Home Useful Tips Didactic games the world around in kindergarten. Didactic games for acquaintance with the environment (middle group). Birds of tropical countries

Didactic games the world around in kindergarten. Didactic games for acquaintance with the environment (middle group). Birds of tropical countries

Card file of games for acquaintance with the world around

"Where is the bunny hiding!"

Target: describe, name, plants by their characteristic features and from the connection with the environment. Create descriptive riddles and guess riddles about plants.

Rules of the game: it is possible to name a plant only after describing a feature in turn.

Game progress:

The game is played in a park, in a forest, in a public garden. A driver is selected from a group of children, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under a plant (tree, bush) so that the other children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the driver describes the plant (if he finds it difficult, the teacher helps). Which group will guess faster under which plant the bunny goes to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under an oak tree. The leader asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: "This is a tree, it has a strong, mighty trunk" (Answers of children of the 1st subgroup), to the 2nd subgroup: "The leaves of this tree turn brown in the fall" (Children of the 2nd subgroup answer) ... And so on, riddles-descriptions go on until one of the subgroups is guessed.

"Where does it grow?"

Target: teach children to group vegetables and fruits, bring up quick reaction to the teacher's word, endurance, discipline.

Rules of the game: disassemble vegetables and fruits, and put some in the garden, others in the garden (imitation - pictures of the garden and vegetable garden). The team that quickly disassembles all the items in their places wins.

Game progress: Among children, they are divided into two teams-brigades: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (dummies can be used) are laid out on the table. At the signal of the teacher, the children sort vegetables and fruits to the corresponding pictures. The first team to finish the job wins. Children not participating in the teams check the correctness of the selection.

After that, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

"Our friends"

Target: Expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), about caring for them, about their homes, foster a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material: lotto cards with the image of animals: a parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, a hamster, a turtle, etc. Small cards depicting their homes (cage, terrarium, aquarium, box, etc.), food. Game progress:

Lotto cards are handed out to the participants of the game, the leader has small cards turned upside down. The presenter takes any card and shows it to the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal.

For complication, you can add squats that are not related to these animals.

"Flower shop"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about plants (meadows, indoor, garden), to consolidate the ability to find the desired flower according to the description. Teach to group plants by type. Material: you can use cards from the botanical lotto, houseplants can be real, but not very large.

Game progress:

The presenter is chosen, he is the seller (at first the presenter is an adult. The buyer should describe the plant in such a way that the seller would immediately guess which plant in question.

"The postman brought the package"

Target: Form and expand children's ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., teach to describe and recognize objects by description.

Material: objects (dummies). Each is individually packed in a paper bag. You can use riddles.

Game progress:

The parcel is brought to the group. The leader (educator) distributes parcels to each child. Children look into them and take turns telling what they received in the mail. Children are invited to describe what is in their bag by description or using a riddle.

"Edible - not edible"

Target: to form and consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The presenter names a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object, throws the ball to one of the participants, if the object is related to the given, then he catches.

You can play with the whole group at once with the help of claps (clap if the object does not belong to the given one).

"Wonderful bag"

Target: To form, consolidate the knowledge of children about various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). To develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.

Material: A beautifully designed bag, various toys imitating animals, real or dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

The presenter holds a bag with objects, invites the children to come up one by one and feel the object without pulling it out, and will name the characteristic signs. The rest of the children should guess from his description what kind of object it is that they do not see yet. After that, the child takes the item out of the bag and shows it to all the children.

"What first, what then?"

Purpose: To form and consolidate the knowledge of children about the degree of maturity of vegetables, fruits, about the order of growth of different plants, living things (fish, birds, amphibians).

Material: Cards with different order of maturity 3 - 4 - 5 cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), growth order (seed, sprout, taller sprout, adult plant).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with different orders. At the signal of the leader, they must quickly find and line up in order with the necessary pictures in order.

Shop "Seeds"

Target: Develop and consolidate the knowledge of children about the seeds of different plants. Learn to group plants by type, by place of growth.

Material: Signboard "Seeds". On the counter, in different boxes with models: a tree, a flower, a vegetable, a fruit, in transparent bags, there are different seeds with a picture of this plant.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to open a store selling seeds. The store is equipped with four departments. Sellers are selected for each seed department. As the game progresses, children-buyers approach the sellers and name their profession: florist, gardener, vegetable grower, forester. Then they ask to sell the seeds of the plant described by them and the method of growing them (one per hole, one per groove, "pinch", seedlings).

"Everyone goes home!"

Target: To form and consolidate the knowledge of children of different plants (trees, bushes), according to the shape of their leaves (according to fruits, seeds). To consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest, in the park.


Game progress:

Before a walk with children, they fix the rules of conduct in the forest (park). The game is preferably held in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the shape of the leaves). The teacher suggests going on a hike. Children are given leaves (fruits, seeds) of different plants (bushes, trees). Children are divided into groups. The teacher offers to imagine that each squad has a tent under a tree or bush. Children walk in the forest (park), at the signal of the teacher “It has started raining. All to their homes! ”, The children run to their“ tents ”. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on the tree or bush to which they ran.

"Gather mushrooms in a basket"

Target: Develop and consolidate the knowledge of children about edible and inedible mushrooms, about the place of their growth; about the rules of collection in the forest.

Material: Flat baskets, forest model, flannelegraf, mushroom cards (edible, not edible).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with mushrooms. The task of children is to name their mushroom, describe it, where it can be found (under a birch, in a spruce forest, in a clearing, on a hemp, etc.), what it is: put edible in a "basket", not edible left in the forest (explain why).

"Which branch of the kids?"

Target: Develop and consolidate children's knowledge about trees, their seeds and leaves. To consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest, in the park.

Material: Dried leaves of different trees (seeds, fruits).

Game progress:

Before a walk with children, they fix the rules of conduct in the forest (park). The game is preferably held in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the shape of the leaves). Children walk in the forest (park), at the signal of the teacher "All the children on the branches!", The children run to their trees or bushes. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on the tree or bush to which they ran.

"When does this happen?"

Target: Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and animal life in different seasons of the year.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of any season. Small cards with patterns of signs of different seasons.

Game progress:

The game is played like a lotto. The presenter has small cards with the image turned down. The presenter shows a card with a model, the players name what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed specifically for him. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his card. But the game continues until all participants have closed their cards.

"Guess from the description."

Target: Develop and consolidate knowledge about the appearance of natural objects (animals, plants, fish, insects, etc.). Develop memory, speech.

Material: Cards with various types of animals, fish, birds, insects, according to the number of participants or more.

Game progress:

The cards are handed out to children. Their task is without showing, to describe the object so that others can guess who is depicted on their card. You can use riddles.

"Russell the animals home"

Purpose: To develop and to consolidate the knowledge of children about the places of residence of animals, the names of their dwellings. Develop speech.

Material: Flanelegraf, different natural areas of the earth (illustrations). Small cards with various animals, birds, etc.

Game progress:

Flannelegraf has different natural areas of the earth. Children have small cards with a variety of animals, birds, etc. The task of the children is to name their animal, where it lives, and put it near the desired natural zone on a flannelegraph.

"Travel underwater"

Target: Develop and consolidate knowledge about fish: sea, lake, river; about marine life, plants, and their habitat.

Material : Large lotto cards with a picture of a body of water. Small cards with fish, aquatic animals, plants, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to go on a water journey through different bodies of water. You can divide children into teams. Each team sets out on a journey to a specific reservoir. Next, the children select living objects for their bodies of water from the total number of small cards. The winner is the team that knows the inhabitants and plants of their reservoir better. Or the game is played like a lotto.

"The fourth extra"

Target: To clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the classifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking, speech.

Material: cards with various objects.

Game progress:

Cards are exposed: three - of one type, and the fourth of another. The task of children is to identify an extra card and explain their choice.

You can complicate the task and conduct the game verbally. By naming objects and objects.

"Harvesting the harvest"

Target: Develop and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries. Their place of growth (garden, vegetable garden, garden bed, tree, bush, in the ground, on the ground).

Material: Baskets with models: vegetables, fruits and berries (one basket). Dummies of vegetables, fruits and berries, or cards from loto with vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

In certain places of the group, pictures are placed with a vegetable garden and a garden, where dummies or cards are located. The children can be divided into two teams of gardeners and gardeners. At the signal of the leader, the teams harvest into their basket with the model. Condition: you can only carry one item at a time.

