Home Useful Tips What to do if the drum knocks. The brownie really exists or is it a product of human fantasy. How to find out that an evil spirit is in the apartment

What to do if the drum knocks. The brownie really exists or is it a product of human fantasy. How to find out that an evil spirit is in the apartment

Is there a brownie: 3 legends about the origin of brownies, 3 of their incarnations, 7 signs that evil spirits live in your house, 5 ways to make friends with the landlord.

The image of a cute little man is familiar to us not only from the cartoon "Little Brownie Kuzya", but also from fairy tales, legends and even horror stories.

But does the brownie really exist, or is he an artistic fiction that has entered so closely into oral folk art?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, despite the fact that there are people who claim to have met these household spirits in person. But let's try to understand the topic at least a little.

The legend about the spirits of the dwelling is not new and dates back to the pre-Christian period. With the adoption of Christianity, the attitude towards brownies changed a little, but the memory of them did not disappear without a trace. Many people still believe that brownies exist.

Who is the brownie and does he really exist?

Our ancestors have always been very kind to their home. They built it according to all the rules, adhering to certain rituals.

When the house was ready, they did not forget about its mythological owner - a brownie, who was coaxed to help with housework, keep order, increase welfare, look after children, etc.

Other names for brownie - baker, owner, barabashka, gospodar and others.

No one even doubted that the brownie exists, despite the teachings of the church, that the spirits of the house are the same demons and you need to get rid of them by consecrating your dwelling and veiling it with icons.

There were icons in village houses, but few believed that they interfered with brownies, because people considered the bakers to be kind.

By the way, the legend about the house-dwellers refers mainly to rural folklore. Maybe because go to stock up on brownies, which would be enough for every city apartment, or maybe because only in village houses there are large stoves, which are considered the home of the home spirit.

Centuries passed, many myths were debunked, village houses were gasified, stoves were thrown out as unnecessary, the population massively moved to cities that gave more opportunities for implementation, but stories about brownies turned out to be tenacious and still excite the minds of both adults and children in attempts to figure it out. , whether these magical creatures really exist.

What legends exist about the origin of brownies

There are many legends about the origin of brownies. The most popular of these confirms the divine origin of the reel.

It is believed that there was no Hell before and all otherworldly forces lived in heaven. Then one of the angels - Satan - decided to rebel against God, gathering his own army.

The forces of good won, and in punishment for what they had done, the Lord sent all the guilty ones underground. This is how Hell came into being.

But there were spirits that were less guilty than others. God took pity on them and decided to send not to Hell, but to earth to serve people. This is how not only brownies appeared, but also gobies, mermaids, Mavka, water and other heroes of Slavic myths.

Some of them became angry and tried with all their might to harm people, while others, on the contrary, fell in love with the human race and tried to help him as best they could. The brownies took the second position.

There are other versions of the origin of brownies:

  1. People, but only ugly ones. Perhaps the brownies and I have the same progenitors: Adam and Eve. But the housekeepers cannot live with us, but are forced to hide from human eyes because of their terrible appearance, but at the same time, being practically human, they cannot live far from us.
  2. Lumps of energy. According to a fairly common version, the brownie does not have a physical body. It remains a bunch of energy and the pole of this energy directly depends on the people who occupied a particular dwelling: if they were kind and did good deeds, the energy was positive, evil - their brownie also became a negative character.
  3. The spirit of a deceased person. This version echoes the European stories of ghosts that inhabit the family castles. It is believed that the restless soul of a deceased relative who previously lived in this house can become a brownie. Because of his sins or for some other reason, he could not retire to another world and stayed at home to help his relatives as best he could.

Does a brownie exist and what is known about him?

Perhaps, none of the characters in Slavic mythology was as detailed as the brownie.

People who believe that he really exists, undertake to describe his appearance and even character on the basis of eyewitness testimony.

What does a brownie look like, if it exists?

Since very few people actually saw the little reel, and the one who saw something could have confused the spirit of the home with some other otherworldly entity, there is no single description of the appearance of the brownie.

