Home Trees and shrubs Assignments of the All-Russian Olympiad in History. Who are these passages about?

Assignments of the All-Russian Olympiad in History. Who are these passages about?

We wish you success!

Choose the correct answer.

1. Decree on the "lesson years":

a) prohibited the free transfer of peasants from one owner to another;

b) set a five-year term for detecting fugitive peasants;

c) determined the transition of peasants to another landowner only on St. George's Day;

d) established an unlimited search for fugitive peasants

2 . The strengthening of the role of the guard is associated with the era, which is called the period:

b) Regency;

c) Favoritism;

d) Palace coups;

3 . Which battle relates to Russia's naval victories in the Northern War?

a) at Grengam;

b) at Poltava;

c) at Lesnaya;

d) at Narva;

4. What event are we talking about in the lines?

Harsh was in the science of glory

She was given a teacher: not one

An unexpected and bloody lesson

Asked her by a Swedish paladin.

a) Denmark's withdrawal from the war with Sweden;

b) the lifting of the siege by the Polish troops of Riga;

c) the defeat of the Russian troops near Narva;

d) Prut campaign

5. The highest church organ under Peter I:

a) Monastic order;

b) Chief Magistrate;

c) the Governing Senate;

6. Russia became an empire after:

a) the Azov campaign;

b) suppressing the uprising under the leadership;

c) the Prut campaign;

d) Northern War

7. Strengthening the role of the noble guard in 1725-1762 in public affairs:

a) contributed to the strengthening of the autocracy;

b) became one of the reasons for the ease and frequency of palace coups;

c) led to the limitation of the absolute power of the Russian emperors;

d) led to conflicts and upheavals

8. All the privileges given to the nobility after the death of Peter I were confirmed during the reign:

a) Elizaveta Petrovna;

b) Peter III;

c) Catherine II;

9. The strengthening of the power and arbitrariness of the landowners over the peasants during the reign of Catherine II led to:

a) Copper riot;

b) an uprising under the leadership;

c) the uprising led by S. Razin;

d) peasant war led by

Part B

IN 1. Of the listed events, refer to the reign of Catherine II:

a) secularization of church lands;

b) cancellation of the decree on single inheritance;

c) restoration of the powers of the Governing Senate;

d) provincial reform;

e) "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility";

f) "Certificate of Appreciation to Cities";

g) formation of the Office of Secret Investigation Affairs;

h) the introduction of freedom of entrepreneurship

i) convocation of the Legislative Commission

IN 2. The cathedral code approved: a) the full right of the feudal lord to land and dependent peasants;

AT 3 . Set the correct match:

1) 1697-1698 a) Russian-Turkish war

2) 1700-1721 b) The Grand Embassy to the countries of Western Europe

3) 1722 c) adoption of the Table of Ranks

4) 1787-1791 d) Northern War

Answer ______________________________________________________

AT 4. Of the above measures, the reign of Peter I includes: a) the dissolution of the Supreme Privy Council;
b) the establishment of the Senate;

d) creation of a collegium system;
e) convocation of the Legislative Commission;

g) the establishment of the poll tax;

j) establishment of the Most Holy Governing Synod

AT 5 . Who are we talking about?

And in the grave there was no rest for him: rumors spread among the people that at night there was a fire there and cheerful music was heard; for this, eight days later, they dug the corpse out of the grave, burned it to ashes and, having loaded a cannon with it, fired at the gate with which he entered Moscow,

Answer _________________________________________________

All-Russian history Olympiad for schoolchildren

School stage

8th grade

2016-2017 account year

Instructions for performing the work.

You are given 40 minutes to complete the work on history. Write the answers to the tasks in the answer fields in the text of the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. You can use a draft if necessary. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. In order to save time, skip the task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next. If, after completing all the work, you have time left, then you can return to the missed tasks.

We wish you success!

Surname, name ______________________________________________________________

Class ____________________________________________________________________

Option 2.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Manufacture is:

a) the type of enterprise based on the division of labor and handicraft techniques;

b) a system based on the production of small batches of goods for sale on the market;

c) a special place where the purchase and sale of goods and securities was carried out

2. The main role in the palace coups was played by:

a) archers;

b) representatives of the old tribal aristocracy;

c) noble guard;

d) Cossacks

3. The need to update church books and rituals became one of the reasons:

a) the conflict between Patriarch Nikon and Alexei Mikhailovich;

b) church reform of the middle of the 17th century;

c) the abolition of the patriarchate;

d) secularization of church lands

4. After the end of the Northern War, a peace treaty was signed a) in Narva;
b) in Nishtadt;
c) in St. Petersburg

5. Under Peter I, the army was formed on the basis of:

a) general military service;

b) the collection of the noble militia;

c) recruitment;

d) mercenary troops

6. The main meaning of the "Table of Ranks" was:

a) the elimination of parochialism;

b) confirmation of the principle of nobility and nobility during promotion;

c) defining the rules of conduct for officials;

d) opportunities for career growth for a serving person, regardless of his origin

7. The main meaning of the victory of the Russian army at Poltava:

a) expulsion of the Swedes from the territory of Russia;

b) restoration of the Northern Union;

c) accession to the Northern Union of Prussia;

d) a turning point in the war in favor of Russia

8 . Form of government under PeterIthis is:
a) republic;
b) absolute monarchy;
c) constitutional monarchy

9. The policy of "enlightened absolutism" during the reign of Catherine II includes:

a) convocation of the Legislative Commission;

b) general land surveying;

c) provincial reform;

d) decree on single inheritance

Part B.

IN 1. Of the listed events, the reign of Peter I includes:

a) the dissolution of the Supreme Privy Council;

b) the establishment of the Senate;

c) refusal to impose death sentences;

d) creation of a collegium system;

e) convocation of the Legislative Commission;

f) adoption of the "Table of Ranks";

g) the establishment of the poll tax;

h) creation of the Cabinet of Ministers;

i) division of the country into provinces;

j) establishment of the Most Holy Governing Synod

Q 2. Set the correct match.

3) 1697-1698 a) Russian-Turkish war

4) 1700-1721 b) The Grand Embassy to the countries of Western Europe

5) 1722 c) adoption of the Table of Ranks

6) 1787-1791 d) Northern War

Answer ___________________________________________________

AT 3. Arrange in chronological order the events dating back to the reign of PeterI:

1) the Azov campaigns;

2) "The Great Embassy";

3) the regency of Princess Sophia;

4) the conclusion of the Northern Union;

5) the proclamation of Russia as an empire

In 4, the Council Code approved: a) the full right of the feudal lord to land and dependent peasants;
b) the right of the landowner to exile the peasants to Siberia and to hard labor;
c) 15-year search for runaway peasants;
d) attachment to the land of state peasants

Q 5. What great Russian commander are we talking about?

In early December 1790____ sent a letter to the Turkish commander-in-chief demanding the immediate surrender of Ishmael:
“I'll give you twenty-four hours to think about it. My first shot was bondage. Storming is death. What to choose, I leave you for consideration.
“The Danube will sooner stop in its course, and the sky will fall to the ground than Ishmael surrenders,” was the answer of the Turks, confident in the inaccessibility of their fortress.

Answer ____________________________________________________________

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History Olympiad Grade 9.docx


School stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

history for grade 9

2016-2017 academic year

Time to complete the work: 120 min. Total 92 points

1.Test tasks. 11 points

1. What historical character did V.O. Klyuchevsky? “Here in the north, it seems, and the prince was born ... in 1111, he was a real northern prince, a true Suzdalese-zaleshin in his habits and concepts, in his political upbringing. His father gave him control over Vladimir on the Klyazma, a small, recently emerged Suzdal suburb, and there ... he ruled far over thirty years of his life, without having visited Kiev. "

1) Andrey Bogolyubsky 2) Vladimir Monomakh 3) Vsevolod Big Nest 4) Yuri Dolgoruky

2. In what year did the event described below occur? “And Vladimir began to reign in Kiev alone, and set idols on the hill behind the terem courtyard: the wooden Perun with a silver head and golden mustache, and Khors, Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargla, and Mokosh. And they sacrificed to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters, and sacrificed to demons, and defiled the land with sacrifices. "

1) 972 year 2) 980 year 3) 988 year 4) 1015 year

3. In what century was Kievan Rus formed?

1) V century. 2) IX century. 3) XII century. 4) XV century.

4. Who was at the head of the Russian troops who won the victory on the ice of Lake Peipsi in 1242?

1) Dmitry Donskoy 2) Svyatoslav Igorevich 3) Ivan Kalita 4) Alexander Nevsky

5. What was the name of a detour by a prince with a squad of subordinate lands in the Old Russian state in order to collect tribute?

