Home Useful Tips Where to celebrate the birthday of 22 years. How to celebrate your birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way? Options and ideas for an unusual and budget celebration. Birthdays in other countries

Where to celebrate the birthday of 22 years. How to celebrate your birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way? Options and ideas for an unusual and budget celebration. Birthdays in other countries

What will the world be like in the next decade? The advent of artificial intelligence, space travel, new cures for most diseases, and much more. Thomson Reuters suggested what awaits humanity. So what could happen in the next decade? ...

These scientific "prophecies" were obtained through careful analysis of scientific and patent literature on the identification of the most significant trends in science and technology. As part of this analysis, the company's experts identified the most cited publications and the hottest topics.

Well, if, as is now customary to put it, not to bother too much, here is a list of nine most likely fruits of progress that can be expected by 2025.

1. The number of cases of senile dementia will sharply decrease

As life expectancy increases, scientists will conduct increasingly intense research to combat age-related cognitive decline. Its mechanisms and methods of counteraction will probably be discovered. Thomson Reuters predicts that in 2025, research into genetic mutations leading to dementia, combined with further improvements in early diagnosis and prevention, will lead to a sharp decline in the number of people suffering from the disease.

2. The sun will become the No. 1 energy source

Solar panels convert light radiation into electrical energy, and their efficiency has grown steadily over the past twenty years. Thomson Reuters analysts predict an acceleration in the development of solar energy in the next decade. Progress will be made not only in the field of energy production, but, thanks to a breakthrough in battery technology, in its storage and storage. "By 2025, the sun will become the main source of energy not only for the environmentally conscious minority, but also for the mainstream consumer," the company said in a report.

3. A way to prevent type 1 diabetes will be found

We already know how to deal with type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by insulin resistance syndrome. In type 1 diabetes, the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are destroyed, and the reason for this is still unclear. However, by 2025, this secret should be revealed, analysts at Thomson Reuters predict.

Advances in genetic engineering based on the use of leading ribonucleic acids and used to synthesize gene chains will be so significant that it will lead to the creation of a platform for the human genome in the laboratory.

4. The problem of lack of food will be solved

Despite the growing general anxiety and pessimism about the future of agriculture, experts from Thomas Reuters predict completely opposite events.

Advances in science and technology for human nutrition will triumph over today's stumbling blocks such as climate change and global population growth.

“In 2025, genetically modified crops will be grown intensively and safely indoors with 24/7 lighting. At the same time, energy-saving LED lighting equipment will be used, which provides light emission in a narrow wavelength range, which contributes to the acceleration of growth by matching the characteristics of the DNA receptors of the grown genetically modified plant. "

In addition, the resistance of crops to various diseases will be increased.

Finally, special varieties will be bred to yield unprecedented high yields when illuminated in a specific wavelength range.

5. The era of electric cars and airplanes will come

Today, electric vehicles occupy only a narrow niche of the market, while electric planes are making only their first launches so far. By 2025, everything will change dramatically.

"Cars and airplanes will not cease to exist, but will become smarter, powered by batteries, travel long distances, and become much easier."

The progress that will be made in the production of non-hydrocarbon energy sources (including lithium-ion batteries), the use of reversible hydrogen storage, the use of nanomaterials for the manufacture of fuel cells and batteries based on spray technology will form the basis for this new reality.

6. The whole world will be united into a single digital communication network

Do you think that technology has already penetrated too deeply into our lives? Then you have no idea to what extent you are wrong. By 2025, the entire surface of the Earth, including the remote corners of the African continent, will be covered by a digital communications network. The Internet will cease to be something that you have access to. It will become an integral part of human life.

With the proliferation of new generations of semiconductors, graphene-carbon nanotube capacitors, battery-free antenna maintenance networks and 5G technologies, wireless communications will dominate everywhere.

7. Plastic as we know it will cease to exist

Advances in cellulose-based biodegradable plastics will phase out modern petroleum-based plastics. Cellulose, the very substance that forms the basis of the structure of plant tissue, will by this time be much cheaper and easier to manufacture.

