Home Helpful Hints What can pregnant women for the new year. Pregnancy is not a disease or a new year in position. What to cook for the new year pregnant

What can pregnant women for the new year. Pregnancy is not a disease or a new year in position. What to cook for the new year pregnant

If you meet the New Year with a belly, this is not a reason to deny yourself a holiday. On the contrary, positive emotions are necessary for mom as well as fresh air. You just have to slightly adjust the usual program.

New Year's table

On New Year's Eve, the table of an ordinary Russian person is bursting with various dishes. Champagne and mayonnaise flow like a river. The future mother, of course, should not deny herself pleasures, but you still have to make changes to the menu. Even the healthiest person is unlikely to withstand such a frequent change of dishes, and the body of a pregnant woman works with a double (and sometimes triple) load. Therefore, try to limit yourself to light snacks and salads (you can find interesting options in our material).

Avoid fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. God bless him with excess weight (although it will be hard to drive him off later)! First of all, they retain fluid in the body. And edema - especially in the second half of pregnancy - can provoke a number of unpleasant complications. We don't need an ambulance at the New Year's table, do we? Therefore, we bake, cook, stew. Instead of mayonnaise, we choose vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream in a small amount, instead of the incomprehensible quality of sausage - lean meat, instead of canned peas - boiled, instead of pickled vegetables - fresh, instead of a cake from the store - a dessert of our own production, instead of pork - veal, beef, chicken, turkey, fish.

In any case, eat fractionally, in small portions. Control the amount of food eaten, take time to pause.

Make sure that there are enough drinks on the table in advance: after a hearty meal, the need for liquid increases significantly. Alcohol should not be consumed. You can pour a symbolic amount of champagne or dry wine into a glass with which you will clink glasses, but it is still better to “wash down” New Year's toasts with soft drinks.

If you're suffering from heartburn, don't forget to pack a remedy for it in your purse. Otherwise, the holiday will be spoiled.

For women for whom the New Year coincided with a terrible toxicosis of the first trimester, it is perhaps better to choose a company where everyone agrees to just dance. If you feel really bad, stay at home. This is not the last New Year in your life!

Outfits and appearance

You can choose a dress for the holiday in advance, but it’s worth buying it a week before the celebration. Otherwise, you can not guess with the size: during pregnancy, not only the stomach increases, but also the chest, waist, hips. Evening dresses with corrective elements (corset, bodice, hard bones of the bodice) are categorically not suitable for the expectant mother. You need to avoid any pressure on the abdomen, this is fraught with a violation of the placental blood flow. In other words, while you are trying to hide your belly behind the dragging elements, your baby is simply suffocating.

Also read our article, in it you will find a huge number of options for modern and classic models.

The ideal option is the empire style (high-waisted long dress) or baby doll (doll or children's style of a short loose dress). These styles, even for a long time, successfully hide rounded shapes, do not put pressure on the stomach and look very feminine.

As for shoes, ballet flats or comfortable shoes with a symbolic heel of 3-4 centimeters are best suited. Convenience in general should be your motto during pregnancy. A high hairpin is only good for taking pictures: then you put on worn-out "boats" again. Choose shoes with a comfortable last that securely fixes the foot, made of soft, but not too thin leather. If the shoes are new, wear them at home a few days before the New Year so that they break in and “sit down” exactly on the leg.

Make sure you wear comfortable underwear as well. Compression stockings and special underwear for pregnant women will help you last longer at the party.

Makeup and hair

So that the festive hairstyle does not burden the expectant mother, you should not decorate it with heavy or sharp jewelry, use hoops and pull your hair into a tight bun. Such styling options disrupt the blood supply to the scalp and can cause severe headaches. Makeup is better to choose light, not interfering with the skin to "breathe".

And if suddenly in the hospital ?!

The main concern here is the lack of proper medical care. Doctors are people too, and they also celebrate. But do not exaggerate. The ambulance team on duty always knows in advance its work schedule on New Year's holidays, therefore they do not have a festive mood, just like all those workers for whom the red days of the calendar are not written. Therefore, do not worry - there will definitely be a qualified medical worker in the hospital, sober as a glass.

If your birth falls on a holiday, check with a specific doctor. This will dispel doubts.

Most importantly, do not panic that you will be late for the hospital, do not try to delay childbirth. As soon as the first signs of childbirth or any other ailment appear, immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your car. Your "alarm suitcase" in case of childbirth should also be with you! About that, you must take care in advance. In this case, you will definitely not forget this New Year's Eve, because your New Year's miracle will be the best gift for the rest of your life.

Author of the publication: Elena Maksimova 

Pregnancy and the New Year are a popular topic. How else, if the expectation of a child lasts nine months. Is it likely that the New Year for pregnant women will coincide? In the beginning, in the middle or in the final - but almost certainly! Emotions about the New Year in pregnant women can be completely different, both positive and negative. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance for the holiday in a new state. Despite the various restrictions associated with your "interesting position", there will be more than enough opportunities to enjoy the holiday. You just need to think about his scenario in advance.

New Year for pregnant women: “Will it be boring ?!”

“My husband and I love to be very active. And we always tried to meet the New Year in some interesting and unusual way: either we skied down the hill to the sound of the chiming clock, or we went on a hike with friends! Now I’m in a position, we are really looking forward to our baby, but this time the New Year’s coming doesn’t please me at all: do I really have to spend it just at home, watching TV and salads? After all, I considered this boring option all my life unacceptable for myself ... "

Maria, 24 years old

What is the problem? For women who are used to spending the New Year in a cycle of fun, it is not easy to find a new option during pregnancy. There are quite a few restrictions. Here the mood is spoiled. But this is simply not allowed on holidays. Looking for options?

What to do? If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the New Year may well remain quite active. Choose for yourself a format where there will be youth fun, but with the possibility of your participation. For example, if you are going to the dacha with friends, then, of course, you will not be able to ride down the hill, but you will take many interesting photos of the whole company. Most importantly, try to provide "escape routes" in case you want to sit down, lie down, take a break from the noise. If you present the holiday program in advance, it will not be difficult to do this. Yes, you will have to exclude alcohol: the New Year in pregnant women usually goes sober. And consider another important point: if your friends need to drink a lot for fun, then in your “special position” it is better to spend the holiday somewhere else.

