Home Trees and shrubs Service of troops in the armed forces of foreign states. Armed forces of the main states. Organization of divisions in Germany

Service of troops in the armed forces of foreign states. Armed forces of the main states. Organization of divisions in Germany

The cardinal changes in the world that took place in the 90s led to the revision by the leading Western countries and the NATO bloc as a whole of military-strategic concepts, plans for the construction of the Armed Forces and their technical equipment. In this regard, the military-political leadership of the Alliance embarked on a course to reduce the size of the Armed Forces.

Simultaneously with the reduction, the issue of increasing their combat effectiveness is being addressed by improving the quality of weapons, improving the tactics of actions of subunits, units, formations and formations. On the basis of the rearmament and reorganization of the Ground Forces, NATO member countries, the methods of combat operations of formations, units and subunits are also being revised.

That is why the orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation emphasize the need for a deep study by all servicemen of the organizational structure, weapons, military equipment and combat tactics of units and subunits of the armies of the main NATO countries (USA, Germany, France, Great Britain , Turkey), as well as the armies of the main countries of the Asia-Pacific region (Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, China).

Question 1.1. Organization, armament and tactics of actions of infantry (motorized infantry, reconnaissance) squads, platoons, companies of the armies of the main foreign states.

In modern armed conflicts, an important role is assigned to the Ground Forces. In NATO countries, the Ground Forces are the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces and make up more than 50% of their total number.

The ground forces are one of the branches of the NATO Armed Forces and are designed to conduct combat operations together with the Air Force and the Navy, as well as with the troops of the allies of the alliance in the event of armed conflicts of any intensity in different parts of the world.

Currently, the most trained and equipped with modern weapons in the NATO countries are the troops of the armies of the United States, Germany and Turkey.

All divisions existing in the US Ground Forces fundamentally have an identical organizational and staff structure.

Each includes two main elements:

divisional basis;

combat battalions of various types ( mpb, tb, pb, pdb and etc.).

The ratio and type of combat battalions determine the type of division.

In addition, according to their purpose and combat use, US divisions are divided into "Heavy"(Equipped with heavy tracked armored vehicles) and "lungs"(not armed with heavy armored vehicles).

"Heavy divisions"(MD, BRTD) are mainly used in the European theater of operations (TMD), in conditions of high and medium-intensity hostilities, with a well-developed infrastructure, on terrain that allows the creation of deeply echeloned mechanized (armored) groupings.

"Light divisions"(lpd, pd, mtd, vdd, vshd). Given their high mobility, they are used for rapid transfer and conduct of hostilities, mainly of low activity, mainly in poorly equipped theaters of military operations and for operations in special conditions (forest, mountains, large settlements, etc.).

Mechanized (motorized infantry), armored (tank) divisions are the main combined-arms tactical formations of the Ground Forces; they conduct combat operations both as part of an army corps and independently.

They perform tasks in all types of combat, both with and without the use of nuclear weapons.

Motorized infantry (tank) battalions are the main combined arms tactical units of mechanized (tank) divisions (brigades) of the US Army.

The brigade commander, taking into account the available forces and funds allocated to him by the division commander, for the period of performing combat missions on the basis of motorized infantry and tank battalions usually creates battalion tactical groups, which, depending on the composition, can be of three types:

motorized infantry;



The optimal combination of diverse forces and assets under a single command within battalion tactical groups, in the opinion of the American command, makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of new weapon systems and military equipment, and, therefore, to fully implement the basic principles of the concept of "Air-ground operation (battle)" ...

Mixed battalion "heavy" a motorized infantry brigade of about 749 people has the following composition:

battalion headquarters and headquarters company;

2 motorized infantry companies;

2 tank companies;

transport department.

In service mixed battalion are:

28 units tanks M1 "Abrams";

60 units BMP М2, М3, М7 "Bradley" and armored personnel carriers М113;

6 units 120 mm self-propelled mortar;

20 units PU ATGM "Javelin";

about 40 M240G machine guns.

According to military experts, this organizational structure and armament of the mixed battalion will allow it to carry out the assigned tasks in any conditions of the situation.

FOREIGN MILITARY REVIEW No. 1/2000, pp. 37-64

Reference data

The reference material "The Armed Forces of Foreign Countries" is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of readers for a relatively small volume and generally accessible encyclopedic information about the armies of foreign states. It is compiled from the data of the annual editions "The Military Balance (1999 - 2000)", "The World Factbook (1999 - 2000)", "The Balance of Military Power, World Defense Almanac (1999 - 2000)", "Terre Magazine (August 1999) "," Jane "s Fighting Ships (1999 - 2000)" and other open foreign sources.The reference and terminological nature of these data makes them useful and necessary for specialists.

The reference material contains the following data on 177 countries of the world: population size, size of the military budget, number of personnel of regular troops (forces), reserves and paramilitary formations, principles of manning and terms of military service, mobilization manpower, combat strength of the armed forces, number of weapons and military equipment, their types and classes.

All data are presented as of late 1999 - early 2000. The absence of information in the open foreign press about the armed forces of any country in the reference material is designated as "There is no data on the Armed Forces", and the absence of armed forces in the structure of its state institutions, respectively, "There is no Armed Forces." If data on the type of aircraft are not provided, this means that it is not included in the aircraft.

The reference material uses the well-known names of states, and they themselves are arranged in alphabetical order. The number of personnel of the regular armed forces of any country, given in it, is not always the sum of the number of personnel of the branches of the Armed Forces due to the presence of unaccounted institutions and formations of the central subordination of the Ministry of Defense.

Subsequent issues of the journal "Foreign Military Review" will publish articles on the armed forces (or their individual types) of any countries. It is possible that some of the data given in them will not coincide with those published in this reference material. This discrepancy is explained by the use by the authors of these articles of national sources, that is, materials from the country to which the publication is devoted. As a rule, these materials are later in terms of their publication, and, as a result, more realistically reflect this or that characteristic.