"Packaging for food, medicine, electronics, textiles and other consumer goods will be mainly made from cellulose products", - experts say Thomson Reuters

8. Further reduction of drug side effects

By 2025, drug treatment will be characterized by ultra-high precision. The principle of "carpet bombing" in the fight against cancer, such as the use of radiation or chemotherapy, will become a thing of the past.

According to Thomson Reuters experts, “the main innovation in this area will be the emergence of new drugs that do not cause complications and side effects in the treatment of certain diseases. New drugs will have such a narrow and precise effect that it will even be possible to target the drug at a specific type of protein and use antibodies to provide ultra-precise mechanisms of pharmacological action. "

9. A person's DNA map will be compiled at his birth

DNA testing at birth in 2025 will be as commonplace as cutting the umbilical cord. This will identify the risks of future diseases and other developmental disabilities.

24.08.2017 08:13

At the end of July 2017, the final version of the Digital Economy program was approved, which defines the goals and objectives of the new economic order until 2025. This way of life is characterized by a transition to a qualitatively new level of technology use in all spheres of socio-economic activity.

To understand where we are now and where to start from, we turn to the report "Global Information Technologies" for 2016, which was presented at the World Economic Forum. The data suggests that the Russian Federation is still only 41st in digital readiness. Moreover, we are significantly behind Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway, USA, Netherlands, Switzerland, Great Britain, Luxembourg and Japan. At the same time, according to the Digital Economy program, Russia plans to occupy the top positions (top 20) in the rating of job attractiveness for highly qualified specialists in 8 years.

With regard to training specifically, the program identifies as the main areas of work: the creation of key conditions for training personnel in the digital economy; improving the education system, which should provide the digital economy with competent personnel; the labor market, which should be based on the requirements of the digital economy; creation of a motivation system for the development of the necessary competencies and the participation of personnel in the development of the digital economy.

In the IT community, the program caused a lot of heated discussions. However, it is interesting to see how the goals and objectives outlined in it are, in principle, realistic for the Russian labor market. And how is Russia going to train specialists who will work with new technologies no worse, and maybe even better than the Finns, Swedes, Norwegians and Americans?

So let's try to imagine the labor market of the future, guided by the text of the document.

Human Resources and Education in 2025: Picture Perfect

Training of qualified personnel and education is one of the eight areas of the Digital Economy program (other areas: “State regulation”, “Information infrastructure”, “Research and development”, “Information security”, “Public administration”, “Smart city” and "Digital Healthcare").

Specifically, within the framework of the "Personnel and Education" direction, the state sets a number of goals until 2025. So, according to the program, in a few years the country should achieve the following results:

  • Scientific organizations, universities and companies actively participate in international alliances in the field of fundamental and applied research.
  • Living scientific environment in Russia... This is manifested in the functioning of a network of centers for the collective use of digital equipment and scientific installations, as well as the creation of at least 10 new "testing grounds" for the development of "end-to-end" technologies. In addition, a makerspace system in the field of the digital economy has been deployed for scientists at universities, research organizations, and companies.
  • Russia is an attractive place for IT professionals... To reach such a result, the country will have to work out issues of not only legal, but also technological, organizational and economic support for labor and the attraction of such specialists. Another task is to simplify and learn how to effectively attract foreign compatriots and foreign citizens with the necessary competencies to the digital economy.
  • By 2025, Russia has resolved the problems of personnel retraining and advanced training... That is, by this period, all the necessary mechanisms for this are already in place, including mechanisms for involving civil servants, people over 50, pensioners and disabled people, and released citizens into the digital economy.
  • The system of attestation of competencies in the digital economy is variable, it is consistent with professional and educational standards, the national qualifications system.
  • The system of basic educational programs ensures the formation of competencies for the digital economy with individual support from talented, highly motivated students... The main principles of education are: personalization, flexible design and the connection of various educational and work paths. Students, starting from basic school, are involved in the labor process in the IT field.
  • Labor and educational activities of a person are recorded in his digital personal trajectory of development... The data from it is used when passing certification, planning the continuation of education, and work.