New Year and pregnancy: "Take everything into account!"

“As a rule, my husband and I united with friends and went to someone's dacha. We love warm friendly communication, not very noisy company, gatherings by the fireplace under the crackling of logs with a glass of mulled wine, a Christmas tree on the street, dressed up with everything that came to hand, fireworks ... But I'm pregnant, 22 weeks old, and my tummy sticks out noticeably. A friend already asked if my husband and I could come to visit them on New Year's Eve. I really want to, but I also have doubts: what if you urgently need medical help? Or if I just get tired and I don’t have time for the holiday?”

Oksana, 28 years old

What is the problem? Expectant mothers who are used to celebrating the New Year outside the home, albeit not in the most active format, but with friends, may not feel very comfortable at the thought that a boring holiday may await them due to pregnancy.

What to do? If you want to go on a visit with a trip out of the city, you need to think a lot. Of course, the owners should be aware that you are "in position." It's perfectly fine if you warn them that you don't like certain food flavors right now. It’s good if such holidays are “shared”, i.e. each guest prepares one or two dishes for the table. In this case, you will have a guarantee that at least some treats will suit you, if suddenly your pregnant body starts acting up. Upon arrival, ask the hosts where you can lie down if you suddenly get tired.

In the New Year, a pregnant woman should provide for everything. It is very important to find out in advance where the nearest hospital is if you need urgent medical attention. After all, on New Year's Eve, an ambulance can travel to a remote area for a very long time! Don't let this address come in handy, but keep it handy just in case!

New Year during pregnancy: “I don’t want to tell my colleagues!”

“I am 10 weeks pregnant and no one at work knows about it yet. I don't want to tell anyone just yet. Moreover, I feel good about myself and cope with my duties quite well. But soon our company is organizing a New Year's corporate party for employees. And I'm afraid that they will ask me "uncomfortable" questions, because I can't drink alcohol, and this will immediately lead to suspicion. And I don't want to explain anything."

Polina, 25 years old

What is the problem? Sometimes a woman must take part in a mandatory event at work, and the question of how to hide the fact of pregnancy is acute. However, sometimes the same situation occurs when a woman is celebrating with friends or family.

What to do? Those who really want to keep a secret can do it. At parties like this, the thought "Maybe she's pregnant?" occurs when a girl refuses alcohol. But there are many options for not paying attention to this fact. For example, drink only "cocktails": it is almost impossible to distinguish between pure juice and the one in which alcohol has been added! Or say directly: "Today I can only juice and water, I drink drugs that are incompatible with alcohol." If at the same time your appearance does not express a special "mystery", then the probability that your secret will be preserved is quite high!

New Year for pregnant women: Hospitable hostess

“My husband and I always invite friends to visit us on New Year's Eve. It’s not at all difficult for me to set the table, organize fun contests, and then clean up. Now I am pregnant. The holiday is approaching, and, of course, I would like to spend it as usual - at home, with relatives and friends. But everyone advises to abandon this venture: they say that now you need to relax more, and not fuss about the housework.

Marina, 29 years old

What is the problem? Women who love to invite guests would like to keep the tradition and the time when the New Year falls on pregnancy. Moreover, their usual circle is almost counting on it. But hosting guests is an energy-intensive business. The question arises, is it harmful to the expectant mother?

What to do? Of course, you can host guests. You just need to add a few touches that will facilitate household chores. If you have always cooked yourself, now invite each of the guests to come with 1-2 ready-made dishes, discussing in advance what will be on the table. Have a friend or family member help you set the table. Do not hesitate, all the guests will treat with understanding your request that you expect help from them at the end of the holiday.

How is the New Year for pregnant women: “I want to go to a restaurant!”

“In recent years, I really enjoyed celebrating New Year's Eve in a restaurant. Festive atmosphere, the opportunity to dress up and "show yourself", dancing, entertainment. And the chores are only pleasant: manicure, makeup, hair. But now I am 19 weeks pregnant. There is no big belly yet, but it seems to me that I look very fat. Yes, and my mother dissuades, believes that it is noisy and smoky there. I’m sad about this: I want a carefree holiday, but pregnancy makes not very pleasant adjustments. ”

Svetlana, 26 years old

What is the problem? Thinking about the celebration in a restaurant, a woman may be afraid of looking bad against the background of other visitors, afraid that her husband will look at them. Secondly, I worry about an inappropriate menu, possible fatigue from noise, cigarette smoke.

What to do? If the expectant mother wants to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant, this is quite acceptable. You just need to choose a quiet place. Book a table in advance in a non-smoking area. Familiarize yourself with the menu, making sure you can order dishes that your body won't reject. But you have every chance to look great! Now stores for expectant mothers offer wonderful collections of holiday dresses. You can emphasize the tummy, or you can hide it if you feel more comfortable that way. A pregnant woman with a beautiful hairstyle and a well-groomed face, with a charmingly accentuated tummy, becomes the object of increased, and sometimes envious, attention of “non-pregnant slim women”. Do not be surprised in this situation and male attention. Get ready to hear a lot of compliments!

New Year during pregnancy: Holiday with a flight

“For several years in a row, my husband and I for the New Year and winter holidays go on a trip to Europe or somewhere in warmer climes. It has become a tradition for us. Only now I am in a “position” and I will probably have to refuse the trip, but I would so like to go somewhere again! But I'm worried - what if I feel bad?

Olga, 27 years old

What is the problem? Whether it is worth going on long trips during pregnancy is an open question at any time of the year. No one can give guarantees that everything will go smoothly, and this scares expectant mothers.

What to do? Of course, the most important question is your well-being and the doctor's permission to travel. But if you are traveling abroad, you will almost certainly buy a tour in advance, and there is no guarantee that the trip will not be disrupted due to poor health. There is an option - a "hot tour" in a visa-free direction. But all visa-free countries are quite hot, and it is not very desirable for a future mother to change the climate. Therefore, it is better to choose something closer. Perhaps there are interesting towns or good boarding houses near where you live. This option is safer for your health.

