Home Trees and shrubs Old words of the Russian language and their meaning. "new meanings of old words" lecture at a school conference. Socio-aesthetic role of archaisms in classical fiction

Old words of the Russian language and their meaning. "new meanings of old words" lecture at a school conference. Socio-aesthetic role of archaisms in classical fiction

Obsolete words, as well as dialectal, can be divided into two different groups: archaisms and historicisms .

Archaisms- these are words that, due to the appearance of new words, have gone out of use. But their synonyms are in modern Russian.

For example:

right hand- right hand, Lanites- cheeks, ramen- shoulders, loins- the loin and so on.

But it is worth noting that archaisms, nevertheless, may differ from modern synonymous words. These differences can be in the morpheme composition ( fisherman- fisherman, friendship - friendship), in their lexical meaning ( stomach- life, the guest- merchant,), in grammatical form ( at the ball- at the ball, execute- perform) and phonetic features ( mirror- mirror, gishpan- Spanish). Many words are completely outdated, but still they have modern synonyms. For example: ruin- death or harm, hope- to hope and firmly believe, so that- to. And in order to avoid possible errors in the interpretation of these words, when working with works of fiction, it is strongly recommended to use a dictionary of outdated words and dialect phrases, or an explanatory dictionary.

Histories- these are words that denote such phenomena or objects that have completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.

Many words have become historicisms that denoted various household items of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were somehow connected with the economy of the past, the old culture, the socio-political system that once existed. Many historicisms are found among words that, in one way or another, are related to military topics.

For example:

Redoubt, chain mail, visor, squeak etc.

Most of the obsolete words refer to clothing and household items: prosak, light, endova, camisole, armyak.

Also, the words that denote titles, professions, positions, estates that once existed in Russia can be attributed to historicisms: tsar, lackey, boyar, steward, equestrian, barge haule, tinker etc. Manufacturing activities such as horse tram and manufacture. Phenomena of patriarchal life: purchase, rent, corvee and others. Disappeared technologies such as honey brewing and tinning.

Words that arose in the Soviet era also became historicisms. These include words such as: food detachment, NEP, Makhnovist, educational program, Budenovite and many others.

Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between archaisms and historicisms. This is connected both with the revival of the cultural traditions of Russia, and with the frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. These words include words denoting measures of length or measurement of weight, calling Christian and religious holidays and others and others.

A temporary worker is a person who has achieved power and a high position in the state thanks to his personal closeness to the monarch.

A temporary worker is a person who has reached a high position by chance.

Vskuy - in vain, in vain, in vain.

Drive away - in pursuit.

In vain - in vain, in vain.

Outside - from the outside, not being in a close relationship.

I will take it out - always, at any time, incessantly.

Wii (viry, iriy) is a wondrous, promised, warm side, somewhere far away by the sea, accessible only to birds and snakes.

Howl - meal time, also food portion, food portion.

Vyalitsa is a blizzard.

Vyuschiy is the greater, the highest.


Guy is an oak grove, a grove, a small deciduous forest.

Galloon - gold or silver tinsel braid.

Garrison - military units located in a city or fortress.

Garchik - pot, crinka.

Gatki, gat - flooring made of logs or brushwood in a muddy place. Roll up - lay down the hammer.

Gashnik - belt, belt, drawstring for tying pants.

Guards - select privileged troops; military units serving as guards for sovereigns or military leaders.

Gehenna is hell.

General - a military rank of the first, second, third or fourth classes according to the Table of Ranks.

Lieutenant General - a general's rank of the third class, which, under Catherine II, corresponded to the rank of lieutenant general according to the Peter's Table of Ranks.

George - Christian Saint George the Victorious; Egoriy-Veshniy (April 23) and Egoriev (Yuryev) Day (November 26, O.S.) are holidays in his honor.

Going - disappearing, disappearing.

Glazetovy - sewn from brocade (varieties of brocade with gold and silver patterns woven on it).

Gleno - shin, ankle.

Goveino - fasting (Mrs. Goveyno - Assumption fast, etc.)

To speak - to fast, to abstain from food.

Speaking - speech.

Gogol is a diving duck bird.

Godin - good clear weather, bucket.

To be good - to marvel, admire, stare; stare, gape eyes; scoff, scoff.

Years go - live years, from the word "year" - live.

Golbchik - golbets, a partition in the form of a closet in the hut between the stove and the floors, a hot stove with steps for access to the stove and shelves, and with a hole in the underground.

Gold, gold - talk noisily, shout, scold.

Holik is a broom without leaves.

Golitsy - leather mittens without a woolen lining.

Dutchman - gold pieces, beaten at the St. Petersburg Mint.

Golomya is an open sea.

Gol - ragged, naked, beggars.

Grief - up.

Gorka is a churchyard, a place where the ministers of the church lived.

A throated hat - sewn from very thin fur taken from the neck of an animal; in shape - a high straight hat with a crown expanding upward.

An upper room is a room usually located on the top floor of a house.

The upper room is a clean half of the hut.

Fever, delirium tremens; fever is a serious illness with intense fever and chills; delirium tremens - here: a state of painful delirium with a high fever or temporary insanity.

