Home Helpful Hints Ice rink games. Winter fun at the skating rink in elementary school. Scenario. Where is the stick

Ice rink games. Winter fun at the skating rink in elementary school. Scenario. Where is the stick

Extracurricular activities for students in grades 6-11

Sports festival on ice

"We are together"

Developed by: Kvyatkovskaya O.V., Ryabichenko T.V.


    to form healthy lifestyle skills through participation in relay races.


    consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired in physical education lessons;

    development of motor reaction speed;

    development in children of attention, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team, courage, a sense of self-confidence;

    achieving a positive emotional state.

Equipment and inventory:
sleds, small balls, clubs, large rubber balls, skittles, cardboard snowflakes.

Location: hockey field.

Event progress.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Hello dear guests and dear guys! Today is the holiday of sports! We are all looking forward to the team members on the ice of the school ice rink.

Sounds like a sports march.

All participants are divided into 3 teams (tokens). Teams come up with a name, choose a captain.
The host introduces the teams - participants of the sports festival.
Captains with flags in their hands go out onto the ice. They roll two laps along the perimeter of the rink to sports music and stand up to their teams.

The facilitator passes the floor to the speakers:

Our wonderful ice rink
It draws attention to itself.
Hey kids, get on the ice!
What else is needed for happiness?

Tretyak is the idol of all the kids.
We want to equal him.
Well, when we grow up,
Let's help the sport grow.

Leading: Before the start of the competition, we want to remind you of the rules that athletes need:
- participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, and respecting the obviously weak opponent;
- run only in the direction indicated by the judge;
- observe the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger;
- do not trip the opponent, do not finish off the fallen;
- to compete in a truly sporting spirit, for the glory of sport and for the honor of their team;
- not to fight because of the first place, but to win at any cost.
Leading: So, our "Sports Festival on Ice" is declared open!

Before the start of each relay, the leader announces the rules and the course of the relay. After each relay, the jury announces the score.

The composition of the jury is announced: ________________________________________

Relay races - warm-ups.
1 relay - "Snowy meadow"
The goal of the relay race is to hit the pins with the ball. The team with the most hits and the first to run will win. Each participant has 1 attempt.
2 relay - "Hockey players"
Goal: reach, score and come first.
Driving the puck with a stick, running around the landmarks (skittles) with a snake, reach the finish line, stand on the last landmark and score a goal into the goal. The participant runs back in a straight line with a club in his hands, having reached the team, passes the club to another participant.
3 relay - "With a snowflake"
The guides are awarded with a snowflake cut out of cardboard. On command, they start running. They must run around the conditional mark.

Relay "Sledging"

Each team has a sled with a passenger. Your task is to carry the sled to the mark and back without dropping the passenger, if the passenger falls, you need to stop and put him back, only then continue moving. At the finish line, the passenger takes the sled and carries the next team member. The relay race ends when the team brings the first participant on the sled.

Relay with sled "Crossing"
The first participant carries the second to the mark and remains himself. The second one returns with a sled, a third one carries him. And so on until the whole team is transferred.

Relay "Turtle"

In front of the start line, the children sit on the sled, two by two, with their backs to each other. On a signal, they try to overcome the distance to the flag as quickly as possible (15 m), pushing off with their feet. An assistant from each team transports the sled.

Relay race "Ski poles"

Sliding on skates, pushing off with ski poles. First, one player performs, then the second.

Relay "Steam Train"

All players, taking the person in front by the belt, run forward to the counter and return in a chain. You can't let go of your hands.

Leading:So, our sports festival has come to an end. Athletes can take a break while the judges sum up the results and choose the winner.

Summing up and rewarding the winners and participants with sweet prizes. The winning team in music drives a lap of honor.

Extra-curricular activity for elementary grades "Winter Fun" at the skating rink

Relay scenario with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on skates.

Here is a silver meadow.
Can't see the lamb
The bull does not moo on it,
Chamomile does not bloom.
Our meadow is good in winter,
And you won't find it in the spring. (skating rink) V. Orlov

Goals and objectives of the holiday:
To form a desire to engage in winter sports.
Develop the need for physical activity.
To bring children to an understanding of the importance and usefulness of winter sports in the air to strengthen and harden their bodies.
Cultivate a healthy spirit of rivalry, mutual assistance in team relay games. To promote the development of skills for the safe handling of sports equipment in collective games. Repeat the rules of safe behavior on the rink when performing collective tasks.
Develop quick wit, logical thinking when guessing riddles about winter fun and sports. To help expand the horizons of children about winter games, sports.
To cultivate aesthetic taste in the design of competitions - relay races.
Stimulate the manifestation of positive emotions, the desire to be proud of their own and team sports successes.