New Year and pregnancy: Let's celebrate "in preservation"

“The New Year is approaching, and I started bleeding, they put me in the hospital “for preservation”. The pregnancy was saved, but the condition is not yet very stable. I understand that staying in the hospital is necessary for the sake of the baby, but the prospect of spending New Year's holidays here seems just terrible. But what about the Christmas tree, gifts and beloved husband?

Kira, 22 years old

What is the problem? Meeting the New Year in the hospital is the most difficult situation possible. Being away from home and relatives on this day is especially sad.

What to do? Try to come to terms with the situation, because the most important thing now is the condition of your baby. When you accept everything as it is, you can relax and get all the positive from the situation that it can give. Although you are sad now, perhaps New Year's Eve during pregnancy in the hospital can be the most "exotic" holiday in your life. Try to create a general festive mood with your roommates. You can put an artificial Christmas tree in the ward, and each of you will hang a few toys from your house. And relatives will bring you something tasty, and you can set a common table. You are also quite capable of organizing some jokes and contests: agree that each one comes up with something interesting for others. You will then have something to remember and tell!

Each of us has our own wishes, how and with whom to celebrate the New Year. Pregnancy is not a reason for a boring holiday. Most often, you can easily choose the format that is familiar to you, only adjusting it to ensure your comfort and safety. And in any case, think about it: you are now in a “special position”, and, therefore, the triumph is illuminated for you by a special light. After all, this is the first holiday of your baby, even if he is in a cozy “house”. Feel this unique atmosphere, and the New Year will be joyful and happy!

The warm spirit of Christmas is already in the air, there is a festive fuss around, everyone is buying gifts, discussing where and with whom they will celebrate the New Year ... You think that the holiday will pass this year, because thoughts in your head are about something else - soon to give birth!

Indeed, the New Year is a magical wonderful holiday. But the birth of a new life cannot be compared with anything. The first cry of the baby, the first smile remain in the memory forever. To wait for such an amazing event, you have to follow many rules, limit yourself in some way.

We can say one thing for sure: a pregnant woman should not refuse to celebrate. Expectant mother needs positive emotions. So say "Yes" to the New Year mood. To make everything go smoothly, read the article carefully and be sure to use the tips that you will find in it.

What is the perfect way to celebrate the New Year?

In order not to harm the baby sitting in your tummy, give up violent festivities. A quiet dinner with close people is the most suitable option for celebrating the New Year for a pregnant woman.

Create a New Year's atmosphere in the house: decorate with garlands of angels and snowflakes, create winter collages on the windows, decorate the Christmas tree with homemade decorations.

For guests, think over an entertainment program, which includes calm games and contests such as Crocodile, Association Game, What Fits in a Three-Liter Jar, dominoes, and watching New Year's films. If you feel great, you can take a walk down the street, light sparklers or arrange fireworks (if it is not too cold and snowing outside).

What to do if you have to celebrate the New Year in the hospital? First of all, don't get upset! Try to create a festive atmosphere and give yourself and your baby positive emotions. Ask your family to bring a small Christmas tree with toys, favorite goodies, a laptop with New Year's movies. And celebrate! Remember, the most important New Year's miracle is now sitting in your tummy. Down with gloom. On New Year's Eve, you are not alone.

What can a pregnant woman eat on New Year's Eve?

There are some food restrictions for pregnant women. But sometimes you can pamper yourself. If there are no contraindications, you can put on the table for your beloved: a salad of fresh vegetables, cheese, caviar, baked fish and vegetables, dishes from mild and lean meat. You can drink goodies with tea or mineral non-carbonated water. “What about champagne? Can it be pregnant? ”, - such a question will surely arise, because it is a symbol of the New Year holiday, the same as a Christmas tree and tangerines.

Can a pregnant woman have champagne?

In the recent past, it was believed that 1-2 glasses of beer per week would not harm a pregnant woman. Now doctors say that even small doses of alcohol can affect the baby. And this may not happen immediately after birth, but after some time. Psychologists have even found a connection between mother drinking during pregnancy and alcohol problems in a child in adolescence. So think about whether or not to drink champagne during pregnancy.

“New Year without a sparkling drink in a glass is not a New Year at all!” Half of those reading this article will say, and they will be right. Champagne creates a festive mood. But don't worry, there is always a way. In your case, it is quite simple: buy children's champagne in the store. Gaziki in a glass are guaranteed, and the harm is minimal.

If you want to drink something alcoholic, you can replace champagne with dry red wine, but only natural, and not made on dry powder.

If you really really want champagne, then check out this information:

- In the first trimester of pregnancy, alcohol is contraindicated even in the smallest doses

- In the third trimester of pregnancy, you can afford a couple of sips of champagne on New Year's Eve.

Conclusion: drinking champagne during pregnancy is undesirable, but sometimes it is possible. Doctors determined the maximum dose of fizzy drink. And she is so small ... For 9 months of pregnancy, a woman can drink only 300 grams of champagne.

Want to have a healthy baby? Then be patient a little. Giving birth to a safely healthy child is much more important than drinking a sparkling drink on New Year's Eve.

What can harm a pregnant woman for the New Year?

A party in a bar or a disco is contraindicated for pregnant women. The constant fear that someone will inadvertently push in a crowd can lead to additional stress. In addition, when there are a lot of people, you can quickly pick up the flu or SARS. You definitely don't need it.

Trips to Thailand or Paris on New Year's Eve are also not worth planning. Anything can happen on the road, and you need to take care of your health and the health of your child.

Another threat is the festive table. Yes, that's him. It is imperative to think over the right menu. Sweet, starchy, fatty and spicy foods are contraindicated for you. Exotic food like sushi, mayonnaise, fatty pork, goose can wait until next New Year.

Now let's talk about holiday makeup: throw expired cosmetics in the trash. If you want to refresh your hair color, then use henna or basma.

Before the holiday, I want to put a marafet in the apartment. To begin with, we recall that contact with household chemicals, physical activity is contraindicated for pregnant women, and we involve her husband in cleaning.

Pregnancy on New Year's Eve is something that women sometimes face only once in a lifetime. Try to spend the holidays with pleasure and make them unforgettable.

