Home Useful Tips Demid Ivt. Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov. Departments of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, YarSU

Demid Ivt. Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov. Departments of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, YarSU

The faculty prepares specialists in the field of fundamental and applied informatics, IT.

The Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering trains specialists in the field of programming, information technology, development management and software testing. The first admission to the faculty took place in 1986.

The faculty consists of five departments:

  • theoretical informatics;
  • computing and software systems;
  • computer networks;
  • discrete analysis;
  • information and network technologies.

Faculty partners are large IT companies: Stack, Tensor, Fogsoft, Akvelon (founded by Microsoft engineers), ArealIdea, Cetera, Diasoft, Labmedia.

The student scientific society is actively working.
There is a machine learning circle that introduces students to the sections of the study of artificial intelligence. The circle has organized cooperation with Akvelon and is conducting its own intensive Yappi Days Loves ML.

Graduates work as applied specialists and develop software, provide the work of a particular enterprise. They become system programmers and develop OS and network applications, web-programmers, testers.

Our editors are worried about the bright future of the Yaroslavl high school students, who are confused and cannot choose a faculty that is close to their hearts. We have revived our permanent column, where every week we will tell you about the different faculties of our city. This time, the students of "IVT" (Faculty of Information and Computing Technologies) tell about the educational process, student life and the harsh road to their building.

Alexey Sovin

I entered the ICT because I have always liked the technique and everything connected with it. In addition, you can always find a job in this specialty. Study at our faculty is difficult, and all specialties are divided into 2 blocks. The first and the biggest one is mathematics (a very difficult and uninteresting block, but unfortunately, there is nowhere without it). I didn’t like math, although in principle it was given.

Of all the courses that I studied at the ICT, I remember most of all the disciplines “discrete mathematics” and “analysis of complexity algorithms”. And that is because of the teacher. It was very difficult to hand over these items, we spent more than half of the group on programs. And it was unrealistic to do a lot to pass at least three, plus you had to be at full steam.

The teaching staff at our faculty is cool and kind, I have never met bad teachers. There were, of course, strict teachers, but this is because they demanded a lot (though it was from them that we learned the most), and in general, you can go to classes, or you can not. But at the end of the semester, he must know everything that was told in pairs. So at the beginning of each session, I just sat down and learned everything.

There is student life at our faculty, but I did not particularly participate in it, because it takes a lot of time. Although I know all the faculty's assets well.

IWT gave me, probably, like most graduates - higher education, the opportunity to somehow structure and organize yourself after school. I realized that no one owes you anything in the educational process. You are everywhere on your own. But at the same time I received good knowledge on the ICT and studied to the end (from our group of 25 people, only 11 reached the last year).

Georgy Kabanov

IWT is innovation, a new look at what is happening around. In the words of advertising: “Everything turns into applications. Nice to be on this wave! "

Study at ICT is difficult, there are subjects that need to be taught well, there are also simple disciplines. Much depends on the personality of the teacher.
It is interesting to study if you really want to gain knowledge and useful tools.
The most memorable discipline is "Terver" (Probability Theory).

Teachers- each is original and unique. There are also those who themselves do not really want to lead a lecture and with all their appearance wants to return to their pulpit under any pretext. However, the overwhelming majority love their subject and give fairly complete and detailed information. Can you grasp quickly? Consider that half of your knowledge is already in your pocket.

Student life at our faculty boils and smells. There are a lot of things. You want to sing, you want to dance, there is a scientific society, there is a summer camp. Do you want to be an organizer? Then please. Any ideas? Also a plus.

Perhaps the most important thing that IWT gave me- these are friends with whom I will be after graduation.

Andrey Novikov

How did I get on the IWT? Well, my mother told me to take computer science just in case, so I agreed. But in fact, studying at the IWT attracted me with its further prospects - now everything is tied to computers.

I study fundamental computer science, there is mostly theory, algorithms and other disciplines. True, during the training, we had a lot of practical lessons in different directions.

Teachers at our faculty, I think, as elsewhere, people are mostly conservative, age 40+, there are also normal people (for students), and there are also people with their own cockroaches in their heads. And our lectures in complexity, as elsewhere, are not particularly different.

Despite the fact that even though we are programmers, the faculty of ICT has a rather active student life. I myself was one of the leaders of the support group for three years. And so, at our faculty there are a lot of different areas where students can prove themselves. We organize many events, both within the walls of the faculty and outside it.

