Home Useful Tips What to do if the sensitive head is treated. Proven ways to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, choose the best one. White cabbage and burdock

What to do if the sensitive head is treated. Proven ways to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, choose the best one. White cabbage and burdock

Every man is very worried about the appearance of any problems that affect the quality of sexual relations, the same applies to the sensitivity of the glans penis. Loss of sensitivity of the head or its hypersensitivity is often observed. Both high and low sensitivity affect the quality of sex life and the sensations received during intercourse.

In this regard, the question arises of how to lower the sensitivity or increase the sensitivity of the glans penis. Initially, it is worth figuring out what sensitivity is considered normal, why the failure occurred, and only after that decide how to restore and treat.

Normal sensitivity

The head of the male penis is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones throughout the body of the strong half of humanity. The sensitivity of the PC head is directly related to how great the sexual arousal is. This is especially true for young men who are just beginning their sex life. During the first intercourse, due to a strong increase in arousal, the sensitivity increases significantly, which can lead to premature and uncontrolled ejaculation.

Over time, the sensitivity gradually decreases naturally. It's another matter if the head sensitivity has completely disappeared. In this case, you need to contact a medical facility. Only the attending physician will be able to correctly identify all the causes and prescribe medications, as well as other means for treatment.

Important! Often the cause of hypersensitivity is excitement, since many nerve endings are collected in the head, and the blood flow stimulates their activity.

Causes of the problem

There can be quite a few reasons why the sensitivity of the head has disappeared, including it may decrease due to:

  • injury. Loss of sensitivity can occur due to any trauma to the pelvic organs, during which the genitals could be affected;
  • too frequent or active masturbation, due to which a decrease occurs due to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • poorly selected underwear, which squeezes the genitals and leads to a weak blood flow;
  • any diseases that are acute or chronic, during which scars have appeared, due to which the reaction of the nerve endings has decreased;
  • circumcision (circumcision) during the loss of natural defenses;
  • various diseases of the nervous system;
  • lack of male hormones;
  • various diseases that interfere with normal blood circulation and blood flow;
  • various psychological problems, including stress and self-doubt;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

Important! Low sensitivity can indicate a number of serious diseases, so this disease cannot be ignored.

There are also a number of reasons due to which hypersensitivity may occur. These include:

  • hereditary characteristics of the organism;
  • a disease due to which the foreskin and head cannot open as much as possible (phimosis);
  • prostatitis, which affects the increased sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • an inflammatory process that occurs in the foreskin, usually caused by staphylococcus;
  • prolonged abstinence from intimacy. This is what can raise arousal and improve an erection, but it is often painful;
  • various disorders of the nervous system, which exacerbate the susceptibility of nerve endings;
  • hormonal disruption that usually occurs during adolescence.

You can restore sensitivity, which will be considered normal, only with the help of a doctor. In order to contact him in time, you need to know all the symptoms of this disease.


Low IF susceptibility may have the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of various problems with erection during intercourse itself;
  • the absence of any sensations that bring pleasure during the sexual intercourse itself or other manipulations;
  • complete lack of control over the ejaculation process;
  • the occurrence of difficulties in reaching the state of discharge;
  • almost complete lack of satisfaction from intercourse.

Important! Do not worry too much if sexual problems begin to increase, as frequent excitement can only aggravate the experience.

It is also worth noting that excessive susceptibility has its own symptoms:

  • when using condoms, sensitivity decreases;
  • ejaculation can begin at the very moment of contact with a partner;
  • sexual intercourse is prolonged after taking alcoholic beverages;
  • the duration of the act increases if a special agent is previously applied.

It is worth noting that with an increased susceptibility of nerve endings, it is worth resorting to medical help only if it interferes with a full-fledged sexual life.

Increase sensitivity

When answering the question: how to increase the sensitivity of the IF, it is worth noting that decreased perception may indicate the presence of various diseases. That is why you need to go through a series of examinations and pass various tests that will help determine the presence of genital infections.

Only after receiving the results of the diagnosis, the doctor can start treatment. In this case, there are several options:

  • the appointment of various medications to increase the susceptibility of nerve endings;
  • surgical intervention, but this method is used only if medications have not helped;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Important! Self-medication should not be here. Any method of treatment is used only after consulting a doctor - only he can correctly tell how to increase the sensitivity of the head.