Target(children): Prepare for competitions, train, show your sports skills and abilities, create a festive mood for yourself and your guests.

Perspective: After the holiday, children, together with their parents and teacher, make a photo collage (interesting pictures from the holiday), hang it in a sports corner, share their impressions and prepare the next collective holiday for children.

Equipment: skates, 3 pucks, 3 hoops, 2 chairs, 2 inflatable cheesecakes, 2 boxes, 2 thick cardboard tubes, 2 large inflatable balls, a bag of plastic balls, diplomas and sweet prizes for awards.

Greeting the participants of the holiday.
- Hello guys!
Health is one of the most important values ​​of a person, a guarantee of his well-being and longevity. After all, a person's life depends on his health. When we meet, we ask each other about health, we wish it to each other. And this makes a lot of sense. We wish the person to be healthy. Live healthy, i.e. useful for yourself and for those around you. Live in harmony with nature. Health is the main condition for human happiness. It is not for nothing that a lot of proverbs and sayings have been composed about him: “Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age”, “If you lose your health, you won’t make up for anything”, “If you are sick - get treated, but healthy - beware” ... The 21st century is in the yard. Age of the Internet and television. Modern man, being in a constant cycle of events, prefers to relax at the computer or TV screens. But is it a vacation? This is a waste of time, harm to health. And life should be appreciated, every minute. “Why do I live? For what purpose was he born? ”- these questions touch the modern young man a little. The absence of goals in life and striving for something give rise to laziness. And from idleness a person can start drinking, smoking, using drugs. Everyone must preserve a person in himself, because addictions are acquired in a team. No need to try to be like anyone, you need to have your own opinion, you need to think about the consequences before doing stupid things! Everyone wants to be healthy, strong and beautiful. His health depends on himself. Proper and healthy nutrition will not be able to ensure the health and beauty of our body. Sports come to our rescue. Daily exercise is the key to health and beauty. In order for sports to be enjoyable, you need to choose the right activities, and sports will bring health not only to the body, but also to the soul. And today we invite our beloved Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to our holiday. Together with them we will compete and get a charge of health and vigor for the whole year.

Lesson progress:

1. Divide participants into teams.
The Snow Maiden team and the Santa Claus team

2. Relay "Harvest".
(The first team members need to arrange 3 pucks one at a time into 3 hoops, and the next participants need to collect these pucks and pass them on to other players in turn.)

3. Relay "Sharpshooter".(Players need to throw the ball into the pipe, then catch it on the other side of the pipe, return to the team and pass the ball to the next player.)

4. Competition "Crossing".(The team captain and his assistants - adults take turns transporting the players of their team to another part of the rink on a "cheesecake" - sled)

Oh, it's snowing
I take out a horse-friend,
For a rope
I lead a horse through the yard,
I fly down the hill on it,
And I'm taking it back. (Sled)

(Russian folk amusement)

5. Relay with a big ball.(The first player takes a big ball in his hands, carries it and puts it in the hole - “cheesecake” and returns to his team. Then the second player goes to the hole - “cheesecake”, picks up the ball from there and returns to his team. And so it continues until then until all team members complete the task.)

6 .Competition "Cunning sled".(The team captain and his assistants - adults alternately transport the players of their team to another part of the rink on a chair. The team wins where all the team players will be transported to the opposite part of the rink faster.)

My sled drives by itself
Without a motor, without a horse,
Every now and then my sled
They run away from me.
I can't get on top
Sledge - from a place and run ... (Bursov I.)

7.Relay "Collect snowballs".
(There is a large number of balls in a wide hole. The task of the participants is to drive up in turn, take one ball, return to the team and pass the box to the next participant. You can only take one ball in your hands! The team that at the end of the competition will have more in the box wins balls.)

8. The final relay race "Steam locomotive".(Team players take - cling to the captain, forming the composition of the locomotive. The task of the team captain is to transport the entire team and at the same time the composition of the locomotive should not be separated - broken. The team that crosses the finish line in full force wins.)

9.Summarizing. Congratulation, awarding and presenting gifts.