In an effort to fit as much information as possible about the armed forces of foreign countries in one magazine, the editors were forced to type reference material in small print, which is usually used in encyclopedic publications. In addition, in order to save space, a system of abbreviations for terms and phrases is used, which are given below.

The command of the US ground forces, in accordance with a large-scale program for building up the power of the armed forces, is taking active measures aimed at significantly increasing the combat capabilities of formations, units and subunits by equipping them with the latest weapons and military equipment, as well as improving the organizational and staff structure, revising views on them combat use. A practical confirmation of this is the adoption of the concept of the ground forces "air-ground operation (battle)", which reflects the qualitatively new views of the American command on the nature of warfare in modern conditions. In accordance with it, the main field manuals, manuals, instructions governing the issues of operational and combat training of troops and headquarters were revised.

It is believed that success in battle is achieved through a decisive defeat of the enemy through coordinated actions of formations of various types of ground forces with units and subunits of tactical aviation, and in the conduct of hostilities in coastal areas and naval forces.

At the same time, special attention is paid to the simultaneous and deep defeat of all elements of the operational formation (battle order) of enemy troops using modern weapons systems, and primarily high-precision weapons.

According to the level of combat readiness and operational designation, the ground forces are subdivided into a regular army and an organized reserve.

The regular army makes up the first strategic echelon and includes army (airborne) corps, divisions and separate brigades, fully equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, manned and prepared for combat operations.

In the numerical and combat composition of the regular army, there are more than 780 thousand people, 6 army headquarters, 6 corps headquarters, 18 divisions (4 light infantry, infantry, motorized, 6 mechanized, 4 armored, airborne, air assault), 8 separate brigades, 3 separate armored cavalry regiments. In addition, the regular army has various units (subdivisions) of combat and logistic support, special-purpose military institutions and facilities.

Study questions

The composition of the brigade units and their purpose

The American command, continuing to carry out measures for the further development of ground forces under the Army-96 program, aims to create formations with high fire and strike power, tactical mobility, capable of conducting long-term combat operations using conventional and nuclear weapons.

Organizationally, each of the divisions includes a headquarters and a headquarters company, three brigade headquarters, 5 motorized infantry and 5 tank battalions, artillery divisions (RS-30 battery and 3 divisions of 155mm self-propelled howitzers), an army aviation brigade, an anti-aircraft battalion, reconnaissance and electronic warfare battalions, communications and engineer, the command of the rear, as well as the company of the military police and protection against weapons of mass destruction. At present, they have 19647 personnel each, 9 MLRS launchers and 72 155mm self-propelled howitzers, 290 M1 Abrams tanks, 270 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and 118 M2.168 KShM M577.348 armored personnel carriers M113 A1.60 self-propelled ATGM “ TOU "М901,288 ATGM" Dragon ", 66 106.7mm self-propelled mortars, 18 SAM" Advanced Chaparel ", 36 SAM" Vulkan ", 75 MANPADS" Stinger "(fire crews), 146 helicopters, including 50 helicopters of fire support AN-64A "Apache", as well as more than 4000 cars and over 5000 radio stations.

One of the main divisions of the mechanized division is the motorized infantry battalion, which consists of a headquarters and 6 companies: headquarters, 4 motorized infantry and anti-tank.

The headquarters (22 people) performs the tasks of planning, organizing and controlling combat operations, accounting for personnel and all types of combat and logistic support of the regular and attached to the battalion units. It has 2 BMP M2 “Bradley” and 3 command and staff vehicles (KShM) M577 A1.

The headquarters company (345) includes a control section (6, two KShM M577 A1) and six platoons: reconnaissance, (30, control on two M3 BRMs and two subsections of two M3 BRMs), mortar (36, control on two M 966 and two mortar sections, each KShM M577 A1 and three 106.7mm self-propelled mortars), communications (13, control and two sections - radio and wire communications), medical (49, five M113 A1 armored personnel carriers), control, first aid station and evacuation section in which there are eight М113 А1, support (125.58 vehicles, control on KShM М577 А1 and three sections - transport, refueling and food supply), repair (8b, management and eight sections - administrative, repair, technical support, four sections of technical support for motorized infantry companies and one anti-tank company).

In total, the headquarters and the headquarters company have 367 people, 2 MT M2 “Bradley”, 6 BRM M3.6 106.7mm self-propelled mortars, 22 7.62mm CH6P light machine guns, 15 armored personnel carriers M113 A1.8 KShM M577 A1.

The motorized infantry company (116) consists of a command and control unit and three motorized infantry platoons. The department has 11 people (including the company command), the M2 “Bradley” infantry fighting vehicle and the M113 A1 armored personnel carrier. The motorized infantry platoon (35) has a control section (8 people) and an M2 “Bradley” infantry fighting vehicle and 3 motorized infantry squads, each with 9 people (squad leader, his deputy, BMP gunner, driver mechanic, operator of the Dragon ATGM launcher, machine gunner, 2 submachine gunners, a grenade launcher), and 2 BMP M2 “Bradley”.

In total, the company has 13 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, M113 A1.9 armored personnel carriers, Dragon ATGM launchers, 9 7.62mm machine guns M60.18 5.56mm automatic rifles M16 A1.18 40mm RPG M203 and other weapons.

The anti-tank company (b5) includes control (3 people and an M113 A1 armored personnel carrier) and 3 anti-tank platoons: 20 people in each, control (4 people and an M113 A1 armored personnel carrier), 2 anti-tank sections, 2 crews each (4 people in each and a self-propelled ATGM " TOU "M901). In total, the company has 12 anti-tank complexes, 4 armored personnel carriers and other weapons.

There are 896 people in the motorized infantry battalion, including 47 officers, 54 BMP M2 “Bradley”, 6 BRM M3.6 106.7mm self-propelled mortars, 12 self-propelled ATGM “TOU” M901.23 BTR M113 A1.8 KShM M577 A1.36 PU ATGM "Dragon", 70 7.62mm and 42 12.7mm machine guns, 114 cars, about 250 radio stations and other weapons.

