Home Useful Tips Amulets and charms for twins. Magic protective talismans for twins. Key made of gold or silver

Amulets and charms for twins. Magic protective talismans for twins. Key made of gold or silver

Talismans play a very important role in the lives of people who believe that with their help you can lure good luck to yourself, make positive qualities more active. Gemini talismans should be chosen especially seriously, because in this sign opposites are combined, such as evil and good. In a matter of seconds, their mood can change from good to formidable or vice versa, and one gets the feeling that the person has been replaced.

The most important thing when choosing a charm is that it should please its owner.

This sign refers to, therefore, the character of its representatives contains sociability, lightness and the most pronounced quality, changeability. Therefore, the talisman of the zodiac sign Gemini should be light, airy. It will be most active if it is inherited from close relatives or donated.

Before you start wearing an amulet, it is imperative to cleanse it of negative energy. This can be done by holding it under cool running water, after which you should charge the talisman for Gemini with your energy.

It should be borne in mind that in no case should you transfer your amulet, since it will not bring any benefit to the one to whom you give it, it is charged with the energy of its owner and is able to help only him.


What is the most successful Gemini talisman? Mask. This is explained by the fact that the character of the people of this sign includes a whole range of different traits. They also really do not like monotony in everything, this is what the mask symbolizes.

It can be difficult for people around Gemini to adjust to their mood because it is constantly changing. The mask is able to save the representatives of this sign from themselves. Women can wear it as a pendant and men as a keychain.


The key is a symbol for access to information that

Gemini jewelry should be small, delicate, such as a pendant, medallion, etc.

Positioning is very important for Gemini. People of this sign are very sociable, open-minded and inquisitive, love to be in the spotlight. And the key will allow you to find an approach to interlocutors, or vice versa, to protect them from ill-wishers. They say that with the help of the key, its carriers "close" their spiritual world from outsiders. The talisman can be either silver or gold.

When choosing a talisman for a Gemini woman, it is recommended to wear a pendant in the form of a key on a chain. And men are offered to wrap it in a cloth that is not black and always have it with them. If difficult life moments or difficult situations arise, it is worth holding the key in your right hand and everything will be safely resolved.

With the help of such a talisman, fortune-telling can be carried out in order to find out the feelings of a beloved. It is necessary to hang this key on a string above the image of a loved one or simply by his name on a piece of paper. One side should be marked somehow and left overnight. The next morning, watch the result: if the key turned the other way, then the one on whom the fortune-telling was carried out has reciprocal feelings, and if the key has not changed the position, then he has no feelings for you.

Other talismans

  • Gemini are considered intellectuals, therefore for them objects in the form of a snake, hand or star have a magical character;
  • For this sign, Mercury is considered to be the patronizing planet. So they called the Roman god, who was famous for his speed in movement, dexterity, cunning. Therefore, any object that is able to receive, store and transmit information, as well as all objects associated with movement, can become a talisman. For example, a pen, a book, a flash drive, banknotes and even a car.
  • Gemini know how to work well with papers, so items such as a diary, notebook, notebook, etc. can also become talismans.

The color of the amulet also has a certain meaning, for representatives of this sign it is recommended to give preference to cold shades:

  • Gray;
  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac;
  • Coffee;
  • Yellow.

If the interior at home or at work is done in these shades, then the work will be as productive as possible, and the rest will be a pleasure.

Often pentagrams are applied to amulets with symmetrical and radial arrangement of lines. Especially often this can be seen among those who are prone to the occult. Such amulets help to avoid rash mistakes and make their owner more successful and successful.

It is worth noting that when some elements are repeated in an object, there should be 3 or a multiple of 5, because these numbers are lucky for Gemini.

Animal talismans for Gemini

An elephant and a crow are best suited for Gemini. In order for these animals to help, it is not necessary to have them at home, it is enough to have figurines at home or small figurines that you can always have with you.

Plant talismans for Gemini


the tree is endowed with the ability to develop certain qualities in its owner: patience, scrupulousness and accuracy. But, despite this, the talisman tree does not allow its owner to get hung up on insignificant trifles and reveals to him the whole picture as a whole. Ash figurines and any other products made of this tree can serve as a talisman; they protect well from gossip, evil eyes and excessive interference.


Gemini often speak out too harshly, this plant helps smooth out conflict moments at work and in the family, this makes them diplomatic. In addition, such a talisman can help with health, as the work of the bronchi and lungs improves.