Decrease sensitivity

The question often arises: how to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home. For this, there are various drugs that help reduce sensitivity.

In addition, you can "trick" your body using the following methods:

  • initially it is worth reducing the duration of the preludes;
  • during strong arousal, it is worth making small pauses, during which increased arousal subsides;
  • it is worth taking positions that will be less comfortable and will allow you to prolong sexual intercourse;
  • with a close ending, you should mentally step back and think about something unpleasant. This is what will reduce the arousal;
  • it is worth using condoms made of latex and having dense walls;
  • you can use any attachments that reduce direct contact during intercourse;
  • use an ointment, gel, cream or spray that causes slight numbness;
  • various drugs that affect the excitability of the central nervous system itself;
  • psychological self-study, which allows you to control the entire process;
  • various medicinal sedatives;
  • in especially advanced cases, doctors prescribe tranquilizers;
  • surgical intervention. It only happens if other means have not had an effect.

It is also worth answering the question: how to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home, using folk remedies. In this case, you can take various decoctions, including from oak bark, cornflower flowers or other herbal mixtures.


If you have any problems that affect your sex life, you should not close in yourself and look for a way out of this situation on your own. Only a qualified doctor can competently help, and any self-treatment can only cause complications.

The glans of the penis can not only contribute to a sharper sensation during intercourse, but also become a serious disadvantage for a man's sex life. Excessive susceptibility of the penis to irritants is not a health hazard. But such a phenomenon can affect the duration and quality of intercourse, which can worsen the sexual life of not only men, but also women, and this, in turn, can cause psychological problems. What are the symptoms of an increased sensitivity of the head?

Description of the problem

In most cases, the ability for long-term intercourse on the part of a man is an undoubted advantage. The sensitivity of the penis plays a significant role in this process. The more nerve endings are in the penis and the faster they react during intercourse, the faster ejaculation is achieved.

Acquired and congenital pathology

Hypersensitivity of the head can be either acquired or congenital. The latter is characterized by persistent symptoms over a long period of time. At the same time, the duration of sexual intercourse is unchanged both in adolescence and in a more mature age, when the hormonal background returns to normal. At the same time, various means designed to prolong sexual intercourse are very effective, including condoms, ointments and gels.

If there is an increased sensitivity of the head against the background of a previous illness, the symptoms may vary and depend on the nature of the pathological process. Ejaculation with prostatitis is accompanied by pain, when a man may lose the ability to enjoy orgasm. Against the background of phimosis, ejaculation usually occurs before intercourse without additional stimulation.

Complexity of adjustment

Correction of increased sensitivity of the congenital type of penis is a complex and lengthy process. However, as mentioned above, the problem is solved through the use of various means. The disadvantage of this correction method is the need for constant use of condoms or intimate lubricants.

The acquired hypersensitivity of the genital organ is caused by a pathological process and the elimination of the cause of its occurrence can solve the problem. In some cases, surgery may be required.


The prerequisites for the development of increased sensitivity of the glans penis may differ depending on the form of the problem. In the case of congenital sensitivity, we are talking about an overabundance of nerve endings in the organ. It would be wrong to call this condition a disease or pathology, it is rather an individual feature of the structure of the male reproductive system.

Possible pathologies

As for the acquired form of hypersensitivity, it occurs under the influence of the following pathologies:

  1. Phimosis. This disease can also be acquired and congenital. The head of the penis in this case is constantly in a closed or semi-closed state, which is explained by a short bridle and the inability to get rid of the foreskin. In the case of acquired phimosis, we are talking about scarring of tissues on the foreskin, which makes it impossible to completely expose the head of the organ. What else leads to increased sensitivity of the glans penis?
  2. Balanoposthitis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs due to infection with staphylococci. In this case, there is an exacerbation of the sensitivity of the nerve endings, when the reaction to stimuli during intercourse manifests itself too sharply.
  3. Prostatitis. This pathology affects the functioning of the penis indirectly, creating soreness during ejaculation.
  4. Stress state. In some cases, nervous overexcitement can provoke a persistent and rather painful erection. Against this background, the hypersensitivity of the glans penis increases. In this situation, treatment consists in eliminating nerve stimuli, that is, stress.
  5. Hormone imbalance. This is a typical situation for adolescents during puberty. Against the background of hypersexuality, a constant erection occurs, which becomes the cause of a short intercourse. In the process of growing up, the problem is solved independently.
  6. There is an increased sensitivity of the head after cutting. A similar procedure can be performed for reasons of religious beliefs or as a necessary measure for certain diseases.