1) rent 2) polyudye 3) exit 4) yasak

6 Read an excerpt from D.S. Likhachev and indicate which ruler we are talking about.

“During his reign (he) expanded the boundaries of the Russian state by three and a half times. He annexed Novgorod (1478) and Tver (1485) to Moscow ... Finally, after the famous "standing" of two troops on the Ugra, without a battle, thanks to the foresight and persistence of his policy, he "stood" Khan Akhmat ... remnants of the dependence of the Russian principalities on the Horde. "

    Dmitry Donskoy 2) Ivan 3 3) Ivan 4 5) Boris Godunov

7. As a result of the reform of 1861, Russia had (a)

1) serfdom has been abolished 2) the temporarily liable position of the peasants has been abolished 3) landlord ownership has been liquidated 4) the peasant community has been destroyed

1) the establishment of the State Duma 2) the establishment of a republic with a unicameral parliament 3) the creation of a federation of provinces and national territories 4) the convocation of the Zemsky Sobor and the transition to a limited monarchy

9. P.A.Stolypin counted the chaptersmajor obstacle to the development of ruralfarms in Russia:

1) stratification of the peasantry2) preservation of the peasant community3) preservation of landed estates4) inclusion of peasants in market relationsniya

10. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of A.I. Herzen and write the name of the emperor, during whose reign the changes in question took place. 2 points.

"Chanceries are being established in place of ministries ... let us add to this the chief of gendarmes Benckendorff, who has the power to overturn court decisions and intervene ... in political crimes ... Benckendorff was the head of the Third Section of His Majesty's Chancellery."


2. A) Establish a correspondence between the names of the generals and the names of the wars in which they became famous. 2 points


1) P.I. Bagration A) Crimean War 1853-1856

2) M.D. Skobelev B) Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

3) V.A. Kornilov B) Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

4) A.A. Brusilov D) World War I 1914-1918

E) Patriotic War of 1812

B) Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and their works. 2 points

A. Ivanov A. 1) "Horsewoman"

B. Bryullov K. 2) "Khovanshchina

C) Glinka M. 3) "Life for the Tsar"

D) Fedotov 4) “The Appearance of Christ to the People

5) "Fresh Cavalier"

3. Arrange events in chronological order: 2 points

a) Decree "on free farmers"

b) accession of Finland to Russia

c) war with France

d) the death of Alexander 1

e) Establishment of ministries

f) signing of the Gulistan Peace Treaty with Iran

4 ... Arrange the ministers of the interior of the Russian Empire in the chronological order of their occupation: 2 points

A) M.T. Loris-Melikov B) V.P. Kochubei B) V.K. Plehve D) P.A. Valuev D) P.A. Stolypin E) A.G. Bulygin

5. Identify the person: About whom the Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky wrote : 6 points.

"... The most unpleasant thing that Empress Elizabeth left behind is _____________." He “on the Russian throne became a loyal Prussian minister. Before the indignant sense of national dignity, the hated ghost of the second Bironovism rose again ... The murmur imperceptibly formed into a military conspiracy, and the conspiracy led to a military coup. "Answer:

“Moderate growth, not too tall and not very short, with furry eyebrows and light blue eyes, snub-nosed, beardless, with thick, excessively long hair above the upper lip. His head was completely naked, but on one side a tuft of hair hung down - a sign of the nobility of the family, a strong nape and a wide chest ... His clothes were white and differed from the clothes of those close to him only in cleanliness ... he sat on the oars and rowed together with those close to him. " this is how the Byzantine historian of the 10th century Leo the Deacon described the appearance of the Kiev prince, who fought with the emperor John Tzimiskes. State the name of this prince.Answer:

Question 4
Read an excerpt from the memoirs of F. Yusupov and determine the name of the person in question.
“When ________ stood in a black shadow near the throne, all of Russia was indignant. The best representatives of the highest clergy raised their voices to defend the Church and the Motherland from the encroachments of this criminal rogue. The Tsar and Empress were begged for the removal of ________ by the persons closest to the Tsar's family. It was all to no avail. His dark influence was strengthening more and more, and along with this, dissatisfaction in the country grew more and more, penetrating even the most remote corners of Russia, where ordinary people sensed with a true instinct that something was wrong at the top of power. "Answer:

6. What battle is referred to in the memoirs of Marshal G.K. Zhukov: 3 points

“In the battle of ____, the Nazis lost a total of more than half a million people, 1,300 tanks, 2,500 guns ... German troops were driven back from ______ to the west by 150-300 kilometers. When I am asked what is most memorable from the last war, I always answer the battle for ________. "

7. Linguistic constructor. From the words given, make up definitions of historical concepts and write them down. Write the concepts themselves. Words cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions, change words by numbers and cases(2 points for each correct answer, maximum score - 4 ):

1. Territory, collected, from which, subject, bypassing, her, products, tribute, paid, by the prince, in money, or. transmitted _________________________________________________________________ _______ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________

8. By what principle are the chronological series formed? Give a short answer. 3 points for each correct answer ... Total 9 points

a) 1497, 1550, 1581, 1649

b) 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977

c) 882, 912, 980, 1019

9. Compare the events of domestic and foreign history.

In the same year ………. 3 points

1.The USSR is expelled from the League of Nations

2. The defeat of Russia in the Crimean War

A. The beginning of the Second "Opium War in China

B. German occupation of Czechoslovakia

B. Completion of the unification of Italy

10. Who or what is superfluous in the row? Explain your answer. 2 points for a complete correct answer. Total: 6 points

a) ryadovichi, purchases, clerks, slaves, smerds

b) Aristotle Fioravanti, Sophia Paleologue, Khan Akhmat, Sergius of Radonezh

c) Operation Bagration, Operation Typhoon, Operation Sea Lion, Operation Citadel

11. Tasks for working with illustrative material. 3 points.

2. To whom is the monument erected?

3. In which city is the monument located?

12. Working with the map. 3 points

1. Write the name of the war shown in the diagram.

2. Write the name of the battle indicated on the diagram with the number "5".

3. Write the number that marks the place of the described events on the diagram: “ On the first day of the war, January 27, the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Koreets took an unequal battle with the enemy squadron. During the battle "Varyag" and "Koreets" sank several of the enemy's best ships, after which, unable to break through the encirclement, they were flooded.

13. CREATIVE TASK (essay or detailed answer, 25 points).

Sample Essay Topics:

1. In that age of people's youth, the heroic deeds of Monomakh, his amazing activities could not fail to arouse strong sympathy, especially when these feats were performed for the benefit of the earth (S.M. Soloviev).

2. Boris ruled on the throne as smartly and carefully as before, standing at the throne under Tsar Fedor (V.O.Klyuchevsky).

3. AL Ordin-Nashchekin in many ways warned Peter and was the first to express many ideas that were implemented by the transformer (VO Klyuchevsky).

4. Peter turned out to be not only a talented and perceptive diplomat, but also a highly gifted commander and military organizer in the difficult struggle in which the Russian people had to defend their future (E.V. Tarle).

5. In terms of intelligence and talent, Speransky is undoubtedly the most remarkable of the statesmen who worked with Alexander, and, perhaps, the most remarkable statesman in all of modern Russian history (AA Kornilov).

6. Alexander II embarked on the path of liberation reforms not because of his convictions, but as a military man on the throne, who realized the lessons of the Crimean War (L. G. Zakharova).

4. "Thaw" and its influence

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


    Answer: 1-1; 2-2; 3-2; 4-4; 5-2; 6-2; 7 -1; 8-1; 9-2, 10-Nikolay 1-2 points. Total 11 points

    A) 1-d; 2- b; 3 - a; 4-d - 2 points B)A-4, B-1, B-3, G-5 - 2 points

    Answer: d, a, b, c, f, d - 2 points

    2 points

    Peter 3, Svyatoslav, Rasputin - 6 points

    6. Battle for Moscow - 3 points

    7. Polyudye - the territory of the prince, bypassing it, the prince collected tribute, which the subjects paid in food or money - 2 points

    An estate is a large group of people, distinguished by the enshrined rights and obligations that are inherited. - 2 points

    8.a) dates associated with the enslavement of peasants

    b) the dates of the adoption of the Constitutions of the USSR

    c) dates associated with the beginning of the reign of the Kiev princes

    total 9 points

    9. Answer: 1-B, 2-A, 3 points

    10. Answer: a) clerks, the rest are categories of the dependent population of the Old Russian state;

    b) Sergius of Radonezh. He was not a contemporary of Ivan 3;

    c) Operation Bagration. The rest of the military operations were developed by the German command.

    only 6 points.

    11. Martos, Monument dedicated to Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin - the leaders of the people's militia in 1612, Moscow - only 3 points

    12.Russian-Japanese, Tsushima, 4 - 3 points

    13. criteria in task 14.

