Home Trees and shrubs Men's haircut with scissors technique diagrams. Technology of men's haircuts. Short haircuts: advantages and disadvantages

Men's haircut with scissors technique diagrams. Technology of men's haircuts. Short haircuts: advantages and disadvantages

This is what the most classic “Tennis” looked like when it was first invented by the legendary Boris Guzeev (blessed memory of the Master).

The name of the Tennis haircut comes from the well-known game (tennis)... players often play in caps... The Tennis haircut is when there is a decent length of hair under the cap, and short-cut hair outside the cap so that the head does not sweat...

The temples and the back of the head are very short, and on top there is a cap, optional: long, medium or short. the edge lines should be processed “under a comb” using the shading method. It’s better to remove the top briefly “on your fingers”, and remove the back of the head “to nothing”.

Equipment for: Katerina Gordeeva author's course KATEMAGIC extreme haircuts and coloring hair designs

Execution technology. Performed on dry hair. The haircut begins with a clipper from the right temple, moving in parallel strips from the beginning of hair growth on the temple to the level of the temporal projection. The haircut continues on the back of the head and left temple. The nape hair cutting line is persistent and passes through the occipital prominence.

The hair of the parietal and upper occipital zones is cut using the finger method. The hair of the transitional strip from a haircut with a machine to a haircut with scissors is shortened with a machine with a knife height of 3 mm, moving around the head with the machine moving upward.

A smooth transition from cutting with a 1/10 knife to the level of the hair length of the transition strip is carried out with a 1 mm knife, from the transition strip to the hair length of the haircut “on the fingers” - by shading. Vellus hair is cut with a machine or a safety razor.

Very few men like to go to the hairdresser, since they have neither the time nor the desire to do so. In order to save your husband from such a need, and at the same time, so that he always looks neat, you can cut his hair yourself, without leaving home. Thus, you will become his own hairdresser-stylist, who will take care of the image of his man. And in order for you to succeed, we will tell you how to create a men's haircut with a clipper, lessons for beginners, master class at home, step-by-step instructions. You're probably wondering how to cut your hair correctly? In this article we will tell you how to learn how to cut a boy's hair - step-by-step instruction, how to do different hairstyles (classic, boxing, crew cut, etc.).

Which machine is better to choose?

For home use you are better off purchasing a vibrating or rotary machine. The vibration device is a budget option, accordingly, has a number of disadvantages:

  • Weak power.
  • Too noisy.
  • Automatic shutdown after 20 minutes of cutting.

The rotary machine, in turn, is more reliable and convenient to use. This device is suitable for absolutely any type of hair, and thanks to the speed switching function, you can even perform model haircuts. Of course, a rotary machine costs an order of magnitude more.

Preparing tools

Before starting the process, it is very important to first prepare the working tool and surface.

Important! The working surface of the machine must be lubricated with a special lubricant, otherwise, instead of cutting hair, it will simply tear it out.

Important! Please note that the machine is not designed to work with long hair, so first they need to be cut with scissors.

The Basics Every Home Hairdresser Should Know

Before you start doing men's haircuts at home, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the basics of hairdressing. Let's start by dividing the head. It is divided into the following zones:

  • Parietal;
  • Temporal lateral;
  • Superior occipital;
  • Inferior occipital.

Important! When cutting each of these areas, be sure to take into account the direction of hair growth.

In addition, before starting the process, you need to rinse and dry your hair well.

If this is your first time doing a men's haircut at home, you need to adhere to the following procedure:

  • Divide your head into four zones: occipital, parietal and two on the side of the temples.
  • Take the longest attachment and trim hair from the back of the head. This should be done with smooth movements in the direction against hair growth.
  • Use the same attachment to treat the temporal and parietal areas.

Important! For best quality When cutting, you need to constantly run a comb through your hair. It is better to hold the comb in your left hand, and the clipper in your right.

  • Replace the nozzle with a shorter one, re-process the temporal and parietal zones. This is necessary in order to make transitions softer and smoother. The movements should be carried out from the bottom up, while slightly moving the hand away from the head.
  • Treat the area of ​​the temples and neck with a nozzle with a minimum length or simply with a blade. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to injure.

Important! If you accidentally hurt your man while cutting his hair, apply aftershave lotion to his head. It will prevent irritation and have an antiseptic effect.