What is the treatment for hypersensitivity of the head?

Drug treatment

In the case of increased sensitivity of the penis, correction is needed, not full treatment. Many techniques can be effective, including self-control, breathing techniques, and various folk remedies. Conservative methods for solving the problem are considered not only to take certain medications, but also to use additional funds, including:

special instructions

Any medication is intended to treat symptoms that lead to hypersensitivity of the glans penis. At the same time, it is much easier to solve physiological problems than to deal with the psychological disorders that led to the appearance of the syndrome. Typically, therapy is a long and complex process.

Self-control methods

Experts can recommend to a man suffering from hypersensitivity of the head of the penis to use special techniques that help to prolong an erection. To master these techniques, a certain level of self-control and understanding of one's own physiology is required. The most common techniques are:

  1. "Start-stop". This is the ability, with a certain skill, to predict the onset of the moment of orgasm. To avoid premature ejaculation, at the time of reaching orgasm, the penis is removed from the vagina and clamped at the base. After a few seconds, intercourse can be continued. It is recommended to do this several times in one act. It should be borne in mind that the purpose of the method is to prevent ejaculation, and not to stop it.
  2. Cessation of frictions and taking a deep, slow breath. Erection in this case is reduced by a third and makes it possible to continue sexual intercourse.
  3. Kegel method. This is the performance of special exercises that engage the pelvic organs. The Kegel technique helps to improve self-control.

How to treat an increased sensitivity of the head is interesting to many. There is also a psychological trick It involves a distraction from sexual intercourse by switching to something else.


The operation is indicated only if phimosis is detected, when the glans of the penis cannot be completely exposed. Surgical intervention consists in performing circumcision of the foreskin. Thus, it is possible to bring a man's sex life back to normal.

Previously, neurosurgeons practiced suppressing the nerves that trigger hypersensitivity. However, today this method is recognized as ineffective and capable of completely depriving the organ of any sensitivity.

Hypersensitivity of the glans penis is not an independent disease and in most cases is an anatomical feature of the male body.

Reduced sensitivity (hyposensitivity) of the penis is a problem faced by many men who abuse masturbation. The lack of sensation during manual stimulation or frictions may also indicate a violation of the innervation of the head of the genital organ.

Before increasing the sensitivity of the penis using manual therapy or special simulators, it is advisable to be examined by a specialist. Penis hyposensitivity can be associated with a number of provoking factors that need to be identified and eliminated.

Very often, insufficient sensitivity of the phallus occurs due to malfunctions of the nervous system or the development of somatic pathologies. In today's publication, the causes of hyposensitivity will be considered, as well as effective methods for restoring the normal innervation of the head of the male member.

Innervation of the penis

Why is the penis becoming less sensitive? To answer this question, you need to consider some features of the structure and functioning of the genital organ. The ability of the glans penis to feel is provided by several types of innervation. Somatic and motor, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses from soft tissues to the cerebral cortex.

The tactile sensitivity of male genitals largely depends on the type and intensity of various types of exposure: stroking, vibration, pressure, etc. In turn, tactile stimuli are captured by numerous nerve endings, most of which are concentrated in the head of the penis. Somatic nerves innervate the tissues inside the corpora cavernosa, therefore, a decrease in their sensitivity often leads to impaired erectile function or a rapid weakening of erection after sexual arousal.

In the case of the development of certain pathologies in men, there is a hyposensitivity of the penis. The loss of the ability to sense in most cases is associated with disturbances in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Acquired and hereditary factors, as well as somatic diseases, can affect the functioning of nerve endings.

