Home Trees and shrubs Southern outpost. Russia's southern outpost on the Black Sea as the focus of three great religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam

Southern outpost. Russia's southern outpost on the Black Sea as the focus of three great religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam

History Crimea - an outpost of Russian glory

"Crimean bridgehead", "Southern outpost of Russia", "Unsinkable aircraft carrier of the USSR" - this is how our enemies evaluated this strategically important peninsula. For half a thousand years, Crimea has become a battlefield so many times and is so abundantly watered with Russian blood that these blood ties are stronger than any armor.

From the devastating raids of the Krymchaks on the Moscow frontiers to the conquest of Taurida by Catherine the Great, from the first Sevastopol harvest to the fratricidal Civil War, from the Crimean catastrophe of 1941 to the Crimean triumph of Stalin in 1944, from Khrushchev's "gift" to Ukraine to Putin's jewelry operation to "return the Crimea home "- this book not only traces the entire military history of the peninsula for five centuries, but also explains why Russia will never come to terms with the loss of Crimea, and the phrase" Answer for Sevastopol! " became winged.

Collection Poetry Absent

In Russia, 2015 is declared the Year of Literature. Russia celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. And exactly one year after Crimea returned to the cultural space of Russia, it became its southern outpost. Our International Music and Poetry Festival "YALOS" is dedicated to the World Poetry Day.

And so it turns out that we are opening a poetic festival movement in Crimea.

Defense of Tula. 1941 year

Sergey Kondratenko Documental literature War and we

Tula ... The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the name of this ancient city, the southern outpost of our Motherland, is the arms capital of Russia. For centuries, this city covered Moscow from the raids of the steppe inhabitants. It was not far from Tula in 1380 that a battle took place between the united forces of the Russian princes led by Dmitry Donskoy and the Mongol-Tatar army of Mamai.

In the terrible autumn of 1941, Tula again covered Moscow from a new enemy. A serious and skillful enemy! The divisions of the 2nd Panzer Army of the Wehrmacht under the command of the "high-speed Heinz" himself, the founder of the German tank forces, Colonel-General Heinz Guderian, were rushing to the capital of the Soviet Union.

In the literature devoted to the Battle of Moscow, there are scanty lines devoted to the fighting in the Tula direction, only in general terms describing the battles for the city, the exploits of the Tula workers, NKVD soldiers and anti-aircraft gunners. But the fate of the entire front depended on the outcome of these battles! For a month and a half, fierce battles were fought on the Tula land.

Everything was here: tank breakthroughs, bloody street battles, and even a cavalry raid on the rear of the advancing enemy. You will learn about this and much more in this book.

Moscow Region Chronicler No. 4 (46) 2015

Absent History Journal "Podmoskovny Chronicle" 2015

The quarterly historical and local history almanac "Podmoskovny Chronicler" offers readers a deep analysis of the facts of the past and new information obtained by modern researchers in the field of local history and archeology. Read in this issue: No. 4 (46) of the historical and regional studies almanac "Podmoskovny Chronicler" is dedicated to Poochi near Moscow.

Its theme was the history of three regions of the southeastern Moscow region - Kolomenskoye, Zaraisky and Lukhovitsky, the lands that occupy these areas are united by common historical destinies and events, a rich culture, they are inhabited by talented and enterprising people.

Man appeared in these parts in ancient times. It is to the south of Moscow that the most ancient human sites were discovered. Khizri Amirkhanov and Sergei Lev offered for this issue the article "Excavations of the Paleolithic in Zaraysk", from which the reader will learn about the life and life of the monasteries of this region during the Stone Age, works of art and the world significance of the study of the Zaraisk site.

These lands were the first to bear the blow of the Mongol conquerors, the southern suburbs of Moscow were an outpost on the path of the nomads who ravaged the Russian lands and hindered the development of fertile land. This topic is devoted to the article by Konstantin Averyanov "From the history of the Moscow region of Zaochie XII - the end of the XVI century."

It is also about the history of rare settlements that existed in those days near the Oka, territorial divisions and rivalry for these lands between the Moscow and Ryazan principalities. The heyday of this land begins after the Time of Troubles, when peace came to the Russian land.

Cities are growing, trade is developing, and in urban life - in particular, in Kolomna, new professions appear, for example, areal podyachy - the prototype of modern notaries, whose task was to draw up contracts and payments, collect taxes. This is the article by Anzhelika Barsukova "Kolomna Square Podyachi in the Second Half of the 17th Century".

The issue also contains articles on the collection of portraits in the Zaraisk Kremlin Museum, sketches on the history of the city of Zaraisk, material on the history of the Zaraisk Kremlin, on the feat of Lukhovich sailors from the destroyer “Guarding” during the Russian-Japanese war, on the development of public education in the village. Dedinovo at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the contribution of the sculptor Anna Golubkina to the creation of the People's Theater in Zaraysk, Kolomna region during the First World War, heroes-aviators from Lukhovitsy and other materials.

The Novorossiysk naval base celebrated another anniversary of the founding of the Black Sea Fleet unification on the Caucasian coast.