There are several popular versions of what a brownie looks like, if it exists:

  • Like a little man. Those who look just like us can be less afraid. That is why the brownie is often portrayed as a small, well-knit old man, not scary at all, but very pretty. Well, it's just a fabulous gnome for you who is not capable of being evil and cruel.
  • Like an animal. Anyone who does not believe that brownies are also people describes their appearance, similar to an outlandish animal: a small humanoid creature overgrown with wool with sharp claws. Something like a cat with whom he is friends.
  • A bunch of energy. This version cannot boast of an accurate description, therefore, who knows what a brownie looks like: either as a shadow, or as a luminous silhouette. Fans of this legend agree on one thing: the drum has no physical body, it exists in parallel with the world of people.

Decide for yourself how your brownie will look like, if you have definitely decided that it exists.

Are there good and bad brownies?

Opinions also differ about the character that the brownie should have.

As I said, the priests are unambiguous in their verdict: this is an unclean force, from which you need to get rid of as quickly as possible by consecrating the dwelling. And even better - not to believe in anyone but God, then you will not have to meet with the housekeepers.

Ordinary people for the most part are convinced that the brownie is not a kind or evil creature. It, like a person, has different character traits and, depending on the atmosphere prevailing in the house, and the attitude of people towards it, it shows one or another of its qualities. Exists in the world of good and evil at the same time.

If an atmosphere of joy and kindness reigns in your home, your brownie will become the same and will begin to benefit:

  • protect the house from destruction, fire, thieves and other misfortunes;
  • create coziness;
  • warn of danger;
  • watch out for the cattle so that the pestilence does not attack it;
  • put things in order;
  • increase welfare;
  • look after the kids, etc.

But if you are evil and envious people, there is constant abuse and squabbles in your house, then the brownie will gradually become an evil creature and begin to do dirty tricks. Otherwise, it will completely leave your hut in search of more suitable housing and you will be left without a home patron.

Another reason why the baker becomes angry is insults at him, doubts about whether he really exists, stupid jokes about him, ignoring the warnings of the housekeeper, etc.

That is, you yourself, by your neglect, lead to the fact that the force living in your home becomes evil. Everything can be corrected if you sincerely believe that the brownie exists, ask for forgiveness and feed him.

How to do it? Find out in the next section of the article.

How to determine if a brownie exists?

If everything is fine at home, then why would you even know if there really is a brownie? Believe that your home has a good patron, thank him and live righteously further.

You need to look for signs of otherworldly power in the house only when not everything is going well.

Signs that a brownie is living in your home

Despite the fact that a person is a fairly thick-skinned creature, he simply cannot fail to notice the external entity that lives next to him.

Sooner or later, she will betray her presence. The main thing is not to be scared at the same time, but to try to make friends with the housekeeper, so that he helps you with household chores, and does not create obstacles.

There are several clear signs indicating that the housekeeper exists and lives in your hut or apartment:

  1. At night, with the onset of silence, you hear extraneous sounds - the creak of doors, the stamping of small feet, puffing, grunting, etc.
  2. Even when you are completely alone in the house, it seems to you that someone is watching you, that there is something invisible at close range.
  3. The cat behaves strangely: he hisses at an empty space, stares intently at something hidden from your gaze, plays with some invisible object.
  4. Things disappear, and then they find themselves in the most unexpected places. it
  5. Your baby (it is believed that children under 7 years old can see what is inaccessible to adults) claims to have seen a small person or some kind of animal in the house. Take your child's fantasies seriously.
  6. Some of the electrical appliances itself turns on and off. This brownie hints to you that you need to check the equipment for serviceability, so that trouble does not happen.
  7. You feel like someone is helping you with your household. That things that used to take much longer are now faster and easier.

It's important not to confuse the signs of a brownie in your home with paranoia. Do not come up with something that does not exist, otherwise it will lead to sad consequences.

Just live so that you are not ashamed of your life, maintain order in the house, create coziness, quarrel less with the household and the brownie will be so pleased that he will not frighten you with his appearance, but at the same time will secretly protect your home.

How to check if a brownie exists in your house

How to make friends with a brownie, if it exists?

