Home Useful Tips 5 pentacles tarot meaning. The Five of Pentacles is the general meaning of the Tarot card. Meaning in relationships

5 pentacles tarot meaning. The Five of Pentacles is the general meaning of the Tarot card. Meaning in relationships

Pentacles, or as they are also called, Coins or Disks, represent the element of the Earth and cover all material aspects of life, such as work, trade, savings, money, values, etc.

It is also the expression of will, the implementation of intentions and wealth. Pentacles are reflected on the physical or external level of consciousness, which in turn affects health, financial situation and the activities in which a person is involved. On a deeper level, the suit of Pentacles is associated with our ego, self-esteem and self-respect.

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the layouts

The appearance of the Five of Pentacles means a lack of material wealth, money problems, the need to pay bills, losses, loss of stability. Suddenly encountered difficulties requiring an immediate solution, a cash investment. If you were a participant in any money fraud, then be prepared for the secret to come out.

If you expected cash receipts in the near future, then drop your hopes. The card symbolizes the period when you have to be content with little. Nevertheless, as soon as you ask for help, you will be heard.

When falling out in an upright position

The appearance of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in the layout means that you are overcome by a feeling of deprivation, emptiness. It seems to you as if everyone lives in abundance, and only you are suffering. You want to blame the whole world for all your misfortunes and failures.

Despite the fact that serious financial problems have been comprehended in you, remember that for the most part, you yourself are the cause of such a deplorable financial situation. This happens when the material begins to prevail over the spiritual and money becomes the main goal, and their lack causes anger and anger.

There is nothing you can do about this situation and you feel completely powerless and angry. You do not believe that all this is happening to you and do not want to admit your mistakes.

The loss of the Five of Pentacles indicates that the work has become a burden and does not bring any pleasure. The card can also indicate a desire to quit or even change the type of activity. The card indicates that you do not need to go against yourself.

Seek help from friends and acquaintances, there is a chance that one of them will help you find a new job.

Unfortunately, the Five of Pentacles is not the happiest card in a love story. You like a person who pays no attention to you. Perhaps you should give up the intention to enter into a relationship with him altogether.

Feelings of loneliness and emptiness undermine your self-confidence and you are confused and do not know what to do. You feel that life is going on somewhere, without your participation. At this point, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and look around. You are no better or worse than others, and just as deserve love.

The appearance of the Five of Pentacles in the layout means that your financial situation leaves much to be desired. The card means financial ruin, loss of money and stability. Look around, there is a person in your environment who is ready to help you when you ask for it.

Health layout

The loss of the Five of Pentacles is not a signifier of health problems, however, you should not neglect rest, you need to take care of yourself and try to reduce nervous tension to a minimum.

Emotional state

The card speaks of a depressed emotional state, depression, loss of orientation in life, distrust of others, hostility. Don't try to act alone, just waste your time and energy.

Before taking any action, try to understand what happened, understand the reasons, see at what point, everything went according to an unplanned scenario.

When dropped upside down

The inverted position of the card symbolizes a change in the situation for the better. It's time to stop idle and start moving forward step by step. Be prepared for changes to affect all areas of your life. Analyze the past, learn a lesson, and move on.

Layout for the professional sphere

The appearance of the Five of Pentacles indicates that the period of uncertainty has passed, and you again felt the ground under your feet, gained some semblance of stability. New opportunities and perspectives await you. Do not hesitate, and boldly go forward without fear. Don't look back, there is only good ahead.

Alignment for love relationships

The appearance of the card indicates that, to your surprise, you will free yourself from the forces holding you back, revive, self-confidence will return to you and your heart will open to love. If you are in a relationship, then in the near future you will become closer.

Financial position

When the Five of Pentacles falls out, you don't have to worry, since its appearance symbolizes a favorable time, a change for the better. Perhaps the financial situation is still far from the desired, but the right efforts or the help of a loved one are already bearing fruit.

The balance of health and emotional state

A change in the situation for the better cannot but affect the general condition. The appearance of the Five of Pentacles promises to restore the spent moral and physical strength, release from depression and depression. Recovery.

Combining 4 Tarot Swords with other Arcana

When the Five falls out in the layout, you need to pay attention to the card immediately following it in order to see the further development of the situation. The card in front of the Five usually shows where it all started.