A motorized infantry battalion fights, as a rule, as part of a brigade. He can operate while in its first or second echelon, in the main or secondary direction, in reserve, in the combat guard of a division or as part of a covering force. In some cases, the battalion is capable of performing tasks independently. The implementation of the main provisions of the concept (initiative, depth, speed and coordination of actions) at the tactical level is achieved as a result of the combat use of combined-arms subunits, brought together in battalion tactical groups and making it possible to use modern weapons and military equipment in their armament with sufficient efficiency.

The principle and procedure for using units in battle

Features of the combat use of battalion tactical groups With the adoption of the concept of "air-ground operation" (battle), there were some features in the field of combat use of BT. gr. The main attention is supposed to be paid to seizing and holding the initiative, conducting combat operations to a considerable depth, maneuvering with the aim of defeating the first and subsequent enemy barriers, organizing thorough reconnaissance, etc.

The offensive is the main type of combat operations, since in the course of it decisive goals can be achieved to defeat the enemy, capture important objects and areas of the terrain, disorganize command and control systems, etc.

American regulations define 4 stages of offensive actions: rapprochement with the enemy, the offensive itself (there can be 2 ways - on the move and prepared in advance), the development of success and pursuit. In the first two stages, BT. gr. can act independently or as part of a brigade, for others - usually as part of a brigade. In addition, it can conduct reconnaissance in force, carry out raids behind enemy lines, deliver distracted strikes, and perform demonstrative actions.

Rapprochement aims to achieve direct contact with the enemy or to restore it. It is believed that this stage of offensive actions will be characterized by swiftness, lack of sufficient data on the enemy and include the rapid advance of subunits in marching formations and their deployment for the offensive.

Battle formation bt. gr. under these conditions, as a rule, it is built in a column with the allocation of a strong head (and, if necessary, side and rear) combat escort. It usually includes a reconnaissance platoon, reinforced by a tank platoon. The removal of outposts from the main forces up to 4 km, which will allow the commander to assess the situation in a timely manner, make a decision and deploy the main forces outside the zone of their engagement with fire weapons.

An offensive on the move is the main method of combat operations in modern conditions and can be conducted on an advancing or defending enemy in poorly prepared positions. In the first case, hostilities are classified as counter actions, in which the opposing sides will solve their tasks by offensive. In the second case, the offensive has a number of features that can affect the formation of the battle formation and the sequence of destruction of the enemy's firepower and manpower. ” , install anti-tank minefields in tank-hazardous areas and deploy a control system. Therefore, the paramount task of the attackers is to suppress the enemy's anti-tank weapons. For its implementation, an anti-tank company, supporting artillery units and fire support helicopters, can be involved. Battle formation bt. gr. in this case, it can form in one echelon, including the holding group and detachment units. Up to a motorized infantry (tank) platoon is allocated to the reserve. The infantry usually attacks the enemy on foot behind the tanks at a distance of up to 300m. Infantry fighting vehicles move behind the attacking infantry (distance up to 400 m) or make a detour (maneuvering group of infantry fighting vehicles) of the enemy's defensive positions in order to get him to the rear.

A well-prepared offensive by BT. gr., is carried out, as a rule, as part of a brigade against the enemy, the defense of which is equipped in engineering terms and is saturated with fire and anti-tank weapons. The preparation of such a defense can take 12 hours or more. The organization of this method of offensive operations is usually carried out in three stages: isolation of the enemy in the breakthrough sector, breakthrough and destruction of the defending enemy, and development of success. At the first stage, it is planned to inflict defeat on enemy fire weapons and manpower using standard, attached and supporting fire resources at the intended breakthrough site and adjacent areas, as well as in depth, in order to exclude the possibility of regrouping its subunits towards concentrating the main efforts of the battalion tactical group. To mislead the enemy about the direction of the main attack, defensive positions adjacent to the breakthrough area can be attacked. At the second stage, the main attention is paid to identifying the weakest spots in the enemy's defense and isolating the area where it is planned to make a breakthrough, making passages in minefields and obstacles or looking for detours, as well as taking other measures to ensure the battalion tactical group breaks through the intended defense sector and expands it. in depth and to the sides of the flank. The third stage consists in taking possession of individual targets deep in the enemy's defense, in disrupting the system of its rear support and destroying reserves.

The development of success and pursuit are such stages of offensive operations that are carried out with the aim of completing the destruction of enemy fire weapons and manpower, disrupting its logistics support system, seizing key areas of the terrain and achieving a high rate of advance. Two options for attacking the enemy's front edge are considered: striking in one direction and striking in two or more converging directions. In this case, the attack can be carried out on foot with the support of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles or using a mixed battle formation (in the following sequence: tanks, infantry, infantry fighting vehicles or infantry, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles).

For reliable control and organization of control and organization, interacting with neighboring subdivisions of the battalion tactical group, when setting a combat mission, the object of attack, demarcation lines, the zone and direction of the offensive (the starting area or line for the offensive, the line of attack) are indicated.

The attack volume (1-2) for the battalion tactical group can be assigned at a distance of up to 10 km from the forward edge. American specialists in the concept of "volume" mean the destruction of manpower and fire weapons of the enemy, the capture and retention of a profitable area of ​​the terrain in the depths of the enemy's defense.

The starting line for the offensive is intended to coordinate the timing of the start of the offensive. It should be determined by visible landmarks on the ground, as a rule, perpendicular to the main directions of the offensive and be out of reach of enemy anti-tank medium fire and direct fire weapons. The starting line for the offensive of the battalion tactical group is indicated by the brigade commander.