If you believe that the brownie exists, but at the same time he is unfriendly to you, does small dirty tricks, worries at night, you can and should make friends with him.

Here's what you need to do to befriend the brownie that exists in your home:

  • Greet him. For example, after waking up, you can say: "Good morning, master", and when you come home: "Hello, brownie."
  • Contact your housekeeper for help. Brownies love to be helpful. They are sure that they know much better about the household than people, therefore, they are favorable to the fact that they are asked for advice.
  • Praise him. Flattering phrases such as: "What would I do without your help?"
  • Treat the brownie. It is believed that housewives love milk, sweets, pastries, and also red dessert wine. If you want to appease your master, leave him goodies for the night. Through trial and error, you will find out what he likes best.
  • Be extremely polite with the brownie. This creature cannot be scolded, even if it does some small dirty tricks, for example, hides your things or makes noise in the apartment. Treat him with respect with a request, not a demand.

There are many rituals on the network on how to call a brownie, but it is better not to do this, especially for fun.

Why bother the otherworldly forces once again, especially if they do not disturb you.

If you need the help of a baker, then you can look for an effective ritual, but it is better to carry it out not on your own, but with the help of a psychic, because you do not know how the evil spirit will behave, even if it is so cute.

But most importantly, do not doubt whether there is a brownie. This offends the little domestic deity and prevents him from serving his house and his masters as well as possible.

In times of deep stagnation, the public in the newspapers was entertained only by the long-awaited lush obituaries and journalistic smuggling in the form of articles on the paranormal.

Parapsychology, at a critical moment renamed into psychotronics, brightened up the gray everyday life with a wide variety of topics. From UFOs to traditional healers, from clairvoyance to telekinesis (non-contact movement of objects), from skin vision to dowsing (searching the earth for voids, springs, deposits or ancient foundations using a vine).

It seems that it was at the end of the 70s that the word "barabashka" appeared. If we take the numerous testimonies of those years, a small, absurd creature, never seen by anyone, settled in selected apartments and made itself felt most often with knocks, and sometimes with terrible bedlam. And now 20 years have passed - the mouth is full of other worries, who cares now. But has the phenomenon itself disappeared? VK was ready to admit that there is no place for pagan mysticism in our pragmatic world. But now We received a letter ...

Dear editors!

I live alone in a small apartment. I graduated from medical school, I work in a hospital. I get very tired. I hardly move my things at home, because I leave early, and when I arrive, I fall from fatigue.

Some glitches began in the spring. One day I came home from work, and on the floor in the hallway there was a book from the educational shelf, where all my textbooks were level, and I hadn’t wiped the dust there for a hundred years. The book is called "Human Physiology" by NA Fomin. I picked it up and put it back in place. Two days later, she was lying on the floor again. As in some detective story!

In June, I was on vacation with my mother. And when I returned home, Physiology was lying on the floor again, but now in the kitchen. I asked my neighbor if someone had come in without me, although I knew that no one could have come in, because I was leaving for a short time and took the key with me. The neighbor laughed and said that I had a fiancé. Once she read about a little drum that starts up in the house and does small dirty tricks.

I suffered for the rest of the summer. First, it's scary at night. Secondly, the drummer is a hooligan. Once I scattered a box of threads, and I mixed everything up with the threads. And recently he knocked over a garbage can in the kitchen. I was wildly angry when in the evening I found a full garbage dump on the floor, and shouted: “Are you at home, are you kidding me? “And then the lampshade above the kitchen table began to swing more and more. I got scared and called my neighbor. We sat down in the kitchen and began to think about what to do. The neighbor said that putting a mousetrap or sprinkling cockroach powder would only make it worse. In her village, it is believed that the reel sometimes turns into a hedgehog. And I put a saucer of milk for him in the corner.

Throughout the middle of August, I lived in peace, almost forgot about the "groom". But at the end of the month I somehow came home from work, and in the hallway there was "Human Physiology" again, is he reading it, or what?

I told the girls in the hospital, one of them advised me to talk to the little girl, at least find out if he was a hooligan. To do this, you need to take six not sharpened pencils, two people stand opposite each other, take two pencils in each hand, set them up like peaks, and connect the ends with two pencils that are being held out to you from the opposite side. And connect your hands perpendicularly with another pencil, then you get such a parallelogram.