The guest is the guest.

Diploma - letter; an official document, a decree giving someone the right to do something.

Hryvnia - a dime; in ancient Russia, the monetary unit is a silver or gold ingot weighing about a pound.

A grosh is an old two-kopeck coin.

Grumant is an old Russian name for the Spitsbergen archipelago, discovered by our Pomors in the 15th century.

Grun, Gruna is a quiet horse trot.

A bed is a pole, a pole, suspended or attached lying, a crossbar, a perch in a hut, from wall to wall.

Guba - bay, backwater.

The governor is the ruler of the province.

Spongy cheeses - curd mass, knocked down with sour cream.

The horn is a three-stringed violin without grooves on the sides of the body. Threshing floor - room, shed for compressed bread; threshing platform.

A gouge is a loop that holds the shafts and an arc together.

Tips with garlic - boiled rolls.

The threshing floor - a place for storing bread in sheaves and threshing, covered current.

Gunya, gunka - old, worn clothes.


Dave - recently.

The janitor is the hostess of the inn.

The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

Maiden - a room in landowners' houses where serf courtyard girls lived and worked.

Nine - nine days.

Deja - dough for dough, dough; a tub in which bread dough is kneaded.

Actors are actors.

Del is a division.

Delenka is a woman constantly busy with business and needlework.

Dennitsa - morning dawn.

Money - an old coin in denominations of two half or half a kopeck; money, capital, wealth.

Gum, right hand - right, right hand.

Ten - ten times.

Divy - wild.

Officer's diploma - a certificate of honor for an officer's rank.

Dmitriev Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead (between October 18 and 26), established by Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 after the Battle of Kulikovo.

Bottom - diseases of internal organs, bone aches, hernia.

Today - now, now, today.

Dobrokhot is a well-wisher, a patron.

Suffers - should, should, should, decently.

Sufficient is enough.

Argument - denunciation, denunciation, complaint.

Satisfied, satisfied - as much as you want, as much as you need, enough.

Dokuka is an annoying request, also boring, boring business.

Top up - overpower.

Dolon is a palm.

Share - a plot, share, allotment, lot; fate, destiny, fate.

Domovina is a coffin.

Dondeje - as long as.

The bottom is a plank on which the spinner sits and into which the comb and tow is inserted.

To correct - to demand a filing, a debt.

Dor is a rough shingle.

Roads are a very thin oriental silk fabric.

Dosyulny - old, old.

Doha - a fur coat with fur in and out.

Dragoon is a warrior of cavalry units, operating both on horseback and on foot.

Chunks are thin planks chipped from a tree.

Dresva - coarse sand, which is used when cleaning unpainted floors, walls, benches.

Drolya is dear, dear, beloved.

A friend is a wedding manager invited by the groom.

Oak - young oak, oak, shelf, staff, rod, twig.

Dubnik is an oak bark, necessary for various household tasks, including tanning leather.

Smoky bellows are sacks made from steamed skins (and therefore especially soft).

Smoke - groin.

Drawbar - a single shaft, reinforced to the front axle for turning the cart, when paired harness.

The deacon is the deacon's wife.

Uncle is a servant assigned to supervise a boy in noble families.


When - when.

The one-child is the only son of his parents.

Ride is food.

Hedgehog - which.

Every day - every day, every day.

Oil - olive oil used in church services.

Helen is a deer.

Eliko - how much.

Christmas tree - a spruce branch on the roof or above the door of the hut - a sign that there is a tavern in it.

Yeloza is a fidget, a sneak, a flatterer.

Eltsy - various types of figured cookies.

Endova - a wide vessel with a sock for pouring liquids.

Epancha - an old long and wide cloak, bedspread.

Eremey - Christian prophet Jeremiah, whose day was celebrated on May 1; Christian Apostle Erma, whose day was celebrated on May 31.

Yernishny - from "dwarf": small, undersized forest, small birch bush.

Erofeich - bitter wine; vodka infused with herbs.

Yerkat on the belly - from the word "yerkat" - to swear, swear.

Food - food, food.

Food is food.

Nature is nature.

Kalika is a pilgrim, wanderer, beggar.

Chamber-lackey - senior lackey at the royal court.

Camisole is a sleeveless men's jacket worn under outerwear.

Damask is an ancient dense silk patterned Chinese fabric.

Canon is part of church chant

The gunner is a gunner, a private gunner.

Eve is the time preceding any holiday; memorial service for the deceased.

Captain - a person who had an officer rank of the IX class.

Corporal - a person who had the first military rank after a private.

Kaptan is a winter covered wagon.

Kaptur is a fur winter dress for married women, especially for widows; covered his head and on the sides his face and shoulders (compare later - hood).

Loafs - wheat pancakes.

Carthaginians are inhabitants of Carthage.

Buckshot is a projectile consisting of cast iron bullets embedded in a tin or bag, which together were fired from artillery pieces and blunderbuss.

Casting - dirtying, harming, dirty.

Kat is the executioner.

Wire rods - felt boots.

Kashenovye crayfish - caught with a cat, that is, a basket (small here).