An elegant Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, the chiming clock. Expectation of miracles, splashes of champagne, wishes of happiness. For the future mother, this New Year is special. After all, she will not meet him alone. Hence the joy, and the thrill, and the excitement. What is the best way to celebrate a holiday for a pregnant woman? Home or away? At the cottage or in a restaurant? What to wear? What food and drinks would you like? How to entertain yourself on New Year's Eve and the holidays that follow? All the emotions and feelings of his mother are transmitted to the child in the womb. Therefore, she must not only try to create the best mood for herself, but also follow all the safety rules during the New Year's Eve so as not to harm her baby in any way. So, prepare for the holiday should be in advance.

Pregnancy and traditions

Why do we celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1? So Peter I commanded in 1699. Before the Russian emperor, famous for his innovations and love for everything foreign, issued a corresponding decree, the inhabitants of Russia celebrated this day during the harvest and taxes - in September.

The tradition on New Year's Day to decorate our homes and organize folk festivals came to us from time immemorial, but this is how our ancestors celebrated Harvest Day. And the New Year "appeared" much later, during the reign of Peter I

In those days, on the occasion of the New Year, folk festivals were organized, juniper and spruce branches were hung on the fences of estates, they were decorated with ribbons and beads, tar barrels were set on fire - they tried in every possible way to create a festive atmosphere. With the new date, new traditions came from overseas countries, which for several centuries have organically woven into our Russian flavor.

Video: how did they celebrate the New Year under Peter I?

Today, the New Year is a spruce or pine tree decorated with balls and tinsel, it's a white-bearded Santa Claus in a red hat and his granddaughter Snegurochka, it's serpentine and confetti, masquerade masks and fun performances, sparklers and fireworks, sleigh rides and ice skating, and much more - much more.

Reindeer teams, wreaths and bells came to us from abroad. We invite friends to visit or go to them ourselves. We put the traditional Olivier salad on the table and raise a glass of champagne to the chimes, wishing each other happiness and prosperity in the New Year.

There are a lot of options for celebrating the New Year in our time. But is it possible for a pregnant woman to participate in all this fun and splendor?

On the one hand, pregnancy is not a disease. Why not celebrate the New Year to the expectant mother together with everyone and like everyone else? But on the other hand, there are still certain restrictions for pregnant women. And you need to foresee all possible risks. Then your holiday will not be overshadowed by any troubles and surprises.

Where to celebrate the New Year for the expectant mother?

There are no places where it would be forbidden for a future mother to celebrate the New Year. If a woman feels good, then the holiday will be calm. But if the pregnancy is not going as smoothly as we would like, it is better to stay at home on New Year's Eve. A pregnant woman will feel more comfortable in the circle of family and friends.


The most comfortable expectant mother during the meeting of the New Year will feel at home, next to her beloved husband

Home decor is a great way to spend a holiday. The expectant mother can organize it in accordance with her wishes and taking into account her well-being. This also applies to cooking. Next to your beloved husband, you can relax, listen to good music, or, for example, play board games, and if fatigue overcomes, immediately go to rest.

Video review: TOP 6 board games for beginners


It is psychologically more comfortable for a pregnant woman to celebrate holidays in a quiet and not crowded company of close friends. We must not forget that excessive noise can cause inconvenience not only to the mother, but also to her unborn baby.

Why shouldn't a pregnant woman celebrate the New Year in a quiet, cozy company of her closest friends?

At the restaurant

A chamber atmosphere should reign in the restaurant. A place where loud music plays is not suitable for a woman expecting a baby. It is very important that the room is non-smoking. Food should be familiar, familiar, any exotic is out of place here. Danger for pregnant women are drunk and sick people. It is better to protect her from communication with strangers to the maximum.

In the country

Not everyone has the opportunity to spend a holiday outdoors. But if you plan to celebrate the New Year in a heated country house, then this is just fine. Quiet and peaceful place.

Amazing winter nature, clean air and white snow - this is what awaits a pregnant woman in the country. You should dress according to the weather. The main thing is not to catch a cold when going outside on New Year's Eve.

It is best to go to the country in your own car. In this case, you can not worry about the schedule of commuter transport. Put a shovel and rope in the trunk. They can come in handy in order to quickly get out if the car gets stuck in a snowdrift on a country road.

Important! If you are celebrating the New Year in the country, medical care should be available at any time of the day, no matter how good you feel. Be sure to have your exchange card with you.

In a holiday home

Holiday holidays in a rest home or in a sanatorium are also an opportunity for expectant mothers to spend them for the benefit of their health

By the end of the year, fatigue accumulates and very often you want to take a break from the hassle and fuss. Therefore, a good option would be to go to a suburban holiday home or sanatorium to celebrate the New Year. This option is inexpensive and will only bring benefits.

Such establishments are located in nature. The program offered by the holiday homes is interesting and rich. Therefore, the expectant mother will receive a lot of positive emotions, enjoy winter landscapes, breathe fresh air, which will positively affect her general well-being and the condition of the fetus.

Do not give up visiting the pool, relaxation sessions, drinking oxygen cocktails and vitamin complexes. All this is very useful for a pregnant woman.

If unforeseen circumstances arise, your health worsens, you can quickly get to your home or medical facility. In any case, there are already medical workers in the sanatorium who, in unforeseen circumstances, will always provide first aid.

Such tours take only two to three days. Therefore, the spouse must definitely break away from business and spend this time with his wife and future baby.

At the resort

No need to drastically change the climate and leave to celebrate the New Year in hot countries. The immune system of the future mother is working in a stressful mode, and climate change will increase the load on it several times.

In order to spend the New Year holidays pleasantly and at the same time not provoke any complications during pregnancy, it is best, after consulting a doctor, to choose a country with a climate close to the climate in the country of permanent residence.

Ski resort and other outdoor activities are not an option for pregnant women. But the calm contemplation of nature in a quiet forest boarding house will only benefit the expectant mother

Which entertainment to choose?

It will be safer for a future mother and a child in her bosom to celebrate the New Year in a calm home environment. However, the pregnant woman herself has the right to choose both the place of celebration and entertainment on New Year's Eve. The main thing here is to be guided by common sense and observe the measure in everything.