Selected document for viewing olympiad in history 10-11 classes docx


School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren

10-11 grade

2016-2017 academic year

Total 76 points

Time to complete the job: 2 hours

1. Test tasks

1. Which of the following reigns has never been occupied by Alexander Nevsky?

1) Kievskoe 2) Vladimirskoe (on the Klyazma) 3) Galicia-Volynskoe 4) Novgorodskoe

2. In what year did the described by S.M. Solovyov event?

“Meanwhile, the Grand Duke was brought to Moscow on the night of February 14 and put in Shemyakin's courtyard; On the 16th they blinded for the night and exiled to Uglich together with his wife, and their mother, Grand Duchess Sofya Vitovtovna, was sent to Chukhloma. "

1) 1425. 2) 1446 3) 1448 4) 1453

3. The main result of the Russian-Lithuanian war of 1512-1522 was the return of Russia

1) Chernigov 2) Kiev 3) Smolensk 4) Pskov

4. In what year did Nizhny Novgorod become part of the Moscow principality?

1) 1341. 2) 1363 3) 1392 4) 1418

5. Who led the Horde campaign against Russia in 1408?

1) Edigei 2) Tokhtamysh 3) Uzbek 4) Akhmat

6. The Commonwealth was formed as a result of the union between

1) Poland and Hungary 2) Bohemia and Prussia 3) The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Livonian Order 4) Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

7. Under what princes was "Russkaya Pravda" compiled?

1) Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav; 2) Vasily 1, Ivane Kalita, Ivane 3; 3) Yaroslav the Wise, his sons, Vladimir Monomakh; 4) Svyatoslav, Igor, Ivan 4.

8. The Stakhanov movement developed into:

1)1932 2) 1933 3) 1934 4) 1935

9. As a result of the monetary reform, S.Yu. Witte:

1) the gold ruble became the basis of the monetary system 2) the silver ruble became the basis of the monetary system 3) paper money was withdrawn from circulation 4) the circulation of paper money was stopped

10. In connection with what event a state of emergency was declared in Moscow at the beginning of October 1993?

1) a wave of demonstrations by opponents of the war in the Chechen Republic; 2) armed clashes between supporters of the President and the Supreme Council; 3) strikes and acts of protest by miners; 4) the formation of the State Emergency Committee

2. A) Establish correspondences between the guards units and the rulers under which they were created. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Only 4 points.

A) Preobrazhensky regiment

B) Izmailovsky regiment

C) Finnish regiment

D) Cavalier regiment

E) Leib campaign

E) Company of Palace Grenadiers

1) Catherine II

2) Alexander I

3) Peter I

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

5) Catherine I

6) Nicholas I

7) Anna Ioanovna

B) Establish correspondences between architects and the buildings they designed. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

A) F.O. Shekhtel

B) O.I. Beauvais

C) A.N. Pomerantsev

D) O. Montferrand

E) V.O. Sherwood

E) K.A. Tone

1) Mikhailovsky Castle

2) Historical Museum in Moscow

3) St. Isaac's Cathedral

4) The Grand Kremlin Palace

5) Bolshoi Theater in Moscow

6) the mansion of S.P. Ryabushinsky

7) Upper shopping arcade in Moscow

V) Correlate the events of national and world history (the difference in dates is within two years) (3 points):

1. Prague Spring a. Bandung Conference

2. The beginning of market reforms in Russia b. "Munich Agreement"

3. XXCongress of the CPSU in. "Red May" in France

4. Soviet-Finnish war, Parish of M. Thatcher in Great Britain

5. The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan e. End of the "apartheid" regime in South Africa

3. Determine the correctness of the proposed judgments (YES, NO). Enter the answer in the table (10 points).

a) The ideas of "non-acquisitiveness" were developed by the elders of the Volga region, headed by Joseph Volotsky.

b) During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, there was a strong influence of the "German party", which was headed by Munnich and Lassi.

c) The Decembrists called themselves "children of 1812", but this is hardly fair, because their movement had obvious foreign roots.

d) The end of the nineteenth century was characterized in Russia by the implementation of a major financial reform. The ruble has become one of the most stable currencies in the world. It was a breakthrough from the past to the future, inextricably linked with the name of the Minister of Finance N.H. Bunge.

e) Russia's entry into the war in 1914 caused an increase in patriotic feelings in Russian society, a series of brilliant victories in 1914-1915. strengthened these sentiments.

4. Identify the missing in the text names, words, names, years, indicated by serial numbers. If necessary, with the serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Enter the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below.

The abolition of serfdom, which occurred in (1), prompted the need for further reforms, especially in the field of legal proceedings and local self-government. Soon, new Judicials were published (2 - document). They proclaimed that from now on there should be a new court (3 - term), that is, to recognize the equality of all subjects of the empire before the law, regardless of their social status. In addition, the trial was obliged to be open and (4 is a term), which meant proving their innocence by the parties to the conflict. There was a complete separation of the judiciary from the administrative one, which entailed the emergence of a new position - judicial (5 - title of the position), which was in charge of the preliminary analysis of the case before the trial. New types of courts appeared - (6 - name) a court that tried insignificant cases on the ground, and a crown court, where the decision on the fact of a crime and the guilt of the accused was taken by a panel of randomly selected persons (7 - name). The highest judicial body of the empire remained (8 - body). Legal proceedings were still conducted on behalf of (9 - title). In the field of local self-government in (10), a zemstvo reform was carried out. The Minister of the Interior was personally responsible for its implementation (11 - surname). Under the new reform, provincial and district zemstvo assemblies and (12 - organ) appeared. Elections in them were made on the basis of property (13 - term). The introduction of zemstvos took place gradually - so, zemstvo institutions in the western provinces of Russia appeared only in (14). The zemstvos have shown themselves most actively in the development of medicine and education at the local level. In addition, the material collected under the leadership of the zemstvos on the state of agriculture in Russia and its dynamics, called "zemstvo (15 - term)", is used in historical research today. A similar zemstvo self-government in cities was introduced in (16). Zemstvos and city institutions, despite the skepticism of conservative circles towards them, existed until (17).



5. Work with illustrative sources.

A) Below are images of Soviet commanders in 1918-1945. Divide them into 2 groups of 3 commanders. Give a criterion for the selection of groups. Name the generals (7 points).

1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Group name

(selection criterion)

Generals numbers

(name them in brackets)







B) Name a politician who has been Chairman of the Council of Ministers since July 1906, retaining the post of Minister of the Interior. 2 points

6. Working with the map. 4 points

Review the diagram and complete the assignments.

1. Write the name of the military plan shown in the diagram.

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram with the number "4".

3. Write the number that designates the city for the capture of which was designed by Operation Typhoon.

4. What judgments regarding the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six suggested. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

    The card belongs to the initial stage of the war.

    Germany planned to end the war by the end of the summer of 1941.

    To repel the aggression depicted on the map, the Labor and Defense Council was created.

    The leader of the country during the war was J.V. Stalin.

    The Battle of Smolensk was the most important stage in disrupting the fascist blitzkrieg strategy.

    The German offensive was halted along the entire front line in the winter of 1941.

7.Work with the document. 4 points. Here is a fragment from a historical source.

“Tsar Akhmat, hearing that the great prince was standing on the bank of the Oka with all his might, went to the Lithuanian land, bypassing the Oka river and waiting for the king (1) or his forces to help him, and experienced guides led him to the Ugra river for fords. The great prince sent his son (2), and his brother, and the governor to the Ugra with all his might, and when they came, they stood on the Ugra and occupied the fords and transports. And the great prince himself went from Kolomna to Moscow, wishing to discuss and ponder this with his father, his Metropolitan (3), and with his mother, the Grand Duchess Martha, and with his spiritual father, Archbishop of Rostov (4), and with their boyars - for they are all then they were under siege in Moscow. And they prayed him with great prayer that he would stand firmly for Orthodox Christianity. "

1.Specify the year of the event described in the text.

2. Indicate the name under which the event described in the text entered Russian history, and explain the meaning of this name.

3. What is the reason for the conflict described in the source.

8. CREATIVE TASK (essay or detailed answer, 25 points). You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of Russian history. Choose one of them, which will be the topic of your essay essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and substantiate it with the arguments that seem to you the most essential. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you:

1. Clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but it is necessary to understand what exactly he claims).

2. You can express your attitude to the statement (reasonably agree with the author or completely or partially refute his statement).

3. You have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic.

4. Know the terms necessary for a competent presentation of your point of view.

Sample Essay Topics:

1. The hateful yoke stopped the cultural development of Russia for more than two centuries, which was the reason for the lag of Russia in comparison with European countries. (A.N. Kirpichnikov).

2. A distinctive feature of the Troubles is that all classes of Russian society consistently appear in it (VO Klyuchevsky).

3. The 17th century gave Peter the "material" without which he would not have been able to take a step (IL Andreev).

4. The emergence of Decembrism, the ten-year history of secret societies, and then the uprising of December 14, 1825, were serious symptoms of a clear trouble in the political system of Russia (S.V. Mironenko).

5. The policy of Alexander III, the policy of counterreforms, extended the existence of an unlimited monarchy for a certain period. (L.G. Zakharova).