  • Check the finished result. Inspect your head for any stray hairs. If there are any, then go through them again with a machine or cut them off with scissors.
  • Brush the hair off the brush.

Important! After each process of men's haircut at home, the blade must be treated with oil.

Basic haircut models

We bring to your attention the main haircut models that are popular among men and easy to do at home.

Simple with length transition

Many men's haircuts differ from each other by smooth or sharp transitions in length. If you are new to this business, then you should start with the simplest thing - smooth transitions. In order to make this option at home, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Using a 9 mm nozzle, treat the occipital area. This should be done towards the temples and crown of the head.

Important! Try to cover as large an area as possible in one movement.

  • Using an 11 or 12 mm attachment, remove hair from the crown area. In this case, you should not press the machine tightly to your head.
  • Next is the turn of the final edging. It should be carried out using one of the smallest nozzles.


This is the most common men's haircut, which is considered universal, as it suits both young guys and older men. In order to make a men's haircut at home, you will need attachments of 1.5 and 3 millimeters. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Trim the crown area using the finger method.
  2. Trim the temples - sides and back of the head to the length you need.
  3. For a less pronounced transition, correct the finished result using scissors.

Important! To make a half-box, you need to follow the same pattern as for the box, only using a 4 mm nozzle.


This haircut is ideal for those with thick and coarse hair. It must be performed according to the following scheme:

  1. On the top of the head, the hair should be cut using the finger method, while maintaining a length of 4 millimeters.
  2. Using a hairdryer and special wax, style the hair on the previously treated area so that it stands upright.
  3. The back of the head and the temporolateral areas should be machined in strips so that they overlap each other.
  4. In the neck area, the hair should fade very smoothly.

How to cut bangs?

Models with bangs are considered the most difficult. If you need it long, then you should trim your bangs with scissors. You can also cut your bangs using a clipper, but to do this you need to choose the longest attachment. In addition, it is very important to protect your eyebrows before starting work. To do this, put a piece of bandage on them and cover them with a band-aid. Then you can go directly to the process. You lift the bangs in sections using a comb, while the hair that remains above it needs to be cut off.

Important! The cut must be made with a machine over the comb. This way you will get it absolutely even the first time.

Tricks of working with the machine

In order for the haircut process to be simple, and the finished result to satisfy you and your man, we offer you a few small rules that will significantly help you during your work:

  • Comb your hair well before starting the process.
  • When cutting, the clipper should be pressed tightly against the head and only moved away when moving from one zone to another.
  • Make sure that the angle of the machine is the same in each area of ​​the head.
  • The more movements, the better result, so move the clipper over your head until all the protruding hairs disappear.
  • Always make a visor for your eyebrows and eyelashes if you want to trim your bangs with a machine.
  • If a man’s head is uneven in some areas, then they should be treated with a longer nozzle in order to hide these unevenness.
  • Try to change the attachments, because if you cut your entire head with the same one, it will look like a ball.
  • While cutting, constantly compare the right and left side so that the final result is symmetrical.

Important! Before starting work, check whether the battery of the machine is charged so that you have enough charge until the end of work.

Men prefer to be in trend, to know about style, fashion and new trends. This allows them to be popular in the company, respected at work and charming with girls. Part of the style is the hairstyle, but an individual creative solution that matches the style and lifestyle young man, will help you create fashionable men's haircuts in 2018. The photo shows trendy options.

high haircut for youth
stars children's cap
shiny side gracefully
haircut for men for you
men's fashion brutal

The essence of a model's hairstyle lies in the individual approach and flight of fancy of the stylist. A professional will create a masterpiece with yours: each strand will highlight the dignity of your face. Wild curls will mask imperfections.

Trends for the coming year

Let's look at how stylists suggest we style our hair. Men prefer short hairstyles due to practicality. Stylists offer several solutions.

  1. Classic. Straight lines never go out of style. Clear contours on hair no more than 6 cm long look like business people. The photo proves this.
  2. Sport style. Guys who lead an active lifestyle are unable to tinker with their curls due to lack of time. Choose sporty men's hairstyles - boxing, half-boxing, hedgehog, Canadian with long bangs or laid to the side.
  3. Military. Extreme conditions life and physical exercise can withstand a men's haircut with a clipper.
  4. Romance. Curls laid in retro style- look romantic, which is why phoebe, pampadour, undercut with a pattern on the temples, and Hitlerjugen are relevant for creative people.
  5. Creative options. A riot of colors, grunge, punk, patterns on the back of the head, bob, bob, asymmetry and everything that the stylist’s imagination creates.