To repent - to scold, curse, censure, condemn, find fault.

Kebenyak, kobenya - an overcoat for men made of cloth with a hood and long sleeves.

The cell is a monk's room, here (figuratively): a secluded room.

The kivot is a small glazed cabinet or drawer for icons.

Cue, cue - stick, staff, batog.

Kika - female headdress of a rounded shape (symbolic designation of a married woman); the kick was complemented by an embroidered scarf (cuff) and a warrior (underbelly), which covered the hair, dropping to the shoulders and chest.

Keela is a hernia.

Kindyaki - imported cotton fabrics.

Kitty is a bag.

A wrist is an ancient weapon consisting of a metal ball or weights attached by a belt to a short handle.

The brush is an ancient weapon consisting of a heavy knob with a short handle.

Kitayka is a sort of cotton fabric.

Chinese - made from Chinese, a special kind of cotton fabric.

Kitina, whale - the stems of a long-stemmed plant.

Kichizhki, kichiga - threshing, replacing the flail.

Kichka is an old Russian festive headdress of a married woman.

The gut is homemade sausage.

A crate is a separate non-residential building for storing property, a pantry, a closet, a cold half of a hut.

Klobuk is a monastic headdress.

Hook - a hook, a stick with a bend to support the gutter under the eaves of the peasant plank roof or to bend the straw.

An oath is an oath, a spell, a curse.

Nag - short pole, spacers.

Knyshi - cakes with butter; pie, wheat bread.

Prince is an honorary title, hereditary or granted.

Code is a set of rules, laws.

The casing is a sheepskin sheepskin coat.

Coy, coy, some, what, what.

The cocktail is a bun with an egg.

Colico - how much, how.

Collegiate Counselor - a person holding a civil rank of the VI class.

Kolo - a wheel, a circle.

A block - a wooden block of a special shape, worn on the feet of prisoners.

Wells are prisoners, prisoners in stocks.

Kolok - a small grove, woodland.

Spoonbill is a bird from the category of herons.

Quiver - case, bag for arrows.

The rattletrap is a closed tent-type wagon with leather curtains.

A peg is a lump, a bunch.

The small end is the lower, thick end of the tree.

Butt - thickened lower part of the spinning wheel; adjacent to the root, part of a tree, hair, horn.

Communication - paths connecting the base with the location of the army, communication lines.

Komon is a horse, a horse.

Konovatny - made of Asian silk fabric, which was used for the bedspread, veil.

Concha - right, certainly, of course, very much.

Kopan - a hole dug to collect rainwater; shallow well without a frame.

Kopyl - a short block in the sled runners, which serves as a support for the body.

Root is a reproach.

Boxes - various types of chests with locks and under the seal.

Korovai - a large round hearth bread made of wheat flour, symbolized the solar circle; ritual food at the wedding.

Cortelle is a warm summer season, lined with fur and covered with light silk fabric (without lace and buttons).

Kortsy - buckets, hollowed out of wood, served as a measure of life.

The mower is a large knife with a thick and wide blade.

A pigtail is a temple.

Inert - slow, unhurried, motionless.

Bonfire, bonfire, bonfire - a weed from the family of cereals.

Kostritsa (campfire) - the hard bark of flax and hemp, remaining after scrubbing, scratching.

Jamb - a piece of piece goods (fabric) in a roll; one dressing in the loom, see post.

Mowing sturgeon - salted meat of red fish.

An oblique (oblique) window is a window made of cells-jambs or sideways intertwined metal rods, typical for Russia until the 18th century.

Cauldrons - butter biscuits.

Cats are a kind of warm shoes.

Kochedyk is a tool for weaving bast shoes.

Nightmare, nightmare - felt rug.

Krasik is handsome.

Krasna (kroeno) - hand loom; thread base when weaving on a hand loom; cloth, woven on cross.

Red is beautiful, beautiful, decorated.

The red corner is the corner in the hut where the icons were hanging.

Beauty is the bride's crown of ribbons and flowers, a symbol of girlhood and girlish will.

Kres (t) tsy - crossroads.

The godmother is the recipient of the font at the baptism of the baby.

Baptism is a Christian rite of acceptance into the membership of the church, performed through triple immersion in water.

Cut - delicacies that were given away at the wedding (gingerbread, nuts, etc.)

Kroma - suma, beggar's bag; "Thomas Big Cream" (October 19) - an abundance of bread and supplies, this is the name of a rich, well-to-do person.

Crosenza - homespun shirts.

Krosna is a peasant home loom.

Crumbs - wicker baskets (usually back ones).

Kruzhalo - a rotating potter's wheel; tavern, drinking house.

A circle is a fish cut into pieces.

Krupitchaty - from white flour of the highest quality.

Krynitsa - a spring, a spring, a shallow well; crinka, milk pot, narrow and tall.

Ridge - a deck, a short log.

Kseni, ksenimasy - caviar.

Towel is a combed and tied bunch of flax or hemp made for yarn.

Kuzhel (kuzhal) - tow, combed flax; top quality linen yarn.

Kuzlo - blacksmith work, forging; generally arable shells.

