Home Useful Tips If the wife shirks the conjugal duty. The wife avoids marital intimacy. And yet, what is matrimonial duty under the law?

If the wife shirks the conjugal duty. The wife avoids marital intimacy. And yet, what is matrimonial duty under the law?

Unfortunately, many married couples face difficulties in their intimate life, and some husbands complain that their wives are completely non-temperamental. And yet, it is important to note that this is a rather rare case when a woman herself has rather low sexual activity. It often happens that husbands who consider their wife cold or almost frigid, are surprised to learn that she has a lover. Why is this happening, and how to avoid it?

Why a woman doesn't want a man - the most common reasons

So, consider the most obvious cases in which a woman can avoid intimacy with her partner.

You've been together too long, feelings have gone cold

You have been together not for the first month and the former fuse, of course, has already been left behind. Some couples, even after several years of living together, maintain passion in their intimate relationships and "warm up" the feelings of each other, but for this you need to have a mutual desire, constantly show imagination and initiative - for many people this is almost overwhelming work. And yet it is important to note that even if you have been together for a long time, no extravaganza is happening in your relationship, and you are not doing anything in order to correct this state of affairs, this does not mean that everything is lost for your relationship. If you still live under the same roof, then you have a chance to rectify the situation. Remember that everyday life and habit have become enemies for harmony in the relationship of many couples, and this can be changed if desired.

Wife is pregnant or has not yet retired from a recent birth

The period of waiting for the baby and the first months of life often becomes a happy time in the life of most married couples. And yet, during these months, many spouses are forced to face some restrictions in their intimate life. Not every husband has an understanding of patience with this situation, which generates conflicts in the family and repels the woman even more. Note that abstinence from sex during pregnancy is not a woman's whim, but a serious doctor's recommendation! You can prove as much as you like that a colleague with his wife did not change the quality of intimate life with the onset of pregnancy, but do not forget that each organism is individual, and in contrast to your story, the wife can tell how her friend ended up in a hospital bed after sexual contact with husband. Sometimes, a woman can really refuse intimacy with her husband even without the guidance of a gynecologist. Perhaps she intuitively feels that this will not affect the pregnancy in the best way and be afraid for the child (forgive her this suspiciousness, she wants it to be the best), or her libido has decreased, and she really just does not want sex to disgust. The second option, indeed, is common among many pregnant women, and they cannot do anything about it.

All the strength of a spouse is taken by family or work.

The wife gets so tired at work or when doing family matters that she simply does not have physical strength left for the intimate sphere of life. There are women who do everything in the world, and feel great, almost not sitting down for a minute during the day. Often, such energetic people grow out of hyperactive girls. And yet, do not forget that it is not for nothing that most women are considered weak and fragile for a reason. Of course, this does not mean that they do not need to do anything at work and at home so that their husband can periodically enjoy sex with them, but still, they often really have to take on responsibilities that they cannot afford.

What families usually face this problem? Option one: in the morning the wife goes to work, where she spends most of the day doing her job duties. She comes home at about the same time with her husband (even if a little earlier). After work, she stands at the stove, cooks dinner, does minor chores, checks a child's homework, or does anything other than just sitting on the couch. What is your husband doing after work? He is resting, believing that the spouse is engaged in quite easy "female duties". After resting and gaining strength after a working day, a man is ready for sexual exploits, while his life partner dreams of only one thing - to sleep. Some husbands are outraged that sex is not work, “lie down and have fun,” and yet a woman thinks that - whatever one may say, at least some physical activity should be shown. If a woman gets very tired during the day, then thoughts about intimacy do not excite her at all, and the most pleasant picture she can imagine is taking a hot bath and a sweet dream.

You are no longer an attractive macho to her.

Your appearance has changed significantly since the first dates with your spouse. And we are not talking about natural age-related changes - gray hair or wrinkles. Surely, you know examples of how, with age, some men, on the contrary, acquire a special attraction for women. Many celebrities can serve as an example, including Robert Downey Jr., George Clooney, Tom Cruise and others. These men did not spit on themselves, and still remain the heroes of women's dreams. Would you say you look sexy and enticing to the opposite sex (not just your wife)? Some people, both men and women, after getting married, stop monitoring their appearance, believing that since they have found a second half, they no longer need to attract the attention of other potential partners. This is a big mistake, because if you stopped taking care of yourself, then, for sure, you have lost attractiveness not only for other women, but also for your wife.