In 1994, the Novorossiysk Naval Region was formed on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, and in 1997 the NVMR was transformed into a naval base (NVMB), which became part of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. It is symbolic that the reconstruction of the Novorossiysk naval base took place 50 years after its last disbandment. Today the Novorossiysk naval base is an outpost that protects the sea gates of southern Russia, a combat-ready operational-tactical formation of the Navy.

In the water area of ​​the naval base

The base includes a formation of ships for the protection of the water area, a coastal missile and artillery formation, units of the marines and engineering services, search and rescue and hydrographic vessels, parts of the rear and ship repair, as well as a number of subdivisions and support services. The zone of responsibility of the Novorossiysk naval base is from the state border with Georgia on the Black Sea to the state border with Ukraine on the Sea of ​​Azov.

The international situation in this zone requires a timely response in various situations, for which a certain composition of forces is required. This emphasis was reflected in the plans for the development of the base. The coastal troops of the NVMB have already begun to re-equip with new equipment. The naval gunners have adopted the modern self-propelled artillery complex "Bereg". The ship's composition was replenished with new ships - the sea minesweeper "Valentin Pikul" and the high-speed landing boat with an air cavity "Serna". In 2008, the sea minesweeper "Vice-Admiral Zakharyin" arrived at the NVMB. This is a fundamentally new and so far the only representative of minesweepers equipped with a fifth generation mine search system.

The tasks for the Novorossiysk naval sailors are of a different nature: from anti-terror measures and maintaining a favorable operational regime in the zone of responsibility to performing security tasks.

For example, in 2006 alone, the military personnel of the NNSB took part in two measures to ensure the security of international summits held in Sochi, with the involvement of the ship's personnel and the coastal units of the base.

Within the framework of international naval cooperation, the Novorossiys provide activation of the Blackseafor international exercises on Russian territory, as well as visits by foreign warships. For two years in a row, the small anti-submarine ship "Kasimov" has been successfully performing combat missions within the framework of the Black Sea Partnership international exercises, where, together with the warships of the Navy of Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania and Ukraine, maneuvering in a warrant is being practiced, artillery shooting, exercises to search for a submarine conditional adversary.

Commander of the Novorossiysk naval base, Vice Admiral Sergei Menyailo

Russian ships regularly throughout the year carry out the tasks that were set in the framework of the international operation "Black Sea Harmony", carried out in the northern and eastern parts of the Black Sea. Since the beginning of this year, the ships of the Novorossiysk naval base - MPK "Kasimov" and MTSH "Zheleznyakov" - alternately went out to sea for patrolling in specified sea areas in order to ensure the safety of navigation in the Black Sea. In addition, in recent years, the naval specialists of the NVMB have cleared and destroyed more than 10 sea mines during the Great Patriotic War.

As part of working out interaction in the region with other branches of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, naval sailors are actively involved in combat training activities of the North Caucasian Military District. Together with the paratroopers of the 7th Guards Airborne Assault (Mountain) Division at the Zhelezny Rog training ground, the coastal troops of the NVMB regularly conduct interspecific exercises with live firing at sea targets and work out joint tasks to protect and defend a section of the sea coast. This year naval sailors took part in the large-scale exercises "Kavkaz-2008". A detachment of amphibious assault forces worked out elements of a naval battle and carried out the transfer of an assault force to the area of ​​the alleged conflict, thereby providing cover for the North Caucasus Military District troops in the seaside direction. By coincidence, in a short time, naval sailors were to perform similar tasks already in a real combat situation. Fulfilling the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the grouping of naval forces led by the commander of the Novorossiysk naval base, Vice-Admiral Sergei Menyailo, participated in the peacekeeping operation to force the Georgian aggressors to peace in the zone of military conflict in the Caucasus. Russian sailors ensured the security of the borders of the declared security zone in the Black Sea. For the exemplary fulfillment of the assigned task, Vice Admiral Sergei Menyailo was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree with the image of swords, and a number of officers and sailors of the association were awarded other state awards. Currently, Black Sea sailors continue to patrol to protect Russian citizens in the region and to provide support to the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the event of an armed attack.

The Novorossiysk naval base, as the youngest formation of the Russian Navy, develops and strengthens its positions on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus every year. The state significance of the naval outpost in the South of Russia is obvious. Today, with the active support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the command of the Navy, the federal target program "Creation of a base system for the Black Sea Fleet on the territory of the Russian Federation in the period 2005-2020" is being implemented, which involves further improvement of the maritime and coastal infrastructure. Within the framework of the federal target program, several berths have already been built, coastal formation has been carried out, military camps and other naval infrastructure have been erected. Naval sailors of the Novorossiysk naval base proudly continue and enhance the naval traditions of military service, acting as the guarantor of peace and stability on the southern maritime borders of the Fatherland.

Such an international concept as an enclave in relation to a sovereign state is applied if it is completely surrounded by other countries and does not have an outlet to the sea. One example is the Republic of Armenia, on whose territory the 102nd Order of Alexander Nevsky military base of the Southern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is deployed in two garrisons, Gyumri and Yerevan. The unit is headed by Colonel Andrey RUZINSKY.