Causes of penis hyposensitivity

Before increasing the sensitivity of the penis, it is necessary to find out the main reasons for its decrease. It should be understood that symptomatic treatment is only temporary. Very often, after the end of the course of palliative therapy, the ability of the penis to feel gradually decreases.

The main reasons for the hyposensitivity of the head of the phallus include:

  • somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, neurological disorders);
  • improper lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking, physical inactivity);
  • traumatic factors (regular cycling, rough sex, frequent masturbation);
  • hormonal imbalance (abuse of antibiotics and hormonal drugs);
  • non-observance of hygiene rules (wearing synthetic or tight underwear).

In most cases, decreased sensitivity of the penis is associated with impaired blood circulation in the soft tissues.

Doctors warn that too frequent "dry" masturbation inevitably leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings. As a rule, a short abstinence from self-gratification allows you to restore the ability of the head of the phallus to feel. In addition, psychogenic factors play an important role in the development of hyposensitivity. Constant stress, irritation, problems at work and in relationships negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system. Subsequently, this may affect the quality and speed of nerve impulses from the male genitals to the corresponding areas in the cerebral cortex.

Ways to increase sensitivity

To increase the sensitivity of the glans penis, it is necessary to take care of restoring normal blood microcirculation not only in the penis itself, but also in the pelvic organs. As you know, with the blood flow, soft tissues receive the required amount of oxygen, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients. Insufficient blood supply to organs negatively affects the work of muscle and nerve fibers.

Experts identify several main areas for solving the problem, which include:

Depression and lack of self-esteem are often the cause of penis hyposensitivity.

If you cannot cope with psychological problems on your own, see a psychologist or sexologist. Competent psychological assistance from a specialist helps to increase self-esteem and restore the functions of the nervous system, which will have a beneficial effect on the innervation of the tissues of the penis.

Massage Techniques

As a rule, an increase in the sensitivity of the head of the genital organ occurs against the background of the restoration of normal blood circulation in the tissues. To speed up this process, it is recommended to massage the genitals at least once a day. During therapy, it is advisable to observe precautions, since too intense stretching and squeezing of the penis can lead to injury.

Jelqing is one of the simplest and safest techniques that can be used not only to restore the penis' ability to subtle sensations, but also to increase its size. For manual therapy, it is recommended to pre-warm the scrotum and penis with warm water or a heating pad. In the process of self-massage, you need to perform the following exercise:

  • grasp the phallus at the base so that the fingers of your right hand are closed in a ring;
  • slowly stretch the ring to the middle of the shaft of the penis and, tightening the grip, linger in this position for 15 seconds;
  • stretch the ring out of your fingers again, stopping this time in front of the very head of the penis;
  • now grab the penis with your left hand at the very base and repeat the exercise.

Important! During exercise, you cannot firmly squeeze the head of the penis, as this will lead to an even greater decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the spongy tissues.

As practice shows, the sensitivity of the glans penis increases after a week of regular exercise. During self-massage, you need to monitor the degree of penis erection. It is not recommended to exercise if the penis is more than 60-70% erect.

Warming lubricants

An increase in the sensitivity of the penis occurs exclusively in the case of normalization of metabolic and redox processes in the tissues of the penis. To speed up metabolic reactions in the cells of nerve and muscle tissues, it is recommended to use special warming lubricants. They contain substances of reflex action that promote vasodilation and, accordingly, increase blood circulation in the penis.

To make up for the lack of nutrients in the body that take part in biochemical reactions, it is recommended to use only those lubricants and lubricants that contain:

  • L-carnitine;
  • retinol;
  • folic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • L-arginine;
  • tocopherol;
  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • vitamin D.

You should not purchase warming lubricants from unknown manufacturers, as they may contain preservatives and stabilizers that negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Specialty creams and lubricants are sold in intimate goods stores and pharmacies. Conventionally, all types of cosmetics are divided into several categories: silicone, oil and water-based. According to experts, the most suitable are oil and silicone products. They form a protective layer on the skin surface that prevents moisture evaporation and dehydration.

Vacuum pump

A vacuum pump is a mechanical device that stimulates blood flow to the tissues of the penis. The vacuum constrictor device consists of an acrylic cylinder and a pump for evacuating air. The principle of operation of the device is based on the creation of low atmospheric pressure in a confined space, where a non-erect penis was previously placed. Due to the pressure drop in the tissues, an additional blood flow to the penis occurs.

