Home Useful Tips Qi with li 10 minutes. Qigong: why you need it. You have a powerful life force from birth.

Qi with li 10 minutes. Qigong: why you need it. You have a powerful life force from birth.

In the modern world, due to the fast pace of life, people lose the opportunity to enjoy some moments and let the beauty of the environment into their inner world. Gradually fade into the background simple physical activity and standard fitness exercises for body beauty... And they are being replaced by the practices and methods of the East, the basis of which is the harmonious combination of the inner and outer world of a person, the development of both the spiritual side and physical strength and endurance.

Tuned in to renew energy, fill the body with positive emotions. The air is considered the basis, therefore training is carried out only outdoors, it will be impossible to achieve the desired effect indoors. Regardless of age, a set of exercises works equally well for losing weight and improving your appearance.

Lee Holden is one of the most famous trainers in this technique, he studied oriental practices and achieved a significant level of mastery in this regard. The author of the updated technique makes it possible to adapt his body to the high pace of life in the city, but at the same time to develop the necessary physical endurance and mental clarity.

Morning qigong exercises with Lee Holden are suitable for almost everyone who wants to change not only their outer world, but also their inner feeling.

Result and execution technique

Preparation is important to maximize the bottom line. In this technique, you should pay attention to the choice of a posture or "path of movement", tune in to rhythmic calm breathing processes and imagine the flow of positive energy from which inspiration will be drawn.

the effect from gymnastics:

It doesn't matter what the level of preparation of the person who wants to study, the main thing here is regularity and firm belief in a positive result.

As with other gymnastic procedures, there is also a a number of contraindications:

  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver will not transfer the load to certain organs.
  • Pregnancy and the postpartum period. At this time, the female body is weak and not restored after the birth of the baby.
  • Injury or fracture. Some movements require physical activity and the involvement of different muscle groups.

Features of the Chinese technique

Before starting the 15-minute complex, there are simple truths to be learned. Firstly, breathing is perceived not as a process, but as a link in the vital activity of the organism and a nourishment for the inner world.

Therefore, the calmer and deeper you breathe, the better for the effectiveness of the process.

The inhalation is done through the mouth, and the abdominal muscles contract in order to inhale more. Exhalation occurs through the nose, and at the same time the stomach relaxes, like the rest of the body.

Correct breathing will help calm the body and tune the mind to Qi - the energy of life and prosperity.

Secondly, every workout must end with energetic, sharp and patting massage treatments to rid the body of body fat. Next, you need to give up dead food, that is, from foods with added preservatives and chemicals. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits and foods containing fiber. Every day you need to drink plenty of water to speed up your metabolism and cleanse your body.

Thanks to modifications of Lee Holden it became easier to perform oriental techniques. His gymnastics includes exercises for different muscle groups. To perform the "Door of Life", stand in a position with feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body and neck.

Then, bending your arms at the elbows, turn the body to the sides as much as possible, while patting yourself on the abdomen and spine with your palms. Movement activates the heart and warms up the body.

The secrets of longevity, good health and wellness were known to the ancient Chinese for a long time, and the whole world knows about it.

Effective Qigong is a 15-minute complex designed to improve health and fight many diseases - these are basic exercises that will benefit everyone. The general strengthening and tonic exercises of this practice will heal the internal organs, joints and ligaments, and relieve many diseases.

Healing Qigong - 15 Minute Complex

Cleansing the body is an important stage on the way to long years of life without ailments and diseases. It so happened that our life is full of stress, misfortune and grief - negative experiences and negative emotions erode us, day after day and year after year. If you do not get rid of them, do not heal these "energy scars" in time, then sooner or later a serious illness will develop from them.

It is necessary to cleanse your body not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional, energetic and spiritual level. But not all of us have enough knowledge, time and energy to carefully and scrupulously master the healing Eastern practices, and for many they seem overwhelming and too complicated.

This is why experienced practitioners have developed special techniques - visual short video complexes, thanks to which anyone can start training right at home. Masters carefully select and filter exercises, leaving the simplest, accessible, but effective techniques that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

One of these systems is a special qigong complex, 15 minutes of which will be enough to radically transform your well-being. The practice will help cleanse the body of the accumulation of negative energy, raise muscle tone, relieve pain and ailments, and strengthen your immune system.