The headquarters immediately warned: it is rather difficult to find the commander of the military base in the office of the "Big Fortress". But even when he is in place, it is not at all easy to break through to him - there are always visitors in the reception. It was possible to meet with Colonel Ruzinsky only at the end of the day, when the sun was already setting behind the mountains of the Gyumri plateau.

- Andrey Yuryevich, in the last days of this year, the Russian military base stationed in the Republic of Armenia will celebrate the next anniversary of its foundation. Tell us about the main milestones of the connection. In accordance with the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 21, 1994, on the basis of the 127th Red Banner Mechanized Infantry Division of the ZakVO, on September 1, 1994, a Russian military base was formed on the territory of Armenia. Subsequently, it included the 3624th air base and the 988th anti-aircraft missile regiment. In 2001, these units took up combat duty in the Joint Air Defense System of the CIS countries, and the base itself became part of the Joint Grouping of Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.

Today, the starting point in the history of the connection is April 1, 2010. It was from this date that a separate motorized rifle brigade began to bear its current name, having acquired a permanent station in Gyumri.

What is the military-political mission of the Russian military base in the Republic of Armenia today?

The military-political situation in the zone of responsibility of the military base remains turbulent and is characterized by the presence of a number of destabilizing factors associated with the possibility of an escalation of confrontation in the region of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. If the Azerbaijani leadership makes a decision to restore jurisdiction over Nagorno-Karabakh by force, the military base may enter into an armed conflict in accordance with the treaty obligations of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. In accordance with a number of intergovernmental agreements, in peacetime, the military base performs the tasks of strategic deterrence, is involved in the combat duty of air defense systems and provides assistance to the border detachments of the regional border directorate of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Armenia.

The military base is a constant readiness compound for immediate use. Its composition is represented by 13 main combat units and 17 all-round support units. Such a volume of forces makes it possible to successfully solve the tasks assigned to the connection. It should be added that a feature of the combat composition of missile defense systems in Armenia is an anti-aircraft missile battalion equipped with an S-300V air defense system, an anti-aircraft missile battalion armed with a BUK-M1-2 air defense missile system, a Smerch rocket artillery battery and an air base with a squadron of combat aircraft MiG-29. All this volume of forces and means is based in two dozen military camps of two garrisons.

- An agreed list of joint military maneuvers is provided between the Russian base and the military command and control bodies of the Republic of Armenia. What are these actions?

The list of such joint actions is quite diverse. For example, last year the most significant of the military cooperation measures was the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces' Interaction-2012 exercise, held at the national training ground named after Marshal Baghramyan. To participate in it, over a hundred servicemen, about thirty units of military and special equipment, were attracted from the base.
This year we have already held three meetings with representatives of Armenia on joint application. A joint battalion exercise with live firing took place on the areas of the Russian high-mountain training complex "Alagyaz". The Russian side was represented by a reinforced motorized rifle battalion of the military base. Armenian - a rifle battalion of the brigade of the peacekeeping forces of Armenia. The issues of coordination of command and control bodies in organizing combat operations, maintaining interaction in a difficult environment of combined arms combat were worked out. In the course of the drawing of hostilities, the servicemen of the two countries repulsed attacks, went on the offensive, destroyed the retreating units of the conditional enemy, pursued and took actions to eliminate the revealed sabotage and reconnaissance group. To represent the power of the forces involved, I would like to note the participation in the exercise of Mi-8 helicopters, T-72B tanks, 122-mm self-propelled howitzer "Gvozdika", anti-tank missile systems "Konkurs", 82-mm automatic grenade launchers and other types of modern weapons and military equipment.

Recently, within the framework of the current agreements, a joint operational trip of representatives of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia and the military base to the areas of combat use took place. An increase in the number of such events is planned for the next year. A joint command post exercise will take place. Two joint battalion tactical exercises are outlined. There is already an agreement to conduct joint exercises with air defense units and joint exercises of intelligence units of the two countries. I am convinced that we need to develop more, so to speak, military-field cooperation. This will help us to better understand each other, to interact at a better level. And, of course, exchange experiences. Despite the similarities in our military training systems, there are, of course, differences. This, in particular, was clearly shown by the last joint teaching. To the credit of our colleagues, they took an interest in our experience, studied the reports of the commanders, looked at the order of their work and, as far as I know, are already actively using certain aspects of the combat work taken over from us in their troop training system.

- Andrey Yuryevich, is there a specificity for the Russian contingent in the service on the territory of Armenia?

If we take into account the very principle of combat training of personnel, then it is no different from the main training program for military personnel in Russia. This is simply not necessary. But here, in Armenia, we have to take into account such additional factors of the conditions of service as highlands and mountainous terrain. Judge for yourself. The permanent deployment point of the military base, although it is located within the city limits of Gyumri, is at an altitude of 1.524 meters above sea level. There are training places at the Alagyaz high-mountain training complex even at an altitude of 2.280 meters. Although the Kamkhud training complex has a lower altitude, 1,840 meters is a significant excess in relation to the usually flat terrain of Russia, which is familiar to us. In such high-altitude areas, the natural rarefaction of the air requires additional physical strength from the personnel. This is especially true for drivers of vehicles and mechanics-drivers of military vehicles. Moreover, in two moments at once. The first concerns the physical condition of military personnel. The second is the operational regime of the military equipment entrusted to them. On the same "Alagyaz", the boiling point of the coolant occurs already at 80 degrees. Such operating conditions strongly affect the operation of equipment engines, which in turn requires increased professional attention from the driver.
Taking into account all the same mountainous terrain, a training plan for tactical, fire, special training of combat units of a military base is being built: motorized riflemen, tankmen, artillerymen, scouts, military air defense units, and so on.

