Home Useful Tips What is the year dedicated to. Environmental studies. year in Europe and the world

What is the year dedicated to. Environmental studies. year in Europe and the world

French researchers have concluded that a 10-hour schedule increases the likelihood of developing acute cerebrovascular accident by 29% French scientists have identified the mortal danger of a long working day, writes MedicalXpress. According to their research, those who worked at least 10 hours a day for 50 days a year had a 29% increased risk of stroke compared with those who worked less. For people who regularly adhered to such a schedule for 10 years, the risk increased by 45%. At the same time, according to scientists, a 10-hour working day is especially bad for health ...

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✅Dear women, watch yourself! After changing yourself, you also change everything that you come into contact with. Including your RELATIONSHIP with a man! In schools, we are not taught not to throw mistakes in relationships. Why, even our parents sometimes cannot give us sensible advice. And so, with a slightly shabby opinion of love, raised on fiction, films, articles in magazines and advice from those who have failed, we break into a relationship (often - to spoil). But the worst part is that we don't learn from mistakes in relationships - ...

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On August 1, 2015, in Moscow, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Decree No. 392 was signed declaring 2017 the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas.

2017, the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas

100 years ago, on January 11, 1917 (January 29, 2016 according to the old style), the Russian government approved a decree of the Governor General of Irkutsk on the establishment of the Barguzinsky sable reserve.

From this day the countdown of the centenary of existence of the Reserve System of Russia begins.

Reserve system of Russia

Today it includes:

103 federal state nature reserves

48 federal national parks

64 state nature reserves of federal significance

2262 state nature reserves of regional significance

7745 nature monuments

64 natural parks of regional importance

The total area of ​​all protected areas is 206.7 million hectares

Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the Year of Protected Areas in the Russian Federation

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2558-r dated December 12, 2015, the composition of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation was approved, it included:

  1. Donskoy S.E.- Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Organizing Committee)
  2. Gizatulin R.R.- Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee)
  3. S.V. Aramilev- Deputy General Director - Director of the Primorsky branch of the autonomous non-profit organization "Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population" (as agreed)
  4. Belanovich D.M.- Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee)
  5. A.V. Bogomaz- Governor of the Bryansk Region
  6. Danilina N.R.- Director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Ecological and Educational Center" Zapovedniki "(as agreed)
  7. Zimin V.M.- Head of the Republic of Khakassia - Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia
  8. Ilkovsky K.K.- Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory
  9. Inamov N.R.- Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia
  10. Kasimov N.S.
  11. V.I. Kashin- Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology (as agreed)
  12. A.I. Klyukina- Director of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "State Darwin Museum" (as agreed)
  13. Kolobova N.V.- General Director of the State Autonomous Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow State Zoological Park" (as agreed)
  14. Morgun M.A.- editor-in-chief of the TV channel "Living Planet" (as agreed)
  15. V.V. Nagovitsyn- Head of the Republic of Buryatia - Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia
  16. T.V. Nefedova- Director of the Department of Information and Media Support of the Executive Directorate of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society" (as agreed)
  17. Ogorodova L.M.- Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  18. V.I. Priidun- Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kamchatka Territory
  19. Sannikova I.V.- Executive Director of the National Fund for the Support of Wildlife Reserves "Zapovednaya Strana" (as agreed)
  20. Tikhonov A.V.- Director of the Department of Property Relations and Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
  21. A.A. Tishkov- Deputy Chairman of the Standing Environmental Commission of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society" (as agreed)
  22. Troitskaya N.I.- Director of the non-profit partnership "Partnership for Reserves" (as agreed)
  23. Uvaydov M.I.- Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region - Head of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Region
  24. Chestin I.E.- Director of the non-profit organization World Wide Fund for Nature (as agreed)
  25. Chibilev A.A.- Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society", Chairman of the Permanent Environmental Commission of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society" (as agreed)
  26. Chilingarov A.N.- First Vice-President of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Geographical Society" (as agreed)
  27. Shpilenok T.I.- Chairman of the Board of the Zapovednaya Rossiya Association (as agreed)

The most important environmental protection measures

On April 8, 2016, the Kremlin hosted the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Year of Ecology in 2017 in the Russian Federation.

Under the chairmanship of the Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov, the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Year of the Environment in the Russian Federation in 2017 was held in the Kremlin.

At this meeting, the most important areas of environmental protection were identified.