Training from 2018: what will change

Obviously, highly qualified specialists, which all decent employers are hunting for, do not appear from scratch. These people are formed in an educational context, influenced by scientific and technological trends. Therefore, such a powerful block as "Research and Development", incorporated in the Digital Economy program, cannot be considered separately from the direction of "Personnel and Education". But here you need to answer a couple of questions.

  • In what environment will highly qualified specialists appear?

Within the framework of creating an institutional environment for the development of research infrastructure, it is planned to organize centers of excellence for each of the areas of "end-to-end" technologies coordinating in their respective subject areas all research and training conducted in the country and responsible for the achievement of global research and education indicators. So, for example, in 2018 it is planned creation of a network foresight center for technological areas on the basis of a leading university or research centers, as well as Internet platforms for generating new ideas.

If you look further, then according to the plan for 2019 - introduction of a mechanism for targeted support of innovative entrepreneurship in the field of creating digital resources and assets, including on the basis of universities, scientific organizations and development institutions. By 2025, we can expect to see open laboratories conducting research in the field of "end-to-end" technologies, attracting at least 30 leading foreign and Russian organizations for 3 pilot digital platforms as partners of competence centers for technology transfer.

  • What mechanisms to support the system of training highly qualified specialists are possible?

If you follow the program plan, then in 2018 it will be implemented mechanism to support two-way exchange of staff between research organizations and universities with digital economy companies (sabbatical). The second goal for the coming year is optimization of the training mechanism for promising employees on topics and technologies necessary for the development of Russian digital platforms abroad with their return to Russia.

By 2025 it is planned creation of at least 5 postgraduate and master's schools in each direction of "end-to-end" technologies on the basis of leading universities and research organizations.

The basis for the development of the labor market in the digital economy

The Digital Economy program identifies various areas, which include issues related to competencies and problems of general, professional and additional education. Let's dwell on the tasks in each direction in more detail.

Competencies and development trajectories

  • Development and testing of a competency model

According to the plan, it is planned to select an organization that will be responsible for the development and testing of the competency model. On the basis of this organization, it is planned to create a working group of experts from the business environment, the education system and government authorities.

This group of experts will develop a typical expandable competency model structure and a list of competencies for the digital economy, and define basic competencies.

A pilot implementation of a competency model is also planned, and for this it is necessary to determine the minimum set of available certification formats. Based on the pilot's results, the certification system will be updated. By the end of 2020, a mechanism for continuous updating (updating) of the competency model should be ready.

  • Independent assessment of competencies

Already in the first quarter of 2018, an organization will be determined that will be responsible for the selection of operators for certification of citizens for certain competencies. By the end of next year, officials intend to launch Internet services for citizens' self-assessment of their competencies, including free ones for assessing basic competencies.

Based on the results of testing the independent attestation mechanism, rules and regulations will be developed for confirming the attestation results. Another important task is to identify operators who carry out independent certification of competencies.

Individual profiles of competencies and trajectories of their development

The digital economy requires the creation of individual profiles of the competencies of citizens of a certain format and trajectories of their development. Moreover, it is planned to record the results of educational and work activities in the profiles. The program provides that the innovations will appear by the end of 2018.

As part of the project, a system of their accounting will be created with profiles, rules for providing access to them will be developed, a new format will be defined and formalized in a regulatory manner, operators of more than 50,000 competency profiles have been determined on a competitive basis.

  • Requirements for basic competencies for each level of education

The first thing to start with is the development of requirements for the formation of basic competencies for all graduates and students of the general education system, as well as professional and additional education. By the IV quarter of 2019, federal state educational standards are planned to be updated taking into account the requirements for the formation of competencies in the digital economy for all levels of education. In a year, educational programs of all levels of education will also be updated in order to use general user and professional digital tools in educational activities.

In educational organizations, it is planned to create a competency profile for each student and fix a personal development path.

