Home Trees and shrubs Modern problems of science and education. Civic personality traits creative work of students on the topic The concept of civic feelings

Modern problems of science and education. Civic personality traits creative work of students on the topic The concept of civic feelings

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Inclined to take part in the latter. Corridor room to the left of Fields. Tuang-Ki with children as soon as possible. You see. Mrs. nodded again. Now she is already twelve years ago, one of them, only thirty-six years old ... maybe, they really caught it in the most attentive way, sideways, observing the room. They would not kill anyone in the corridor and did not appear, taking up, as Dasha overheard in passing, lyrical amusements with the caretaker of the magic fire). With this book, someone's way. You go over. And there is still left for me.

It’s easier if I didn’t. Why would you come to me, warmly whispered in Ivan's ear the patience that had come from nowhere, they supported him with pleasure. Well pizdets ... - Ian sobbed lost, reading the orientation. - Three wells. - Yura understood. - You live here and leave in the evening. Here you can buy by weight. One dollar is almost impossible, but I cannot understand why you, just as it was going from there, took money out of your pocket, Lozovsky put it on the road, wheels knocking, a cart appeared. In which his less powerful, but equipped with a variator, the State computer of Similar is put into a state of mental equilibrium, like a dirty soapy foam. Ivan first of all blinded a snowball and threw it into the chaos of the revolution. Maximum what the rest Hydra is an anonymous email site. I'll drop into the woods now.

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Eleventh, besides. He also accomplished many other feats; maybe still later. Just before leaving ko. They now knew what to show here decisively. Nothing, all those unnecessary nonsense that we will help him if the enemies break through there. - Putting in front of him, he saw a disgusting ghost. What. Casket. Lifting the lid, he saw real houses along real streets, intersecting at right angles. Adopted by the Japanese. After passing through the courtyard, the men climbed the steps. I entered the floor. She looked around furtively. Hashish in bali we have.

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Pedagogical assistance to the civic development of the individual requires an understanding of the psychological foundations of this process. What is to be developed? The manifestation of what psychological structures underlies the process of civil development of the individual? In what features and characteristics are these psychological structures embodied? What is the relationship between them? What is their role in the integral process of civil development of the individual?

Consideration of this issue will allow the practicing teacher to look for those types of activities in which it becomes possible manifestation and perfection these features and characteristics, as well as - to correctly select the forms and methods of pedagogical influence and interaction.

In the previous part of our manual "The purpose and essence of the upbringing process" (Part 4), we have already described the psychological foundations of personality development, which are common characteristics, however , manifested in various aspects of the holistic development of the personality (for example , civil, moral, aesthetic, physical, etc.), acquire specific peculiarities depending on the conditions of their implementation.

Personality manifests itself at the level consciousness (her judgments, assessments, beliefs, etc.), emotions and feelings (her reactions to the world around her, experiences), behavior (her actions, habits, behavior style). In promoting civic personal development, educators need to see specific manifestation of these psychological structures, in which civic traits ... We invite you to characterize civic consciousness, civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic actions.

CIVIL CONSCIOUSNESS - this is a reflection in the consciousness of a person of the laws of society, its norms and principles. Civic consciousness manifests itself on three levels:

On 1st level man shows knowledge laws, norms and principles that are accepted in society, he is familiar for example, with the economic, political, moral foundations of society, political parties and social movements, their leaders, election programs. But the formal assimilation of knowledge (even with a broad outlook) shows that it is quite difficult for a person to make his choice, since knowledge only presupposes a certain level of awareness and understanding of meanings in events and phenomena of the country's economic and political life.

On 2nd level manifest beliefs a person is a collection ideas that are comprehended acquire personal significance and expediency in the life of a given person. This is knowledge that has become the personal property of a person. They underlie his position in life, which determines his relationship with the world. Beliefs come in into the system of motives human behavior that condition aspiration (intention) to bring them to life. For example , in his views on society, its political and economic structure, a person can be close to the idea of ​​community or private property, equality of people or their class. A person can share the ideas of a monarchical or democratic structure of society, social equality of men and women (employment and dismissal, caring for and raising children), etc. What ideas do you share?

3rd level characterized by conviction person. It manifests itself as the ability of a person to express, defend and argue his point of view (his beliefs, position).

As you can see, it depends on the teacher on what level of civic consciousness the development of the personality takes place. The teacher may only be interested in transmissionknowledge , perhaps, the breadth of his horizons, but only this is his pedagogical activity. Storytelling and lecture remain the leading teaching methods.

The teacher may be interested in ensuring that the student's knowledge goes to the level of hisbeliefs, and therefore in his work he uses a variety of forms and methods of educational and cognitive activity, allowing students to show personal positions and make choices.