Then you have to relax and ask. If the pencils go upside down, then yes. If down - "no". All the rest "I do not know". Pencils fall means "I don't want to talk anymore." My friend Maya and I did just that. To the question “Barabashka, are you here? "The pencils answered yes." To the question “Will you always be here? ”Answered“ no ”. To the question “Are you good? "The barabashka replied" I don't know ": one pair of pencils remained motionless, and the other bent upward, maybe he wanted to say" I don't know, but rather good. " And to the question “Can you seem to us? "All our pencils suddenly crumbled, as if someone third from the bottom shook them with his hands.

We tried asking the same questions in the hospital, but nothing happened. On September 1 in the evening Maya and I walked around the city and went to my place for tea. As soon as they sat down at the table, the lampshade began to sway more and more. Maya got scared and said that the police should be called. But I already knew what it was. I persuaded her to try again to talk to the little girl through pencils. At first she refused, and then she nevertheless became interested too.

We had the following conversation with the little girl:

- Are you here? Yes. Won't you do us badly? No. You're a boy? -No. Are you a girl? No. - Are you human? No. You are old? Do not know. -Do you love us? Yes. Will you ever come out to us?

Then again all the pencils fell to the floor, maybe we were tired ourselves and dropped them from the stress.

None of this happens in my living room. The girls say that this is because there is an icon there, and it is necessary to call a priest to consecrate the whole apartment.

Perhaps, through your newspaper, some scientist will explain what needs to be done? Yesterday, the bastard threw a vase on the windowsill, the asters fell to the floor, the water spilled, and the vase lay on its side by the window, but for some reason it did not break. I'm going to get a dog. What will happen to the little drum then? How to behave in order to grieve with him?

I wrote to your newspaper because it comes to our hospital and sometimes I have time to read it. The newspaper is good, but you don't write about such cases at all. But it turns out they are.

Does the brownie exist? This question is always asked, since people know that each house has its own magical master-protector, which. Or maybe this is a game of imagination?

In the article:

The brownie really exists

We have long known stories about amazing creatures that live in houses and protect them. Depending on the place where the myth is spread, magical creatures are called differently. You can hear the words: brownie, grandfather, baker, owner, wen, neighbor, guy, master, burnout, firefire.

Recently a new word has appeared - reel... So they began to call the brownie, who got angry and began to destroy everything around. If we turn to the history, folklore, myths of the Slavs, we can be sure that the ancestors firmly believed that the spirits of the house exist.

The Slavs not only could see these creatures, but also. People were afraid and respected the owners of the house, they always treated them, took care of them.

The emergence of the legend of the brownie

Almost every magical creature has a history of origin. The myth is widespread that in ancient times all the evil spirits in heaven united and, having chosen a demon as their leader, began to rebel, to rebel against the creator of the universe.

The lord of heaven was merciful, but decided to punish from the heavenly kingdom. The demon, along with his main henchmen, went to hell. But among all those who rebelled against the Creator, there were special beings.

They were not very guilty before the creator, and he decided to send them to earth so that they would spend their whole lives among people. This is how mermaids, gobies, brownies, water animals, kikimors, and other small evil spirits appeared.

Some spirits decided that it was better to be kind, they repented and asked permission to live with people in the same room. So they settled in the houses of the ancient Slavs. Uncleanness has changed, living with hardworking, frugal people.

The brownies did not try to annoy and harm, but, on the contrary, tried to help the peasants, to protect them from other demons. That is why the Slavs are so accustomed to these good-natured creatures that they could no longer call them evil spirits.

Are there really rears

To understand if a brownie exists, let's figure out who it is. For our ancestors, he was a real keeper of the family hearth. The spirit did not have wings, horns, or other distinctive features that could betray a demonic nature in it. The ancestors were sure that brownies can not only help, but also read the thoughts of those living next to them.

Attitudes changed with the advent of Christianity. This belief does not deny the existence of barabashka, but it classifies it as demons and does not consider it good helpers.