In games, the formation of technology comes imperceptibly - in a mobile, diverse emotional environment, in an atmosphere of laughter and fun. That is why the game method at the initial stage of learning to skate is so important in classes with kids. This makes it easier and faster for children to master the technique of skating, since game motor tasks are more understandable to children.



Outdoor games on ice

The formation of skating motor skills is greatly influenced by games on ice. Thanks to them, qualitative and quantitative changes in skating movements occur more intensively. In the game, the child acquires the ability to rationally use his strength and capabilities, moving on the ice. He acts at ease, boldly performs various movements.

In games, the formation of technology comes imperceptibly - in a mobile, diverse emotional environment, in an atmosphere of laughter and fun. That is why the game method at the initial stage of learning to skate is so important in classes with kids. This makes it easier and faster for children to master the technique of skating, since game motor tasks are more understandable to children.

The rink uses a variety of outdoor games. Among them, three groups can be distinguished: exercise games, outdoor games and relay race games.

Springs on ice

The players stand on the same line, at a distance of 5-8 m the second line is drawn with paint. On a signal, the children run to the colored line, after which they switch to a two-legged slide. When sliding, children do 3-4 springy squats, while bringing their hands forward, then return to the place where they started the run. You need to slide on parallel skates (legs spaced foot-width apart).


a) when sliding on two legs, jump and slide further;

b) when completing the task, introduce an element of the competition "Who is better and faster." Win 4 - 5 children who completed the exercise correctly and quickly.


The players are divided into two teams. One of them, at a distance of 5-8 m from the starting line, lines up. Children hold hands, forming collars. The rest are placed - each against their own gates - and start running. They squat near the gates, put their hands forward and pass between them, trying not to hurt them. The winner is the one who correctly completed the task. After 2-3 times the game, the children change places.

Option: after passing the gate, the children scatter again and make a jump.

giant steps

On a signal, the players begin to move forward to the designated place, trying to make the steps large. To do this, you need to lay your hands behind your back and slide on one skate for as long as possible. The winner is the one who travels the indicated distance with the least number of steps.

Children first practice skating one after another, then, standing in a line, they compete with each other both in the number of steps and in the speed of sliding.

Sliding down the corridor

On the surface of the ice, a straight corridor 10-15 m long and 0.5-0.7 m wide is marked by two snow rollers. At a distance of 8-10 steps from one of the ends of the corridor, the players become. In turn, they take a run and glide along the corridor on parallel skates, trying to glide straight without touching the snow roller.


a) you can slide along the corridor on one leg, while alternating the right and left legs;

b) when entering the corridor, you need to sit down;

c) slide along a winding corridor.


On a straight line, 5-6 snowballs (colored ice cubes, stands with flags) are placed at a distance of 0.5-1.5 m from each other. At a distance of 10-15 m, and further 5-8 m from the extreme snowball, a baseline is drawn, at which the players stand. On a signal, the children take turns taking a run and glide on two legs between the snowballs, rounding them from the right, then from the left. At the same time, the legs must be kept together, tilting the skates to one side or the other. Children can randomly choose the side from which they go around the first obstacle. Returning back, they turn in the natural direction of movement, due to the rounding of the last obstacle.


a) you can go around snowballs on one foot if the distance between them is small;

b) go around in pairs with an element of the competition "Who is faster".

Don't hurt

On a straight line, 4-5 snowballs are placed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. The players stand one after another in 15-20 steps from the extreme snowball (from any side). On a signal, children take turns making an energetic run and glide in a straight line on two skates set in parallel. Approaching the snowball, the child should spread his legs wider so as not to hurt him. Having passed all the snowballs, the child makes a turn and returns to the starting place.

Don't lift your feet

The players line up and, on a signal, move forward to the opposite side of the rink, without lifting their feet from the ice when sliding. The winner is the one who runs the distance (no more than 12-15 m) faster than others. Forward forward movement is achieved by transferring the weight of the body from one leg to the other.

Option: move backwards also due to the energetic transfer of body weight from one leg to another. In this case, the distance for sliding can be no more than 5-6 m.


The players are divided into 4-5 subgroups of 5-6 people. Each subgroup is built in a column, everyone joins hands (with the left hand for the right hand in front of the person standing) and begin to slide along the route indicated by the coach. Movement must be coordinated. Children should be placed in front of the column, burying those who have the skill of skating. It is necessary for 2-3 subgroups to determine the direction of movement along the edges of the rink, the rest slide in the opposite direction along the lines of the drawn rectangle. The winner is the subgroup in which the children consistently performed movements and never separated the chains.