  • with the Six of Pentacles means a waste of money. As they came, they left;
  • with the Ten of Swords means big doubts, fear of losing money;
  • with the Ace of Swords means overcoming financial difficulties, outside help;
  • with the Seven of Swords and the Two of Pentacles means a difficult financial situation, from which caution and prudence will help;
  • with the Eight of Pentacles means a new job with lower wages or conditions that do not meet expectations;
  • with the Nine of Pentacles, Ten of Swords and Five of Pentacles means the loss of financial stability as a result of rash actions or third parties;
  • with the Eight of Swords means debt obligations that will have to be repaid quickly.

The inner meaning of the card

When the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot fall out in the "Card of the Day" layout, one should gather strength to overcome the unfavorable streak. Unforeseen material losses.


Five of Denarii combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - financial problems leading to poverty.
With the "Mage" card - loss of initiative.
With the High Priestess card, you lose your scent.
With the Empress card, you will lose your profit.
With the "Emperor" card, you will lose your job and family.
With the Hierophant card - to lose faith; lose conscience.
With the card "Lovers" - to lose support in a relationship.
With the card "Chariot" - the fight for survival.
With the card "Strength" - powerlessness.
With the "Hermit" card - get lost; abandonment.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - to lose luck; a crisis.
With the "Justice" card - recognition of insolvency.
With the card "The Hanged Man" - the grip of the crisis.
With the card "Death" - to lose health; negative irreversible process.
With the card "Moderation" - to come to terms with hardships.
With the Devil card - sink to the bottom.
With the "Tower" card - loss of home and health.
With the Zvezda card, there is hope that hardships and hardships will come to an end someday.
With the "Moon" card - a hopeless material future; lack of support.
With the "Sun" card - relief.
With the "Judgment" card - "see the light at the end of the tunnel."
With the card "Peace" - to find shelter.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Five denarii (pentacles, coins) in a straight position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - Outraged honor, doubt-stained consent
Priestess - Inability to cooperate with individuals of the same gender
Empress - Happy Lovers
Emperor - Unsatisfied Desires
Priest - Displeasure with sex in marriage
Lovers - Having to survive the crash, it gets easier
Chariot - Deterioration of relations between partners, nit-picking
Chariot lane - Change of attitudes of people for the worse
Justice - Serious misses, losses of all kinds
Hermit pr and lane - Poverty, both material and spiritual
Wheel of Fortune - "Fat With Fat"
Strength - Strong dislike, enmity
Hanged Man - Rejection of cruel reality, split personality
Death - Restoring relationships is impossible, fierce antagonism. Misunderstanding of each other and the impossibility of relations
Moderation - Long-term discontent, climax
Devil - Ruin, theft
Tower - Murder of one of the business partners
Star - Hope for reciprocity
Moon - An annoying courtship
Sun - Material loss will be a rewarding experience
Court - Decline in business
Peace - Improving parent-child relationships
Jester - Silly Break

Five denarii (pentacles, coins) in a straight position with the Minor lasso

6 of Swords - A Trip of Money and Spending / Money will be spent and it will seem like these are difficult times, but there will be an opportunity to correct them

Five denarii (pentacles, coins) in an inverted position with the Major lasso

Priest - Failures "fade", step aside
Wheel of Fortune - Failures "fade", step aside
Strength - Failures "fade", step aside
The Hanged Man - Disgrace for a girl, a woman
Tower - The marriage will not take place due to the poverty of the groom or the appearance of a dangerous rival
2 of Swords - Failures "fade", step aside

Highly undesirable. This is one of the most negative cards predicting failure, lack of self-realization and financial problems. However, consider the Tarot lasso of 5 pentacles and its meaning should be from different angles - this is the only way to correctly interpret the whole alignment and find out the advice of the card.

Description upright and upside down

In the upright position, the lasso clearly describes the situation in which the person has fallen, and his emotional state. At the moment, the questioner is in a very precarious position. The five of pentacles speaks of material difficulties, problems at work, self-doubt, the loss of like-minded people. The person experiences a sense of constant anxiety, fear and loneliness.

However, in his head there are thoughts about resolving the situation and hope for the best.... He clearly understands that solving a problem is only a matter of time and opportunity. But his uncertainty and doubts about everything do not allow him to get off the ground.

also speaks of missed opportunities and unused chances to realize their ideas... From this, a person experiences a sense of guilt and scolds himself for slowness and indecision. Arkan says that circumstances put pressure on a person, which makes him worse not only emotionally, but also physically.