"Vegetable store"

Target: To develop and consolidate the knowledge of children about the external signs and characteristics of vegetables and fruits, their external signs for storage and preparation, ways of preparing them.

Material: Plane image of a jar for pickling and compotes, barrels for sourdough, storage boxes, freezer. Sets of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries.

Game progress:

Each child has a set of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries. Divide the children into teams (depending on the number of children). Each team makes its own "preparations" from its vegetables, fruits and berries.

Or, out of the total number of small cards, the teams (salt, leaven, folded for storage) choose for which blanks certain vegetables, fruits and berries are needed.


Target: To form and expand children's ideas about the nutrition of domestic and wild animals (birds, animals), to foster a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material: cards of different animals, birds, insects, food, vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

Children are encouraged to feed the animals at the zoo. The game is played like a lotto. The presenter shows cards with food, insects. The player who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal or bird.

Games and experiments

Card file

Group: Second junior


"Coloring water"

Target : Reveal the properties of water: water can be warm or cold, some substances dissolve in water. The more this substance, the more intense the color; the warmer the water, the faster the substance dissolves.

Material: Containers with water (cold and warm), paint, stirring sticks, measuring cups.

An adult and children examine 2-3 objects in the water, find out why they are clearly visible (the water is transparent). Next, they figure out how to color the water (add paint). An adult offers to color the water by himself (in glasses with warm and cold water). In which glass will the paint dissolve faster? (In a glass of warm water). How will the water be colored if there is more dye? (The water will become more colored.)

"Hands will be cleaner if you wash them with water."

Offer to use molds to make figures out of sand. To draw the attention of children to the fact that their hands have become dirty. What to do? Maybe let's dust off our palms? Or shall we blow on them? Are your palms clean? How to clean sand from your hands? (Wash with water). The teacher offers to do this. Output: What have we learned today? (Hands will be cleaner if you wash them with water.)

Storm in a glass.

Children are encouraged to put a straw in a glass of water and blow into it. What happens? (It turns out a storm in a glass of water).

"Wet sand takes any shape you want."

Offer to collect a handful of sand into the cam and release it in a small stream. What happens to dry sand? (It's pouring in). Let's try to build something out of dry sand. Do you get figurines? Let's try wetting dry sand. Take it in your cam and try to pour it out. Does it crumble easily too? (No). Pour it into molds. Make figurines. It turns out? What figures did you get? What sand did you manage to make the figurines from? (From wet).

Output: What have we learned today? What sand can you make figurines from? (From wet).

"Plants drink water."

Place the bunch of flowers in tinted water. After a while, the flower stems will also be colored.

Output: plants drink water.


Show the children the hourglass. Let them watch how the sand is poured. Give the children a sense of the length of the minute. Ask the children to pick up as much sand in their palms as possible, clench their fists and watch the trickle of sand run. Children should not open their fists until all the sand has spilled out. Suggest to reflect on the saying "Time is like sand", "Time is like water".


"Different feet stomp on the snowy path"

Teach children to get clear footprints in the snow The educator teaches children how to get clear footprints in the snow. Taking the child by the hands, he makes an imprint of his figure on the flat snow. Shows how to get different shapes out of snow.

"Ice slide"

Show children how to make a slide for a doll With the help of children's spades, the teacher and the children make a slide for the doll out of snow, then pour water on it and observe what happens to the slide until the end of the walk. Then they roll the doll down the ice slide.

"Snow town"

Teach children to make koloboks out of snow and a big house The teacher makes a kolobok out of snow and invites children to do the same. Then he shows how small koloboks can be used to build a large house, which is called a snow fortress.

"Multicolored figures"

Teach children to paint snow figures During a walk, the teacher makes figures from the snow together with the children: snowmen, turtles, pies, a snowy town from small lumps of snow. A caregiver brings out warm colored water in a spray, and the children paint snow figures with water.

"Water can flow, or it can splash."

Pour water into the watering can. The teacher demonstrates watering indoor plants (1-2). What happens to the water when I tilt the watering can? (Water is pouring). Where does the water come from? (From the spout of the watering can?). Show the children a special device for spraying - a spray bottle (children can be told that this is a special sprinkler). It is needed in order to spray on flowers in hot weather. We spray and refresh the leaves, they breathe easier. Flowers are taking a shower. Offer to observe the spraying process. Note that the droplets are very similar to dust because they are very small. Offer to substitute your palms, sprinkle on them. What are the palms now? (Wet). Why? (They were splashed with water). Today we poured water on the plants and sprinkled water on them.

Output: What have we learned today? What can happen to the water? (Water may be poured or splashed.)

"Helper water".

On the table after breakfast there were crumbs, tea stains. Guys, after breakfast the tables were dirty. Sitting down again at such tables is not very pleasant. What to do? (Wash). How? (With water and a cloth). Or maybe you can do without water? Let's try to wipe the tables with a dry napkin. It turned out to collect the crumbs, but the spots remained. What to do? (Wet a napkin with water and rub well). The teacher shows the process of washing the tables, invites the children to wash the tables themselves. Emphasizes the role of water during washing. Are the tables clean now?

Output: What have we learned today? When do the tables get very clean after eating? (If you wash them with water and a cloth).



To acquaint children with the properties of floating objects The teacher makes boats out of paper for children, and then launch them into puddles. If this happens in a group, then floating and metal toys are allowed into a basin of water, then they observe what happens to them.


To acquaint children with the properties of "diving" toys. Children are given tennis balls and shown what happens to them if they are thrown into the water.


Each child receives a plastic glass and a cocktail straw. The teacher shows how to get breakers in a glass.

"Let's collect some water"

Teach children to use a sponge to collect water. Each child is given a colored sponge. The teacher consolidates the children's knowledge of color on the sponges, then shows how you can collect water from the table into a basin with a sponge.


Teach children to make foam from shampoo Warm water is poured into the basin, then shampoo is added. Whisking water with your hands, you get a foam. You can bathe a doll in such water.

"Sun bunnies"

Teach children to play with a sun bunny Take out a mirror on a sunny day to the site and teach children how to start up a sun bunny. Organize games with the sun bunny.


Introduce children to the property of sunlight Tell children how a shadow appears, observe the movement of a shadow

"Multi-colored glass"

To acquaint children with the properties of transparent glass. Distribute colored glasses to children and observe through them how the world around them is changing.

Magic brush.

Target: To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors by mixing two (red and yellow - orange; blue and red - violet; blue and yellow - green).

Game material:Red, blue and yellow paints; palette; brush; pictograms with the image of two color spots; sheets with three drawn outlines of balloons.

Course of the game: An adult acquaints children with a magic brush and invites them to paint over two balls on the sheets with contours, as in the sample. The adult tells how the paints argued about which of them is more beautiful, who should paint the remaining balloon, and how a magic brush made them friends, suggesting that the paints should paint the remaining balloon together. Then the adult asks the children to mix paints on a palette (in accordance with the pictogram), paint over the third ball with new paint and name the resulting color.

Light heavy.

Target: to acquaint that objects are light and heavy. To teach how to determine the weight of objects and group objects by weight (light - heavy).

Game material:Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, various objects and toys; opaque containers with sand and leaves, pebbles and fluff, water and grass; selection of a character ("light", "heavy").

Game progress: Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka choose toys that each of them wants to take with him to his friends. There are several options for choosing toys:

● toys made of the same material, but different in size. The adult asks why Gena will take larger toys and checks the children's answers by weighing the toys in their hands;

● toys made of the same material, but some are hollow inside, while others are filled with sand. An adult asks what toys Cheburashka will take and why;

● toys of the same size and different materials. An adult finds out who will carry which toy and why. Then the adult invites the children to choose a "treat" in buckets that Cheburashka and Gena can deliver, and finds out: how to find out which bucket Cheburashka can deliver and which Gena? The adult tests the children's assumptions by looking at the contents of the buckets with them.

Card file of games and experiments with water, sand

for children of the 2nd junior group.


Acquaintance with water.

"The water is pouring."

Target: To acquaint children with the fact that water is pouring, we release the water, and it flows. The water is clean and transparent. Hands and soap are visible through it. The water washes away the dirt. Water must be protected.

Equipment: basin, napkins, soap.

Vocabulary work:pouring, clean, transparent, eyes, cheeks, mouth, tooth.