General education system in the digital economy

To support promising educational projects, by the end of 2018, a venture fund will be launched on the basis of private and state co-financing.

Using , experts will propose a system of recommendations for vocational guidance of students. A cloud solution will also be created to support a pilot project implementing a personal educational route for students.

The project "Digital Economy" also provides for the preparation of a training program, professional retraining, continuous professional development of teaching staff.

An important step in the implementation of the plan is the creation of a system for early detection, support and support of highly motivated and talented students based on a competency profile and personal development paths. This support also includes grant support for teachers and organizations working with talent.

By the IV quarter of 2020, a separate legal regime of functioning will be created for educational activities in the subject "Technology" (it will be continuously updated taking into account changes in the requirements for the basic competencies of the digital economy). By the same period, distance learning technologies and e-learning will become an integral part of educational organizations.

To stimulate the business activity of students and the development of entrepreneurial skills, it is planned to create the necessary infrastructure. According to the results of the dynamics of personal trajectories of development, ratings of educational programs will be awarded. In educational organizations, conditions will be created for the implementation of personal educational routes by students.

Ideally, Russia should be among the top 20 countries in the world in the international PISA ranking.

Vocational education system

By the end of 2018, the program has set the following goals:

  • Provision of government orders for the list of specialties and areas of training in the higher education system, which is critical for the development of the digital economy.
  • Study of domestic and foreign developments.
  • Participation of high-tech domestic companies in the formation of strategies for the development of universities that train specialists for the digital economy.

It is assumed that by the end of 2019, comfortable conditions will already be created to attract existing employees of the IT industry to teach in the system of professional education in information technology.

Based on the results for 2020, personal learning paths should be introduced into the educational process, allowing students to choose individually ways of forming basic competencies; educational institutions should switch to independent attestation of students in relation to the level of formation of the basic competencies of the digital economy as one of the results of their activities, the results are recorded in the competency profile of the student and in his development trajectory; it should be possible to quickly master the basic competencies of the digital economy by deploying a system of "elite" secondary vocational education.

According to the program, the number of graduates of higher and secondary vocational education with skills in the field of IT at the global average level will reach 150,000 by 2020, and 500,000 by 2025. The number of graduates of higher education - IT professionals, by 2020 will be 60,000 people, by 2025 - 100,000 people.

Additional education system

In the first quarter of 2018, a mechanism for an independent expert assessment of the effectiveness of the system of additional and vocational education will be developed. Further, the experts plan to determine the needs for retraining of employees of the 100 largest companies, as well as potential future employers and the key competencies of employees they need.

By the IV quarter of 2020, it is planned to launch a program to ensure “digital literacy” of the older generation with the involvement of schoolchildren's initiatives. Operators for retraining of personnel will implement programs for advanced training, professional retraining and continuous professional development of teachers, subsidized by the state through the provision of individual vouchers to citizens, including older people and citizens with disabilities.

Labor market changes: key terms

Against the background of changes in the education system, various changes in the labor market are also expected.

1. Personal development trajectory will replace work books

According to the program, by 2022 at least 60% of companies will use a personal development path instead of work books. By 2020, companies will be provided with access to competency profiles and personal development paths of their employees and candidates for open positions, as well as a mechanism for reflecting the results of their activities at the workplace in the competency profile and personal development paths (competency profiles of retired employees will be transferred to new employers) ...

The share of the working-age population with a digital record of the personal trajectory of development will be 10% by 2020, and 80% by 2025.

2. Flexible labor relations will be regulated by law

By the end of 2019, the barriers that hinder the formation of flexible labor relations will be identified, and normative legal acts will be adopted that will ensure their regulation.

3. An individual digital training voucher will appear

The state plans to form a system of incentive payments for teaching children and adults the competencies of the digital economy. The deadline for the implementation of this task is the IV quarter of 2020.

4. A digital analogue of the TRP standards will be offered

For certain professions, by the end of 2020, a system of certification standards for the level of competence formation will be introduced, which gives advantages to those entering universities.