Find out what youth men's haircuts look like from the photographs.

Selecting an image based on your face type

If you quickly decided on a style, then choosing a hairstyle based on your face shape is a little more difficult. Study the advantages and disadvantages of contours and correct them correctly:

  • If you are the owner of an oval face shape, choose any model styling. The photo shows fashionable options;
  • Chubby people are better off opting for hairstyles with medium length on the sides or with shaved temples and an elongated top, which will lengthen their face shape. To suit the face - boxing, half-boxing, undercut, creative variations with long bangs combed to one side;
  • men with square shape faces need to soften sharp lines: Canadian, feb, shocking haircuts. Model hairstyles with a little carelessness look, but avoid shaved temples. The photo will help you create an image;
  • Those with long faces should choose hairstyles with curvy sides. Looks good average length hair;
  • if you have a triangular face, choose a bob or bob that will correct the shape of your face and beard.

Execution technique

To create a unique look, it is better to trust professionals who will not only help you choose a bow, but will also be able to recreate a masterpiece on your head. Therefore, we will analyze a simple option - the classic model styling. Using the strand-by-strand technique, the hairstyle can be easily done with scissors at home. We attach photos of the cutting stages below.

  1. We wash our hair or wet it with water.
  2. We divide the head with 2 parallel partings into zones: 2 temporal, parietal, middle occipital and 2 lateral occipital.
  3. We start cutting from the parietal zone, select a control strand, cut the length to 4-5 cm. Strand by strand, using the method of pulling the hair 90 degrees, we cut the entire zone.
  4. We move on to the temporal areas, find the control strand closer to the hairline, and cut it similarly to the parietal area with vertical partings.
  5. We form the back of the head from the central part and move on to the sides.
  6. We comb the strands back, edging the back of the head and temples.
  7. Wash your hair again to remove the cut hair.

You can get acquainted with the technology of performing male model haircuts by professionals in the video.

A simple option for performing a male model haircut is a machine one. A practical option that is always in fashion. The scheme of work is simple, accessible to beginners. Video tutorials are detailed and understandable.

  1. The haircut is done on dry hair, so wash it with shampoo and dry it.
  2. Select a nozzle and move around the circumference from the occipital zones from bottom to top, moving to the temporal and parietal areas.
  3. Change the nozzle to a shorter length, and once again go through the occipital region and temporal areas.
  4. Make a border around the back of your head and temples, comb your hair and style your bangs.

To avoid mistakes when cutting with a clipper, check out the video tutorial.

Most men's hairstyles are done for short hair, and bangs are used to create the look.

Thick strands look good in crew cuts, box cuts and half cuts. Rare curls acquire volume in Canadian, creative and fabe. You need to be careful with curly hair; it looks ridiculous in ultra-short hairstyles.

Model type installation

Sports, military, classic - hairstyles for short hair are attractive because they require a minimum of time for care and are practical to style: just wash your hair.

Strands performed in a romantic or shocking style, require careful care and styling. Some options:

  1. Gel styling. After your morning shower and shampoo, apply the gel to your strands, shape them and blow dry.
  2. Foam styling. After hygiene procedures style your hair in the desired style, part it, apply foam and blow-dry.

Check out the haircut styling options in the video.

Choosing an image for yourself

Such haircuts are relevant at any age, both for boys and for young men and men in their prime. Hairstyle is an expression of style, lifestyle and personality.

The stylist will select a unique look, taking into account your lifestyle, hair structure, face shape and preferences. The photo will help you.

Where can I do it?

Salon nameAddressPrice
VISANMoscow, Ermolaevsky lane, 21From 1500 rub.
MALONMoscow, Pryadkovy Lane, 8From 1200 rub.
STUDIOMoscow, Varshavskoe highway, no. 122From 1500 rub.
CamilfoG. St. Petersburg, st. Admiral Tributs, 10From 1200 rub.
Image studio STATUSG. St. Petersburg, st. Pobeda, 7From 900 rub.
LadySt. Petersburg, Komendantsky proezd, 42, building 1From 700 rub.
TemptationYekaterinburg, Sacco and Vanzetti st., 111aFrom 1000 rub.
GRIMÖRKAEkaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 72From 900 rub.
Hair care

Caring for hairstyles on short hair is simple: wash with high-quality shampoos, use conditioners, and style as necessary. For short hairstyles There is a rule - a monthly visit to the hairdresser to restore neatness to your curls.