According to legend, a brownie lives in every family. But he cannot be in a consecrated room.

The age of the creature goes the other way around, not like that of humans. The ancestors believed that the rears are born wise and old, live for about seven hundred years, and die helpless babies.

Scientists have proven by attributing this to diseases that affect ordinary people. There is no doubt that there is in the world - their corpses have been found.

There is no confirmation of the existence of brownies. All we have are legends, myths, eyewitness accounts.

Are there energetic entities

Experienced psychics assure that the master of the house exists as a clot of energy. He is from the other world, he can take care of the tenants or cause harm.

A brownie (as an energy object) may not be just a figment of the imagination. There are examples when people managed to come into contact with such entities.

For many centuries there was a folk holiday Kudesy. It falls on February 10 - the day of the brownie. At 11 o'clock in the evening, the spirit was treated and placated.

On this day, they give sweets, small wooden chests, caskets with soft fabrics. They made the owner of the dwelling happy for Christmas, Easter, Maundy Thursday.

It can neither be confirmed nor disproved. It's up to you whether to believe in the widespread myth that such a magical spirit is in charge of the houses. Do not anger your kind grandfather, keep your home clean, keep comfort, do not quarrel and bring positive energy into the house.

In contact with

Do you get the feeling of a stranger in the house? At the same time, you do not see anyone in detail, but someone starts to drop things, and do you feel someone else's energy? Perhaps a barabashka has settled in your house.

Little drum: what is it?

A dumbbell, or poltergeist, is an astral entity with an unfinished karmic program in the objective world. He gets into the room, clinging to the emotional instability in the house. In fact, it is very dangerous. In such cases, a person is required. In fact, a reel is the presence of someone else's energy in the house, which will have a destructive effect on everyone living in the house. The first thing that people who have a bastard in their apartment feel is a persistent feeling of a stranger, squeezing you out of the house. I want to leave, leave. Fear appears, sounds arise, objects move illogically, regardless of your actions. Children, animals, electronic equipment react especially sharply to the appearance of a reel. Conflicts may arise in the person himself and in his environment, and out of the blue, for no reason, as well as drowsiness, failure in those matters that were previously stable, a feeling of being depressed. By the way, a negative "barabashka" can eventually lead people to serious health problems.

Is it always bad?

There is a good-natured poltergeist who accidentally comes to your emotional manifestations. But there is also an aggressive one, who came or picked up by you in a bad place with your internally unstable state. The most dangerous poltergeists have a demonic nature. Usually they themselves do not come to the house, they are called and tied to the house. People who have black practices are capable of limiting the family in this way, so it is very important to remove him from the energy field of your apartment. So, I have highlighted three options for the presence of a poltergeist in houses (apartments): 1. A poltergeist drum that is spontaneously present in your home, an astral entity that casually passes through the space of your home. In fact, it is quite harmless. 2. The host ram is an entity that accidentally entered and became an astral member of the family. This essence will be fueled by any negative emotions of people, and due to this attachment, it will live with this family, and fit into the life and relationships of the family. He will also impose his will, intimidating with illogical sounds, noise, voices, the severity of his presence. Sometimes even spontaneous combustion of objects can happen. 3.Demonic reel - an entity that can only destroy, negatively thinking. Usually they do not come by themselves, they are attracted to the house. If your consciousness is stronger and more positive, then the demonic essence will instantly return to the guide. And you will not be late. But the danger of a demonic entity is that it clings to any negative in the family, enough irritation, and instantly this entity will live in your house. Symptoms: abrupt mood swings, from crying to laughter, irritation and conflicts in the family, constant heaviness and a feeling of gloom in the house, everything is seen in gray. Then the principle of letting in a poltergeist demon is triggered through fear, doubt, irritation. Drowsiness occurs, the presence of something large and overwhelming is felt. A specialist should take the demon-ram from the house to which he was tied: or a parapsychologist is simply necessary.

How to get rid of the drum?