Stroke and Leadership:

The teacher brings in a bowl of clean water. And he offers to play with her, reading a poem:

Water, water, wash my face

So that the eyes shine

So that the cheeks burn

So that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites.

Children sprinkle in water, pass it through their hands.

Questions: What kind of water?

That's right, look how clean the water is, you can see your hands through it.

Suggests to lather hands with soap.

Look and tell me, what kind of water flows from your hands? (dirty).

These are how dirty your hands were. So what washes away the dirt? (Water and soap).

Do you need water? To whom? (Right, to us.)

Everyone needs water, it must be protected. The tap does not need to be opened strongly, do not indulge in it.


"Why do we need water?"

Target: To acquaint children with the properties of water, to tell why and for whom it is needed. Develop cognition in children. To foster a respect for water.

Equipment: watering can.

Vocabulary work:pours, you can drink, wash your hands, water the plants with it so that they grow.

Stroke and Leadership:

Look what I brought. What is it?

Right. This is a watering can, and there is water in it. See how clean and clear the water is. What do we need water for?

Right to drink, wash your hands, and why else?

You and I drink it, but do animals and plants need it? Yes, they will die without her.

Let's go to the flower bed and water our flowers so that they grow, bloom and have beautiful flowers.

Actions of children together with the teacher.

Experience with water

"Sinking - not sinking."

Target: Introduce that objects can sink in water, while others float on the surface. Develop the ability to distinguish between objects that are heavy and which are light, the desire to know. Foster curiosity.

Equipment: a basin with water, pebbles, a rubber toy duck.

Vocabulary work:to introduce into the speech of children the words sinking, swimming, heavy, light.

Stroke and Leadership:

The teacher brings in a basin of water with objects.

Educator: Guys, look what I brought you. The teacher shows the children objects.

What do I have? (right, pebbles and a duck).

See, I'll show you the trick.

The teacher lowers the pebble and the duckling into the water.

What is it, guys, look, why the pebble sank, and the duckling swims?

Suggests touching a pebble.

What is he? (heavy).

Surely he is heavy, so he drowns.

And the duck? (light).

Therefore, it does not sink, but floats on the surface.

Children play with water and toys.

An experience.

"The water is cold and hot."

Target: To continue to develop the sensations of children - to learn to distinguish between cold and hot water, correctly denote it with words. Water is our helper. To foster a sense of cleanliness and tidiness in children.

Equipment: two plastic containers with cold and hot water.

Vocabulary work:cold, hot.

Stroke and Leadership:

The teacher brings in containers with water. And he proposes to determine where is cold and where is hot water. It is hot in one basin and cold in the other, so you should not put your hands in it.

Guys how to check. You don't know, you have to touch the container.

The teacher, together with the children, touches the container with cold water.

What basin? Children's answer: cold.

Then they touch the hot water container.

What do you think is the basin?

That's right, hot, because the water is hot.

It can be used to make warm water. The teacher mixes water in one container in front of the children.

Now you can touch it with your finger.

Let's say: "Wash, wash - do not be afraid of water."

Water helps us to be clean and tidy. We don't want to be dirty. Children, everyone needs water, it is our helper, it must be protected.

An experience

"Multi-colored water".

Target: Continue to acquaint children with water, that it can be clean, which pours from the tap. Everyone needs clean water, it must be protected. But water can be made colored by adding paint to it. Such water becomes opaque, nothing can be seen through it.

Equipment: container with water, paint, pebble.

Vocabulary work:activate in the speech of children the words pure, transparent, opaque, colored.

Stroke and Leadership:

The teacher brings in a glass of clean water and paint. Offers to see what he brought.

Educator: that's right, I brought you clean water and paint. Guys, why do I need paint? Do not know. I'll show you the trick.

What kind of water?

True, clean, transparent, hands are visible through it. What do I have in this jar? That's right, paint.

Look, I took and poured some red paint into a jar of clean water. What do you see what color the water has become? (Red).

I poured a blue one into this jar, and a yellow one into this one. What color did the water become? Right, yellow and blue.

Let's look through this water, if we can see each other. Now I will throw something into the water. Tell me what I quit? Anya, now come on. Look, can you see what you threw? Why is it not visible? (The water is dirty, not transparent).

This is the trick we did, I liked it. The water can be different.

An experience

"Solid water".

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, to draw their attention to the fact that water can be solid, if you freeze it, ice is also water. Develop attention, curiosity. To foster a respect for water.

Equipment: container with plain water and frozen.

Vocabulary work:water flows, liquid, solid, does not flow.

Stroke and Leadership:

The teacher brings in a jar of plain water and a container with pieces of ice, previously frozen in the refrigerator.

Educator: look what I brought you?

In one jar I have simple, clean water. It flows, liquid.

You can wash your hands in it, do you think? That's right, you can.

Now look what's in this jar? That's right, ice floes. What are they, touch? That's right, they are cold. They are also solid.

What are the pieces of ice “made of”? Right out of the water. This is also water, only it has frozen in the refrigerator. Can such water flow? That's right, no, but what should we do. Let's put it in the sun and see what happens.

Time passes and the teacher and the children check the jar of ice.

See where the pieces of ice have disappeared? No, they did not disappear at all, but turned into water. The sun warmed her up, and the ice melted. Also, ice floes melt in spring.

Game - fun with water

"Circles on the water".

Target: Elicit a positive emotional response in children. Develop the ability to blow out a stream of air by folding the lips with a tube. Foster a desire to play with water.

Equipment: a basin of water.

Game progress: The teacher brings in a basin of water.

Game motivation: I want to show a trick with water.

The teacher leans over the basin and blows into the water.

Look at the water circles appeared.

Invites children to do the same.

Children's actions.

Game - fun with water

"Launching a boat on the water."

Target: Create a positive emotional attitude. Develop a desire to play with water in summer. Foster a desire to play together.

Equipment: a basin of water, boats.

Receptions: 1. Surprise moment: bringing in boats.

2. Game motivation: let's see who has the boat sailing further.

3. Indication: let it go one by one, do not push with your hands, blow with your lips, making a tube.

4. Actions of children.

5. Encouragement: Well done, everyone's boats have sailed far away.



"What do we need sand for?"

Target: To draw the attention of children to the things that surround them, for which we need them. Continue to consolidate the ability to take care of the world around them.

Vocabulary work:activate the words in the speech of children: sandbox, sand, take care, play with it, pour, pour. Make buildings with a spatula, bucket, molds.

Conversation progress:

The teacher invites children to the sandbox.

Look what I brought. (Shows a spatula, bucket and molds).

Children name what the teacher brought.

Why do I need these toys?

Correct to play.

What is this? (Points to the sandbox).

Sandbox, there is sand in it.

And what do we need him for? Right, to play with him.

How can we play with sand? children answer, the teacher helps them in answers and shows actions with sand.

Well done, they rightly said, I can pour it from mold into mold. Blind something, dig with a shovel.

Guys, can you take it out?

True, no, if we take it out every time, then our sand will not remain in the sandbox at all. It must be protected.

The teacher offers to play with sand and distributes toys.

Sand experience

"Wet - dry".

Target: Teach children to distinguish between dry and wet sand. To draw the attention of children to the fact that buildings can only be made of wet sand. Develop attention. Foster a desire to play.

Vocabulary work:dry, wet, crumbles.

Equipment: two containers with sand (dry and wet, two molds.)


The teacher brings in transparent bowls of sand and molds.

Guys, look what I brought. I brought you sand and molds. Let's make an Easter cake with you. The teacher first pours dry sand into the mold, turns the mold over and knocks on it. Opens and all the sand crumbles, the cake does not work.

What happened guys, why didn't we have a cake?

What kind of sand do we need for this? That's right, wet.

Guys, look at the dry sand, it is light, it crumbles in your hands. And wet - dark, in the hands it does not crumble, you can make many Easter cakes from it. In order for it to be wet, it must be poured with water.

The teacher gives the children toys and offers to play in the sandbox with wet sand.

Playing with sand

"Let's bake pies ..."

Target: Continue to improve children's skills in playing with sand, pouring, turning over, sculpting. Develop imagination. Cultivate an interest in sand play.

Equipment: Teddy bear toy, shovels, buckets, molds.

Game progress:

The teacher brings Mishka in.

Game situation: Guys, Mishka has come to visit us, he will have many guests. Game motivation: let's help him bake a lot of pies.

The teacher distributes molds and scoops.

The teacher shows and accompanies them with words.