Players are built in a line of 3-5 people. At a distance of 3-4 m from the starting line, there are stands with flags to the left and right of the guys. Before this place, the children scatter, then switch to a two-leg sliding (up to 1-1.5 m), after which they must go around 2-5 snowballs laid out on the rink. Near each snowball, you must first spread the toes of the skates, connect the heels, then bring the socks together, spread the heels and repeat the same movement again - with a “flashlight”.

The distance between snowballs gradually increases (from 0.5 m to 1 m). Subsequently, the children immediately after the run-up switch to a similar slide.

Option: at a distance of 10-15 m without visual landmarks, children perform an arbitrary number of movements with a “flashlight”. Whoever has the most wins.

Each to his own snowball

The players line up in a row of 3-4 people. Everyone puts a snowball at a distance of 10-15 m from the starting line. Having made a run up to 5-8 m, the children switch to a two-support glide. After that, they go around the snowball on the right side, making a turn to the left. At the same time, the skates lean towards the snowball, the left skate on the outer edge, the right skate on the inner edge, the body is tilted to the left. When repeating, the children make a turn to the right, going around the lump on the left side.

Option: after a run, the children enter an arc made of snow (length 30-40 cm).


The players stand in line. At the signal of the coach, they start the run, pushing off with one foot to a circle drawn on the ice. Then the children switch to single-support gliding, bringing forward the jogging leg, bent at the knee. Half-bent arms spread apart. The child who stays on one leg the longest wins. You can maintain a longer balance by alternately bending and straightening the torso.

Similarly to this game, the game "Swallows" is organized. Children can push off with either foot.

Make a figure

The players stand in line. At the signal of the teacher, the children run forward. After the run-up, they glide in different ways: on one skate in the “heron”, “swallow” position, on two skates in a deep or small squat, stretching their arms forward, clasping their knees with their hands. The one who slides the longest wins.

Hurry collect

The players are divided into two teams. For each team, at a distance of 6-8 m from the starting line, 2-3 snowballs or colored ice are laid out in one row at a distance of 40-50 cm. On a signal, the first of the teams scatter and slide on two legs, trying to quickly collect snowballs and pass them to the next children in the team. Those who received snowballs quickly lay them out, stand at the end of the column, etc. The team that finishes the task faster wins. The number of items to collect should be increased gradually.


Children line up in a row of 4-5 people. At the signal of the teacher, they scatter at a distance of 3-4 m and, near the line drawn on the ice, squat, slide, stretching one leg forward. The winner is the one who travels the furthest.

After the children have mastered the games listed above, you can move on to collective outdoor games with rules. In these games, children ride around the rink, making turns and braking as necessary. At first, games are played without catchers. After the children have learned the rules of joint skating around the rink, you can organize the games "Talks", "Ice Houses", "Day and Night", "Mousetrap", "Catch the Swallow", in which children must quickly run away from the trap.

Find yourself a mate

Children ride one after another along the edges of the rink. At the coach’s signal “one, two, three - find a pair,” the child pairs up the slider from behind, crosses his arms with him. Each pair slides at the same pace. After 30-40s, they are again rebuilt in a column. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that children ride not only in the counterclockwise direction, but also in the opposite direction.

Option: children ride around the rink, find a mate at the coach's signal and continue to ride one after another along the edges of the rink.

spinning top

Children are divided into two teams that line up on opposite sides of the rink (one team opposite the other). At the signal of the coach, the children from both lines scatter and slide towards the middle of the rink towards each other. In the center, a child from one line takes a child from another line by the arm (they touch each other with opposite shoulders) and turn around themselves - a spinning top, without lifting the skates from the ice. The pair that makes the most turns wins. After completing the top, the children return to their places - and the game is repeated.

Circles and stars

Children roll all over the skating rink. At the “circle” signal, they gather around a circle drawn on the ice, having previously found a mate. Holding hands, the children spin around, then again run in all directions, at the “star” signal, each pair is placed at the edges of the rectangle. At the same time, standing facing the center of the rink, the children connect the right and left hands at the top, and the other hands are taken to the sides.