This plant is able to extinguish aggression, avoid negative emotions and generally soothes. If there is lavender in the house, then conflicts and quarrels come to naught. Such a talisman brings harmony and tranquility to women of the sign and relieves of envious thoughts and unnecessary ambitions.

Laurel tree

This is a talisman for the Gemini man, who is considered a symbol of prosperity, luck and success. It can protect you from unnecessary mistakes and all kinds of misfortunes. In addition, the laurel tree has a beneficial effect on health, especially the lymphatic system and the brain.

Indoor flowers

To attract good luck and to avoid many problems, representatives of the Gemini sign are recommended to keep the following types of flowers and plants in their home:

  • Honeysuckle;
  • Tulips;
  • Quinoa;
  • Jasmine;
  • Daffodils;
  • Buttercups;
  • Violets;
  • Daisies.

These plants have a good effect on health, fill the home with calmness, harmony, regularity, good mood and positive energy. And if there is an opportunity to grow your own amulet tree in the garden, then even a couple of seconds spent next to this tree dispose to the correct train of thought and calming the soul.


It is worth having a violet at home if you want to add more love and romance to your life. After the appearance of this flower, the person you should pay attention to will surely meet.


To appease Fortuna, you need to put the flower on a new tablecloth, this plant will attract financial well-being.

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini have an active and slightly explosive nature. In addition, they are distinguished by their inconsistency and originality. Since the sign refers to the air element, then, accordingly, the stones for it will have light colors with sparkling tints - light yellow and pale pink.

Universal stones

The main stone of Gemini is beryl, which belongs to crystalline minerals. It has a transparent glassy luster with a white and yellowish tint, in rare cases it can have a greenish tint.

There are different types of beryl, namely:

  1. Aquamarine.
  2. Emerald.
  3. Light green garnet.
  4. Noble beryl- a transparent mineral of golden yellow shades.

In addition to beryl, there are other gems that have a positive effect on Gemini, these are:

  1. - yellowish rock crystal.
  2. It has been known since ancient times, has a golden brown structure with glass tints.
  3. Emerald or Alexandrite considered an ideal talisman for Gemini born in May.
  4. Oriental pearls(cream or pink) suitable for June Gemini.

The following types of talismans are suitable for twin women:

  1. Agate. It is a powerful mineral that has a wide range of magical properties. The presence of this stone will bring success in personal and professional affairs, and will also strengthen health.
  2. Nephritis. This mineral has high attractive qualities. First of all, it is able to heal from many diseases, its action is aimed at improving health. This type of stone for Gemini women is able not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to bring good luck and happiness.

For Gemini men, suitable stones include:

  1. Red coral.
  2. Amethyst.

Birth period and amulets

Which stone suits Gemini best? Many experts in the astrological field recommend choosing amulets for the decade of birth. Still, the Gemini zodiac sign has an active, unpredictable character, therefore, it is recommended to pick up stones that are ideal for a person.

First decade - May 21-31

May Gemini have the patronage of the planet Mercury. Those born at this particular time have amazing logic and intuition. In addition, they are simply inexhaustiblely generous, kind, reliable and practical. The following stones should be ideal for these people:

This stone has a variety of tones and tints. Beryl mascot stones are simply meant for Gemini with an intelligent mind. Beryl can be used by Gemini men. Travelers and sailors often take it with them on a hike.

This talisman is able to protect its owner from traumatic injuries, accidents. In addition, it is ideal for women. The stone is able to relieve many problems and diseases of the gynecological sphere. He can also eliminate colds. It is recommended to wear this talisman on a chain under your clothes.

Second decade - June 1-10

People who were born at this time have such qualities as assertiveness, sometimes even aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that they are under the auspices of Mars. The most suitable Gemini born during this period will be:

Third decade - June 11-21

People who were born during this period have a bright and positive character. They always radiate warmth, kindness, attract the attention of others. True, sometimes they can show manifestations of anger, anger. These unpleasant moments can be removed with stones such as:

If your acquaintance friend or girlfriend suddenly became interested in stones and astrology, then do not forget to advise, consider which stones are more suitable for her or him according to the sign of the zodiac. Many astrologers assure that the presence of such a stone will allow you to establish personal affairs, help in work, protect you from various unpleasant problems and strengthen your health.