Divination and predictions

There is a belief: everything that a pregnant woman predicts comes true. You can play this theme with your family and friends on New Year's Eve

In ancient times, it was believed that the predictions of a woman in an “interesting” position would certainly come true. Play with this belief. Decorate the room and the tree with divination cards. Set the table with images of the signs of the Zodiac. Turn on mysterious music.

Prepare the appropriate outfit. Decorate your hair with a flower, throw a bright shawl over your shoulders. Now it will not be difficult to tell your friends and loved ones health and success, love and luck, wealth and prosperity in the New Year.

Evening of Talents

A creative evening on New Year's Eve is also able to present a lot of surprises and discover a lot of talents in your loved ones.

Showcasing your creative skills can be a great way to celebrate the New Year. Only those who have prepared in advance and are ready to demonstrate their talent in painting, versification or choreography will be able to go to the evening.

During the evening, all guests should participate in the creation of a newspaper in memory of the New Year's celebration. To do this, you need to stock up everything you need in advance: paper, pencils, glue, tinsel, etc.

Children's New Year

The children's theme of the New Year's holiday, the appropriate table decoration, menu and entertainment can captivate not only you, but also your relatives, who are also looking forward to replenishing the family

The holiday will be very fun if all the guests turn into children again. To do this, prepare costumes (caps, bows, rattles, nipples). Let the children's music play. Contests must match the theme of the evening.

Swaddle baby dolls, compete in putting on diapers, or who will spit out the pacifier the farthest, or suck the juice out of the bottle faster. You can come up with a lot of similar insanely fun children's contests. So turn on your imagination and have fun!

Be sure to capture everything that happens on a photo or make a video of the evening. Then show your baby how he met his first New Year, while still in his mother's tummy.

To make the holiday a success

A pregnant woman should always have the necessary things and documents on the list with her, even if she goes to a festive evening.

This list includes:

  • policy;
  • birth certificate;
  • exchange card;
  • medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • the passport;
  • mobile phone.

To make the holiday go smoothly:

  1. Alternate active pastime with rest.
  2. Choose comfortable clothes. Think not only about beauty, but also about how you feel warm and comfortable in your outfit during the celebration of the New Year.
  3. Eat in moderation, do not get carried away with fatty, fried, smoked, salty, sweets, avoid exotic dishes.
  4. Set aside long trips for the future.
  5. Refuse to visit crowded companies and institutions where you can meet sick people.
  6. Avoid contact with drunk people.
  7. Companies of smokers are also not for you now, just like noisy parties where loud music sounds.
  8. Remain calm in any situation.

We clean and decorate the house

All women clean the house especially carefully before the holiday. Expectant mothers are no exception. Chemical cleaners are used for best results.

Small particles of powders, gels and aerosols get on the skin and in the respiratory tract of a pregnant woman and can adversely affect the health of the baby.

Therefore, it is better not to use such detergents during cleaning. Natural remedies (soda, mustard) and laundry soap can be just as effective.

Be sure to wear protective gloves and a mask to avoid contact of cleaning agents with the skin and respiratory organs.

Cleaning the house takes a lot of time, so after it you feel more tired than usual. Future dads should make it easier for their wife to prepare for the holiday and take on some of the household chores.

“High-altitude” work, such as hanging garlands, is also better to entrust to your husband or relatives, and be content with the role of leader yourself. Expectant mothers should not raise their hands up and stay in this position for a long time. This leads to poor blood circulation and fainting.

Don't confuse "nesting syndrome" with New Year's fuss

The body of a woman miraculously feels the approach of childbirth. What makes even those pregnant women who did not like housework to put things in order, fold things and even make repairs? "Nesting Syndrome"! And it manifests itself shortly before childbirth.

Do not confuse the "nesting syndrome" with the usual pre-New Year's fuss. This is a sign that it's time to get ready for the hospital, and not cook a festive dinner.

Festive menu for pregnant women

Usually, a huge number of delicacies are prepared for the festive table. But pregnant women have certain dietary restrictions. Therefore, the menu of the expectant mother should be carefully thought out.

Strong allergens are citrus fruits. And although the New Year is associated with tangerines - their sweet and sour taste and unique aroma - it is better to refrain from eating these fruits during pregnancy.


It's hard to imagine a festive New Year's Eve menu without salads. The expectant mother may well taste some of them. But it's important to remember:

  • Use only fresh ingredients for salads.
  • It is not recommended to fill them with fatty sauces. It is better to give preference to yogurt, low-fat sour cream, vegetable oil.
  • Purchased mayonnaise should be discarded. It contains harmful chemicals.
  • Unusual salads containing exotic products will not suit a pregnant woman.
  • Do not eat too many salads.

Know the measure in everything - this is the main rule of New Year's Eve for expectant mothers.

"Caesar" with garlic-mustard yogurt


  • boiled chicken breast (1 pc.) - tear with hands into fibers;
  • white bread (0.5 loaf) - cut into cubes 2x2 cm;
  • hard cheese (200 g) - grate;
  • leaf lettuce (bunch) - tear with your hands into pieces 2x2 cm in size;
  • boiled quail eggs (10 pcs.) - cut into quarters;
  • tomatoes (2 pieces of medium size) - cut into cubes 2x2 cm;
  • garlic (2 teeth) - chop;
  • mustard (1 tsp);
  • thick yogurt for dressing (200 g);
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) for frying.

Caesar salad is a very good choice for a future mother


  1. Put the chopped chicken breast into the oil heated in a frying pan and fry it until golden brown.
  2. Do the same with white bread cubes.
  3. Place fried fillet, lettuce, eggs, tomatoes in equal proportions on plates.
  4. Lightly toss salad ingredients.
  5. Sprinkle the top with shredded cheese.
  6. Pour over the dressing, which you previously prepare separately by mixing yogurt, chopped garlic and mustard.
  7. And the final touch - fried croutons with a golden crust. Put them on top of the dressing.

Salad ready. Enjoy your meal!