The wife is often not satisfied after sex

Some women talk about this to their spouse right at the beginning of a relationship or at a time when the quality of sex life with him begins to deteriorate. If a man does not pay due attention to this problem, then over time, having lost hope that the situation may change, the wife stops expressing her claims or hinting at them, and instead just tries to avoid intimacy, not feeling satisfaction from her. Note that if a woman does not get real pleasure from having sex with some man, then she considers this time with him to be just wasted time. For the first months or even years, the wife may not show this, but later it will become more difficult for her to hide her disappointment and irritation.

The wife has a lover

This is the saddest development of events that can be for you in this situation. Of course, it is quite difficult to justify a woman who decided to have a relationship on the side, but still you should not shift the responsibility in this situation solely to the partner. Think well, could it be that in some way you are also to blame for the fact that your wife has a lover? Whether you both were satisfied with the quality of your family sex life; Did you give your wife the attention she needs? Have you yourself been seen in the past in some kind of affair on the side? Did you create an unbearable emotional atmosphere in the house, as a result of which the wife could start looking for an outlet on the side? Can you say that next to you she looked like a really happy woman? Give yourself an honest answer to these questions.

If your wife still has a lover, then this fully explains why she avoids intimacy with you. In the case of betrayal, men and women behave differently. A man can be spurred on by his affair on the side, as a result of which intimate life with his wife becomes richer and more diverse. Women act very differently - they often focus their attention on only one man. In this case, we are talking about the lover. Having received from a new partner what she lacked in marriage, a woman can sincerely fall in love with this man and even believe that having sex with her husband, she is cheating on “her man”.

Be that as it may, if a woman nevertheless decided to take this step, you have low chances of improving relations in the family, and, most likely, for a number of reasons, in the end you will still have to break up.

What to do if the wife refuses to be intimate with her husband

Of course, such behavior on the part of the spouse cannot be unreasonable. Try to figure out what exactly is dictated by the unwillingness of your wife to enter into intimacy with you. In fact, there may be several options.

Find out the reasons for not wanting to sleep together

The easiest way to clarify this question is by asking his wife directly. Find the right time to talk. This conversation should not start when you or your spouse are annoyed or either of you is feeling tired. In this state of affairs, most likely, you will face either a scandal, or a crumpled and completely unproductive conversation. It would be most appropriate to invite your spouse to a romantic dinner, and in a relaxed atmosphere to raise a question that worries you. Please note that your conversation should not sound like an addicted interrogation - thus, you risk only ruining the evening. After a glass of wine, when your wife is relaxed and happy in the evening, invite them to talk about your concerns. Explain right away that you are not making claims to her, but just want to understand in which direction you should move in order for your family life to become better and to suit both of you. If your spouse is not in the mood for a conversation, do not pressure her or be aggressive. Close the topic and don't let this evening end badly. Undoubtedly, the wife will appreciate such a step, and next time she will be more open with you.

Take on all male responsibilities

Often, the reasons why a woman refuses to have sex with her husband lie on the surface, but the man simply does not want to notice them, quite rightly not seeing the connection between the broken refrigerator and the unwillingness of the wife to go to intimacy. And yet, it is useful for many husbands to know that if they refuse to take on men's responsibilities with enviable regularity, delaying the solution of the problem as much as possible, then, sadly, the woman stops seeing him as a man. As a result, this applies to other areas of life - not just household. As soon as you begin to monitor the health of the appliances in the house, do not shy away from the requests of your wife and your obvious responsibilities, you will begin to notice how the attitude of your wife is gradually beginning to change. As a result, the solution to your problem may be much easier than you think.

Help her in everyday life and with children

For some time now, it so happened that some families (mainly at the suggestion of a man) divided responsibilities into male and female. what does it usually look like? A man once a season nails a nail and repairs a flaccid TV, and a woman devotes several hours of her life every day to cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, doing homework with children, and the like. This situation is tolerable when a woman is in the status of a housewife, and a man is the only breadwinner in the family. Nevertheless, such situations often occur in families where the husband and wife work almost on an equal footing, only the husband is resting after work, and the spouse "takes over the second shift." Over time, a woman begins to understand that in such a marriage it is very difficult for her, and begins to think about divorce as a "liberation". For many men, such a problem seems far-fetched, and in the meantime, more and more women feel unhappy and tired, and, accordingly, in this position, it is quite difficult to inflame a passion for their spouse.