The main idea carried by the lasso is this is a state of hopelessness and inability to influence what is happening... If he describes a person, he is talking about a person who has lost everything and now reproaches himself for it.

Map gives advice to pull yourself together and start recuperating for further victories... At the moment, everything depends on the direction in which the questioner will think, whether he will give up or continue to fight for his place in the sun.

In an inverted position, the card takes on an even more dramatic meaning: difficulties will last longer, experiences will be sharper. Arkan talks about financial difficulties, dismissal, disorder in business, unreasonable actions. The cause of all problems is previously incorrect decisions and actions taken.

However, mistakes can no longer be corrected, so the only thing that remains for the questioner is to reproach himself for his transgressions and seek compassion.

The Inverted Five of coins calls to realize the reality of what is happening, stop reproaching yourself for mistakes and start finally getting out of your position. The map makes it clear that all is not yet lost, but the light at the end of the tunnel, which a person sees, is very far away. It will take a lot of effort, patience and hard work to stabilize the situation.

The only right decision would be to accept the help of loved ones and start everything from scratch. New motivation and hope for the best will help to overcome fear.

By itself, this card has a very strong influence on the surrounding arcana in the layout.... Even if auspicious symbols lie around it, it will still overshadow their meaning. The Five of Pentacles is a symbol of imminent disaster, bad luck and a long recovery process.

Interpretation in fortune-telling

Consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in terms of relationships, health, situation and professional activity.


Five of pentacles in the layout of health promises a negative outcome... As an indicator of disease, she can speak if you have the following problems:

  • oncological diseases
  • depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • reduced immunity
  • anorexia
  • lack of vitamins
  • pneumonia
  • fractures and other injuries
  • congenital pathologies

If we talk about the reasons for the deterioration of well-being, then the unhealthy lifestyle, overwork at work, negative thoughts, fears and complexes are to blame. The card advises to urgently take care of your body, get tested and start treatment.

If we are talking about a patient, then 5 pentacles indicates a deterioration in well-being... Alas, one should not expect a recovery in the near future.

The inverted lasso most often speaks of problems with alcohol., promiscuous sexual intercourse and other addictions leading a person to degradation.


The appearance of this Tarot symbol in divination for love is not the most negative sign that can be. Arkan points to an imminent crisis in a relationship and an opportunity to fix everything.

The causes of problems are insecurity in each other.... Moreover, the fear of losing can be experienced only by one of their lovers. Often 5 pentacles indicates distrust, jealousy, mutual claims. At the event level, it can mean conflict, accusations and a showdown in a raised voice.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as the wrong choice of a partner... The moment came when the questioner took off his rose-colored glasses and saw the real essence of his half. Also, a map in the wrong orientation may indicate treason.

If the questioner is lonely, then 5 pentacles does not promise a meeting with a soul mate in the near future.

A certain situation

The person is depressed. Nothing pleases him or interests him. The state of apathy is only temporary. But when everything falls into place again, it depends on the person himself. Material problems, lack of support from people, lack of understanding of what to do next - all this depresses the situation.

In this situation, it is necessary to show willpower and patience.... A person will have to go through everything that he is experiencing at the moment. You will not be able to quickly get rid of negative thoughts and problems. However, having overcome these difficulties, the questioner will become wiser, more experienced and morally stronger.

Professional activity

For a career 5 pentacles in an upright position can be interpreted in different ways depending on the circumstances in a person's life:

  • Fear of losing your job, constant stress and deadlines, a hostile atmosphere in the team.
  • Low salary incomparable with the work done.
  • Experiences related to the occupation(such a card can fall out, for example, to social workers or doctors who face the problems of the population on a daily basis).

Upside down lasso predicts temporary lull at work, stagnation, missed opportunity, dismissal.

5 pentacles with other cards

What value does this Tarot symbol acquire in combination with the major and minor arcana?