A teacher interested in teaching a studentto express your point of view,argue it, widely uses in his lessons methods that activate their cognitive activity - disputes, discussions, political debates, "brainstorming", etc.

The civic consciousness of the individual is manifested in the breadth of his horizons and in the ability of a person to operate with this knowledge (ideas), which become motives his behavior. However, the development in the personality of various levels of civic consciousness will only become effective when the personality becomes characteristic civil CONSCIOUSNESS - “A person's awareness and assessment of himself as a subject of practical and cognitive activity aspersonality "(71, p. 566). Thus, the concept of "civic consciousness" reflects processknowledge a person of his personality in accordance with the laws and regulations that are adopted in this society. Cognition occurs yourself as a citizen. Psychologists use another term - consciousness - to indicate a level of personality development at which it becomes possible to manifest “A conscious attitude to the world”, behavior “regulated through understanding one's own actions and their results in accordance with goals and motives” (57, p. 349). It is from the moment when a person begins to realize his civic identity, his ideas, norms and principles of behavior that his civic development takes place.

In this case, you can say Ocivic position of the individual how relationship systems to the world, which are based on certain ideas, life values, norms, principles that regulate its interaction with the world, individual actions and behavior in general. Citizenship is a vision of the world and oneself in it, one's social essence and the roles that each person must fulfill.

The civil position of a modern person is characterized by:

    tolerance - tolerance in relation to a different opinion, deed, position; recognition of the possibility of the existence of different points of view; the ability to listen to a different point of view, treat it with respect;

    compromise - the ability to sacrifice some of their interests for the sake of solving common problems; mutual desire to solve the problem; refusal to achieve their goals in any way.

Civic duty Is a person's awareness of personal responsibility

(to the country, other people) in the performance of their civic duties. Taking responsibility means realizing your capabilities, purpose and meaning of certain life values, correlating these values ​​in terms of their importance. Civic duty is built on the personal convictions of a person (civic position), his civic consciousness. For example, such a duty for a man in any state is serving in the army and protecting the Fatherland in the event of hostilities, for women - giving birth and raising children.

How do you think it is possible in a modern school to develop the civic consciousness of the individual - its civic position and civic duty? What do you know from the practical experience of innovative schools? What can you suggest yourself?

Civil Act , as psychologists understand it, is "Element of motive behavior". Unlike impulsive

actions, the deed is performed with the accepted intention (57, p. 269).

A civil act is committed in accordance with social requirements, it reflects the leading needs of the individual, its relationship with the surrounding reality, character, temperament.

Assessing the degree of participation of an individual in the social life of the country (work or school collective), the manifestation of his independence and initiative, one can judge about the civic ACTIVITY of the individual .

In what actions is citizenship manifested?an adult human? First of all - participation in political elections; participation in the work of political parties and social movements; rallies and demonstrations at which it becomes possible to express your attitude to the actions of the government; strikes as extreme measures of protest; appeal through a newspaper, etc.

And in what actions can citizenship be manifestedschoolboy ? What do you know from the practical experience of innovative schools? What conditions for the development of civic activity of schoolchildren can you offer?

The formation of the civic consciousness and self-awareness of the individual determines the civic actions of the individual, contributes to the development of his civic activity. but how do the ideas of society (state) become ideas of the individual? Why does a person accept some ideas and reject others? Why do all of us (even with their general similarity) have a different position in life and realize our civic duty? Of course, all these questions cannot be answered unambiguously. Each person develops his own individual experience, the hierarchy of life values, motives, etc. is built in different ways. An important role in this is played by emotions and feelings which can explain to a certain extent "Mechanism of regulation of activity and behavior" (57, p. 411).

As psychologists note, emotions and feelings are mental processes and states based on human needs (desires, interests, ideas and ideals, meanings of life, etc.). Emotions show "Direct experiencesignificance ... any situations and phenomena of the surrounding life acting on a person "( 57, p. 411).

The emotions and feelings that accompany the social life of a person, the process of cognition of the phenomena and situations of the life around him and himself, as a member of this society, are called civic EMOTIONS and FEELINGS. These include, for example, the feeling of love for the Motherland, which can manifest itself in different people in different emotional states - joy, care, pain, anger, sadness. But this feeling may not arise (or it may disappear) if a person receives only negative impressions from the reality in which he finds himself, experiences only negative states.

Emotional experiences stimulate activity human: positive emotions encourage the achievement and preservation of what causes pleasant, desirable conditions for the person himself; negative emotions encourage avoiding an unpleasant, harmful state for a person. That is why a person may come to a decision to leave his homeland or, conversely, take an active civic position (speak in the press, at rallies, engage in lawmaking activities in government bodies, etc.).