In medical practice, vacuum pumps are used to treat erectile dysfunction, increase the size and restore sensitivity of the penis. The systematic use of pumps leads to increased oxygenation of tissues and the restoration of normal metabolic processes in them. According to research results, improving the microcirculation of blood in the penis has a beneficial effect on the innervation of the head, as a result of which its sensitivity is significantly increased.

The vacuum pump is extremely simple to use:

  • insert the penis into the opening of the bulb;
  • press the pump to the body;
  • pump out air from the cylinder;
  • when an erection is achieved, lower the pump down;
  • after 20 minutes, press the shut-off valve;
  • remove the device and do some jelqs.

Such a device is very often used to permanently enlarge the phallus before copulation. If you use the pump for at least 3 months in a row, it will subsequently lead to an increase in the diameter of the penis.

Men often face a variety of ailments of the reproductive system. These can be infections, diseases, skin rashes, etc. At the same time, all men take such problems very seriously and are always very worried about the quality of sex and its duration. It is vital for any representative of the strong half to feel like a real man, able to satisfy and surprise a woman in bed. However, sometimes this is hindered by completely objective reasons, for example, a sensitive head of the penis.

This pathology in itself does not cause any discomfort to a man. However, excessive sensitivity of the head affects the duration of intercourse. As a result, the man finishes the process after one and a half to two minutes, which is not enough time to satisfy the woman. Such a situation can provoke the appearance of even psychological discomfort in a man, so the problem must be solved.

Why is the head of the penis too sensitive?

The reasons why the glans are very sensitive can be congenital or acquired during life. In the first case, a man initially has a large number of nerve endings on the head of the penis, as a result of which it becomes too sensitive.

In the second variant, the head becomes overly sensitive over time. This can happen due to the presence of a short frenum. Due to this pathology, the head of the penis is constantly in a closed or semi-closed state, since the short bridle does not allow it to completely free itself from the foreskin. Thus, the skin on the head of the penis becomes very sensitive and susceptible to any influence.

Diseases can also increase sensitivity. For example, with balanoposthitis, acne and red dots appear on the skin of the penis. Even after the treatment of balanoposthitis, the head of the genital organ still remains too sensitive.

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Symptoms of increased sensitivity of the head

If a man has a premature ejaculation, there is no need to immediately sound the alarm and run to the urologist. The fact of quick ejaculation does not mean that the representative of the strong half has an overly sensitive glans of the penis, and an urgent need to resort to some means. In most cases, the problem arises from a prolonged lack of sexual relations.

Congenital sensitivity of the glans penis can be determined by the following signs:

  • A short intercourse accompanies a man throughout his sexual life.
  • The duration of sexual contact is always the same in time. Moreover, the second intercourse does not become longer.
  • The duration of sex increases if a representative of the stronger sex uses a means of protection, that is, a condom, as well as lubricant. In this case, ejaculation occurs only if the member is in the woman's genital organ.
  • The time of intercourse is increased if the man drinks alcohol before sex.
  • The time of sex increases with the use of prolongators.
  • The duration of intercourse increases when a special spray with lidocaine is applied to the glans penis to prolong sex.

If the head of the penis has become sensitive due to any disease, then the man has slightly different symptoms:

  • Not all sexual intercourse of a man ended in premature ejaculation, and normal sexual relations are also sometimes present.
  • Before suffering diseases, the man did not observe premature ejaculation and did not experience problems in bed.
  • The release of semen occurs even before the onset of intercourse, while there was no additional stimulation, sexual intercourse, etc.
  • The second sexual intercourse is much longer than the first.
  • Alcohol does not affect the duration of intercourse in any way.
  • In the process of ejection of semen, a man experiences pain, or simply does not receive sexual pleasure from the process after ejaculation.
  • When using condoms, lubricants and sex prolongators, the time of intercourse does not increase.

Sometimes, before solving the problem and starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Firstly, it is important to understand what exactly is the cause of this ailment, and, secondly, in some cases, the solution to the problem can be carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. For example, with phimosis, that is, if a man has a short bridle on the genital organ.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the head?