15-Minute Qigong Complex (Video)

You need to spend only 15 minutes per day, which qigong will fully justify. With systematic exercises, you will certainly feel:

  • A surge of strength and vivacity, you seem to be "recharged";
  • General improvement in physical well-being;
  • Relief from pain, discomfort in the body, diseases;
  • Stable good mood and psychological peace.

The practice also has a pronounced anti-aging effect. It has been proven that with daily exercise it is possible to delay the appearance of wrinkles and typical senile diseases, reduce the process of aging of the body, increase skin elasticity, maintain youthfulness and body mobility.

Qigong exercise: 15 minutes for good health and beauty

In many ways, the effect of qigong training is due to breathing technique. In oxygen, according to the Chinese, the very life-giving force lives - energy Qi... It is she who allows you to fight ailments, improve your health, find peace and harmony within your soul.

In addition, proper breathing has another, more practical sphere of influence - a full-fledged drink of blood with oxygen noticeably tones the human body, gives it a feeling of vigor, normalizes the work of all internal organs and systems.

  1. Stand up straight, place your hands opposite each other, then rub your nails vigorously against the nails of your other hand. This will help activate and concentrate the flow of energy in your hands. Qi.
  2. Then form a sphere out of your hands, as if you were holding an invisible ball of energy inside your palms.
  3. Next, place your hands on your lower abdomen, one palm on top, the other on the bottom. The thumbs are protruding and look in different directions.
  4. Inhale using abdominal breathing (puffing out your belly).
  5. As you exhale, draw in your belly.
  6. Next, bend your elbows and lift them up.
  7. Tilt your head back up to the ceiling.
  8. The arms are spread apart, the chest is open, the fists are clenched.
  9. Then round your back by leaning forward. Hands also move forward, closer to each other.
  10. Your chin practically touches your chest, your hands are clenched into fists in front of your face, your elbows are practically resting on your stomach.
  11. Inhale and straighten, keeping your hands in a fist on either side of your shoulders.
  12. The next action is to work with the meridians of energy. To do this, straighten one hand, squeeze the other into a fist.
  13. With a tapping motion, walk over your shoulder, then exhale and straighten your fingers, opening your palm.
  14. Then, with tapping claps, walk the inside of your hand down to your hand.
  15. On the way back, work from hand to shoulder, and slap your palm on the outside of your hand.
  16. Change hands and repeat this exercise.
  17. Then place your open palms at chest level, at the top of it.
  18. Close your eyes and feel the energy flow into your body Qi.
  19. Then spread your arms out to the sides and down.
  20. Tilt your head to the right, close your eyes, inhale.
  21. Tilt your head to the side and back, exhale and return your head to its original position.
  22. Repeat this movement with your head tilted to the other side.
  23. Then extend your hands, palms up, tapping your wrists together.
  24. The next exercise is to inhale, spreading your arms out to the sides, at the same time pushing your chest forward.
  25. As you exhale, move your arms to the center, palms up. At the same time, the rib cage seems to close.
  26. Next, place your palms at belly level, placing them opposite each other.
  27. Bring them together smoothly and spread them apart. On exhalation - dilute, on inhalation - bring together again.
  28. Then raise both of your hands up (sideways up and in sync).
  29. Then, over your head, bring your hands together, as if directing an invisible stream to your head, and lower your hands.
  30. The palms simultaneously pass along the line from the face to the chest and to the level of the abdomen, where they again diverge in different directions - up and to the side.
  31. Complete the set by folding both palms on your stomach. Cover your eyes.
  32. Imagine the energy filling you up. Qi, feel the changes that have occurred within you after the set of exercises.
  33. Then simply lower your arms, relaxing them and your whole body. Open your eyes.

This technique will preserve your health and give you physical strength, no matter how old you are. Qigong exercises are ideal for all ages and levels of physical fitness, and even young children are allowed to practice healing.