Population 6 200 thousand people. Military budget $ 7 billion (2000). The regular forces are 172,500 people. Reserve 425,000 people, including Land Forces - 400,000, Air Force - 20,000, Navy - 5,000. Militarized formations 8,050 people, including border guards - 8,000, security guards - 50. Acquisition: on call. Service life: conscripts - 36 (men) and 21 (women) months. Mob. resources of 1.5 million people, including 1.2 million fit for military service

SV: 130,000 people, 3 territorial commands, a border guard command, 3 corps headquarters, 3 armored divisions, 3 infantry divisions for protecting the state border, 2 division headquarters, 4 motorized infantry brigades, 3 self-propelled artillery divisions. Reserve: 8 armored and airmobile divisions, 10 infantry brigades. Armament: more than 20 launchers OTR, 3,900 tanks (1,200 "Merkava", 900 М60А1 / 3, 800 "Centurion", 300 - М48А5, 200 Т-55, 100 Т-62, 400 "Maga-7"), about 5,500 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 400 armored personnel carriers, 520 towed artillery guns of calibers 105, 122, 130 and 155 mm, 1,030 SG calibers 105, 155, 175 and 203 mm, more than 396 MLRS, over 6,470 mortars (5,000 - caliber 60 mm, 700-81 mm, 530 - 120 mm, 240 - 160 mm), up to 1,000 anti-tank guided missile launchers, 850 guns for and more than 1,250 MANPADS, 48 Chaparel air defense systems.

Air Force: 36,000 people (20,000 cf. words, mainly in air defense), 444 b. with. (250 in res.), 137 p. v. Tactical units and subunits: 13 ibae and iae air defense, ttakr, 28 zrbat. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 98 F-15 (A, B, C, D and I), 237 F-16 (A, B, C and D), 70 F-4E, 10 RF-4E, 20 "Kfir-C7 "(120 in res.), 6 Kfir S-2, 50 A-4N (another 130 in res.), 14 Boeing 707, 5 KS-130N, 12 S-47, 24 S-1 ZON, 3 1A1 -200, 6 RC-12D, 15 Do-28.6 King Er-2000, 3 1A1-1124 Sisken, 20 Cessna U-206, 2 Islander, 12 Queen Er-80, 80 CM -170, 30 "Super Cab", 36 AH-1F, 30 Hughes 500MD, 41 АН-64 А, НН-65А, 8 AS-565, 40 CH-53D, 10 UH-60, 15 S-70A, 54 Bell 212, 39 Bell 206. UAVs: "Scout", "Pioneer", "Sbger", "Fireby", "Samson", "Deline", "Hunter Silva Arrow". ZUR: Hawk, Patriot, Chaparel.

Navy: about 6 500 people (including 300 commandos and 2,500 average years), 3 submarines "Dolphin"), 3 KORV "Saar-5", 11 RCA (7 "Saar-4.5" and 4 "Saar-4"), 31 PKA (including 13 "Super Dvora", 15 "Dabur", 3 "Coastguard").


Population 1,016,242 thousand people Military budget $ 15.9 billion (2000). The regular forces are 1,303,000 people. The reserve is 535,000 people, including the ground forces - 300,000, the air force - 140,000, the navy - 55,000, the territorial troops - 40,000. Paramilitary formations of 1,066,000 people, including the national security forces -7 400, special paramilitary forces 3,000, special border forces 9,000, Rashtri riflemen 36,000, outpost forces 31,000, police on the Indo-Tibetan border 30,000, Assamese riflemen 52,000, railroad guard forces 70,000, central industrial security forces - 88,600, police central res. - 160,000, border security forces - 174,000, guard - about 5,000, armed provincial police forces - 400,000. Recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Mob. resources 269.3 million people, including 158.1 million fit for military service

SV: 1,100 thousand people, 5 military districts, 4 field armies, 12 army corps, 35 divisions (3 armored, 4 rapid response, 18 infantry, 9 mountain infantry, artillery), a missile regiment, 15 separate (7 armored, 5 infantry, 2 mountain infantry, airborne), 4 anti-aircraft artillery, 3 engineering brigades, a missile regiment. Territorial army: 25 pb, 29 separate units. Armament: 3-5 PU OTR "Prithvi", 3414 tanks (700 T-55, 1500 T-72, 1200 "Vijayanta", 14 "Arjun"), 90 light tanks PT-76, 1350 BMP, 100 BRDM- 2,157 armored personnel carriers, 4,175 towed guns, 180 SG, 150 MLRS, more than 1,200 mortars, 4,024 ZA guns, about 1,725 ​​air defense missile systems, 160 AA helicopters.

Air Force: 150,000 people, 772 b. s., 32 b. v. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 73 MiG-29.10 Su-ZOMK, 79 MiG-23 (BN, MF and UM), 147 MiG-27.317 MiG-21 (BIS, MF, PFMA, FL and U), 94 Jaguar , 8 MiG-25 (R and U), 35 Mirage-2000 (N and TN), 12 Canberra (B58, PR-57 and PR-67), 2 Boeing 707, 4 Boeing 737, 4 HS- 748, 105 An-32,43 Do-228, 25 Il-76, 120 Kiran-1, 56 Kiran-2, 38 Hunter (F-56, T-66), 34 Mi-25 and Mi-35.80 Mi-8.37 Mi-17, 10 Mi-26, 20 Chitak, 2 Mi-24, more than 280 missiles.

Navy: 53,000 people (including 1,200 in the MP, about 2,000 women). Operational Commands: Western, Eastern, Southern, Far Eastern. FLEET: 18 submarines (4 Project 209/1500, 10 Project 877EM, 4 Project 641), 1 AVL "Hermes", 8 EM URO (3 "Delhi", 5 Project 61ME), 1 FR URO "Brahmaputra" , 7 FR (4 “Linder”, 3 Project 159A), 23 KORV (2 Project 1234E, 2 Project 25A, 4 “Khukri”, 4 Project 1241.2, 11 Project 1241RE), 3 RCA Project 205, 7 PK "Sukania", 8 PKA, 10 DK (2 TDK "Magar", 8 Project 773), 10 DKA, 18 MTK (12 Project 266M, 6 Project 1258), 1 OIS, 12 GISU, 2 UK ( including "Linder"), 2 training sailing ships, 36 APU (including 1 PBPL, 3 TNZ, 8 TN), 2 BUK. AVIATION: 5000 people Squadrons: aircraft - 8 (2 ishae, 2 pae, 1 time, 1 tae, 2 utae); helicopters - 9 (6 ae PLV, 1 ae PSP, 2 utae). Aircraft - 90 (19 Sea Harrier FRS.51, Harrier T60 / T.4.16 Tu-142.31 Do-228.5 Il-38.11 Defender, 8 Jaguar), helicopters - 84 (29 Sea King Mk42A / B / C, 5 Ka-28, 17 Ka-25, 4 Ka-31, 31 Chitak, 4 Hughes 300). BOKHR: about 5000 people, 12 PK (3 "Samar", 9 "Vikram"), 21 PKA, 16 boats. Aircraft - 17 Do-228, helicopters - 15 Chitak.