  • Among them, such as the formation of a new approach to waste disposal, the preservation of water bodies - lakes, rivers, seas, special attention is paid to Fr. Baikal.
  • Solving the problems of protecting forest lands from illegal logging and fires.
  • Large-scale technological re-equipment of enterprises for the installation of equipment that reduces environmental pollution.
  • Elimination of the damage caused to the nature of the Arctic and other regions.
  • Strengthening the status of specially protected natural areas, reserves, national parks.
  • Creation of habitat conditions for rare animals in their natural environment.

Every year in Russia, every year is dedicated to some problem or sphere, for example, 2015 was declared the Year of Literature, and 2016 was announced and dedicated to Russian cinema, and the next 2017 will not be an exception.

What year 2017 was announced - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2015 under No. 392 "On holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation" 2017 in Russia declared the year ecology. It was decided to implement such a task in connection with the global trend of drawing public attention to the problems of the ecological character of each country individually and the whole world as a whole.

Ecological problems in Russia

Based on the opinions of experts, it was revealed that the current situation in the field of ecology is becoming more and more depressing every year. The condition of soils is deteriorating, the waters are polluted, the seas are freshened, the number of green spaces is decreasing, the level of average temperature is increasing, which leads to melting of glaciers, the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere is decreasing ... This is far from the final list of modern problems to be solved. To maintain the condition of soils and cleanse water bodies, as well as to eliminate other problems listed above, it was decided to carry out expert actions lasting a whole year. Thanks to these measures RF government intends in 2017 to improve the overall environmental situation in the country, so as not to aggravate such alarming forecasts of environmentalists.

Events dedicated to the 2017 year of ecology

At the moment, more than 13 thousand specially protected natural areas, or PAs for short, have been organized in Russia. Thanks to the expert group that will be established, it was decided to increase the number of protected areas by several hundred more. In the course of the planned program, about 168 enterprises will be held aimed at disseminating information about environmental problems. Action plan, includes the organization of children's and youth festivals on this topic, as well as other educational activities. The creation of the All-Russian Forum on Protected Areas and the solution of the problems of reducing the number of mammals will also be carried out throughout 2017.

One of the sides of the issue under consideration will be the development of the reserve system in Russia. At the moment, there are 103 nature reserves on the territory of the Russian Federation, which in their activities practice not only preserving the natural landscape and increasing the number of individuals of the animal world, but also maintaining populations of endangered species, purifying natural water sources, and improving the state of the air composition.

The main goals of environmental activities in the Russian Federation

Thanks to the planned measures, the Government of the Russian Federation intends to improve the environmental situation in the country, which must certainly affect not only the general state of health of this territory, but also the attitude of citizens to environmental problems. The main criterion for the productive completion of the goals set will be a conscious approach and a responsible understanding of the acuteness and importance of the environmental problem being raised.

Also see: renewal law.

One of the traditions in our country is to devote it annually to some topic or problem. For example, 2016 was dedicated to Russian cinema. What year has 2017 been announced in the world? Currently, it is already officially known that the new year will be devoted to problems directly related to ecology and the environment.

Presidential decree.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2015 under No. 392 "On the holding of the year of specially protected natural areas in the Russian Federation." In other words, 20176 will be a year dedicated to various environmental issues.

It is this task that they will try to implement and implement in connection with the tendency all over the world to draw public attention to environmental problems, and in each country they are specific and individual, but still, most of the events are and are of a global nature.

Environmental problems in Russia.

According to experts and specialists in this field, it was revealed and established that the ecological situation in our country is in the most deplorable state, in fact, on the verge of a global catastrophe, unless, of course, the necessary and necessary measures are not taken in time. What are these problems?

    1. Deterioration of soil condition, especially in separate regions and regions.
    2.Pollution of water bodies throughout the territory.
    3. Desalination of the sea, which can lead to the extinction of many species of marine life, and simply to its drying out.
    4. Reducing the number of green spaces. You must admit that today the forest is being cut down, and cottages and supermarkets are being built in its place.
    5. Increase in average temperature level. To put it simply, the climate is gradually shifting, that is, it becomes warmer in the north, and, on the contrary, colder in the south.
    6. Reducing the protection of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
    7. Gradual but regular melting of glaciers, which can lead to a global catastrophe.