"Fish" salad


  • boiled fish (preferably red) - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • leaf lettuce - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice (2 tablespoons) for dressing;


  1. Take a wide dish so that it is convenient for you to mix the salad in it later.
  2. Break the fish into small pieces with your hands.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half or into 4 pieces.
  4. Pepper - cubes or straws, as you like.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Tear lettuce into pieces about 2x2 cm in size.
  7. Drizzle with dressing and toss salad.
  8. Put it in a beautiful salad bowl and serve it on the table. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

"Curd" salad


  • pear;
  • raisin;
  • dry cottage cheese;
  • Apple;
  • lemon or orange syrup;
  • crushed nuts (any), candied fruits and grated chocolate if desired;
  • dressing - yogurt.

Salad "Curd" with yogurt - a great salad for New Year's Eve


  1. Rinse the raisins and soak for 20 minutes. in hot water.
  2. Peel fruits, cut into cubes.
  3. Place cottage cheese, raisins, apple and pear slices in equal proportions in a salad bowl.
  4. Pour in the yogurt mixture and stir.
  5. Top the salad with syrup. By the way, you can use any fruit or berry syrup and create new flavor combinations.
  6. Decorate the dish with nuts, candied fruits, grated chocolate, pomegranate seeds, mint leaves.

This salad can be served on the table on New Year's Eve as a dessert.


Salads alone on New Year's Eve are not enough. Hot dishes are an essential part of any feast. But nutritionists advise avoiding smoked and fried foods. For a future mother, stew, baked or boiled meat, as well as fish, are suitable. Steam cooking is even better.

Choose lean meat - veal, turkey, rabbit meat. Of the fish, red is preferable - salmon, trout, salmon. Carp, pike, or sea bass are also fine.

Crumbly rice is the best side dish, especially if you add vegetables to it. But traditional mashed potatoes will not hurt a pregnant woman either.

Carp baked in the oven

This is a tender fish that always turns out delicious. Baked with potatoes. Calculation for 4 servings.


  • potato tubers - 6 pieces;
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • fish - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • parsley, green onions, and dill - to taste.


  1. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  2. If the carp has been frozen, defrost it.
  3. Clean the fish, gut and wash.
  4. Lay on a baking sheet.
  5. Lubricate it thickly with mayonnaise.
  6. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  7. Peel and wash potato tubers.
  8. Cut them across without cutting all the way through. It turns out "fan".
  9. Cover the fish with "fans".
  10. Don't forget to season the potatoes too.
  11. Cut the peeled onion into rings.
  12. Place fish and potatoes on top.
  13. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven (200 degrees).
  14. Carp and potato "fans" turn over after 15 minutes.
  15. Leave in the oven for the same time.
  16. Turn off the oven and let the dish rest in it for a while.
  17. Place the carp on a dish. Put potatoes around it. Decorate everything with greenery. Serve on the table with the wishes of bon appetit and happiness in the New Year.

Trout steaks baked in honey sauce

Trout is delicious without spices. To cook it, it is not necessary to have a culinary education. Steaks with an Asian touch can be baked in the oven. Calculation for 2 servings.


  • trout steaks - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 1/2 piece;
  • fresh mint, cilantro.

Trout steak will not harm pregnant women


  1. Prepare the honey, lemon and soy sauce sauce.
  2. In a deep bowl, pour the trout with this sauce.
  3. Leave the steaks to marinate in the sauce for 15 minutes, turning occasionally.
  4. Put the fish in the prepared form and pour the marinade on top.
  5. Bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Serve sprinkled with chopped cilantro and mint.


Expectant mothers are not recommended to drink carbonated drinks. Alcohol is completely forbidden to them. Even traditional champagne. Factory juices should not be consumed either. Teas, fruit drinks, compotes, table mineral non-carbonated water are best suited.

Ginger tea with hibiscus flowers (hibiscus)

This tea tastes like mulled wine. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, and also warming and relieving nervous tension.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • hibiscus - 2 tbsp. l. flowers or 2 filter bags;
  • cinnamon - two sticks;
  • ginger root - 50 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • sugar or honey - to taste.

Ginger tea with hibiscus flowers is perfect for expectant mothers, it will warm and relieve stress


  1. Boil water.
  2. Remove the skin and dry areas from the ginger.
  3. Grate the root to make 2-3 tablespoons.
  4. Cut a ripe apple into slices.
  5. Prepare an enamel pot or teapot.
  6. Place all food in this container.
  7. Fill them with boiling water.
  8. Let it boil for 1-2 minutes.
  9. Remove from fire.
  10. Add the hibiscus and leave to infuse, covered, for 10-15 minutes.

Tea will be healthier if you use honey instead of sugar as a sweetener. But remember that at temperatures above 40 degrees, honey loses its properties.

Cranberry jelly

This is a natural and very tasty drink, vitamin and diuretic. Known since ancient times. It will help the expectant mother to get rid of edema and perfectly quench her thirst.


  • cranberries - 0.5 kg;
  • purified water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cranberry jelly is a good alternative to carbonated drinks


  1. Take ripe berries and rinse them under running water.
  2. In a deep container (necessarily enamelled), cover the berry with sugar to taste. Approximately 1 cup of sugar per 0.5 kg of berries.
  3. Grind the berries with sugar in a blender.
  4. Taste the resulting mass. If there is not enough sugar, you need to add more.
  5. Pour the grated mass with boiling water (3 l).
  6. Put it on fire.
  7. At the first sign of boiling (the appearance of bubbles), remove from heat and strain.
  8. Return the resulting liquid to the stove.
  9. Prepare starch by diluting it in cold water.
  10. Pour the mixture of starch and water into the boiling liquid in a thin stream, stirring vigorously.
  11. When bubbles appear (the first sign of a beginning boil), remove from heat and cool.


Sweets should be limited. High-calorie cakes with a lot of fat are contraindicated for pregnant women. You can eat homemade cake, cookies, fruits and berries - fresh or as part of a variety of desserts.