see additionally:


Population 206,213 thousand people. Military budget $ 2.271 billion (2000). The regular forces are 297,000 people. Reserve 400,000 people Militarized formations 207,000 people, including police - 195,000, naval police - 12,000 (46 PKA), customs. Acquisition: on call. Service life 24 months. Mob. resources 61.1 million people, including 35.8 million people fit for military service

SV: 230,000 people, 2 headquarters of infantry divisions, 3 infantry and 3 airborne brigades, 2 PA regiments, an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, 87 separate battalions (2 tank, 67 infantry, 8 armored cavalry, 10 engineering), 11 PA divisions, 10 anti-aircraft divisions, mixed AE, helicopter squadron, 5 special forces groups. Armament: 355 light tanks (AMX-13, PT-76, "Scorpion", 70 of them have a 90-mm gun), 143 armored personnel carriers, 461 armored personnel carriers, 285 towed guns, 875 mortars of caliber 81 and 120 mm, 415 anti-aircraft artillery mounts , 51 PU SAM "Rapira", 42 MANPADS RBS-70, 10 aircraft and 90 AA helicopters.

Air Force: 27,000 people, 1,081 b. with., b. v. no. Tactical units: 5 Ibae, IAE air defense, RAE, BPAE, 4 TAE, 3 UTAE, 3 VAE. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 20 A-4.10 Fl 6A and B, 14 Hawk Mk53, 39 Hawk Mkl09 and Mk209, 12 F-5E and F, 12 OV-10F, Boeing 707, 3 Boeing 737-200 , 19 C-130 (V, H and H-30), 2 KS-130V, 4 Cess-on 207, 5 Cessna 401.2 C-402.6 F.27-400.3 F.28-1000 and 3000 , 10 NC-212, 23 CN-235, 39 AS 202, 2 Cessna 172, 22 T-34C, 6 T-41D, 10 S-58T, 10 Hughes 500, 11 NAS-330, 4 NBO-105CD, 2 Bell 204.

Navy: 40,000 people (including 13,000 in MP, 1,000 in aviation). FLEET (Western and Eastern operational fleets, KMP): 2 submarines pr.209 / 1300, 10 FR URO (3 Fatahilla, 6 Van Speik, 1 Hajar Devantara), 7 FR (4 Claude Jones, 3 “Tribal”), 16 KORV pr.1331M, 4 RCA “Dagger”, 4 TCA “Lurssen”, 16 RCA, 30 DK, including 14 TDK (7 LST-512.6 “Tacoma”, “Teluk Amboina ") and 12 SDK pr. 108, 54 DKA, 13 MTK (2" Tripartit ", 2 pr. 254, 9" Condor-2 "), 1 ShK, 9 GISU, PM, 1 TNZ, 2 TN, 3 TR , 1 sailing training vessel, 2 BUK. AVIATION: aircraft - 60 (11 CN-235.35 Nomad, 5 Boeing 737.9 F-5E); helicopters - 16 (12 NBO-105C, 1 NAS-332F, 3 Usp HAS.1). MP: 2 infantry brigades (6 pb), 1 battalion of special forces, 1 ap (PA, air defense). Armament - 100 PT-76 tanks, 14 BRDM, 10 BMP AMX-10 RAS 90, 84 armored personnel carriers (24 AMX-10R, 60 BTR-50P), 48 SG (20 105 mm LG-1 Mk.2, 28 122- mm M-38), 15 140 mm MLRS BM-14.


Population 5,173 thousand people. Military budget $ 488 million (1999). The regular forces are 103 880 people. Reserve 35,000 people, including ground forces - 30,000. Paramilitaries (civil defense forces) 10,000 people, Recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Mob. resources 1.1 million people, including 793 thousand fit for military service

SV: 90,000 people, 4 divisions (2 armored, 2 motorized infantry), 3 separate brigades (royal guard, special purpose, PA). Southern Military District: 4 battalions (reconnaissance and 3 infantry). Armament: 1,246 tanks (M-48.354 M-60.270 Chieftain, 280 Centurion, 19 Scorpion), 32 BMP-2, 1,450 armored personnel carriers, 210 towed guns of 105, 155 and 203 mm calibers, 412 SG, 800 mortars (81, 107 and 120 mm), 640 ATGM launchers, 4,800 106-mm recoilless guns, 416 ZA guns, 250 Red Ai MANPADS, 50 Osa air defense systems, 50 Strela-10 air defense systems, 540 MANPADS ...

Air Force: 13 500 people, 93 b. s., 16 b. v. Tactical units: 3 ibae, 3 air defense Iae, 2 tae, 3 vae, 4 utae, 14 zrbat. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 50 F-5E and F, 16 F-16A and B, 16 F-16A and B, 27 Mirage-F.lCj, Ej, Bj and B, 8 C-130B and H, 4 C -212А, 2 "Gulfstream-3", 16 "Bulldog", 15 С-101, 12 RA-28-161, 6 RA-34-200 1 L-1011, 24 AN-IS, 9 AS-332M, 3 VO -105, 8 Hughes 500D, 8 UH-60, 3 S-70, SA-319. 80 PU SAM "Improved Hawk".

Navy: 480 people, 10 PKA.