With major lassos:

  • Jester- losses, financial losses, unresolved housing issue.
  • Magician- the inability to control the situation.
  • Priestess- loss of skills, impotence, emotional burnout.
  • The empress- loss of profit, failure of the transaction, failure.
  • The emperor- dismissal from work, breakdown of relations.
  • The hierophant- self-doubt.
  • Lovers- lack of support, quarrels in the relationship.
  • Chariot- rivalry.
  • Power- fatigue, unwillingness to do anything.
  • Hermit- expulsion, dismissal, loss of authority.
  • Wheel of Fortune- cyclical problems, the beginning of the crisis.
  • Justice- ruin.
  • Hanged- inability to deal with circumstances.
  • Death- deterioration of health.
  • Moderation- humility, the decision to give up.
  • Devil- degradation, bad habits.
  • Tower- illness, loss of property, relocation.
  • Star- belief in the best, thinking over a way out of the situation.
  • moon-, lack of help.
  • The sun- stability, improvement of the situation.
  • Court- hope for salvation.
  • Peace- problem solving, successful outcome.

With wands:

  • Ace- hope for the best.
  • 2 of wands- missed opportunities.
  • 3 of wands- the situation got off the ground.
  • 4 of wands- unfulfilled plans.
  • 5 wands- rivalry.
  • 6 wands- wrong decision, financial problems.
  • 7 of wands- lack of independence.
  • 8 wands- failure.
  • 9 of wands- exhaustion.
  • 10 wands- stress, feeling unwell.
  • Page- bad news.
  • Knight- difficulties.
  • Queen- uncertainty.
  • King- depression.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- improvement of the situation.
  • 2 pentacles- instability.
  • 3 pentacles- planning for the future.
  • 4 pentacles- deception and deprivation.
  • 6 pentacles- help.
  • 7 pentacles- patience.
  • 8 pentacles- obligations, labor.
  • 9 pentacles- Believe in yourself.
  • 10 pentacles- escape from problems.
  • Page- a manifestation of diligence.
  • Knight- doubts.
  • Queen- the need to save.
  • King- inability to see ways to solve the problem.

With cups:

  • Ace- a chance.
  • 2 cups- support of loved ones.
  • 3 cups- completion of projects.
  • 4 cups- annoyance.
  • 5 cups- financial losses.
  • 6 cups- negative thoughts.
  • 7 cups- hovering in the clouds.
  • 8 cups- quarrel, refusal.
  • 9 cups- emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • 10 cups- bad habits.
  • Page- search for solutions, support.
  • Knight- an ally.
  • Queen- sympathy.
  • King- defender.

With swords:

  • Ace- showdown.
  • 2 swords- condemnation.
  • 3 swords- treason and lies.
  • 4 swords- hermitage.
  • 5 swords- meanness, revenge.
  • 6 swords- moving, problems with housing.
  • 7 swords- carelessness, mistakes.
  • 8 swords- obstacles.
  • 9 swords- bad thoughts, fears.
  • 10 swords- thoughts about .
  • Page- limited thinking.
  • Knight- the need to show determination and perseverance.
  • Queen- loss, grief, longing.
  • King- the need to make an important decision.

Card of the day

The tip of 5 pentacles promises a difficult day full of stress and minor troubles. However, don't get hung up on negative thoughts and panic. The card encourages you to stay calm, no matter what happens. You should not make serious decisions and commit rash acts on this day.

There is a risk of financial losses and misunderstandings at work... Better to take a break from the hustle and bustle and spend time with loved ones. Try to avoid conflicts and uncomfortable environments.

The Five of Pentacles has traditionally been considered a good card for love and bad for money. She foreshadowed young men and maidens marriage for love, at the behest of the heart, but in spite of all materialistic considerations (and, accordingly, paradise in a hut without inheritance and dowries, out of favor with relatives). Probably, there were those who rejoiced at such a prediction, and there were those who were pretty frightened by it.

The Five of Pentacles love those who live in the heart. It supports the spirituality, sometimes destroying the material (this is how the illness of the body often guides the spirit on the right path). It usually means the loss of something material and the acquisition in return of everyday experience, the learning of a lesson. All Fives symbolize the beginning of transformations that should radically change our lives, and this does not pass painlessly.

The secret of the Five of Pentacles is that the most important thing on this map is the Temple. Spiritual strength helps to overcome life's miscalculations and becomes a natural inner support of a person in material activities, and true feeling has great power and gives a person the opportunity to rise above circumstances. The traditional meaning is material adversity, but also the opportunity to receive spiritual in exchange for material.

Five of Pentacles is a card of difficult times, crisis, hardships, worries, losses. She speaks of the loss or lack of something necessary. At the same time, the card rarely serves as a harbinger of truly serious loss, sorrow or ruin (although in general, for material matters, this is a serious warning of danger), but mainly indicates the uncertainty of the situation and experienced fear of losing the ground under their feet. It must be remembered that in life, as in any other journey, anxiety is a bad guide. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any growth crisis, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar, stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous.