We collect sand, pour it into the mold, turn it over, knock and raise the mold.

Children's actions.

Playing with sand

"House for the dog."

Objective: To continue teaching children to dig a hole with a shovel. Develop hand motor skills in children. To cultivate respect for animals.

Equipment: shovels, toys - sticks in the sand with the image of a dog.

Game progress:

The teacher brings in sticks and a dog.

Game situation: a dog came to visit us, she does not have a home.

Game motivation: let's make her a house.

Show the teacher: the teacher takes a scapula and digs a hole, then puts it on a stick in the hole.

Children's actions.

Encouragement: Well done, guys, now she has a house.

Game - fun "Drawing in the sand".

Target: Continue teaching children to draw the individual parts. Develop hand motor skills in children. Foster the desire to paint in the sand.

Equipment: cases from pens.

Techniques: 1. Play motivation: the teacher invites you to draw on the sand.

2. Actions of the teacher: the teacher begins to draw the sun, and the children draw the rays. (Grass, flower).

3. Note: You can draw while sitting.

4. Actions of children.

5. Encouragement: well done, here's a beautiful picture.

Get to know the world while playing!

Collect the plant

Target. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the structure of a plant, its parts and their significance for plant life.

Material... A large painting depicting a lawn (without flowers, grass, etc.) and cutouts for plants, cut parts of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit).


1. Remember what the structure of a plant is.

2. Choose from the proposed material that which can be a part of the plant.

3. Collect the whole plant from parts, name it and plant it on the lawn.


1. The number of players is from 4 to 6 people.

2. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly collected his plant and planted it on the lawn.

Algorithm of conducting

1. Teacher:

- Guys, beautiful flowers once grew in this meadow. But one day a terrible hurricane swept here. After him, this is what remained ... (The teacher shows the children an empty yellow-brown lawn under a blue sky.)

- Do you like this lawn? Can you call it that? (No.)

- How to make her beautiful? (Plants need to be planted.)

- Let's revive this lawn. We will plant flowers, make her beautiful. Flowers will grow on it, and elegant butterflies, dragonflies and bees will fly. She will be as before, and even better. It will delight not only us, but all people with its beauty.

2. Children are provided with sets of not only cut parts of plants, but also unnecessary items.

3. Children choose what they want and then make a plant, name it and plant it on the lawn.

4. In the process of general work, a colorful picture of a beautiful lawn is obtained.

5. Children who have distinguished themselves in completing the assignment are given the opportunity to place the "arrived" butterflies, dragonflies and bees on the flowers of the lawn.

6. At the end of the game, a summary is made.

Pig house

Target. Give initial information about the process of building a house (choosing a place, preparing for construction, procurement of building materials, etc.). Form the ability to plan their activities, work together. To cultivate the ability to listen to a friend, reckon with his opinion, and help.

Material. S. Mikhalkov's tale "Three Little Pigs", cards depicting the heroes of the tale, a large picture of a forest, "building materials" (stones drawn and cut out of paper, straw, branches), the outlines of houses on which "building materials" will be glued, glue stick.

Exercise... Build a house for each pig, tell about the construction process.


1. 3 - 6 people can take part in the game.

2. Work in teams in a friendly manner, those who interfere with the productive activities of the team, bring their team a negative score.

3. If the team independently, without the teacher's reminder, has decorated its building, the area around it, then it is given additional points.

4. The winner is the team that has no negative points, which coped with the task (neatly and beautifully built the house and was able to talk about the construction process).

Algorithm of conducting

1. Children are divided into three teams of 2-3 people.

2. Each team chooses one of three piglets: Nif-Nifa, Nuf-Nufa or Naf-Nafa. Someone they would like to help build a house.

3. Children in teams advise on where to locate their hero's house, plan joint activities.

4. The construction process is in progress.

Miracle flower

Target. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the appearance of a flower, its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit). To acquaint with the needs of the plant in certain conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air, heat) for normal growth and development. To acquaint with the stages of development of a living being, with the properties, with the qualities of a living. To form generally accepted aesthetic standards. Develop thinking, imagination, speech. To instill a love of nature, the need to take care of living things (in this case, a plant).

Material. A didactic picture, divided into two halves: on one half there is a layer of soil and air, on the other - cards depicting favorable conditions for the growth and development of a plant, stages of plant life, which can be inserted into the first half of a didactic picture in a certain sequence, thereby illustrating plant life cycle.


1. Pick up only those cards on which the conditions for the successful development of the plant are depicted, and insert into the first half of the picture.

2. Carefully consider the stages of plant life, consistently tell about them and arrange them in the didactic picture.


1. The number of players is no more than 5 people.

2. Play in turns.

3. The one who correctly completed the assignment is considered a connoisseur.

Algorithm of conducting

1. The teacher conducts a short conversation with the children, sets them up for the future game.

“We all love flowers — both adults and children. Why do we love them? (For beauty.)

- It's good when there are a lot of flowers. They decorate our homes, cheer us up. Do you think the flowers are alive, do they feel anything? It turns out that flowers, like any living being, need care, love, certain living conditions. Do you have flowers at home? How do you take care of them? What do they need every day?

2. The teacher invites the children to look at the visual material and guess what the game will be about.

3. The teacher introduces the rules of the game and the task.

4. At the end of the game, a summary is made.

Prepare a bunny and a squirrel for winter

Target... To acquaint children with the changes in the color of the fur of forest animals with the arrival of winter, to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. To form the ability to correctly select and make clothes for animals. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in natural objects.

Material... Two paintings depicting the same forest in autumn and winter; a set of bunnies and squirrels to make clothes for the winter; blanks of clothes (templates).


1. Choose which of the animals would like to make clothes.

2. Pick up the right clothes and dress the animal in a winter outfit.

3. Place it in the forest.


1. The number of players is 3-4.

2. Play together, do not interfere with each other.

Algorithm of conducting

1. The teacher conducts a short conversation on the topic.

- Wild animals that live in the forest and pets that live next to humans, by the time of winter, replace their light summer outfits with winter ones. Why do you think? (In order not to freeze in the cold winter.)

- You know, today bunnies and squirrels came to our kindergarten. (Show.)

“They ask you to prepare clothes for them for the winter. Let's fulfill this request.

2. The teacher gives each child a bunny or a squirrel, blanks of clothing (templates).

3. When the children complete all the tasks and place the animals in the winter forest, the teacher asks them two questions:

- Do you think a wolf, a fox or a hunter will notice a bunny (squirrel) in such an outfit?

- What can happen if a bunny (squirrel) is noticed?

4. When answering these questions, a child who has chosen clothes for a bunny or a squirrel in bright colors (yellow, red, etc.) understands his mistake. He is given the opportunity to correct it.

5. At the end of the game, a summary is made.


Target... Strengthen the knowledge of children about the profession of builders, machines that help build houses, building materials. Consolidate knowledge about the process of building a house. Consolidate knowledge of ordinal counting (1st, 2nd floor, etc.). To form the ability to form nouns with the suffix -schik-, -chik- (bricklayer, plumber, crane operator, etc.)

Material. Paintings depicting blocks, panels of houses; paintings depicting machines that help in the construction of houses; flag - non-graph; distinctive cards.


1. Select mechanisms and materials from a large number of proposed for building a house.

2. Establish a sequence for building a house.

3. "Build" a model of a house on a flannelgraph, taking into account all the features of construction.


1. The number of players is 4-5 people.

2. For correct answers, children receive a distinctive card.

3. The winners are those children who actively “built” a house together and have distinctive cards.

Algorithm of conducting

1. The teacher says:

- Today we will be builders. We will build a house. What can it be built from? (Children speak up.)

- Who builds houses? What machines do you think will help us?

2. Children choose from the offered machines (tractor, car, bulldozer, crane, bus, truck, etc.) the ones they need. Determine the construction sequence.

3. The teacher asks the children:

—What should be done before starting building a house? (Clear the area.)

- And then? (Children answer.)

4. Children perform play activities. The flannelgraph has a strip of brown paper at the bottom representing the ground. Children choose the machines they need for construction. The bulldozer “drives” along this strip, levels the ground, prepares the site for construction, the excavator “digs a pit” (the middle of the brown paper is removed and a black strip is inserted, symbolizing the laying of the foundation). A crane is being installed. The assembly of "floors" begins, that is, the installation of blocks and panels. Next, the children "install the roof." After the completion of "construction", "finishing works" are underway. Children are given the opportunity to equip the playground near the house ("plant" trees, shrubs, flowers, etc. next to it).