It is as easy as shelling pears to withdraw an ordinary little drum, the main thing is not to get hung up on his presence and not to be afraid. Fear, self-interest or other emotions can keep such a guest in your home for a longer time. This condition also applies to other types of drums. Remember that the entrance to you can be only through the emotions you incorrectly displayed. Against the reel-host, you can apply protection from religious practices. What religion you are committed to, that one will help you, protecting you. Again, the element of absolute faith in yourself and in what will help you is important. Candles, prayers, mantras, holy water, etc. The demonic reel should be taken away by the same thing that attracted him to your house. Of course, you yourself can only do this if you are a professional parapsychologist. Remember that this is all very serious and can lead to big problems and losses. The best option is to find a specialist parapsychologist who will return the demon-ram to its place, to the one who "ordered" you.

If an incomprehensible knock is heard in the house, then, most likely, it is a drum noise.

To date, there are several opinions about poltergeist. One of them claims that a poltergeist is nothing more than a simple optical illusion or hallucination that occurs when a person is afraid of something.

Apparition of souls

Why is perfume at night? Because the darkness is frightening and it seems to a person that something unknown is hidden in it. People are always afraid of what they do not know and cannot understand. The second opinion is that the drum is a clot of energy that has gathered in a specific place. That is, ghosts appear exactly where there are a large number of people. The question of what origin the energy has and where it comes from is still open.

When a person hears the word "barabashka", he sees a good old Soviet cartoon about the brownie Kuzya. But is it true that the cartoon and its character were kind? The brownie was a bully and a robber with a kind heart. Kuza lacked understanding and attention, so he played dirty. There is a little boy behind his image.

The drum is a clot of energy

If we remember what Kuzya says, then “Happiness is when everything is at home” will come to mind. The brownie lacked warmth and faith that tomorrow he would not be forgotten and abandoned. Because of this, the burgundy comes at night, scares people, but at the same time he is afraid of them and fears that they will not accept him into their home. Brownie, self-confident and impudent, only in appearance, but in his heart he is an old grandfather who has remained forever abandoned.

House keeper

The brownie is not a negative character or an evil spirit. Ghosts and spirits only come into contact with people because they need some help. The keeper of the house, the hearth and the kind defender - this is who the barabashka is. The brownie knows absolutely everything about the house in which he lives, he protects the energy of this house. Therefore, people should be friends with the spirits, and not, on the contrary, harm them. As it comes around, it will respond. After all, the situation is exactly the same with people - if one person respects another, then the other responds in the same way.

Barabashka is the spirit of the one who used to live in this house. A brownie can only have one residence. He can only appear in the house with which he has a connection. Brownies should not be teased, kicked out of the house or apartment, because with them a piece of energy can go away.

Barabashki cannot appear in houses that have no history, as they are witnesses of what happened - sadness, suffering, mistakes, smiles. Brownies come in order to tell about something, to warn against possible mistakes, to protect from something. Ghosts and spirits can be considered a sixth sense, a crib of life, a hint.

Having bought a house, the new owner must clean it up with a holy book.

Some psychologists say that when buying a new house, a person should definitely ask who lived in the house earlier, who was its owner. The fact is that brownies absorb the energy of people who lived in the house, as they say with whom you will lead, from that you will gain. Having bought a house, the new owner must consecrate and cleanse it.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to go for holy water. You can use a prayer or prayer book. Spirits are not vampires who fear the cross or the aspen stake. In principle, cleaning is done not to intimidate, but to get rid of negative energy, which may have been deposited on the drum.

There is an opinion that the brownie can take different images and turn into real inhabitants of the house. In fact, no one knows how the brownie looks in reality, because he has neither a face nor a body. The little drum is a spirit, a soul that seeks tranquility and salvation. Some people claim that they saw the brownie in the form of a shaggy little old man with huge paws. But this is a stereotype.

This is explained by the fact that in the mythology of the Slavs, spirits were represented in the form of negative characters, which were opposed to heroes-heroes - Alyosha Popovich, Dobryna. Everything negative should have a frightening appearance - goblin, kikimory, goblin monsters. Wherever the brownie takes its origin, from the future, the past or from the forest, he, like all living beings, has a heart that beats, and, therefore, lives, exists.

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