Remember that breathing during gymnastics must be measured, smoothly and evenly. Your inhalation and exhalation should be the same in depth and duration. Those muscles and ligaments of the body that are not involved in each individual exercise should not be tense. Only that area of ​​the body works, which should be activated during practice.

The general condition during training is relaxed, no discomfort is felt, there is no physical stress. And you yourself are calm, in a normal mood, there are no unnecessary thoughts in your head.

Exercise at the same hours and regularly to achieve a noticeable result, it is highly undesirable to skip workouts. Choose comfortable and loose clothing for your practice. Two hours before qigong and two hours after, you should not take food and drinks, especially chilled ones.

The pronounced effect of practice is often achieved more quickly with regular exercise and correct breathing technique. In classical Chinese medicine, it is recommended to practice qigong daily in the morning, or just before bedtime.

The qigong system presented above is a 15-minute complex that even the most inexperienced and novice practitioner can master with ease. It will give you longevity and many years of health, will allow you to get rid of both incipient health problems and those that have long been existing. Qigong is a Chinese folk practice that has won recognition all over the world, ready to give everyone unfading beauty and great well-being.

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Wondering how qigong affects longevity? Then you are in the right place! For you - 7 tips from the world famous qigong master Li Holden.

Longevity in Chinese medicine is associated with kidney energy. The kidney area controls longevity, sexual energy, endocrine system, bones, brain, and general vital functions.

The kidneys are a very important energy system. Think of the kidneys as the batteries of the body. They hold back the spark, the essence, the life force, which spreads to all parts of the body. One of the reasons the kidneys are the source of longevity is because they are the foundation, the roots from which life energy originates. The kidneys can be called the body's indicator light. If it shines weakly, then all the systems of the body are also weak. We want the kidney energy to stay strong, and that's what these exercises are for.

I am concerned about bone health and recuperation. What holistic approach to this issue would you recommend in order to age without problems?

Qigong is a great way to grow old gracefully, without losing your health, while remaining cheerful. I think that would be wonderful.

Bone health is another function of the kidneys, so to strengthen bones, you need to strengthen the energy of the kidneys.

There is an exercise in qigong - breathing for the bones. This is a great exercise, let me tell you about it quickly. It will strengthen the energy of the body and bones.

Think of your bones as porous crystals.

Place your arms in front of you at chest level. Take a deep breath.

As you inhale, open your fingers and palms, feel the golden light penetrate into your hands, and through them into your bones.

Imagine energy flowing through your fingers and palms into your bones in your arms, shoulders, spine, hips, legs and feet.

This exercise is called Bone Breathing. Spend 10-15 minutes on this exercise. It can be done lying, sitting, standing.

Imagine golden light entering your hands, filling your bones with golden light like crystals. This will strengthen and heal your bones.

There is one more exercise for healthy bones... One of the most rewarding things you can do is jump. Jumping exercises strengthen bones well. I would recommend shaking, up and down exercises. Gently lower your heels to the ground. Rising to your toes, gently lower your heels to the ground. This will give your bones beneficial vibrations. It is good if you do this exercise to maintain bone health. You will feel a great burst of energy when you do this exercise.

Can I drink coffee or tea several times a day? What else can you do besides eating healthy foods, doing yoga and qigong in order to live long and stay healthy?

You know, people who live longer than a hundred years say that social support helps them. Find things that you love to do, do them with other people - this will open up the energy of the heart. If you enjoy exercising, start doing it with friends or family for social support. It is very good to practice qigong with friends. In this way, group energy is created - a beautiful form of energy.

As for tea and coffee, I think that drinking tea is delicious, any tea, I drink a lot of tea. I am a big lover of green teas, oolong. My favorite tea is pu-erh tea, it perfectly stimulates digestion, prolongs life and gives a boost of energy. P-u-e-r - wonderful tea. I think tea is a wonderful food for gaining longevity.

Coffee is healthy too. It's just worth limiting the amount of sugar and milk that we add to it. So, in answer to your question, I say yes - you can have several cups of tea or coffee throughout the day. I'm more inclined towards tea, but I would not want to limit coffee lovers in their love of coffee. Just reduce the amount of sugar and the concentration of coffee, because it affects the adrenal glands. Good. Thanks for this question.