5. At the end of the game, a summary is made.

Current page: 1 (the book has 7 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 2 pages]

L. Yu. Pavlova

Collection of didactic games to familiarize yourself with the world around you

The game as a phenomenon was not disregarded by many domestic and Western educators and psychologists. The use of the game for solving various pedagogical problems contributed to the development of both its form and content. Recognizing the influence of play on the development of mental neoplasms and on the all-round development of the child's personality, both stressed that the ability to play for children is very important.

Experts note that play is, to a certain extent, one of the ways of learning about the world around them, especially when children use play as a reflection of reality. The game, as Professor A. V. Zaporozhets pointed out, does not arise spontaneously, as a product of individual creativity, but under the influence and as a result of the assimilation of social experience. A child, like an adult, is a social being. He lives and is brought up in the company of his parents, peers, surrounded by kindergarten workers, etc. This is how the personality is gradually formed. It should be noted that the environment in which a child develops is not limited to the natural sphere, it includes both the production sphere and relations between people. The child learns about the world around him through sensory perception and through certain sources of information (adults, older children, peers, literature, art, media, etc.). A small child is a kind of bearer of certain biophysical components, which, on the one hand, make him a part of nature, and on the other, distinguish him from other living beings in nature and society.

It should be noted that there is some difference between what the world really is and how the child perceives it. The teacher will help the child correctly understand the surrounding reality (natural and social) in the educational process through certain forms of work with him. The impressions received by children create not only the basis for the development and formation of correct ideas, but also provide a certain basis for conducting joint games. In our daily work, we use didactic play as a means of acquainting and clarifying knowledge about the natural environment and, more broadly, as a means of acquainting children with the social world. Games prepared by the teacher, taking into account all the requirements for their conduct, will help to ensure the correct, painless assimilation of social experience by children. In the process of playing in situations simulated by the teacher, it is easier for the child to plan his activities and learn the norm of behavior in the world around him.

The upbringing nature of the game increases as a result of the enrichment of children with knowledge, that is, in the process of upbringing and educational work. M. Gorky believed that “education sets itself three goals: saturation of a person with knowledge about himself and the world around him; the formation of character and the development of will; formation and development of abilities ". The game is a kind of activity that can solve these problems, because in the game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, ideas. In this case, there is an interaction between play and real relationships between children.

At the present stage of development of society, a new type of personality is required, with deep knowledge of the world around, able to choose the right behavior, a healthy lifestyle. The behavior of each person is associated with the amount of knowledge available to him. In the upbringing of the younger generation (in this case, preschool children), it is didactic play that turns out to be the most effective means for acquainting, clarifying and systematizing knowledge about the surrounding not only natural, but also the social world.

When planning the content of a didactic game to familiarize children with social reality, the teacher must first of all create conditions under which there will be an impact on the intellectual, moral and volitional development of the child and the formation of his emotionally positive attitude to the environment. For example, the content of the didactic game "Do the Right Thing" is aimed at forming the child's ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life. This game is based on the poem by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad." The material for this game is a series of pictures depicting children in various everyday situations corresponding to the plots of the poem, that is, examples of both positive and negative behavior of children are given. In the course of the game, children are invited to consider the images, assess the actions of the heroes, put aside cards depicting positive actions in one direction, negative ones in the other. Find out what the children would do in such situations. This game reveals the ability of children to assess the situation based on their own experience and the rules and norms determined by society. In a playful way, the initial skills to sympathize, empathize, come to the rescue are developed, that is, the child's life position is formed in the social and everyday environment. The child's comprehension of events, the explanation of the actions of the characters from a series of plot pictures enrich the preschooler's experience and form an emotional-evaluative attitude towards the society in which he is.

An integral part of acquaintance with society is made up of didactic games, the content of which is related to the professions of people. The attention of children can be presented, for example, a game "Map of professions". The material for it is a large painting, consisting of multi-colored sheets fastened together with various public institutions depicted on them. In this picture there is a starting position for the players, from which there is a path from circles to one or another institution. Moving along one of these paths, the child names the professions of people who work where the path leads. This game is aimed at identifying the general ideas of children about where adults work, knowledge of specialties, to correlate place, specialty and type of activity (a doctor works in a hospital, clinic, he heals people, a teacher works at a school, he teaches children, etc.) etc.). After such a game, it is advisable to introduce games to familiarize oneself with a certain type of profession (builder, postman, driver, etc.), which give a more complete picture of the work and the originality of people's professions. The content of these games also includes familiarizing children with mechanisms that help people work (builders, drivers, loaders, ambulance teams, etc.).

Games in which children are invited to play the role of people of a particular profession are effective. For example, in a didactic game "Make a fairy tale" children become animators: they independently make up “shots” for a filmstrip based on a familiar work. The material for this game is an impromptu "film strip", "frames", filled and empty, which must be sketched by the children themselves, colored pencils. The possibilities inherent in this game not only help the intellectual development of children, the development of visual skills, but also form the ability of children to work together. The result of the joint work of children will be the compilation and sketching of a "film strip". With its help, you can work on composing creative retellings.

The structure and characteristics of these games determine their great potential. A unique combination - the replacement of real objects with imaginative ones and the presence of a didactic task inherent in play - makes it possible for the teacher, on the one hand, to achieve cognitive goals during the game, and on the other hand, to simulate various (real and unreal) situations in which children decide how game and cognitive tasks. Balancing between the real and the imaginative, the existing and the fiction, of course, attracts the attention and interest of children. The imagery of the content of many didactic games allows us to compare them with a fairy tale, but only play allows children to be active, which is very important for preschool children. Actions in a didactic game can be different both in practical and mental terms - from actions that allow the development of sensory processes, and ending with complex logical inferences. The game organically fits into all sections of upbringing and educational work with children.

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to think over the content of the games for each direction of educational work with children. You can repeatedly include the game in one form or another. At the same time, new elements must be introduced into the content of games already known to children. The use of a particular game is dictated not only by the didactic tasks and content inherent in it, but also by the set of visual didactic material. It is advisable to use a wide range of visual materials of large and small forms, you can attract musical accompaniment, include artistic and creative activities of children.

Games offered to the attention of children should be interconnected in each of the forms of upbringing and educational work. The interrelation of didactic games is quite easy to implement if certain requirements for these games are fulfilled: from game to game, the development of children's mental activity should occur; each subsequent game should, if possible, continue the sequence of actions, events of the previous one; after each topic covered, it is necessary to compose a set of games to practice the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills. We will now illustrate how these requirements are fulfilled using the example of several didactic games.


Target... Reveal the level of knowledge of children about the professions of builders, machines that help build houses, building materials for building a house, the construction process, consolidate the knowledge of ordinal counting (1st, 2nd floor, etc.). Form the ability to form nouns with suffixes -shchik-, -chick -(crane operator, mason, plumber etc.).

Material... Paintings depicting blocks, panels of houses, pictures of machines helping to build houses, etc.


1. Select from a large number of proposed mechanisms and materials necessary for the construction of a "house".

2. Establish the sequence for the construction of the "house".

3. Build a "home".

During this game, the teacher explains to the children that building a house is a difficult process. Draws the attention of children to a certain sequence of the work of builders. First, the architect determines the location for the construction of the building. At this site, workers and engineers are digging a pit to a certain depth, leveling it. Then they begin to build the foundation. Foundations are different: tape, on piles, etc. - depending on the bearing capacity of the soil on which the building is being built. When the work on the construction of the foundation is completed, work begins on the construction of the building itself, by floor.

Plan the city

Target... To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a city is, what buildings, institutions, houses are in the city. Find out with the children how best to plan the construction of the city on the map. To draw the attention of children to the ecology of the city. To form the ability, based on the map, to draw up a model of the city from a large "Builder", the ability to operate with substitute objects. Pay attention to the beauty of architectural structures in Moscow.

Material... Large city map, large cards depicting urban objects and cards depicting trees, bushes, fountains, a large "Builder", colored pencils, adhesive tape, scissors.


1. Outline the center and outskirts of the city.

2. To remove harmful industries outside the city.

3. According to the plan to build a model of the city from a large "Builder".

These games reinforce children's knowledge of building houses in the human world. The first game enables children to implement the knowledge gained in the classroom in elementary play activities. This game is not particularly difficult, but it teaches the child to use knowledge, to listen to the opinion of his peers.