6. In the battle of Moscow, a solid foundation was laid for the subsequent defeat of Nazi Germany (GK Zhukov).

Sample topics of expanded answers:

1. The influence of the Golden Horde on the development of Ancient Russia in the XIII-XV centuries.

2. Peter's reforms and their assessment by historians and contemporaries.

3. The war of 1812 and its influence on the development of Russia in the first half of the XIX century.

4. "Thaw" and its impact on the development of culture


1. Answers 3233143412 -10 points

2. A) A-3, B-7, B-2, G-5, D - 4, E-6.B) 6 5 7 3 2 4

6 correct correlations –4 points; 5 correct correlations - 3 points; 3-4 correct correlations - 2 points; 1-2 correct correlations - 1 point.


For 5 correct correlations - 3 points, for 3-4 - 2 points, for 1-2 - 1 point. Total - 3 points

3.10 points

4 .

16. 1870

17. 1917

1 correct answer - 1 point. Total for the task 17 points

5 A) Correctly identified groups (both) - 1 point. 5-6 commanders are correctly assigned - 3 points,4 commanders - 2 points, 3 or less - 0 points; 5-6 commanders are correctly named - 3 points, 4 commanders - 2 points, 3 commanders - 1 point, 2 or less - 0 points. Total - 7 points.

B) P.A. Stolypin 2 points

6 ... 1- Barbarossa -1 point, 2-Stalingrad - 1 point, 3-2.4- 145. total 4 points

7. Answer: 1. 1480 (1 point). 2. Standing on the Eel. (1 point) 3. Refusal of Ivan III to pay tribute to the Big Horde after 1476. (2 points) Other valid reasons may be given.

8 ... for the assessment criteria, see task 7.

Selected document for viewing olympiad in history grade 5.docx





2016-2017 academic year.

Time to complete work 45 minutes.

Total 49 points

Read the assignments carefully. Write down the ready-made answers and solutions in the answer form. If you are having difficulty, skip to the next question. All the work will take 45 minutes to complete. In tasks 1 to 9, there is only one correct answer.

1.Test tasks:

1.The ancestral home of mankind is considered by most scientists

1) East Africa

2) Central Europe

3) high latitudes of Eurasia

4) Central Asia

2. For the first time, cave paintings of primitive people were discovered in 1879 in

1) Lascaux cave (France)

2) Altamira cave (Spain)

3) Kapova cave (Russia)

4) Cave of Beasts (Egypt)

3. The tool, which changed the nature of agriculture of primitive people, consisted of a drawbar and a ploughshare and was called

1) a hoe 2) a plow 3) a chopper 4) a plow

4. The inhabitants were the first in history to determine the length of the year at 365 days.

1) Mesopotamia 2) Ancient Greece 3) Ancient Egypt 4) Mesopotamia

5. What does religion mean?

1) belief in supernatural forces 2) belief in the forces of nature 3) the ability to obey someone

6. Writing in Ancient Egypt:

1) hieroglyphs 2) cuneiform 3) papyrus

2. What unites them? By what principle are the ranks formed? Write the most accurate answer.

1. Bastet, Thoth, Seth, Geb ______________________________________________________________

2. Papyrus, scribe, hieroglyph, scroll ________________________________________________

3. Arrange the events in chronological order. Enter the answer in the table in the form of a sequence of letters.

A) construction of the Cheops pyramid

B) the appearance of the Neanderthal

C) the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

D) the emergence of cattle breeding

E) the formation of a tribal community

4. Answer the questions.

Archaeologists have discovered a nearly intact tomb in the Memphis area. It represents the remains of a brick superstructure, under which there is a huge burial chamber, consisting of 31 rooms. On the walls of the tomb are depicted scenes of earthly life: a man with a woman hunting in the desert; a man oversees the construction of ships, etc.

A mummified body was found in the last room. What is the name of the object in which the mummy was kept?

5. Are the following statements true ("Yes" - "No")? Enter the answers in the table .

1. The term "homo sapiens" is equivalent to the concept of "homo erectus".

2. Neolithic - the third period of the Stone Age, characterized by the transition from appropriating to producing economy.

3. Gold was the main metal from which primitive people made tools.

4. In ancient Egypt, irrigation agriculture was developed.

5. Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

6. In the vicinity of modern Luxor (ancient Thebes), the temple of Queen Hatshepsut was built.

7. Ka - the spirit of man in the religion of the ancient Egyptians.

6. Solve the problems.

1. During the holidays, Kolya visited Egypt. In history class, he talked about the structure he had seen, but forgot its name. Read the text and help Kolya. What cultural monument are we talking about?

This magnificent structure was built in Egypt around 2570 BC. near Memphis, in Giza. The height reaches 146.5 m. The construction took about 2,300,000 stone blocks.

2 ..In 1900 archaeologists excavated the chief's burial ground, where they found the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels. It is established that the burial was made 7240 years ago. In what year was the leader buried?

    The Pyramid of Cheops

    1170 years

7. Working with the map. 3 points

1. What is the name of the state indicated on the map?

2. What is the name of the river flowing in the state?

3.What sea does the river flow into??


    122311 each correct answer - 2 points. Total for the task 12 points

    1. gods of ancient Egypt. 2. writing of Ancient Egypt. 2 points for each correct answer. Total for the task 4 points.

The task is considered completed correctly only if all positions match. Total for the task 5 points.

    Answer: Sarcophagus. (1 point)

For each correct answer - 2 points. Total for the task is 14 points.

6. The Pyramid of Cheops , 1170 years (For each correct answer 5 points, 10 in total)

7 ancient Egypt, Nile, Mediterranean

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6TH GRADE. (2016-2017 academic year)

Only 45 points.

Time to complete work: 45 min

1. By what principle are the ranks formed? (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score - 6)

1.1. digging stick, chopper, scraper _________________________________ __________

1.2. Nero, Trajan, Constantine, _____________________________________________

1.3. Parthenon, Erechtheion, Propylus ___________________________________

2 . Who the following statements may belong to, or who the statement is about.

2.1 .: "Woe to me that I have no relatives who could help me in any way in a moment of danger."

2.2. He himself studied grammar, rhetoric, dialectics and especially astronomy, thanks to which he could skillfully calculate church holidays and observe the movement of the stars. He also tried to write, and for this purpose he constantly kept writing boards under his pillow in order to teach his hand to draw letters in his free time, but his work, started too late, had little success: his hand was used to holding a weapon.

2.3. According to legend, he gathered at his court in Camelot the most valiant and noble knights of the Round Table. There are numerous legends and knightly novels about his exploits and the exploits of his knights, mainly concerning the search for the Holy Grail and the rescue of beautiful ladies.

3. Answer the questions (2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

3.1. What was the name of the records of events by year in Western Europe: a) chronicles; b) chronicles; c) stories.

3.2. What event happened in 800: a) the creation of the Frankish kingdom; b) Charlemagne became emperor; c) the defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Poitiers

3.3. What is the name of the document, which listed the following punishments: a fine for the murder of a royal vigilante - 600 solidi, for the murder of a simple franc - 100 solidi, a slave - 30 solidi ”.

4. Do you agree with the statements below? If you agree, write "Yes", if you do not agree - "No". Total for the task is 8 points.

1. In Greek mythology, the goddess of love is Venus, and in Roman mythology, Aphrodite.

2. The epic of Gilgamesh was created in Ancient Egypt.

3. The Roman emperor Constantine the Great is known for his persecution of Christians.

4. Odoacer, who overthrew the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, sent the imperial crown to Constantinople.

5. Attila becomes the sole ruler of the Ostrogoths in the 5th century. n. NS.

6. Benefit - conditional life land tenure, introduced by Karl Martell.

7. In Medieval France, relations between feudal lords were based on the principle: "the vassal of my vassal is my vassal."

8. Pope Leo III placed the crown on Charlemagne, declaring him Emperor of the West.

5. Complete the sentences. (2 points for each correct answer. 10 points in total)

1. The supreme power at the time of Clovis belonged to ____________

2. His main support was ______________

3. In the event of a military threat, ________________

4. The most important issues throughout the state were resolved by _____________________________.

5. During the time of Clovis, ______________________ francs was recorded, which was called __________________________________

Use the following words and phrases to help: militia, collection of laws, royal squad, "Salic truth", royal court, king

6. Working with the map. Total 3 points

1. What is the name of the peninsula on which Greece is located?

2. What is the name of the sea named after the king - Father Theseus - the conqueror of the Minotaur?

3. What is the name of the ship depicted on the map?

7. Chronological sequence. Reconstruct the sequence of events by putting them in the correct order in the table. Total for the task 4 points.

A) the construction of the church of St. Sofia in Constantinople

B) the capture of Rome by the Visigoths under the command of Alaric

C) the baptism of Clovis

D) the campaign of Prince Igor to Constantinople

E) Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula


1.1.1. the most ancient tools of labor 1.2. Roman emperors 1.3. temples of the Acropolis in Athens(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

2.1. Clovis 2.2. Charlemagne 2.3. King Arthur -(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

3. 1. a 3.2. b 3. "Salic truth"(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)


5. 1. king 2. royal retinue 3. militia 4. king and royal court 5. collection of laws and "Salic truth"(2 points for each correct answer. 10 points in total)

6. Balkan, Aegean, Trier. Total 3 points

7. Answer: B C A D D 4 points for completely correct chronology. 1 point for chronology with one error. For two or more mistakes - zero points

Selected document for viewing history olympiad grade 7.docx





2016-2017 academic year.