Reducing the sensitivity of the head is provided by a number of specific measures. Surgery is considered the most effective method.

Of course, not everyone can lie on the surgical table, nevertheless, it is this option that allows you to get rid of the problem once and for all. The operation itself consists in the removal of the foreskin, or, in other words, in circumcision. The lack of additional protection for the head of the penis provokes a roughness of its skin, which quickly becomes less sensitive. As a rule, the duration of sexual intercourse in a man after surgery increases two or three times.

If for some reason a man refuses to be circumcised, you can use other means. Hypersensitivity of the head can be reduced with lidocaine and products containing it.

For example, you can purchase an intimate lubricant or a special lidocaine spray. You need to apply these substances about ten minutes before intercourse. You should spray a little spray or smear the lubricant directly on the head of the penis. It is worth doing this carefully, not exceeding the norm, otherwise a man may completely lose sensitivity during intercourse. The duration of sex, of course, will increase, but the man himself will not feel pleasure, and ejaculation will not occur.

If the sensitivity of the head is associated with a disease such as balanoposthitis, then it is necessary to treat it. As a rule, balanoposthitis appears in a man in the absence of personal hygiene, so it is important to start taking care of yourself. In addition, it will not be superfluous to use medicines to prevent infectious diseases and the appearance of bacteria. Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are perfect for this purpose. It is necessary to carefully lubricate the head of the penis with them until the rash on the skin disappears.

How to make the head less sensitive with medication?

If there is no desire or opportunity for some reason to use creams, lubricants and sprays to prolong sexual intercourse, you can try to take special medications. The action of such drugs is based on blocking the signal from the nervous system that enters the brain. As a result of this effect, a man simply does not feel oversensitive, and blocking nerve impulses makes it possible to prolong sexual intercourse.

Doctors often advise using drugs for such purposes:

  • Spasmolitin and Tifen.

Light sedatives based on motherwort, for example, Novopassit, are excellent for reducing the susceptibility of the nervous system. Ordinary valerian infusion works well as well. It is undesirable to use strong sedatives or tranquilizers, as they are addictive and even addictive.

In general, sedatives allow not only to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, relieve a man from self-doubt, which is quite natural in such a situation.

Sensitive head treatment techniques

How to reduce head sensitivity: simple home remedies

When a man has a very sensitive head of the penis, he begins to think about what to do with it. Few people may like the constant premature end of intercourse, especially men, because they are used to proving their masculinity in bed every day. Sometimes this problem can be dealt with on your own without resorting to drastic measures. However, you should not postpone treatment so that the problem does not worsen.

  1. First, to make the glans less sensitive, you can use two condoms at the same time during intercourse. This will allow you to have sex for longer, and protection in this way is guaranteed.
  2. Secondly, you can try, while approaching the very peak of sexual contact, to think about extraneous things so that the arousal decreases somewhat. This will delay the moment of ejaculation. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the erection does not disappear completely.
  3. In some cases, men are advised to use special exercises from yoga gymnastics. It consists in delaying and resuming the urination process. This exercise allows you to train intimate muscles and make them stronger. Through this process, the man will be able to control the release of sperm.
  4. A man can try to learn how to control himself and his body during sex. It is important to listen to yourself and understand when the ejaculation process is possible. As soon as a man approaches to ejaculation, he needs to tighten his intimate muscles harder, not allowing sperm to come out. This method also requires training, so do not despair if something does not work out the first time.
  5. Sometimes men are advised to use cabbage or burdock leaves. It is necessary to separate several large leaves, and use a towel to attach them to the lower back. First, they have a cooling effect, distracting a man from the process. And, secondly, the mere presence of something on the lower back slows down a man a little.
  6. You can also use another technique. Its meaning is to reduce the degree of erection when ejaculation approaches. When a man feels that an orgasm is about to come, he needs to remove the penis from the woman's vagina and temporarily stop any caresses and touching him. However, you shouldn't forget about your partner. You can fondle her at this time so that the woman's excitement does not disappear. It is not necessary to wait long, 10-15 seconds will be enough. Such training can give good results over time, the duration of intercourse will approximately double.