In the next game, the content and tasks become more complicated, children are given complete independence in building a model of the city, the teacher's participation in this game is minimal. Children outline the center and outskirts of the city; based on their life experience, they determine what should be in the city, what should not be; determine where government buildings, offices should be located, and where residential areas and social infrastructure should be. The teacher deliberately leaves objects incompletely ready for play (bakery, pharmacy, etc.). Children independently work with substitute objects - they finish painting, glue them. The teacher in this game has the opportunity to find out how children communicate (determine the level of communication), how they distribute play responsibilities among themselves (who will do what), and, of course, identify the level of knowledge of each child.

It should be noted that the development of children's cognitive activity is influenced not only by the gradual complication of games in terms of cognitive tasks, content, game actions, rules, but also by the amount of visual material used. It can both increase and decrease. Didactic games with a minimum amount of visual material are useful.

The content of didactic games conducted by a teacher with children must correspond to the seasons, because with the changes taking place in nature, changes occur in the world of people, starting with clothes and ending with the activities of people characteristic of a particular season. For example, in the autumn period, games are held, the content of which reflects the autumn phenomena of inanimate nature and their impact on wildlife, as well as the life and activities of living beings in nature and humans in cities and villages during this period of time (harvesting, harvesting for the winter, taking care of pets, etc.).

In each season, children need to get acquainted with such didactic games, thanks to which they realize the beauty of a given season, its beneficial effect on human activities (people create picturesque paintings, music, sculptures, poems, fairy tales, etc.).

Didactic games for practicing terminology are important. For example, you need to work out terms related to the structure of the plant (root, stem, leaves, flowers, bud, fruit, etc.). The names of such parts of the plant as leaves, flower, root, are learned by children well, but names such as stem cause certain difficulties. Children can call him both "stick" and "pillar". Various games on this topic have been developed by teachers. Carrying out only one game does not give a meaningful result. It is necessary to conduct several games, which one after another will acquaint children with the peculiarities of the structure of plants, continuing to create conditions for working out terms.

For example, after using three consecutive games "Miracle flower", "Who needs water, and who needs a clearing", "Prepare the medicine", children begin to name different parts of the plant correctly and more easily master the term "stem". The didactic game "Miracle Flower" is aimed at consolidating the knowledge of children about the appearance of a plant, about its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit), to familiarize with the needs of the plant in certain external conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air , warmth) for normal growth and development, for acquaintance with the stages of development of a living being, its properties, qualities, for working out generally accepted aesthetic standards.

The game "Who needs water, and who needs a clearing" introduces children to the abode of the plant. In what places does he like to grow: in a sunny meadow or on a shaded forest edge, next to water or in water (what is it - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-loving, shade-tolerant)? How does it adapt to an abundance or lack of moisture? During the game, there is an acquaintance with the variety of the appearance of the plant, the structural features of the root, leaves, etc.

In the game "Prepare the medicine" children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, about where it grows, about the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties that are inherent in certain parts of it. Thus, children are offered various games with one goal: to work out the knowledge of children about the structure of a plant, its features and benefits for people.

This book contains didactic games that can be categorized into three categories:

- games for acquaintance with flora and fauna, aimed at acquainting children with the way of life of plants and animals;

- games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationship between living objects and the environment;

- games for acquaintance with the human and animal habitat created by man, aimed at acquainting children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.

Didactic games, correctly used in the educational process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other, a kind of practical child's activity in mastering the surrounding reality.

Flora and fauna introduction games

Seed life

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. To acquaint children with the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas), the stages of plant development. To develop the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds by shape, color, size.

Material. Vegetable seeds, vegetable stage cards, special cups with lids and a wet filter.

Exercise. Consider a seed, choose the desired set of cards, arrange the stages of development of a vegetable culture in order, tell about the life and development of this plant.


1. The number of players depends on how many sets are prepared; the number of players can be increased by playing in teams.

2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.

Algorithm of conducting

1. The educator tells the children about the life of the little seed.

“Throughout the long winter, we slept seeds in a box. Look how small and defenseless they are, but each of them has an extraordinary life force. Now in each small seed the life of the future plant sleeps. We will wake them up, and then we will dream what they will be.

The teacher, together with the children, places the seeds of various vegetable crops in special cups on a wet filter and closes with a lid. After a while, the lid fogs up.

- These are our seeds awake, they breathe. It won't take long for each of them to have a small white tail. (Shows a sprouted seed.)

- What do you think it is? (This is a small spine.)

- This sprouted seed must be planted in the ground, and an adult plant will gradually grow out of it, if, of course, you do not forget to take care of it.

- And now let's dream about which plants will grow from our seeds (pepper, tomato, cucumber, beans, beans, peas).

2. Each child is given a seed, it is proposed to carefully consider it and select cards for him with the image of the stages of development of this vegetable culture. (Each card shows a seed from which a given plant grew. The shape, color and size of the seed drawn in the pictures help you navigate the selection of cards.)

3. Children pick up the right cards, put them in the correct sequence, talk about their plant.

4. At the end of the game, a summary is made.

Build an animal house

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of the life of various wild animals, their housing, building materials that they use. To form the ability to select the right material for building a house for any of the animals.

Material. A large didactic picture, cards with images of animal houses (anthill, beehive, bird nest, etc.), building materials (twigs, blades of grass, fluff, leaves, etc.), the animals themselves.


1. Choose from the offered animals those whom you want to help.

2. Choose from the proposed building materials only what is needed for your animal.

3. Choose a house for the animal.

4. Tell about your choice.


1. The game is played in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each).

2. The one who quickly and correctly coped with the task and was able to explain his choice won.

This card index contains didactic games that can be categorized according to three criteria:

1. Games for acquaintance with flora and fauna, aimed at acquainting children with the way of life of plants and animals.

2. Games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationship between living objects and the environment.

3. Games for acquaintance with the human-created environment for humans and animals, aimed at acquainting children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.

Didactic games, correctly used in the educational upbringing process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral upbringing, and on the other, a kind of practical child's activity in mastering the surrounding reality.

Seed life.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, stages of plant development. To form the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds in shape, color, size.

Material: Vegetable seeds, vegetable stage cards, special cups with lids and a wet filter.

1. The number of players depends on how many sets are prepared; the number of players can be increased by playing in teams.

2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.

Whose trace.

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about wild animals, about their lifestyle in the winter garden. Introduce the concept of "footprints", find out how footprints appear in winter and why they are not visible in summer. To acquaint with the types of traces of wild animals, to form the ability to correlate the animal with the traces left by it in the winter forest. Develop logical thinking, imagination, coherent speech.

Material: Didactic painting of a winter forest, pictures of wild animals, a variety of footprints in the picture.

1. Carefully consider the picture of the winter forest.

2. One after another to express their thoughts and wishes, which of the animals where to put.

3. Determine the owner of the tracks (choose the one you want from the animals and put it next to his tracks).

1. The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

2. The child who places the animals correctly in the winter forest wins.

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about insects, butterflies. To form the ability to visually correlate the proportions in the structure of butterflies, shapes and colors with the existing reality in the world of butterflies.


On the field of the didactic game, various flowers are depicted, among them are inserted pictures with swirling butterflies (of different sizes, proportions, structure).

Exercise. Choose a butterfly that does not exist in nature, tell why you think so.

2. Play in turns.

3. The winner is the child who collects the largest number of non-existent butterflies and is able to explain why exactly they need to be removed from the meadow of flowers.

Let's put animals in our forest.

Target. To acquaint children with the habitat of various animals. Find out how the image of the animal and the habitat are related. To form the ability of children, focusing on the appearance of the animal, to correlate it with the habitat

(land, water, air).

Material. Didactic painting depicting a forest with a river, various dwellings of wild animals, cards depicting forest dwellers.

1. Choose one of the animals, think about where it would be convenient for him to live, explain why.

2. To settle the animal in a certain house and explain its choice (why it can live in this or that house and cannot - in others).

1. Play in a team (3 teams of 2 - 3 people each).

Mother's outfits are of the earth.

Target. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the change of seasons, about the main features of each season, natural phenomena characteristic of it.

Material. Didactic painting, divided into four parts (depicting autumn, winter, spring, summer); cards depicting natural phenomena (rain, snow, wind).

1. Select cards with images of those natural phenomena that correspond to a particular season, put on the corresponding part of the didactic picture.