Only 40 points.

The entire work takes 60 minutes to complete.

1. Test tasks. 8 points

1.Medieval cities emerged as settlements:

A) peasants B) priests C) warriors D) artisans

2. Who left these records about India?

“There is an Indian country, and people are all naked, and their heads are uncovered, and their hair is braided in one braid. Children are given birth every year, and they have many children. And the husbands and wives are all black. Wherever I go, there are many people behind me: they marvel at the white man. "

A) N.N. Miklouho-Maclay B) Afanasy Nikitin

C) V. Bering D) Vladimir Atlasov

3. Whose name is the annexation of Western Siberia to the Russian state associated with?

A) Khan Mamai

B) Ermak Timofeevich

C) Martha Posadnitsa

D) IvanIII

4. The baptism of Rus took place in: a) 890 b) 988 c) 1115 d) 862

5. The victories of the Russian troops under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky refer to:

a)XXv. b)XIv. v)XIIIv. G)XIVv.

6. The first mention of Moscow refers to k: A) 1147. B) 1149 B) 1153g B) 1237g

7. The code of laws of ancient Russia was called:

a) "Russian Truth" b) Cathedral Code c) "Stoglav" d) Code of Law

8. Time of transition of peasants from one owner to another, according to the Code of Law
1497, bore the name:

a) St. George's Day b) reserved years c) lesson years d) seasonal work

answer: gbbbwaaa

2. By what principle are the ranks formed? Give a short answer ... (Maximum score - 6)

    1. Purchases, ryadovichs, smerds.

    2.1478, 1485, 1514

    3. Alexey Basmanov, Malyuta Skuratov, Afanasy Vyazemsky.

Answer 1. Purchases, ryadovichs, smerds. (Categories of the dependent population of Kievan Rus )

2.1478, 1485, 1514 (Completion of the unification of Russian lands: 1478 - annexation of Novgorod, 1485 - Tver, 1514 - return of Smolensk )

3. Alexey Basmanov, Malyuta Skuratov, Afanasy Vyazemsky. (Oprichnina leaders )

3. Arrange in chronological order. (5 points)

A. The uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.

B. The reign of Boris Godunov.

V. Election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar.

G. The period of "seven-boyars".

D. The reign of False DmitryI.


4. Using all the words and phrases given, make up the definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. It is allowed to add prepositions, change words by case. (Maximum score - 12)

1. From, khan, conquered, Batu, Russia, system, Horde, dependence, Golden.



2. Gentility, merit, and, not, order, higher, service, positions, ancestors, appointment, state, compliance, personal.



1. Yoke - the system of dependence of the conquered by Batu Rus from the khans of the Golden Horde

2. Localism - the procedure for appointment to senior government positions in accordance with gentility and service of ancestors, and not for personal merit.

5. Work with the document: 2 points

“You, king, and you, knights, do justice to the king of heaven: give it to the maiden sent here by God, the heavenly king. The keys of all the good cities that were taken and abused in France. She is quite ready to come to a peace agreement, namely: if you wish to do her due satisfaction, return France and pay for having her. And all of you, arrows, go away, I ask you in the name of God, to your countries, and if you don’t do so, wait for news from the virgin who will soon come to you, to your great grief ”

    To the king and knights, of which state is the author of this appeal addressing?

Answer: 1. Jeanne d Arc; 2. England

6. Assignments for working with illustrative sources . What historical event does the schematic map correspond to? Write the event and number of the corresponding illustration.(Maximum score - 7)

Event: _____________________________________________________________________ Illustration number: ____________





Illustration number: 2016-2017 academic year

Time to complete: 60 min

57 points in total.

1.Test assignments: total 9 points

1 In what century did Russia become a great maritime power?

1) XVI century. 2) XVII century. 3) XVIII century. 4) XV century.

2 The most important historical merit of Prince Ivan Kalita was

1) the adoption of the first set of laws "Russkaya Pravda" 2) the liberation of Russia from the Horde dependence 3) the creation of the first all-Russian Code of Law 4) strengthening the role of Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands

3 What was the name of the historical chronicles that existed in Russia in the XI-XVII centuries?

1) epics 2) lives 3) chronicles 4) legends

4 Which of the above relates to the results of the policy of Peter I in the field of education?

1) the emergence of secular educational institutions 2) the introduction of universal primary education

3) the establishment of women's schools and colleges 4) the creation of a network of universitiesin big cities

5. In what century did a single centralized Muscovite state come into being?

1) XIV century. 2) XV century. 3) XVII century. 4) XVIII century.

6. Which of the literary works of the XI-XIV centuries. belongs to the epic epic?

1) "The Tale of Bygone Years" 2) "Zadonshchina" 3) "The Word about Igor's Regiment" 4) "Sadko"

7. What were the names of the institutions in charge of individual branches

state life in the Muscovite kingdom?

1) zemstvos 2) orders 3) collegiums 4) ministries

8. What was one of the reasons for the palace coups in the 18th century?

1) adoption of the Table of Ranks 2) provincial reform of Peter I 3) new legislation on succession to the throne 4) transfer of the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg

9. The need to gain access to the Black Sea during the reign of Catherine II became the reason

    Russian-Turkish wars 2) the conclusion of the Eternal Peace with Poland 3) participation of Russia

in the partitions of Poland 4) anti-French policy of the Russian Empire

Answer: 1-3, 2-4, 3-3, 4-1, 5-2, 6-4, 7-2.8-3.9-1 .

2. By what principle is the row formed? Give a short answer. 8 points

A) 882, 912, 980, 1019 B) smerd, Ryadovich, purchase C) Cathedral of the Assumption, Cathedral of the Archangel, Cathedral of the Annunciation, Ivan the Great Bell Tower D) Barclay de Tolly, Bagration, Tormasov, Kutuzov

Answer: a) the beginning of the reign of the Kiev princes

b) categories of dependent population in the Old Russian state

c) cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin

d) commanders of the Patriotic War of 1812

2. Who or what is superfluous in the row? Explain your answer ... Total: 8 points

A) Senate, Synod, Collegia, Table of Ranks

B) 1648,1662,1667-1671,1649

C) K. Bulavin, I. Bolotnikov, S. Razin, A. Menshikov

D) Tilsit, Maloyaroslavets, Moscow, r. Berezina

Answer: a) The Table of Ranks is a document of the 18th century. The rest is the authorities of the 18th century

b) 1649 - adoption of the document. The rest is the dates of the uprisings

c) A. Menshikov. The rest are the names of the leaders of the peasant uprisings

d) Tilsit. The rest refers to the Patriotic War of 1812

3. Answer the following questions . Total: 6 points

A) What was called “soft gold” in Russia? B) What is St. George's Day?

C) Was the "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich a religious or legal document?

Answer: a) furs, fur of valuable breeds of animals b) A single time for the whole country for the transition of peasants from one landowner to another c) a legal document

4. Correlate concepts and definitions: 4 points

1. Patrimony 3. Localism

2. Manor 4. Feeding

a) the procedure for holding public office in accordance with the nobility of the family

b) the procedure for maintaining local authorities at the expense of funds collected from the local population

c) land tenure, given on condition of service to the sovereign

d) land ownership owned by peasants

e) land ownership, inherited

Answer: B 4, A 3, C 2, D - unnecessary, D 1

5. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Indicate the answer in the form of a sequence of letters of the selected items. 1 point

A) standing on the Ugra river B) Battle of Kulikovo C) Battle on the Ice D) Battle of Poltava

Answer: C, B, A, D

6. Establish correspondences between the educational institution and the ruler under which it was opened. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. 5 points.



A) Moscow University

1) Princess Sophia

B) Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

2) Peter I

C) Navigation school D) Smolny Institute

3) Anna Ioannovna

D) Smolny Institute

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

E) Land Gentry Corps

5) Catherine II

6) Paul I


7. Decipher the charade (1 point)

First syllable note

the second is an established sample of clothing,

the whole word is change in society, transformation.

Answer: Reform.

8. What historical figure do these words belong to: “Every warrior must understand his own maneuver. They fight not by number, but by skill "?(1 point)

Answer: Suvorov.

9. Correlate the dates and events, enter the answer in the table (5 points):

1) May 16, 1703 a) "Plague riot" in Moscow;

2) July 27, 1714 b) the foundation of St. Petersburg;

3) 1771 c) a three-day corvee manifesto;

4) 1785 d) Letters of gratitude to the nobility and cities;

5) 1797 e) the battle of Gangut.

10. Working with the map. 3 points.

1. Write the name of the war indicated on the diagram with arrows.

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram with the number "1",

about which the Russian tsar said: “... And so the Swedes over our army

Victoria got what is undeniable; but one must understand above

what kind of army this was done, because only one old Lefortovsky regiment was ... two guard regiments were on two attacks at Azov, and they never saw field battles, and on an ipach with regular troops ... ".