In addition to everything, one has to reckon with such a moment as the very short service life of variable personnel in our base. If in Russia, conscripts have been in the military structure for 12 months, then in the regular positions of the RVB for five to six months. That is why we cannot afford to fully utilize either a measured adaptation period or a single training course for new arrivals. As a rule, it is necessary, relying on the already existing professional skills of specialists, to immediately proceed to the program of coordinating departments. If you manage to do something on an individual basis, then just check the level of knowledge and the degree of practical skill of those with whom you will have to work out the current combat training program in the coming months. Again, as an example: only in May of this year we completed the next stage of the formation of the base, and already this October we will have a planned change of personnel.

As a result, with the same volume of activities being carried out, we are forced to engage in much more intensive work. The allotted time limit does not allow the buildup. And in these conditions, you will not believe, we are looking for opportunities to increase joint practical actions with the military personnel of the Armenian Armed Forces at the range. Is it perceived as nonsense? But we succeed in this too.

Probably, in conditions of almost extreme training, you could be helped out by filling the staff of the military base with military personnel under contract ...

Perhaps. But we are realists, not dreamers. Therefore, we are working with the contingent that has been assigned to us. We also have contractors, but there are not many of them. All of them are in positions that determine the combat capability of a military base. These are mainly specialists in high-tech models of military equipment, for example, in the air defense system.

- Tell us how the processes of providing the base, updating weapons and the fleet of armored vehicles are going on.

While we remain in the conditions of a sparing financing regime. In addition, the base is not on the list of priorities for construction. Therefore, we focused on the program for the preparation of regular landfills. It is in our power today. We bring the existing ones to the exact "battle" and create new training places.

Naturally, we paid a lot of attention to our snipers. A firing direction was also prepared for them. This had to be done, because last year, sniper specialists successfully mastered the modernized SVD and the VSS Vintorez silent shooting system. Taking into account the new weapons, the process of training snipers was aimed at learning the skills of choosing and occupying firing positions, taking into account the terrain, season and time of day, covert movement, the use of camouflage means, as well as the peculiarities of conducting a sniper duel.

The grenade launcher direction was restored. We create field sites for testing standards. Improving the tank director. We started to equip the BMP director. We equip the tactical field. At both polygons this year we will complete the arrangement of stationary field camps.

In 2013, we made significant progress in updating the transport base. The fleet of infantry fighting vehicles is being unified.

Eribuni airbase deployed on the outskirts of Yerevan is another structural unit of the Russian military base. Is he also expected to be transformed?

To a certain extent, yes. It is planned that in due time a mixed aviation regiment will be located on the territory of the air base. That is, combat and military transport helicopters will be located at the bases of combat aircraft in the vicinity of the MiG-29 fighters. In this regard, the entire package of necessary bilateral documents has already been signed. At the moment, cadastral passports are being issued for those plots of land that are allocated to us for building related topics. These will be buildings made of pre-fabricated structures.

In the new look of the air base, the RVB will acquire a completely different, more diverse in its practical application, combat strength.

- Eribuni is separated from the main location of the military base. Does this create any difficulties in the leadership of the air component of the Russian contingent in Armenia?

At one time, I was the deputy commander of the Tula airborne division. Our units were separated from the headquarters of the formation for more than two hundred kilometers. But we did not have any problems in the process of leading the subordinate regiments.

Here the distance of the airbase from the "Big Fortress" is only 120 kilometers. Honestly, this is not a distance to talk about any embarrassing moments. Moreover, returning to the topic of the contingent arriving in the RVB, it is worth noting that there are no random people in the Eribuni airbase. And it can't be. There are only experienced flight crews with hundreds of hours of practical flight time behind them. This moment is primarily due to the location of the runway. This is, firstly, a few kilometers to the state border of Armenia, when the pilot literally on takeoff has to perform an air maneuver in order to “not go abroad”. Secondly, the Eribuni airfield is located within the city limits, which imposes special responsibility on combat pilots during the period of practical flights. Finally, one should not forget that the pilots of the Russian military aviation have to perform each flight in the highlands, when the altitude, for example, 3-4 thousand meters, here, in the conditions of Armenia, is critically dangerous.

At the same time, it should be noted that even in such difficult conditions of service, the pilots of the Russian airbase Eribuni "choose" the program of planned flights completely.

It is no secret that after receiving a prescription for leaving for a military base, officers think, among other things, about the conditions under which they will have to be accommodated in a new place.