In any case, she talks about the waste of some resources and energies exceeding the limits and about the collision with the consequences. You can also become impoverished by living a good life. The creation of reverse welfare requires consistent actions ("a penny saves the ruble"). One of the old interpretations is a waste of time and effort.

The universal meaning of the card is unattainable goals, failed enterprises, mistakes and failures, disasters in business, material losses, even poverty. The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight, and the incomes he was counting on are passing by. Sometimes this is the result of uncontrollable circumstances, sometimes - of their own actions, wastefulness and indiscretion.

This is a collision with the unpleasant realities of life, breaking the illusion of perfection. The card predicts loss and a depressed state of mind, and this is not necessarily about material problems - just that a difficult period is ahead and you will have to tighten the belt tighter to overcome it. This is a time of fatigue and exhaustion (lack of physical strength, loss of vitality and joy), or poverty, a beggarly existence (lack of money, inability to improve material situation), or desperate loneliness (lack of love, cold, rejection, cut off from loved ones), or insecurity in oneself (loss of faith in oneself, in one's abilities and skills).

The card suggests that for some (perhaps quite a long) time it is necessary to postpone expectations and hopes, be careful and save the rest. Life will be full of daily troubles, worries and problems, difficulties and restrictions, perhaps failures, attempts at the very least to make ends meet. She can carry a precarious position and self-doubt, both with regard to work and relationships.

The traditional interpretation of "everything will be resolved after five weeks" is often borne out in practice. You need to know that you cannot lose your head. It will take some time to suffer, but this time will end, even if now difficult circumstances catch up with despondency, and strength is running out.

The shocks caused by the beginning of some transformations in life pass along this map. As you know, in such cases, bad often becomes sooner than good - this is something like the state of a person who finally decided to take care of himself and went to the gym. The next day, even those muscles that he did not even suspect existed will painfully hurt him - that is, it feels worse than it was. The Five of Pentacles often describe such a "disastrous" initial stage and say - be patient for five weeks.

Devastated and depressed, anxious and unhappy. According to the Five of Pentakels, a person sometimes dwells in a kind of half-sleep and half-depression, when nothing attracts and there are no convincing reasons either to live or die. At best, "blessed are the poor in spirit." This is a decline, an unhappy streak (lasting five weeks according to old beliefs, and often it really works), when we feel miserable, abandoned, and sometimes we are in fact in constrained circumstances.

Gloomy reflections, fears for their position, pessimism, when it seems that everything around is just falling apart. The Five of Pentacles describes a difficult internal state, when thoughts go in circles, in the depths of the soul a black hole of hopelessness is formed, and creative energy is blocked and something sensible can be done, it is impossible to make any changes. This experience always touches deeply. It cannot be displaced so easily.

This card, following the Nine of Swords, often accentuates anxiety, excruciating anxiety. Often it is literally a fear of poverty, a fear of difficulties and collapse. Heavy thoughts about your loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, lack of love are possible. As Banzhaf and Akron write, "Anxiety and devastation resulting from negative influences stacking in the wrong direction."

A map of debtors, the poor, the unemployed, outcasts, people who are extremely insecure or aware of some of their defects, limitations, inferiority. The inferiority complex is also the Five of Pentacles. This card says that at the moment a person is very badly lacking in something - money, love, food, warmth ... he is lonely and does not take care of himself. According to the Five of Pentacles, a person may be in constrained circumstances, in a serious crisis, or be deeply offended. The soil leaves from under our feet and only a feeling of wretchedness and powerlessness remains.

The card describes one of the toughest challenges in life - being a spiritual and creative person when there is nothing to eat. Stay strong and whole when sick or crippled. Do not lose inner beauty, contemplating physical defects in the mirror.

Stay true to your principles when it threatens loss and suffering. This is the opposition of external and internal, physical and mental, material and spiritual, worldly and heavenly, and the question is - what is enough for you? Is it really not bread alone? Are the poor in spirit blessed? Fives are associated with the secret of the Fifth Arcana. This card reflects the simplicity and incomprehensibility of the Sermon on the Mount. In a historical sense, this Arcanum corresponds to all sorts of pauperurum commolitonum - monastic formations with an emphasis on poverty, non-possession and uplifting of the spirit through the humility of the soul.