3. The king recognized the results of this battle as impressive and ordered to organize the rewarding of the participants in the battle with a special medal, the inscription on which reads: "Worthy - worthy." Write the number that indicates the place of this battle.

Answer: Northern War, Narva, 4

11. Tasks for working with illustrative material. 4 points

1. What is the name of the architectural structure?

2. Under what empress was the architectural structure founded?

3. Who was the architect?

4. What city is it located in?

Answer: Winter Palace, Elizaveta Petrovna, Francesco Rastrelli, St. Petersburg.

13. Examine fragments of historical documents and complete the assignments (2 points).

A). “I am moved by the memories of Anne, daughter of _________ and Queen of France, wife of Henry I, the third king of the Capetian dynasty. We have preserved a memory of her, and this memory is touching ... And I must say that he [Henry I] became related to a powerful sovereign, for this sovereign ... married all his daughters to kings from all over Europe "(from an interview with Mitterrand).

Write the name missing in the text . ____________________________________________

Answer:.Yaroslav the Wise

Find material for any lesson,

“MUNICIPAL STAGE Grade 10 In tasks 1–3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table ... "


HISTORY 2016–2017 academic year G.


In tasks 1-3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table

in the work form.

1. Princess Olga was baptized in

1) Chersonese 3) Constantinople

2) Kiev 4) Sinope

2. In what year did the event described below occur?

“The meetings of the Commission in the Faceted Chamber in Moscow were opened with a triumph. There were 565 representatives who appeared in the Commission. One third of them were nobles, the other third were townspeople; the number of tax-paying rural classes did not even reach 100; there were 28 deputies from government offices. "

1) 1700 3) 1797 2) 1759 4) 1767

3. Select the years of the monarch's reign, during which there was "going to the people."

1) 1796-1801 3) 1855-1881

2) 1801-1825 4) 1894-1917.

Only 3 points for tasks 1–3.

In tasks 4-6, select several correct answers from the proposed ones.

Fill in the answers in the table in the work form.

4. Which of the listed historical figures was a Westernizer?

1) G.V. Plekhanov 4) A.I. Herzen

2) V.G. Belinsky 5) B.N. Chicherin

3) A.A. Bezborodko 6) A.S. Shishkov © GAOU DPO CPM. Publishing on the Internet or in print without the written consent of GAOU DPO CPM is prohibited.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grade 10

5. Which of the following dates are associated with the campaigns of the Horde khans against Moscow?

1) 1327 4) 1399 2) 1377 5) 1408 3) 1382 6) 1472

6. Which of the following events took place in 1919?

1) the creation of the Comintern

2) the abolition of the DVR

3) the defeat of Wrangel's troops

4) adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR

5) the formation of the BSSR

6) signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty Total 6 points for tasks 4-6.

7. There are a significant number of fixed phrases and expressions in history.

Indicate which event or phenomenon each of the expressions given stands for, and briefly explain why the event or phenomenon was given that name.

"Red Murat"

"Kamchatsky Ermak"

"Walking to the people"

Only 9 points.

8. By what principle are the ranks formed? Give the most accurate answer.

8.1. Maxim the Greek, Matvey Bashkin, Theodosius Kosoy, Fyodor Kuritsyn.

8.2. 1637, 1695, 1696, 1736

Only 4 points.

© GAOU DPO CPM. Publishing on the Internet or in print media is prohibited without 2 written consent from GAOU DPO CPM.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grade 10

9. Arrange in chronological order the events of the reign of Peter the Great. Fill in the answers in the table in the work form.

A) the introduction of recruitment

B) the creation of the Northern Union

C) the death of Tsarevich Alexei

D) Persian campaign

E) decree on single inheritance Only 4 points.

10. Arrange the listed terms in the chronological order of their appearance. Fill in the answers in the table in the work form.

A) People's Commissariat

B) combed

C) cost accounting

D) publicity

E) cut © GAOU DPO TsPM. Publishing on the Internet or in print media without the 4 written consent of GAOU DPO CPM is prohibited.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grade 10

14. Ability to work with a map (diagram) is one of the skills of a professional historian. Before you are the schemes of battles won by the same commander. Arrange them in chronological order and name the general.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

15. Before you images dedicated to the events of one of the most important processes in the history of Russia. Arrange the numbers of the images in chronological order of the events reflected on them and write which event is reflected in each illustration. Name the period of Russian history to which the paintings are dedicated. Be careful: ONE image is superfluous. Indicate its number and name the event depicted on it.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

5) 6) A total of 11 points.

16. Before you are excerpts from sources telling about the fires of Moscow.

Arrange these passages in chronological order and indicate the year in which the fires took place.

A) “On May 24, the day of the Ascension, the Tatars from the Crimea completely burned down the main city of the Muscovite, Moscow; in this fire more than 40,000 houses, mansions and dwellings with all churches and barns were burned down, and about three hundred thousand people, old and young, died. This fire only lasted three hours. Because the Tatars came at 8 o'clock in the morning with 40,000 people and set the city on fire, and at 11 everything was already burnt to the ground. Here the Muscovite was repaid for everything he did to poor Livonia and Finland last winter. "

© GAOU DPO CPM. Publication on the Internet or in print media is prohibited without the written consent of GAOU DPO CPM.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grade 10 B) “The seven-numbered bolyars of the Muscovite powers and all the power of the Rus land have been betrayed in the hands of the Lithuanian governors. That same summer, March 19, a phial of grief poured out, ruin to the reigning city of Moscow. Then a high building of a house, like shining beauties, was consumed by fire, and all the wisdom of the church, even earlier with divine glory, was ruined to the end with foul hands. And a multitude of Christian people split the shoulder of the Lithuanian with the sword, and the lines from their homes and from the hail flew away from the city, before they were saved. "

C) “And you opened the hail-gates, and the prince went out with his own people and with many gifts to the king ... And in that hour, having started the Tartars, slash them in a row in vain. Before all of them, Prince Ostey was killed before the city, and then began slaughtering the priests and abbots, even in vestments with crosses and black people.

And now there is nothing to see him, except only earth, and dust, and dust, and ashes. ... Then the Metropolitan Cyprian will be on Tferi, and there I will give him the opportunity to find him, and I will come to Moscow on October 7 ".

D) “And since the people were still in great fear, remembering the recent invasion of the Tatars, the villain ordered to set fire to Moscow in different places, and more than 200 houses burned down, and all the arsonists were bribed by him; thus, he again brought fear to the whole country; moreover, he sent voivods to the border towns several people who falsely wrote that the Crimean Khan with a large army was again preparing to invade the country, and sent letters with such news to Moscow, so that they plunged the whole country into such fear that the people forgot about all deeds and forgot about the death or murder of Demetrius. "

E) “In the collegium, the chancellery and the office for the records after the fire that happened on Trinity, determine the good people whom the Senate office pleases.

After the fire, in those places where the treasury stood and other medals were burned, to find ingots of silver, copper and medals, and give them to the Mint ... to send a decree to the privy councilor and gentleman, Count Mikhail Gavrilovich Golovkin. The fate of the Motorins' bell must be specially investigated. Confirm to the Artillery Office with a decree that no one should be kept in the city of gunpowder in Moscow. "

F) “On Tuesday June 21, the temple of the Exaltation of the Honorable Cross behind Neglimnaya on Arbat Street was on fire ... And Metropolitan Macarius barely summoned from the church, the great smoky spirit to allow God to be almost choked up ... Grand Duchess Anastasia. The same month 26, on the fifth day after the fire, the black people of the city of Moscow shook and killed with a stone the Tsar's Grand Duke Bolyarin, Prince Yury Vasilyevich Glinsky. "

Only 14 points.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

17. One of the most important aspects of the historian's activity is the analysis of the source, the ability to extract the necessary information from it. Before you is an excerpt from the life of Theodosius of Pechersky. Write on its basis a small work on the topic "Monastery in Ancient Russia: Organization and Economic Activity".

From the life of the Monk Theodosius of the Caves (XI century) “It was then that Theodosius heard about the blessed Anthony, who lived in the cave, and, elated with hope, hurried into the cave.

Coming to the Monk Anthony and seeing him, he fell on his face and bowed with tears, begging to be allowed to stay with him. The great Anthony, pointing to the cave, said: “Child, can't you see this cave: a sad place and more unsightly than all the others. And you are still young and, I think, you will not be able, living here, to bear all the hardships. " This he said, not only testing Theodosius, but also seeing with a shrewd eye that he himself would create a glorious monastery in this place, where many monks would gather.

The divinely inspired Theodosius answered him with affection: "Know, honest father, that God himself, foreseeing everything, has led me to your holiness and orders me to save me, but because you command me to fulfill it, I will fulfill it." Then the elder blessed him and ordered the great Nikon to mow him; that Nikon was a priest and a wise monk, he tonsured Blessed Theodosius according to the custom of the holy fathers, and clothed him in monastic clothes and made him a cellarem.