Is there anything we can do to stop the deterioration in vision and hearing as we age?

The eyes are associated with liver function. That's why any exercise that helps the liver improves vision... We did the liver exercises in the pain section.

When you have too much energy in your hands, put it in front of your eyes or in front of your ears. Try to hold the qi ball in front of you with your arms outstretched. Move your arms back and forth. When you feel the warmth of energy between your hands, raise them to your eyes, without touching them, feel how warmth, light, energy fall directly into your eyes.

Breathe in energy with your eyes, optic nerve, mind, open this path. Let the inner gaze awaken and the healing light penetrate into the eyes. Now spread your arms to the sides, opposite the ears. Do not touch your ears, but keep your hands very close. Direct the qi to your ears. It is best to do this exercise right after qigong practice, especially after flowing movements.

What exercises will help fight addiction - to food or smoking?

In order to overcome any addiction, massage your ears. The ears have a close connection with your nervous system. When you massage your ears, it helps calm the nervous system, reducing cravings.

This exercise is used even by heroin addicts. They massage their ears in order to overcome this addiction. As we all know, heroin is the most addictive drug. This tip works great. Use this exercise to combat food or smoking addictions, or simply to balance your nervous system.

With your thumbs, grasp the inside of the ears, and with your other fingertips, grasp the outside of the ears. In a circular motion, start massaging the top of your ears. These points are excellent for calming the nervous system.

Describe circles over the entire surface of the ears, along the inside of them, squeeze them, touch them. Let the qi circulate in your ears. This will help calm the nervous system. Do this exercise before you start your next serving of ice cream, and see if you still want it.

This exercise must be done proactively, after which you will make the right choice. If you want cookies, chocolate, ice cream, instead of eating them, maybe it is better to eat fruit, have a cup of tea, do something healthier and see if you can get enough that way.

Which exercise is best for lowering high blood pressure?

Lower High Blood Pressure Lower Heavens Exercise... This exercise occurs more than once throughout the program because it helps calm the mind and focus.

Spread your arms to the sides, raise them as you inhale. The palms are looking down at head level. Hands are at head level, palms facing down. As you exhale, lower your arms, directing the energy to your feet.

If you do this exercise for 5 minutes, you will lower your blood pressure by 10 points. Try it. Measure your blood pressure before exercise, perform "Lowering the Heavens" for 5 minutes, and measure your blood pressure again. This will help you a lot.

When it comes to improving metabolism, exercise to improve digestion. Try to do these exercises three times a week. This will help improve digestion.

Also stick to your diet: try not to eat late at night, make sure you eat a healthy breakfast, because eating a healthy breakfast in the morning stimulates your metabolism. Often people think that in order to lose weight, you need to skip breakfast, but then our body begins to accumulate fat, because you remain hungry. Eat at regular intervals, avoid eating late at night, and exercise for digestion.

There is one breathing exercise that stimulates metabolism - it is called Fanning the fire... Do this exercise before meals. This will help transform food into energy. Place both hands on your stomach. Concentrate on exhaling. This breathing exercise will make your digestive exercise easier. Now focus on exhaling, and exhale all the way. It looks like this (exhales sharply). As you exhale, stretch your belly towards the spine. The inhalation can happen on its own. Concentrate on exhaling. (exhales sharply). Light the fire quickly. As if furs inflate the inner heat of life.

Your questions were answered by Lee Holden - Certified Acupuncturist, Author home education programs in many languages ​​and an internationally recognized qigong expert. He worked with experts such as Deepak Chopra and Taoist master Mantak Chia. Now he teaches qigong to Hollywood stars, employees of huge companies.


The ability of Asians to contemplate has long been a real talk of the town, and they contemplate both the calm atmosphere in the garden and during sports exercises. The Chinese believe that special gymnastics will help make the body healthy and clear thoughts; during the exercise, a person controls muscles and breathing, for a while, renouncing the fuss of the world. This kind of gymnastics is called Qigong.

What is Qigong and what is it eaten with?

Like many of the physical practices that originated in China, Qigong is gaining popularity among ordinary people who want to be healthy and resilient to stress. Do not hope that this practice will "pump up", it is aimed more at psychology than at the muscles.