In the system of the military base, conditions were initially created that guaranteed any officer who arrived to serve in the military base, service housing. For married people - apartments in the buildings of a military town, for bachelors - places in officers' hostels.

- Troops are on the verge of a final check. In the commander's opinion, what level of training will the personnel of the military base demonstrate this year?

At the end of the last academic year, we took second place among the combined arms formations of the Southern Military District. The personnel are determined not to let go of the positions they have won. The base command pins special hopes on the growth of indicators in matters of professional and physical training. Regarding the latter, I can add: when I headed the base, among the officers and servicemen under the contract there were about a hundred of those who would be happy with physical training and three points. I will not hide, as a paratrooper, it was very upsetting. Therefore, during the summer combat training, it was decided to increase attention to the process of physical training of personnel. Classes became more intense. With those lagging behind, the head of physical training of the base to this day, every day from half past six in the morning, conducts morning physical exercises with a gradual transition to power loads and running. Result: the number of laggards has dropped significantly.

On the eve of our meeting, I had a chance to observe the following picture: in some divisions, in the process of physical training classes, bulletproof vests are put on over sports jackets. Simply put, they train like a landing. Is it from your submission?

No, this tradition appeared here before me. But, mind you, it is justified. The highlands are not for weaklings. The base unit commanders learned this perfectly. Therefore, in the process of training, they often turn to additional loads, the so-called accompanying physical training, so that later, once in the mountains, the soldiers can more easily endure the rarefied atmosphere of the heights.

Crimean gambit. The tragedy and glory of the Black Sea Fleet Greig Olga Ivanovna

Russia's southern outpost on the Black Sea as the focus of three great religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam

Nicholas I, who ascended the throne, created a new "Fleet Education Committee" in 1825 under the chairmanship of Admiral A. V. Moller, which included Vice Admirals A. N. Pustoshkin, D. N. Senyavin, A. S. Greig , Rear Admirals P. M. Rozhnov, Captain-Commanders F. F. Bellingshausen, I. F. Kruzenshtern and M. I. Ratmanov.

The number of voyages for the transport of troops and cargo to different points on the coast has significantly increased, which required the organization of navigation security. On the initiative of Greig, reliable maps and directions of the Black and Azov Seas were created, several lighthouses were built: Inkerman lighthouses in Sevastopol, floating near the Kinburn spit, in Odessa and Yenikal, on the Tendrovskaya spit, Taklinsky, on the Tarkhankut and Ai-Todor capes. In the Bugsky and Dneprovsko-Bugsky estuaries, navigation signs were installed along the banks. For the operational control of the fleets in 1819-1820. day (flag) and night (ie, flashlight) signals were generated. These signals, developed in the Black Sea, were introduced to the entire Russian fleet. At the same time, the system of optical telegraph lines was developed.

Realizing the special importance of the southern outpost of the Empire and the need to defend the main base of the fleet - Sevastopol - Admiral Greig convinced the Emperor of the need to allocate funds for the construction in 1821-1827. batteries (known as Konstantinovskiy and Alekseevskiy ravelins) with coreless furnaces at the entrance capes of the Sevastopol Bay. He also developed a plan for the construction of defensive structures to protect the city from land, but funds were not allocated - which later, in 1854, tragically affected the defense of Sevastopol.

The admiral clearly imagined that in less than two or three decades, how the southern outpost of Russia and, first of all, Sevastopol would be subjected to the first cruel test of strength; and to what extent the outpost will withstand this test, so much will it be possible to judge the strength of the Russian state. He (like some of his other contemporaries) knew that for about 3000 years a terrible, destructive, demonic force was gaining power in the world, directed against the idea of ​​Christianity - Christianity, which was born together with Jesus Christ in Galilee and acquired a powerful impulse in the Greek Orthodox faith. , and entrenched in the Byzantine Empire, which served as the source of the holiness of the Russian people, when Prince Vladimir from Kiev received the baptism of All Russia in Chersonesos, on the land of Sevastopol. It was on the basis of these truths that Tsar Peter the Great believed that without a southern outpost on the Black Sea, as the focus of the three great religions of the Earth: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam, the very existence of mighty Russia is inconceivable. Such a thought requires an explanation, but it will be, so to speak, global and will require a lot of space, maybe even a whole book, so let's take it for granted ...

Unfortunately, Alexei Samuelevich failed to convince the Marine Committee of the need to allocate funds for the construction of defensive structures to protect the city from land. The money will arrive only ... in 1854, when a landing of the allied powers will land on the shores of Evpatoria with the aim of aggression against the Russian state. But Admiral Greig has been dead for 9 years.

And yet, thanks to his talent as an organizer, even after the Crimean War, it was possible to preserve the main shipyards, workshops, and, of course, the administration system, without which it would be extremely difficult for Alexander II and his admirals to restore the Black Sea Fleet.

I would also like to draw attention to such a topic as the training of future sailors and naval commanders; this is, as they say, feel the difference: how and what was taught in those ancient times and when the future admiral N. G. Kuznetsov, mentioned on these pages, studied.