... Then our blessed father Theodosius, at the command of the Monk Anthony, was made a priest and all the days with all humility performed the divine service, for he was meek and quiet, not sophisticated in mind, but filled with spiritual wisdom. And he loved all the brethren with pure love;

gathered already at that time up to fifteen monks. The Monk Anthony was accustomed to living alone, for he did not like all sorts of quarrels and conversations, and he shut himself up in one of the cells of the cave, and installed blessed Barlaam as hegumen in his place. From there, Anthony subsequently moved to another hill and, having dug a cave, lived in it, without going anywhere, and to this day his honest body rests there. And what was their life in the cave at first, and how much sorrow and sorrow they experienced because of all adversity in that place - this is only known to God, but it is impossible to tell with human lips. Moreover, their food was - one rye bread and water. On Saturday and Sunday they ate lentils, but often these days there were no lentils, and then they ate only boiled vegetables. At the same time, they worked incessantly: some shoes were woven or sewn klobuki, and they were engaged in other craft, and they carried what they made to the city, sold, and bought grain with the proceeds, and they divided it among themselves, so that every night they would grind their share for baking bread. Then they served Matins, and then went back to their work. Others dug in the garden, growing vegetables, until the hour of a new prayer began, and so they all came together to church, sang the prescribed hours and © GAOU DPO CPM. Publishing on the Internet or in print media without the written consent of GAOU DPO CPM is prohibited.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. The 10th grade performed a holy service, and then, after eating a little bread, each one again turned to his own work. And so they worked day after day in unquenchable love for God ... Some time later Theodosius sent one of the brethren to Constantinople, to Ephraim the eunuch, so that he would rewrite the charter of the Studite monastery for him and send it to him. He immediately fulfilled the will of our reverend father, and rewrote the entire monastery charter, and sent it to our blessed father Theodosius. Having received it, our father Theodosius commanded to read it in front of all the brethren, and since then he arranged everything in his monastery according to the charter of the Studi monastery, the rules are still ruled by the disciples of Theodosievs. If anyone came to him to become a monk, he did not drive away either the poor or the rich, but accepted everyone with all cordiality. "

Work plan

1. Statement of the problem: characteristics of historical circumstances, facts that caused the appearance of the document. Give at least three provisions.

2. Description of the source and the possibilities that it gives to highlight the topic. Give at least three provisions.

3. Analysis of the organization and economic activities of the monastery. Give at least three provisions.

4. Conclusions: general assessment of the peculiarities of Russian monastic life at the initial stage.

Only 20 points.

18. You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of national history. Choose one of them, which will be the topic of your essay essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and substantiate it with the arguments that seem to you the most essential. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you:

1) clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but it is necessary to understand what exactly he claims);

2) you can express your attitude to the statement (agree with the author reasonably or completely or partially refute his statement);

3) have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic;

4) own the terms necessary for a competent presentation of your point of view.

© GAOU DPO CPM. Publishing on the Internet or in print without 13 written consent of GAOU DPO CPM is prohibited.

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren 2016–2017 academic year G.

Municipal stage. Grade 10 Topics 1. "Olga's baptism and her attempt to spread Christianity throughout Russia will prepare the ground and become a model for his (Saint Vladimir's) own baptism and subsequent baptism of the entire Russian land" (A.Yu. Karpov).

2. “The whole policy of Ivan III in relation to the younger princes-brothers, to Novgorod and Tver is a direct continuation of the events that were in the 50s.

XV century. eliminated the results of the Moscow turmoil ”(AE Presnyakov).

3. “He (Fedor Alekseevich), not Peter, opened a new route for Russia.

The younger brother only continued the work of the older one, who managed to lay the foundation for a complete revolution in the life of the state ”(DM Volodikhin).

4. “The Catherine's coup in 1762 marked the dawn of a new era. She, the Mother of the Fatherland, overthrew Peter III, who looked like a foreigner, not like a Russian, acting like a foreigner. The country has finally become equal to Europe in terms of the level of political culture ”(R. Wortman).

5. “The movement of the Decembrists is an important link in the worldwide revolutionary process. They not only awakened Russian political thought, but also dealt a serious blow to the building of the “Sacred Union” (P. Angran) by their performance.

6. “The unsuccessful peasant reform of 1861 determined the direction of political reforms, which were half-hearted and led to a crisis of power” (PN Zayonchkovsky).

7. “The revolution was caused by the war (World War I), which, despite all the efforts of the government, did not become popular. Unprecedented difficulties upset economic life and turned the masses against the dynasty "

(V.M. Lavrov).

8. “The Munich surrender, which the Soviet authors, not without reason, always regarded as a genuine conspiracy against their country, covered the French and British participants in this act with indelible shame.

Munich changed the whole European situation in one fell swoop ”(J. Boffa).

9. “He brought benefits to our state and party, along with mistakes and shortcomings from which no one is free. However, the "tower" - the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - turned out to be too high for him "(LG Kaganovich on NS Khrushchev).

Only 25 points.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

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School Tour of the Olympiad in History Grade 7

2016-2017 academic year

School stage of the Olympiad in history, grade 7.

Surname, name _____________________________________________________________

Time to complete tasks is 90 minutes.

Maximum score - 30

Task number 1

"Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write “yes”, if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your answers in the table.

    Prince Oleg was the son of Rurik.

    Novgorod was taken by the army of Batu in 1238.

    Vasily II was the son of Vasily I.

    Dmitry Shemyaka was a Moscow prince for some time.

    Novgorod was annexed to Moscow under Ivan III.

    Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich was married to the sister of Uzbek Khan.

    The battle on the Vozha River took place after the Battle of Kulikovo.

    The poem "Zadonshchina" is dedicated to the Battle of the Ice.

    The famous Trinity icon was painted by Theophanes the Greek.

    Ivan Kalita was the first Moscow prince.

Task number 2

Insert words and word combinations instead of spaces by choosing them from the list provided. The words are given in the list in the nominative case and in the singular. In the table, indicate the correspondence between the gap number and the letter designation of the corresponding word.


- in the text, the form of these words (case, number) can change;

- the list of words and word combinations contains more than gaps in the text.

Under Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054), Kievan Rus reached its highest power. To him, as well as to his father, (1) , managed to secure Russia from the raids of the inhabitants of the steppes. In 1030, after a successful campaign against the Baltic Chud, Yaroslav founded a city near Lake Peipsi (2) (now the city of Tartu in Estonia), confirming the Russian positions in the Baltic States. After brother's death (3) Tmutarakansky in 1035, who owned from 1024 the lands east of the Dnieper, Yaroslav finally became the sovereign prince of Kievan Rus.

Under Yaroslav the Wise (4) , which was the capital of Ancient Rus, turned into one of the largest cities in Europe, competing with Constantinople. According to the testimony that came down, there were about four hundred churches and eight markets in the city. According to legend, in 1037 at the place where Yaroslav had previously defeated (5) , was erected (6) cathedral is a temple dedicated to wisdom, the divine mind that rules the world. At the same time, under Yaroslav, the Golden Gate, the main entrance to the city, was built. Work was extensively carried out on the correspondence and translation of books into Russian, literacy training.

  1. Vladimir





  2. Smolensk





Task number 3

Arrange the following events in chronological order. Enter the answer in the table.

A) the beginning of the reign of Oleg

B) the beginning of the reign of St. Vladimir

C) the beginning of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh

D) the beginning of Igor's reign

A) construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

B) the murder of princes Boris and Gleb

C) the baptism of Russia

D) construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir

A) the capture of Batu Vladimir

B) the capture of Batu Moscow

C) the capture of Batu Ryazan

D) the capture of Batu Torzhok

Task number 4

Who are these passages about?

    Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1377-92, King of Poland from 1386. Mamai's ally in 1380. In the Battle of Grunwald in 1410 he commanded the Polish-Lithuanian-Russian army.

    Commander, emir since 1370. Creator of the state with the capital in Samarkand. Defeated the Golden Horde. He made campaigns of conquest to Persia, Transcaucasia, India, Asia Minor and others, accompanied by the devastation of many cities, the destruction and withdrawal of the population. In 1395 he appeared within Russia, but refused to march on Moscow.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    Church and statesman. The ideological inspirer of the unification and national liberation policy. He blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the battle with the Mongol-Tatars.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    Grand Duke of Vladimir since 1176, son of Yuri Dolgoruky. He fought with Chernigov, Volga-Kama Bulgaria, Polovtsy and others. He expanded the possessions of the Vladimir Grand Duchy. He was the head of a large family.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    The first Metropolitan of Kiev from the Russian clergy in 1051 - 1054 or 1055. Author of the essay "The Word of Law and Grace".

Answer: ____________________________________________

Task number 5

Read these definitions of historical concepts and write the related terms.