The body is a box made of bark or birch bark.

Kuzminskie apples are an old Russian variety of red apples.

Kukomoya is a slob, unkempt person.

Kulizhka - kuliga - a forest clearing cleared for farming.

Kum - godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother or the father of the godson in relation to his godfather and godmother; friendly appeal to a man; demons godfather - an abusive expression.

Kuma - a friendly address to a woman; generally friendly and familiar about a woman.

Kumgan is a metal narrow-necked vessel with a lid and a handle.

Kuna is a marten.

Kuna is an ancient banknote, when sable and marten skins replaced money.

Kunduptsy, Kundumtsy - dumplings with beef in gravy.

Kuren is a place where coal is burned out in the forest, a coal pit and a hut for workers.

Curzhevina - hoarfrost.

Smoking is getting up.

Curl - bitch, stump.

Kut - a corner, especially in the hut under the images or near the stove: "rotten kut" - northwest wind.

Kutuk - corner

Kutia - boiled and sweetened wheat grains.

Sash - a narrow and long belt made of fabric.


Lader - current (from: flat as a palm).

Ladka is a little crumpet.

Ladom - good, as it should.

Ladyga - ankle, ankle.

Infirmary is a hospital.

Scout - scout, mainly in the rear of the enemy; spy.

Lal - a noble spinel, a precious stone, close to a ruby ​​in color

Lals - chatter, idle talk.

Lanskoy - summer, last year.

Edges - colored rectangular inserts under the armpits of the shirt sleeves.

Carriage - machine gun of an artillery gun.

Levashi, levashniki - butter pies with berries or jam.

Ice is a block of ice.

To lie under the saints - the deceased was placed under the icons on the bench.

Laziness is a lazy person, a lazy person.

Linen - linen.

Letnik is a lightweight women's clothing that was worn under an outer dress.

Letnik is a summer road.

Slime is a cow tongue.

Likhva - something superfluous, selfish income, profits.

Deprivation is a surplus.

Lobanit - to beat on the forehead; shave into the soldiers.

Lovitva - hunting.

The log is a wide ravine with gentle slopes.

Lodoga is one of the whitefish breeds.

Losky - smooth, shiny.

Bast, bast - a linden under-carpet layer, going to the bast, from which baskets are made, bast shoes are weaved.

Popular prints - pictures printed with a splint (tree bark) with an engraved image on it, usually distinguished by their primitive performance; from the 18th century, popular prints were printed from matrices of copper or tin.

Lubok wings - wings made from lubok, tree bark.

Loubier is a thin shingle.

Luda - stranded, stones in the lake protruding from the water.

Lutoshko is a linden twig without bark.

Bald head is a horse forehead in harness.

Lysty - shin, calf of the leg.

To cheat - to shy away from business, run away from work, idly stagger, wander.

Lychny - made from bast.

Lzya - you can.

Flatter - deceive, seduce.

Fierce - fierce, bloodthirsty; cruel, ruthless; fierce, furious; here: painful, difficult.

Lyada, lyadina, lyado, lyashin - wasteland, abandoned and overgrown land.

A squadron is a part or detachment of a cavalry regiment.

The Ephesians are the inhabitants of Ephesus.


Yuzhe - what, which.

Yur is a high place.


Yagly is the common name for some cereal products obtained from holly plants, for example, millet (yagl - egg groats).

Poison - food, food, the process of eating.

Yazhe - what, which.

Language - people, tribe.

Yakshi (tat.) - okay, okay.

Yalaya, barren - barren (about livestock).

A cow is a non-calving cow.

The coachman is a state peasant, for whom the poll tax was replaced by riding his horses along the postal routes.

Yapancha - cape, wide cape, long sleeveless top dress.

Yarovchaty - from sycamore, a constant epithet for gusli.

Ardent hares - white, spring.

Yaryzhka is a drunkard.

Yar, yarits - spring bread.

Archaisms are words that have fallen out of use due to the appearance of new words. But their synonyms are in modern Russian. For example:
the right hand is the right hand, the cheeks are the cheeks, the ramen is the shoulders, the loins are the lower back, and so on.

But, it is worth noting that archaisms, nevertheless, may differ from modern synonymous words. These differences can be in the morphemic composition (fisherman - fisherman, friendship - friendship), in their lexical meaning (belly - life, guest - merchant,), in grammatical design (at the ball - at the ball, perform - perform) and phonetic features ( mirror - mirror, gishpan - Spanish). Many words are completely outdated, but still they have modern synonyms. For example: harm - death or harm, hope - hope and firmly believe, in order - that. And in order to avoid possible errors in the interpretation of these words, when working with works of fiction, it is strongly recommended to use a dictionary of outdated words and dialect phrases, or an explanatory dictionary.

Historicisms are words that designate such phenomena or objects that have completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.
Many words have become historicisms that denoted various household items of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were somehow connected with the economy of the past, the old culture, the socio-political system that once existed. Many historicisms are found among words that, in one way or another, are related to military topics.

For example:
Redoubt, chain mail, visor, squeak, and so on.
Most of the outdated words call garments and household items: prosak, light, endova, camisole, armyak.