One of the interesting meanings of the card is that it often really indicates closeness to the church and its ideals. The hermit and ascetic life, purifying the soul with deprivation, humility and patience here cease to be a metaphor and the old observation comes to mind that people who are deeply religious endure life's hardships and stresses in a completely different way. The light emanating from the teachings of the church warms and supports in the midst of truly difficult times, it is quite real. The Five of Pentacles can speak of the need to maintain a humble and highly spiritual position under any circumstances and remind that such trials and sufferings are transient (the mystery of Job).

Snow on the map is a sign of the presence of water, the possibility of future purification. Crowley and Filadoro have an interesting observation that the key word of the Five of Pentacles is the anxiety that a person feels because of the loss of the imaginary security that only yesterday determined his thinking (being a great illusion in itself). And the root of this anxiety is lack of faith. We are losing it.

Indeed, in ordinary life we ​​all “walk over the pasture”, all our well-being and life itself can be cut off hour after hour, but the belief that this will not happen, that everything will be fine, allows us to feel completely carefree on the perch above the abyss, comfortable and self-confident. At the moment when the Five of Pentacles falls to us, this faith disappears somewhere and we feel terribly vulnerable, defenseless and "above the abyss" - the soil on which we relied so firmly and thoughtlessly suddenly disappears from under our feet.

It is believed that the Five of Pentacles acts on a sleepy soul in the midst of everyday life like a stone thrown into a swamp. No other card so accurately reflects the state of the hero, maddened by the blissful state of the Four of Pentacles, as the Five of Pentacles. From an astrological point of view, in the theme of this card, Uranus, exiled in Leo, sounds brightly. Where Aquarius is "swallowed" by a new idea, Leo will get himself a mistress, so the Five of Pentacles often means erotic adventures, hobby, flirting, love games (and upside down - disharmony in love, fear, waste of energy).

The situation of a rake, revelers often walk the Five of Pentacles. The explosion of the calm atmosphere of the Four, of course, is not easy to do. It is often accompanied by monetary losses, breakdowns, setbacks, disappointments, ambiguous situations. Sometimes the disturbance of the Quartet's peace turns out to be erroneous, and the person only thinks about how he could get back (the demon beguiled). At the same time, it should be noted that the Five of Pentacles symbolizes karmic situations, that is, those set initially. Payment of karmic debts, the theme of the return of the prodigal son.

In general, if Fours are confidence and orderliness in life, then Fives are an external influence that breaks the illusion of perfection and plunges into a depressed state of mind.

The Five of Pentacles means difficulties, difficulties that lead to success and approval at a new level (according to the Six of Pentacles, this is at least luck in getting help), or returning back to the level of the Four. One way or another, the memory of the past experience remains, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.

The sign of Taurus symbolizes the ability to be creative. But true creation is a harmonious combination of material and spiritual into a single whole. If Capricorn's actions are based on his own inner core and his “I” is able to lead him to the goal because it turns out to be more significant for this sign than everything else, then for Taurus his “I” dissolves in feeling and desire.

If a person's "I" is satisfied and nothing forces him to act anymore, then in order to get down to business, there should be a desire to do "something" for which the world around you will be grateful to you. Therefore, the main task of the first decade of Taurus is to realize your feelings, understand the desires that have crept into your soul and respond to them. This decade is characterized by entrepreneurial spirit in everything that concerns the sensual sphere - and therefore it is distinguished by successful functioning and administrative activities in the field of art.

She also has an emotional sensitivity, which is endowed with her inclined to seek Mercury, her ruler, although Taurus is characterized by a slow perception. Feeling assimilates information not at the same speed as the mind, but firmly: comprehending, it lays the foundation for the building of the future. Sensory experience becomes the foundation of life wisdom. And wisdom traditionally speaks of the transience of all that is perishable.

The map shows the beggars under the windows of the temple. The pitiful figures of the two cripples show how much man has no power over the earthly. Free will often only cripples a person: he is often unable to walk his life path without mistakes (and as a result, he feels anxiety due to waste and violations). This map shows the space that a person creates himself, but often it turns out to be far from perfect due to his excessive ambitions and unrealizable desires.