I think that ICT gave me friends, knowledge and a good student life!

Our Cisco Academy conducts Cisco training specialists of various professional levels. Usually students already have some kind of education in the field of information technology or work experience in a similar, and sometimes related to IT field. One of main learning objectives for our listeners it is improving their qualifications in the field of network technologies.

We teach how individual professionals and organization that send employees to train. For groups of students from organizations, it is possible to change the pace and timing of the courses.

Since we have distance form classes, then not only residents of Yaroslavl can study, but also specialists from all regions of the Russian Federation.

Most of our listeners are promising specialists who do not stop in their professional growth, keep up with the times and care about their future (in career and financial terms).

We were chosen

Feedback from listeners

I note that the material in the CCNA course is detailed and very accessible. I would like to express my gratitude to instructors Ilya Rassadin and Anton Noskov for explanations and non-standard tasks.

Karasev Alexander, YarSU Faculty of Physics,
Master's degree in "Infocommunication systems and networks"

Only vivid impressions were left from studying at the academy. He improved his professional competence, improved his English, communicated with interesting people. In general, learning is fun, especially when there are joint assignments, or the instructor gives speed assignments.

Savvatin Alexey, electronic engineer, cat. 2,
IT center Yaroslavl

I studied with pleasure and communicated with like-minded people, acquired a lot of new and useful knowledge and skills that will be useful to me in the future. Instructor Anton Noskov is an excellent teacher. One drawback: the CCNP course for university students was made paid.

Mazilov Denis,
student of YSU, faculty of ICT.

After completing the courses, he successfully passed the certification exam. He was hired as a systems engineer at Kami (formerly Kami-Sever), and the knowledge gained is constantly being applied in practice.
It should be noted that having attended the courses and learned how to work with Cisco equipment, it is not difficult to understand the principles of configuring devices from other well-known manufacturers (Nortel, Juniper, Alcatel).
I find it especially useful classes in which you need to learn how to eliminate this or that malfunction of the computer network. For this practice, I express my deep gratitude to the instructors of the network academy.

Shushkov Vladimir,
Engineer of Information Networks and Telecommunications Department

Branch of CJSC "Firm STC KAMI" in Yaroslavl

The CCNA course helps to organize current knowledge. Group activities also facilitate the acquisition of contacts in a professional environment. The international certificate that I received as a result is an indicator of the level of my qualifications.
Now, when purchasing new equipment, you can configure yourself from scratch and apply all the necessary safety standards and procedures that can only be entrusted to your specialists.
Conveniently, the training was conducted in Yaroslavl! And you don't have to go anywhere. Classes in the evening after work are quite a convenient option.

Mikheev Sergey,
chief of information security bureau
OJSC Yaroslavl Electric Machine Building Plant (OJSC "ELDIN")

The courses allowed us to introduce modern equipment from Cisco Systems at our enterprise and independently perform its maintenance, which made it possible to expand production capabilities and speed up business processes.

Deryabin Vadim Sergeevich,
system administrator of OJSC "Yaroslavloblgaz"

When I first started studying, I thought CCNA was very difficult and cool. But when I graduated and received a certificate, I realized that training in the CCNA course gives exactly the basic knowledge and skills that are absolutely necessary for anyone who decides to work in the IT field in the future.

Zhuravlev Ilya,
software engineer

Avtodiesel OJSC (YaMZ)

Studying the CCNA course was very useful for me due to the fact that at the Faculty of Physics of YarSU them. PG Demidov, I teach groups in the specialty "Telecommunications. Based on the knowledge I have gained, I have created additional lectures on the discipline" Switching Systems ", where previously there was material only on circuit-switched networks. students, a good working atmosphere in a group, interesting classes, qualified instructors with extensive experience in applying the knowledge studied in practice.

Alexey Tarakanov,
Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Dynamics of Electronic Systems
YarsU them. P.G. Demidova

The distance form allows you to study the material in your free time, passing the midterm exams takes place on-line any day and not necessarily in the classroom.
Of the difficulties that I face, I can single out two: lack of time for learning and poor knowledge of the English language. I cope with the first to the best of my ability, and the second by itself gradually disappears as I read more and more material in English. By the way, the course material is very interesting and varied, which also attracts. "

Golyatin Ivan,
telecommunication engineer
CenterTelecom OJSC

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