Curd dessert "Trio" looks very beautiful and tastes unusual


  1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar (vanilla and sand).
  2. Mix with sour cream.
  3. Dissolve the required amount of gelatin in warm boiled water.
  4. Add gelatin to mixture.
  5. Divide the mass into three parts.
  6. Pour juice or dye into the first part, put cocoa into the second, leave the third part of the mass white.
  7. Take a detachable form so that after the dessert is ready, you can carefully remove it.
  8. Spread a lot of different colors for 4 tbsp. l. strictly in the center, alternating layers.
  9. Put the finished dessert in the cold until solidified.
  10. Before serving, remove the form and cut the dessert with a curly knife.
  11. Serve in portions, garnished with mint leaves and watered with any fruit or berry syrup.

Banana sweets

Most importantly, all products for dessert are very affordable, and cooking it will not be difficult at all. Suitable for expectant mothers, and for children, even the smallest.

Banana sweets - a treat for the whole family


  1. Remove the peel from bananas.
  2. Mash them with a masher until you get a puree.
  3. We heat up the pan. We spread the resulting banana mass on it.
  4. We simmer it on low heat, not forgetting to stir. Otherwise, the puree will burn.
  5. The banana porridge will start to darken. When this moment comes, you need to add granulated sugar to it.
  6. After the sugar is added, put the butter (it should be melted first).
  7. Mix the gruel with the added products and continue to simmer until thickened. This will happen pretty quickly. The finished mass should be of such a consistency that candy can be formed from it.
  8. Now we transfer the banana gruel to another container and let it cool.
  9. Take a teaspoon, scoop up the mass and roll the ball.
  10. Roll each of the finished balls in a mixture of cocoa and sesame (coconut). Be sure to ensure that all the balls are covered with the mixture evenly.
  11. Put the finished sweets on a plate and put in the cold. The cookies should be well chilled.
  12. Chilled sweets are served to the table.

Children will certainly become admirers of banana sweets. Do not deny the kids the pleasure. After all, there will be no dyes and preservatives in sweets prepared by you with your own hands.

Video: delicious New Year's fruit salad

Gastronomic taboos

  • Fried, fatty, smoked foods.
  • Home canning and factory canned food.
  • Alcohol, carbonated drinks, packaged juices.
  • Salty, spicy.
  • Sweet desserts with high-fat creams and colorants.
  • Citrus fruits, exotic fruits and vegetables.
  • Chocolate, sweets.
  • Sausages, sausages.
  • Semi-finished products.

New Year's image

Your pregnancy will in no way prevent you from looking the most charming and attractive during the New Year. A rounded tummy, on the contrary, will emphasize your femininity.

Do not forget to visit a hairdresser and beautician to create a unique look, and be sure to check out a couple of shops - please yourself with new clothes for the holiday.

  • There is an opinion that expectant mothers should not dye their hair and cut it. They say that this can harm the course of pregnancy, although there are no facts confirming this. A new life awaits you soon. So let a beautiful haircut and fashionable hair color become her first symbols.
  • A well-groomed mother, experiencing positive emotions from her fresh and rested appearance, will undoubtedly give a positive charge to her baby. Therefore, do not refuse to care for your face and body, masks and peeling.
  • Manicures and pedicures are also required. And makeup is an indispensable attribute of a festive image, giving it completeness.
  • The final touch is the New Year's outfit. Nowadays, you can choose a designer model from collections released specifically for pregnant women.

What to wear

You should not choose a skirt or dress of a strict cut. It is better if the model has an elastic waistband. Then at the gala evening, the pregnant woman will be comfortable.

Pants or a tunic will do. Natural materials should be preferred. Shoes should be on a small heel or wedge.

What color to celebrate the New Year

  • Red, golden, brown, orange, gray colors are suitable for meeting the year of the Fire Monkey (2016). Plus various prints with an ornament in the African style.
  • The Year of the Rooster (2017) is best met in burgundy red and golden orange. Let gold jewelry and bright feather boas complete your look.
  • Dog (2018) prefers discreet black or gray, brown, white. From jewelry, give preference to silver or white metal jewelry.
  • And in the year of the Boar (2019), astrologers advise choosing a luxurious outfit. The colors are burgundy, or red, or orange. The presence of jewelry with stones and beads and the addition of various accessories to the image are welcome, but always chic.

Beware of toxicity!

If New Year's Eve fell on the first trimester of pregnancy, then the expectant mother may experience unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, intolerance to smells, and vomiting. This is how early toxicosis manifests itself.

If gastric emptying occurs more than 5 times a day, medical attention should be sought. Sometimes hospitalization is required. The hospital will carry out therapy with droppers, in mild cases, outpatient treatment is possible.

It is very important to take care of your well-being during the meeting of the New Year in advance. Then the holiday will pass without complications. Appetite and good mood will appear.

Childbirth on New Year's Eve

What if the baby wants to be born on the night before the New Year? For many expectant mothers, this is also a cause for concern. They are mainly worried about the moral and physical condition of taxi drivers and medical personnel.

Work on holidays is usually paid extra, which is a very strong incentive for the best performance. But you can always play it safe and conclude a contract for childbirth, then the doctor will be ready to accept your little one at any time. A taxi driver can be inspected for sobriety immediately upon his arrival to you. Yes, and no one has yet canceled the ambulance, the teams are always ready to go to the call.

Things for a trip to the hospital should be prepared in advance. Don't forget all the necessary documents. If the first signs of incipient labor appear, immediately call an ambulance. The main thing is a positive attitude.

New Year's Eve is amazing. But the main magic for a pregnant woman is the birth of her baby. This will be a gift from Santa Claus!

New Year holidays in our country stretch for almost a month. They begin to celebrate them in December and continue until mid-January. These days should pass brightly, interestingly, dynamically for you. It is necessary to prepare in advance on all points. Such a large number of days off allows you to have time to chat with friends, visit your parents. Celebrate the holiday at home, and then go on a trip. When you return, visit a restaurant, etc. Do not forget that theaters, museums, cinemas offer a rich New Year's program. If there is no desire or strength for outdoor activities, there is also something to do at home. For example, read, watch TV, do needlework, chat on social networks. Appreciate all the wonderful moments of this New Year! Let it be cheerful and you will remember it for a long time, as the year of the beginning of a new life! Very soon you will give the world a new little man who will become the most dear and dear to you. Is this not a reason for happiness?