Population 22,300 thousand people. Military budget $ 1.4 billion (1999). The regular forces are 429,000 people. Reserve 650,000 people Militarized formations up to 50,000 people, including security units - 15,000, border troops - 20,000, Saddam's fedayeen (volunteer armed group) - up to 15,000. Service life 18 - 24 months. Mob. resources 5.5 million people, including 3 million fit for military service

SV: 375,000 people, 7 corps headquarters, 23 divisions (3 armored, 3 mechanized, 11 infantry, 6 republican guards), 13 separate brigades (4 republican guards, 2 special forces, 7 commandos). Armament: up to 6 launchers OTR, about 2,200 tanks (T-55, T-59, T-62, 790 T-72), up to 1,000 infantry fighting vehicles, 2,400 armored personnel carriers, about 500 ZA guns, up to 500 AA helicopters (120 combat), 500 MLRS, 150 SG.

Air Force: 52,000 people (including 17,000 in air defense). Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 20 MiG-25, MiG-29, MiG-23 and MiG-27, Su-22, Mirage-Fl, 5 An-12, Il-76, RS-7, RS-9, Mi -24, Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-6, SA-32, SA-330, SA-342L, Aluette-3.

Navy: about 2,000 people, 1 RCA project 205.


Population 72 664 thousand people. Military budget $ 5.7 billion (1999). The regular forces are 513,000 people. Reserve (CB) 350,000 people Militarized formations (gendarmerie) 40,000 people. Acquisition: on call. Service life 21 months. Mob. resources 17.2 million people, including those fit for military service 10.2 million

Army Grounds: more than 325,000 people, 4 corps headquarters, 12 divisions (6 infantry, 4 armored, special forces, commandos), several brigades (including: air, landing, tank, infantry, commandos), 5 artillery groups. Armament: 40 launchers TR, 1,325 tanks (M47, M48, M60A1, Chieftain, T-55, T-59, T-62, T-72, Scorpion), 440 BMP-1 / -2, 550 BTR, 35 BRM, 1,550 towed guns (calibers 105, 122, 130, 152, 155 and 203.2 mm), 290 SG (122, 155, 170, 175 and 203.2 mm), 764 MLRS, about 6,500 mortars, over 800 anti-tank and 1,700 anti-aircraft weapons, including about 400 MANPADS, more than 633 helicopters (including 100 combat AN-1J) and 77 aircraft.

Ground Forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps: about 100,000 people, 17 - 20 divisions (including 10 infantry, 2 armored and 5 mechanized), 15 - 20 separate brigades (4 artillery, missile, anti-aircraft missile, parachute, special forces, communications, engineer-sapper, chemical protection, infantry, armored, border and indoctrination units). Armament: about 470 tanks, 366 PA guns and 40 MLRS, 140 anti-aircraft weapons, 620 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

Air Force: 45,000 people (including 15,000 in air defense), 307 b. with., b. v. no. Tactical units: 9 ibae, 7 itae, rae, 6 tae 17 zrdn. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 60 F-4 (D and E), 60 F-5 (E and F), 30 Su-24, 60 F-14, 32 F-7, 35 MiG-29, 8 RF-4E, 5 P-3F, RC-130, 15 Boeing 707, Boeing 737, 9 Boeing 747F, 23 C-130 (E, H, MR), 15 F.27, 4 Falcon-20, 10 RS-6V, 26 Beach-R-ZZA, 10 EMV-312, 45 RS-7, 7 T-33, 20 F-5B, 8 TV-21, 4 TV-200, 2 AV-206A, 39 Bell 214C, 5 CH-47. 150 PU "Hawk", 30 "Rapier", 15 "Tigercat", 45 HQ-2J.

Navy: 43,000 people (including 25,000 in the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps). FLEET: 3 submarines pr.877EKM, 3 SMPLs, 3 FR URO "Alvand", 2 KORV "Bayandor", 20 RCA (10 "Kombatant-3", 10 "Khudong"), more than 40 PKA, 13 DK (incl. h. 6 TDK), 6 KVP, 3 MTK, 38 APU (including 3 TN, 7 TR). AVIATION: About 2,000 people, aircraft - 22 (6 P-3F, 5 Do-228, 5 F-27, 4 F-4); helicopters - 15 (6 AV-212.6 ASH-3D, 3 RH-53D). MP: more than 2 600 people, 3 brigades. Rocket Forces: 4 brigades, more than ZOO PKRS-201 and S-801.


Population 3,723 thousand people. Military budget $ 725 million (2000). The regular forces are 11 460 people. Reserve 14,800 people, including Land Forces - 14,500 (1st stage - 500, 2nd - 14,000), Navy - 300. Recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Service life 36 months. Mob. resources 974.2 thousand people, including 790.2 thousand people fit for military service

SV: 9,300 people, 3 infantry brigades (each with 3 infantry brigades, an artillery regiment, a reconnaissance battalion and a sapper company), an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, a ranger company, and a light tank battalion. Reserve: 4 army groups, 18 infantry battalions, 6 artillery regiments, 3 reconnaissance battalions, 3 engineering battalions, 3 anti-aircraft batteries. Armament: 14 light tanks "Scorpion", 47 armored personnel carriers, 54 armored personnel carriers, 66 PA guns, 468 mortars, 21 PU ATGM "Milan", 26 ZAU, 7 MANPADS RBS-70.

Air Force: 1,060 people, 7 b. with., b. v. no. Tactical units: 3 air units (2 combat training and communications), 4 military units. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 7 SF-260WE, 2 CN-235MP, 6 Cessna FR-172 modifications H and K, 8 SA-316B, 5 SA-365F1, 2 SA-342L.

Navy: 1,100 people, 7 spacecraft, 2 CN-235 aircraft, 5 SA-365F helicopters.


Population 283 thousand people. Military budget $ 19 million (2000). There are no regular aircraft. Paramilitary formations (BOKHR) 120 people. Mob. resources 71 thousand people, including 62.6 thousand people fit for military service

BOHR: 120 people, 3 PK, 3 PS, F-27 aircraft, 3 helicopters (SA-365N, SA-332, AS-350B).