Making regular voyages with squadrons of the fleet, Admiral Greig prepared sailors for difficult but glorious victories at sea. He is directly involved in the formation of the navigational and artillery naval schools in Nikolaev, but his innovative ideas did not always receive support in the capital. His desire to open his own Naval Cadet Corps on the Black Sea was not supported either; but managed to reserve 10 places for the children of the Black Sea residents in the capital's Marine Corps. In Nikolaev and Sevastopol, under the direct patronage of the commander of the ports and the Black Sea Fleet, separate schools for boys and girls were created (yes, relatively speaking, to teach aesthetics and ethics and living among sailors). Classes for boys were conducted in physics, mechanics, pneumatics, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, ship architecture; as well as gallantry and the ability to communicate in a secular society and among other categories of subjects of the Russian Emperor, which was important for the morality of the officer corps of the Black Sea Fleet. Greig himself often attended educational institutions and examined future officers. Academic refresher courses were organized for officers in Nikolaev, at which lectures were given by teachers invited from the northern and first-capital capitals. The admiral himself also lectured.

For those who wish, the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory, opened by Greig, functioned; where they joined meteorology and astronomy, kept meteorological journals. The most capable officers were sent both abroad and to domestic enterprises to improve their knowledge. By the way, the Pulkovo Observatory, built later under the leadership of the admiral at his expense from the income of his vineyards in Magarach, who already lived in St. Petersburg, will eventually acquire the status of the astronomical capital of the world! Academician Struve was the scientific supervisor of the construction.

Every year the fleet under the flag of Admiral Greig went out to sea for training and crews. It was during these years that those sailors received naval and combat practice who later became famous in battles with the Turkish fleet ...

In general, the era of Emperor Alexander I was marked by many outstanding discoveries. For example, discoveries in Oceania, which were carried out by sailors in the period from 1803 to 1805. under the leadership of IF Kruzenshtern (later vice-admiral; years of life 1770-1846) and Yu. F. Lisyansky (later vice-admiral; years of life 1773-1837), who made the first Russian voyage around the world; and in 1819-1820. discovered a new continent - Antarctica - in a voyage under the leadership of officers F.F.Bellingshausen (future vice-admiral; life years 1779-1852) and M.P. ). They also made round-the-world voyages to explore the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. These expeditions renewed naval science and education in the fields of geodesy, geology, cartography, higher mathematics, hydrology, meteorology, navigation, nautical astronomy, ethnography, and terrestrial magnetism. The implementation of these requirements contributed to the cardinal development of naval sciences and the training of truly well-educated naval officers.

I will sincerely answer why much attention was paid to one of the admirals of the Russian fleet, who commanded the Black Sea Fleet for such a long time in the era of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I. The actions of Alexei Samuelevich in strengthening the southern outpost of the Russian Empire turned out to be so dangerous to the new regime on the territory of the former powerful state , which became the USSR, that a lot of efforts were made to erase his name from human memory; the authorities did not disdain to blow up the monumental monument erected to the admiral in Nikolaev ...

During his time in command of the Black Sea Fleet, A.S. Greig managed to create a parity of forces between the Russian and Turkish fleets, thus creating a zone of peace on the Black Sea, as well as in the adjacent Balkans and Mediterranean states, based on good-neighborliness and cooperation. Only thanks to this foundation, Alexander II subsequently managed to continue the formation of relations with Turkey; with the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, Turkey was freed from these obligations ...

It was thanks to Admiral Greig that conditions were created in Crimea to exclude interethnic strife between the Russians, Tatars, Greeks, Armenians and peoples of other nationalities who lived there.

Intensively during the formation of Soviet power, not only the name of Alexei Samuelevich, but also the name of his father, Admiral Samuel Karlovich Greig, was erased from all the tablets of the History of the Russian Fleet. And the era of the two emperors was reduced by the "scientists" of the 20th century to the level of banal fables, distorting and falsifying beyond recognition; however, the Soviet interpretation in a negative light of the life and activities of individual personalities of Russian history often speaks of their real and significant deeds for the glory of the Russian Fatherland.

Thanks to the diplomatic abilities of Admiral Greig, it was possible to establish good-neighborly relations between the peoples of the countries located in the Black Sea basin, and to peacefully use the straits not only of Russia, Turkey, but also Greece and other states of the Mediterranean basin. Obviously, such a significant merit cannot be attributed to just one person; to establish a parity of forces, a plan was developed and implemented, in which other subjects of the Sovereign Emperor participated. For a concrete explanation, I will quote from the book of the historian N. G. Ustryalov, "forgotten" in the Soviet era: “The war between Russia and Turkey began in the spring of 1828. On our side, an extensive plan of military operations was drawn up in order to disturb Turkey from all sides and with the combined, united strikes of land and sea forces in Europe and Asia, on the Black and Mediterranean seas, to convince the Porto of the impossibility of fighting Russia. Field Marshal Count Wittgenstein was entrusted with the main army to occupy Moldavia and Wallachia, to cross the Danube and to inflict a decisive blow on the enemy in the fields of Bulgaria or Rumelia; Count Paskevich-Erivansky was ordered to attack the Asian regions of Turkey with the Caucasian corps in order to divert her forces from Europe; Prince Menshikov with a separate detachment to take Anapa; Admiral Greig with the Black Sea Fleet to assist in the conquest of the coastal fortresses in Bulgaria, Rumelia and on the eastern coast of the Black Sea; to Admiral Heiden with a squadron in the Archipelago, to lock up the Dardanelles to prevent the supply of food supplies from Egypt to Constantinople "(N. G. Ustryalov. Russian history until 1855. Petrozavodsk, 1997, pp. 838–839). However, not only and not so much military action was taken, but first of all, diplomatic steps ...

