Home Useful Tips What does the octopus symbol mean? The meaning of the octopus tattoo: a contradictory meaning. SKETCHES OF OCTOPUS TATTOOS

What does the octopus symbol mean? The meaning of the octopus tattoo: a contradictory meaning. SKETCHES OF OCTOPUS TATTOOS

Basta's tattoos are quite modest compared to other representatives of rap. Vasily Vakulenko rarely bares his torso at performances to show off his tattoos. However, his tattoos are no less interesting and full of meaning. In our review, we will figure out what the inscriptions on Basta's hands mean and what other tattoos the musician did for himself.

Basta Tattoo On Hands

The arms, or rather the forearms, were initially stuffed with:

  • "Vaya con Dios", which translated from Spanish means “to walk with God”.
  • "Quien si no mi", which translates as “who if not me”.

These inscriptions indicate that their owner values ​​them highly, and wants to go through their life doing everything possible, but not to step over other people.

Later, around these inscriptions, drawings of armor appeared, similar to those of gladiators and other warriors in the old days. Armor tattoo is always interpreted as belligerence, the ability to defend oneself, to stand up for oneself, one's principles and interests. The ability to defend your position in the modern world is no less important than the ability to wield weapons in ancient times.

Basta Tattoo On Shoulder

Two revolvers of the Nagant system are stuffed on Basta's shoulder. This drawing is the logo and trademark of Basta's alter ego, his stage character NoGano. Revolvers are considered a classic gangster tattoo, symbolizing honor, the ability to stand up for oneself, and courage. Such tattoos can be seen on many, especially among the representatives of the American rap scene.

Basta Tattoo On Leg

Basta is stuffed with his most ironic tattoo - monkey with microphone... Vasily Vakulenko was born in the year of the monkey, this is the first symbolic meaning of the tattoo. And the second is a dedication to creativity, a reminder that no matter what heights in show business you have reached, you should not lose your head. Humor and self-irony, the ability to laugh at any topic, even the most serious, always help to remain adequate and sane in life, even if success is dizzy.

A symbol of personality, culture and past experience. As a being of a deep spiritual plane, octopus often associated with secrets, ocean secrets and individual depth. The octopus also features prominently in several cultures, and has been a symbol of the marine animal for hundreds of years.
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Many of the symbolic qualities associated with octopuses stem from its physical strengths and special abilities. For example, when an octopus hits enemies or predators in the teeth, it can throw one of its tentacles back to escape. Over time, this limb grows back, making the octopus a symbol of regeneration.
Before you continue, I got the idea to recommend you a couple of more of my popular articles on tattooing. For example, what does Animal Tattoo mean; how to understand Crocodile tattoo; what does the Star on my knees mean; meaning Tattoo Giraffe, etc.
So let's continue octopus tattoo meaning?

In addition, this physical characteristic also represents the qualities of versatility and ingenuity that help him in difficult situations. Another unique physical attribute of the octopus is its ability to change colors depending on its environment, this skill the octopus uses both for shelter from predators and for hunting its prey. Thus, this ability to physically change colors can be used to denote human characteristics such as adaptability and resourcefulness.

As an ocean animal, the octopus can represent certain characteristics of water and the ocean as a whole. For example, the natural habitat of octopuses of ocean origin means that they are indeed deep-seated creatures and are thus linked to many of the mysteries of the ocean. By being constantly in touch with the underwater depths, you can embody intuition, understanding and the search for knowledge into human qualities. His refuge at the bottom of the ocean also means that the octopus is a bottom-dwelling creature, and getting an octopus tattoo with other elements of its environment ( such as the ocean floor or other terrestrial creatures and plants) included in the project can really highlight this quality.

In many cultures and societies octopus is present in underwater mythology. For example, the ancient cultures of Greece, Egypt, India and Babylon have myths in which an octopus or octopus-like monster is portrayed as a jealous creature trying to destroy all life on land. The heroes must defeat these monsters, who are perceived as the enemies of life on earth. Thus, getting an octopus tattoo can also be characteristic of these cultures. For example, a particular art style will become part of the design, and may also reflect your own commitment to life or a challenge to an enemy who is trying to take the path of evil.