What should not be done with a sensitive head?

Of course, a man's overly sensitive glans often become a real problem. A man not only cannot please a woman, but also experiences strong psychological discomfort because of this. If the problem is not resolved in time, it can easily develop into pathology, when a man completely abandons relationships with women. However, you should not try to solve the problem by pinching the seminal canal. Such measures are not only ineffective, they can cause the development of a serious inflammatory process.

If ejaculation has already occurred, the clamping of the urethra can only cause the sperm to be sent to other organs. As a result of this process, a man will experience stagnation in the organs of the genitourinary system. Firstly, prostatitis often develops from stagnation of sperm, and, secondly, the accumulation of ejaculate can also cause the development of bacteria and infections.

Thus, you should not give up on your sex life if premature ejaculation has been observed for a long time. It is important to understand that this is a very common problem that many men face. Therefore, do not hesitate to see a doctor. Qualified assistance has never been superfluous, especially in such delicate and important issues.

The specialist will help determine the reason why the head of the genital organ has become overly sensitive, and will also tell you about the treatment options. A man will only have to choose what suits him best. The main thing in this case is not to shut yourself up and understand that the problem is completely solvable.

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis and, as a result, premature ejaculation is a problem for some men. As a result of such physiological characteristics, they are not capable of prolonged intercourse and often cannot bring their partner to orgasm.

People have repeatedly wondered how to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, so there are several ways to achieve the result. However, not all recommendations are effective, and some may subsequently harm the body of the man himself or his partner.

Radical method

A decrease in sensitivity occurs after cutting. The head of the penis, not covered by the foreskin, becomes less receptive, which makes it possible to prolong sexual intercourse. Usually this method is practically the only one in the case when a man is diagnosed with phimosis or balanoposthitis. It is imperative that the operation is performed by a qualified professional in a medical facility.

Self-control and exercise

The use of self-control will help to prolong intercourse. The method consists in mastering the way to control ejaculations. If, during frictions, a man feels that excitement reaches its peak (ejaculation is approaching), it is necessary to remove the penis from the vagina for a few seconds, stop all movements, caresses and take 4-5 deep breaths. It is advisable to connect both the chest and the abdomen to the breathing process. Once you feel that the tension has subsided, you can return to the interrupted process.

In addition, the systematic implementation of special exercises helps. The main one is to train the muscles of the urethra. To do this, during urination, you must try to stop the flow of urine. Having determined which muscle tissues are involved in the process, you can rhythmically strain and relax them several times a day. It will gradually become easier to control ejaculation.

Use of mechanical means of protection

Good, and most importantly, almost instant results in reducing the sensitivity of the head are obtained by using condoms during intercourse. The protective agent allows you to reduce the direct contact of the receptors of the head with the walls of the vagina, thereby prolonging coitus.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacology has developed a number of special chemicals that help solve the problem of premature ejaculation. They come in various forms: as ointments, gels or sprays. They must be applied 5-10 minutes before the start of intercourse on the frenum of the head. However, be careful, the use of these substances can cause a burning sensation in the vagina, as well as cause an allergic reaction in you or your partner.

It is impossible not to mention the advice that now and then pop up on the forums or in confidential conversations. For example, to reduce the sensitivity of the head, it is recommended to drink a little alcohol before the start of foreplay. However, be careful, in this way a conditioned reflex is formed and after a while sexual intercourse becomes impossible without alcohol, which, in turn, can lead to alcoholism.

Another way to be treated with caution is to advise you to wear underwear. There is a chance that instead of the desired result, you will get irritation or inflammation of the head or foreskin.


However, before you start looking for ways to prolong sexual intercourse, you need to understand the reasons for excessive sensitivity.

Usually (in the overwhelming majority of cases), hypersensitivity is characteristic of adolescents who are just starting sex and do not have enough experience, but it happens that the problem remains for many years. In this case, it is customary to talk about congenital features of the genitourinary system.

If this condition occurs at an older age, this should be a reason to visit a doctor, since acquired diseases, for example, balanoposthitis or phimosis, may be the cause. In the latter case, after a thorough examination and testing, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, as well as give recommendations on how to resolve the issue with premature ejaculation.

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