But what events, which speak of the importance of establishing peace in the south of Russia, preceded this?

Still some dozen or two years before the events described, the situation in the world developed as follows. America freed itself from England, but fell into another embrace - the embrace of the Jews, who took key positions in the financial sector, and, therefore, began to actively manage politicians (and politics), with a further aim to rule the whole world. To do this, it was only necessary to skillfully manipulate the processes, pushing countries apart. And the peaceful, reasonable government of peoples, built on trust and honor, was for those who wanted to get other people's wealth and superpower dangerous as it deprived them of all prospects. The Napoleonic wars, organized with the help of interested American forces, raged on the European continent, and in the south - in the Mediterranean Sea - pirates wielded fearlessly. At that time, Greece, like the Balkans, was under the occupation of the Ottoman Turkey. England and France continued to be the great powers that played an important role in the region. They were followed by Russia, Germany and Austria. And from the point of view of Russia, such a distribution was illegal, since it implied enmity; while Alexander I provided for the peaceful coexistence of the countries of the Mediterranean basin, regardless of religious belief. The contradictions that existed between these countries sometimes ceased and alliances and agreements were concluded (the main concern of European and Asian states in this region was to determine who would occupy the vacuum that a "sick" Turkey leaves behind, that is, who will command and dictate conditions).

From the book Spetsnaz GRU: the most complete encyclopedia the author Kolpakidi Alexander Ivanovich

Naval special forces in the Black Sea In the first months of the war, two reconnaissance detachments were created to conduct reconnaissance of the enemy on the proposal of the intelligence department of the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, one of which was to act in the interests of the Odessa defense region, and the other in

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From the book The Eastern Front. Cherkasy. Ternopil. Crimea. Vitebsk. Bobruisk. Brody. Iasi. Kishinev. 1944 author Buchner Alex

Tragedy on the Black Sea It was in the Crimea, which is practically a large island with an area of ​​25.5 thousand square kilometers, connected to the mainland only in the north by an isthmus near Perekop with a width of 6 to 23 kilometers and a railway passing through the Sivash

From the book Russian Navy in the Wars with Napoleonic France the author Chernyshev Alexander Alekseevich

WAR ON THE BLACK SEA With the departure of the squadron of D.N. Senyavin from the Dardanelles in August 1807, hostilities in the Archipelago ceased. However, the war between Russia and Turkey lasted until 1812, and the Black Sea Fleet took part in them together with the Russian army.

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Chapter V In the Black Sea

From the book German Submarines Type II close-up author Ivanov S.V.

Combat use of six II B series submarines in the Black Sea When discussing with the Fuehrer on March 18, 1941, Operation Barbarossa, at the preparatory stage, proposed the use of small submarines in the Black Sea from naval bases in Romania. For the transportation of submarines by land and river

From the book Tragedy of the Sevastopol Fortress the author Shirokorad Alexander Borisovich

Chapter 1. RATIO OF FORCES ON THE BLACK SEA By June 22, 1941, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet were deployed as follows: A squadron was based in Sevastopol, consisting of the battleship Parizhskaya Kommuna, brigades of cruisers (Krasny Kavkaz, Chervona Ukraina, Krasny

From the book Icebreaker Fleet of Russia, 1860s - 1918. the author Andrienko Vladimir Grigorievich

Chapter 7. Was there a German navy on the Black Sea? The transfer of the German Navy to the Black Sea was not envisaged by the Barbarossa plan. But already in the first months of the war, the German generals realized that they would not be able to capture the Crimea and the Caucasus without the Kriegsmarine.

From the book The Russian Fleet in the Black Sea. Pages of history. 1696-1924 the author Gribovsky Vladimir Yulievich

§ 1. "Useful" on the Black Sea In 1886, the thriving Russian Society of Shipping and Trade (ROPiT) ordered a special port ship in England to serve its large fleet on the Black Sea. Formally, it was planned to replace the old and worn out

From the book Two Fights the author Petrov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Fighting in the Black Sea The Turkish command was unable to fully realize its overwhelming superiority in forces in the Black Sea theater. The most important reasons for this were the insufficient combat readiness of the Turkish fleet for active operations and the lack of

From the book Crimean Gambit. The tragedy and glory of the Black Sea Fleet the author Greig Olga Ivanovna

The situation on the Black Sea at the beginning of World War II, Russia was not limited to defensive aspirations in the Black Sea. Her policy constantly had the ultimate goal - to capture the straits and Constantinople that. on the one hand, it fundamentally solved the task of defense, and on the other hand,

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The general course of events on the Black Sea before the battle of November 5/18 In order to connect the battle of the Black Sea Fleet with the Goeben that took place on November 5/18, 1914 with the situation on the Black Sea at this time and to make a judgment about the ideas that guided the activities of the Russian command, let us drop the general

From the author's book

Chapter 1 Crimea - the southern outpost, or How the glory and pride of the Russian was created

From the author's book

ON THE BLACK SEA In January 18 34 P.S. Nakhimov, at the request of M.P. Lazarev, was transferred to Sevastopol, promoted to captain of the 2nd rank and appointed commander of the ship "Silistria". Lazarev was appointed chief of staff of the Black Sea Fleet in February 1832.