Octopus vs squid

Many people believe that octopuses and squids are one and the same creature, but this is clearly a false statement. While there are similarities between the two species, they are certainly not identical! There are several physical differences between the two animals. While both creatures have eight limbs, squid also have two fins on their heads and two tentacles. In addition, the octopus does not have a rigid skeleton or shell inside its body, while the squid has a rigid structure that acts as a flexible base. In addition, octopuses can only grow up to 5 meters in length, while giant squids grow to over 20 meters in length. Read a more detailed article on the topic of Squid Tattoo.

As such, there are some significant differences between squid and octopus, so make sure you have a clear idea of ​​what kind of animal you want to put on your body! The physical differences between these two creatures translate into symbolic and cultural differences. This allows you to make your image and design homework unique enough, and also ensures that your tattoo artist also has a clear understanding of the design you want.

The meaning of octopus tattoos

The octopus has many meanings, and an octopus tattoo can symbolize different traits or cultures to each wearer. Below are some of the more common meanings of an octopus tattoo:
  • Mystery / mysterious
  • Rebirth
  • Adaptability
  • Resourcefulness
  • Versatility
  • Knowledge and mind
  • Culture mythology
  • Defeat enemies.

Octopus tattoo options

There is ample room for personalizing your octopus tattoo and making it unique. Even some of the most popular sketches are fully customizable and any good tattoo artist will be able to work with you seamlessly, fully aware of the depth of symbolism and meanings of an octopus tattoo.

Cartoon Octopus Tattoo

The cartoon octopus tattoo is popular with those looking to do justice to pirates or the high seas culture. A cartoon drawing does not necessarily imply that the host is stupid or wild. Rather, you can add human traits like an eye patch, crochet hook, or treasure chest to your octopus design. Designing a more cartoonish octopus might also allow you to play with the animal's facial features - does it have a scary expression when it attacks a ship full of pirates? Or is it an inquisitive creature that needs reading glasses to study books? Mixing human and animal elements in your designs is a great way to make your Octopus tattoo truly unique.

Realistic octopus tattoo designs

For conservationists, environmental activists, or anyone simply fascinated by Mother Nature and her mysterious creatures, getting a realistic octopus tattoo is a great option. The design should include all the colors and details of the octopuses, and may even include other sea creatures or elements of the underwater habitat. There are about 300 species of octopus, so you have tons of realistic options to choose from!

Blue Ringed Octopus Tattoo

The small, blue ringed octopus is one of the deadliest species of this underwater creature. These creatures contain a deadly poison that is powerful enough to kill humans. Thus, getting this particular look tattooed on your body will let others know that, regardless of your size or appearance, you are actually ready for a fight and can strike at any time. This special type of octopus is easily identified by its yellow skin covered with blue and black rings, although they only grow up to 12-20 cm, more than 50 of these such patterns can be present on their bodies at the same time!

Japanese octopus tattoo

Although the octopus has been an important sight among many peoples for thousands of years, the Japanese is considered one of the most famous cultures to actively use this image. In Japanese mythology, the giant tentacled creature was known by the name "Akkorokamui", and was very similar to the sea monster - Kraken... The Japanese octopus designs are known for their vibrant hues, and other elements of Japanese culture such as lilies are commonly included. Therefore, a Japanese-style tattoo is usually an octopus painted in different colors, such as blue or purple. As a result, they look like they are surrounded by the aura of these shades. This style is also more realistic than cartoonish, so keep that in mind when discussing your design with your tattoo artist.

Whether you want a large tattoo or a small design on your wrist or ankle, the octopus is a great choice for your next tattoo. Many different qualities, traits and cultures embody the octopus, making it a great tattoo for both men and women. Put your doubts aside and start working on your octopus tattoo design today! For an individual approach, you can pre-explore other images by going to the category "

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