2. Tell about the reasons for the choice.

1. The game can participate from 12 to 16 people.

2. The correctness of the choice of this or that card is discussed only by the team members without involving adults and outsiders.

3. The winner is the team that completed the task quickly and without mistakes.

River fish.

Target. Reveal the knowledge of children about fish, their structure, about the features of the habitat. To form the ability to correlate the structure of a living being with the environment, with a way of life. Find out how the coloration of river fish helps them hide or protect themselves from other river inhabitants. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. Didactic painting depicting a flowing body of water, a river; cut out images of river fish.

1. Consider carefully the proposed fish.

2. Choose from them only river ones, name them.

3. Place in a pond in a separate place - where this or that fish likes to live.

1. The number of players is 3 - 4 people.

2. The winner is the one who chose the right fish, explained his choice and placed them on the didactic picture.

My room.

Target. Reveal the ideas of each child about what his room should be. Find out what objects, things, toys he likes, is there any interest in books, how the child correlates colors, what is his mood. Develop spatial thinking.

Material. Sheets of paper of different colors (empty rooms), one for each child; cards depicting furniture of various colors, toys, curtains (dark and light colors); cards depicting houseplants, pets, books, computer.

1. Arrange your room.

2. Choose cards with subjects that you like.

3. Arrange everything on your own.

4. Tell about your choice.

1. The number of players is 5 - 6 people.

2. Work independently.

3. When choosing cards, be guided by your opinion.

4. The winner is the one who will cope with the task faster than others and will be able to clearly explain his actions.

City and countryside.

Target. To reveal the knowledge of children about people living in cities and villages, about the types of their activities. Find out what the differences are. To form the ability to think logically, to generalize already known information about the world around. Foster respect for working people.

Material. Cards depicting various objects of the city and village (forest, field, farm, cinema, stadium, factory, town and country houses, people of different professions (combine operator, poultry woman, milkmaids, worker, doctor).

Exercise. One team must draw up a picture of the city, the other - a picture of the village.

1. Play by teams (2 teams of 3-4 people each).

2. The team that quickly and correctly cope with the task wins.

Do the right thing.

Target. To form in the child ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life.

Material. V. Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad"; a series of pictures depicting children in various everyday situations corresponding to the plots of the poem - examples of both positive and negative behavior of children, green and red circles.

1. Carefully consider the received card, evaluate the actions of the heroes.

2. Set aside cards depicting positive actions in one direction, negative in the other.

1. The number of players is 5 - 6 people.

2. For each correct answer, a child or a team receives a commendable prize - the sun.

3. A child or a team that has collected a large number of suns are considered the winners.

Types of labor

Target. To give an idea of ​​the physical and mental work of people in our country. To reveal the knowledge of children about the activities of people of mental and physical labor, to find out the significance of each of the types of labor. Develop an interest in people's work activities. Instill respect for working people.

Material. Large map divided into two parts; one depicts a man at a table, the other depicts a man with a hammer, cards depicting a teacher with children, a doctor in a medical office, an engineer with drawings, an astronomer with a telescope, a worker at a factory, a bus driver, a builder at a construction site.

1. Choose cards depicting people of physical (for one team) and mental (for another team) labor.

2. Tell about the chosen professions.

1. Children need to be divided into 2 teams of 3 - 4 people.

2. Each team member takes part in the game.

3. The team whose members completed the task quickly and correctly is declared the winner.

Traffic lights

Target. Reveal and expand children's ideas about the purpose of the street. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road: behavior on city streets, crossing the carriageway to traffic signals (red - stand, yellow - get ready, green - go). To develop the ability to identify with pedestrians, drivers behind the wheel of cars, law enforcement officers, that is, to play out the daily life of the city.

Material. Models of traffic lights, houses, green spaces, model cars (or toy cars, figures of pedestrians, drivers, etc.)

1. Choose a figurine for yourself, that is, a piano, which the child will play.

2. Play, examining traffic situations and observing traffic rules (obey traffic lights when crossing the street).

1. The number of participants is 5 - 6 people.

2. Children who flawlessly follow the traffic rules are declared the best pedestrians and drivers.


Target. To acquaint children with the protective properties of snow. Talk about the structure of snowflakes, a variety of patterns and shapes. Strengthen the ability to cut various shapes of snowflakes.

Material. Didactic picture of a winter forest (snow only on trees and shrubs); pencils, paper, scissors - for each child.

1. The number of players should not exceed 5 - 6 people.

Dulina Kristina Andreevna

Card file for didactic games
acquaintance with the surrounding world.
1.1 "Laying in the cradle".
1.2 “What is this? Who is this?".
living or inanimate object.
Purpose of the game: to acquaint children with the concept of "word" denoting
Equipment. Animated and inanimate objects (table,
book, toys, birds, fish, etc.)
Description of the game. We told the children that: “There are many different
items. And we can ask about each subject. I will ask you, and
you answer me in one word: "What is this?" ". Showed different things
for example: book, table, etc. "How can you ask about these items?" “What
this is?".
Then they asked: “Now I’ll ask you differently. Who is this?" and
pointed to animate objects: a bird, a fish, a nanny, etc. and
asked the children: “How can you ask? (Who is this?) "Called different
objects, and the children asked the question "Who?" Thus, we gradually
brought children to the concept of "living non-living".
1.3 "What has changed."
Purpose of the game: to teach children to name objects correctly, to enrich
what helps
concentrate. Foster a love of your toys and the habit of cleaning
them after the game.
Develop memory and attention,
Equipment: toys of different sizes and colors: teddy bear,
hare, elephant, kitten, fox, 2-3 small dolls, cubes of different
colors and shapes.
Age: 3-4 years.
The course of the game: the teacher invites the children to play together and
determine the most attentive and observant. This requires
see and say what item is missing.
You can conduct a lesson immediately with the whole group of children and
individually. If the game is collective, then the leader asks everyone to stand up.
in a circle, in the center of which he puts several prepared toys in
a certain order.

The teacher then tells the children that they should be very careful.
look at objects and remember in what order they lie. After
the guys close their eyes and turn away from objects, and at this time
the leader swaps toys or removes one of them.
When children turn around, they should notice the changes that
happened and tell the teacher about it. This continues for 710 minutes.
The winner of the game is the child who gave the most
number of correct answers.
1.4 "Object friezes"
1.5 "Seasons".
Purpose: To teach children to understand weather changes by seasons, behavior
plants and animals, as well as human life at different times of the year.
Assignment: it is necessary to select pictures and objects that match
Rules: remember what happens and at what time of the year; in a group
to help each other; individually you can play with parents
and use their prompts.
Material: round disc, divided into four parts. Each of the parts
decorate or cover with a fabric that matches the color of the season
(white is winter; green is spring, pink or red is summer, and yellow or
orange - autumn). Such a disc will symbolize “All year round”. On
for each part, you need to pick up several series of pictures with the corresponding
topics (changes in nature, animals and birds, people working on
earth, children having fun).
1.6 "What has autumn brought us?"
Target. Teach children to recognize and name vegetables. Learn to understand and perform
take one at a time. Teach children to repeat after the teacher
simple phrases.

Description of the game. The teacher informs the children that in the basket, which is
vegetables are on the table.
“Now I will take vegetables from the basket one by one. I'll see if you know
you them, ”says the teacher and takes out carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
cabbage. Shows them, specifies the names and puts them back in the basket. There,
where appropriate, he specifies the color, size, purpose of vegetables.
1.7 Didactic exercise "To whom what?"
Target. Clarify children's ideas about what kind of animal eats what (mouse
gnaws a crust of cheese, a dog - a bone, etc.); activate in the speech of children
verbs lapping, gnawing, eating.
Description of the game.
“My grandfather planted a turnip,” says the teacher, “a turnip has grown ...
(large large). My grandfather became a turnip from the ground ... (pull). Pulls pulls
pull out ... (cannot). Grandfather called ... (grandmother). Grandma for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip
- pull, pull, pull ... (cannot). Who else came running to pull the turnip? "
At the end of the tale, the teacher asks what the grandfather and the woman did with
turnip. (They took home, washed, cleaned and began to eat and praise:
“Sweet turnip! Sweet!")
“Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter, - says the teacher and puts figures of people
separately, - eat sweet turnip. Eat, praise: "Very very tasty
turnip ". What turnip? (Choral, several individual answers.)
A bug, a cat and a mouse look at people, they don't eat a turnip. Im a different granddaughter
cooked food. For a cat - milk and a piece of sausage: “Lakay, pussy,
milk! Eat the sausage! " (Choral and individual repetitions.) Bug -
bone: "Gnaw, bug, bone!" Mouse - a crust of cheese: "Carry, mouse,
cheese for little mice! " (Choral repetitions.)
Further, the teacher invites the children to repeat who eats what: “Grandfather, grandmother and
the granddaughter is eating a sweet turnip ”; “The cat eats sausage and licks milk”;
"Bug's dog gnaws a bone"; "The mouse is eating a crust of cheese."
1.8 "Wonderful bag".
Purpose: To form, consolidate the knowledge of children about different natural
objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills
fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.
Material: Nicely designed pouch,
different toys,
imitating animals, real or dummies of vegetables and fruits.
Game progress:
The presenter holds a bag of objects, offers the children one at a time
come up and feel the object without pulling it out, and call