New Year is traditionally associated with a rich table, an abundance of salads dressed with mayonnaise, sandwiches with red caviar ... And, of course, champagne. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), pregnant women should not have mayonnaise, champagne, or much else that is usually eaten on the main night of the year. What to do? How to spend a holiday tasty and without unnecessary burden on the body and safe for the unborn baby?

First of all, focus on your own feelings. Even if you have toxicosis, you probably endure some of the food more than adequately. From personal experience: despite the fact that my body categorically rejected almost any food up to 27 weeks, for the new year I still managed to enjoy a light vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil. And at that moment, it seemed divine :) If you doubt lemon juice, you can leave only vegetable oil. And more greens - it gives an extraordinary taste to any dish, and in terms of usefulness is simply irreplaceable. And it's fairly easy to carry. Refrain from fatty meats, kebabs, grilled chicken (unless it is cooked by you personally and without the addition of oil). Try not to lean on sour fruits. This does not mean that they should be excluded altogether. If you feel "able", one tangerine is quite possible to afford. But then it is better to prefer a harmless pear or a sweet apple.

Second. Even if you feel just perfect, you should be extremely careful in choosing food and its quantity. Especially if you didn't make it yourself. Try to avoid fatty foods, sausages, etc.

However, this is something that is traditionally not recommended for expectant mothers. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot eat a sandwich. But it is important that you know what you are eating and how it is prepared. In a restaurant, do not hesitate to ask the waiter about the composition of the dish. Let him know that you are expecting a baby. If it's not too noticeable. Usually in such cases, food service workers try to treat you with care and bring what is better.

Menu for pregnant women for the New Year: drinks

Another issue is drinks. In fact, you can’t: carbonated drinks, juices in large quantities, alcohol. But the prohibitions in pregnancy are good because they can be violated a little. A little bit. True, in champagne you will have to limit yourself greatly - a few sips, no more. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a hiccupping baby in the tummy (and you still don’t know how they can hiccup?;)) or heartburn. You can afford a little more wine. Better than red. Better dry. Well, or, in extreme cases, semi-dry. Half a glass or a glass, depending on how you feel. A categorical "NO" to strong drinks such as cognac, whiskey, vodka and the like. Children's champagne is also not suitable. Sweet chemical soda, of which this fizzy drink belongs, will not bring you any benefit. And, given the unstable work of the digestive and nervous systems (and this happens in almost all pregnant women), you risk getting an allergic reaction to heartburn.

Let's move from the general to the particular. Let's talk specifically about New Year's dishes for pregnant women. It is very fortunate that the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is coming, and all horoscopes exhort us not to eat meat on New Year's Eve, but, at best, fish. And vegetables, fruits and herbs. From this we are repelled. For this is all that pregnant women need and are useful. In addition, it is not difficult to cook light vegetable dishes, and the hand of a master is able to create real masterpieces from plant foods. So, an inexpensive, tasty and healthy New Year's dinner for the expectant mother.

Caesar salad"

Wheat crackers (from a long loaf) - 200 g, chicken fillet (breasts) - 300 g, leaf lettuce (or Beijing cabbage) - 1 bunch, parmesan cheese (or any hard cheese) - 50 g, garlic - 1 clove, olive oil ( or any herbal)

Dressing: boiled yolks - 2 pcs., mild mustard - 2 tsp, garlic - 1 clove, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons, olive oil (vegetable) - 100 ml, salt to taste

Boil the breasts, cut into large cubes. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces with your hands. Mix with wheat breadcrumbs. Pass the garlic through a garlic press, mix with the salad. Prepare dressing: grind the yolks with mustard, mix with olive oil, chopped garlic and lemon juice. Pour dressing over salad, season with salt and mix.

Eggplant stuffed with cheese

Medium eggplant - 4-5 pcs., shredded cheese - 1 tbsp., eggs - 1-2 pcs., chopped greens - 1-2 tbsp., vegetable oil

Wash the eggplant, cut off the stalks, boil to become soft. Let the water drain from the eggplant, then cut in half lengthwise. Remove the core with a spoon and put the "boats" on an oiled baking sheet. Grind the eggplant core and mix with cheese and herbs. Salt, stuff eggplants with this mixture, sprinkle with vegetable oil. Bake in the oven at 180º.

Salmon baked in foil

Gutted salmon - 1 pc., bay leaf, greens (rosemary, parsley, dill), onion - 1 pc., carrots - 2 pcs., butter - 70 g, dry white wine - 1 tbsp., lemon - 1 / 2 pcs., black peppercorns, salt.

Place salmon cut side down on foil. Make a few cuts on the top. Salt, season with pepper. Grind the greens, sprinkle the fish. Finely chop the onion and carrot, put on top of the fish. Make a few cuts at the top. Season with salt and peppercorns. Soften the butter, mix with white wine, pour over the fish with this mixture. Wash the lemon, cut into slices, put on top of the fish. Wrap in foil. Put to bake in preheated to 190º, based on their calculation of 20 - 25 minutes for every 500 g of weight. Serve in foil, unfolding already on the festive table.

Mousse "Vitaminka"

Semolina - 2 tablespoons, dried rose hips - 4-5 tablespoons, sugar - 3-4 tablespoons, citric acid - 1 g, water - 2.5 tablespoons, fruit syrup (any to taste ) - 4 tbsp.

Rinse the rose hips, pour boiling water, put on fire. Boil for 10 minutes under the lid, let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 cups of broth, add sugar, citric acid from it, put on fire. When it boils, add semolina and cook liquid semolina porridge. Continue to cook in a water bath (or steam) for 20-25 minutes. Place the pot on ice or in a bowl of cold water. Beat with a mixer until fluffy. Divide into bowls or glasses and refrigerate. When serving, pour the mousse with fruit syrup, decorate as desired: small curly cookies, wafer rolls, chocolate chips, live berries.

If you certainly want to cook salad "Olivier" or herring "under a fur coat", be sure to replace the mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt. And it is better after eating such a hearty and high-calorie dish, it is better to take a short break in food. What can a future mother do outside the festive table? What entertainment is suitable for the expectant mother for the New Year? Read our next article.

Arina Medvedovskaya

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