Make her feel loved and desired

Let the beloved woman, being next to you, feel that she once did not marry you in vain, and now she is as desirable for you as at the very beginning of the relationship. How can this be achieved? First of all, do not forget about the compliments that many husbands eventually begin to neglect in family life. Pay attention if your wife has a new hairstyle or simply styled her hair in an unusual way; if she smells of a pleasant perfume; talk about how beautiful her smile and eyes are (this is nice to hear not only at the initial stages of dating). In general, compliment not only her culinary skills, as is often the case in marriage - "The borsch was especially successful today", "The meat was baked well", "What a magnificent pie!" and so on - but also her appearance. Even if you do not notice any special changes in your wife, say pleasant words to her - this can become a great motivation for her to become better and more beautiful, because she will know that “the husband notices”.

Compliment and give flowers

Compliments have already been mentioned, but this is exactly the topic that requires special attention, and it should be remembered not casually, but well to learn - it is really very important for a woman to hear words of admiration from a man. Have you ever thought about how a lover usually appears in the life of a woman? Often it looks like this: the wife is tired of everyday life and has long ceased to feel the attention and delight from her husband. All of their topics come down to children, food, cleaning. taking out the trash, repairing and other topics devoid of any romance. Then a "little miracle" happens in a woman's life: a man tells her that she has luxurious hair or eyes "the color of cornflowers." From that moment on, she begins to think about these words, about this man - she recalls that she is not only a caring mother, wife and mistress, but also a woman who can evoke romantic thoughts in a man. If she has enough romance and family life, then she will simply ignore any characteristic of her smile, eyes and melodic laughter.

Give flowers to your beloved woman, make unusual surprises for her, talk about how loved and desired she is, pay attention to changes in appearance, express delight, say affectionate words, and you will become the best man for her, Which is impossible not to wish for.

Pleasantly surprise her in bed with new caresses or a pose.

Over time, the fulfillment of marital duty for many couples becomes somewhat mechanical. Everything goes according to the "knurled scheme", and takes a minimum amount of time or looks rather monotonous. Each intercourse is similar to the previous one, and practically does not cause any trepidation, both in the husband and in the wife. You are quite capable of rectifying this situation. Please note that you should not start new experiments when your wife is collapsing after a hard day at work. It is best to arrange a romantic evening for the two of you, relax with a glass of wine, “warm up” the woman with gentle words, and only then get down to business.

This evening, make yourself an installation - first of all, you want to please your wife in bed. Surely, during your married life, you managed to study the erogenous zones of your beloved. Now you can experience new affection in these areas, after watching an erotic film (choose a project that is popular with a female audience). You can also read the relevant literature or ask your beloved if she has any fantasies in this regard. Experiment with the pose, but this night should not be like a beginner acrobat's course - you should not try many innovations at once, in such conditions it is quite difficult for a woman to concentrate and start enjoying the process.

What Orthodoxy Says About This

The Orthodox Church encourages the fulfillment of marital duty - this is a natural occurrence between loving spouses. It is also worth noting that the church ranks betrayal as sins and, therefore, treats them negatively. In addition, any priest will tell you that it is better to abstain from intimacy during fasting, although there are no strict instructions on this either - such abstinence should be a mature decision of a husband and wife, which is not dictated by a fear of punishment.

  • Talk to each other. Most problems turn out to be quite solvable when the husband and wife begin to talk about them with each other, and try to find the best compromise. The conversation, of course, should not take place in a raised voice - it is important to choose the right time for dialogue, not putting pressure on your partner, not expressing your displeasure and irritation, but sincerely trying to understand what ways of solving an unpleasant situation are.
  • A change of scenery. In many families, problems begin due to the fact that relationships are immersed in everyday issues, and cease to be distinguished by any variety. Until you reach the "boiling point", it is best to change the hateful environment and forget about your household and work duties for a while, devoting your attention exclusively to each other. The easiest way to do this is on vacation - allow yourself at least a short trip (weekend), and make such outings as your family tradition - this will only have a positive effect on marriage. Go on tours that will suit both of you - otherwise, the trip may become another reason for an argument. Example: the husband loves a relaxing beach holiday, and the wife loves to go to museums and exhibitions, but the choice is made in accordance with the preferences of only one of the parties.
  • Notice your mistakes. Many families are faced with a lack of understanding in relationships and a cooling of feelings, due to the fact that they are trying to shift the blame for a crumbling family onto the shoulders of a partner. If you notice this feature in yourself, then you should seriously reconsider your views. Do not think about how bad your partner is, and how many difficulties have arisen in your marriage solely through his fault. It is much more productive to start solving the problem with yourself. Reflect on what you can do for your marriage, for your other half, to improve the family atmosphere. A partner, noticing that you are putting pressure on him and do not demand "feats", but instead are trying for the good of the family, for sure, will be able to draw the right conclusions for himself and begin to take an example from you.