Also, historicisms can be attributed to words that denote titles, professions, positions, estates that once existed in Russia: tsar, lackey, boyar, stolnik, equestrian, barge haule, tinker and so on. Manufacturing activities such as horse tram and manufactory. Phenomena of patriarchal life: purchase, rent, corvee and others. Disappeared technologies such as mead and tinning.

Words that arose in the Soviet era also became historicisms. These include such words as: food detachment, NEP, Makhnovist, educational program, Budenovite and many others.

Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between archaisms and historicisms. This is connected both with the revival of the cultural traditions of Russia, and with the frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. These words include words denoting measures of length or measurement of weight, calling Christian and religious holidays and others and others.

Abiye - immediately, since, when.
Aby - so that.
Lamb - lamb, lamb.
Az is the pronoun "I" or the name of the first letter of the alphabet.
Az, beeches, vedi - the names of the first letters of the Slavic alphabet.
Aki - how, because, like, like, like.
Altyn is an old three-kopeck silver coin.
You hunger - from the word "hunger" - to want greedily.
An, even - if, meanwhile, after all.
Anbar (barn) - a structure for storing bread or goods.
Araka - wheat vodka
Arapchik is a Dutch ducat.
Argamak is an oriental thoroughbred horse, a racehorse: at a wedding - a horse under a saddle, and not in a harness
Armyak - men's outerwear made of woolen or woolen fabric.
Arshin is a Russian measure of length equal to 0.71 m; a ruler, a bar of this length for measuring.
If, if, when.

Grandma - four sheaves of oats - ears up, covered with the fifth - ears down - from the rain.
Badog - batog, stick, staff, whip.
Bazheny - beloved, from the word "bazhat" - to love, desire, have an inclination.
Bazlan - roar, scream.
Barber is a barber, hairdresser.
Barda - thick, leftovers from the drive of bread wine, used for fattening livestock.
Corvee is the free forced labor of serfs who worked with their own implements on the farm of the landowner, landowner. In addition, corvee peasants paid the landowner various natural taxes, supplying him with hay, oats, firewood, oil, poultry, etc. For this, the landowner allocated part of the land to the peasants and allowed it to be cultivated. week. The decree of Paul I (1797) on the three-day corvee was of a recommendatory nature and in most cases was ignored by the landowners.
Baskoy - handsome, smart.
Basok - a short form from the word "baskoy" - beautiful, handsome, decorated.
Bastion is an earthen or stone fortification that forms a ledge on the rampart.
Basurman is a hostile and unfriendly name for a Mohammedan, as well as for a Gentile in general, a foreigner.
Batalha (battle) - battle, battle.
Bahar is a talker, a fluff.
Bayat - talk, chat, converse.
Watch - take care; be on guard, alert.
Fluency is speed.
Timelessness - trouble, ordeal, time.
A steelyard is a hand scale with an unequal lever and a moving fulcrum.
Unusual - not knowing customs, everyday rules, decency.
Bela mozhaiskaya - an old Russian variety of bulk apples
Belmes (Tatar "belmes") - you don't understand anything, you don't understand anything at all.
Berdo belongs to the weaving mill.
Care is caution.
Taking - a burden, heaviness, burden; an armful, as much as you can hug with your hands.
To be devoid of - certainly, undoubtedly, incessantly.
Shameless - shameless.
Becheva - strong rope, rope; rope pull - the movement of a vessel by a rope, which was pulled along the shore by people or horses.
Bechet - Ruby-type gem
A tag is a stick or plate on which marks and notes are placed with notches or paint.
Biryuk is a beast, a bear.
Broken loaves - whipped cream dough for rolls
To beat with a forehead - to bow low; to ask for something; present a gift, accompanying the offering with a request.
To bet is to argue for a win.
The Annunciation is a Christian holiday in honor of the Mother of God (March 25, O.S.).
Good - kind, good.
Bo - for, because.
Bobyl is a lonely, homeless, poor peasant.
Boden - butt, a spur on the legs of a rooster.
Bozhedom - a keeper at a cemetery, a gravedigger, a watchman, a headman of a home for the elderly and disabled.
Blockhead - a statue, idol, block.
Boris and Gleb are Christian saints, whose day was celebrated on May 2, according to Art. Art.
Bortnik is a person engaged in forest beekeeping (from the word "board" - a hollow tree in which bees nest).
Botalo - bell, bell tongue, beat.
Bochag is a deep puddle, a pothole, a pit filled with water.
The hawk maker is a drunkard.
Branny - patterned (about fabric).
Bratina - a small bowl, a goblet with a spherical body, served for drinking round
Brothers - brother, a vessel for beer.
Brutal - food, food, food, edible.
Delirium, delusional - a small seine, which is used to fish together, walking ford.
Will - if, if, when, if.
Guerak is a dry ravine.
Buza is a rock salt that was given to animals.
A mace is a sign of commanding power, also a weapon (club) or a knob.
Burachok is a box, a small box made of birch bark.
Buchenie - from the word "buchit" - soak, whitewash the canvases.
Buyava, buyevo - cemetery, grave.
Epic is a blade of grass, a stalk of grass.
Bylichka is a story about evil spirits, the reliability of which is not in doubt.