Population 39 237 thousand people. Military budget $ 7 billion (2000). The regular forces are 166,050 people. Reserve 447,900 people, including Land Forces - 436,000, Air Force - 8,000, Navy - 3,900. Militarized formations 75,760 people, including Civil Guard - 75,000, forces of observation of the situation at sea - 760. Acquisition: on call. Service life 9 months. Mob. resources of 10.4 million people, including 8.3 million people fit for military service

SV: 100,000 people, 8 regional operational commands, a mechanized division, 9 combined-arms brigades (2 armored cavalry, 3 light infantry, mountain infantry, airmobile, airborne, brigade of the “Spanish legion”), 2 regiments of the “Spanish legion”, 3 garrisons on the islands, artillery brigade, engineering brigade, AA brigade, 2 coastal artillery regiments, 3 special operations battalions, 6 anti-aircraft artillery regiments. Armament: 665 tanks (of which 108 Leopard-2 A4), 340 armored personnel carriers, 14 infantry fighting vehicles, 1,624 armored personnel carriers, 457 towed artillery guns and 202 self-propelled guns, 14 MLRS, 409 120-mm mortars, 1,314 82-mm mortars , 442 PU ATGM "Milan", 28 KHOT, 200 TOU, more than 638 ZA guns, 24 PU SAM "Improved Hawk", 18 "Roland", 13 "Skyguard Aspide", 108 MANPADS "Mistral", 174 helicopters (of which 28 shock), 2 radar AN / TPQ-36.

Air Force: 29 100 people (including 11,000 average words), 211 b. with., b. v. no. Tactical units: 7 Ibae, 5 Iae air defense, times, bpae, Yutae, 6 air support, 10 Utae, Vae PSP. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 90 EF-18A and B, 35 F-5B, 66 Mirage-Fl (modifications CF, BE and EE), 14 RF-4C, 7 P-ZA and B, 4 Boeing 707, 7 C -130Н, 5 КС-130Н, 78 С-212, 2 Cessna 560, 74 С-101,15 CL-215, 5 "Falcon-20S", "Falcon-50", 2 "Fal-con-900", 3 F.27.37 E-26.20 CN-235.5 E-20.25 E-24.5 SA-330, 16 AS-332, 13 Hughes 300, 8 S-76C.

Navy: 36 950 people (including 10,700 average words, 830 women) and 7,900 citizens. ate .; fleet, 4 VMZ. FLEET: flotillas: escort (3 squadrons), submarine and mine-sweeping forces; groups: aviation and amphibious forces; 8 PL (4 "Agosta", 4 "Daphne"), 1 AVL "Prince of Asturias", 17 FR URO (6 "Santa Maria", 5 "Ba-leares", 6 "Descubierta"), 6 PC (4 " Serviola, Chilro, Alboran), 26 PKA (including 10 Anaga, 6 Barcelo), 11 MTK (1 Egressive, 6 Adjutant, 4 Segura), 4 DK (1 DVKD "Galicia", 2 TDK "Newport", 1 DVTR "Paul River"), 12 DKA, 1 RZK, 1 OIS, 6 GISU, 2 TNZ, 3 TN, 3 TR, 1 SS, 3 diving vessels , 4 training sailing ships, 5 BUK. AVIATION: 700 people Aircraft - 17 EAV-8B / 8B + (Shae), 3 Site-2 (NPP); helicopters: 11 SH-3D / G / H (ae PLV), 6 SH-60B (ae PLV), 10 AV-212 and 4 AV-204 (ae PSP), 10 Hughes 500 (utae). MARINE INFANTRY: 6,900 people Brigade (3,000 people, 2 infantry battalions, 1 supply battalion, 3 PA batteries), 5 garrison groups. Armament: 33 tanks (16 M60AZ, 17 "Scorpion"), 51 armored personnel carriers (16 LVTP-7, 35 BLR), 12 BG M-56, 6 SG M-109A, 54 106-mm recoilless guns, 30 launchers ATGM (12 TOU, 18 "Dragon"), 12 PU SAM "Mistral".


Population 57 930 thousand people. Military budget $ 16 billion (2000). The regular forces are 250 600 people. Reserve 65,200 people, including Land Forces - 11,900, Air Force - 30,300, Navy - 23,000. Militarized formations 252,500 people, including troops of the Carabinieri -110,000, Ministry of Internal Affairs - 79,000 , financial guard - 63,500. Recruitment: by conscription. Service life 10 months. Mob. resources 14.1 million people, including those fit for military service 12.2 million

SV: 153,000 people Operational command headquarters, 3 headquarters of military districts, SBR (mechanized, airborne assault and airborne brigades, amphibious and engineer regiments, AA regiment), Alpine troops (3 Alpine brigades, an engineer regiment, AA regiment, Alpine parachute battalion) , 2 defensive forces command (2 tank, 4 mechanized and armored cavalry brigades, 2 engineering regiments, AA regiment), operational forces support command (anti-aircraft artillery division: 3 Hawk SAM regiments, 2 anti-aircraft artillery regiments; artillery brigade: heavy artillery regiment , 3 artillery regiments, ZOMP regiment; AA division: 2 regiments and 2 AA battalions). Armament: 1,398 tanks (of which 868 "Leopard-1"), 2,647 armored personnel carriers, 895 PA guns (including 231 self-propelled calibers 155 and 203 mm), 22 MLRS MLRS, about 2,045 mortars, 434 80- mm recoilless guns, 60 Hok missile launchers, 112 Stinger MANPADS, 361 helicopters (of which 45 A-129 shock), 432 TOU-2V ATGM launchers, 752 Milan ATGM launchers, 12 aircraft.

Air Force: 59 600 people (including 17,800 average food), 336 b. with., b. v. no. Tactical subdivisions: 8 Ibae, 5 Iae Air Defense, 2 AE BPA, AE EW, AE aircraft laboratories, 3 TAE, 3 NPP, UTAE VAE PSP, 20 Zrdn. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 116 "Tornado-IDS, -ADV, -ESK", 65 P-U4A8A (35 more in operation), 6TR-104O (12 more in operation), 104 AMX, 73 MV-339.14 MB-339CD, 14 Atlantic (4 more in res.), 4 Boeing 707-320, 15 С-130Н, 39 G-222, 2 DC9-32, 2 Gulfstream-3, 3 Falcon-50 , 7 R-166, 5 R-180, 7 PD-808, 26 SF-260M, 29 SIAI-208, 21 HH-3F, 1 SH-3D, 27 AB-212, 51 NH-500D. Air defense 6 air defense missile "Nike - Hercules", 14 air defense complex "Spada".