From the author's book

BEGINNING OF COMBAT OPERATIONS ON THE BLACK SEA On October 11, 1853, a detachment of the Russian Danube flotilla was fired upon by Turkish batteries from the Isakcha fortress. On the night of October 15, Turkish troops attacked the garrison of the post of St. Nicholas on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and captured this

From the author's book

THE FLEET OF ALLIES ON THE BLACK SEA England and France had significant forces, and they began their war, intending at once to solve the system of relations with Russia by military means, which was previously carried out through diplomacy, trade, finance.

Our city of Astrakhan, in which we live, is often called the Southern Outpost of Russia. Have you ever wondered why? After all, besides us, there are plenty of cities in the south. They will be more than our "capital", and further south, on top of everything else ... I will reveal to you a military secret :)) It so happened that our city on the Volga became the homeland for the Caspian flotilla!

The Caspian Flotilla is one of the operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy (there are 4 more fleets in our country, in addition to our Caspian flotillas) with headquarters in Astrakhan and is part of the Southern Military District. The flotilla has three basing points: Astrakhan, Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. In total, there are 24 surface ships there: 1 patrol ship, 2 small artillery ships, 5 missile boats, 5 artillery boats, 2 base minesweepers, 4 raid minesweepers, 7 landing boats.


Pennant of warships

Main goals:

Fight against terrorism and religious extremism.
- Fight against poachers (illegal extraction of black caviar).
- Ensuring Russian national interests in the area of ​​oil fields.
- Tracking and elimination of emergencies in river navigation.
- Trade protection.

A bit of history.

Before Peter, there were attempts to create a flotilla of warships in the Caspian Sea. Thus, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the need arose to protect the trade routes along the Volga route in connection with the expansion of trade relations between Russia and Persia. The first Russian military three-masted ship "Eagle", a yacht, a boat and two boats were laid down. The constructed ships were launched and arrived in Astrakhan in 1669, but the following year, during the uprising led by Stepan Razin, these ships were captured and burned.
At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I set himself the goal of conquering the coast of the Caspian Sea, but Persia, a fairly powerful state at that time, stood in his way. Therefore, in 1704, an admiralty was founded in Kazan and the construction of 200 river boats and 45 flippers - small wooden ships intended to serve military ports - began.
On July 18, 1722, the landing, commanded by Peter I himself, left Astrakhan for the Caspian Sea. During the Persian campaign in August 1722, Russian troops occupied the city of Derbent. And already in November, a military port was founded in Astrakhan and a military flotilla was formed.
After the death of Peter the Great, the Russian conquests in the Caspian were lost: due to the aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations, the Russian government, interested in an alliance with Persia, returned all the Caspian regions to Persia under the Rasht Treaty (1732) and the Treaty of Ganja (1735).
In 1781 the captain of the 2nd rank, Count Marko Voinovich, formed a detachment of three 20-gun frigates, a bombarding ship and two boats in Astrakhan, which moved to the Astrabad Bay in the southeast of the Caspian Sea. A Russian colony was created here, from where ships carried out transportation, guarded merchant ships, and conducted coastal research. In 1813, with the conclusion of the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Russia acquired a monopoly on the maintenance of a military fleet in the Caspian Sea.
Since 1867, the main forces of the Caspian Flotilla were based in Baku.


After the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of the former republics into sovereign states, the flotilla was divided among the Caspian states of the CIS. The Russian Caspian Flotilla had to be relocated from Baku to Makhachkala and Astrakhan, which became its main base.
The main tasks of the flotilla, which has been guarding the southern borders of Russia for several centuries, remain to ensure the national and state interests of the country and counter terrorism. In addition, the issue of dividing the oil fields and biological resources of the Caspian Sea has been discussed for more than 15 years, and in these conditions the Caspian Flotilla is the force that supports the leading role of Russia in the largest inland sea on Earth.
The Caspian flotilla is not the most modern, since it is armed with ships still built in the Soviet Union, mainly in the 1980s. At present, the flotilla includes missile, torpedo and artillery boats, amphibious air-cushion ships, base and raid minesweepers, parts of the marines, coastal artillery troops.

The most modern ship is the flagship of the flotilla, the patrol ship of project 11661 "Tatarstan", which was put into service in 2003. The state plans to equip it with new ships and by 2018 to bring the number of modern weapons to 90%. Of the relatively new combat units, there is already Astrakhan, the lead ship of Project 21630 and Volgodonsk, the first serial ship of Project 21630. There are plans to supply 2 more ships from this series, which are already at the final stage of construction.

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