). What means: " due regard"? The wife has no power over her body, but there is slave and together mistress husband.

If you deviate from proper service, then insult god; if you want to evade, then only with the permission of your husband, even if only for a short time. Therefore, he calls this matter due, in order to show that none (of the spouses) has power over themselves, but are slaves to each other. So, when you see that the harlot tempts you, you say: my body does not belong to me, but to my wife. Let the wife say the same to those who attempt to violate her chastity: my body does not belong to me, but to my husband. If neither the husband nor the wife have power over their own body, then even more so over property. Listen, those who have husbands and wives: if you ought not to consider bodies as your own, much less property. True, in some places in both the Old and New Testaments a great advantage is given to the husband; so it says: "Your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you"(Genesis 3:16); and Paul in one epistle makes this distinction (between spouses): "Husbands, love your wives ... and let the wife fear her husband"(Eph. 5: 25, 33); but here (attributed to both) the same power, no more, no less... Why? Because he is talking about chastity. In other respects, he says, let the husband have the advantage, but in chastity, no, neither "The husband has no control over his body" nor a wife (1 Cor. 7: 4). Great equality of honor and no advantage.

"Do not shy away from each other, unless by agreement"(1 Cor. 7: 5). What does it mean? The wife should not, she says, abstain against will husband, and husband (must not abstain) against will wives. Why? Because from such abstinence comes great evil; from this there were frequent fornication, fornication, and domestic disorder. After all, if others, having their wives, indulge in adultery, then all the more (they will indulge in it) when they are deprived of this consolation. Well said: do not deprive yourself; what he called deprivation here, he called it duty above, in order to show how great their mutual dependence is: to abstain from one person against the will of the other means to deprive, but not willingly. So, if you take anything from me with my consent, it will not be a deprivation for me; the one who takes against will and forcibly deprives. Many wives do this by doing great sin against justice and thus giving husbands a pretext for debauchery and leading everything to frustration. Unanimity should be preferred to everything; it is most important. If you want, we will prove it by experience. Let there be a wife and a husband, and let the wife abstain, while the husband does not want to. What will happen? Will he not then indulge in adultery, or, if he does not commit adultery, will he not grieve, worry, stir up, quarrel, and cause his wife a lot of trouble? What is the use of fasting and abstinence when love is broken? No. How much grief will inevitably arise from this, how much trouble, how much strife!

If in the house the husband and wife do not agree with each other, then their house is no better than a ship overwhelmed by waves, on which the helmsman does not agree with the helmsman. That is why (the apostle) says : "Do not shy away from each other, unless by agreement, for a while, for exercise in fasting and prayer." Here he means prayer, performed with special care, because if he forbade those who are copulating to pray, then where would the time for unceasing prayer come from? Hence, can and with his wife to copulate and pray; but with continence, prayer is more perfect. He did not just say: pray, but: let you abide, because the (marriage) matter only distracts from this, but does not desecrate. "And then be together again, so that Satan does not tempt you." So that you don’t think that this is a law, it also adds a reason. Which one? "Lest Satan tempt you." And so that you know that the devil is not only the culprit of adultery, he adds: "Your intemperance."

Due to the fact that many abstain and have clean and chaste wives, moreover, they abstain over and above, so that abstinence is made a pretext for adultery, in view of this he (Apostle Paul - Ed. of the Blog) says: let everyone use his wife. And he is not ashamed, but enters and sits on the bed day and night, hugs the husband and wife, and joins them together, and cries out loudly : "Do not shy away from each other, unless by agreement"(1 Cor. 7: 5). You keep abstinence and do not want to sleep with your husband, and he does not use you? Then he leaves home and sins, and in the end his sin is due to your abstinence. Let him sleep better with you than with a harlot. Living with you is not forbidden, but living with a harlot is forbidden. If he sleeps with you, there is no guilt; if with a harlot, then you have destroyed your own body. So, [the apostle] sits down almost on the marriage bed and cries out: "Do not shy away from each other, unless by agreement." For this you [wife] and have a husband, for this you [husband] and have a wife, in order to be celibate. Do you want to have abstinence? Convince your husband to this, so that there are two crowns - chastity and harmony, but that there is no chastity and battle, so that there is no peace and war. After all, if you abstain, and your husband is inflamed with passion, and yet adultery is forbidden by the apostle, then he must endure a storm and excitement. But "Do not shy away from each other, unless by agreement"... And, of course, where there is peace, there are all good things; where there is peace, there also chastity shines; where there is consent, there also abstinence is crowned; and where there is war, there also chastity is undermined. But do not shy away from each other unless by agreement... Paul, the master of the universe, is superior to every steward of marriage. Therefore, he is not ashamed to say: "Marriage be honest with all and the bed undefiled."(Heb. 13: 4). After all, his Lord Himself came to the marriage, honoring the marriage with His presence, and even brought gifts, turning water into wine. So strive [in abstinence] as much as you like; when you are weak, use the [marriage] fellowship, lest Satan tempt you. Here are three ways of life: virginity, marriage, fornication. Marriage is in the middle, fornication is below, virginity is above.