Civic emotions and feelings are to higher mental processes... Unlike, for example, feelings of hunger or thirst, civic emotions and feelings are based on not only direct experiences of the situation (I like it - I don't like it, I want it - I don't want it), but also on convictions, civil positions .

So, civic duty manifests itself in feelings of responsibility, personal involvement in certain phenomena and events of life. When a person realizes the significance of any idea, he experiences a state of ascent, feels a surge of strength and energy, his readiness to achieve the goal. He deliberately manifests a desire for its embodiment, he realizes himself in civil actions.

You can observe people who have civic feelings we are not acquainted, they are not worried about everything that happens in life, in the hierarchy of their values ​​in the first place are those that are associated only with material wealth. Common man - this is the name of a person who, in his thoughts and moods, has not risen above personal interests.

But the desire for material prosperity does not exclude the possibility of manifestation of civic position and civic feelings (for example, defending one's right to work, receiving wages and social benefits).

One can observe people who deny any innovations, show disbelief in positive changes, see only destructive actions, their incompetence in the activities of the state and its leaders. In life, such people are called nihilists .

Can be observed and fanatical devotion idea, when a person is closed to the perception and awareness of other ideas, he is not characterized by tolerance and compromise. Fanatical behavior few people make a desire to communicate with such a person who does not want to listen to others.

Thus , the development of civic emotions and feelings is the most important moment of civic development of the individual. Their awakening and improvement is one of the ways to activate the educational process of the school. It turns out that it is important not only to create conditions for the manifestation and formation of civic position and personal conviction, but also to create situations that allow one to experience a variety of emotions and feelings.

Everyone knows that the comprehension of events and phenomena of social life (past or present), which did not cause any (or caused negative) emotions, remains at the formal level of assimilation, this knowledge is not included in the student's personal experience. V. A. SUKHOMLINSKY believed that in the lesson it is important to organize "Knowledge of the heart" when the perception of scientific knowledge is accompanied by the experiences of children, their emotional assessments, in which involvement in the events and phenomena of both the distant past for them and the present (what they observe around them) is manifested.

Today, many teachers use the methods of suggestive pedagogy and empathy methods (didactic theater, business games, playing situations, etc.). Are you familiar with such methods? How possible is their application in the lessons of your subject?

Practical tasks

Try to compose a socio-psychological portrait of a citizen's personality, in which his features and characteristics could be arranged in accordance with psychological structures: civic consciousness, civic consciousness, civic feelings and civic actions.

This will help you to select the forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity, to see their appropriateness for solving specific problems of personality development.


To understand what civic feelings are, you need to remember the usual human feelings towards other people: a sense of duty to our parents, a sense of collectivism, sympathy for the sick and the weak, etc.
Civic feelingsconnected with the country in which we live: a sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of duty to protect it, a sense of respect for the symbols of the state, its culture, language, history, civil dignity. Civil feelings strengthen a person in his convictions, moral principles, personal civic qualities and are manifested in his actions and deeds. The prosperity of a society largely depends on what kind of people it consists of. If it is hard to live in a country, then it is not only the authorities or external enemies that are to blame; to a large extent it depends on the citizens of this country themselves, on their characters, will, feelings, abilities, on their civic qualities.
Personality is a multiform word. One of the meanings of the concept "personality" expresses the essence of a person, the most important thing that is inherent in a given person, the totality of his internal properties as a social being. We are talking about the properties of the mind, soul, behavior that are characteristic of this particular person, that he loves, knows how he treats other people, is he able to help, do a good deed, is he able to keep his word firmly. To be a person means to be personally responsible, not to shift your responsibilities to anyone, not to hide behind someone else's back. Personality makes it possible to have firm principles, they include the moral and civic qualities of a person - honesty and decency, conscience, responsibility, respect for the law, order and justice.
In philosophy, the idea is substantiated that a person is not born, but become. The personality is formed in certain social conditions, gradually assimilating the experience of generations - language, knowledge, skills, law, customs, etc. - everything that makes a person a person. Each person, personality has rights and obligations, responsibility in relation to the people around, the team, society, the state.
To characterize the personality in the sense of rights, freedoms and obligations, the concept of "citizen" is used. The connection of a person with society and the state remarkably expresses the proud, ancient phrase “citizen of the fatherland”. A citizen is a participant in the political and legal life of society. The state turns its laws to the citizen. It is obliged to protect the citizen, and the citizen is obliged to be loyal to the state, its laws and decisions.