Qigong fans claim that despite the lack of heavy strength training, gymnastics will help you lose weight for a simple reason. Residents of megalopolises are in constant stress, they need to run somewhere, write reports, work hard. The body does not see what is happening in the world, but begins to store fat reserves and does it quite reasonably: if signals about stress are sent, then there may be hunger or war outside. And if you consider that many people like to "seize" nervous experiences, the situation is catastrophic.

The advantage of Qigong is that it really calms and sets you in a positive mood. It is recommended to do gymnastics in the morning, it helps the body to wake up and start the day actively and vigorously. A special breathing technique saturates the body with oxygen, the person no longer has a headache, minor ailments go away.

Physical practice has a lot of advantages:

  • exercises are suitable for people of any age;
  • no special inventory or a large room is required;
  • the technique is extremely simple and easy to remember;
  • equally useful is hypotension and hypertensive patients;
  • when performed regularly, reduces the risk of cancer;
  • thanks to massaging movements, it has a beneficial effect on internal organs and skin, eliminating cellulite.

There are no serious prohibitions for doing morning Qigong exercises, but it is worth postponing if:

  • the woman has critical days or she is expecting a baby;
  • there are diseases of the circulatory system;
  • chronic diseases suddenly decided to exacerbate;
  • there has recently been a surgical intervention;
  • sudden dizziness and weakness periodically appear.

For maximum effect, morning Qigong exercises should be combined with:

  • proper nutrition: more plant foods, at least one and a half liters of water per day and rejection of harmful fast food;
  • special breathing technique: learn to breathe deeply with your stomach, this has a beneficial effect on the internal organs and improves blood circulation;
  • massage after gymnastics: light patting will help to influence vital points, relax muscle tension and get rid of cellulite;
  • by attracting Qi energy: we are not afraid of the wording, this is how the ability to concentrate and drive away bad thoughts and vanity is called in China.

You won't be able to become a Shaolin monk, but regular exercise will really calm you down and put you in a positive mood. And the state of the whole organism directly depends on the psychological mood.

Who is Lee Holden and what to thank him for?

Despite his quite typical Chinese name, Lee Holden was not born in China at all. An ordinary guy lived in America, played American football and once realized that Eastern practices help him not only to control his body, but also to clear his mind, which is important in the bustle of megacities. Li tried a lot, but it was Qigong that became ideal for him. By the way, to this day, Holden is alive and is an excellent example of the beneficial effects of exercise on the body.

Since Qigong was originally a difficult practice that required concentration, Lee Holden wondered if it could be simplified and instilled in city dwellers.

He did it perfectly and he developed individual programs for people with different physical fitness and capabilities. In his videos, Lee Holden demonstrates Qigong exercises in as much detail as possible, dressing in simple clothes and being in an ordinary living room, not in a gym. By this he emphasizes the versatility of his approach, and the name of the course "Qigong for Everyone" means that everyone can do gymnastics with pleasure. Thanks to Lee Holden, self-healing is no longer incredible.

Morning 10-minute exercise

This complex is designed for people who do not have enough time for a full-fledged long exercise in the morning. Morning Qigong exercise from Li Holden will take 10 minutes, during which time the body will wake up and prepare for the coming day. The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. "Knocking at the door of life." We put our feet shoulder-width apart, relax the back and neck, and arms too. Swaying from side to side, we allow our hands to beat like lashes on the back and stomach. The “door of life” stimulates a biologically active point located in the spine, due to which a person feels a surge of vigor. Each exercise is done for about 1 minute.
  2. "Tiger". As we inhale, we raise our arms and stretch up, as we exhale, we lower and at the same time bend our knees, sitting down so that the hips are parallel to the floor. You need to repeat smoothly and slowly. Exercise makes legs strong and beautiful, and stimulates kidney function. If you can't sink deeply, you don't need to force yourself, Lee claims that even shallow squats will have an effect.
  3. "Chi Massage". The exercise consists in light tapping in the area of ​​the kidneys, the Chinese call it the "Doors of Life". You need to knock very carefully, without applying much effort. Then start clapping your palms on the outside of your thighs, lower yourself down and start walking up the inside. Move to the chest and lightly tap on it with your fists, then on the inside and outside of the arms and neck. The exercise ends with tapping of the chest.
  4. "Buddha holds the earth." We make our arms rounded, bend our knees a little. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, while exhaling, lower them.
  5. "Tame the tiger, return to the mountain." We place our hands at the body, smoothly spread them in different directions, then again to the body, translate up, then forward, lift up, describe a circle with our hands and repeat again.
  6. "Concentration". Legs together, one semicircular arm, palm at the abdomen. The position resembles the hands of ballerinas. With the other hand, we describe a large semicircle from bottom to top, draw a straight palm along the chest down to the stomach and change hands.
  7. To complete, put your hands on your stomach and relax.