Children are divided into four teams of 5-6 people, determine their spaceport in the corners of the rink (put flags of a certain color in the snow bank). Then everyone gathers in a big circle in the middle of the rink. In the words of the coach: “Fast rockets are waiting for us to walk on the planets. Whatever we want, we'll fly to such. But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers ”- the children slide in a circle, pushing off with one foot, after the words“ there is no place ”each team of astronauts hurries to their own spaceport, the players stand one after another behind the commander and slide after him in different directions of the rink. Those who are late for the spaceport remain in the center of the rink and wait for the return of their comrades. The game starts again. Children themselves name their ships.

catch up with the swallow

From among the players, one child is selected - a swallow, which stands at a distance of 4-5 steps from the rest of the children. At the signal “the swallow flies away”, the child runs away, and all the children catch up with her. The one who manages to touch the swallow (to touch it) becomes it. After a short break (children's rest), the game is repeated.

Option: all the players stand in a line, the teacher takes each child by the hand in turn and, as it were, rolls him into the center of the rink. At the same time, the child makes a “swallow” figure. The winner is the one who beautifully, smoothly slides on the ice.

ice houses

The players (maybe 5-6 children) choose the driver. Then they stand at an equal distance along the edges of the circle drawn on the ice. Everyone draws a circle around himself (with the end of the skate) - an ice house - and becomes facing the center of the circle. The driver with a ribbon in his hands slowly rides behind the children standing in the houses. Then he puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players and runs away, trying to quickly run around the circle and take a free house. The one to whom they put the tape takes it, quickly turns around and tries to catch up with the driver. The driver becomes the one who is left without a house. If the chaser managed to overtake the driver and touch him, he again occupies his house.

In the game, it is desirable to select children of equal strength. During the game, children standing in a circle should not turn around. You can only run in the direction in which the driver is running. If after 3-4 repetitions of the game the driver fails to take the house, you need to choose another driver. This will revive the game and give the previous driver a chance to rest.


A leader is chosen from among the players. It can be a well-skating child. The rest of the children are randomly placed around the rink. At the signal of the coach, everyone scatters around the rink, and the driver salutes the children (touches them with his hand). Those who were taunted by the driver step aside until the end of the game. With children, you can agree in advance on the conditions for changing the driver. The driver who managed to knock down the indicated number of children (4-5) wins. At first, the teacher appoints the driver.

Option: children play the same way, but the driver does not have the right to salt those who crouched down.

Day and night

Children are divided into two teams. One is "Night", the other is "Day". The teams stand back to back in the middle of the field. At the signal “day”, the “Night” team runs to their side, and the members of the “Day” team salat (touch) those who are escaping, and vice versa.

The winning team is the one in which the greater number of children managed to knock down the children from the other team.

swipe the puck

Children line up in 2-3 columns. In front of each column, at a distance of 5-8 m from the baseline, there is a flag on a stand. The first in the column have a stick in their hands, and a puck on the ice. On a signal, the children standing in front of the column run to the flag, go around it and come back, leading the puck with a stick. The club is passed to the next child in the column. The winner will be the team that finishes dribbling the puck first.


All players are divided into 2-3 teams, line up on the start line, at a distance of 10 m from the finish line. With a wave of the flag, the first ones run to the finish line and return to the end of the column. The team that has the most children across the finish line first wins.

Each child, the first to reach the finish line, receives a flag.

Option: when running in a straight line to the finish line, children can perform the “flashlight”, “snake” movement.

Koroleva Marina Igorevna, MBU DO "Youth Sports School" Vostok "Tula, trainer-teacher


"Collect Cubes"

Teams line up at the start line. In front of each team at a distance of 15-20 m, cubes are placed (according to the number of participants). On command, the participants start moving, run to the cubes, take one and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next one. The first team to collect all the cubes wins.

Participants are built on the marked line 10 meters from the start line and begin to accelerate in turn and, having run into the start line, they switch to sliding in one of the stipulated ways (in a squat, moving their legs back, etc.). The winner is the one who managed to slip further.

"Around the Cone"

Teams line up at the start line. In the middle of the distance, a large cone is placed in front of each team. On a signal, the children start moving to the cone, run around it and run to the finish line. Having run around the mark at the finish line, the participants return to their teams and pass the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the run the fastest wins.