As you know, the date of birth of a person contains a great deal of information. By referring to the horoscope, you can find out almost everything: character, personality traits, talents, a suitable profession and a person's potential.

The denial of horoscopes by the modern world does not render this knowledge invalid or ineffective. On the contrary, by excluding some knowledge from our field of vision, we make ourselves weaker. Indeed, at all times, the rule is relevant: who owns information, he owns everything.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique characteristic, its own set of qualities, its own path. Depending on the element - water, earth, fire or air - each sign is literally saturated with the characteristics of the element. So, for example, Gemini is an air sign. Indeed, these people seem to be woven from the air, they are light, floating, seemingly unburdened with anything.

Characteristics of the sign

According to the horoscope, Gemini is the personified air! They are sociable and have excellent public speaking skills. They are able to involve anyone in a conversation, even the most taciturn interlocutor.

They easily make new acquaintances, it is easy for them to like other people. All this ease forms in them a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. Many of the Twins feel a little higher than everyone else.

Also, women of this sign are distinguished by duplicity and inconstancy, they know how to quickly reincarnate from one state to another. Many of them tend to hide their real emotions behind a mask of fun and good nature. Most often, they have a good mind, cunning and prudence, which help them achieve their goals.

Frequent reincarnation, and even constant contact, make Gemini unprotected. They waste a lot of energy and are not always able to replenish their reserves. Talismans or charms can help them in this.

Types of amulets

At the moment, there are many amulets and talismans that can help Gemini, but which one will be more effective, it is necessary for everyone to decide individually. These magic devices can be divided into several groups:

  • Magic symbols.
  • Stones.
  • Flowers.
  • Animals.

You should start with magic symbols and talismans. They can be a good talisman for men and women whose birthday falls on the Gemini period.

As mentioned earlier, representatives of this sign are very difficult people and can often hide something, so an amulet such as a mask will help Gemini keep themselves under control. This talisman protects its owner from mood swings and gives him the energy he needs.

The golden key as a talisman can help Gemini spend less energy during constant communication. This amulet makes it possible to quickly select the right words and win over the interlocutor. It is better to wear this amulet as a pendant.

Chrysoprase is a stone of incredible beauty that can give strength and energy. If you carry this amulet with you, then it will help to increase efficiency, concentration and normalize the work of all internal organs and systems. If you have long dreamed of a full and deep sleep, then this stone is able to give it to you.

The tiger's eye is the perfect Gemini talisman, it is this stone that helps both protect against damage and calm down during stress. For a woman, these stones are also useful, because they contribute to the development of the qualities of a real housewife, make her more efficient and thrifty.

If you want to look great, then you should decorate yourself with carnelian. Moreover, these mascot stones are able to enhance all the positive qualities of men and women - Gemini, especially those who are passionate about any kind of creativity.

Also, the ideal talismans of Gemini, and indeed of any other sign, are flowers. They are powerful both in their natural form and as images, figurines, ornaments - and are able to protect both men and women.

So, the following flowers are suitable for Gemini:

  • Daisies are able to endow their owner with kindness and warmth of the heart. They also work as a talisman and protect against various minor problems and misfortunes.
  • If you want to add stability to your life, then your amulet flower is a bell. It minimizes the amount of change in life.
  • If Gemini - women or men - want to learn to perceive and assimilate information, then such a flower amulet as lavender is suitable for them. It will not only smell great, but will also strengthen the work of the entire nervous system.

It is also necessary to say separately about talismans in the form of animals, which will be suitable for air and light Gemini. The main amulet animal that can give the representatives of this sign a sense of stability and support is the elephant. In addition, the image of a crow can have a beneficial effect on Gemini men.

As you can see, if you refer to the horoscope and be sensitive to your personality, then you can pick up a talisman or amulet that will make your life more interesting and richer. Whatever talisman you use as an assistant, be it stones or flowers, the main thing is to believe in yourself and in your talisman, and then luck will never leave you. Author: Daria Potykan

Gemini is the most extraordinary zodiac sign. The stone, which will become a talisman and amulet for them, must correspond to their temperament and aspirations, understand and accept them. Choosing it is not easy, but when you come across the one that is right for you, you will definitely feel it on an intuitive level. From the article you will learn how to choose a stone amulet for twin women, and what properties it should have.

Characteristics of twin women and amulet stones

Gemini is the time of late spring and early summer. This period is fully characterized by the zodiac sign - summer fun and spring melancholy, romantic sadness and spontaneous playfulness.