It is believed that the two beggars wandering in the snow reflect the general condition of all mankind. The light in the stained glass window symbolizes esoteric wisdom, the comprehension of which gives liberation from worldly adversity. Alas, the poor fellows wander past, not realizing that deliverance is near, although a bell hangs on the cripple's chest, symbolizing the voice of intuition.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice is to save money and not get involved in any risky ventures. Now is not the time to test yourself for strength. Simplify your lifestyle by reducing your needs to the essentials. To prefer loneliness to maintaining a dark bond. Any material donation now helps spiritual growth. Difficulties unite with really close ones. Sometimes the card advises you to seek help in a difficult situation - the world is not without kind people.

The trap is to ossify in habitual and eternal dissatisfaction (including oneself), to be pitying, toil with a feeling of inferiority, to be afraid of rejection in panic. Getting bogged down in a hopeless situation. This card is often a warning, an indication of the need to pay due attention to matters, follow every step, demonstrate commitment in work, do your duty and stop wastefulness. Often this is a hint of cards that we spend the money we have on anything, just do not invest it in our own stability, security and development. The card may also indicate that unjustified pride prevents you from accepting more than once already offered and very necessary help.

"Ooh, how it all started."

Catastrophic business failures.

Bankruptcy of the enterprise. Unpromising projects. Crisis, helplessness, discouragement, hopeless affairs, hopeless plans, hostility and bullying. “This is a beggar thing” - it either literally lacks financial investments, or it is generally devoid of any solid foundation. This can be expressed, for example, as a lack of demand.

At the same time, surrounded by favorable cards, the Five of Pentacles may indicate a very promising business that has to "start in a barn", like the founder of Micfosoft. At first, it will be difficult, some may not understand the intentions and even condemn them, you will have to defend yourself and your beliefs, working in a difficult environment.

As a symbol of the collapse of the balanced scheme of the Four, it can manifest itself in the form of anarchy, confusion and vacillation, a clash of group interests.

Ziegler's ingenious words about the Five of Pentacles - "this is a black hole that touches the very depths of the subconscious, the wandering of thoughts in a circle in a fruitless internal dialogue with the energy blocked" - can only be felt when you really find yourself in such a situation. Difficulties, bullying, expulsion from the group. Problematic communication, its disgusting residual negativity, the feeling of failure like “I’m bad - you’re bad,” which brings a loss of vitality and joy.

The Five of Pentacles can describe both being overwhelmed with work with clearly insufficient remuneration, and dismissal, loss of work, unemployment.

It is curious that in modern tarology it is believed that this is a card of sponsors, patrons of art, the purpose of money for the development of art (again in the sense of donating material and gaining the spiritual).

As a symbol of professional affiliation, it can be related to working with a hospital, a shelter for the elderly, a hospice, a social center, less often in churches or in organizations that provide assistance to refugees and victims of mass disasters.

Monetary losses. Material difficulties. Ruin, poverty. Loss of home. This is a map of poverty, hard times, want, losses, lack of material resources, impoverishment, lack of prosperity. Unemployment, living on benefits or a small pension. The need to save every grain of resources (some, not necessarily money), dependence on others, the need to beg (one way or another), the need for charitable help.

Money is tight - through your own fault or due to circumstances. Loss of advantages and advantageous position. The income for which the calculation was made will pass by, the invested funds will not be returned. This can be a situation where a person spends more than he earns. "It's so interesting, just horrible." Burdened with excessive financial obligations, the need to immediately repay debts, a monetary fine.

The best that a card can give is freedom from obligations associated with money and property, but whoever has such a level of philosophical perception of reality to appreciate this freedom as something especially positive.

An inverted Five of Pentacles can mean unexpected profits.

Often this card is ascribed to the meaning of attachment to a lover or mistress, but it is rather the meaning of a strong, inseparable bond between two people who suffer together, unrecognized by society, but will never part, no matter what hardships their connection implies.

This card symbolizes people (or a person) who have become accustomed to their position and do not even think that it can be changed. The basis of their relationship is a joint struggle against a cruel world (therefore, in an inverted form, this card, promising a general improvement in life, puts such a relationship at risk). Sometimes a person walks along it through moral torment to a literally hard-won decision.

In some interpretations, she talks about the legitimization of relations (sometimes it is an indicator of the court, legal instances), about obligation, decency, bonds and connections, about decency (and only in an inverted form speaks of discord, damage, chaos, disorder, discord and ruin).