This set of exercises is considered basic, if necessary, you can add others to it. If the execution technique is not fully understood, watch the video with its creator - Lee:

Complex for 20 minutes

This charge is very similar to the 10-minute set, but there are some differences:

  1. In the exercise "Knocking on the door of life", knocking occurs not only in the kidney area, but also on the chest.
  2. After "Chi Massage" you need to start shaking your hands, while springing your legs, the whole body should be shaken. This will help to invigorate and release muscle tension.
  3. After "Buddha ..." one hand should be left at the top, and the other should be lowered. Bend over to the side of the lowered limb and feel the stretch in the muscles on the sides.
  4. "The fountain". Pull the arms down a little forward, and pull the pelvis back. We make a wave-like movement with the spine, simultaneously straightening it and moving the handles up, and then lower them, describing semicircles on the sides.

You can take a closer look at the differences between the two complexes and perform them after watching the video:

Qigong for digestion

The lesson includes exercises designed to affect the area of ​​the digestive tract. Thanks to the improvement of the process of digestion of food, toxins and toxins will be released from the body, there will be no feeling of heaviness and pain, excess weight will begin to quickly go away due to accelerated metabolism.

The Qigong digestive complex will take more time than morning exercises, it will take much more than ten or twenty minutes. The 30 minute workout is based on proper breathing and massage of the internal organs. It is necessary to breathe in the stomach to improve blood flow to it, and massaging consists in patting with fists and palms.

Qigong to calm down

Lee Holden is sure that any emotion can be converted into energy necessary for the body. It is especially important to do this trick with negative emotions that a metropolitan resident faces on a daily basis. This complex is aimed not so much at developing muscles and physical strength, as at developing the ability to calm down and control your mental state.

The Qigong class will not take much time, it will only take 6-7 minutes, so it can be used even during breaks between work. The whole essence of the technique is to change breathing, it has long been noticed that how we breathe directly depends on what we feel psychologically. The slower and more measured breathing, the calmer a person becomes.

Learning to Control Emotions with Li's Breathing Exercises:

Qigong for the spine

This charger is a real godsend for office workers who spend most of their lives in a sitting position. The spine is clearly not happy with this state of affairs, there are hernias, curvatures and other "joys".

The complex is 30 minutes long, so it is better to practice this type of Qigong on a weekend. You will need a gymnastic mat for it, since most of the exercises are done lying down. The main task is to set the vertebrae in motion, for this the spine is twisted, stretched and compressed back.

The sequence of performing Qigong gymnastics for the spine in the video from the author:

Qigong for longevity

It is known that Chinese monks live really long and maintain physical health and mental clarity until old age. Lee decided to open the veil of secrecy for Europeans and developed a course "Qigong for Longevity with Lee Holden". The exercises will take a little time, only about 15 minutes. The complex is not like the others and includes exercises for influencing vital biological points, disclosing the internal potential of the body and self-healing. The main task is to normalize breathing and get rid of nervous tension. The Chinese believe that it is wrong breathing and stress that make life shorter.

A detailed analysis of Qigong exercises on video:

Evening Qigong

The main difference from morning exercises is that evening exercises are aimed not at activating the body, but at calming it down. The movements are smooth, relaxing, the complex includes stretching for muscles that are tired during the day. Shaking the limbs and the whole body perfectly relieves stress and prepares for a calm evening.