Sometimes there are situations when there is no time or finances to visit the salon. Then the household members act as the hairdresser, but you should understand: you can ruin the image with one erroneous movement of the hand. Therefore, before you do a men’s haircut yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the basic methods and techniques that will significantly improve the skills of novice hairdressers.

Technology for creating hairstyles with scissors

First, you need to wet your hair and comb it thoroughly. Then, divide your hair into several zones that you will work with separately: draw two parallel partings from the forehead to the back of the head, separating the temples and then the parietal area. You will get six sections: three occipital, two temporal, parietal.

  1. Secure the strands that are not needed yet with hairdresser clips.
  2. Start the haircut by lifting a strand of the parietal area at the temple (its width should be about 1 cm).
  3. Pull the curls perpendicular to the head.
  4. Cut hair about 4cm from the scalp.
  5. Align each subsequent curl with the first one, so you maintain the same length.
  6. Start cutting your temples, carefully shortening them right down to the parting.
  7. If your hair is dry and unruly, you need to moisten it again with a spray bottle.

To make the bottom edge of a men's haircut as even as possible, press the strands as tightly as possible to the neck.

Final stage

When the strands in each section are the same length, you need to make an edging. Ask the person being cut which of the following styles they prefer:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • trapezoidal.

Carefully combing your hair along the growth line after each movement with scissors will help you avoid unevenness. Also, try to keep track of long strands. Align the bangs along the length of the parietal area and round them so that they smoothly blend into the temples.

When cutting your hair, comb your hair frequently different sides. This will allow you to notice every hair that stands out from the total mass.

Making a fashionable men's haircut with a clipper

Of course, there is a great temptation to cut your hair to zero with a clipper - after all, in this case you won’t need any diagrams or knowledge, but this option will only suit men with perfect shape skulls

It is better to opt for sporty haircuts, they are a little longer. Moreover, if the execution technique is followed, it will not be difficult to do a half-box or box correctly.

For men with coarse hair type, a hedgehog hairstyle with a rounded shape is suitable.

Stages of clipper cutting

The technique of creating a men's hairstyle consists of strictly following the basic rules.

  1. Comb your hair and dry it, otherwise you will soon not be able to use the machine - the blades will become dull.
  2. Select the nozzle of the required length.
  3. To begin, cut the strands from the back of your head to approximately the parietal area.
  4. After that, move on to the temples.
  5. To avoid unevenness, walk over one place several times.
  6. Put on a smaller attachment and repeat the process (the top edge should be slightly lower so that the transition from short to long strands is not abrupt).
  7. To cut the hair below, take a flat comb, which you need to grab a small amount of hair.
  8. Place the comb at an angle to the head, cut off all protruding areas with a clipper (this way you will get a smooth transition).

Create a model men's hairstyle home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Variety of hairstyles and simple technique Their implementation will allow home-grown hairdressers to experiment and find attractive images for men.

This may surprise many, but you don’t have to want to become a professional hairdresser in order to learn how to do men’s haircuts. Some people just want to cut their relatives and friends' hair so that they don't run away from the mirror in horror. Therefore, it makes sense to watch video lessons for beginners, which explain in detail how to cut a man’s hair correctly and beautifully.

In principle, now even novice hairdressers watch such videos. After all, most of the paid courses offered in cities are such that most often you have to retrain yourself. And then everyone remembers the Internet and video lessons for beginner hairdressers. Perhaps these video lessons can help everyone master men's haircuts. Many uninformed people think that it is much easier to give a man a good haircut! After all, in the end, long-haired representatives of the stronger sex are not so often seen. However, the basics of men's haircuts are not as easy as they might seem at first glance. When a person gets down to business without vocational education, this is especially true. And as practice shows, sometimes it is even more difficult to master a haircut for short hair than for long hair.

Training master class: Classic men's haircut!

How to learn how to do men's haircuts in 15 minutes? (Vartan Bolotov)

A selection of video lessons for men's haircuts for beginners

If two videos are not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection of video lessons on men's haircuts for beginners. The video squares are small, click “full screen” or double-click on the video for easier viewing.

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