characteristic signs. The rest of the children should guess from his description,
what is this object that they do not see yet. After that, the child pulls out
the item from the bag and shows it to all the guys.
1.9 Didactic game "Let's arrange a room for the doll"
Target. Exercise children in the correct naming of pieces of furniture; learn
pronounce onomatopoeic words clearly and correctly.
Description of the game.
Children sit in a semicircle, in the center of which is a coffee (children's) table.
The teacher brings in the doll. “It will be here,” the teacher gestures with his hand
table surface, - Katya's room. Katya will live here. Katya, you
like your room? " (Children also refer to the doll with these words.)
“No,” Katya answers. “I don’t like my room. There is no table, no chair.
There is no bed ""
The teacher puts the bed down. Asks the children: “What is this? Why does Katya
bed?" Invites the doll to go to bed. “Lie down. Lie down, Katya! " -
children also offer. (Choral and individual repetitions.)
Katya lies down. Children sing a lullaby: "Bayubai, bayubai, hurry
go to sleep "" (repeated twice). "Let him sleep, - says the teacher, and we
We will put furniture in her room. We will put the table. Do you need a table? " "And the chairs
are needed, ”one of the children will surely say. "Why chairs?" -
the teacher is interested. He listens to the answers and puts chairs in the room.
Katya wakes up. She is delighted with the new furniture.
1.10 “Let's dress the doll for a walk”.
Targets and goals:
To cultivate a respect for things,
mutual help to each other when dressing.
Develop fine motor skills of hands,
3. Teach children to distinguish and name items of clothing,
differentiate clothes for boys and girls, recognize them on
pictures, sequentially dress the doll.
Equipment: didactic game "Dress up the doll", Gosha doll,
Masha, clothes for dolls, illustrations with clothes and shoes

Preliminary work: Memorizing nursery rhymes on the topic "Dressing",
viewing pictures "Clothes", "Shoes", working with children on
sequence of dressing.
1.11 "We will teach the doll to undress."
1.12 "Bathing a doll".
Target. Help children remember and teach how to use names in speech
objects, actions, qualities: bath, soap, soap dish, towel,
lather, rinse off the soap, wipe, hot, cold, warm water;
show kids how interesting it is to play with a doll.
Description of the game.
The teacher puts a bath of water on the table, next to it there are two buckets and a mug
“Today,” he informs the children, “we will bathe Katya. We will be in the bath
bathe. And in what water? "(In warm.) The teacher invites the children
determine what kind of water is in the bath. Brings a doll. Takes off her shirt and
puts in a bath. He invites one of the children to bring soap (all
the necessary things are laid out on the next table). Tells the kids that
a soap dish is a soap house. Children repeat: “Soap dish is a house for
soap ".
The teacher asks the child to find a sponge, let the children touch it (soft, with
holes). Asks why a sponge is needed. Washes Katya. Lathering up the doll
head, the teacher whips up the foam and says:
The soap will foam
And the dirt will disappear somewhere. (Repeats 2-3 times.)
Then the teacher says: “I have hot water in a yellow bucket.
(He asks two-three children what water is in the bucket.) And in blue -
cold. I will mix hot and cold water. And there will be water ... (warm). This
I will wash off the rest of the soap from Katya with warm water. Washes the doll
pronouncing the words from the poem by E. Blaginina "Alyonushka":
Warm water
We pour on our bird.
Children also repeat these lines.
The child brings a towel, explains its purpose. Holding a doll
which the teacher wipes. “The water in the bath is dirty and soapy, -
says the teacher. (Children repeat the words of the teacher.) - It must be poured out. "
The teacher puts the soap into the soap dish, saying: “Here is a little house, in
soap lives on it, ”hangs up a towel to dry, squeezes out the sponge.

1.13 "Putting the doll to sleep."
1.14 Didactic game "Live pictures".
Target. Teach children to distinguish and name birds, develop attention.
Description of the game.
“The sun came out, and a little girl came out into the yard,” says
teacher. - Here it is (shows the picture). The girl went out to feed the birds.
First they came to her ... (ducks). Then came ... (geese), then came ...
(turkey), came running ... (chickens).
The birds ate and gathered in all directions. Gone first ... close your eyes (children not
should cover their eyes with their hands) ". The teacher removes the picture and says:
“Open your eyes. Tell me who's gone? (Turkey.) Close your eyes. And now
open. What do you think? (The geese have gone. They have gone to the pond.) Close your eyes again.
Open up. What do you see now? (The hens left, and the cockerel came.) "And so
Further. (The geese returned, the pigeons flew in, the girl ran away, etc.)
1.15 "We will make tea."
Purpose: To teach children to consistently brew tea, distinguish and name
tea utensils.
The course of the game: The teacher shows a box-pack of tea, pours it out
on a tray, children examine, determine its smell, color. Show
items of tea utensils, showing the brewing of tea with boiling water in a teapot
chatsnik, explains that the tea should be infused, then offers the children
taste the tea by adding milk.
2. Knowing about yourself and your family
2.1. "I am" .

Purpose: Familiarization of children with the structure of a person, the formation
ideas about gender.
Material: pictures of a boy and a girl, cards -
The course of the game: the teacher names any part of the body, the child finds
she among the cards is applied to the picture of a boy or a girl.
2.2 "My mood"
Purpose: to form an idea of ​​mood and feelings, develop
the ability to determine the mood by facial expressions, gestures, promote
increasing psycho-emotional stability.
The course of the game: the teacher shows the illustrations "Guess the mood", children
guess the mood by facial expressions, gestures.
2.3 "Me and my family."
To reinforce in preschoolers ideas about the family and their place in it;
the ability to understand the role of adults and children in the family. Develop speech
preschoolers. Make children feel happy and proud that they have a family.
Didactic material.
Family photos of pupils, large cards with a picture
family members, a schematic representation of people (grandfather, grandmother, mother,
dad, brother, sister), card with a list of relatives, flat
multi-storey houses, small cards with objects.
Game rules.
Act on a signal from the teacher. Observe priority and partnerships
The course of the game.
The teacher shows the photo and asks: "Whose family is this?"
A child who has identified his family comes out with the help of questions
adult, talks about his family.
Questions - helpers:
- He (she, they) what (what, what)?
- Who is the youngest (oldest) in your family?
- What are you all doing together?
- What is your mother affectionately calling you? Etc.

2.4 "I myself".
Purpose: To educate children to be independent, to develop skills in caring for
yourself, to be neat, to encourage children to pay attention to
appearance, independently eliminate the disorder in clothes, hairstyle.
Course of the game: The teacher shows illustrations where the children independently
dress, wash, help mom .; say that they
know how to do it on their own.
2.5 "Who is the cheerful sad angry?"
Purpose: To teach children to distinguish mood by facial expressions.
Course of the game: The teacher shows pictures of people who have different
mood, children distinguish by facial expressions, cheerful, sad, angry.
2.6 "Get to know your relatives."
Objective: To encourage children to look at photographs and simple pictures from
the image of the family. Name family members, their actions (mom makes soup,
dad vacuums, grandfather reads the newspaper.)
Course of the game: Children are shown photographs, pictures, they talk about
his family, reflecting stories from life.
2.7 "What would I praise myself for?"
Purpose: To teach children to highlight good deeds in relation to each other.
Course of the game: The teacher shows pictures, the children make up
2.8 "How we help mom."

Objective: To continue teaching children to be kind, caring
your parents.
Course of the game: The teacher shows pictures, children make up by pictures
2.9 "How we play."

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