Sometimes this card still means precisely deprivation, deprivation of love, loss. Sometimes the card says that the two are tired of each other and there is nothing special to wait now. Sometimes it is expressed in separation from a partner, and in loneliness, and in a sudden break in relations (leaving one, abandonment of the other, leaving may feel abandoned, etc.). Other cards of the layout can give a hint.

This can be a period in a relationship when at least one of the partners cries into the pillow from a feeling of defenselessness and self-doubt, he is hurt and scared and he is tormented by the feeling that he has nothing to do next to the other, he is unloved and unnecessary. An inferiority complex and a victim's mindset. Feeling of loneliness, uselessness, abandonment, rejection, mental woundedness.

Another meaning is an exhausting relationship in which the partner clearly misuses the resources of the questioner - money, emotions, sexual energy ... whatever the case, there is vampirism without a glimpse of mercy. The result is a loss of vitality and joy. Perhaps lack of money gets in the way of love. Another meaning is erotic adventures leading to business losses.

Sometimes - the separation of people, problematic communication in relationships, they are under threat and everything seems completely hopeless and impossible.

However, the Five of Pentacles is not so simple, and it is not for nothing that in ancient times it was considered directly related to the theme of love. She can describe an ardently loving and deeply suffering partner who “stands at the door and knocks” (and sometimes literally is ready to live under the door on the staircase), as long as his heart is much richer than the rejecting one. He stands at the locked doors of another cruel heart like a beggar, repeating "have mercy!" And in fact, he is asking NOT FOR HIMSELF. He stands for another like a beggar, so that something changes in his heart, so that his hand will give him what he asks, so that he will learn this for himself.

In an inverted position, the Five of Pentacles means waste of energy, waste of reserves, wastefulness, vulnerability, fear. Can symbolize disharmony in love relationships. Here the affected sign of Leo or the Fifth House is played out. Traditionally - "shameful love", "dissolute way of life".

The card can also indicate stagnation in business, worldly concerns, discontent. It may happen that the questioner sees great opportunities for himself, but they are not yet fully attainable.

At best, the card can indicate that the losses are not as great as one might have feared. Getting a job (at least temporarily) after unemployment, improving (at least temporarily) health after an illness, restoring welfare after bankruptcy, amnesty. The prospect of spiritual rebirth, the end of an unfavorable streak. Mary Greer writes that when upside down, the window on the map turns into a door leading to a peaceful refuge. This card is attributed to humility, patience, tranquility.

Job's Suffering

"Seven Skinny Years"

"Be those who have as those who have not."

The meaning of the five of pentacles in the upright position

Deprivation, lack, poverty, loneliness, cooling of relationships. Circumstances are stronger than you, your plans are unrealizable. This is one of the worst cards, it has a negative impact on the entire alignment. The Five of Pentacles shows the gap between your desires and reality. You need to show maximum willpower to get through this segment with minimal losses.

  • emotional and financial problems, serious mistake
  • financial difficulties, ruin, health problems, loss of love

The tarot card five pentacles in the layout is undesirable, because indicates trouble. Their origins may be financial problems, probably related to unemployment; difficulties in relationships with others; difficulties with illegal actions; dissatisfaction with emotional connections and just a lack of love. This situation inevitably leads to uncertainty and anxiety, but by giving preference to action, the Client can take adequate measures to limit these adversities.

The five of pentacles of the tarot suggests that short-term success in business is possible, but losses are not excluded if you do not pay due attention to business. Financial difficulties, hardships. Poverty and misery, loneliness, sudden loss.

The meaning of the five of pentacles in an inverted position

In an inverted position, this card is even worse and more tragic. The problems will last longer, the experiences will be sharper and harder. But after all this, a new life will come, now you need to overcome this black line.

  • financial difficulties - collapse, financial crisis, ruin
  • serious difficulties, health problems, extravagance
  • disorder, confusion, chaos, ruin, wastefulness, imprudence, dishonor

The problems associated with the inverted Five of Pentacles of the Tarot turn out to be more serious and prolonged. As a result, the health of the Client suffers. At the same time, you need to understand or recognize the difficulties in full, which will be the first important step in overcoming them.

Internal meaning. It is given to understand the direct position of the card.

The Five of Pentacles Tarot is a warning card. There is a very high probability of disaster. Even with a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material hardship, loss or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight and (or) when the property or income, which he counted on, will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; in other cases, they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch your every step in order to avoid a crash.

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