Vadit - to lure, attract, accustom.
It is important - hard, hard.
Shafts are waves.
Vandysh - smelt, dried fish like a ruff
Jew's harp ("on a mound, on a jew's harp") - perhaps from "Worg" - a clearing overgrown with tall grass; mowed, open place in the forest.
Variukha, Varvara is a Christian saint, whose day was celebrated on December 4, according to Art. Art.
The sergeant-major is a senior non-commissioned officer in a cavalry squadron.
Vashchets is your grace.
Introduction - introduction, a Christian holiday in honor of the Mother of God (November 21, O.S.).
Suddenly - again, for the second time.
Vedrina - from the word "bucket" - clear, warm, dry weather (not winter).
Bucket - clear, calm weather.
Knowledge - good manners, courtesy, politeness.
Vekoshniki - pies seasoned with meat and fish leftovers.
Maundy Thursday is Thursday in the last week of Lent (before Easter).
Veres is a juniper.
Veretier is a rough hemp fabric.
Vereya (spindle, vereika, vereyushka) - a pillar on which the gate is hung; the jamb at the doors, gates.
One verst is a verst.
A skewer is a rod on which meat is fried, turning it over the fire.
Vertep - a cave; brothel; a large box with puppets, controlled from below through the slots in the floor of the box, in which performances on the theme of the Nativity of Christ were played.
Versha is a fishing equipment made of twigs.
Vershnik is a horseman; riding in front of him.
Veselko - stirrer.
Vechka is a copper saucepan.
Evening - last night, yesterday.
Hanged (mushrooms, meat, etc.) - dried.
Viklina - tops.
Guilt is the reason, the reason.
Vitsa, vichka - twig, twig, whip.
Clearly - exactly, actually.
The driver is the leader of the bear.
Voight is a foreman in a rural district, an elected headman.
The wave is wool.
Vologa - meat broth, any fatty liquid food.
Drag - from the word "drag", a path on the watershed, along which loads and boats are dragged.
Hairy - a woman's headdress, a net made of gold or silver thread with trimming (more often not a festive one, like a kika, but an everyday one), a kind of a hat.
Drags - stems, straws, blades; the upper part of the sheaf with ears.
Vorovina - a shoe dratva, also a rope, a lasso.
Vorogukha, vorogusha - a sorcerer, fortune-teller, intruder.
Voronets - a bar in a hut, serving as a regiment.
Voronogray - fortune telling by the cry of a raven; a book describing such signs will.
The patrimony is the ancestral property of the landowner, which is inherited.
In vain - in vain.
The enemy is the devil, the devil.
A temporary worker is a person who has achieved power and a high position in the state thanks to his personal closeness to the monarch.
A temporary worker is a person who has reached a high position by chance.
Vskuy - in vain, in vain, in vain.
Drive away - in pursuit.
In vain - in vain, in vain.
Outside - from the outside, not being in a close relationship.
Elected - elected by voting.
I will take it out - always, at any time, incessantly.
Wii (viry, iriy) is a wondrous, promised, warm side, somewhere far away by the sea, accessible only to birds and snakes.
Howl - meal time, also food portion, food portion.
Vyalitsa is a blizzard.
Vyuschiy is the greater, the highest.

Guy is an oak grove, a grove, a small deciduous forest.
Galloon - gold or silver tinsel braid.
Garrison - military units located in a city or fortress.
Garchik - pot, crinka.
Gatki, gat - flooring made of logs or brushwood in a muddy place. Roll up - lay down the hammer.
Gashnik - belt, belt, drawstring for tying pants.
Guards - select privileged troops; military units serving as guards for sovereigns or military leaders.
Gehenna is hell.
General - a military rank of the first, second, third or fourth classes according to the Table of Ranks.
Lieutenant General - a general's rank of the third class, which, under Catherine II, corresponded to the rank of lieutenant general according to the Peter's Table of Ranks.
George - Christian Saint George the Victorious; Egoriy-Veshniy (April 23) and Egoriev (Yuryev) Day (November 26, O.S.) are holidays in his honor.
Going - disappearing, disappearing.
Glazetovy - sewn from brocade (varieties of brocade with gold and silver patterns woven on it).
Gleno - shin, ankle.
Goveino - fasting (Mrs. Goveyno - Assumption fast, etc.)
To speak - to fast, to abstain from food.
Speaking - speech.
Gogol is a diving duck bird.
Godin - good clear weather, bucket.
To be good - to marvel, admire, stare; stare, gape eyes; scoff, scoff.
Years go - live years, from the word "year" - live.
Golbchik - golbets, a partition in the form of a closet in the hut between the stove and the floors, a hot stove with steps for access to the stove and shelves, and with a hole in the underground.
Gold, gold - talk noisily, shout, scold.
Holik is a broom without leaves.
Golitsy - leather mittens without a woolen lining.
Dutchman - gold pieces, beaten at the St. Petersburg Mint.
Golomya is an open sea.
Gol - ragged, naked, beggars.
Grief - up.
Gorka is a churchyard, a place where the ministers of the church lived.
A throated hat - sewn from very thin fur taken from the neck of an animal; in shape - a high straight hat with a crown expanding upward.
An upper room is a room usually located on the top floor of a house.
The upper room is a clean half of the hut.
Fever, delirium tremens; fever is a serious illness with intense fever and chills; delirium tremens - here: a state of painful delirium with a high fever or temporary insanity.
The guest is the guest.
Diploma - letter; an official document, a decree giving someone the right to do something.
Hryvnia - a dime; in ancient Russia, the monetary unit is a silver or gold ingot weighing about a pound.
A grosh is an old two-kopeck coin.
Grumant is an old Russian name for the Spitsbergen archipelago, discovered by our Pomors in the 15th century.
Grun, Gruna is a quiet horse trot.
A bed is a pole, a pole, suspended or attached lying, a crossbar, a perch in a hut, from wall to wall.
Guba - bay, backwater.
The governor is the ruler of the province.
Spongy cheeses - curd mass, knocked down with sour cream.
The horn is a three-stringed violin without grooves on the sides of the body. Threshing floor - room, shed for compressed bread; threshing platform.
A gouge is a loop that holds the shafts and an arc together.
Tips with garlic - boiled rolls.
The threshing floor - a place for storing bread in sheaves and threshing, covered current.
Gunya, gunka - old, worn clothes.

