with people at the same table. It was also impossible to put a spoon with the inside up, since it was believed that an evil spirit would certainly want to put poison in it; or put a spoon with a handle on the table, and with your head on the edge of the dish, because in this way evil spirits can climb from the table into the food. In addition, spoons were an indispensable attribute in divination, folk healing and numerous Russian rituals.

In traditional culture, a spoon was treated as a personal item. They marked their own spoons and avoided using strangers. A man's spoon should not interfere with food, so that a man does not quarrel with his wife. Guys and girls used their spoons in love magic. At parties, a girl who decided to bewitch a guy fed him from her spoon. Then she burned this spoon and did not give it to anyone. It was not allowed to leave the spoon on the table or on the side of the bowl. This meant opening access to forces hostile to man. Spoons were often carried with them in special cases or simply behind a belt or bootleg. On this occasion, the people created many sayings and sayings: "A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon" or "With his spoon at other people's dinners"

Wooden products are not only beautiful - it is an environmentally friendly material. For the manufacture of spoons, wood of an apple tree, linden, mountain ash, etc. was used. Using wooden products is not only safe, but also beneficial for health. No wonder in Russia from time immemorial they ate from wooden dishes with wooden cutlery and were healthy until old age.

Particularly loved those spoons that were gift in nature. They were painted with fabulous flowers and herbs. The glitter of gold and cinnabar on them was perceived as a jewel, associated with royal luxury. Such spoons were festive, and on weekdays they continued to use unpainted spoons, made of simple wood.

However, this is not all the advantages of wood products. Wooden spoons can also be used as an excellent musical instrument. The fact is that when they touch, they emit a surprisingly harmonious, clear sound. This property of wooden products was immediately appreciated by musicians all over the world, and now there is a whole school of playing on wooden spoons.

The “spoon capital” of Russia and the recognized center of the world-famous Khokhloma painting is popularly called the city of Semenov, which is located in the depths of the Kerzhen forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Here, the traditional craft of the ancestors, who made wonderful wood chips, is carefully preserved, multiplied and passed down from generation to generation.

Today, a wooden spoon is most often just a painted souvenir, but eating them is a great joy. Today there are spoon makers who carve real wooden spoons that can be eaten.

Wooden spoons are a reflection of the originality of our Russian culture and its cultural traditions. Wooden spoons came to us from time immemorial, charming everyone with their originality and color.


People who play with spoons are called spoons.

Have you heard how they play spoons?

And now, guys, I suggest that you complete the exercise “Assemble the riddle”


If I am empty
I forget about you
But when I bring food -
I will not pass by the mouth.

longtail horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wide.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

unapproachable in appearance
Standing akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
A bowl of food
I send it to my mouth.

I don't eat myself
And I feed people.

Who is she?
Kashi will scoop up
And put it in your mouth.

I'm just like a cook
But a little happier
- I am dearer and closer to people,
After all, they still lick me!

Doesn't eat on her own
And feed people.

Educator: Time passes, and thanks to the knowledge and skills of a person, everything around changes. Living conditions change, household appliances change, furniture changes, clothes change. Today, traveling with you, we saw how the Russian wooden spoon appeared.


To shift the second courses, they use such an original design - tongs from a fork and some kind of spoon-shovel.

Holes are made in a spoon for lump sugar - granulated sugar is poured through them.

To some extent, it looks like a spoon and a spatula for caviar.

Measuring spoon for instant coffee.

Above - a spoon for vegetables, below - for spaghetti.

Spoon options for brewing tea.

Sauce spoon.

Cocktail spoon. Its long hollow handle replaces a drinking straw. The head is designed for catching fruit, it has three holes through which the liquid enters the handle.

Who first invented the spoon - history is silent. It is only certain that it has almost the same venerable age as the most ancient tool of man - a knife. Even in prehistoric times, the shell of large nuts served as a spoon. Later, spoons were made from bone. The ancient Egyptians used bronze spoons, while the Greeks preferred silver ones.

In ancient Russia, at a time when people in Europe usually ate with their hands, a wooden spoon was already quite a familiar object; it is mentioned in the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" (XII century). And we are talking not only about wooden, but also about silver spoons. Spoons, like knives, were usually carried with you in the old days. They even said: "A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon." Spoons had different names depending on the size, shape, purpose. Let's open the dictionary of V.I. , clean finish". Russian wooden spoons were made from aspen, birch, maple.

The metal spoon as we now know it appeared in Europe around 1760. Since then, the materials and workmanship of these devices have been continuously improved. Spoons were made of tin, gold, silver. Who can afford it. In 1825, the German doctor E. Geithner opened a factory in Saxony and began to produce cutlery from argentan (an alloy of copper with nickel and zinc). It was a beautiful, silver-like material. And relatively cheap. A few years later, throughout Europe, they began to make cutlery from argentan, which was called differently: nickel silver, alphenide, cupronickel ... Today, the name "melchior" has stuck to cutlery made from such material.

There was a period of passion for spoons made of aluminum, then just discovered and therefore expensive metal, remotely similar to silver. Later they became the lot of cheap catering. Now the most popular and practical spoons are made of quality stainless steel, polished, with an elaborate design, sometimes with gold trim on some parts.

In addition to soup, dessert and teaspoons in a good serving, you can find a device for second courses in the form of tongs.

According to Russian tradition, the salad is usually laid out with a large salad spoon. In Europe, it is customary to use two large spoons for this, one of which is ordinary, and the other has several slots for draining excess oil, vinegar, lemon juice.

There are special large spoons for vegetables and sauce (in cases where the sauce is not served in a separate gravy boat, but is a component of the dish, for example, meat juice from a roast). The sauce spoon is much deeper and larger than the usual one. This is so as not to drip on the tablecloth.

When serving borscht or cabbage soup, a medium-sized deep spoon is used - the so-called sour cream. It resembles a small ladle.

Sometimes salad tongs are served - the same spoons, but interconnected by an elastic bridge ... In a word, the science of using spoons is not as simple as the spoon itself.

Despite the fact that the history of the creation of cutlery goes back centuries and it seems that all the subtleties of their use have already been taken into account, inventions in this area continue. For example, in France, a special spoon for the mustachioed is patented with an ingenious device that makes it possible to ensure that "it does not flow down the mustache, but into the mouth."

Photo by V. Pirozhkov. By the way...

The ancient Romans had spoons drilled in the center of the scoop. Why was this done? Perhaps something explains the advice from an old magazine on how to avoid stealing silver teaspoons: drill them in the middle. Such a measure at the same time teaches households to order: these spoons are suitable for stirring tea and catching tea leaves, but they will not allow you to climb into the common sugar bowl with your spoon. Folk signs and proverbs

The spoon is not a cat, it will not scratch your mouth.

I had a spoon in my mouth, but there was nothing to sip.

A spoon forgotten on the table is for the guest.

Knock on the edge of the dishes with a spoon - to a quarrel.

Two teaspoons on one saucer - for the wedding.

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