As a rule, Gemini women, with all their non-standard attitude to life and frivolity, are still very intelligent and have a subtle refined taste. This should be the talisman that will go with them through life - exquisitely aristocratic, but bright.

The amulet for the Gemini woman plays a very important role in life. It is easy to explain this, because she is constantly in society, in continuous communication, and therefore she needs to be protected from evil looks, envy and other troubles. In addition, this zodiac sign is afraid of all sorts of diseases, and shows the worst traits of character in stressful conditions.

The Gemini woman is always easy-going and ready for long journeys. On such trips, additional confidence in yourself and your strengths, which the amulet stone can give, will not hurt.

Gemini can have several talisman stones in use at once, intuitively choosing from them the one that is needed in a specific period of time.

Choosing a stone amulet for twin women by decade

Before you talk about how, based on the number of birth, a Gemini woman to choose a talisman, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  1. the stone should not be dark (gloomy);
  2. it is better to avoid white and blue stones;
  3. give preference to bright energetically generous colors - orange, green, yellow.

Stones-amulets for twin women of the first decade

Those Gemini women who were born from May 21 to May 31 are under the auspices of Mercury. Their differences from the rest of the representatives of the sign are in excellent logical thinking and developed intuition. At the same time, they are very fond of receiving guests, you can rely on them. Practicality helps them with financial matters and housekeeping. Such Gemini will be supported by:

  1. Moonstone;
  2. beryl.

Charm stones for twin women of the second decade

Gemini women born from June 1 to 10 are assertive and aggressive personalities, especially when it comes to achieving goals. This is explained by the fact that they are under the auspices of Mars. The complexity of the character is slightly softened by external charm. It is best to choose as a talisman and amulet:

  1. Tiger's Eye;
  2. citrine.

Amulet stones for twin women of the third decade

Gemini women, who were born from June 11 to June 21, are under the auspices of the Sun. They have absorbed his lightest energy, and they themselves are usually very positive and attention-grabbing. Despite this, some aggressiveness and hot temper are inherent in them, therefore, it is better to choose as a talisman:

  1. tourmaline;
  2. alexandrite.

Characteristics of amulet stones for female twins

Moonstone as a talisman for twin women

The moonstone has the property of maintaining the relationship between Gemini and their soul mate, helping in mutual understanding and promoting harmonious relationships. This is a very strong amulet that feeds on the energy of the moon and protects. With constant wear, you will notice that the stone helps to avoid sudden mood swings and conflict situations.

In order for the stone to express itself as much as possible, wear it only during the waxing moon on the ring finger of your left hand in silver.


Beryl as a talisman for female twins

Beryl as a talisman is very useful for Gemini, who wants to travel. It will protect you from accidents and injuries. In addition, he will help you become wiser and set you in a philosophical mood, help you find a solution to a difficult problem.

Beryl amulet helps to quickly get rid of colds, which Gemini often suffer from. It is best to hide it from prying eyes like an amulet on a chain under clothes.


Tiger eye to protect twin women

The tiger's eye is called the "inner talisman", which helps Gemini to overcome their fears and suspiciousness. If the stone becomes heavy, then the danger should be foreseen. In addition, he will help in financial matters and bring comfort to the house.

Wear your tiger's eye with a bead, chain, or silver ring.

Tiger's Eye

Citrine as a talisman for twin women

Bright and noticeable citrine is a stone of good mood, creative endeavors. It protects the owner from financial failure, rash actions and helps to speak in public and be heard. The amulet restores strength, especially when you feel unwell.

Wear it with a silver ring or a pendant if you are going to perform.


Tourmaline as a talisman for female twins

Tourmaline is a stone for women's health, protecting family and home. It protects from evil thoughts and dangers, maintains a strong bond between loved ones. Choose a stone of red or pink shades, then it will give you inner peace.


Alexandrite as a talisman for twin women

Alexandrite is a versatile Gemini charm that changes color from dark green to red or purple. He protects from everything bad that can occur on the path of life. In addition, it gives self-confidence and inner balance.

The amulet stone loves strong-willed and determined Gemini. Wear it on your middle finger in a silver ring, be sure to pair.


When choosing a charm, rely on intuition and your own feelings, but do not forget that the stone takes time to open up. Always take it off at night so that it "rests". Listen to the recommendations, but remember that talismans are not omnipotent, a person must have goals and go towards them.

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