Navy: 38,000 people (incl. 11,000 Wed ate); Fleet, 5 territorial commands, SSO. FLEET: 3 squadrons, a flotilla of corvettes, command of submarine and mine-sweeping forces, aviation. 8 PL (4 "Sauro", 4 "Advanced Sauro"), 1 AVL "Garibaldi", 1 CR "V. Veneto ", 4 EM URO (2" De la Penne ", 2" Audache "), 16 FR URO (8" Maestrale ", 4" Lupo ", 4" Artilieres "), 8 KORV" Minerva ", 8 PC ( 2 "Bambu", 4 "Cassiopeia", 2 "Egressive"), 3 PKA "Esploratore", 3 DVD "San Giorgio", 26 DKA, 1 ShK MTS, 12 MTK (4 "Leri-chi", 8 "Gaeta "), 45 APU (including 8 TR, 3 TNZ, 14 TN, 5 OS, 3 OIS, 2 SS, 3 PM, 2 diving ships), 5 training ships (including 2 sailing), 51 BUK (including 43 raid ones). MTR: groups: special purpose (3), combat swimmers (1). AVIATION: 2,500 people Squadrons: aircraft - 1 shae; helicopters - 5 ae PLV, 1 ae TDV. Aircraft -18 (16 AV-8B, 2 TAV-8B); helicopters - 81 (26 SH-3D / H, 51 AB-212.4 EH-101). MP: 1,000 people, armament - 30 VCC-1 armored personnel carriers, 10 LVTP-7 armored personnel carriers, 16 81-mm mortars, 8 106-mm BZOs, 6 PU ATGM "Milan".


Population 17 766 thousand people. Military budget $ 374 million (1999). The regular forces are 66 300 people. Reserve (CB) 40,000 people Militarized formations of 70,000 people, including the forces of the Ministry of National Security - 50,000, armed detachments of tribes - 20,000. Recruiting: upon conscription. Service life 36 months. Mob. resources 3.8 million people, including 2.1 million fit for military service

SV: 61,000 people, 45 brigades (9 armored, special forces, 18 infantry, 7 mechanized, 3 missile, 2 airborne and 5 artillery), security forces, 3 anti-aircraft and 4 anti-aircraft missile divisions. Armament: 18 launchers OTR, 12 launchers TR, 990 tanks (T-34, T-55, T-62, M60), 200 armored personnel carriers, 200 infantry fighting vehicles, 440 armored personnel carriers, 412 towed guns, 36 100-mm coastal artillery guns, 185 MLRS, more than 71 ATGM launchers, 370 ZU calibers 20.23, 37, 57 and 85 mm, 30 SU-100 self-propelled guns, 600 mortars.

Air Force: 3,500 people, 49 b. with. (40 more in res.), 8 b. v. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 12 F-5 E and B, 16 Su-20, 15 MiG-21, 5 MiG-29, 2 An-12, 4 An-26, 3 S-130N, 4 Il-14, 3 Il -76, 14 Yak-11, 2 AV-212, AV-47, AV-214, 14 Mi-8, 8 Mi-35.

Navy: 1,800 people (including 500 in the MP), 5 RSA (3 "Haunfen", 2 pr. 1241), 3 large ("Brodsward") and 5 small (pr. 1400) PKA, 1 TDK pr. 775, 2 MDK pr. I 76, 6 MTK (1 pr. 266ME, 5 pr. 1258), 2 TN, 2 TR.

Colonel of Justice M. Gatsko, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,
Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences

One of the important components of military organizational development is the manning of the armed forces. According to the generally accepted opinion, recruitment is a system of providing the army and navy with military personnel and civilian personnel in peacetime and wartime, established by the state and regulated by the norms of military law, as well as creating a stock of militarily trained human resources.

In the modern armed forces of foreign states, the following main methods of manning them with military personnel are used:
- on the basis of universal conscription by calling citizens into military service (Israel, North Korea, etc.);
- the militia method based on the law on universal military service (Switzerland);
- on a voluntary basis by recruiting military personnel under contract (USA, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, etc.);
- mixed - on the basis of the law on universal military service and voluntary recruitment of servicemen under contract (Germany, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Turkey, Belarus, etc.).

According to foreign experts, the method of recruiting the army by conscription is necessary due to the following circumstances:
- firstly, to protect the state from large-scale aggression;
- secondly, it contributes to the social cohesion of young people who come from different class, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds;
- thirdly, this ensures more effective interaction between the state and its citizens;
- fourthly, this ensures a regular renewal of the armed forces, as well as the possibility of constant training of military-trained mobilization resources of the state;
- Fifthly, conscription in the form of an alternative civil service annually provides an inflow of cheap labor, which allows the functioning of social services in the state.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that, from an economic point of view, a conscript costs the state much cheaper than a professional soldier. States that do not have sufficient funds to maintain the armed forces or save money on recruiting a military organization, to one degree or another, use the draft method of recruiting.
The main disadvantages of the conscription method of manning the armed forces are: low level of professional training of servicemen; their lack of interest in the results of military labor and, as a rule, a lower level of social and legal protection of servicemen. However, it should be borne in mind that conscript armies are more effective in carrying out large-scale operations to repel external aggression. But the forces of conscript armies are inappropriate to carry out special operations outside the state, where prompt and precise actions of specially trained contingents of professional military personnel are required. Moreover, the use of the conscript contingent for such purposes is today prohibited by the legislation of most of the world's democratic states.

In absolute terms, conscript armies in foreign countries are almost never found today. Even the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), where millions of enlisted and junior military personnel serve on conscription, has also introduced a voluntary method of enrolling citizens into contract military service. One of the few states where the armed forces are still recruited predominantly is Israel.

Foreign military review No. 1 2009 P.28-31

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