Lovers of Qigong gymnastics claim that their lives have changed dramatically since they learned about Lee Holden and his developments. The women noticed that they became slimmer, the muscles of the men got stronger. If you do the exercises correctly, it is impossible to remain dissatisfied with the results. Isn't this a reason to try?

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Have you ever caught yourself thinking that your body is more than we know about it?

In the East, for four thousand years, men and women have been practicing a special method of self-healing. It does not require serious efforts and special conditions. This method is so safe that even young children and adults use it to this day.

Having mastered this skill, you can instantly fill your body with energy and start the process of healing and restoration of the body. By activating your life energy, you direct all your attention inward. You learn to be in the moment and enjoy peace and harmony.

You can use this energy to heal, restore, and energize your body.

The Chinese call this mysterious life energy "Qi"

Qi is invisible. You cannot see it, but you still feel it. It moves along your meridians - energy flows inside your body. It makes your heart beat, feeds your muscles, develops your consciousness.

The simple method in question is qigong. Qi means energy and gong means development.

It is the easiest, most effective, and simplest self-healing practice that exists today. Nevertheless, very little is known about this amazing practice in the West.

In order to appreciate the full potential of qigong, I decided to fully study everything that is known about this ancient practice.

Lee Holden has created a special program called "Live with Qi" and has been teaching people around the world the ancient Eastern exercises to improve their health for many years. Learn this program and activate your life energy in just 3 easy steps

Lesson 1: Feel Your Latent Life Force

You will learn about the inner strength of your qi. Where to look for it, and most importantly, how you can use it to accelerate the healing process and restore your vital energy.

Plus, you will learn to awaken your dormant energy with a simple yet powerful technique.

Lesson 2. Activate Your Latent Life Force

The video shows specific steps that have been used over 4000 years to activate the inner life energy.
You can use this technique every day to begin rebuilding your natural healing abilities.

Lesson 3. How to use the life force?

In this video, you will learn exactly how to use a simple ancient practice to start living a healthier, longer life and to pursue your life mission.
You will learn exactly how to live in Chi energy every day and get the most out of it.

How it works?

1. Your body moves smoothly and calmly.
Your mind returns to the present moment.
Body and mind are in harmony.
Latent Chi energy awakens and activates your natural healing powers.
Qi flows easily ...

2. When the qi sensation begins to grow stronger in your body ... it naturally draws your attention inward and relaxes your mind, plunging you into a meditative state easily and naturally.
Qi is getting stronger ...

3. The tension is gone, and the qi flows without barriers.
Your mind transforms stress into strength.
Your spiritual powers are awakening.
Qi has become even stronger ...

Repeat these movements ... and your qi will grow in a continuous cycle.
A source

For those who, thanks to Qigong, want to preserve their youth and strengthen their health, but cannot find a suitable course of exercises, there is a special system - a fifteen-minute set of Qigong exercises. Thanks to these simple and quick exercises, you can effectively remove the fatigue accumulated during the day or, on the contrary, get a boost of vigor in the morning. And regular implementation will also allow you to get all the benefits of this ancient Chinese philosophy.

Fifteen-minute Qigong complex for longevity and health.

The fifteen-minute Qigong exercise set uses all the main points of this teaching. Thanks to easy movements that do not require any special training, you can:

  • activate the internal energy of the body, which will give you additional strength;
  • improve health and strengthen immunity, curing chronic diseases and preventing the emergence of new ones;
  • cleanse the joints, saving yourself from problems with them in the future;
  • improve the cardiovascular system;
  • to establish correct breathing, thanks to which the internal organs will work better.

The fifteen-minute Qigong complex is one of the most effective means to maintain health and longevity without wasting extra energy.

Video course of 15 minute qigong complex for longevity and health:

15-minute complex from the program "Chi Power: Advanced Course."

If you are confident in your abilities, or the usual fifteen-minute Qigong gymnastics is not enough for you, then try yourself in the advanced version of this complex. Here are collected exercises that will require certain physical efforts, but the desired effect will begin to appear earlier. This option takes the same duration in terms of duration, so you can combine both options, alternating them on days of the week.