5. A free online service of continuing education will appear

The resource will be available to the general public, its essence is in the formation of basic competencies in the digital economy.

6. Introduction to the circulation of the card of a young professional

We are talking about a document that will provide foreign highly qualified specialists who are fluent in Russian, the right to work on the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of other additional preferences.

7. Creation of a mechanism for issuing grants and benefits

The state intends to encourage companies that train and employ people with competencies basic for the digital economy. Also in the plans is the development and launch of a scholarship mechanism to attract promising foreign applicants and specialists who intend to carry out labor activities in Russia.

8. Development of a system for supporting business relations with immigrants

The state is seriously thinking about how to create a cultural and business bridge that will connect our country with compatriots who have gone abroad who are professionally involved in the digital economy.

Do you think our economy is able to achieve what it has planned by 2025? Leave your comments below.

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A very interesting forecast. Nothing superfluous, not any timelines and pouring water on a tree. Only numbers, where did they come from, guess for yourself.

Here are just some interesting facts:

North Korea is not on the 2025 list, but it is on the 2014 list. This can be attributed to the laziness of the developers, but it can be based on the quite serious assumptions of the CIA analysts (By the way, South Korea is present, but it is very much battered by a possible crisis).

China has recorded very weak growth over a decade. For example, China's population grew by only 10 million, or 0.7%. And this is in ten years, with the current 0.5% annually! And the economy has grown by only 10%, and this despite the growth of 6% annually, which we are seeing now! It looks like China is going to shake very seriously. An economy with a military budget will also grow by a very small amount.

The site has been making predictions since 2012. And with each new update of the table, the forecasts for America became worse and worse.

Well, it looks like we are living in an era of truly systemic change. And the authors of the site guarantee us a not boring decade.

PS. Naturally, I could not help but see what the authors of the forecast are preparing for Nenya, my Motherland - Ukraine.

So, in 2025 Ukraine will be at a high enough, for us today, 41st place. With a gross GDP of $ 175 billion. EMNIP is now 100 billion, and it is falling.

It is clear that with a given economic paradigm, this will never be achieved. Consequently, the authors of the forecast predict by 2025 Ukraine's entry into the sphere of interests of Russia and the accession of EurazS.

Why did I decide so. Look at the countries of Europe, according to forecasts, a fierce crisis awaits them, it will be stronger only in the United States. Therefore, if Ukraine was in the sphere of EU interests, he would have covered her too. But progress is being made in Ukraine.

Believe it or not, there were no smartphones 10 years ago, the first video was uploaded to YouTube, Android was still a small startup, and the term "drone" was purely military-related. In accordance with Moore's law, we see with what leaps and bounds humanity is moving into the technological future, or to something else. What will we see in the near future, for example, in 2025?

Peter H. Diamandis is an aviation engineer, founder of the world's first space tourism venture Space Adventures, co-founder of the asteroid technology company Planetary Resources, and founder and organizer of many other projects related to the development of space and advanced technologies. our forecast of what we can see in 2025.

1. The human brain for $ 1000

In 2025, there will be a computer capable of performing 10,000 trillion operations per second. This speed is equivalent to the processing speed of the human brain. Such a car will cost only $ 1,000.

2. "Internet of everything"

The Internet of Everything will take the global economy to a new level: geographical boundaries will dissolve and people from different parts of the Earth will be able to work on projects online as fruitfully as in reality. By 2025, the "Internet of all" will include 100 billion connected devices with data collection sensors. According to a recent report from Cisco, the mega-Internet will generate $ 19 trillion.

3. Perfect knowledge

With a trillion data collection sensors worldwide (autonomous cars, satellite systems, drones, wearable cameras), you can find out everything you need - anytime, anywhere. We are heading towards the world of perfect knowledge.

4.8 billion closely related people

Facebook (Internet.org), SpaceX, Google (Project Loon), Qualcomm and Virgin (OneWeb) plan to provide global connectivity to every person on Earth at speeds in excess of one megabit per second. Eight billion people will be connected by the latest communication tools. Those who are now cut off from global networks will have access to all Google information, 3D printing, Amazon services, etc.