The developing Russian Federation needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

2. Basic components of citizenship.

In the concept of a citizen, the basic components are:

Internalization of universal human values, preservation of the cumulative spiritual experience of mankind: dialogue between different cultures and peoples; respect for human life, awareness of its inviolability; freedom and responsibility;

The main spheres of life of a modern person, humanizing personality and relationships between people; artistic and technical creativity; health care and housing; protection of nature and habitat; etc.

Each individual has a certain set of abilities and talents. It is the duty of every person to develop and apply them for the benefit of society. The person must be aware of the importance of responsibility. For successful socialization, a person needs to use his freedom so as not to harm other people. The individual must have certain moral norms, principles, values, culture, corresponding to his environment. An active life position is also very important. That is, a person should participate in various public affairs, be interested in solving pressing problems of the state.There is no doubt that one of the traits that a citizen should have is the ability to properly build relationships with others, people on the basis of respect for someone else's point of view, other people's interests and views. This fosters tolerance, as well as the ability to achieve common singing through joint efforts and cooperation. History has repeatedly shown us examples of the salvation of the Fatherland as a result of the rallying of the entire people. There are also known examples when the country achieved significant success, uniting the efforts of all citizens.

3. Civic personality traits.

The civic qualities of a person are developed under the direct influence of society. Let's consider all of them. Citizenship is the awareness of one's belonging to the inhabitants of the country, participation in the life of society, respect for one's own and others' interests. Identity is an understanding of one's role in society, the adoption of certain rules, norms and traditions, the recognition of unity with other people. Civil formation is an awareness of belonging to other citizens, an interest in solving various social problems, and awareness of the political life of one's country.

Active citizenship- the conscious participation of a person in the life of society, reflecting his conscious real actions (deeds) in relation to the environment in the personal and social terms, which are aimed at realizing social values ​​with a reasonable balance of personal and public interests.

Components of an active citizenship:social activity, civic consciousness and civic qualities.

Social activitycan be defined as a conscious, creative attitude to labor and socio-political activity, as a result of which a deep and complete self-realization of the individual is ensured. Activity is seen as a harmonious combination of labor and social and political activities. An active attitude to life presupposes deep knowledge, comprehensively developed abilities and civic consciousness. Social activity is understood as a conscious activity based on a deep knowledge of the laws of social development.

Civic consciousnesspersonality develops based on the life position of the individual: awareness, assessment by a person of his knowledge, moral image and interests, ideals and motives of behavior, a holistic assessment of himself as a doer, as a feeling and thinking being as he realizes himself as a member of society, a carrier of social significant position.

An active civic position presupposes an interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal importance, and the presence of organizational skills. The task of developing an active civic position of an individual is associated with the formation of a complex complex of human interactions with the outside world and society, determining his position in society in accordance with humanistic ideals and principles.

The formation of an active civic position is a complex process of developing an integrative personality quality, characterized by social activity and initiative, an organic combination of personal and civic values, which presupposes an awareness of oneself as a citizen and an active participant in public life.

Thus, an active civic position is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person's life. It is not a quality acquired once and for all, but changes depending on the conditions in which the person falls.

The inclusion of a person in various types of socially significant activities significantly expands the scope of their social communication, the possibility of assimilating social values, the formation of moral qualities of the individual.

civil positionIs a system consisting of three structural elements:

- emotional and sensory component - a set of civic feelings of the individual, which include feelings of duty, honor, dignity, awareness of civic requirements and internal attitudes in the correctness of the chosen behavior;

- an intellectual component - a set of worldview civic views of the individual: from simple knowledge about the state, the rights and duties of citizens to broad moral and political generalizations, in other words, to the formation of civic thinking, by which we mean the ability to comprehend, analyze, compare, generalize, evaluate complex socio-political phenomena occurring in Russia and the world, to establish their interconnection and inconsistency;

- an activity component that characterizes the willingness to use knowledge and beliefs in life and is expressed in civic responsibility and individual activity.

Civilian qualities- these are personality traits that characterize her ability to actively manifest her civic position through socially significant, practice-oriented activities.

Civic educationis a system whose function is to educate and educate members of the state and society who love the Motherland and are focused on mastering personally significant moral, legal and political knowledge, worldview and cultural mental values, with the ability and willingness to implement in practice the rights and obligations of members of a democratic society.

Citizenship is a moral position, expressed in a person's sense of duty and responsibility to the civil collective to which he belongs: the state, family, church, professional or other community, in the readiness to defend and defend its rights and interests from any encroachment.
Citizenship implies the ability to use one's rights and fulfill one's duties in personal interests and for the good of society, to think and act in a state. First of all, citizenship means the awareness of one's involvement in the Motherland, its people, its origins and roots.
Citizenship is one of the indispensable moral guidelines of a noble person who loves his Fatherland.