    The category of the population, according to the legal status, is close to slaves. Initially, they did not have their own farm and performed various works for their owners. They became as a result of captivity, sale for debts, marriage with a representative of this category.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    The type of land ownership presented by the state to service people for performing military and public service.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    Trade and craft settlement outside the city walls, which later became part of the city.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    Khan's charter, which gave the right to Russian princes to rule in their lands.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    A gold filigree pointed headdress of the Central Asian work of the XIV century, with a sable edging, decorated with precious stones and a cross, the regalia of Russian grand dukes and tsars. The symbol of autocracy in Russia.

Answer: ____________________________________________

    Exclusive rights, benefits granted to someone.

Answer: ____________________________________________

Answers and evaluation criteria. 7th grade.

Task number 1

For each correct answer "yes" or "no" - 1 point.

Total for the task - 10 points.

Task number 2

For each correctly completed pass - 1 point.

Total for the task - 6 points.

Task number 3

For each correctly indicated sequence - 1 point.

Total for the task - 3 points.

Task number 4

  1. Timur (Tamerlane).

    Sergius of Radonezh.

    Vsevolod the Big Nest.


For each correct name given - 1 point.

Total for the task - 5 points.

Task number 5

  1. Estate.

  2. Monomakh's hat


For each correct specified term - 1 point.

Total for the task - 6 points.

Total for work - 30 points.


Surname, first name Class _______

Exercise 1. brief answer ... (Maximum score - 6)

1. Purchases, ryadovichs, smerds.

2.1478, 1485, 1514

3. Alexey Basmanov, Malyuta Skuratov, Afanasy Vyazemsky.

Task 2. What or who is superfluous (Maximum score - 6)

1. Drevlyans, Buzhan, Vyatichi, Dregovichi, Poles, Krivichi.

2.1552, 1556, 1581, 1589

3. Rurik, Radim, Sineus, Truvor.

Task 3. (5 points)

A. The uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.

B. The reign of Boris Godunov.

V. Election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar.

G. The period of "seven-boyars".

D. The reign of False Dmitry I.

Task 4. (Maximum score - 8)

1. From, khan, conquered, Batu, Russia, system, Horde, dependence, Golden.


2. Gentility, merit, and, not, order, higher, service, positions, ancestors, appointment, state, compliance, personal.



Task 5. Analyze an excerpt from the composition of V.O. Klyuchevsky.

"The sovereign's father, who returned from captivity, was elevated to the rank of patriarch (1) and the second sovereign, with a firm hand took the helm of the government and did not always look at the boyar faces; but the administration until the end of the patriarch's life was carried out by the joint forces of both sovereigns with the participation of Boyar Duma (2) and Zemsky Cathedral (3)... This dual power was a bargain of family concepts and political considerations: the parent was embarrassed to become just a subject of his son, and the son needed constant regency (4), which was most natural to entrust the father with the title of the second sovereign. In one local case, the question of which of the sovereigns is more or less than the other was resolved as follows: “what is he, sovereign, so is the father of his sovereign; their state majesty is inseparable. "

Answer the questions.(Maximum score -17)

1. Indicate, with an accuracy of half a century, the period described in the source.


2. What are the names of the "first" and "second" princes mentioned in the text. __________________________________________________________________

3. What events resulted in the accession to the throne of the "first sovereign"?


4. Write the meaning of the highlighted concepts.

1.____________________________________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________________________________



Task 6. (Maximum score - 12)

Name of exhibits

What connects them?

Task 7. What historical event does the schematic map correspond to? Write the event and number of the corresponding illustration. (Maximum score - 6)

Event: _____________________________________________________________________ Illustration number: ____________

Task 8. Write in the correct letter (correct letters) instead of spaces. (10 points)

1. ... rdynsky exit, b ... s ... rmeny, b ... horses, ... tag, n ... y ... n.

2. R ... formation, k ... lion ... nizm, pr ... tes ... an ... stvo, fierce ... injuries, ..... zuits.

Task 9. Select and underline the correct answer (10 points):

1. What was the name of the hereditary land holding?

a) the estate; b) destiny; c) patrimony; d) domain.

2. Indicate the years of the Livonian War.

a) 1558-1583; b) 1555-1575; c) 1547-1552; d) 1505-1533

3. What is the name of the coin as a result of the monetary reform of Elena Glinskaya?

a) money; b) a penny; c) ruble; d) pullo.

4. Which state was the first explorer of new lands?

a) Portugal; b) England; in Russia; d) Spain.

5. Translated from Spanish "conquistador" means:

a) conqueror; b) pirate; c) an adventurer; d) knight.

Z Adania 10. (20 points)

What is the event described;

name at least two participants in the event;

describe the event that happened;




Time to complete the work - 1 hour

Surname, first name _________________________________ Class _______

FULL NAME. teachers _____________________________________________

Exercise 1. By what principle are the ranks formed? Give brief answer. (Maximum score - 6)

1. 1816-1818, 1818-1821, 1820, 1821-1825, 1825

2. Favorite, condition, "bironovschina", guard.

3. A.E. Chartoryisky, N.N. Novosiltsev, V.P. Kochubei, P.A. Stroganov.

Task 2. What or who is superfluous in a row? Underline the extra word. (Maximum score - 6)

1. F.A. Golovin, F.Ya. Lefort, B.P. Sheremetev, A.L. Levengaupt, A.S. Shein.

2. Gross-Jägersdorf, Zorndorf, Kunersdorf, Belgrade, Berlin.

3. Collegiums, assemblies, ministries, Synod, Senate.

Task 3. Arrange in chronological order. (5 points).

A. Battle of Borodino.

B. Congress of Vienna.

V. Tarutino maneuver.

G. Smolensk battle.

D. Council in Fili.

Task 4. Using all the words and phrases given, make up the definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. It is allowed to add prepositions, change words by case. (Maximum score - 6)

1. Merchants, a country that prohibits, economic policy, goods received, exported, by them, foreign, sold, money, spend, these, purchase, their, products, local, binding, means.


2. Alexander I, created, unofficial, for, body, Russia, emperor, at, plans, basic, transformations, development, necessary.


Task 5. Find errors in the text, underline them, put a number and give the correct option under the text. (10 points)

An important fact of Russian history in the 16th century was the church schism resulting from the church reform of Patriarch Avvakum. The reform was supposed to eliminate discrepancies in church books and the difference in the conduct of religious rites. The most significant of the innovations adopted by the Church Council in 1554 was the replacement of baptism with three fingers with two fingers, the recitation of praise to God "Hallelujah!" not twice, but thrice, the movement around the analogion in the church is not in the direction of the sun, but against it. All of them concerned the essence of Orthodoxy, not its ritual side. However, it was the rite that was interpreted in traditional Russian culture as "faith". Therefore, the changes provoked widespread protest. Those who disagreed were in for a cruel reprisal. In 1582, Archpriest Nikon, the leader of the Old Believers, died at the stake. Old Believers, trying to preserve their faith, fled to the south, fled abroad.


Task 6. Write in the correct letters instead of spaces. (8 points)

1.S ... cool ... rization, to ... l ... egy, m ... rkant ... lizm, and ... s ... mbley.

2. M ... st ... cism, k ... nt ... mental blockade, hell ... yutant, fl ... shi.

Task 7. Here are 8 museum exhibits that tell about the pages of Russian and European history. Divide the presented exhibits into 4 pairs, explaining by what plot they are connected with each other. Name the exhibits presented below, enter the answer into the table in the appropriate columns. (16 points)

Name of exhibits

What connects them?

Task 8. Here is a map showing the largest battles of the second half of the 18th century. (18 points)

8.1 ... The numbers indicate the places of the battles. Enter the names of these places in the table below

the corresponding number. In the next column, write down the year of the battle.

8.2. Correlate the names of the generals with the battles you named and enter their letter designations in the table. In the appropriate column, write down the name of the general.

8.3. Enter the numerical designations of text fragments in accordance with the named

your battles.


1. Following the results of this battle, the President of the Admiralty Collegiums received the following report: “Honor to the All-Russian Fleet! From 25 to 26, the enemy's navy ... attacked, defeated, broke, burned, let into the sky, drowned and turned into ashes, and they themselves began to be in the entire archipelago ... dominating. "

2. “I arrived here with the troops. 24 hours to think for surrender - and will; my first shots are already bondage; assault is death. What I am putting to you for consideration. "

3. "Great! Your fleet is no more, ”the Turkish sultan was reported. He was so frightened by the sight he saw and the news of the crushing defeat of his fleet that he immediately rushed to make peace with Russia. "


designation on the map

Battle site




General's name

Text snippet

Task 9. Correlate literary movements and their representatives. (5 points)




A.P. Sumarokov


N.M. Karamzin



A.D. Kantemir

Z Adania 10. Write a note to the Diletant magazine about the most significant event in the history of Russia. (20 points)

What is the event described;

indicate the period (century, year) of Russian history when it happened;

name at least three participants in the event;

describe the event that happened;

Explain what is its significance for the history of the Russian state.


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