"Obstacle Course"

Opposite the teams, it is necessary to install the same obstacles: a stick, a gate, 5-6 cubes, placed one after the other at a distance of 1 meter. On a signal, the participants must jump over a stick lying on the ice, run to the gate, slide on their feet under the gate without hitting the upper bar, and, having circled the cubes with a “snake”, return back to the team, passing the baton by touching the shoulder of the next participant.

"Hockey players"

Teams line up at the start line. At a distance of 20-25 m from the starting line, cones are placed opposite the teams. The first and second numbers of both teams hold a hockey stick in their hands, and the first number also holds a puck.

On a signal, the first numbers from the place lead the puck with a stick, go around the turning cone and drive the puck back to the starting line. It is necessary that the participant dribble the puck, and not send it forward with the stick. When the puck crosses the starting line, the second team number takes over. Meanwhile, the first number passes the stick to the third number, and so on. to the last player. The winners are those whose last number, returning from the cone, crosses the start line before the rivals.


Teams line up at the start line.Team captains stand at the finish line. On command, the captains run to their teams, take the first team member by the hand and run to the finish line with him. The captains remain at the finish line, and the first players run after the second players, together they run to the finish line, where the first player remains, and the second runs after the third, etc. until the whole team has crossed.


Teams line up behind the start line. The members of each team join hands tightly. On command, the participants rush forward to the finish line. The victory is awarded to the team that reached the finish line without disengaging their hands. The team that unhooked their hands is considered the loser.

Used Books:

  1. Makarenko B.N. Speed ​​skating: Educational and methodical manual. - Kolomna, 2005 - 228 p.
  2. Skating. Program for children's and youth sports schools and specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve. (Methodological part) - M .: "Physical culture, education, science"
  3. Ilyina L.E. The structure and content of the educational and training process of skaters in elementary training groups of sports schools: Avtosf. dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences. - Malakhovka, 1990.
  4. Pustynnikova L.N. Skates in kindergarten. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1979

We are not yet preparing for the Olympics or international competitions, and we are not even raising an athlete, but in winter we always take sleds, skis or skates for a walk. Riding them is fun. But if you go to the skating rink or to the hill day after day, then even this can get boring. Therefore, we offer several games that both your child and the surrounding children will play with pleasure.

Let's start with skates. The main condition is the ability to stay on the ice at least a little and not be afraid of all kinds of bumps and bruises. When the child gets tired of cutting simple circles around the rink, you can invite him to try himself as a figure skater and master some simple movements.

What games to play on skates?


The child runs up and slides on two skates in a straight line. While sliding, you should try to do 3-4 squats. To make it easier to maintain balance, you need to bring your hands forward during squats.


The beginning is the same - we run up and slide in a straight line on two skates. While sliding, you need to spread your legs apart, then bring them together. Traces will remain on the ice - “lanterns”. To make the drawing beautiful and form a whole garland, you need to reduce and spread both legs at the same time.

sliding step

First you need to slide on the ice, trying to ride on one skate as long as possible, then on the other, taking big steps. Then move forward in small steps, pushing off as often as possible. If the kid is carried away by this activity, the next time you can take the player for a walk and, turning on the music, come up with your own dance. Mastered movements (flashlight-springs-steps) are quite enough for this. Well, if the child gets tired of riding alone, it's time to team up with other kids and arrange glacial games.

Snowflakes and ice

Before the start of the game, the participants agree on what movements the children will make when they hear a particular word. For example, the driver (adult) says: “Snowflakes!” and the children raise their arms up and spin in place, or roll in one direction of the rink. The driver says: "Icicles!" and the children freeze in place or roll to the other side of the rink.


For this game, you will need plastic bottles or other items that need to be placed on the ice. Players stand tall, put their hands on each other's shoulders and ride like a snake. The task of the players is to go around all the objects without knocking down a single one.

Who quickly

A line is drawn on the ice, behind which all participants stand, toys are placed at a certain distance from each of them. The task of the players, at the command of the leader, is to quickly reach the object and take it. For older children, you can complicate the task - put a coin on the ice. The player must pick up speed and at full speed, without stopping, drive and pick up a coin.


A game for older kids who are already good at skating. She has many options, but taking into account the place and time (winter, skating rink), the most suitable is tags with “freezing”. When the driver catches up with the player and spots him, he stops with his arms spread out to the sides - as if he is frozen. Other players who are "still alive" can "unfreeze" it if they pass by and touch the "frozen" one with their hand. And the driver, of course, tries to prevent this. His job is to freeze everyone.

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