Dave - recently.
The janitor is the hostess of the inn.
The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
Maiden - a room in landowners' houses where serf courtyard girls lived and worked.
Nine - nine days.
Deja - dough for dough, dough; a tub in which bread dough is kneaded.
Actors are actors.
Del is a division.
Delenka is a woman constantly busy with business and needlework.
Dennitsa - morning dawn.
Money - an old coin in denominations of two half or half a kopeck; money, capital, wealth.
Gum, right hand - right, right hand.
Ten - ten times.
Divy - wild.
Officer's diploma - a certificate of honor for an officer's rank.
Dmitriev Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead (between October 18 and 26), established by Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 after the Battle of Kulikovo.
Bottom - diseases of internal organs, bone aches, hernia.
Today - now, now, today.
Dobrokhot is a well-wisher, a patron.
Suffers - should, should, should, decently.
Sufficient is enough.
Argument - denunciation, denunciation, complaint.
Satisfied, satisfied - as much as you want, as much as you need, enough.
Dokuka is an annoying request, also boring, boring business.
Top up - overpower.
Dolon is a palm.
Share - a plot, share, allotment, lot; fate, destiny, fate.
Domovina is a coffin.
Dondeje - as long as.
The bottom is a plank on which the spinner sits and into which the comb and tow is inserted.
To correct - to demand a filing, a debt.
Dor is a rough shingle.
Roads are a very thin oriental silk fabric.
Dosyulny - old, old.
Doha - a fur coat with fur in and out.
Dragoon is a warrior of cavalry units, operating both on horseback and on foot.
Chunks are thin planks chipped from a tree.
Dresva - coarse sand, which is used when cleaning unpainted floors, walls, benches.
Drolya is dear, dear, beloved.
A friend is a wedding manager invited by the groom.
Oak - young oak, oak, shelf, staff, rod, twig.
Dubnik is an oak bark, necessary for various household tasks, including tanning leather.
Smoky bellows are sacks made from steamed skins (and therefore especially soft).
Smoke - groin.
Drawbar - a single shaft, reinforced to the front axle for turning the cart, when paired harness.
The deacon is the deacon's wife.
Uncle is a servant assigned to supervise a boy in noble families.

Eudokea - Christian St. Evdokia, whose day was celebrated on March 1 according to Art. Art.
When - when.
The one-child is the only son of his parents.
Ride is food.
Hedgehog - which.
Every day - every day, every day.
Oil - olive oil used in church services.
Helen is a deer.
Eliko - how much.
Christmas tree - a spruce branch on the roof or above the door of the hut - a sign that there is a tavern in it.
Yeloza is a fidget, a sneak, a flatterer.
Eltsy - various types of figured cookies.
Endova - a wide vessel with a sock for pouring liquids.
Epancha - an old long and wide cloak, bedspread.
Eremey - Christian prophet Jeremiah, whose day was celebrated on May 1; Christian Apostle Erma, whose day was celebrated on May 31.
Yernishny - from "dwarf": small, undersized forest, small birch bush.
Erofeich - bitter wine; vodka infused with herbs.
Yerkat on the belly - from the word "yerkat" - to swear, swear.
Food - food, food.
Food is food.
Nature is nature.
Etchi - yes.

Zhalnik - cemetery, graves, churchyard.
Iron - fetters, chains, shackles.
Impertinence - lack of simplicity and naturalness; mannerism.
Lots are lots.
Lives - it happens.
Belly - life, property; soul; livestock.
Bellies - living creatures, prosperity, wealth.
They live - they do.
Lived - a living place, a premise.
Fat is good, property; good, free life.
Zhitnik - rye or barley baked bread.
Zhito - any bread in grain or on the vine; barley (northern), unmilled rye (southern), any spring bread (east).
Stubble - harvest, harvesting of grain; strip after squeezed bread.
Zhupan is an old semi-caftan.
Grumpy - grumpy.
Zhyvelvei, gall, zhol - an abscess, swelling on the body.