Virginity is crowned, marriage is commended, fornication is condemned and punished. So, be careful in your abstinence, according to how much you can curb the weakness of your flesh. Do not strive to surpass this measure, so as not to fall below any measure. Just as one who wants to dive goes into the water as much as he can enter, but when he enters, he looks at how far he will have to return, so be chaste as much as you can bear so as not to suffer a fall over the measure.

Sources: St. John Chrysostom.

I'm 34 years old. My wife and I have been married for almost 10 years now, we are raising two wonderful children. Everything seems to be fine, if not for one BUT: my wife avoids intimacy. From the very beginning, we did not have harmony in this regard, but every year the situation only gets worse. Now it can be once a month or even less often, and it is difficult to call it closeness with rare exceptions. There were health problems while prostatitis, but when I did an ultrasound, the uzist said that at such a pace with such abstinence, after 5 years, I was guaranteed a prostate adenoma. We tried to talk about this topic many times. It is very difficult for her to talk, everything very quickly turns into tears. She says that everyone understands that she is a bad wife and does not fulfill her marital duty, but she cannot bring herself to either. She says that she generally does not like this topic and over the years of "straining" she already hates the word sex in general. I can walk offended for weeks, she feels it, feels that I SHOULD, that I WAIT, and this causes her the opposite effect. Both are tired of all this to horror: I'm fixated, she too. We have been fighting against this wall for years, in despondency, in resentment (especially me) and life is leaving ... She says that she lives as children, all thoughts are only about them. He respects me very much, appreciates, values ​​me, but there is no physical interest.

But, had it not been for this problem, I would not have come to God! In recent years, he has begun to go to church more and more often, to confess, receive communion, observe fasting, and listen to spiritual music. The wife also believes in God, but does not go to church and does not fast. Faith certainly helps and supports, but not always: lust, fornication, condemnation, despondency - all this torments the soul, if not constantly, but very often. We are not married - maybe this is partly the reason? I would have been married long ago, but my wife says that she does not want, that she is not ready. Maybe this is my cross, which I must humbly carry? If so, then I lack the spiritual strength to accept it. Plus, I constantly play in my head the words of the Apostle Paul: "Do not shy away from each other, unless only during fasting and prayer" ...

During the last Lent, a miracle happened, I would call it. At some point towards the end of the post, I so clearly felt the surge of Grace, I just became a different person. It was as if the wings had grown: all the insults, condemnations were gone, everything around was just transformed, the heart was overwhelmed with love and joy. She immediately felt it and changed too. We (albeit during Lent) had such an intimacy that we hadn’t had for many years! After Easter, everything went away and all the problems returned. However, I saw what our relationship could be, what it should be ... So, maybe the causes of the problems should be looked for first of all in oneself? Maybe the problem is on the spiritual level?

They say that fornication kills love. Although I never really cheated on my wife, but in my thoughts, thoughts constantly. But where to get this grace now, when there is only resentment and despondency in your soul? I visited a psychologist-sex therapist. She says that the problem is in the wife, on a psychological level or even on a physiological level, and that until she resolves these problems, nothing will change. All the same, my heart is inclined to the first reason (spiritual harmony), but there is no certainty. She always had a terrible relationship between her parents. Maybe this is what laid the wrong attitude to the intimate side of married life and the reason at the psychological level?