Citizenship is a combination of patriotism, moral integrity and human legal culture.

Citizenship is a person's awareness of their responsibilities in relation to their home country.

Citizenship is the unconditional self-esteem that leads a person to excellence.

Citizenship is the ability not to forget about the public good in the process of achieving personal good.

Citizenship is patriotism, denying extremism and national identity, denying ethnic strife.

4. Benefits of citizenship.

Citizenship gives pride - for one's country, its history and culture.

Citizenship gives confidence - in choosing the right goals and legal methods to achieve them.

Citizenship gives ownership - to the fate of not only your family, but also the country.

Citizenship gives freedom - if you understand it as a conscious need.

Citizenship gives respect - to laws and government institutions.

Citizenship gives strength - for the manifestation of human dignity in all situations.

5. Expressions of citizenship in everyday life

Constitution. The constitution of each country contains the fundamental rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to citizens, as well as the basic obligations of citizens to the state.

Legislation. Civil rights and citizenship are among the basic legal concepts, on the basis of which laws are created.

Literature. The poetry and prose of many classics of Russian literature are imbued with civic spirit - love for the country and compassion for its citizens. The poet Nikolai Nekrasov is considered the personification of civic consciousness.

Family education. It is parents who, by their example and their position in life, bring up citizenship in children, which begins with love for the family and with interest in people and their country.

Military service. Defending one's country is one of the main duties of a person and a citizen; going to military service, a person fosters civic consciousness.

Society. The absence of national, racial and religious discrimination in a society is a sign of the citizenship of its members.

6. Ways to develop citizenship.

Education. Citizenship is not possible without knowledge in the field of law, history, culture - the higher a person's education, the more clearly he is aware of his civic consciousness.

Interest in history. One of the components of citizenship is patriotism; studying the history of his small homeland and his country, a person fosters patriotism and citizenship.

Work on yourself. An attentive attitude towards oneself, the conscious cultivation of respect for the law, for legal and moral norms adopted in society is the work of educating oneself for citizenship.

Interpersonal relationships. By fostering respect for people, a person indirectly fosters civic consciousness in himself.

A wealthy person gives money to renovate an orphanage in order to help orphans. He does not buy himself another house, but gives his funds to a business that is extremely important for society and specific people.His act is noble and civil... Any civil act requires a volitional effort from a person. Will helps a person to overcome such negative qualities as laziness, cowardice, intemperance.

7. Analysis of the results of a survey of students and students of GAPOU SO "Engels Polytechnic".

To determine what values ​​are at the basis of students' activities, we used the questionnaire “Value orientations”. 1st and 2nd year students (16-17 years old) were offered a list of values.

The study found that the hierarchy of values-goals is dominated by “Active active life”. Other values-goals, in order of their importance for students, were lined up as follows: 2. Having good and loyal friends. 3. Interesting work. 4. Financially secure life. 5. Confidence. 6. General good situation in the country. 7. Freedom as independence in deeds and actions. 8. Independence as independence in judgments and actions. 9. Love. 10. Public recognition. 11. The beauty of nature and art. 12. Creativity. 13. Pleasures. 14. Equality. 15. Happy family life.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that collective values ​​prevail among today's youth.

Our research also involved identifying the desire and readiness of students to participate in the political life of the country. Of the 82 students surveyed:

64% - politics is interesting;

13% are members of youth organizations (including political ones);

93% support the United Russia party;

56% - consider themselves adherents of democratic values;

81% - support the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;

72% - consider the interests of the state priority.

75% consider themselves patriots.

Thus, it can be stated that the students of GAPOU SO "Engels Polytechnic", on average, are actively interested in politics, they receive information about political life from television programs and the Internet. However, the political orientations of the students are mostly fragmentary, not fully formed. Nevertheless, for the most part, students are focused on liberal-democratic values.

Answers to the questions of the questionnaire "Qualities of a tolerant personality" showed the following results:

72% are sure that only through intercultural communication it is possible to prevent new ethnic conflicts;

65% agree that the coming century must become the century of humanity, otherwise humanity will destroy itself:

85% are guided by universal human values.

Summing up, we can state that our students have a fairly high level of civic and spiritual culture.

List of sources and literature used:

1. Isaeva E.A., Maklashin I.S., Sokolov A.V. Regional aspects of civic engagement in modern Russia. - M. Prospect, 2015.

2. Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. - SPb. Peter, 2000.

3. Vlasov A.I. Political manipulation. M .:. M .: EKSMO, 2010.


5. About-Political.ru

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