Video course of the advanced version of the 15-minute qigong complex:

Today, only the lazy does not engage in oriental practices. Someone likes yoga, someone earnestly meditates day and night, someone uses all kinds of breathing techniques, but Zhong Yuan Qigong still remains on the sidelines, although in our country this practice has been taught to everyone for more than 20 years, about books, videos, and whole seminars are being written in this practice!

Today I will tell you what qigong breathing exercises are and how you can apply them to beginners. I started my acquaintance with Tai Chi Qigong by finding lessons with Lee Holden, but you can use video lessons with any coach.

History of Zhong Yuan Qigong

What is encoded in the name of the Zhong Yuan Qigong practice? In Chinese, this word consists of two - qi, which can be conventionally translated as positive energy, and gong - work. That is, this work with energy... However, the word qi has many meanings, and many of them are associated with air, breathing. So, Zhong Yuan Qigong is a breathing and movement practice that is aimed at to improve the body.

Earlier in Taoist monasteries, monks practiced a special set of tai chi qigong exercises, which helped them maintain health for many years, and also enlightened the mind and strengthened the spirit. This tai chi qigong gymnastics was also called yoga of Taoist monks.

In the last century, on the basis of Tai Chi Qigong, the Zhong Yuan Qigong complex was developed. By the way, the whole complex of tai chi qigong exercises, according to experts, is not just qigong health exercises, but rather one of the components of internal alchemy - in Taoist teachings, this is the path to longevity (and if you are lucky, then to immortality).

It would seem that qigong training leads to longevity, because gymnastic exercises and besides tai chi qigong are numerous, thousands of people are engaged in them, and the overall mortality rate in the world is not decreasing. In fact, qigong is self-healing complex, which affects not only the physical body, but also the soul.

Working with energy practices has a positive effect on the general condition of the body (this is especially clearly seen in the elderly), and on the mental attitude, and even on behavior. The quality of life changes, the person becomes happier.

Where to begin

Is there some kind of qigong for beginners? Of course, there are qigong exercises that even the most untrained person can do. This can be morning exercises or just relaxation (you can turn on the video and repeat after the instructor). It is worth trying it for yourself, 15-minute qigong for weight loss will help tighten your tummy, improve your well-being, or just solve some problems with your well-being.

Chinese Gymnastics Qigong for Beginners is a simple 15-minute exercise that can be done at home.

Get ready for class and get started. Choose comfortable clothes (it is especially important for women to choose comfortable underwear, it is best to use sportswear). Find video lessons that you like - such that the instructor talks about each exercise of Zhong Yuan Qigong, explains how to do it correctly.

This can be your morning practice, or use qigong for weight loss - it all depends on you, but if you use a video with one trainer, then it is better not to dilute it with another - they may have a completely different approach to tai chi qigong.

Exercises for beginners

The main principle that Zhong Yuan Qigong professes is that the movement of the flow of energy should be carried out upwards... Qigong practice should be carried out in such a way that the energy moves gradually - either from bottom to top or from top to bottom.

You cannot alternate exercises for the knees with exercises for the cervical spine - everything must be done sequentially.

The next rule of Zhong Yuan Qigong is that all parts of the body should work equally intensively. You should not do exercises for only one part of the body (even qigong for weight loss is composed in such a way as not to disturb this balance). It's best to watch the video tutorials - the 15-minute video contains both reminders of the rules and basic exercises. After you have learned qigong for beginners, you can move on to the next step. tai chi qigong.

Qigong is especially important for the spine - the fact is that the lower spine is the most problematic area of ​​our body in terms of various congestions (energetic and quite tangible). Due to the low mobility of this part of the body, health problems appear - for women, these can be various ladies' troubles (due to a lack of blood supply).

Also, your back may hurt, your arms or legs may become numb, you may experience some unpleasant and painful sensations every day, even if you are a healthy person - and you can get rid of this by doing qigong exercises for the spine.

Qigong for beginners is a combination of physical exercises with correct breathing.
These are the simplest qigong exercises for beginners and will take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

If you like these exercises, then you can watch the video clips on qigong with the host Li Holden, which contain more exercises Zhong Yuan Qigong or any others that talk about the forms of Tai Chi Qigong - there are all kinds of compilations

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