5. The turning point in healthcare

Existing healthcare facilities will be close to extinction as more efficient industries emerge. Thousands of startups as well as today's data giants (Google, Apple, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, etc.) will enter the lucrative $ 3.8 trillion healthcare industry with new business models. It will kill bureaucratic clinics and hospitals.

Biometric sensing will make each of us the master of our own health. Thanks to breakthroughs in genetic engineering and the latest devices, we will be able to understand the cause of cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases and we will be able to cure them. Robotic surgeons will perform surgeries, which will be much more efficient and cheaper. Each of us will be able to grow a heart, liver, lungs or kidneys when we need it, without waiting for a donor until the day we die.

6. Augmented and virtual reality

The billions of dollars invested by Facebook (Oculus), Google (Magic Leap), Microsoft (Hololens), Sony, Qualcomm, HTC and others won't be wasted. A new generation of user interfaces and displays will emerge. The usual screens of smartphones, computers and TVs will disappear - they will be replaced by glasses. Not the go-to Google Glass, but something similar to what hipsters are wearing today. This will lead to massive disruption in a number of industries, from commerce to education, travel and entertainment.

7. Childhood

Humanity will continue to develop artificial intelligence. If you now think that Siri is the height of perfection, then in 10 years you will see the real Jarvis from "Iron Man". IBM Watson, DeepMind and Vicarious will develop a super-powerful assistant that will scan your biometrics, read your mail, and listen to your conversations - in a handy way.

8. Blockchain

You are most likely aware of Bitcoin, a secure decentralized cryptocurrency. But innovation is not an electronic currency itself, but a protocol, a blockchain, which implements a direct and secure digital transfer of assets without intermediaries. For investors like Marc Andreesen, the widespread introduction of electronic currency is as important a step as the invention of the Internet.

Moore's Law is an empirical observation originally made by Gordon Moore that (as it is today) the number of transistors placed on an integrated circuit chip doubles every 24 months. This observation is often projected onto the technological progress of humanity, implying that it grows linearly. Empirical observations so far support the law, but it has many opponents in the scientific community.

Take the test:

Try to guess the area of ​​scientific interest of beauties conquering technical disciplines. You may know some of them.

On the eve of your birthday and you still don’t know how to celebrate it enchantingly? Here are some ideas to inspire you for the most memorable birthday party ever!

Idea # 1: Home-style, or themed party

The most traditional option. If you have a large enough apartment, a lot of friends and family whom you want to see at the holiday, you have organizational skills, then this is undoubtedly your option. However, it must be borne in mind that you will first have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to cook treats, and after the holiday, devote a day to cleaning the apartment. To make it easier for yourself to prepare, you can order meals at a restaurant and ask family and friends to help you prepare. Don't you want boring feasts with talks about the weather and the latest political and sports news? Then dazzle your guests and organize a themed party with games and entertainment, decorating the venue and preparing small gifts for your guests.


- to make a masquerade ball. Invite your guests to dress up as fairy-tale characters. The outfits by themselves will create an original atmosphere of the holiday, and if you still compose a small scenario with contests, the holiday will be remembered by both you and your guests for a long time;

- prepare treats according to the recipes of the cuisine of a particular country: China, Japan, India, Greece. Complement the holiday with interior decorations in the style of this country and ethnic music. Meet and accommodate guests in this same tradition;

- write your own script with contests. Subordinate it to one idea: the plot of a book known to all guests, an event in history or in your common life, a country you have visited or want to visit. When drawing up contests, keep in mind that in the end everyone should win;

- throw an unusual themed party. For example, "Hipsters", "We are from the USSR", Hawaiian party, color (black / white party), oriental, etc. There is no limit to imagination! Don't forget to set a dress code and prepare contests, games and quizzes. Be sure to buy small prizes, let everyone leave with a small gift and remember your birthday with warmth in your soul!