How many families are falling apart now. People get divorced, even though they have lived together for many years. And all because passion fades away, there is no tenderness and affection, there is no mutual understanding and love passes away. It's not hard to end a relationship and divorce when problems arise. It is much more difficult to keep the family together, solve these problems and reignite the fire of love and passion, which has gone out. One of the pleasant things about marriage is the intimate side of it. Marital duty is a family responsibility that is a manifestation of love between two people. Lack of sexual intimacy between spouses leads them to distance from each other. Over time, this affects mutual understanding, which leads to quarrels, scandals, and ultimately to. Of course, it also happens that husbands deprive their wives of intimate attention. But often a married couple does not have sex for the reason that the wife does not want a husband and this can be seen from such signs as fatigue, excuses "headache" or "want to sleep." Therefore, among men who do not get what they want from their spouse, the question remains as to why the wife does not want sex with her husband.

Why doesn't a wife want intimacy with her husband?

There can be many reasons why a wife does not want a husband, and they are all individual. In a woman, the need for physical intimacy can arise from fatigue and lack of sleep. When she comes home after a hard day at work and instead of resting at the stove and sink, she wants to get into bed as soon as possible just to rest. In this case, it is necessary to ask the husband to also help with household chores, so that both partners have the strength and desire for the intimate part of the relationship.

Sometimes a wife does not want to sleep with her husband and for the reason that he offended her in some way, said something wrong or did not do it. It can be either a serious quarrel or a banal one - did not take out the trash or did not fulfill some other request. Thus, she begins to take revenge on her husband as a punishment by refusing to have sex. But in order to maintain harmony in the family, you should not mix intimate with any everyday problems. Since the lack of sex will not solve them, but will only aggravate everything. Psychologists believe that even after quarrels and scandals, a married couple should sleep together. Thus, sleeping on different beds is the first thing that most of all alienates partners from each other and cools their love.

It often happens that the husband simply does not satisfy his spouse in bed. Conducting surveys, experts say that many women who want to go on some kind of experiments in sex do not talk about their own desires to their partner. Soon they completely refuse him, demonstrating their unwillingness and secretly offended that he, in some magical way, himself did not think to offer it. However, such actions ultimately do not lead to anything good.

For both partners to enjoy intimate relationships, it is simply necessary to talk and share. your desires and preferences. In addition, you need to study your own body and learn to feel your partner. Then there will be harmony not only in bed, but in everything else.

Sexologists believe that if there are no serious health problems and medical contraindications, then a married couple should not deprive themselves of the pleasure of the intimate side of their marriage. Therefore, it is necessary to add variety to your sex life and not be afraid to experiment. After all, sexual intercourse between spouses is an important component of the family union, which expresses warmth, affection and love for each other.

According to the research of scientists, love has existed for three years. It is during this period that grinding and getting used to each other occurs. A similar thing happens with intimate life: at first you are exhausted with desire, interfere with the sleep of neighbors, enjoying each other as on their wedding night, and after a while the passion subsides.

It is then that your sex turns into a matrimonial obligation, and its regular absence intuitively makes it clear about the crisis of family relations. Let's deal with what matrimonial duty implies, together with the Svadbagolik.ru portal.

Marital Duty Law: Legal or Moral?

By entering into a marriage, spouses undertake to comply with the regulatory legal acts that are closely related to strengthening the family union, taking care of material well-being, and equal fulfillment of responsibilities for the upbringing and development of children.

Moral Aspects of Marital Duty

What is spousal duty under the law? This term is now considered only from the moral side, because from a legal point of view, there are no fixed obligations of an intimate nature to the spouses.

Marital duty performed by a husband and wife is not only regular sex, but also constant joint work to preserve family relations. Intimate relationships in a marriage without love, mutual understanding and care turn into a routine that kills the feelings of the spouses.

Relationships in an official or civil marriage are not a candy-bouquet period, because there are many factors that can affect their quality. These can be living together with parents, the appearance of children in a family, morally and physically exhausting work, fatigue, etc. However, if there is love in marriage, all obstacles can be overcome together.

Where does "debt" come from?

The origin and true meaning of the concept of "conjugal duty" is still unknown. There are only some guesses as to why intimacy in a marriage, which should be enjoyable, is called duty.

Earlier, when the concept of love marriage practically did not exist, women were married off for convenience, including for debts. It is logical to assume that somewhere in that period this slightly contradictory phrase arose.

Wife refuses to fulfill marital duty: possible reasons

Failure to fulfill marital duty often offends men. Someone begins to consider their wife non-temperamental, cold, sometimes even frigid, and then, almost with amazement, learns that she has a lover.

The other, on the contrary, himself makes up for the lack of thrills on the side. Why it happens? Let's find out the reasons why a wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty, because they often become the main reasons for divorce, as the www.site found out:

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