And this is only a small part of the problems that exist today in our country, and throughout the world as a whole. To control some of the above problems, it was decided to carry out special expert actions throughout the year in order to be aware of all the changes, that is, the deterioration of the situation or else. on the contrary, its improvement. As a result, it can be concluded that thanks to these measures listed above, the Russian government plans to improve the existing environmental situation in order not to aggravate the too alarming forecasts given by experts in each of the areas, the problem.

Scheduled activities.

At present, we can say with confidence that 13 thousand specially protected natural complexes and zones, which are abbreviated as PAs, have been registered, organized and successfully operating on the territory of our country. According to the decision of a specially created environmental and expert commission, it was unanimously decided that it is necessary to increase the number of such territories. What actions and events are planned for this year and are the most important and significant?

Answering the question as the year of what 2017 was declared in the world, I would like to believe and hope that all the tasks, at least the most important ones, will be solved, or at least all the necessary measures will be taken that will further contribute to the improvement of the entire environmental situation. After all, you must admit that it will simply not be possible to solve all these problems and difficulties in one year, it is not realistic to solve all the issues in a catastrophic situation.

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2017 is declared the year of ecology in Russia. The President of the Russian Federation signed an order, which has already entered into force.

Putin's order touches upon several spheres of life and presupposes a comprehensive fight against acute problems in the field of ecology.

Presidential decree: highlights

The decree of President Putin on the Year of the Environment 2017 was signed on January 5 last 2016 and came into force at the same time. The chairman of the environmental committee is Sergei Ivanov, and his responsibilities include approving the participants, working out specific measures, as well as monitoring the execution of tasks at different levels of government and in certain regions.

The main established goals of 2017 for ecology in the Russian Federation:

  1. Protecting existing and threatened ecosystems.
  2. Attracting the attention of all citizens of the state to topical environmental problems.
  3. Preservation of the diversity of biospecies, including rare and endangered ones.

The plan and objectives should cover 2 areas: ecology in a global sense and optimization of existing reserve systems.

An interesting fact: in 2015, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree stating that 2017 should become the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas in Russia. The events held within its framework should help to draw attention to the problems of preserving the unique heritage of nature. Why did 2017 receive this status? It was dedicated to the anniversary of the creation of the very first Barguzinsky reserve in the state, which will turn a hundred years old.

Planned activities

Putin declared 2017 the year of ecology and outlined several main areas of activity. The activities carried out should cover different areas:

  • Improvement of the current legislation. It is planned to implement changes in the laws related to the field of ecology, developed earlier. Global changes will affect such areas as the land, forestry and water codes of the country, some decrees of specific subjects, directly related to the environment.
  • Since 2017 has been declared the year of ecology and is dedicated to specially protected natural areas, the state plans to create seven national parks, two reserves of federal significance, and two reserves. In addition, the expansion of two existing large and important natural areas will be carried out.
  • The Year of Ecology in Russia will directly affect the protection of water resources. Many objects should be protected, the largest of which is the unique Lake Baikal.
  • The decree of the Russian president touched upon the protection and protection of the animal world. It is planned to continue the reintroduction of some rare species into the natural environment, for example, the Przewalski horse and the European bison. The publication of the next volume of the Red Book is coming.
  • Preservation and restoration of forest resources should become important aspects. According to the plans, it is required to restore about eight hundred hectares of forests in different parts of the state.
  • Putin noted the need to switch to the best and most affordable technologies. Numerous environmental measures will be carried out, and the emission of waste into the atmosphere during the year should be reduced by 70 thousand tons.
  • Another target is the optimization of waste management. It is planned to reclaim more than twenty large waste landfills, open new sorting and processing complexes, and introduce a system for the collection and disposal of hazardous waste throughout the state.
  • Educating society in the field of ecology. All citizens of Russia should clearly understand the urgency and consequences of existing problems, and the developed regional programs, covering the analysis and study of the most pressing issues, will help in this. The list of events includes various festivals and gatherings, competitions and conferences, forums, exhibitions and promotions, round tables. Vigorous activity should be carried out in educational institutions and health camps. In addition, all events will have to be covered in detail in the media. An environmental education program should reach all walks of life at all ages.

The ecological crisis is becoming a real threat to all of humanity. And in order to avoid it and preserve nature, you need to reconsider your attitude to the use of resources and life on the planet. The Year of Environmental Protection is the best time to start acting in a comprehensive and united manner.

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