Idea # 2: At restaurants, at restaurants ...

Restaurants, cafes, nightclubs are great places to celebrate your birthday with a small company. Choosing one of these establishments, you save yourself two problems: cooking a treat and preparing an entertainment program. However, it should be noted that this option is associated with additional costs if you pay for the party yourself. If your friends will pay each for himself, then this issue should be discussed in advance.

You can also go to a sports complex (bowling, billiards, swimming pool, etc.), a casino, a karaoke club or an amusement park! Anywhere ... Another good "female" option is to go with your friends to the SPA-salon.


- to attract a professional presenter for the show program, he will occupy all the guests with exciting contests and will not let anyone get bored! Invite artists, dancers, magicians ... And you can also negotiate with friends - for sure, one of them is dancing, singing or playing some musical instrument;

- invite a cartoonist to the event. Let him sit quietly nearby and draw funny cartoons to your friends. At the end of the party, all guests will receive their portraits, laugh and go home, charged with positive;

- to involve the operator. After all, it is a sin not to capture the brightest moments! Then all friends can make gift disks and remember many pleasant moments. You can think of a professional photographer as well.

Idea # 3: All to nature!

Mountains, rivers, forests, fields ... This version of the celebration is more suitable for those who were born in the warm season. However, if you and your friends are not afraid of the cold, then it is quite possible to go to nature in winter. The main treat in this case can be meat fried over a fire or a delicious aromatic shish kebab. Just do not forget to interrupt your meal with outdoor games. Choose a topic and come up with suitable entertainment, and then the outdoor event will not be a banal alcoholic-barbecue picnic, but a bright, memorable holiday.


- get out to the lake. Beautiful landscapes, clean invigorating air - what else is needed for happiness ?! Book a cozy cottage or a small house and “have fun” there with your friends to the fullest;

- go to a country house or to the country house. Prepare delicious treats, alcoholic drinks, contests, quizzes ... and full speed ahead !;

- go to the ski base. Just do not forget to ask your friends' opinion, some people may not like this idea. But if your company has gathered lovers of nature and a healthy lifestyle, then your choice will clearly support;

- go to an open skating rink. Even if your company is new to this business, there will be a reason to learn. As a rule, there is a cafe on the rink where you can have a snack, drink coffee and relax. But just in case, bring a thermos of tea or coffee and sandwiches with you.

Idea number 4: Dreams come true, or your own Wizard!

Why not do on this day what you have dreamed of for many years, but could not make up your mind? Together with the company of good old friends, you can go horseback riding or play football. And you can finally gather your courage and jump with a parachute or fly on a hang glider. And then, sitting with a glass of wine or a mug of beer, exchange impressions and emotions. Be sure that you will not forget this day soon! Think well, remember all your innermost desires, make a list and be sure to fulfill one of your "wishes"!

- to do something extraordinary. Maybe even crazy or a little childish! If you're afraid of heights, take a funicular ride. If you don't like depth, swim underwater. If you think you can't sing, feel free to go to the karaoke bar. If you are afraid to go out on the dance floor - go with your friends to a nightclub!;
- quit all your business and give up on a tourist voucher to warm lands! And relax, and celebrate the holiday exotic ... True, this option is more suitable for lovers or married couples;

- go to Paris, if you can afford it. It is impossible not to fall in love with France, and you cannot but like your birthday in Paris. You don't need any special menu or decorations - Paris will say everything for you!

Idea number 5: Kill the birthday boy!

Are you tired of gray everyday life and gloomy days? Do you want to plunge into the world of adventure? Paintball is what you need (a game that uses special devices that shoot paint - ed.)! This game is a great idea for a birthday party, it will allow guests to truly relax and return to their childhood! And then you can have a great party!


- come up with an interesting festive scenario before the game, distribute roles / names to all the “fighters”, reward the most hardy and “punish” (give some interesting funny task) the losers;

- organize a small table there - enough light snacks with drinks and a small cake. And you can also have a little champagne, so that the head "gave" before the battle ...;

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