In the dictionary of obsolete words, we have placed such terms that are now practically not used or are used very rarely. Outdated words and expressions are words that are important to familiarize the child with before reading a fairy tale or to explain their meaning during reading, so that the meaning of the work is perceived exactly as the authors would like. Some obsolete words and their meanings will be especially useful for the general development of the child, for example, measures of length of inches, fathoms, and others.

Obsolete words of the Russian language are mostly those words that have gone out of use in the modern world, but which our old grandparents can still very often use in communication. The kindness of Little Red Riding Hood, the tenderness of Thumbelina, the hard work of Cinderella and many other best features of the characters' characters, we can pass on to children in the language of great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers and at the same time instill in kids respect and interest in our story.

If this dictionary of outdated Russian words does not contain the word that you were looking for or you did not manage to fully understand the meaning of the existing words - write to us through the feedback form, you will definitely be answered.

Abvakhta - guardhouse Perhaps - either - perhaps, maybe Azhno - so Azovka - the mythical creature Aksamit - velvet Altyn - three kopecks Aspids - poisonous snakes

Babayka - a large oar attached to the boat Baet - says, says Baidak - river vessel with one large sail Balagta - Balakat swamp - speak Baldakhin - decorated canopy on posts Balodka - one-handed hammer of Bas - beauty, decoration, panache Batog - Bergamot's stick - variety pears Beremya - an armful of Booties - home shoes Boyars - rich and noble people Abuse - battle Brothers - brothers Armor - metal clothes that protect the warrior from blows Bulat - steel weapons Burochki - a type of warm boots for a cold climate, often felt boots Bureau - a table with storage box

To go on patrol - to watch, to watch In the drive - to chase Vacant time - vacations Vacation - vacations Lead - know Venuti - wind, blow Vershok - the old measure of length is 4.4 centimeters. , bogatyr Vorvan - liquid fat extracted from the fat of marine mammals. It was used for lighting in lamps and in street lamps

Galushka - a dumpling boiled in water or in borscht Galleta - a small merchant ship Ganat - to guess Voice of obedience - an answering voice Gorazd - knows how Gorka - a pyramid-shaped shelf for expensive dishes Upper room - Rowing room - a narrow dam on the river

Hay girl - maid Destiny - 24 sheets To surprise - to surprise, to surprise

Food - food, food If - if

Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark Zhban - a jug with a lid Burmytsky (Burmitian) pearls - large and round pearls Zhernovtsy - a small hand melenka

Zagneta is a place in the forehearth where heat is raked. Zagneta is a place in front of the firebox where heat is raked. Speak up - start fasting Ahead of time - in advance Sing Lazarus - flatteringly plead Sinister - little fantastic creatures

Imperial is Indus' gold coin - even, so

Treasury - money, wealth, property Kamka - silk colored fabric with patterns Karmazin - dark red cloth Kníksen - bow with a squat as a sign of greeting or gratitude from the female sex Casing - leather outerwear in which noble people drove Koroba - basket, basket Oblique fathom - Old Russian measure of length, the distance from the toes to the end of the fingers of an outstretched hand diagonally is 216 cm Krinitsa - a well, Krosna's spring - a home loom Kudel - a bunch of flax or wool Body - wicker basket

Plate - iron or steel armor worn by Lyko's warriors - bark of a young linden, willow, elm, bast shoes, baskets, baskets are weaved from it Lytka - to evade business, to shirk Lytka - part of the leg below the knee

Damask sword - a sword made of especially strong steel I am not the first - not the first time for me Hoe - hand-held agricultural tool Ant - overgrown with grass (ant)

Nabolshy - senior Nagayka - belt whip Namale - soap Nesolono slurp - be deceived in your expectations Nicoli - never

Fire - a stone or a piece of steel for carving fire from flint Once - once, once To remember - to come to your senses Shout - to plow To freeze - to freeze

Boarding house - a school with a dormitory for students Penetration - reproach, reproach Finger - Pova's finger - reception of a newborn Polati - wide sleeping bunks in the hut under the ceiling between the stove and the opposite wall Pomelo - a broom, wrapped at the end with a rag, serves to sweep ash in the stove Tried - tried on Kidnapper - thief Post - start Clearing - a clearing not overgrown with trees or a lawn in the forest Pisky - fast Yarn - fried (fry in oil) Span - an old measure, the distance between the thumb and forefinger

Rat - an army Rezoner - a person who does nothing himself, but loves to criticize and moralize others Rosstan - the crossroads of two roads To argue - to persuade

Sazhen - an ancient Russian measure of length, the distance of the span of the arms from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other Salop - an old women's top dress Sam-ten - ten times more Sam-pyat - five times more Sam-Thursday - four times more Seredovich - middle-aged man Abusive tablecloth - a tablecloth woven with patterns Conscience does not sparkle - conscience does not disturb a thread

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